Name day love according to Orthodox. Meaning of the name Love

September 30, the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love. They are wise, know how to create comfort and attract prosperity.

According to tradition, birthday girls celebrate their Angel Day for three whole days in a row. It is customary to give them incense and personalized icons, and in return they treat the donors with pies.

Congratulations on Lyubov's name day

Dear Lyubochka, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish you bright and joyful moments in life, happy events and great ideas, wonderful mood and bright emotions, true love and the fulfillment of your cherished dreams.

Lyuba, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

So that you are loved,

So that fate gives good things,

Happy holiday to you!

Happiness, joy, fun,

Peace to your home,

To be in the mood

I hasten to congratulate you!

Dear Lyubushka, I heartily congratulate you and wish you to always love and be loved, never lose hope and faith in yourself, strive for high successes and cherished desires, never miss your happiness and luck.

My sister, Lyubasha,

Today is your Angel Day.

May your life be full,

And away with all troubles!

And let there be laughter and smiles,

And happiness swirls around!

Let mistakes pass you by,

And next to you is your most reliable friend!

Dear Lyubonka, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you sunrises of happiness and love, great victories and successes, sincere and cheerful emotions, good luck and great mood, wonderful ideas and cheerful well-being.

Always remain the most beautiful

Don't be sad and throw away your worries.

Lyuba, smile easily and brightly,

Think about happiness so that it comes true soon!

Let good people surround you

Joy certainly lives in the soul,

Life hands you luck on a platter

And only great things await ahead!

Since childhood, boys have liked Lyubov because she is a charming, flirtatious and beautiful girl. Studying doesn’t particularly appeal to her; she prefers to play and communicate. Likes to do several things at once, so he often cannot fully concentrate on one thing. Lyuba's character is kind and sympathetic. It’s interesting to communicate with her, as she knows how to carry on a conversation where you need to joke and play along. She is easy-going, and people especially like this quality about her. At the same time, Lyuba has iron willpower, determination and perseverance where necessary.

He does his job conscientiously. Likes to have discussions, in which he often wins. He does not like to rush, so he often does long and painstaking work. Lyuba attracts men with her charm. She always has a choice. She loves her husband very much and is jealous. But jealousy knows how to veil itself beautifully. Therefore, the husband rarely suspects this jealousy. However, she tries to show through her actions that she does not like her husband paying attention to other women.

Fate: Love is outwardly pretty, shy, smiling. However, she has a masculine strong will and a strong, sharp mind. This is an extraordinary personality. The name Love loves to show itself - in action, in conversation, in argument.

Love Angel Day

From the Old Church Slavonic language - the meaning is the same as that of the word “love”. However, the name ego is a translation of the Greek "agane". From the legendary family of martyrs, which, according to church legends, included Greek sisters: Agape or Charis (Love), Pistis (Faith). Elpis (Hope). For some reason, only the name of their mother Sofia remained untranslated into Russian - wisdom.

No matter how attractive and charming the meaning is put into this name, it is easy to notice that it sounds quite firm and passionate. It has an impulse, a strength, so that this love can not so much warm as scorch and torment a person and, first of all, Lyuba herself. What to do, reality is usually far from ordinary people’s ideas.

Much the same thing happened with the word angel - Christmas cards depict rosy-cheeked, harmless babies, while all the holy books talk about angels as warriors, whose power is impossible to look at without unbearable torment. The same is true of the Sun, it is good to contemplate it only from afar, and even through the haze of clouds, otherwise it simply burns a person’s eyes. Well, besides, the philistine meaning of the word love is erased due to frequent use, and the firm and passionate melody of the name itself comes to the fore.

Love is usually surrounded by admirers. Many offer her a hand, which makes it difficult to choose, and, not completely relying on herself, Lyuba sometimes resorts to the help of fortune tellers and horoscopes. Love retains her interest in occult sciences in the future, and even tries to treat her loved ones with unconventional methods.

These activities confirm Love in the idea that she is an extraordinary person, which, in turn, can negatively affect the relationship with her husband. First marriages are fragile. However, the Lyubas, charming and kind by nature, do not remain alone for long. The stress they endure makes them more flexible. Good housewives. They are jealous, but skillfully hide it.

Love is beloved (Staroslav).

Name day: September 30 - The Holy Martyr Lyubov, together with her sisters Vera and Nadezhda, after suffering for the faith of Christ, were beheaded before the eyes of their mother (137).

Zodiac sign - Libra.

Planet - Saturn.

Love's color is dark blue.

Auspicious tree - linden.

The treasured plant is lovage.

The patron of the name is the praying mantis.

The talisman stone is lapis lazuli.


Love is outwardly charming, playful, flirtatious. However, she has a masculine strong will and a strong, sharp mind. This is an extraordinary personality. Loves...

Saints with the name Love according to the Orthodox calendar 2019 are commemorated 2 times a year.

Upcoming name days of Lyubov

How to correctly determine the spiritual patron and the name day of Lyubov according to the Orthodox calendar? Options you can consider:

  • by birthday;
  • on the day of naming (the eighth day of life);
  • on the day of baptism (the fortieth day of life);

It happens that on a specific day the names of saints are not indicated or Lyubov’s birthday does not coincide with the day of remembrance of “her” saint. Then they look through the calendar three days ahead from the day of birth or baptism, and make a choice - according to the church calendar, the closest memorial day of St. Love will be considered the name day of Love.

Traditionally, Christians named their children strictly according to the church charter, so there was no confusion between Name Day and Angel Day. Today, not everyone distinguishes between these two memorable dates.

Love Angel Day- This is the day of her baptism. It is called so because after the Sacrament a Guardian Angel appears at the baptized person, who accompanies and protects the ward.

A Name day named after Lyubov- This is the day of veneration of one of the saints named Love.

Happy birthday cards 🖼 for Lyubov

You can please the birthday girl with a congratulatory picture on Angel’s Day or Love’s name day, accompanied by a poetic congratulation, options for which you will find below.

The patron saints of Lyubov are women with great fortitude. Their lives were selflessly given to God. Lyubov's name day is the day of remembrance of one of the saints of Lyubov.

What to give 🎁 Love for your name day

For jewelry that you want to give to Lyuba, emerald is best suited. It will help a woman find peace and harmony, attract prosperity and abundance into her life. A ring with an emerald is the best gift for Love before the wedding, a symbol of a long and happy family life. Of the semi-precious stones, opal and lapis lazuli are considered the patrons of women and girls named Love.

If you decide to choose clothes or accessories as a gift for Lyubov, try to choose natural, lively and rich colors, for example, orange. Love is almost always partial to nature and feels good in blue and green.

Congratulations 🥳 on your name day for Lyubov

Always remain the most beautiful
Don't be sad and throw away your worries.
Lyuba, smile easily and brightly,
Think about happiness so that it comes true soon!

Let good people surround you
Joy certainly lives in the soul,
Life hands you luck on a platter
And only great things await ahead!

Lyuba, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that you are loved,
So that fate gives good things,
Happy holiday to you!

Happiness, joy, fun,
Peace to your home,
To be in the mood
I hasten to congratulate you!

On the birthday day of dear Lyuba
We wish you to be happy in everything.
Always be a joy for us,
Conquer everyone with the sparkle of your eyes.
Charming, sweet,
It doesn't get any more heartwarming.
Flirty, playful -
Everyone knows her like that.
My heart grieves and laughs with her,
But that’s what’s good about her.
And it’s not for nothing that it’s called Lyubushka -
The Russian soul sings in it.
Ah, Lyubochka, Lyubasha,
You are our beauty!

Love, in your bright name,
There is something that others don't have -
Marked by a gentle light,
How in your honor a sincere poem.
Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you
I want to wish you,
Let there be endless fun!
And in life there are no sorrows!

On the birthday day of dear Lyuba
We wish you to be happy in everything.
Always be a joy for us,
Conquer everyone with the sparkle of your eyes.

Charming, sweet,
It doesn't get any more heartwarming.
Flirty, playful -
Everyone knows her like that.

My heart grieves and laughs with her,
But that’s what’s good about her.
And it’s not for nothing that it’s called Lyubushka -
The Russian soul sings in it.

Patron saints 😇 Love according to the church calendar

The Church Orthodox calendar - month book contains the names of saints who were glorified for their ascetic life.

Every Christian can find out in memory of which ascetic his birthday was consecrated. In order to find answers to the important questions of one’s own life and to understand what destiny is destined for oneself, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the details of the life and ascetic deeds of “your” saint.

† Lyubov Ryazanskaya (Sukhanovskaya), holy fool for Christ's sake

“Lyubushka, Ryazan darling” is one of the most revered saints in the regional center. She was born into a poor middle-class family in 1962, and was seriously ill for the first fifteen years of her life. Since childhood, Lyuba had not walked or even gotten out of bed, but she never complained about God and had a calm and patient character.

In childhood and adolescence, Lyuba prayed a lot. Her favorite icon was the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was located in the small family home next to her bed. On the eve of the girl’s sixteenth birthday, a miracle happened: her mother came home and found her standing on her feet in front of the icon and fervently praying. The girl told her mother about her vision: Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared before her and said that from now on she would walk around the city and play the fool for Christ’s sake.

After this, Blessed Lyubov of Ryazan lived for more than fifty years, but remained true to her destiny: the holy fool walked around the city from house to house, helping the people of Ryazan and supporting them in difficult days. She had a bright gift of foresight, understood people well, could tell everyone their sins, pains, predict their fate, for which the pure in heart loved and accepted her, and the rest were afraid. She sometimes conveyed her prophecies in words, but most often she used figures or objects, which, after a request or question, she cut out of paper with scissors.

Lyubushka became an especially strong support for the townspeople during the years of the revolution and civil war. People who had lost their bearings recognized her as a spiritual authority and listened carefully to the prophecies. Lyubushka saved many townspeople from wrong steps, from death and despair. When the blessed one died in February 1920, half the city accompanied her to the cemetery. In Ryazan, holy fools were always valued, they were invited into homes and welcomed, but Lyubov Sukhanovskaya was a special authority due to her kindness and insight.

The blessed one was buried at the Sorrowful Cemetery, in a modest grave, which was completely destroyed and almost lost in the difficult post-war years. It was restored by an elderly military man from another city, to whom the saint, according to him, appeared in a dream and asked to find a grave and erect a new monument. After fulfilling the request, this man was cured of a serious illness. In 1992, a chapel was built next to the grave, where townspeople come with requests and prayer. In 1998, Lyubov Sukhanovskaya was added to the cathedral of Ryazan saints.

† Love of Rome, martyr, youth

In the second century AD, the faith of Christ continued to spread throughout the Roman Empire, inspiring people to exploits. One of those who sincerely believed was the noble Roman Sophia, who had three beautiful daughters of the same age.

The woman was such a zealous Christian that she named her daughters Fidos, Spes, Karitos. These qualities (faith, hope, love) were the most important for the followers of Christ.

The fame of the wise young women grew with them, forcing the inhabitants of the empire to think about the greatness of the Lord. When the youngest of the girls, Lyubov, was nine years old, news of the young ascetics, who did not hide their faith, and their wise mother, reached the head of the region, Antiochus, and then to Emperor Hadrian himself.

The pagan ruler ordered the whole family to come to the palace. Wise Sophia realized that she was waiting for the girls, but she was not afraid and ordered them to pray. The girls read prayers for a long time until they realized that they were ready to go to the palace and defend their truth.

The king saw the beautiful, intelligent faces of the girls, calmly and clearly looking at him, and was amazed to the depths of his soul. He began to exhort them, saying that the goddess Artemis would accept their sacrifice and give them wealth and happiness. The girls, one after another, refused to perform pagan rituals, glorifying Christ.

Having failed to achieve his goal, Adrian sent the Christian women for three days to his close associate Palladia, who also could not persuade either the mother or the children to renounce the faith: they were still ready to die for her.

Adrian felt weak. It was difficult for him to torment and destroy the blossoming beauty of his sisters, but their example could be dangerous for the rest of his subjects. In case of renunciation of faith, the emperor promised to become the girls’ natural father and promised them all earthly blessings. But the holy virgins remained firm and adamant, despite their childhood.

Then the torture began. The eldest of the sisters was stripped of her clothes, severely beaten, and her nipples were cut off, from which milk began to flow instead of blood. She kept a smile on her lips, as if she was not in pain. The Emperor demanded that she be roasted alive, but miraculously young Vera was not harmed by the flames: such was the strength of her love for Christ. Even immersed in a cauldron of boiling oil, the holy virgin was not harmed and continued to glorify the Lord. Those present at the execution began to grumble loudly, unable to bear the cruelty of the emperor and the torment of the child. To avoid final defeat, Adrian gave the order to cut off the girl's head.

The mother and younger sisters were present at the execution, maintaining complete composure. The king turned his attention to his middle sister and asked her to just bow to Artemis in order to save her life and become his daughter and heir, but the girl refused to renounce Christ. She endured painful torture, was not harmed by fire and hot oil, and calmly watched as her tender body turned into shreds. Suffering for Christ seemed to bring her incredible joy. The torturer could not stand it and ordered the girl’s head to be cut off.

Nine-year-old Lyubov, without any doubt, followed her sisters through the entire path of suffering. She was crucified, tormented with iron hooks, tortured with fire, boiled alive, burned and beaten again. Christ gave the little child a power incomprehensible to the human mind. Sofia experienced the most terrible torment: seeing the suffering and death of children. She endured the impossible, buried her daughters and died herself on the third day.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Love

The meaning of this name is determined by the word itself - “love”. This is an Old Slavonic name, and it has not lost its popularity in our country for several centuries.

The owner of the name in question is usually a flirtatious and beautiful girl. Already at school the boys like her, and they make this clear in every possible way - they pull Lyuba’s pigtails, make fun of her, and so on.

This provokes the girl, and she always tries to dress attractively and look good. Studying, on the contrary, is of little interest to Love, although her intellectual abilities are quite well developed.

The girl named by this name is light and playful, cheerful and smiling. She attracts people to her with these qualities, is always surrounded by many friends, and can easily turn the head of any man.

However, Love will only marry the person she loves with all her heart. The girl is jealous of her soulmate, but rarely shows it, trying to do everything possible to make the marriage strong and happy.

Congratulations to Lyubov on her name day in verse

And the blood boils in the heart at the sound of the name - Love!
It says everything itself, and sometimes works miracles!
After all, we can’t live without love, and this name is a sure sign!
Love, give warmth and light, I wish you only victories!

Love - there is so much in this word:
And kindness, and ardor, and fun!
And a man filled with love
Truly lives in reality!

Lyubasha, your name is like a bird,
May it bring you happiness and hope,
I only wish you to have fun,
Always love and believe as before!

SMS congratulations to Lyubov on her name day

I wish you to always remain young,
Don’t you dare, Love, never give up!
A sea of ​​luck and mountains of success,
More friends and happy laughter!

Love! On Angel's Day, I want to wish you great happiness! Let laughter always sound in your home, let fun and joy live, hope glimmer and dreams come true! And may your guardian angel protect you always and everywhere!

Once again I would like to remind you that name day is the day when an Orthodox Christian saint is venerated, after whom any baptized person can be named. There is another identical name - angel day. On this day, the birthday person must come to the temple and pray at the liturgy or prayer service to his heavenly patron. Congratulations on Love are accepted in the fall. What to give to a girl or woman on this day? These could be theological books or lives of saints, icons or souvenirs from holy places. A meal on this day should not break the fast if it falls at this time, however, there may be some relaxations here. It is precisely such congratulations on Angel’s Day that Love will appreciate above all. It is better to have decent, pious conversations at the table and not to abuse alcohol.

Angel Day: Love

The name "Love" goes back to the times of ancient Rus'. It was copied from the ancient Greek name Agape (an early Christian saint). In Orthodoxy, the day of remembrance of this saint is especially revered, along with her sisters and mother. If you call it differently - name day, or angel day. Love, Vera, Nadezhda and Sofia - these names appeared in the name book at the same time. And on the same day the bearers of these seemingly Russian names are congratulated.

When does Love celebrate its angel day? The date is the end of September. And here's a brief background. The Christian holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love (in Greek Pistis, Elpis and Agape) lived in Rome in the 2nd century during the time of Emperor Andrian, a cruel persecutor of Christians. A widow from Milan, Sofia, came with her girls to Rome and stayed with a rich lady she knew, whose name was Thessamnia.

Godly family

Sofia was a deeply religious Christian. She raised her daughters, who bore the names of the main Christian virtues, piously and in love for the Lord. As a mother, she always encouraged them to value heavenly blessings more than earthly ones. The rumor about Sophia's commitment to the faith reached the emperor himself, and he wanted to see the believing family with his own eyes. All four came to him and fearlessly began to confess their faith in Christ, who had risen from the dead. Hearing such bold speeches from very young people, the evil emperor was indignant and sent them to a pagan woman so that she could convince them to renounce Christ. But her eloquent speeches did not for a moment shake the fiery faith of the sisters. Then they were again brought to Andriana, and he demanded to make a sacrifice to the pagan gods. But the pious girls refused to do this and replied that they spit on his gods and were not at all afraid of threats, and were ready to die for the name of their dear Lord.

Emperor's Wrath

Then Andrian, enraged with anger, gave the poor children to the executioners. At first, Vera was beaten and body parts were torn off in front of her mother and sisters. Her torment did not end there, and they began to burn her on a hot grate, but thanks to the power of God, the fire did not harm her. Then the emperor ordered the executioners to throw her into a cauldron of boiling resin, but at that very moment the resin cooled and again did not harm her. Vera said that she would gladly accept death and go to her beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Then they simply cut off her head with a sword, and she gave up her spirit to her God.

Saving faith in the Lord

Her younger sisters also bravely endured all the torture, and they were tortured by fire, but, as with Vera, they were not injured by it. But then their heads were cut off too.

During this time, the sufferer Sophia experienced the most terrible torment. The poor mother was not tortured, but she had to bury the bodies of her girls, then she could not leave their graves for two days, on the third day, seeing her such torment, the Lord took care and sent her a quiet death. Finally, her long-suffering soul was reunited with her daughters in the heavenly abode of the Lord. At the time of death, Vera was 12 years old, Nadezhda - 10, Lyubov - 9. Sofia, along with her daughters, was canonized.

History of the name Love

Many people are interested in the question: when do Orthodox Christians celebrate Angel Day? Love, as we know, in Greek sounds like “Agape”. But if the Greek names of the daughters were translated into Russian, then the name of their mother Sophia retained its original sound. Translated, it means “wisdom.”

Returning to the topic “Angel's Day: Love,” we can also pay attention to very surprising data regarding the fact that Love as a proper name arose in the 9th century, when liturgical books were translated from ancient Greek into Church Slavonic. And unlike most Christian martyrs, Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubov were translated into Russian.

For a long time, almost until the 18th century, these names were not used, even though they were mentioned in the calendar. During baptism, it was not customary to name Faith, Hope and Love, since they were very different from the names of saints due to their connection with the common meaning.

Popularization of the name

During the reign of Empress Elizabeth, great interest in these names appeared in Russian society. Under her, who loved Russia with all her soul, national self-awareness began to grow. And therefore three names became in demand, and above all among the nobility. According to some reports, in the second half of the 18th century, nobles named approximately 15% of newborn girls with the name Lyubov, and Moscow merchants - about 2%. This name was almost never encountered among peasants.

At the beginning of the 19th century, interest in the name among aristocrats increased to 26%, among merchants - already 14%, among peasants near Moscow - up to 1%. In the 20th century, the peak of popularity occurred in the 50s and 60s. The name Lyubov took 9th place among fashionable and popular names. Later, interest in this name began to decline.

The day of the angel named Lyubov, her sisters Vera, Nadezhda and their mother Sophia in the Orthodox Church is usually celebrated on September 17 according to the old calendar and September 30 according to the new one.