Useful tips for growing eggplant. Eggplant care: top dressing in greenhouse conditions Eggplant how to care after planting in a greenhouse

Eggplant is a plant of the Solanaceae genus that produces tasty and juicy fruits. They are harvested and eaten slightly unripe. The ripened eggplant has a gray-green or yellowish color, but is harvested when the skin of the fruit turns purple.

In warm climates, it is grown in open ground, but in those regions that are not spoiled by heat, eggplants are planted only in greenhouses. This is one of the most capricious and demanding crops for growing conditions.

Eggplant is a plant that is grown in seedlings. In open ground or even in a greenhouse "from scratch", that is, from seeds, it will not work to grow it. However, even when cultivating eggplant in seedlings, you have to work hard with them. An important role is played by the correct preparation of seeds for seedlings, as well as the choice and preparation of the soil in which they will sprout.

First of all, it is worth attending to the preparation of seeds for planting. Note that most manufacturers offer fully processed and fully prepared seeds. But if you decide to save some money and buy raw ones, then carry out this procedure yourself - it will increase germination and allow you to destroy possible pathogens that have settled on the seeds.

Step 1. Open the bag of seeds and sort them. Throw away damaged items, leaving only the most beautiful and neat, with a characteristic shape and color.

Step 2 Check seeds for germination. To do this, take a few pieces, soak in ordinary water for 10-12 hours and wrap in a damp cloth. Place the bundle in a warm place. After 4-5 days, check the seeds - if at least half of them begin to peck, then they are great for sowing.

Step 3 Dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1%) and place selected seeds in it for 20-25 minutes.

On a note! You can also soak the seeds in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Dilute about 3 ml of this substance in 100 g of water, warm it up a little on the stove (up to about 40 degrees) and place the seeds in the resulting liquid. Soak them in it for about 10 minutes.

Step 4 Rinse the seeds with water at room temperature, boiled.

Step 5 Place eggplant seeds in a solution of a growth stimulant, diluted in accordance with the instructions for the preparation. It can be "Kornevin", "Zircon" or any other means.

On a note! Stratification (hardening of seeds by changing the temperature regime) is not needed for crops such as eggplant.

By the way, when choosing seeds, make sure that they are not old. Good germination is observed only in specimens collected no later than 3 years ago.

It is also very important to carefully consider the soil in which the seedlings will be grown. It is pointless to plant eggplants in the first land that comes across - they may simply not sprout.

On a note! The soil optimal for eggplant seedlings is leafy, soddy soil mixed with peat and vermiculite (1:1:1) or humus, sand and soddy soil (1:1:2). In the latter case, it would be nice to add a couple of glasses of ordinary ash to 10 liters of such soil.

Prices for eggplant seeds of different varieties

eggplant seeds

Soil preparation for seedlings

Step 2 Swipe. The easiest way is to bake it in the oven at about 40 degrees for 30 minutes. You can also steam it for a couple of hours in a water bath and freeze it well, leaving it on a balcony or garden.

Step 3 In the latter case, bring the earth into a warm room about a month before planting the seedlings, mix it with sand or vermiculite and take it back to the street.

Advice! If your soil hibernates on the street, do not forget to cover it with a lid so that precipitation containing various foreign substances does not fall on it.

By the way, the soil for eggplant in a polycarbonate greenhouse has been prepared since autumn. The first stages are no different from the standard one: all the garbage from it is removed and burned, then the soil is spilled a couple of times with ordinary water, the room and the soil itself are disinfected.

Table. Soil disinfection in a greenhouse for eggplant.


Disinfection of the soil for eggplants is preferably carried out with a solution of copper sulfate (5 g per 10 l of water), with which it is carefully spilled. After that, dig the soil to a depth of 20 cm.

Soak the soil removed from the greenhouse over a water bath.

Spill the soil with boiling water.

The soil removed from the greenhouse is calcined in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees. At higher values, not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora will die in it.

An alternative method to using copper sulphate. Powder of bleach is scattered over the ground and embedded in it with a rake (consumption - about 100 g per m2).

He fights very effectively against the "black leg". The solution is prepared simply: dilute 250 ml of 40% of the substance in 10 liters of water. This amount is used to process 1 m2 of soil. Close the treated soil for 24 hours with a film.

On a note! In the spring, the soil in the greenhouse for eggplants cultivated since autumn can not be dug up again - just loosen it. The exception is loamy soil.

In order for eggplants to grow well in summer, in autumn the soil in the greenhouse for them should be well fertilized. The culture responds well to organic fertilizers. You can add manure, compost, peat or other organic matter to the soil - the eggplant will be happy with everything. Consumption - a little more than half a bucket per 1 m 2. Fertilizer is applied and covered to the depth of the arable layer.

As a mineral fertilizer, you can make a hall - about 1 cup per 1 m 2.

To reduce the acidity of the soil, and at the same time enrich it with the magnesium necessary for the eggplant, it is sprinkled with dolomite flour. Consumption - only 2 tbsp. l. per 1 m 2.

Prices for dolomite flour

dolomite flour

Sowing dates for eggplant

To be successful in growing eggplant in a greenhouse, you should adhere to the timing of sowing and planting seeds and seedlings of this crop. So, seeds for seedlings are planted in the soil around the end of February or the beginning of March. And grown plants are moved to the ground only when the threat of frost has passed. From the moment of sowing seeds to planting in the soil, seedlings are in warm conditions for about 80-100 days. The average fruit ripening period after eggplants move to a polycarbonate greenhouse is about 110-120 days.

We grow seedlings

So, the soil is prepared, the seeds have undergone the necessary processing and are ready for planting. It remains only to germinate them, wrapping them in a damp cloth for several days (just like you checked the germination). Then you can get to work.

Step 1. Take care of the container for seedlings. Rinse boxes or cups thoroughly so that there is no possibility of infection of plants with pathogens.

Step 2 After that, fill the containers with ready-made soil and slightly moisten it.

Step 3 Place the germinated eggplant seeds in the soil to a depth of about 5 mm, at a distance of about 10 cm from each other, if the seedlings are planted in boxes. Of course, it is more convenient to immediately sow the seeds in cups at the rate of 1 pc. on capacity.

Step 4 Sprinkle the seeds lightly with soil or sand (about 2 cm thick).

Step 5 Cover the containers with foil and place in a bright and warm place. The temperature of the soil / air should be maintained high enough - not lower than +23 degrees (for grown seedlings, the temperature regime of +16 degrees will be optimal). Every day, open the film for 10 minutes so that the seeds can “breathe”.

On a note! Eggplants need a long light day - about 10-12 hours, so you should additionally highlight them with a lamp.

Step 6 Water the seedlings every 6 days. Eggplant seeds germinate in about 12-15 days. After that, the frequency of watering can be increased up to 2 times a week.

Advice! A couple of times during the entire growing period, feed eggplant seedlings with eggshell tincture.

Step 7 If you grew seedlings in a box, then over time it will require picking, that is, seating in separate containers with a volume of about 800 cm 3. A pick is made when each plant has 3 true leaves. Water the seedlings well before the picking procedure.

Advice! Do not use peat pots. Eggplants need good watering after picking, and such containers quickly become sour.

Step 8 Carefully remove the seedlings and place in containers filled with soil. Pinch the main root slightly - this will help the root system to form properly.

Step 9 Water the seedlings well. The pick is completed.

Step 10 Picking is stressful for plants, so give them a couple of days to rest in a warm but lightly shaded area.

Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, harden off. It starts about 2 weeks before landing. Polycarbonate greenhouses keep heat quite well, which means that after a while the seedlings can be moved out of the house. But do not plant in the ground, but place pots with seedlings around the greenhouse. This will help the plants harden.

Video - How to sow eggplant

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

When the seedlings grow up, and warm weather sets in, it's time to plant young eggplants in the greenhouse. The air temperature in the greenhouse must be at least 18 degrees so that the plants do not die.

Step 1. Level the soil in the bed and make holes for plants about 15 cm deep at a distance of at least 0.6 m between rows and at least 30 cm between bushes in one row. For 1 m 2 you should get no more than 5 plants. It is best to plant them in a checkerboard pattern.

Attention! Dense plantings can adversely affect the quality of the crop. Eggplant bushes are quite lush and sprawling.

Step 2 Spill the wells with water with the addition of potassium permanganate in a small amount. You can also use ordinary clean water (about 2 liters per one). You can add a little ash to the hole - about 1/2 cup.

Step 3 Carefully remove the seedlings from the pots and place in the holes without deepening too much (maximum 1 cm deeper than the seedling pot was).

Step 4 Tamp the soil, pour the hole and the plant again under the very root.

By the way, eggplants are extremely capricious about neighboring plants, so be careful what crops will grow next to them. They can be settled together with tomatoes, melons, onions, beans.

eggplant care

In order for the eggplant harvest to be good, it is important to create favorable living conditions for the plants. This culture is very sensitive to temperature, humidity, watering and other factors.

1. As soon as you plant the seedlings, do not disturb them for about 20 days - this time is necessary for the plants to adapt to new conditions. During this period, shade the plant and avoid situations where drafts are created in the greenhouse.

2. The ideal temperature in the greenhouse for eggplant is no more than +28 degrees. Therefore, in hot weather, ventilate the greenhouse, but at night it should always be closed.

Attention! At a temperature of only +15 degrees, eggplants refuse to grow, and at +13 they begin to die altogether. Zero temperature during frosts will simply kill them. But intense heat also negatively affects them: at +40 degrees, ovaries will not appear on them.

3. Periodically loosen the soil around the stem, but not deep, so as not to damage the root system. Rake the earth to the plant. By the way, in order to save soil moisture, which eggplants need so much, add a little peat to the soil, and cover them from the scorching sun in the heat. You can also mulch the soil.

4. Water the eggplant under the root in the morning with warm water, which should be heated almost to air temperature - this is about 28-30 degrees. It's great if you find time to create so that moisture is constantly supplied to the roots. After watering - after about half a day - loosen the soil. Remember that excessive watering contributes to the development of fungal diseases, and a lack of water will result in tasteless fruits for you.

Attention! Freshly grown seedlings are watered no earlier than 5 days after they move to the greenhouse.

5. For the first time, eggplant should be fertilized no earlier than 14 days after planting seedlings. This is done with any nitrogen fertilizers in accordance with the instructions (eggplants are big fans of nitrogen-containing dressings).

After the appearance of the ovaries, it would be nice to feed the eggplant with yeast and weed mash (the ingredients are mixed in a 5: 1 ratio).

Attention! Don't go organic. Eggplants love her, but because of her, the green part of the plants will grow, and the fruits will be small and frail. If the greens are developing rapidly, switch to top dressing with potash fertilizers.

An exotic native of India, eggplant is a delicious and incredibly healthy vegetable that has long won the love and respect of domestic gardeners. It is quite difficult to grow it in the temperate latitudes of Russia. This gentle southerner reacts even to small temperature changes, so planting eggplants in a greenhouse is the best solution.

In an enclosed space, excellent conditions are created for the development and growth of vegetables, similar to the humid tropical heat of Burma and India. Let's talk about how to grow eggplant in a greenhouse, what questions may arise and how to care for plants.

Rules for growing eggplant

The main condition for the proper development of eggplant is growing them separately from other crops. The only exception is tomatoes. This is the only portable neighborhood. Eggplant puts forward special requirements at almost all stages of development: when preparing the soil, planting seedlings, irrigating and maintaining the temperature regime. But the efforts of gardeners are rewarded with a magnificent harvest of the legendary "blue", until recently inaccessible, but today very familiar in Russian gardens. We will carefully consider each wish of the handsome eggplant and learn how to get along well with him.

Soil preparation

Eggplant care in a greenhouse begins with soil preparation. It is necessary to take care of the soil, since the eggplant is demanding and very capricious, it is sensitive to the composition of the soil and must be planted in properly prepared soil.

The soil in the greenhouse needs:

▪ update by removing fragments of roots and remnants of above-ground parts of plants;

▪ spill several times with water;

▪ disinfect by dissolving 60 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water.

After completing all the steps, let the earth dry out and dig a shovel onto the bayonet. Eggplant does not accept acidic soils. To reduce acidity, it is necessary to add dolomite flour in the amount of 50-60 g per 1 sq. meter. Fertilizers are necessary for good development of eggplants. The best top dressing, of course, is organic - manure or compost humus. It is added to the soil before planting at the rate of 0.5 buckets per 1 sq. meter. In addition to organic, complex mineral fertilizers with a balanced composition of nitrogen and phosphorus supplements are also needed. Another condition necessary for the successful rooting of seedlings is that eggplants need to be planted in the ground warmed up to +15 ° C.

We plant seedlings

When answering the question of how to grow eggplant in a greenhouse, it should be remembered that, in addition to soil preparation, there are many different nuances. Well-dug and cultivated soil in the greenhouse should be leveled before planting. Then it is necessary to mark the holes with a depth of 10-15 cm, maintaining an interval of 45-50 cm between them. The row spacing is 60 cm. When planting seedlings, 1.5 liters of manganese or Fitosporin solution are poured into each hole and a handful of wood ash is added. It is important to control the temperature of the soil and air in the greenhouse. Planting should be carried out when the soil warms up to +15 ° С, and the air - up to + 18-20 ° С.

Eggplant seedlings require careful handling - they are very fragile. Planting plants should be carefully, trying not to damage the delicate root system. Before planting the seedlings in the ground, they are pre-watered so that it is more convenient to take them out of the containers, and the clod of earth on the roots does not crumble.

The seedling should be planted a little deeper than the level at which it was in the cassette or container. Upon completion of planting, the soil is compacted and watered again.

How to water eggplant in a greenhouse

Having completed the initial stage, proceed to the next. It starts with watering, which is very important for the culture. Eggplants love water, so they need to be watered regularly. If a moisture deficiency occurs, the flowers will begin to crumble, and the fruits will significantly lose their quality and size. The main condition for irrigation: water must be warm, its temperature is not less than + 23 ° C. The use of cold water can negate all efforts to grow vegetables. The first watering is carried out after 5 days after planting. Subsequently, the regularity of watering should correspond to once a week.

In the process of watering, you can not wet the eggplant leaves, water must flow under the root. It is necessary to ensure access of water to the roots, it should not drain down the bed. Therefore, you need to periodically loosen the earth. The frequency and intensity of watering increase when the plant begins to bear fruit: now you need to water it 2 times a week, preventing the soil from drying out. To obtain a large crop of eggplant in a greenhouse, it is necessary to create ideal conditions: high soil moisture with comfortable air humidity.

It is better to water vegetables in the morning and be sure to arrange ventilation. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.

top dressing

How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse? In addition to timely watering for good crop development, you need to remember the need for top dressing. For the entire growing season, fertilizers will need to be applied 3-4 times. The first time the plant is fed 2-3 weeks after planting. During this time, the culture manages to take root well and develop a root system capable of receiving nutrition from the soil.

The second top dressing should be carried out before the eggplant blooms. Until the plants bear fruit, they should be fed with complex universal fertilizers, for example, Mortar or Kemira, dissolving 35-40 g of the product in 10 liters of water. When fruit is set, they switch to nitrogen and phosphorus supplements: 30 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate per bucket of water. For better eggplant development, organic fertilizers should be alternated with mineral fertilizers, but neither one nor the other should be abused.

It should not be forgotten that during the fruiting period, plants are especially vulnerable to various pests. Therefore, from time to time, simple prevention should be carried out: periodically sprinkle the aisles of plants with wood ash.

We observe the temperature regime

Do not forget about maintaining the optimum temperature in the greenhouse. It fluctuates from +25°С to +28°С. Exceeding the 35-degree barrier will result in wilting of the fruit, and a decrease to + 13 ° C - stunting. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly control the temperature regime: ventilate the greenhouse in hot weather, while avoiding drafts, since the eggplant can lose color, and also insulate when it gets cold, of course, to the extent possible. Failure to follow these rules can seriously affect the yield. Therefore, answers to questions, for example, about why eggplants wither in a greenhouse, should be sought precisely in the failure to follow the recommendations for growing vegetables. Withering of eggplants can occur due to careless watering, lack of loosening, improper ventilation, or, conversely, a draft that has arisen. Or maybe the eggplant was the victim of an attack by some disgusting infection. There can be any number of reasons, but in order to exclude the maximum number of them, one must adhere to the indicated conditions.

Special conditions for good development

A few words about greenhouses. With proper care, plants feel good under any shelter. But from a purely practical point of view, eggplants in a polycarbonate greenhouse have more comfortable growing conditions. In such greenhouses, it is easier to care for them, properly ventilate, water and notice pests in time. Greenhouse crops are always more delicate and fragile than those that grow in the open. When tying tall eggplant varieties to trellises for the correct formation of a bush, this should not be forgotten. Low-growing varieties do not need a garter. It is not necessary to pinch eggplants; it is enough to remove withered leaves and underdeveloped ovaries from the stem.

If eggplants are not tied in a greenhouse, you can help them by dissolving 2 g of boric acid in 10 liters of warm water and spraying the plants abundantly. After some time, you should feed them. The "blue ones" react sharply to the lack of fertilizers. For example, eggplants turn yellow in a greenhouse from a lack of nitrogen, and leaves extended at an acute angle to the stem are a sure sign of phosphorus starvation. Improper planting care - watering with cold water, drafts, too high humidity, as well as untimely nitrogen fertilization can lead to the dropping of flowers and ovaries.

Eggplant diseases in the greenhouse

Unfortunately, eggplant is a very vulnerable vegetable. He has many enemies, such as tobacco mosaic and late blight. In the fight against them, the preparations "Fitosporin" and "Zircon" have proven themselves well. Preventive watering with solutions of these products will help protect eggplant from late blight and tobacco mosaic. And pre-sowing treatment of the soil with preparations containing copper will neutralize the earth.

Viral diseases

Eggplants often suffer from Fusarium. This fungal disease is detrimental to the plant. The fungus, penetrating into the culture through the root, affects the entire vascular system. This is why eggplants turn yellow in a greenhouse. This is the first sign of Fusarium. Then the leaves wither and fall off. Since the vascular system is affected, it will not be possible to save the plant. On the transverse section of the stem, you can see a change in the color of the vascular ring - it becomes brown, and on the root neck there is a pinkish coating of fungal spores.

Infected seeds may be the cause of the problem. In this case, you will need to change them. Failure to comply with agricultural practices for growing eggplant can also cause various viral infections. Therefore, the fight against them includes not only the treatment of crops with drugs, but also various agricultural practices. How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse without viral diseases? Let's try to understand what preventive measures should be taken.


The black leg fungus causes thinning and darkening of the root neck. When affected by this virus, the plant begins to gradually fade, and when it passes to the root system, it dies. Usually the black leg affects seedlings, but it happens that the high soil moisture in the greenhouse awakens a virus that accidentally enters the ground.

To avoid such failures, the soil in the greenhouse is completely changed or disinfected with a solution of bleach. And in order to prevent the emergence and development of the black leg, you should not thicken the crops, prevent temperature changes and do not overwater the plants. Affected plants must be removed immediately, the soil loosened and sprinkled with ash.


Mosaic is a disease characterized by variegated mosaic-green coloration and deformation of the leaves, as well as yellow spotting on the fruits. Such a lesion can cause poor-quality seed material or mechanical damage when transplanting seedlings. A half-hour presowing treatment of seeds with 20% hydrochloric acid will help save plantings from mosaic damage. If a disease is detected in a greenhouse, diseased plants must be removed and burned, and garden tools must be disinfected.

Gray rot

Gray rot appears as dark growing water spots on all above-ground parts of the plant, subsequently forming a gray coating. High humidity in the greenhouse acts as a catalyst for the development of the disease.

When eggplants are affected by this fungus, special treatment of plants and soil with fungicides is needed, the removal of infected crops and all plant residues from the greenhouse after harvesting vegetables.


Eggplant diseases in the greenhouse are caused not only by viruses, but also by pests. Frequent but uninvited guests are slugs, spider mites, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetle and aphids. The existing drug Strela, which is harmless to humans, is quite effective in pest control and can be used in greenhouses. Eliminates slugs loosening the soil with soil treatment with dry mustard powder or ground pepper mixed with wood ash. Spoils the mood of gardeners with aphids on eggplants in a greenhouse. Karbofos is used against it, if the fruits have not yet set, or they are sprayed with an infusion of wood ash, which is prepared as follows: 1 cup of ash is infused for a day in 10 liters of water. The use of pesticides in the greenhouse is not recommended. Therefore, you will have to deal with the Colorado potato beetle and whitefly in the old proven ways. Glue traps or Iskra-bio are used against whiteflies. Beetles are collected by hand.

Eggplant care in the greenhouse is carried out throughout the season. Maintaining order in the eggplant beds leads to the desired result: the collection of vegetables begins when the size and color inherent in the variety are achieved.

May 8, 2016

The right approach and the use of modern agricultural technologies for growing eggplant in open ground or in a greenhouse allows you to achieve high results. A popular garden crop requires timely feeding and careful care. Depending on the soil, fertilizers are applied 3-5 times a season. Eggplants are heat-loving and moisture-loving plants, they love organic-based fertilizers.

Indoor garden care

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in large containers with a diameter and depth of 8 cm. Cassettes, pots or cups must be individual. The root system of eggplant is very fragile and it is desirable to carry out a pick with a minimum possibility of damage to the roots.

Blue fertilizer begins with feeding seedlings. After the appearance of the first true leaf, growth stimulants (Zircon, Growth, etc.) are treated according to the manufacturer's instructions. A yeast-based solution is often used as a natural growth catalyst. Dissolve 1 g in 3 liters of warm water. dry yeast or 3 gr. fresh, insist 24 hours. Watering with yeast is carried out 1-2 times during the period of seedling growth. Plants with a height of at least 20 cm are planted in prepared and disinfected soil. To prepare a greenhouse for eggplants, the following are introduced into the soil:

  • Mature manure or compost
  • Dolomite flour (when adding sour peat)
  • sawdust
  • potassium sulfate
  • wood ash
  • Sour peat (depending on soil type)

During the cultivation of eggplant in a greenhouse, top dressing is carried out at least 3 times a season. The first top dressing in the greenhouse is carried out 10–14 days after planting the seedlings. For active growth, special nitrogen-based fertilizers or a solution based on yeast and organic elements are used. In 10 liters of warm water dissolve 11 grams. dry yeast, 250 ml. organic extracts (manure, etc.), 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 2 cups of wood ash. The solution is infused for several hours and diluted with water 1:10. Due to the organic component, the solution is not recommended to be applied in the greenhouse under the root of the plants. 1 liter of solution is poured next to each eggplant bush. In open space, watering is carried out in the aisles.

Before flowering, fertilize with complex mineral dressings. At this stage, organic fertilizers should not be applied.

Because of the organic matter, the blue ones grow, flowering and fruit formation are delayed.

From the beginning of fruiting, the third top dressing is carried out. Special preparations for the greenhouse and recipes based on yeast and mineral have proven themselves well. Eggplants are sensitive to temperature, drafts, deficiency of potassium and other trace elements, soil acidity.

Little blue ones at the dacha

Good predecessors: cucumbers, cabbage, beans and some root vegetables. Eggplants should not be planted after tomatoes, potatoes and sweet peppers. Sunny, windless areas with fertile soil are suitable for planting blue ones in open ground. For any type of soil, deep digging (25 cm), processing and top dressing is required.

  • Soil with clay and loam base. 1 bucket of rotted sawdust, coarse sand and rotted mullein, 2 buckets of high-moor peat are applied per 1 sq. soil meter.
  • Sandy soil. 2 buckets of clay soil, compost and peat, 1 bucket of sawdust per 1 sq. soil meter.
  • Soils with a high content of peat. 1 bucket of soddy or leafy soil and compost per 1 sq. soil meter.
  • Garden land. 1 teaspoon organic extract, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and 1 cup of wood ash per 1 sq. soil meter.

The soil prepared for planting is leveled and after warming up to +15 degrees, ready-made seedlings are planted. In the first weeks, the sprouts slowly increase their green mass and need nitrogenous top dressings and stimulants. Purchased fertilizers (Effecton, etc.) or homemade natural top dressings are suitable. For green tincture, 5 kg of chopped herbs, 2 cups of wood ash and a bucket of manure are poured into a garden barrel (100 l), pour water over it. A week later, a solution containing fertilizer for eggplant is ready.

It is used in open ground at the rate of 1 liter of solution for each plant.

During the formation of fruits, the following top dressing is carried out. For natural fertilizer, 1 bucket of chicken manure, 0.5 liters of nitrophoska are placed in a 100-liter barrel and filled with water. After 5 days, the finished solution is used for basal top dressing in open ground. For each plant, 1.5 liters of solution is used.

Feeding vegetables with sourdough

Fertilizer with yeast and yeast-based starter cultures is used by summer residents for any vegetables, shrubs, trees or flowers. The action of microorganisms can be compared with stimulants and growth regulators. You can fertilize plants with yeast both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Feed seedlings and adult plants. Natural sourdough fertilizers saturate the soil with beneficial bacteria, increase plant immunity, promote the development of the root system and green mass.

Simple top dressing based on yeast: 100 gr. fresh yeast and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar diluted in 10 liters of warm water, after 3 hours the solution is ready. Used in 250 ml. for every plant.

A bread and yeast based universal solution suitable for all plants, especially good for eggplant. In a garden barrel or other container with a volume of 30 l lay:

  • Bread crusts of black bread
  • 1 kg chopped herbs or cut grass
  • 300 gr. fresh yeast
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 2 cups wood ash
  • 1 glass of slaked lime
  • 1 liter extract from manure or chicken manure

The container is filled with warm water and left for a week to ferment. The resulting concentrated bread and yeast solution is diluted with water (1 cup of the mixture per 10 liters of water). Feeding is carried out weekly.

Eggplants respond well to organic and mineral fertilizers. A lack of nutrients can negate all efforts to get a good blueberry crop. They love a warm, humid climate, without drafts, and are often grown in greenhouses and greenhouses in seedlings. Subject to the rules of care and cultivation technology, high yields are obtained on personal plots.

Growing eggplant in a greenhouse has a lot of advantages over soil:

  • weather independence;
  • the ability to grow any, even very capricious varieties;
  • in a heated greenhouse can be removed multiple harvests per year;
  • high humidity, guaranteeing excellent taste of the fruit.

Varieties for greenhouses

What varieties of eggplant are best planted in a greenhouse? For growing in greenhouses, early-ripening varieties that do not need pollination are suitable. It is best to plant hybrids specially designed for closed ground. When choosing eggplant varieties for a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is important to take into account many factors: the color and taste of the fruit, yield, and the ability to store the harvested crop.

Every gardener has their own best eggplant varieties for greenhouses among which are the following:

  1. purple miracle. A variety resistant to diseases and. The bush is compact, suitable even for low greenhouses. Early ripe variety of medium yield, fruits are dark purple, cylindrical. The flesh is dense, greenish-white, very pleasant in taste, without bitterness. Ripe eggplants are very convenient to collect, they are practically devoid of thorns at the stem.
  2. Nutcracker. A very productive variety. Bushes grow quite tall. Tall eggplant varieties require a garter. The fruits are very large, bright purple, with dense white flesh without bitterness. Harvested eggplant keeps well.
  3. Black handsome. In regions with a warm climate, it is grown in the ground, but in the middle lane it is better to place it in a greenhouse. The variety is productive, early ripe. The fruits are brown-violet, large, the pulp is tender and not bitter. Resistant to diseases, the fruits are well stored.
  4. bibo. Pest resistant variety with high yield. The fruits are white, rounded, very tender and pleasant to the taste. The pulp is absolutely devoid of bitterness. Harvested eggplant keeps well.
  5. Marzipan. An early eggplant variety for greenhouses. Very fruitful. The bushes are compact, the fruits are round, bright purple. The pulp is very tender, with a pleasant sweetish-fresh taste, without the slightest sign of bitterness. Eggplants are great for canning.
  6. Moneymaker. High yielding variety. The fruits are elongated, round, dark purple. Small elegant eggplants are perfectly stored, they are very good for canning.

What greenhouse to choose?

Eggplant can grow or without it. The second option is suitable for summer time, the greenhouse helps to maintain a stable microclimate, protects plants from gusts of wind, night temperature drops, hail and other vagaries of the weather. In such a shelter, seedlings are planted in late spring.

Residents of cold regions, as well as those who plan to at least 2 crops per year, you should think about building a capital greenhouse, or equipped with a combined heating system.

Most affordable option - a greenhouse covered with a film. It retains heat well, transmits sunlight. However, the fragile film quickly tears and deforms, such a coating will have to be changed every year. Glass is more durable, but can crack under the weight of snow.

The best option coverings for greenhouses polycarbonate. It is not cheap, but it lasts several seasons without problems. By investing in such a structure, you can reap good harvests and not worry about the annual restoration of the greenhouse. Polycarbonate is best mounted on a metal frame with a special treatment that protects the structure from corrosion.

Greenhouse for growing eggplant may have either a sloping shape. Wall structures adjacent to the house, utility room and other structures are also possible. The height and size of the greenhouse depends on the capabilities of its owner.

Vegetables are best grown in the ground, but some gardeners prefer shelving, increasing the usable area of ​​greenhouses.

In order for plants to develop well, greenhouses can be equipped with lighting. If the greenhouse is very large, recommended equip it with a system drip irrigation. Eggplant is a moisture-loving crop, such watering will help maintain the desired degree of soil moisture. Good ventilation is required.

It is better to heat the greenhouse in a combined way. Maintain the required temperature biofuel will help (a mixture of manure and straw, rotted and placed under the top layer of soil). You can heat the greenhouse using solar panels, an electric boiler or a fire that drives warm air through pipes. For express heating, heaters or potbelly stoves are useful.

Growing Secrets

How to grow eggplant in a polycarbonate greenhouse? Eggplants are not considered too capricious culture. They are pest resistant are fast growing, respond well to top dressing. Even a novice vegetable grower can succeed. The process begins with growing seedlings. You can buy it ready-made, but sown with your own hands has a lot of advantages:

  • profitability;
  • sprouts become stronger and viable;
  • the process of transplantation and survival is facilitated.

eggplant prefer light and nutritious soil with acidity from 6.5 to 7.2. Too heavy and acidic soils can cause root rot of young shoots.

Purchased soil for seedlings is not suitable. They contain too much peat, which does not give the seeds strength for full development. It is better to make a mixture for planting yourself using one of the following recipes:

  • a mixture of humus, garden soil and river sand (2x2x1);
  • peat, garden soil, sawdust (2x1x3);
  • compost, peat, garden soil, river sand (1x1x2x1).

Mixtures must be ignited for the destruction of insect larvae and pathogens. After that, the prepared soil is shed with a Baikal-type bio-solution to restore beneficial microflora.

Superphosphate or other mineral fertilizers must be added to the soil mixture in the proportion of 20 g per 10 liters of soil. Instead of ready-made complexes you can use wood ash. During the growth period, seedlings are watered several times with a solution of nitrogen fertilizers, which make it possible to ensure the formation of a bush with green mass.

It is most convenient to plant seedlings in plastic containers with cassettes. They retain moisture well and facilitate the process of transplanting grown plants. The use of peat pots is undesirable.

The weak roots of young eggplants cannot grow through the walls, as a result of which the plants do not develop well. When to plant eggplant seedlings for a greenhouse? Sowing is carried out at the end of January or in February. For heated greenhouses, seedlings can be prepared earlier, plants for ordinary greenhouses are planted at the end of February.

To improve germination seeds can be soaked for 10-12 hours in a growth stimulator, and then wrap in a damp cloth and leave to peck.

Prepared seeds are sown in well-moistened soil. Seeds do not go deep, they need to be sprinkled on top with a thin layer of soil mixture. The container with seeds is covered with glass. Seedlings must be regularly sprayed with soft water at room temperature, moistening not only the ground, but also the air around.

For germination seeds need a stable temperature(20-22ºC), high humidity and bright light. It is recommended to organize the backlight for 3-4 hours daily.

When the seeds germinate, they begin to harden, first removing the film for a few minutes, and then increasing the hardening time to an hour or more. It is advisable to move the plants to sunlight and carefully monitor soil moisture. Weak sprouts are best removed, this will make it possible to grow only strong and viable plants.

Landing and care

Technology of growing eggplant in a greenhouse.

How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse? Growing seedlings in a heated greenhouse can be planted in early spring. Seedlings prepared for moving should have the following parameters:

  • age about 75 days;
  • developed root system;
  • the presence of 8-9 leaves;
  • stem height up to 20 cm.

A clear signal for an urgent transplant will be the appearance of buds on young plants. Growing and caring for eggplant in a greenhouse is a painstaking process.

The soil in a greenhouse loosens, moistens, mixes with manure or compost. To reduce acidity, dolomite flour can be added to the soil. Ash and potassium sulfate will help improve nutritional value. If the soil is too dense, it is worth adding sawdust.

Eggplant planting scheme in a greenhouse: young plants are planted at a distance of up to 45 cm, distance between rows - 60 cm. You need to be careful when moving seedlings to a new place of residence, the eggplant root system is very fragile.

How to care for eggplant in a greenhouse? After transplantation, moderate watering with warm water is necessary, preferably in the early morning. After watering, airing is recommended. It is important to ensure that cold air does not get on young eggplants.

For good growth eggplant needs fertilizer. Top dressing is carried out three times per season, after the start of fruiting, nitrogen-phosphorus complexes are recommended. Organic fertilizers are not used after planting in the ground; they contribute to a large development of green mass to the detriment of fruits.

Plants in the greenhouse must be protected from pests. Most often, eggplants are affected by a fruit mite. Help keep them away air humidification and periodic spraying plants. Use clean water and weak insecticide solutions.

Found larvae should be removed with a damp cloth. It has been noticed that in greenhouses equipped with a drip irrigation system, there are much fewer pests.

When the stems stretch up to 30 cm, they need to be tied to supports. With the onset of flowering, it is necessary to intensify watering and start weekly feeding complex fertilizers for. Harvesting is recommended when the fruit length reaches 8 cm. Ripe eggplants have a shiny skin. Don't wait too long overripe fruits may be bitter, besides, they form a large number of hard seeds.

Growing eggplant in a greenhouse can not only provide the family with delicious early vegetables, but also become the beginning of their own . Having built a capacious greenhouse up to 100 sq. m, you will provide yourself with a stable income, and eggplant crops will increase several times.

About growing eggplant in a greenhouse in a video:

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Eggplants can often be found in the beds and greenhouses of many gardeners. The vegetable has become so widespread in our country that it is grown everywhere: from the south to the northern part.

Eggplants are a little capricious in their care, but if a certain growing technique is followed, there are no problems with them. The use of top dressing plays a big role in the life of the plant. Fertilizers are different in composition and are used in a certain period of time. In order for the additive to benefit and not harm the plants, it must be applied in the right way.

Mineral top dressing

Any soil contains mineral compounds, but their amount is always different. Eggplants react sharply to the lack of the following elements in the ground:

Due to the lack of these minerals, leaf fall and yellowness may occur, and the bushes themselves grow poorly and break. To avoid such consequences, use the mineral fertilizers indicated in the table.

Feeding schedule

Nitrogen is found in most mineral supplements and is considered a stimulator of green mass growth, as well as active root formation. It serves as the basis for the manufacture of ammonium nitrate, nitroammophoska, urea. Top dressing with ammonium nitrate is carried out 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the greenhouse. 20 grams of the additive is diluted in 10 liters of water and poured into the root zone of vegetables. The additive is applied to the soil only in liquid form, the dry powder contains a high concentration of nitrogen and can burn the vegetable. To replenish the balance of nitrogen in the soil, one or two top dressings are usually enough.

Attention! Nitrogen fertilizers must not be used together with peat or straw, as when used together, a large amount of heat is released.

Fighting after planting seedlings can be fed with nitroammophos. Nitrogen stern, it contains potassium and phosphorus. Due to the complex action of minerals, young plants are intensively gaining growth and blooming soon. To prepare the additive, you need to take 20-25 grams of nitroammophoska and dissolve them in a bucket of water. Water seedlings 1 time in 10 days.

When the plant turns green, they begin the second, important stage - the formation of ovaries. The fundamental substances that directly affect the shape, skin color and taste of the fruit are potassium, phosphorus. Potassium sulphate, superphosphate, potassium nitrate are faithful helpers for a bountiful harvest and high quality fruits.

Foliar top dressing

Of the foliar dressings, eggplant reacts positively to boric acid. Dilute a teaspoon of acid in 10 liters of water and spray the bushes. Boric acid can be used 2-3 weeks after plant transplantation. In addition to supplying plants with nutrients, acid significantly reduces the risk of fungal and viral infections. However, the additive can not always be used, but only on neutral or slightly alkalized soil. If the earth is initially slightly acidified, then the substance can provoke the death of a vegetable crop due to increased acidity.

Potassium permanganate is a source of potassium and magnesium. Its leaves are irrigated with a weak solution in late spring. Potassium permanganate protects eggplant from possible pests and fungi. For 100 milliliters of water, take 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate and spray the seedlings with the resulting mixture. Top dressing with potassium permanganate is often combined with boric acid. Their combination has a powerful antibacterial effect, and will also eliminate the deficiency of trace elements in the earth.

After each watering of seedlings to maintain moisture in the ground, the soil must be mulched with peat or humus. They will reliably retain water and saturate the soil with useful compounds. With each new watering, the old layer of mulch is removed, and then fresh is applied.

Feeding with organic elements

In addition to mineral supplements, there are folk methods of feeding. Experienced gardeners know that, for example, from yeast, the crop grows quickly and ripens well, and the born eggplants will never be small. Ordinary dry yeast (bag) is dissolved in 2 liters of warm water with a spoonful of sugar and put in a warm place for 2 hours. Then dilute the resulting dough in a ratio of 1:5 and water the eggplants 1 time in 2 weeks. The number of necessary dressings - 2-3 times. The time of use is mid-June, when the fruit is laid. No need to abuse the supplement, an excess of yeast in the ground leads to the death of other beneficial substances.

Another fertilizer useful for eggplants can be made from freshly cut grass. Absolutely any herb will do: biting midge, dandelion, nettle. The bucket is filled to the top with greens and placed in a 100-liter barrel. Fill the barrel with water and leave to infuse for a week. A week later, when the grass ferments, its concentrated solution is diluted five times with water and the seedlings are watered. To the infusion, you can add 1-2 liters of diluted mullein or a glass of ash (per 100 liters). Watering with herbal infusion will be especially useful for a young culture at the initial stage of cultivation, since it contains nitrogen and phosphorus.

Ash and litter

Ash is considered a very valuable component in the manufacture of additives. Its natural composition nourishes the root system, ensuring rapid development. Ash can be used in combination with nettle tinctures or with mullein. It is well absorbed in the soil. It is almost always added to the planting holes at the initial stage of growing vegetables. Ash is diluted with water: 1 cup per bucket. Fertilizer is used for the entire growing period no more than 3-4 times. It has the greatest effect a few weeks after planting, so watering with an additive is carried out until mid-July, and the treatment is repeated at the end of July.

Fertilizer based on cow dung is used during the flowering of the crop and before fruiting. Mullein activates the protective function of plants, prevents infection with diseases. Moreover, it is absorbed by eggplants better than many other types of fertilizers. Cow dung contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Manure must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10, then insist 5-6 days. After a while, fermentation occurs, during which small bubbles are released. The color of the fertilizer will noticeably brighten, the mullein is ready. Eggplants are watered with infusion 1 time in 14 days for a month. Wood ash (half a kilogram per 10 liters of additive) and superphosphate (100 grams per bucket of fertilizer) can be added to mullein.

Other means

If there is no time to take care of eggplants for a long time, there is a way out - to purchase a ready-made supplement in the store. Its composition is correctly selected and balanced, does not require the use of other ingredients and is very nutritious for vegetable soil. Most supplements are available in concentrated solutions, which are simply diluted with water in the ratio indicated on the label. Preparations can be used for most of the growing cycle, but only until fruiting.

Important! The use of any top dressing during the formation of fruits is undesirable.

Effecton-O is one of the means, after which the growth of seedlings is activated, and the ripening of fruits occurs 2 weeks earlier. The composition includes potassium chloride, phosphorus flour and ash with peat. All components have already been assembled in the required proportion and will bring nothing but benefits to the vegetable crop. Agricola has a similar effect. It is used in diluted solution. Agricola contains nitrogen components, minerals and some organic substances. Fertilizer quickly gives the desired result: the yield will please the high quality of the fruit.

The use of a variety of dressings greatly facilitates the cultivation of eggplant. The main goal is not to overdo it with them. It must be remembered that for the entire period of cultivation it is allowed to apply no more than four different fertilizers. In no case should you use supplements for several days in a row, there must be an interval between them. For fertile soil, the amount of fertilizer per season can be reduced to two. If you follow these conventions, then the additive will definitely work for the good, and eggplants will grow tasty and beautiful.