Calculate Gpa GPA. How to calculate GPA

The method for calculating the final grade in a particular subject depends on many factors, namely the contribution made to the final grade by the results of coursework, test assignments and your activity in lectures. Consult the syllabus (if your teacher or instructor has provided it to you) for the information you need. You can easily calculate your final grade if you know the number of assignments, the weighting of each assignment, and the score you received for each assignment.

Attention: the information presented in this article corresponds to the Russian point-rating system for assessing knowledge.


Calculate the unweighted final grade manually

    Record your scores. Find the grades you received on tests, homework, and the like during a specific period of time (quarter, semester, year). In some countries, such information is posted on the Internet. Record your grades in the first column.

    • If your activity in lessons (lectures) is taken into account when assigning the final grade, ask the teacher (teacher) what score you received for this.
  1. Record the highest possible score for each task. Information about maximum scores can be obtained from the curriculum (if you have one) or from the teacher. Different countries use different knowledge assessment systems, but the most common are digital and percentage systems. In either case, write down your maximum scores in the second column (next to the column with your marks).

    • The digital (point-rating) system implies the maximum number of points that you can receive in a particular subject. For completing each task you receive a certain number of points. For example, if you can get 200 marks in a certain subject and you have to complete 4 assignments, the maximum score for each assignment is 50 (4x50 = 200).
    • In the case of a percentage system, you can get 100% for a particular subject, and each completed task is valued by a certain number of percentages, which add up to 100%. For example, if you need to complete 4 tasks, then the maximum score for each task is 25% (4x25 = 100).
    • Please note that in the examples given, the tasks are weighted equally (that is, the tasks are equivalent), although in reality this may not be the case.
  2. Add up the numbers in each column. Do this regardless of whether your knowledge is assessed using a numerical or percentage system. Add all the numbers from the first column and write the result under the first column. Then add all the numbers from the second column and write the result under the second column.

    • For example, to successfully master a certain subject, you need to complete 5 tasks, for two of which you can get 20 points, for the other two - 10 points, and for the rest - 5 points.
    • 20+20+10+10+5= 65. Thus, the total number of possible (maximum) points will be 65.
    • Now add up your scores. Let’s say that for the first task you received 18 points (out of 20 possible), for the second task - 15 points (out of 20), for the third - 7 points (out of 10), for the fourth - 9 points (out of 10), for the fifth - 3 points (out of 5).
    • 18+15+7+9+3= 52. Thus, the total number of points you earned will be 18.
  3. Calculate your GPA. To do this, divide the total number of points you have earned by the total number of possible points. That is, divide the number you wrote under the first column by the number you wrote under the second column.

    Multiply the resulting average score (it will be expressed as a decimal fraction) by 100. This will convert your GPA into percentages. Either multiply the decimal by 100 or simply move the decimal point 2 places to the right.

    • In our example: 52/65 = 0.8 or 80%
    • To move the decimal point 2 positions to the right, add a number of zeros, for example, like this: 0.800. Now move the decimal point 2 places: 080.0. Get rid of the extra zeros and get: 80. That is, for the item in question you received 80%.
  4. Determine the final score. To do this, use the rating scale. The grading scale compares the number of points you score (as a percentage) to your final grade (note that in some countries the final grade is expressed by a letter, such as A, B, B-, and so on).

    Calculate the weighted final grade manually

    1. Find out the weights (weighting coefficients) of the components of the final assessment. Remember that certain points affect the final grade to a greater or lesser extent. For example, your final grade may depend 30% on your activity in class or lectures, on your scores on four assignments (10% for each assignment), and 30% on your final exam grade. Please note that in our example, activity in lectures and the final exam are three times more important than completed assignments, so it is extremely important to find out the weighting coefficients of the components of the final grade.

      Multiply the weighting factors by the corresponding scores you received. To simplify the calculation process, write your scores in the first column and the corresponding weights in the second. Then multiply each score and its corresponding weighting factor. Record your results in the third column.

      • In our example, the final grade depends 30% on the final exam. Let's say that you received 18 points (out of 20 possible) for the exam. In this case, multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction 18/20 by 30: 30 x (18/20) = 540/600.
    2. Add up the resulting values. Add the results of multiplying each score obtained by the corresponding weighting factor, and then add the results of multiplying each maximum possible score by the corresponding weighting factor. Now divide the sum of the weighted points received by the sum of the weighted possible points.

      • Let's look at an example. Assignment 1 = 10%, assignment 2 = 10%, test 1 = 30%, test 2 = 30%, lecture activity = 20%. The points you received: assignment 1 = 18/20, assignment 2 = 19/20, test 1 = 15/20, test = 17/20, activity in lectures = 18/20.
      • Task 1: 10 x (18/20) = 180/200
      • Task 2: 10 x (19/20) = 190/200
      • Test 1: 30 x (15/20) = 450/600
      • Test 2: 30 x (17/20) = 510/600
      • Lecture activity: 20 x (18/20) = 360/400
      • Sum: (180 + 190 + 450 + 510 + 360) ÷ (200 + 200 + 600 + 600 + 400), i.e. 1690/2000 = 84.5%
    3. Determine your final grade using the rating scale. Having calculated the final score (in percentage) taking into account the weighted coefficients, compare it with the rating scale, for example, 80-100% - excellent (5); 65-79% – good (4) and so on.

      • In most cases, teachers round the final score, expressed as a percentage. For example, 84.5% is rounded to 85%.

    Calculating an unweighted final grade using the table editor

    1. Create a new table. Launch a spreadsheet editor (such as Excel) and create a new table. For greater clarity, enter a title for each column. In the first column, enter the name of the factors (tests, exam, activity in class) on which the final grade depends. In the second column, enter the points you received, and in the third column, enter the maximum possible points.

      • For example, you could name the columns as follows: “Final Grade Components,” “Points Earned,” “Points Possible.”
    2. Enter data. In the first column, enter the name of each factor that affects the final grade, in the second column, enter the points you received, and in the third, the maximum possible points. If scores are expressed as a percentage, then the total possible scores should be 100.

    3. Add the data in the second and third columns. In the first column, under the names of the components of the final grade, enter “Total” (hereinafter without quotes). Then go to the cell located to the right of the cell with the word “Total”, that is, to the empty cell at the intersection of the “Total” row and the second column. Enter the sum function, namely "=SUM(", click on the cell with the first score received (second column) and drag the frame to the cell with the last score received (second column). Enter the closing parenthesis ")". The sum function should look something like this: =SUM(B2:B6).

      • Repeat the described process of entering the sum function with the maximum possible scores, which are in the third column.
      • The sum function can be entered manually (that is, without dragging the frame). For example, if your scores are in cells B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, enter the following function: =SUM(B2:B6).
    4. Divide the total points received by the total possible points. Go to the cell at the intersection of the “Total” row and the fourth column. Here, enter “=”, click on the cell with the result of summing up the points received, enter “/” and click on the cell with the result of summing up the possible points. You should end up with something like: =B7/C7.

      • After entering the formula, press Enter. The result of the division will be displayed in the corresponding cell.

When going through the procedure of external independent assessment (Ukrainian ZNO), participants often cannot figure out: how to calculate points for the exam and how they are then transformed into an EFA assessment or an assessment of the state final certification (Ukrainian DPA), how these points affect the competitive score upon admission . EDUGET explains.

Test score

When completing a task in the test book, the ZNO participant receives a certain amount of points. It depends on how many tasks and how correctly they were completed. For the exam in each subject you can achieve a different maximum score. How points are calculated for each task, how much time is allotted for completion and how much you can score for the exam - see.

The transfer of points in both cases occurs on the principle of ranking the results of all participants in the educational assessment in this subject. The lowest test score is awarded the lowest score (1 for DPA and 100 for ZNO), and the highest score is awarded the highest score (12 for DPA and 200 for ZNO). The remaining results are evenly distributed between these two indicators.

Only after checking all the works will it be known which DPA and ZNO assessment corresponds to a specific test score. But you can get a rough idea by using the test score conversion tables for last year.

The only difference in this algorithm is that for DPA the lowest value will be 0 points, and for malignancy the lowest value will be the threshold score.

Threshold score

The threshold score is determined only for cancer. This is the minimum number of points with which the exam is considered passed. Before an exam, applicants often ask what the threshold score (or pass/fail score) is for this subject. There is no answer to this question, since the passing score is determined by the expert commission after all the participants’ results have been received. The complexity of the tasks received, the level of results shown by the participants, and other factors are taken into account.

In 2016, the threshold score in Ukrainian language and literature was 23, in mathematics – 9, in the history of Ukraine – 25.

When the threshold score is determined, it is assigned a value of 100, and the maximum number of points scored is 200. The program distributes the remaining results evenly between them.

School Certificate Score

The school certificate score is the arithmetic average of the final grades for the compulsory program subjects and DPA grades (in 3 subjects), rounded to the nearest tenth. To take it into account upon admission, this score should be converted to a scale of 100-200. This is done according to the following scheme:

Table for converting average school certificate scores to a scale of 100-200

For example, if a graduate has 22 annual grades of 231 points, and for 3 DPA subjects he received 10, 11 and 12, then the school certificate score is calculated as follows:


According to the table for converting points to a scale of 100-200, the school certificate score is 186.

Competition score

The competitive score is the final sum of various scores, multiplied by coefficients, with which the applicant will participate in the competition for a place in a higher educational institution. Consists of ZNO points, school certificate points, and situationally can take into account points for special successes, creative competition. Olympic medalists and members of the Minor Academy of Sciences receive additional points.

Formula for calculating the competition score:


The components used mean:

  1. KB – competitive score.
  2. K1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – coefficients by which a certain indicator should be multiplied. They are determined by the university itself. Depending on the importance of the subject for a particular specialty, this coefficient will be higher or lower. But the following conditions must be met:
    the coefficient for the ZNO subject must be at least 0.2;
    the coefficient for a creative competition cannot exceed 0.25 (0.5 for specialties from the fields “Culture and Art” and “Architecture and Urban Planning”);
    the coefficient for the school certificate should be no more than 0.1;
    the coefficient for special successes cannot exceed 0.05;
    the sum of all coefficients for each specialty is always equal to 1.
  3. P1, 2 – points for ZNO certificates (or entrance exams), P1 – for a certificate in the first subject, this is Ukrainian language and literature, P2 – in the second, this is mathematics or history of Ukraine, or biology (for universities in medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary fields ).
  4. P3 – grade for the third subject of the external examination, entrance exam or creative competition.
  5. A – average school certificate score, converted to a scale of 100-200 points.
  6. OU - a point for special achievements, successful completion of university preparatory courses, if we are talking about specialties, especially those supported by the Ministry of Education.

To obtain the final value, the competitive score is multiplied (balanced) by the following coefficients:

  1. Regional coefficient (RC). Equal to 1.00 for universities in Kyiv, 1.01 – in the cities of Dnepr, Lviv, Odessa and Kharkov, 1.03 – for the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, relocated higher educational institutions, 1.02 – in other cases.
  2. Industry coefficient (IC). Equal to 1.03 if an application with high priority is submitted for certain specialties that are especially supported by the Ministry of Education.
  3. Rural coefficient (RC). Equal to 1.02 for persons registered and educated in rural areas.
  4. First priority coefficient (PFC). Equal to 1.10 for persons entitled to priority enrollment in higher medical and pedagogical educational institutions, and 1.00 in other cases.

Important! The maximum value of the competitive score is 200. If, after balancing, additional points, the competitive score exceeds 200, then it will still be counted as 200.

A C in the certificate of incomplete secondary education - a death sentence or a reason to change the atmosphere of study? How many C grades will block a child’s path to university if he still has 2 years of school ahead? Is it possible to “place a careless student” in a prestigious college?

These issues are considered particularly pressing today. Reason: as of 2016, the number of certificates with C grades in 9th grades was more than 70%, in 11th grades – 43%. Is it time for parents to worry?

Here the question itself must be posed differently: is it not possible to do so (because it is possible), but where to send the future specialist in order to reveal his potential.

Apply for training


What should the average grades in a 9th grade graduate certificate be?

Yes, a high GPA is a plus. The fewer C grades a ninth-grader has, the wider the choice of specialties that can be entered by submitting documents (photos, application).

Our 14-year practice of “growing” competitive specialists demonstrates the following:

  • the presence of one C in a non-core subject (determined by the choice of specialty) does not spoil anything;
  • 2 or more triples can reduce the number of options.

When transferred to the classic 5-point system, the ideal average score for a ninth-grader is 4+ points. C grades in Russian, social studies, and mathematics are undesirable.

What should the average score of 11th grade graduates be?

Graduates of the complete secondary education system require an average Unified State Exam score for admission to college/university. A lot depends on the choice of specialty. A budget place “costs” an average total Unified State Examination score of 280–300+ points, contract training is more affordable (from 95–100 points in at least 3 disciplines).

The grades of the first certificate are overlapped by the new exam results. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of those to take the Unified State Exam (the set is formed with an understanding of the future direction of further study).

Alternatives for ninth graders

Yes, it is easier for good/excellent students to enter the most lucrative professions at prestigious lyceums, colleges, and vocational schools. It’s more difficult for a C grade student (30%+ C grades); tuition will most likely be paid. But he can do it.

Another question is if a child of 14–16 years old does not show an active desire to change his usual institution, choose a profile, or study a specific specialty. Where to go after 9th grade with C grades in such circumstances?

  • 10th grade at my school. Classes will thin out, teachers will be able to pay more attention to each student, and there is a chance to catch up.
  • Lyceum. This is not specialized training, but here they teach you how to study.
  • The first job is an interesting practice, albeit hard.
  • In addition to the certificate, there is an OGE - final tests for ninth graders. Exam scores (the student chooses 2 subjects himself) can be taken into account upon admission.
  • The concept of a ninth-grader’s portfolio has existed for almost 15 years, but only a few people use it. Certificates of commendation, history of training, reviews of teachers, collected into the quintessence of achievements, can “cover” 1–2 C grades in the certificate.

Apply for training

The only condition for a “problem-three” certificate is a timely search for a solution. It is advisable to be puzzled by the choice already in the second quarter of study in grades 9/11. Having time to get around Open Days, consulting with teachers/family - all this takes time. Plus 4–8 weeks should be devoted to preparing for exams (OGE/USE).

The reform of Russian education is difficult, the new Minister of the Ministry of Education will have to clean out the Augean stables of education, polluted by supporters of the Bologna, and popularly called “swamp” system of schooling and training of specialists. The Finns at one time realized that the education system that existed in the USSR was really the best in the world and stole it, adapting it to their educational standards. Now the Finnish education system is the best in the world.

However, let’s return to the Russian reform and pay attention to the fact that in 2013, in order to encourage applicants to enroll in colleges, that is, in order to motivate, first of all, graduates of the 9th grade to receive a specialized secondary level education, entrance exams were canceled.

Instead, certificate competitions and passing grades after 9th grade were introduced. Moreover, each, let’s call them by analogy with universities, determines the secondary educational institution for each specialty independently. Therefore, the question of what is the passing score for college after 9 years of schooling sounds ridiculous, as is the case with the question about the average temperature of hospital patients.

Passing score for technical school

College and technical school are twin educational institutions for obtaining SSE after 9 years of school. And paraphrasing Mayakovsky, which of them is more valuable for a quality education, we can say that when they say “college” in a foreign manner, they mean a technical school, when they say “technical school,” they mean a college.

The same as in college, the definition of a passing grade for a technical school is controversial; firstly, you need to clarify what the passing grade is for 9th grade, that is, with incomplete or for a graduate with complete secondary education.

Secondly, in what specialty are you interested in the passing score and, thirdly, you need to indicate a specific technical school.

Because for graduates of the 9th grade, the passing score is set according to the average score of the certificate, somewhere in the range from 3.5 to a maximum score of 5, for graduates with complete secondary education from 130 to a maximum of 200 points of the Unified State Examination result.

As for the passing rates in the specialty, here too the range of knowledge assessments is approximately the same. And if we take individual technical schools, then they can independently set the passing parameters to the lower side of the lower values.

Passing score for medical college

Without going into banal discussions about the humanity and necessity of medical professions, which are always in demand by society, it should be taken into account that secondary medical education can be obtained after the 9th grade.

The passing score for a medical college also depends on specialties such as nursing and midwifery, as well as on the average certificate, which is determined by the educational institution independently, depending on the enrollment and number of applicants per place.

As for other areas that are considered related in medical colleges, the principle for determining the average passing score is the same as for the main specialties.

Until quite recently, medical schools universally followed the requirement that for admission one had to pass exams in biology, as well as in the Russian language.

Now everything has changed and for admission it is necessary to pass a written psychological test to determine whether the applicant’s psychological and physical abilities meet the requirements for a medical specialist.

College passing scores 2017

If we take, for example, any medical college, the passing grade in 2017 is unlikely to differ from previous years. Moreover, there is a possibility that the average passing grade of the certificate and the Unified State Examination result will be lower than the threshold of previous years due to a significant reduction in the number of applicants due to the so-called “demographic hole”, which happened at the beginning of the 2000s. It’s just that in those days, as many children were not born as were born before.

Therefore, such situations are not uncommon, especially in provincial colleges, where passing grades may not be strictly fixed, for example, in cases where 30 applications for 30 places were submitted to a college, then in this case all 30 applicants are admitted. Then the passing grade will be considered the average grade of the certificate with the lowest indicators, or the lowest USE indicator. The main thing here is that the grades are, as they say, adequate to the profile of study, and also correspond to the status, or rather, the indicator that the college gives itself.

A passing score is an indicator on which an applicant’s chances of admission depend. The higher the number, the more effort preparation for DT requires. So that you don’t get lost in guesswork, he will tell you how the passing score is calculated.

What is a passing score?

The sum of points for the certificate and exams of the applicant who was last enrolled on a budget or paid basis is called the passing score. It directly depends on the enrollment plan for a specialty or group of specialties, the number of applications submitted, and the score of each applicant.

Popular specialties with a small enrollment plan have the highest passing scores. For example, every year there is a high passing score for the specialty "" of the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU (in 2018 it was 383 points for the budget). The recruitment plan for the budget is 12 people, for the paid one - 60. Let's assume that a total of 100 applications were submitted. The 12th applicant for a budget place had 383 points, therefore, this value became the passing score for the budget. The remaining eleven applicants scored even more. Those who took places from 13 to 72 according to the rating went to the paid one. The total score of the last person enrolled was 281. Well, the one who did not reach 281 points, alas, did not pass.

What is a semi-passing score?

There is also such a thing as a semi-passing score. During the admission process, the scores of all applicants within each specialty are arranged in descending order. If the number of persons with the same scores exceeds the number of vacant places, some applicants are enrolled and some are not. The admissions committee identifies applicants by name who have.

See our passing scores for the last three years. All specialties can be filtered by passing score

How to find out the passing score

It is impossible to guess what the passing score will be even before the end of the entrance campaign. One can only guess what the situation will be this year.

To have a better chance of being among the lucky ones admitted to your desired specialty, you need to score as many points as possible on the CT and have . In many universities, the maximum number of points is 400. 100 for each test or exam and 100 for the certificate (all grades are taken into account). Why 100 if schools and colleges use a 10-point system? It's simple. The GPA is multiplied by 10. For example, if you have a GPA of 8.3, then you have an 83 application score. The same applies to grades for internal entrance exams. Some specialties require intra-university exams.

That's all you need to know about the passing score. Analyze your chances and build a successful strategy for entering university! Do you want to be sure to have a good score upon admission?

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