How to take revenge on the person who beat you. Ritual with a red rose

We are all (no matter how sad it may sound) social creatures. We are surrounded not only by friends, family and acquaintances who treat us with all their hearts and sincerity, but also by attackers and envious people who wish us harm. We call the latter our “enemies”. We are all living people, and we too may run out of patience. In such cases, you just want to kill, destroy, wipe out this enemy, this subhuman, from the face of the earth! But this may be followed by appropriate punishment from the law, and the measure of restraint will depend on the particular degree of severity of our revenge. How to take revenge on the offender, bypassing the current legislation? What can be done so that he gets what he deserves, and we remain unpunished? This will be discussed in our article.

You are burning in hell!

People who are unpleasant and disliked by our souls can be found anywhere: at work, at home, on public transport, and even on our own TV. Some of them are familiar to us, while others suddenly appear out of nowhere. It also happens that the worst enemies become former friends or relatives with whom connections have been deliberately lost. However, those who require real punishment are rapists, robbers and other criminals.

How to take revenge on an offender in our time?

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, the most effective and unpunished (from the point of view of legislation) measures are, of course, ritual conspiracies. What does it mean? Let's figure out how you can energetically take revenge on the offender!

Conspiracy against the enemy - what is it?

Did you know that planet Earth is completely immersed in an energy field? Many of us don’t even realize that we can move mountains with the power of our own energy! We may well attract and repel certain events. The only difficulty is that not each of us knows how to manage it.

To know how to take revenge on an offender with the power of your own will, you need to understand that the quantum of our energy works in combination with certain sound vibrations. All this has stood the test of time. It is curious that in conspiracies it is not at all necessary to know the name of the offender! It is enough just to mentally imagine his image. The conspiracy will already become purposeful.

How to take revenge on the offender. Conspiracy magic

Know that sometimes your own conspiracy, like a boomerang, can cause you new offense, but not always! In many cases, the troubles that haunt enemies after the ritual you performed are not evil on a universal scale! Very often such revenge is called “holy”! At the same time, your actions can force someone who is prudent to finally use their reason and correct themselves, to return to the true path.

The conspiracy should be pronounced in the back of the offender (enemy) who passed by you. Here's what you need to whisper: “Arrow, go with illness and tears, and untrodden lands, go through his blood, not into the eye or the eyebrow, but into the very heart! Stab and splinter him! Beat him, kill him! Exterminate him, and punish him - my negligent offender (name). The key and the lock and the worldly pledge! Amen!"

Well, friends, now you and I are “armed”, because we know and understand how to take revenge on the offender without resorting to illegal actions that are punishable by law! Good luck to you!

What do you do when someone treats you unfairly? Of course, you want to teach the offender a lesson. How to do it? Just make fun of them.

Of course, if someone looked at you in a way that you didn’t like, you shouldn’t pay attention to them. When your spouse is deceiving you, a few jokes will not help you. But between these two extremes, you can confidently use jokes on your friends and enemies.

So, for all those who feel humiliated, offended, annoyed, do not delay, choose one or more jokes from the list that we have collected.

1. If you work in an office, wrap the offender’s chair in plastic wrap. Cling film can be purchased at any household chemical store. Cling film can be replaced with foil. Choose for yourself, and the joke will take your offender by surprise - before you start working, you will have to spend some time cleaning.

2. Use the offender’s shell as a flower pot, of course, if you don’t want to completely destroy something. Take some plastic wrap, then fill the sink with clay and insert a few sprigs of some plants.

3. Sneezing behind the offender is an innocent but effective revenge. Sneak up behind the offender with a glass of water in your hands. Pretend that you sneezed and at the same time splash it on the back of the offender’s head. The more fake you sneeze, the more unpleasant the offender will feel. For example, you can sneeze and only then “accidentally” throw out water on the offender.

4. Shaving cream in the toes of the offender's shoes has always been a good joke. All that remains for you is to fill your boots with shaving cream or foam.

5. A can of butter is a dangerous weapon in your hands! Take any oil and lubricate everything that your offender will touch - a door or window handle, a button in an elevator, a handle on a car door...

6. This joke is for beach lovers. When relaxing on the seashore or river, wait until your offender goes for a swim. Make sure you are out of his line of sight. Dig a hole under your abuser's towel. Cover it with a towel so that the offender does not notice anything. When the offender sits on his towel, he will end up in your hole.

7. Buy some unpleasant-looking clay or plasticine. Add some seeds or grains, as well as carrot pieces. Then shape it to resemble feces. You can put your work of art in any place that is often used by your abuser - a soap dish instead of soap, a car seat, a dinner plate, a table, a chair... The list goes on and on.

9. If you know a little how to use graphic editors, such as Photoshop, then this joke is for you! Find a Photoshop template on the Internet where your future victim will be captured in an unsightly form (for example, a man can be made in a woman’s outfit). Combine the template you choose and a photo of your abuser. The resulting photo can be placed in a visible workplace... Make sure that no one sees you when you paste the photo.

10. Leave a voice message to the number of your offender from the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The content of the message is approximately as follows: “Hello! You are worried about FSB junior lieutenant A.P. Pisanenko. We intercepted some of your telephone conversations with an international criminal. Please call back, this is very important for your safety."

Here are just some jokes that you can use as revenge on your offender. Perhaps these ideas will inspire you to create new pranks. Please feel free to add your own jokes in the comments. And perhaps together we will help someone to assert themselves in their team

In life, people face resentment and betrayal. It hurts the most when it is the closest and dearest person who strikes. The one who should protect from the whole world becomes an enemy. A person experiences pain, loneliness, resentment, defenselessness, vulnerability.

The range of negative emotions is replaced by a desire for revenge. Revenge will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calm down. It helps to forgive the offender. A person takes revenge in order to rid himself of negative emotions.

Before you waste your energy on revenge, you should make sure that the revenge is justified.

Important! The greatest art lies in turning an enemy into a friend. Simply defeating the enemy through revenge is an extreme option; you should think about your actions. Revenge will not get rid of problems, the enemy will only get angry.

If it is impossible to make an enemy a friend, and you cannot forget the grievance, revenge will help alleviate mental suffering. Hurt pride will return to normal.

Positive aspects of revenge:

  • promotes healing of emotional wounds;
  • puts the offender in his place;
  • insurance for the future: next time a person will think about whether to harm you;
  • helps to forgive and leave grievances in the past;
  • it's fun!

If we are talking about a harmless prank in response to negativity on the part of a person, revenge is easy. It won't cause any serious concern. Pranks, like at school, will add variety to the drab everyday life and allow you to punish the offender.

Disadvantages of revenge:

  • from a victim, a person turns into an offender, takes responsibility for revenge;
  • trying to throw dirt at an enemy can seriously stain your hands;
  • minus to karma;
  • vindictiveness is a negative character trait, the ability to forgive is a benefactor.

Important! Forgiveness does not mean that the charges against the offender are dropped. To forgive means to rid yourself of worries, cleanse yourself and move on with your life. The offender will have to live with his bad deed, this is a minus to his karma, life knows how to take revenge better than people.

If the resentment is strong, your character does not allow you to leave everything as it is, then it’s time to move on to a plan of revenge.

List of the best ways to take revenge on a person:

  • Gossip.

Through communication, you can seriously damage the reputation of the offender. Gossip can make people turn away from him. You can take revenge on a cheating guy by telling his new girlfriend about a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases that he has. Checking won't hurt anyone.
The story that the guy has a bad character, has repeatedly offended and betrayed you, will ruin his reputation. Especially if it's true.
A more cruel version of revenge through gossip is to spread a rumor about the immoral behavior of an enemy, to tell an incredibly vile story that exposes the person as a complete nonentity. Part of the story should be in contact with real events, it’s more believable.

  • An eye for an eye.

Betrayal is a reason to turn the situation around, forcing a person to be in his own skin. The guy who cheated should not immediately tell him that you know everything. A great option is to cheat on him and then tell him everything. You need to speak calmly, without emotion.

You can punish your betraying friend by answering her in kind. You need to establish relationships, and then betray her in the same way. Revenge is good cold, after time has passed.

  • Superiority.

If a fat girl is teased and called names, the best revenge is to work on herself. When such a girl returns with a stunning appearance, the offenders will be amazed on the spot. Girls will become jealous, guys will become interested. This is the best revenge.

This can be the answer to any offense. Become more successful, start playing sports, lose weight - these methods will be beneficial. Revenge is not so obvious, a person does not cause harm, he simply improves. And the opportunity to inject the offender with this will definitely present itself.

  • Complex schemes.

Suitable for serious revenge, the cause of which was a great offense. If harm has been caused to family and friends, the harm is serious and has serious consequences, then it’s time to make a plan.

Multi-passes are used. Example: a friend took her beloved away from her sister, who almost committed suicide because of this. Her sister can gain the trust of a homewrecker, make friends with her boyfriend, push her to cheat and make her see it. Or he simply decides to fight him off and then abandon him.

You need to take into account all the nuances and act carefully. Such revenge will pierce the offender like a boomerang, making him suffer and regret. But it will take a lot of effort and time that could be spent on joy and fun.

Important! Revenge through spells and magic is a bad option. Is it dangerous.

If you know his phone number

Mobile phones, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki greatly expand the list of opportunities for revenge. Finding out who set the trap is extremely difficult. This is revenge at a distance. Unregistered SIM cards allow you to remain incognito.

You can print out and post notices around the city with your enemy’s phone number. He will constantly receive calls with an offer to buy an animal or a desire to spend leisure time with an inexpensive call girl. Such childishness will lift the mood of an offended person.

By phone number you can provide information about the arrival of a relative. The offender will rush to meet him at the station, wait several hours before realizing that he has been played.

Important! Threats are a criminal offense. Bullying of any kind can cause serious problems. Even if a person cheated, used, framed, did not repay the debt.

The best way to avoid revenge

When a person is peaceful and friendly, you don’t want to offend him. Be kind, listen to others, give in and don’t get angry if you’ve been treated rudely. The enemy realizes that he has offended a good person and will try to make things right.

Respond with good even to evil. And don’t let resentment enter your soul. Forgive immediately and completely. Then your life will be easy and joyful, and those around you will be kind to you.

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However, he hatched a plan for revenge for twelve years before embarking on its implementation. When he was twenty-four years old, he lured Rais to his house by pretending that he needed a repairman. Alam then got his father's killer so drunk that he could barely stand on his feet. He then turned on the music loudly because he didn't want anyone to hear Rais' screams. Alam stabbed his father's killer several times. Then he finished him off with a hammer. After that, Alam cut Rais's body into twelve pieces (for so many years he had been waiting for the moment when he could take revenge on Mohammed) using a hacksaw.

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An eye for an eye

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The man from Azerbaijan, who will be discussed later, took this concept literally. His eight-year-old son experienced unimaginable horrors. A stranger lured him into a truck and brutally abused him. A passerby who witnessed this terrible scene began to threaten the criminal that he would tell everyone about what happened. For a moment, the boy thought that he had been saved - but the second man had no intention of protecting him. When the first man had done his job, the second also began to rape the boy.

When the poor man's father found out what had happened, he vowed to take revenge on the offenders. He didn't call the police. Instead, he organized a gang, tracked down the man who abused his son, and did the same to him. The entire process was filmed on a mobile phone. The video was subsequently posted on the Internet and instantly spread throughout the country.

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The young man, fearing for his life, listened to Velu. After that, she cut off his penis. No evidence of the guy’s guilt was found; no charges of sexual assault were brought against him.

Sheriff Buford Pusser's War

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White was given the opportunity to avenge his wife's death a year later. He called the police and said that two drunk men were fighting in the street. Pusser responded to the call. Thinking that the problem was not serious, he took his wife Paulina with him - a decision that cost her her life.

When Pusser arrived at the call site, White's men suddenly appeared and opened fire on his car. The sheriff was riddled with bullets, but managed to survive. However, Paulina was unlucky - she died in hospital on the very night of the attack. This time the sheriff was not going to let things get away with it. He told his friends that he had prepared a special plan for revenge.

The events that happened next are shrouded in a huge number of secrets and legends, so it is impossible to determine which of them are true and which are fiction. Over the next five years, Pusser brutally killed, one by one, all those involved in the death of his wife. White became one of the sheriff's first victims. He was found in a motel with a bullet in his forehead.

Mistress Hunter

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Before becoming a Mistress Hunter, Zhang Yufeng was married to a high-ranking official in Xi'an, China. When her husband received a very influential position, serious problems began in their family. He stayed late, often did not come home to spend the night, constantly had fun with prostitutes and had affairs on the side. One day, Yufen’s husband came home and said that everything was over between them. He met another woman and filed for divorce.

Yufeng's neighbor, with whom she shared her grief, said that her daughter was experiencing the same thing at that moment. Just recently she found out that her husband had taken a mistress. Zhang Yufeng planned to meet and support her neighbor's daughter, but did not have time: the girl committed suicide.

When the same thing happened to another friend of Yufeng’s, she couldn’t stand it. While relaxing outside the city, she accidentally met the mistress of her friend's husband. Zhang Yufen, fed up with the antics of the homewreckers, pushed the girl to the ground and began to brutally beat her, showering her with curses. A crowd gathered around them, but no one stopped Yufen. The police officer who was present pretended that he did not see what was happening.

Today Zhang Yufeng does this professionally. For a nominal fee, she tracks down the mistresses of her clients' husbands and turns their lives into hell.

Joel Jones

Joel Jones's fourteen-year-old son was shot in the back. The boy's killer was caught, arrested and sent to prison, but Jones was not satisfied with the punishment he received. He believed that the man who killed his son should suffer.

However, Joel Jones cannot be called a good person, otherwise he would not have committed a serious crime for the sake of revenge. What exactly did he do? He committed rape in order to go to prison where his son's killer was imprisoned. Jones lured a cleaning lady into an empty office and abused her under threat of violence. He told her that this was the only way to get the man who killed his son. He then called the police and asked to be taken to prison. At the trial, he admitted everything, but the judge considered his action unreasonable: “The point is not that someone did something bad to your child, the point is how you acted towards someone else’s child.”

Jones was sent to prison, but it is unknown whether he found his son's killer there.

Mailboxes filled with trash

As a child, Shigeta Miura was a member of the Tokyo Boy Scouts. He wasn't particularly popular. The guys from Miura's squad mocked him and teased him in every possible way. He could not fight back, so he silently accumulated grievances and developed a plan for revenge.

When Miura turned forty years old, he began to directly implement it. Miura filled envelopes with rotten tea leaves or dirt (sometimes he used underwear that was not the freshest for this purpose) and mailed them to those who bullied him as a child. He did this more than once - over fourteen months he sent out about 500 parcels with all kinds of garbage to his offenders. And he would have continued to do this if he had not ultimately been caught.

When Miura was arrested, he decided to confess everything, hoping that the police would understand. He said the victims of his crimes, if you can call them that, deserved it. After all, thirty years ago they had abused him much worse.

Red-hot tongs

In Indian history, there are many sad cases of persecution of people who have committed sexual crimes. News constantly appears in the country's media that states that rape victims themselves are to blame for what happened, while the police refuse to bring the perpetrators to justice.

This is why one Indian man did not call the police when his fourteen-year-old daughter told him that she had been abused. She was home alone when a family friend came over. Realizing that there was no one else in the house, he raped the girl and threatened her with violence if she told anyone about what had happened.

Having learned about everything, the victim’s father decided not to contact the police and establish justice on his own. He kidnapped the criminal, tied him to a chair and began to torture him with hot tongs. “I put hot tongs to his genitals, he screamed,” the father of the raped girl later said. “But that didn’t stop me.” I did the same thing again. He shuddered."

When the criminal could no longer scream, the angry father strangled him. He then went to the police station and surrendered to authorities.

Surprise attack with a machete

When the mother of a seven-month-old baby saw her child being raped by an Indian, she was indescribably horrified. The crime the man committed was terrible; he deserved the strictest punishment. However, to his surprise, the child's father said that he was not going to take revenge on him.

He forgave the criminal, saying that he would have to live with this for the rest of his days. He made a small agreement that essentially left the rapist unpunished. The father of the raped child even offered the offender a ride home.

However, on the way back to the village, the father suddenly stopped the car in the middle of a desert area. The rapist began to realize that he was unlikely to get away with his crime as he had thought.

The victim's father beat the man until he bled and then tied him to a tree. He left it there and went back to the car to get the machete. He cut off the rapist's hands and left him to die.

However, other village residents helped the criminal to escape: they untied him and took him to the nearest hospital, where he received proper medical care.

The modern world is full of dangers that await us at every step. Even a stranger whom you don’t know or who always seemed friendly to you can become an enemy. In my magical practice, people often came to me who wanted to protect possible enemies from themselves, to take revenge on the offender with the help of white magic and sometimes black magic.

Enemies are considered not only those who do anything in the material world with their own hands, but also those who may simply wish you ruin and collapse

Our enemies and how to deal with them

Enemies are considered not only those who do anything in the material world with their own hands, but also those who may simply wish you ruin and collapse. A person who does not accept you, does not share your thoughts, is jealous of success or, simply, salary, cannot be your friend. Such people, with their negative thoughts, send you waves of negative energy, which can affect your life: career, family, home, relatives.

Taking revenge on a person who consciously harms you is not a sin, it is self-defense.

When clients came to me who were offended by colleagues, friends or acquaintances. They often asked how to take revenge on the enemy with the help of magic, white or black, but they did not want to kill a person or destroy the enemy, they just wanted to know how to punish the offender. There is a way to punish an enemy without killing him, and more than one. Is black magic capable of punishing an enemy? Yes, but her methods are harsher than the methods of white magic. With the help of Black magic spells with rituals that are carried out using photographs, you can quite effectively take revenge on your friend.

What are the ways to deal with an ill-wisher?

There are also types of people who do not want to harm anyone, but want to protect themselves, and therefore are not afraid to use magic. For this case, there are also conspiracies, spells and rituals. There are a huge number of conspiracies on how to get rid of and protect yourself from external negative influences. These rituals include protection from damage, the evil eye, and can help against black magic directed at you.

Black magic is aimed at destroying a person, with its help you can harass your superiors, do something mean, or take revenge for an insult.

Also, the rituals of Black aggressive magic will tell you how to take revenge for betrayal. They will teach you how to take revenge on a guy for cheating. More often they turn to such rituals if they want to know how to take revenge on their ex-boyfriend. White magic from enemies can humiliate him, redirect all his negative thoughts from you to him, punish him, or simply make a person lose bad interest in you. You can perform protection rituals at home or with an experienced magician. It is recommended to perform rituals with a magician; your emotional background will serve as fuel for the ritual, and its effect will be stronger and longer.

Think about how important this is to you

Before you go to a magician to take revenge on your enemy, you must decide for yourself whether you really want magic to interfere in your life and the life of a particular person.

After all, if a man dares to offend you or insult you, witchcraft is too radical an approach.

An offended person is a victim, but it is better to choose a method of defense than attack. But it’s better to put up protection yourself, especially if you are initially in an unfriendly environment where you can be deliberately insulted, and then let people decide for themselves whether to wish you harm or not.

An offended person is a victim, but it is better to choose a method of defense than attack

Rituals and conspiracies for protection from enemies

Rituals and conspiracies for protection are not intended for a specific offender, they are intended to protect from you all the negativity that may come from other people, be it your colleagues, relatives or friends.

Your defense will turn their thoughts around and their punishment will be what they wished for you.

There are also rituals to protect you from certain people who could harm you.

Spell for a homemade amulet

This conspiracy is one of the few that you can do yourself at home.

What is needed for the ritual

For the plot you will need:

  • white piece of paper;
  • pin.

These accessories are needed if the amulet is needed to protect a person, and not a house or objects.

To protect the house, just a small white piece of paper on which the plot will be read.

How to perform a ritual

  1. At midnight, in an empty room, take a piece of paper and read the spell on it:

    “The amulet will protect, protect from evil. Everything that the witches conjured, everything that the enemies sent, will not get to me, it will return doubly to them. Amen".

  2. After you read the spell, fold the piece of paper in four with the ends inward, and pin the resulting envelope on the inside of your belt.

A homemade amulet will protect you from negative influences and the evil eye. Also, to protect your home from damage or possible evil, perform the same ritual, but place the envelope under the doormat. If you want to protect your finances, put the envelope in your wallet and carry it there all the time. Such a conspiracy will become armor against enemies and protect you.

Spell on a handkerchief

Another conspiracy from the category of those that can be carried out at home.

What is needed for the ritual

For the plot you will need:

  • a new scarf that you have never used;
  • text of the hex.

For the ritual you will need a new scarf that you have never used

How to perform a ritual

One of the prerequisites for performing the ritual is that the scarf plot will have to be read every time you go to a place where damage can come to you.

  1. Before leaving, bring the handkerchief to your lips and whisper the spell:
  2. “The angels and seraphim of heaven, all the Lord’s honest servants, will protect me from unexpected evil, from the evil eye. Evil damage will not reach me, everything that is will go into this scarf.”

  3. Then, counterclockwise, swipe the handkerchief three times over your face and put it in your pocket, boldly go where you were going.
  4. The scarf can be used again, but you need to talk again if you had to wash it.
  5. Wash the scarf and repeat the ritual again.
  6. Don’t forget to wash it, because if you wipe your face with a handkerchief that you have already used for these purposes, the spell may not work.
  7. What will have a bad effect on you is that this scarf has already absorbed damage, and you will rub it into your face.

Revenge against enemies at work

You can carry out the ceremony yourself if you are sure that you will do and say everything correctly and are not afraid of the consequences.

What is needed for the ritual

You will need:

  1. Photo of your colleague. You can secretly take a photo of him, or take a group photo of the team and crop it so that no one else is visible except him.
  2. Black thread and needle.
  3. Candle or lighter. A candle - if you will perform the ritual at home or at work, a lighter - if on the street.

How to perform a ritual for revenge

The ritual is carried out both at work and at home or on the street, at a crossroads. It will be most effective on the street.

On the street

You will have to stand in the middle of the crossroads at midnight and read the plot, slowly turning in all four directions.

In room
  1. Light a candle if you are indoors.
  2. Take a photo of an employee, punch a hole and thread the photo with black thread.
  3. Then whisper a spell into the photo, collecting your thoughts and emotions into a single imaginary ball of energy, which needs to be “strung” on the same thread. CONSPIRACY:

    “I, the Servant of God (my own name) direct my strong will, my strong word so that my enemy, the Servant of God (the name of my colleague) can no longer commit his dark deeds towards me. And what he did so that it never achieved its goal. I am not winding a black thread, but a magical web, and I am weaving the dark matter of my enemy into it forever. He will get lost in it and forget about me forever. Amen".

  4. Then tie the thread into three strong knots, and while you tie, say the words:

    “I, the Servant of God (her own name), want it this way, so it will be.”

  5. Then burn the photo with a string over a candle if you're indoors, or with a lighter if you're outdoors.

For the ritual you will need a photo of a colleague

Magic ritual on the offender so that he forgets about you

A powerful ritual that you can perform either with the help of a magician or alone, at home. The ritual aims to place an energetic wall between you and your enemy and punish your enemy for the damage already done to you. The enemy and you will forget about each other energetically for a while, and it will be easier for you, because your enemy will stop exhausting you, since he will be busy with his own problems, and you will stop being nervous about this. Remember, during the ritual you should not experience any negative emotions. The day before you plan to perform the ritual, sit down and get out of your head all the negativity that you feel towards this person. This is very important, because if the ritual is carried out with negativity, then the negative effect will affect you.

The ritual is performed on the twenty-second and thirtieth day of the lunar cycle, after the sun has set.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform this ritual you will need to prepare:

  1. Three large church candles (minimum forty centimeters). Do not buy candles during church holidays or funerals.
  2. New box of matches. Lighting candles with a lighter in this ritual is highly discouraged.
  3. A black tablecloth or black fabric measuring at least twenty by twenty.
  4. A photo of your enemy and a photo of you. Photos of people should be full-length; it is important that there are no strangers in the photo so that they do not fall under the influence of a conspiracy. If there are no such photographs, then take two sheets and draw in detail you, and on the other sheet your enemy. The facial expressions in the drawings should be friendly.
  5. Two small mirrors without frame.

How to perform a ritual

  1. Lay a black tablecloth on the table.
  2. Place two photos or drawings on the tablecloth.
  3. Your photo is on the left, the enemy's photo is on the right, at a distance of seven centimeters from each other.
  4. Place mirrors on photographs or drawings, reflective side up.
  5. Light the first candle and place it between the photographs. You can use candlesticks.
  6. From the fire of the first candle, light the second one, place it on the mirror lying on your left side, and say: “I call you (your name).” You light the third candle from the first, place it on the mirror to your right, saying: “I call you (the name of the enemy).”
  7. Next, read the plot, looking at the candle on the left:

    “Pure, bright flame, protect me from slander and malice, hatred and envy, tension and fear, imposed good and any directed evil from (name of the enemy). I (on my own behalf) humbly let go and forgive (enemy’s name), and cleanse my body, thoughts and soul from slander and malice, hatred and envy, tension and fear, imposed good and any directed evil towards (enemy’s name).” .

  8. Read the plot as many times as necessary for you to feel like you are forgiving him. Then, looking at the right candle, say the following:

    “I (on my own behalf) humbly release and forgive (name of the enemy), and cleanse my body, thoughts and soul from slander and malice, hatred and envy, tension and fear, imposed good and any directed evil towards (name of the enemy) ."

Then extinguish the candles in the sequence right candle, left, middle, without blowing out (cover it with something or extinguish it with your fingers). Put away your photos or drawings and go to bed with peace of mind.