The fastest fish. The fastest fish in the world Speed ​​of sword fish km h

The sailfish is a fish from the Sailfish family. The order this fish belongs to consists of only two species. One of the representatives of perciformes lives in the Indian Ocean, the second - in the west and central part of the Pacific Ocean.


The back of the fish is black with a blue tint. The brown-blue sides of the fish are decorated with blue spots. The belly of the fish is white, shimmering with silver. The main fin is blue with black spots. The tail and other fins are black with blue stripes.

The sailfish is a huge fish - up to 2 meters for young individuals and more than 3 meters for adult males. Its weight reaches 100 kilograms. This fish is quite rare. In addition to being rare, it moves very quickly and is distinguished by its beauty. Obviously, what distinguishes this fish from others is the dorsal fin, which in shape and structure resembles a sail. This fin starts from the back of the fish’s head and runs almost the entire length of the back. Immediately behind it is a small second fin, similar in shape to the second anal fin. Meanwhile, the anal fins are of different sizes - the first is slightly higher than the second, and has a notch on the back. The pectoral fins are located closer to the bottom of the fish, while the abdominal fins, located nearby, have a significant length.


The sailfish is a predatory fish, very active. The average speed of this species is about 100 kilometers per hour. The highest recorded speed of a sailfish is 174 kilometers per hour.

When moving at such a speed, the fin should have prevented the fish from moving. But nature provides a special recess into which the fish can fold its “sail”. The ventral and anal fins are removed in a similar manner. They can rise sharply during sudden turns. Often these fish drift near the surface of the sea with their fins spread, their sails reminiscent of small yachts on the open ocean.

This speed of movement of the fish is achieved due to the unique structure of the body and through the use of turbulence. This method of movement determined the absence of a swim bladder in the sailfish’s body, because at high speeds it will only interfere, preventing gas exchange.

This ocean dweller moves with the help of wave-like movements of the body, concentrated at the tail. For this reason, the caudal fin consists of planes located almost perpendicular to the body. The sailfish compensates for its lack of buoyancy with muscle efforts and an asymmetrical body. It is this unique body structure that allows these fish to be the fastest inhabitants of the ocean.


Schools of small fish swimming in the upper layers of the ocean become prey for sailboats that can move quite quickly. These can be mackerel, anchovy, crustaceans and similar sea inhabitants.

Helps in catching prey and the spear on the head with which the sailfish pierces it. The high speed of movement makes it easy to drive fish, which is reminiscent of the tactics of cheetahs. The life of this fish completely depends on movement, since this is the determining factor when obtaining food.

Sometimes fish of this species can hunt together, bringing in prey for an entire family of sailfish. The sailfish, a description of which is easy to find, looks incredibly impressive when it flies out of the water with its fin fully extended, reaching 1.5 meters in height.


Sailfish breed in warm equatorial waters two months a year: August and September. During the spawning period, one female lays up to 100 million eggs. However, most of these embryos die. First the eggs, then the fry, are eaten by large predators. Sailfish are disgusting parents, they are not at all interested in the fate of their offspring, they do not feed or care for the fry. However, the amount of caviar completely covers such an irresponsible attitude towards descendants.

During the first year, the fry grow into individuals up to 2 meters long. Despite the fact that there are fish up to 100 kilograms, most of the sailfish caught do not exceed 25 kilograms.


Sailfish fishing is strictly controlled. The reason for this is that it is in the Red Book. All fish caught for sport must be released back into the sea. Sport hunting for this species is an elite sport. Experienced fishermen cherish the dream of one day catching a sailfish. All caught individuals are photographed and released.

And yet it is very difficult to catch a sailfish. Before catching any of the individuals, you will have to try hard. Like many animals, this fish is capable of almost anything for the sake of its freedom. She can jump out of the water and make long jumps - more than 8 meters, pulling the fisherman along with her. All this must be taken into account before you go fishing.

To find out exactly what a sailfish looks like, just look at the Red Book. There you can not only find images of it, but also find the largest representatives and learn about the speed records set by this species.

Curious facts

The most interesting fact, of course, is the ability to move as fast as the sailfish does.

In addition, as already mentioned, this fish does not have a swim bladder. This allows it to move at the required speed and makes it unique among other species.

Ernest Hemingway loved to fish for sailfish. At one time, he was able to catch several specimens of significant size. Nowadays, fishing competitions dedicated to the memory of Hemingway are held every year in Havana.

For the survival of this species of fish, the protection of the animal world in general and the marine world in particular is extremely important, since any changes in the natural habitat can lead to disastrous consequences. Currently, this species of fish has been studied rather poorly, since it does not have a permanent habitat, and it is quite difficult to observe it. Even the fact that the fish is listed in the Red Book does not exclude the possibility of its complete disappearance in the not very distant future. And that is why each of us needs to do everything to preserve the natural habitat in a form in which it will be suitable for species to live in.

There is a lot of amazing, sometimes even fantastic, in nature. The Northern Lights, salt caves, lakes in volcanic craters, perfectly clear symmetry of plants and insects, incredible mechanisms of protection and camouflage of animals and many others amaze the imagination. For example, the world's fastest fish lives in the oceans. Not a single land animal, not even a cheetah, can compete with it.


It plows the waters of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans at a speed close to 125 km/h. This means that she can overtake a car! Experts disagree on which fish is the fastest.

The swordtail has a characteristic jaw in the form of a pointed sword up to one and a half meters long and a sickle-shaped tail. Many scientists believe that he is the fastest fish on Earth. Its body length (without the sword nose) reaches 4 m, it is without scales, but covered with slightly rough skin. The weight of the fish is 350-400 kg, and it is so strong that it can even attack a shark. Color - gray-blue with various shades. Having very tasty meat, the fastest fish in the world is the object of active fishing.


This predator got its name from its large dorsal fin, which, when extended, looks very similar to a sail. This amazing fin reaches a height of one and a half meters. The sailboat straightens it during sharp turns, when frightened or excited. This fish lives in the Pacific and Indian oceans. It feeds on sardines, mackerel, anchovies, crustaceans and other small things. During spawning, almost 100 million eggs are laid, a significant part of which goes to feed others

This fish is quite large: it grows more than 3 m in length and can weigh up to 100 kg. Having a streamlined elongated body with special grooves that significantly reduce friction on the water, the sailboat is capable of reaching enormous speeds - over 105 km/h! Therefore, the sailfish rightfully shares the title of “fastest fish in the world” with the swordfish. It is a desirable trophy for fisherman, but the law requires that the sailfish be released after catching, so interest in this fish is mainly sporting.


It also claims to be the fastest fish. There are blue or blue, black, striped and white marlin. It is known that black marlin is capable of reaching simply enormous speeds, exceeding 95 km/h.

Marlins inhabit all oceans (except the Arctic). They hunt small fish together. Several predators drive a school of sardines to the surface of the water, and the rest, jumping out and falling back into the sea, drown out the fish. A school of 9-12 marlin can catch a couple of tons of sardines in an hour. This large fish has a body length of 3-4 m on average, but there have been cases of catching marlins 5 m long and weighing more than 500 kg. Due to their spear-like elongated nose, these fish are sometimes identified with swordtails, but this is a mistake.

Other sprinters

Wahoo fish, like marlin, can rush at speeds of more than 90-95 km/h. Therefore, some sources also claim that the wahoo is the fastest fish in the world. Found everywhere in warm and temperate waters. The body is thin, well streamlined, bluish-silver in color, with very beautiful blue stripes. Interestingly, after the death of the wahoo, these stripes disappear. The average length of the body is equal to or slightly exceeds 2 m. This fish can weigh more than 80 kg. Hunts smaller fish, usually alone. Very tasty fish. Interesting for both industrial fishing and sport fishing.

Tuna are also fast swimmers. They are capable of reaching speeds of over 70 km/h. Bluefin tuna can reach a length of 3 m and weigh 150 kg. The habitat of this fish is very wide. Tunas move in schools and feed on small animals. They are one of the most valuable and expensive commercial fish. Their meat contains a record amount of protein, phosphorus and vitamins. For this reason it is even called sea veal.

Another fish is capable of developing incredibly high speed in pursuit of prey. This is a shark. She is simply the perfect predator. Its streamlined torpedo-shaped body allows it to reach speeds of over 62-65 km/h. The shark's mouth is full of sharp teeth, which are constantly renewed throughout life. The length of the largest whale shark reaches 20 m, and it weighs up to 14 tons.

A few more record holders

Four-winged flying fish. Accelerates to speeds of over 53 km/h. A characteristic feature is the presence of large pectoral and small rear fins, shaped like airplane wings. The color is grey-blue. It grows only up to half a meter in length. This fast fish has very tasty meat, which is why it is a commercial object. It lives in the warm waters of all four oceans. A distinctive characteristic is the ability to glide over the surface of the water for 30-40 seconds with a flight range of up to 200-300 meters. feed on plankton and mollusks.

Atlantic tarpon is a large predatory fish that cuts through the water depths at a speed of 46-48 km/h. The average length is 2 meters, tarpon weighs on average up to 50 kg. Tarpons over 2 m long and weighing about 150 kg were found in nature. Externally, the fish looks like a large herring. The forward jaw gives her an aggressive appearance. Because of its well-defined silver scales, it is called the silver king. Female tarpon are very prolific, laying up to 12 million eggs during the breeding season. This fish is a coveted trophy for sport fishing, but its meat, unfortunately, is tasteless.

The sailfish is known for its enormous speed and amazing dorsal fin, similar to a sail. The sailboat lives in tropical and subtropical seas and ocean waters; it can also be found in the Black Sea waters, where it enters from the Indian Ocean, passing through the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Dardanelles Strait.

The sailboat reaches 3.5 m and weighs about 100 kg, capable of reaching speeds of up to 110 km/h, which was proven during tests in the state of Florida in the USA.

The sailfish is a predator; it feeds on sardines, anchovies, mackerel, mackerel, various crustaceans and cephalopods. It is a commercial fish and is caught using the longline method along with tuna and swordfish.

In addition, sailfish fishing has long become a favorite sport for many fishermen who, in order to try their luck, are ready to travel across the world to Australia or New Zealand, Cuba or the Seychelles. By the way, in Havana, Cuba, in memory of the record-breaking sailfish caught by Ernest Hemingway himself, an amateur fishing championship is held annually.

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Marlins are close relatives of sailfish. They do not have such a huge dorsal fin, but in terms of speed and size they are practically not inferior.

Some specimens (blue Atlantic marlin, black marlin) reach 5 m or more in length, weigh up to 800 kg, and they can reach speeds of up to 85 km/h, and in this they are helped by a special body structure - an elongated shape, a spear-shaped muzzle, a long hard dorsal fin.

Despite the fact that a dish made from this fish is considered a delicacy and is served exclusively in the most luxurious and expensive restaurants, many fishermen and sports fishermen release the fish into the sea, having first weighed and recorded the weight of the caught specimen and taken a photograph with it as a souvenir.

It is interesting that it was the marlin that was hunted by the hero of the story “The Old Man and the Sea” by Hemingway; in addition, the marlin is not depicted in the coats of arms of the Seychelles and the Bahamas.

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Few people would turn down a piece of smoked mackerel, but few people really know that it is not so easy to catch.

Mackerel is a schooling fish and can be easily caught in a net. But if she senses danger, then it is quite difficult to catch up with her on a ship - in a couple of minutes the mackerel reaches a speed of 75-80 km/h.

Mackerel is found mainly in warm seas (Black, Marmara, Mediterranean); during summer migrations it is found in the northern seas (White, Baltic, Northern, Barents). Mackerel feeds mainly on small fish and zooplankton.

Mackerel is a valuable commercial fish; in most cases it comes to our table in smoked or salted form, but it is excellent for boiling and frying, although it becomes somewhat dry. Mackerel meat is very healthy, it contains about 16% fat and a lot of vitamin B12, while the meat is tender, soft and without small bones.

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Atlantic bluefin tuna

Atlantic bluefin tuna is a species that is on the verge of extinction. According to scientists, today its number does not exceed 6-7% of the original and the main reason is the use of tuna for making sushi, which is becoming more and more popular in the world every year. Tuna meat has an amazing red color that does not lose its brightness even when fried.

Tuna lives north of the equator and can be found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as off the coast of Greenland and the Barents Sea.

The Atlantic bluefin tuna is as impressive in size as it is in the speed it can develop – with a length of over 4 meters and a weight of over 500 kg, it can travel 70 km/h.

Scientists believe that one of the reasons for this speed is the increased body temperature of the fish, which is always several degrees higher than the surrounding water. Tuna feed on various crustaceans, small fish and cephalopods.

The largest tuna that was caught by an amateur fisherman weighed 335 kg, which is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. In addition, Atlantic bluefin tuna became the most expensive fish in 2013; almost $2 million was paid for a 222-kilogram specimen at an auction in Japan.

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Yellowfin tuna

Yellowfin tuna is somewhat inferior to its “relative”, the Atlantic bluefin tuna, in many respects:

  • size – 2-2.5 m;
  • weight – up to 200 kg;
  • speed in water – up to 70 km/h.

It gets its name from its bright yellow dorsal and anal fins, as well as the white and yellow longitudinal lines that cross its gray body. It is found in tropical and temperate latitudes of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. It feeds on small fish, crustaceans, and squids. Often found in the same group with other tuna of its size, as well as dolphins, porpoises and even whale sharks.

It is known that the speed of many land animals and birds is several times faster than that of humans. How are things in the water? Underwater life does not tolerate delays. The rules are the same: predators catch up, victims run away. Let's look at both sides of the food chain and determine the record holders for the fastest swim.

TOP - 10 fastest fish in the world

In the reservoir of predators there are powerful teeth and a strong speed - about 43 kilometers per hour. There are individuals up to 2 meters long and weighing 2 - 10 kg. They live in the warm waters of the World Ocean. They feed on small fish and can prey on wounded ocean inhabitants, including their own kind.

There were isolated cases of attacks on people. Often, barracudas are calm towards divers. Surprisingly, their diet includes poisonous pufferfish. This delicacy does not harm the fish, but the meat absorbs the poison. Cases of human poisoning have been recorded.

Inhabitant of coastal waters of western Africa. Body length can be up to 2.5 m. Fishermen organize fishing competitions. It’s interesting what they catch with a spinning rod or fly fishing. It takes a combination of human physical strength and powerful tackle to catch one of the fastest fish in the ocean.

The species is of interest solely as a trophy and is not commercially available. Mostly you come across meter-long individuals weighing up to 70 kg. The record weight of the caught fish is 161 kg. Tarpon speed does not exceed 50 km/h. He is in a hurry to grab insects, small fish, and shrimp. But in our top it only manages to take ninth place.

A predator only needs to swim 53 kilometers in an hour to successfully hunt and escape from enemies. It is a valuable commercial fish. It lives in the central part of the Pacific, as well as the tropical and subtropical zones of the World Ocean.

Blue shark or Mokoi

It outshines its previous brother, accelerating up to 65 km. Inhabits tropical and Pacific waters.

Sharks have powerful jaws. They lack gourmet qualities and consume everything in sight. The diet includes fish, snakes, squid, mammals, crabs... people. Sharks are believed to be eating human remains. But there are also real victims. In 2011, blue sharks committed more than 30 attempts on humans.

What predator is capable of attacking one of the fastest fish in the world? Killer whales.

Two types made it to the top:

  • Yellowfin – with a weight of 200 kg and a length of up to 2.5 m, it reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h;
  • Pacific bluefin tuna - accelerates to 75 kilometers. Body weight reaches half a ton, body length – 4 meters.

The tuna family inhabits the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Tuna fishing is widespread, and the number of individuals is declining. Among the enemies are some species of sharks and swordfish.

Atlantic mackerel

The fish reaches only 80 cm in length, which reduces its chances of resistance. You have to flee from the aggressive inhabitants of the ocean. Acceleration is 80 km/h.

But no matter what speed the fastest prey fish in the world develops, they cannot keep up the pace at all. The saddest thing for them is that they have to live among the participants in this rating.


It inhabits all oceans and is the closest relative of the leader of the top ten, the sailfish. Adults grow up to 4.5 meters. The fish got its name due to its elongated lower jaw, which is one third of the body length. This organ often causes death among members of the species.

The swordfish reaches a speed of 97 - 130 km/h and can crash into the bottom of the boat. She cannot get out of this situation on her own. If the racer is not noticed by a person in time, she dies.

A representative of the sailfish family. Externally, it is not much different from a swordfish or sailfish. The body length exceeds 5 meters, and the weight reaches 800 kg. When moving in throws, it can reach speeds of up to 130 km/h. Picky about its habitat, it chooses the tropics.


There are several versions about which fish swims the fastest. The sailfish is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Two previous record holders are trying to challenge the championship.

A unique creature plows the warm waters of the World Ocean at a speed of 109 – 150 kilometers per hour. The mass of the individual reaches 100 kg, and the length is 3.5 m. The main enemy is man. Ernest Hemingway started competitions to catch the species for a trophy. The writer caught several copies.

Every year, in memory of him, fishermen gather on the shores of Florida, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Tahiti and Cuba. The taste of the fish is also appreciated.

Swimmer's Gift

Calculations of the speed of movement of fish are theoretical. Experimental methods only work close to shore. The sailboat set its record of 109 km/h in Florida: it pulled 91 meters of fishing line in 3 seconds. It is believed that movement is more active in the depths of the ocean.

Academician A.N. Krylov once saw an oak ship frame pierced by the nose of a swordfish. This made him think about the question of which fish in the ocean swims the fastest. The shipbuilder was the first to suggest the speed of the swordfish. His calculations showed that the individual accelerated to 100 km/h. A piece of the ship is now kept in a museum in England.

The body structure of the three winners is distinguished by a fin stretched along the entire ridge. In shape it resembles a sail, which determines the name of the family. When accelerating, all fins fold, which allows the fish to better feel the water and ensures a minimum coefficient of friction. These sea creatures tend to jump out and travel part of the way through the air.

It is quite difficult to determine the fastest fish in the world and its maximum speed. One thing is clear: underwater inhabitants are in no way inferior to mammals and birds. From our selection it is clear that the victims move slower than their enemies. There are cases where people and animals exceeded their capabilities in extreme situations. Do you think fish can exceed their own speed? We are waiting for your comments!

Fish belong to the group of aquatic vertebrates. This category of animals is characterized by gill breathing at all stages of organism development. Fish live in fresh and salt waters. There are over 33,000 species of fish in the world. They make up the food chain in the ecological system. What is the fastest fish in the world?

Surely, this question has been asked at least once by a person who is interested in underwater life. This question is very difficult to answer, because it is not easy to measure the speed of fish, due to the fact that they do not live on land. But certain calculations can be made. So, who is the fastest fish on the planet?

Fantastic speed for fish is ensured by a streamlined body structure, which has a minimal coefficient of friction. Plus, in most species of fish, the fin is in a “hidden” state.

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Fifth place - tuna

There are two types of tuna: bluefin and yellowfin. However, regardless of color, both species can gain speeds up to 70 kilometers per hour. Not long ago, scientists held an exciting competition between wahoo and tuna, as a result of which the wahoo won and the tuna took second place. Tuna can reach up to 3 meters in length. Tuna also has one of the most nutritious and healthy types of meat. It is considered one of the best natural sources of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D. Until recently, tuna meat was not perceived as a product that could be consumed in the diet. Today it is a real delicacy.

Fourth place - wahoo

The fourth fastest fish is the wahoo. This fish lives in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The main feature of the wahoo is its impressive length. The maximum length of the fish, recorded in 1998, is as much as 2.5 meters. The speed of the wahoo fish is not much, not less, as much as 78 kilometers per hour. This fish dives to a depth of more than 12 meters. And no, not for relaxation.

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It is at a depth of 12-20 meters that squid, tuna and other sea creatures that wahoo love to feast on spread. Wahoo are very exciting hunters. It quickly picks up speed and literally drives into a school of small fish that feed on plankton near the surface.

Third place – black marlin

The third place in the ranking is occupied by fish, black marlin. Thanks to research conducted by Air Force scientists, it was possible to find out that marlin reaches speeds of 85 kilometers per hour. Information is based on fish caught on heavy-duty line. The fish got its nickname for a reason. Marlin is very similar to a pile (a metal rod with a pointed end).

Watching marlin is a pleasure, because the fish swims with its jaw open. Water entering the open mouth supplies the gills, and consequently the entire body, with oxygen. There have been cases where a marlin was caught on a hook, but never succumbed to the fishermen. And all due to powerfully developed muscles.

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Second place: swordfish

The second place on our pedestal is occupied by a predator, swordfish. Thanks to calculations, it was possible to find out that the oceanic animal can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. The main advantage of the animal is its elongated upper jaw, thanks to which the fish hunts, using the jaw to stun prey. On average, the weight of the fish is up to 500 kilograms.

Unlike many other fish species, swordfish cannot maintain temperatures above ambient temperatures.

The fastest fish in the world

Sailfish - the fastest fish in the world. She lives in the ocean. Several years ago, at the shark research center, experts studied the speed of the sailboat. 109 kilometers per hour, this is the speed at which a sailboat plows the ocean. And despite its, frankly speaking, not small weight (up to 100 kg), this does not prevent the sailboat from taking first place.

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The main characteristic of the fish is the presence of a huge fin, which is located on the back. The sailboat has a gray-blue body coloring. According to scientists, 109 kilometers per hour is not the limit. It is likely that, under appropriate conditions, the fish can reach up to 150 kilometers per hour. Of the animals that live on land, even a cheetah cannot accelerate so quickly.

Most fish swim by flicking their tail from side to side. When the density of the medium decreases, a lot of energy has to be spent to overcome gravity. The top 5 fastest fish were: sailfish, swordfish, marlin, wahoo and tuna.

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