I dreamed that I was fighting in the war. What does it mean to hide from war in a dream? Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

The article on the topic: "dream book war to hide" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Miller's dream book

why dream of war hiding

Your household chores are not in the best position. Such a dream portends family quarrels.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

why dream of war hiding

Your relatives will be in trouble. If you were looking for shelter and did not have time to hide - a misfortune of a personal nature.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

In real life, you will not be able to get away from a quarrel.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

war hide in a dream

The new proposal will cause fear and apprehension, possibly being risky. To avoid trouble, it is better to refuse it.

Freud's dream book

why dream of war hiding

War symbolizes sexual intercourse, hidden desires. Perhaps your partner does not satisfy you. The place where you hide in a dream is associated with your sexual fantasies.

Family dream book

dreamed of war hiding

Unresolved family problems oppress you more and more.

Modern dream book

dream interpretation war hide

Most likely, you have unresolved conflicts with the team and you have to sort things out. The dream warns: do not find out by war, you will have to hide.

French dream book

war to hide in a dream what is it for

To hide and be discovered by enemies is a big quarrel; to remain not found - calmness, a happy life.

Esoteric dream book

war hide in a dream

The solution to the problem that you have achieved will turn out to be only a temporary measure, and new difficulties will soon appear.

With sleep, people also dreamed of hiding

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

War interpretation of the dream book

A restful sleep in a warm and comfortable bed will help you fully relax after a productive day. Analyzing what the war is dreaming of, the seers came to the conclusion that an important and not too good event would happen in reality. It can be a difficult conversation, losses, scandal ...

A dream in which you see military operations, in any case, will bring you anxiety, and shooting, explosions - unpleasant sensations. Let's break it down.

Miller's interpretation

The psychologist interprets the outbreak of war as troubles at work and conflicts in the family.

In a dream, a woman dreamed of seeing off her beloved to the war. So, in reality, some compromising facts will become known to her.

They turned out to be a military leader - Miller's dream book promises to be accepted into the service by the former military man. But the poor man is waiting for misfortune and unpleasant news.

To see soldiers repelling an enemy attack, or to be among them - for the elderly and sick people, this plot portends death in a dream. The rest are waiting for endless troubles and grief. It is possible that you will have to hide from duties.

Is your army losing in a dream? The psychologist predicts unfavorable changes in the political situation of the country, perhaps a civil war will begin.

And if victory is on your side, then well-paid responsibilities will be added to the work, and harmony will reign in the family.

Why dream of a bulletproof vest, helmet, machine gun and other uniforms or weapons? If you get carried away, you will commit a serious misconduct or crime. The therapist also suggests: faced with a categorical rejection of your ideas by others, go your own way.

Modern dream book

Fighting in a dream predicts a close quarrel as a result of a misunderstanding. And if you dreamed of waiting for a battle, then ahead serious conversation or an important meeting.

Did you hear about the declaration of hostilities? Modern dream book warns: communication with the leader cannot be avoided.

World War predicts financial difficulties. While there is an opportunity, make reserves for a rainy day, then it will be easier to survive the unfavorable period.

To witness a battle in a dream - to discord in the family and the appearance of difficulties at work.

Take part in the battle - face a lack of money in reality.

The modern dream book deciphers the nuclear war as remorse as a result of a dishonest act or experience that the perfect evil cannot be hidden.

What Grishina and Miss Hasse are talking about

The battle seen is interpreted by Grishina as an unstable position in society. In order not to lose credibility, you need to make an effort. If you participated in a battle in a dream, in reality you need to pay attention to your well-being, and if you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

During the battles, both sides suffer serious losses, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof world art are destroyed - in reality, the dream book portends great difficulties at work, numerous obstacles in business, scandals at home.

A lost war in a dream, according to Grishina, means unfavorable changes in the country and a new revolution.

Miss Hasse deciphers the war as the beginning of a great, complex and responsible work. To accomplish it, you will need to make maximum efforts.

Vanga's prophecy

The fortuneteller is sure that the battle in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The country will suffer a famine year, a difficult time will begin for its inhabitants. Especially high mortality will be among the young, since they are the first to die in wars, Vanga says.

Took part in the battle - the dream book portends a misfortune that has touched your loved ones. If they are defeated, in reality a great tragedy will occur.

Other interpretations

Dream Interpretation Canonita warns: the battle predicts problems at work and strong feelings about this. If you manage to hide from enemies, the relief will be temporary. But victory in battle in reality portends good luck in business.

Erotic dream book, if you were a soldier in a dream, then you will learn unpleasant facts about your beloved, and this will upset you immensely. Is the battle won? You will be able to accept it with all the shortcomings and you will be happy.

The Ukrainian dream book promises to receive unfavorable news, problems at work, quarrels.

Muslims suggest: if in a dream the city was besieged or there are battles on its streets, then in reality there will be famine in this settlement.

Why dream of a war with the king? Peace and stability in the country. If you managed to escape from danger, you will find joy in reality.

Sleep episodes

  • Enemy planes circling in the sky are interpreted by the dream book as gossip of former classmates.
  • Fights taking place near the water will bring you a joyful pastime.
  • If in a dream you noticed a ship approaching the shore, then wait for the long-awaited guests in your house.
  • Military equipment that goes to the bottom - an opportunity to overcome your long-standing fears..

Why dream of war, and you are an active participant, then soon you will have a journey. Such a dream is a symbol of your fatigue, supposedly the call of the body, stop from the daily hustle and bustle, and take time for yourself, your health. Sometimes what the war dreams about becomes unexpressed desires. For example, if the enemies wanted to, but cannot defeat you, it means that you will radically change your life, in spite of everyone.

Why dream of a war with excessive danger, and possible death, the dream book speaks of hidden desires. You dream of connecting your life with a person who is now married. If you do not take part in the battle, but only see what is happening from the side. In this way, you will have the opportunity to see how people around you actually relate to you.

Bombing in another country is the envy of colleagues at work. But, to dream of a war in your hometown means that your loved one is proud of you and your achievements. Military operations taking place in the countryside - the dream book says that your relatives miss you very much and want to see you soon.

Win or lose in a dream

What matters most is who won the enemy battle. A positive outcome on your part promises you carefree fun. Why dream of the victory of the enemy - troubles await you at work. As the dream book interprets, war dreams of uncertainty in personal life. Especially if in a dream, you suffered significant losses. But if a big loss was inflicted by enemy troops, then soon, an unpleasant conversation with a relative awaits you.

For some, war brings glory and success, while for others there are only tears and terrible consequences. Same after sleep. One dream brings joy, and the other - sadness and the opportunity to think.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream book, we think about when dreams come true. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what is the phase of the moon today and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Hiding in the war according to the dream book

Hiding in war is not as scary a symbol as it might seem. War symbolizes financial problems, quarrels, unpleasant conversations, but hiding from military operations is a sign that these troubles can be avoided. Be sure to remember everything that you see in a dream, this will help the dream books to give more accurate explanations of what this dream is about.

As Gustav Miller explains

Miller's dream book, explaining what war may dream of, speaks of the difficulties of a family or working nature. But hiding from battles in a war is a symbol of the fact that through cunning and tricks you will be able to avoid the lion's share of difficulties. Even such dreams can prophesy a desire to bring "to clean water" a person whose actions revolt you.

Reasons for hiding

If you dreamed that you were hiding from something in a war, remember what exactly prompted you to take such actions, and the dream books will explain why this is a dream. So:

  • to hide from bombing - to attempts to avoid attacks and threats;
  • hide from enemies in a dream because of fear - an unpleasant conversation with the boss awaits you;
  • hide in ambush to catch the enemy by surprise - wait for victory over rivals;
  • i dreamed that you were hiding someone - in reality you would help someone cope with difficulties.

"Lair" of the enemy: Lack of self-confidence

Why dream of shelter in an ambush, Nostradamus's dream book suggests. Such plots mean your desire to get a victory in any way, even not quite honest.

But, the Gypsy interpreter assures that hiding in the war in the camp of the enemy in order to attack him first means your concern about your own capabilities. It's time to cast aside doubts and start acting!

Cowards have no place among heroes, or the Work will open from the other side

To dream of yourself hiding in a war because of your own cowardice is a sign that you need to gather your thoughts and take up your mind, otherwise production problems will “fall upon you”, the Lunar Dream Book advises.

Do you see in a dream that the enemies still found you and pulled you out of hiding? The interpretation of sleep from the Eastern Dream Book will surprise you: an unexpected trouble in the team will reveal hidden potential in you, and you will be able to achieve even what you never dreamed of. The main thing is not to miss the moment, the interpreter suggests.

Helping Others: From Selflessness to Curiosity

Do you dream that you are hiding someone in a shelter? Ask what such a plot is dreaming of. Here, for example, the interpreter of dreams of the seer Vanga, assures that this may be a desire to reveal someone's secret or find out the details of a “dark” story in which the person you hide in a dream is involved.

The Spring Dream Book is more optimistic. His interpretation says: to hide in a war not by oneself, but to shelter weaker and infirm comrades from the enemy, as well as the elderly and children, is a symbol of disinterestedness and the desire to help people. Perhaps, if you dig deeper, excessive vanity speaks in you, but this does not prevent you from doing good deeds and good deeds.

dream interpretation

War Run Hide

Dream Interpretation War Run Hide dreamed of why the War is dreaming in a dream Run away to hide? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see War in a dream Run away to hide by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation War, why dream of War in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of the War from the dream books of different authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

What is the dream of War: interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of War, what does it symbolize?

War - "Stand on the warpath", "I declare war on you" - major quarrels, conflicts "; "war of the worlds, ideas."

Why dream of war in the fall?

War - Seeing battle scenes in a dream - to some kind of trouble in your life.

What is the dream of War?

Seeing a dream about War - If young people see a warrior in a dream, this is a conflict with friends. But for the elderly - to the loss of relatives, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Why does a woman dream of War, what is this dream about?

War - Seeing a war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, disorder and strife in the family. Victory in the war promises a revival of business activity, harmony in family relationships. If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, this means that she will face the unpleasant sides of his nature, as War interprets the dream book.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of War, interpretation of sleep:

News, good, recovery // war, fight, big snowstorm, fire, pestilence, trouble, quarrel, hard work, obstacles, dangerous business; to die in a war is danger, sadness, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming of.

Why dream and how to interpret the War according to the dream book?

War - War is what dreams about - dreams of a peaceful life, peace and contentment.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

What is the dream of War - the symbolism of sleep:

War - Reflects the dreamer's confrontation with someone, the warlike aspects of his character. To participate in war is to resist danger. Hide, run away from the war - become the object of someone's attacks and ridicule.

Why dream of War in a dream?

War - If in a dream you are participating in hostilities or seeing the devastating consequences of a battle around you, this is a symbol of the discovery of new negative traits in the character of your partner, still skillfully hidden. This will cause you pain and disappointment. If you win the battle, then you can love him for who he is, which will make your relationship harmonious and mutual.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

What is the dream of the War in dreams?

Quarrel, this is the interpretation of the War according to the dream book.

What is the dream of the War, according to the popular beliefs of Little Russia:

War - Seeing the war in a dream is a quarrel; stress, hard work; news.

What does war symbolize and why do you dream?

Seeing a war in a dream is an internal conflict. The struggle between good and evil. The battlefield is the reality of life. Reducing chaos to order, this is how the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of War?

Interpretation of sleep according to the dream book:

  • The war you dreamed about may be a harbinger of a quarrel.
  • Expect a declaration of war in a dream - for an upcoming important meeting or a serious conversation.
  • Hearing in a dream about a declaration of war - for the upcoming conversation with the boss or director.
  • A world war can dream of some kind of upheaval or great financial difficulties.
  • An atomic war in a dream is a sign that you did something wrong with your conscience or committed evil, which will soon become known.
  • To participate in the war - to material difficulties. The military maneuvers you dreamed about may indicate upcoming changes in the family, a change in work or place of residence.
  • Seeing a fight in a dream is a warning that you will probably have to make a lot of efforts in order to maintain your position in society.
  • To participate in a fight in a dream yourself means that you need to take care of your health.

What is the dream of War?

What does War mean - To the collapse in work, difficulty in business.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream of War:

  • War - Seeing war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, as well as disorder and contention in the house.
  • If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is going to war, this means that she will hear something unpleasant about his character.
  • To dream that your country was defeated in a war is a sign that there will be suffering for the people from the revolution, from major changes in business and political life.
  • If you dream of a victory, then in reality a revival of business activity will follow, harmony will come in family relationships.

Why dream of War Holy Quran and Sunnah:

War - If anyone sees that the inhabitants of the city are at war with strangers, then in that city there will be a high cost of food. And if he sees that they are waging war with the king, this is to the tranquility of the state and an abundance of earthly blessings. To flee in a dream from a battle or from a battlefield - fortunately, the dream that you dream is so ambiguously deciphered.

Why dream and what does War mean in our time?

War - Trouble, rivalry, difficulty in business

Azar's Bible Dream Book

What is the dream of a war according to spiritual sources?

War - Scandal in the family

What is the dream of War?

Dream interpretation: War is a very bad omen that promises pestilence and famine, hard times for adults and children, and especially for the young - they fight and die. If you are participating in a war, then such a dream means that troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide, you are destined to experience your own and common grief.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dreaming of War, why?

Labor and tension of nerves.

Why dream of war, interpretation:

War - "War" at work. Kill or capture, lose. Run away, hide, all calm down, but only for a while. Win, kill, come out victorious.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

What is the dream of War - the dream book interprets as follows:

War - Labor and nervousness, troubles, difficulties in business

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

War, battle - Possible disease; domestic quarrels; internal psychological conflicts.

What is the dream of the War in a dream?

Seeing a war in a dream is a quarrel.

Why dream of War in a dream?

Holy war of jihad - whoever sees that he is going to war will achieve dignity, advantage and high degree in the afterlife.

Holy War - It is also said that one who sees himself in a dream fighting disbelief on the path of Allah Almighty and fighting the infidels, he diligently solves the pressing problems of his family.

The Holy War is dreaming - And whoever sees himself killed in the path of Allah will gain joy, bliss, a pleasant life and good earnings.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of War in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of War according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of War from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of War according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why dream of War from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of War in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream of War in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Fri November 03, 2017, 21:09:19

Wed June 28, 2017, 08:18:54 AM

Sun May 21, 2017, 13:18:45

Sun January 15, 2017, 04:21:20 PM

Our warriors in black are attacking the whites.

The warriors rushed into battle, and I, rejoicing at such an epic dream, stood still.

Taking a helmet from a dead man and a spear and began to poke at the crossbowmen, they did not see me 3 shot down.

I went to the castle and decided to change the helmet, but nothing can be seen through it. In general, I climbed into the castle and there was a man with a sword on a horse. He got scared and clung to the parallel wall and turned away, I poke poke and he turns around and with the sword in my chest.

Everything else I watched lying down.

SunDecember 04, 2016, 21:00:52

War in a dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

In war, this is a sign that there will be suffering for the people from the revolution, from major changes in business and political life.

If you dream of victory- then in reality a revival of business activity will follow, harmony will come in family relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

War- reflects the dreamer's confrontation with someone, the warlike aspects of his character.

Participate in the war- resist danger.

Hide, run from the war- become the object of someone's attacks and ridicule.

Freud's dream book

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

War- trouble.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

War- troubles and difficulties in business.

Escort a loved one to war You will be surprised to find that your loved one is far from ideal.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Rare horse"

Two kingdoms stood next to each other, and the kings Henry and Edward themselves were good friends to each other.

One day, Henry sent a messenger to Edward asking him to give him a rare horse.
The messenger rushed headlong to the neighboring kingdom.

He was in such a hurry that when he got to the place, without even catching his breath, he hurried to an appointment with Edward.
The messenger ran into the hall and immediately blurted out the phrase:
“My king, King Henry told you to tell you to give him--give him a black horse with a white mane.
And if you do not give him such a horse ... then ...
The messenger could hardly find words, and could hardly cope with shortness of breath and excitement.
“If you don’t give him such a horse, then…”

- What is this nonsense! Edward exclaimed. “I don’t have such a horse, and I never have!” And if it was, then...
At this phrase, King Edward choked and fell silent for a while.

Frightened by the continuation of the phrase, the messenger ran out of the royal palace, jumped on his horse and rushed off to his native land to report on the insolence of his neighbors.

King Henry, having learned such news, was furious and was not slow to start a war with his neighbor Edward.
The real war has begun. Heavy, bloody and uncompromising.

When both sides had already run out of strength, and it was time to take stock, Heinrich and Edward decided to meet in person.

It was not easy for them to overcome their own vanity and pride, but it was no longer possible to fight further: there were no people, no forces, no means.

And finally, having met in private, they looked into each other's eyes.
And King Edward said:
- What did you mean when you sent a messenger to me with the phrase:
"Give me a black horse with a white mane, and if you don't, then..."

“And if you don’t have one, then give me another one.”
It was kind of a joke...

- You have good jokes, Heinrich ... We all laughed to our heart's content.

What did you mean when you said:
“If I had such a horse, then ...,” Heinrich asked.

- I meant that if I had such a horse, I would certainly give it ... as a gift to a dear neighbor.

Both fell silent and sat silent for a long time, and each saw in front of him the destroyed cities, the killed citizens of the kingdom and the black horse ... with a white mane.

Dream: You are caught off guard right in the middle of some major military conflict and are trying to avoid death by making your way to safety. Explosions rumble around, bullets whistle past you, and a sense of danger does not leave you.

You seek to evade conflict and do not fight, but take up a defensive position or get involved in a rearguard action and, fighting off the enemy, try to get away. Also, you may be trying to get a group of people out to somewhere safe.

The meaning of the dream "Escape from war in a dream"

The dream that you accidentally went to war indicates the continuous tension you experience in real life. It may not be an open conflict with other people, but inside you are constantly fighting, and no matter how hard you try, you feel that you cannot reach the sanctuary of a peaceful compromise. This tension is often caused by conflicting needs that you find difficult to reconcile. This can happen when you force yourself to do something you don't want to do in an attempt to keep a good relationship with someone. It seems to you that if you open up and speak your true thoughts out loud, this can lead to destructive results and the collapse of your relationship with this person.
Although you do your best to keep your internal conflict under strict control, it can suddenly burst out and cause unintentional harm. You have to watch your words so as not to get into an argument, and you are constantly afraid of upsetting the other person. You are trying to resolve this situation in a friendly way, but you may find yourself taking a defensive stance perceived by the person you are dealing with as hostile. Just as you seek to resolve your inner tensions, you can also try to reconcile the conflicting needs of large groups of people. As a result, you, unwittingly, become the object of anger, as people try to take out their personal discontent and tension on you.

Your actions after a dream

Such a dream tells you that you are trying to avoid conflict and this causes you a lot of internal tension. However, the more you try to avoid conflict, the more likely you are to be overpowered and forced into it. You should not run away from the situation, the best strategy is to bring out your internal conflict and confront it honestly. This may make you feel insecure, but only in this way can you take command of this battle and find the strength in yourself to complete it safely.

Prerequisites for the dream "Escape from war in a dream"

While most of us don't have direct experience of going to war, the media is simply overflowing with images of conflict. Many of our films and books are often set in a military setting, and some of the most famous are about trying to escape from war, such as John Sturges' 1963 painting The Great Escape. Our language is full of phrases based on vocabulary about armed conflicts: “dig in a trench”, “protect yourself with armor”, “blow out” (speak out sharply), “go on the offensive” (in an argument), etc.

What do they mean fighting in a dream? Can disturbing and scary dreams signal an approaching danger? Or symbolize the onset of a difficult period in a relationship?

If you don’t know why the war is dreaming, try to understand the interpretation of the dreams of the best dream books. Let's find out what the experts think.

What is the meaning of war

Dreams about military operations in one way or another excite our consciousness. Military equipment, tanks, shooting, explosions always cause unpleasant feelings.

Popular articles:

Despite this, dreams about military conflicts are often harbingers of positive changes in life or, at least, do not pose a real danger to a person.

To determine the meaning of sleep, you should figure out what the war dreamed of in each case. Each dream book defines the meanings of different dreams in its own way.

Why dream of war for a woman

If you dream of a war in a dream for a woman with her participation, this means, according to the dream book, that soon she may meet a military man.

If you dream pregnant woman interpretation in the dream book, it can say a woman will have a son.

If you dreamed of a military situation, then in life the time has come for a big change. If in a dream the enemies can’t t defeat you, then it's time to change something in yourself and your environment.

Why does a girl dream of war

When young girl dreaming, that her lover military leaves fight, in reality she will see flaws in his characters.

According to other data, outgoing to the front t beloved can be a harbinger of the fact that the beloved girl in reality finds out about her young man something unpleasant that might upset her.

If a the girl dreamed of fighting, which frightens her very much, which means that in reality she will be very unhappy with her chosen one.

If a man dreams of war in a dream

If a the man dreamed World War with his participation, a trip is expected soon. There are several interpretations depending on the details of the dream. different dream books, which gives Miller in his dream book:

  • Seeing enemy planes flying overhead - for a business trip;
  • The bombing of a home or city - for a trip to nature;
  • To blow up a tank means to visit in the near future an interesting place that you have long wanted to visit.

Dreaming of the beginning of the war what does it mean

If you dreamed that it had begun bombing in another country That is, the dream book claims that you need to be as careful as possible in the workplace. Probably, the envy of colleagues can do much harm.

An unpleasant dream has a completely opposite meaning, in which military actions begin In your city. This suggests that close person very proud of you. If the war caused the death of relatives or if the family died, disagreements with relatives are possible in reality, a quarrel is possible, etc.

Deserves special attention interpretation of Vanga's dreams. The famous soothsayer believed that the fighting warned of the beginning of difficult times, perhaps hunger and certain hardships.

In addition, by Wangi's dream book, if the dreamer fails to escape from the attack, serious grief awaits him.

Why dream of bombing and explosions

Shooting and bombs falling on the house may say that in reality you secretly want to start a relationship with a non-free person.

If under bombs collapsing wooden buildings It means that your significant other wants to pause in the relationship. It is believed that a strong feeling of fear in a dream speaks of self-doubt.

If there was a war or another military event, you should think about your position in society, change your own outlook on life.

Why dream of a war with the Germans

Fighting German soldiers in a dream, it most often speaks of accumulated fatigue and the need for proper rest.

If you dreamed Germans in helmets, it is best to take a break from your work in reality and set aside a few days to rest. It is best to do your favorite hobby.

If in the battle with the Germans you are an observer and you are very afraid of what is happening, in life you need to listen to useful tips close friends.

The psychoanalyst is of the same opinion. Freud. In his dream book it is said that be killed or captured means losing the fight for a place in the sun or losing career prospects.

And vice versa: kill an enemy in a dream means defeating competitors.

Dreamed of a nuclear war interpretation of sleep

Of great importance is who wins the dream battle. Most often enemy victory indicates impending problems at work.

But victory friendly forces means that you can safely prepare for carelessness and fun. If the fighting ended in your favor, there is really nothing to be afraid of.

If started nuclear war with numerous dead, then in your personal life you need to prepare for a period of uncertainty.

If big losses suffered by the enemy side and, probably, conflicts in the family will be resolved very soon, and new ones will not begin.

Thus, military operations in a dream do not always portend negative changes in life or future problems.

In some cases, such a dream, in which a nuclear disaster began, may indicate the need to make adjustments to immediate plans and the need for a break in business.

War is always associated with pain, suffering and death, so such a dream awakens fear and anxiety in us. We are afraid that in real life some kind of threat awaits us, which we must confront. For the interpretation of sleep to be correct, pay attention to your emotions and what is currently happening in your life. This will greatly facilitate your interpretation, even if at first glance the meaning seems crazy to you.

As a rule, a dream about war does not bode well, but the exact interpretation depends on many different details. It is important whether you saw the war in a dream while participating in it, or whether you were an observer. Perhaps you watched the battle go, or saw the end of the war.

Why does a man dream of war?

Seeing a war in a dream:

  1. To a quarrel
  2. To intrigues from ill-wishers
  3. Difficulties at work that cannot be avoided
  4. Troublesome deeds
  5. Health problems

Remembering the details of sleep, you can predict the outcome of the case. For example:

  • If a man was slain in a war, he will fail in business.
  • If he dreamed that he hid or hid, the difficulties in life would subside, but only temporarily.
  • If he emerged from the battle as a winner, the troubles will soon go away, life will get better.
A man dreams of war - to quarrels at home, at work

If you have ever been in combat, then it is likely that dreams are a kind of regression of experienced stress. Soldiers often have dreams about the war. All your subconscious experiences and descriptions are brought here, which there is no time to think about in Everyday life. This is also due to the fact that men force themselves to stand firm, not to show it when they are scared, but our fears do not just disappear if they are suppressed. They find their way out in a dream.

If you have never taken part in hostilities and have not served in the army, then most likely we are talking about situations that you perceive as vital. For example, you are afraid to make a serious business decision or you are ready to start a divorce.