How are college scores calculated? How to calculate the average diploma score for Europe and the USA

A passing score is an indicator on which an applicant’s chances of admission depend. The higher the number, the more effort preparation for DT requires. So that you don’t get lost in guesswork, he will tell you how the passing score is calculated.

What is a passing score?

The sum of points for the certificate and exams of the applicant who was last enrolled on a budget or paid basis is called the passing score. It directly depends on the enrollment plan for a specialty or group of specialties, the number of applications submitted, and the score of each applicant.

Popular specialties with a small enrollment plan have the highest passing scores. For example, every year there is a high passing score for the specialty "" of the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU (in 2018 it was 383 points for the budget). The recruitment plan for the budget is 12 people, for the paid one - 60. Let's assume that a total of 100 applications were submitted. The 12th applicant for a budget place had 383 points, therefore, this value became the passing score for the budget. The remaining eleven applicants scored even more. Those who took places from 13 to 72 according to the rating went to the paid one. The total score of the last person enrolled was 281. Well, the one who did not reach 281 points, alas, did not pass.

What is a semi-passing score?

There is also such a thing as a semi-passing score. During the admission process, the scores of all applicants within each specialty are arranged in descending order. If the number of persons with the same scores exceeds the number of vacant places, some applicants are enrolled and some are not. The admissions committee identifies applicants by name who have.

See our passing scores for the last three years. All specialties can be filtered by passing score

How to find out the passing score

It is impossible to guess what the passing score will be even before the end of the entrance campaign. One can only guess what the situation will be this year.

To have a better chance of being among the lucky ones admitted to your desired specialty, you need to score as many points as possible on the CT and have . In many universities, the maximum number of points is 400. 100 for each test or exam and 100 for the certificate (all grades are taken into account). Why 100 if schools and colleges use a 10-point system? It's simple. The GPA is multiplied by 10. For example, if you have a GPA of 8.3, then you have an 83 application score. The same applies to grades for internal entrance exams. Some specialties require intra-university exams.

That's all you need to know about the passing score. Analyze your chances and build a successful strategy for entering university! Do you want to be sure to have a good score upon admission?

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Do you need a good school certificate to enter a university or college? It's time to think about quarter and year marks. knows how to improve your GPA in 10 steps.

Write down all the marks

Keep a separate table with your quarter and current marks. Ask your class teacher to look at the class register if it is not customary at your school to fill out a personal report card. Record all points at once.

Assess the situation

Highlight the items that need to be tightened. But don’t give up on disciplines with consistently high results. Analyze what grades you need to get during the quarter in order to get a decent final score.

Set a goal

Clearly determine what score you need on the certificate and do everything necessary. Having a goal makes it easier to complete intermediate tasks. Don't give up at the first failure. It is not so easy to quickly become an excellent student.

Be active in class

Good grades will not magically appear in your diary. Try to be active in class, ask the teacher questions if you don’t understand something. Feel free to raise your hand and This way, the teacher will notice your efforts and will definitely not regret a high score for your work in class.

Do your homework carefully

At home, also follow all the teacher’s requirements. Don't ignore oral homework. Do written items carefully and do not forget to check the correctness of the solution. You move to the board with perfect homework is the key to a high grade. With such an attitude towards work, you will not be confused during tests and tests. Follow the advice .

Ask classmates for help

If you find it difficult to keep up with the program, do not hesitate to ask your friends for help with your homework. Rsolve unclear issues together.

Contact a tutor

If you want to move further in improving your certificate, go to a tutor. An experienced teacher will explain what you didn’t understand at school and teach you how to solve practical problems. also on guard of school grades.

Prepare for exams

Don't forget about preparing for final exams. A high score on them is a chance to quickly improve your grades, which will be included in the certificate. How good And we have already told you.

Find a common language with the teacher

It happens that the reason for low grades is a bad relationship with the teacher. But you can solve this problem too. Read .

Don't chase the mark, but strive for knowledge

By focusing on marks and forgetting what lies behind them, you will not achieve good results. The teacher evaluates knowledge. And the more you can do, the more valuable your GPA will be upon admission.

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The student’s knowledge and work in practical classes are assessed by the teacher using the classic 5-point system.

At the end of each semester, a centralized calculation of the student’s average score is carried out and transferred to a 100-point system.

Students who score from 61 to 100 points receive admission to the test and exam. In addition to the average score, indicators that give penalties and bonuses are taken into account.

The final grade, which is entered by the examiner into the student’s record book after taking the exam, is determined as the arithmetic average of the annual (two-year): rating grade and exam grade (on a 100-point scale) and is converted into a 5-point grade.

Table 1

Converting the average score to a 100-point system

Score on a 100-point scale

Average score on a 5-point scale

Score on a 100-point scale

Average score on a 5-point scale

Score on a 100-point scale

Methodology for calculating the score-rating indicator for 4th and 5th year students of the Faculty of Medicine

For 4th, 5th year students of the Faculty of Medicine - 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th semester, it is necessary to use the following calculation model:

The points that a student receives in a discipline in a semester are calculated using the formula:

Рдс = average score for all practical classes in the semester “+” bonuses and “-” fines (see Appendix 2).

The calculation is made every semester (Рдс7, Рдс8, Рдс9, Рдс10).

Rd = Rds7+Rds8 +Rds9 +Rds10

Students who score from 61 to 100 points receive admission to the test and exam.

Course exam for the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine

Rd = (Rds7,8,9,10 +Rde)

The exam grade, which the teacher puts in the grade book, is calculated using a formula and converted into a 5-point system in accordance with Table No. 2.

Table No. 2

Course exam score

If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade on the exam, then the rating for the discipline in the semester is Rd 7,8,9,10 = Re. Points for retaking the exam are from 61 to 75, regardless of the grade.

The answer to the exam is assessed in accordance with the “Criteria for assessing a student’s answer using a 100-point system” (see Appendix 1.)

In addition to individual grades in various subjects, the certificate also has an average score. It is calculated in a certain way. And this score influences when applying for a job or further study. Calculating your GPA is not too difficult. To do this, you will need a calculator and the certificate itself. There are no complicated formulas here.

We calculate the average score of the certificate

The appendix to the certificate contains a complete list of subjects and grades for them. This is exactly the information you need.

First, count all the subjects for which grades were given. Next, you will need to add all the scores together. The resulting figure remains to be divided by the number of items that were assessed.

If we are talking about an institute diploma, then it is necessary to carry out similar manipulations. Just remember that the disciplines assessed include practice, if there are grades for it.

An example of calculating the average score of a certificate looks like this:

  • Number of academic disciplines - 18;
  • The sum of all marks is 80;
  • 18/80 = 4,4.

Thus, it turns out that 5 is the highest average score here. Typically, prestigious jobs require people with a GPA of at least 4.5.

Features of GPA

Despite the fact that today everything is decided by the Unified State Exam, the average score is also taken into account. For example, if you apply for a high position in the future, all your documents will be checked. And the school certificate is no exception.

Also, the average score is calculated when many applicants apply for a place at the institute. However, their scores are the same. Then the certificate competition begins.

It is important to remember that when calculating your diploma grade point average, you should only look at the subjects for which the grades appear on your diploma. There are a number of disciplines that are assessed by differentiated exams. Such disciplines are assessed according to the latest differentiated exam.

How is GPA applied?

It is important to note that the average score does not affect the red diploma or silver school medal. So, if you have a C in at least one discipline, then your average score can be increased. But a medal for academic success is no longer given out.

Some institutions do not allow excellent students to retake the exam. If, for example, a student retakes the test from “satisfactory” to “good,” then he may receive a better average score. But a red diploma is not issued.

In general, you should not calculate the average scores on the certificate. Just study the way you want. Remember that it is important to gain specific skills in your discipline. This is much more important than marks. After all, today employers value the specific abilities of each person, and not just his documents.