Norms and rules for building a house on the site. How to plan buildings on the site - do-it-yourself planning Site layout how to do it right

Planning and laying out a summer cottage is a big creative process that will require you not only to have certain knowledge, but also to connect your own imagination. At the same time, knowledgeable people recommend adhering to the advice of specialists who will help to complete all the work, as a result, each square meter of the territory will benefit and delight with beauty and comfort every day. How the layout of the suburban area is carried out with our own hands, we will consider in detail step by step.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the preparation of a future site plan, it is necessary to determine the terrain itself, the nature of the relief, the forms of the land plot, the presence of any buildings, as well as other features of the area. For example, in rural areas there are a large number of streams and reservoirs, if one is present on your site, then you can use it correctly.

Pay attention to several features of the placement of the cottage:

  • lowland - upland;
  • the presence or absence of a water source;
  • wooded area - steppe.

Quite often, you have to add or remove soil, make blind areas for walls, and also make organized drains. Only with proper placement of buildings on the site, it is possible to use the summer cottage to the maximum and select all zones.

In order for all the preparatory work to be done correctly, it is best to assess the space and start from the ground.

  1. Relief: hilly, flat, the presence of ravines or mountains. It is from this indicator that the schemes for laying engineering communications will depend.
  2. Soil: clayey, humus, sandy. If you plan to equip a garden, then you should increase the fertility of the soil by fertilizing. The set of plants for the garden and flower beds will depend on the acidity index.
  3. The shape and size of the territory: square, rectangular and elongated.
  4. Ground water: if the level is high enough, you should think about draining the water.
  5. Climatic conditions.
  6. Illumination.

All large buildings and trees are best oriented to the north side. This approach will reduce the influence of the shadow, and the view from the house will be as illuminated as possible throughout the day.

Zones on the territory of the cottage

The layout of the suburban area depends precisely on the zones that will be included here. Each individual case will have its own list, but you can consider the largest example and a list of zones:

  • residential;
  • recreation;
  • outbuildings;
  • garden.

Each of them should have its own area depending on the total area. So, with proper zoning, the residential part should be up to 20%. If it is planned to build outbuildings, then this percentage should not exceed 15%. At the same time, the largest plot is allocated to the garden and the garden - 75%. This approach will diversify landscape design and fill it with a wide variety of varieties of flowers and plant species.

  1. The house is placed first. Most often, the central zone is allocated for it, but the buildings are most often located somewhere in the depths. Interestingly and in an original way, they can be masked with the help of decorative plantings that are not afraid of shadows.
  2. A place to rest should be the most comfortable and best. In this case, the nature of the zone can be arranged or scattered. Here you should not forget about the place for the playground.
  3. The garden should be well lit, so it has a sunny side. The shadow from the buildings should not obscure the area.

Plot shapes

Options for planning a summer cottage can be very diverse, but almost everything will depend on the shape of the land. The most common type of site is a rectangular shape, on which it is possible to implement a wide variety of solutions and ideas. There is also an L-shaped type of plot. It is quite complex, so here you will need to think and think about where and how to place everything. The part that protrudes can be used as a place for recreation or a playground.

On a triangular-shaped site, an asymmetric approach can be considered when planning and laying out the territory. Emphasis should be on round elements:

  • lawns;
  • reservoirs;

In remote corners, it is best to place outbuildings.

Planning is a creative business. Experts advise to consider a wide variety of options, but not to copy them completely, but to make some changes.

After the important points have been identified and various layout options have been studied, it is necessary to sketch everything on a piece of paper. You can seek help from specialists, landscape designers who use special programs for project development. But to save money, an ordinary sheet of A4 paper and a pen (pencil) will be enough.

To sketch the plan, consider an example - a summer cottage of 10 acres. It is best if you take a scale of 1:100 and a sheet of drawing paper of the appropriate size - a square of 50 × 50 cm. For convenience, it is better to arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler to line the entire sheet into a grid in 1 cm increments. Next - a flight of fancy: arm yourself with colored pencils, clippings from magazines and felt-tip pens, with which you can create a real collage.

When working with the scheme, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the location of the house, taking into account all exits;
  • places reserved for utility and auxiliary buildings;
  • rest zone;
  • playground;
  • tracks;
  • fence;
  • flower beds, rock gardens and front gardens;
  • reservoirs;
  • engineering Communication.

When placing objects in advance, it is necessary to select the optimal place that will correspond to the purpose.

So, as already mentioned, the site should first place the main elements in the following categories:

  • base - house;
  • additional buildings and outbuildings: summer kitchen, garage, well, barn, cellar and others;
  • recreation facilities: terrace, patio, gazebo, playground, swimming pool and outdoor shower;
  • garden and vegetable garden: flower beds, front gardens, beds for vegetables and root crops, greenhouses.

It is important to pay attention not only to their placement and shape, but also to decide on the materials that will be used in construction. Only in this case, a harmonious garden style will be obtained on the site. The playground is no less important: when choosing a place, you should opt for the most visible area so that the kids are always under the visual control of their parents.

We also take into account the requirements in the legislation regarding the norms of distances:

  • from the house to the red line of the street - 5 m;
  • from the house to the neighbor's fence - 3 m;
  • between houses made of stone - 6 m, wood - 15 m, mixed - 10 m;
  • from the fence for the garden house - 3 m, buildings for animals - 4 m, outbuildings - 1 m, trees - 4 m;
  • from the windows of the house to the household of the neighbor - 6 m.

At the end of the article are a variety of examples of finished planning projects for summer cottages. Check them out and draw your own conclusions.

Plot of 12 acres

A garden area of ​​12 acres will allow placing more objects and allocating additional space for recreation areas in comparison with the previous option. In this case, the layout will be distributed as follows:

  • House with a spacious veranda - 150 m2.
  • Household part 50 m 2 .
  • Recreation area and playground - 200 m2.
  • Garden and greenhouse - 200 m 2.
  • Garden plot - 550 m 2.
  • Paths and paths - 50 m 2.

The principle of placement of buildings will be similar to the option of a plot of 6 acres, but in this case there is an additional opportunity for the implementation of various landscaping ideas. So, a large number of not only fruit trees and shrubs, but also decorative ones are connected. They can be planted around each object, as well as along the paths.

In addition, additional square meters allocated to the recreation area will allow you to build a gazebo, swimming pool, barbecue. It is very important to consider decorative lighting here, which will make it possible to spend time in the evening.

Plot of 15 acres

First of all, we note that 15 acres is as much as 1500 m 2 of free territory, on which a wide variety of landscape combinations can be realized. Most often, the site has the shape of a rectangle 30 × 50 m, or 25 × 60 m. There is plenty of space to include everything necessary for a comfortable and functional living not only in summer, but also in winter.

  1. Residential building with an attic and a veranda - 200 m 2.
  2. Summer kitchen - 30 m 2.
  3. Guest house - 50 m 2.
  4. Bath - 50 m 2.
  5. Outbuildings - 70 m 2.
  6. Garage with car access - 30 m 2 .
  7. The recreation area includes a gazebo, a playground, a barbecue and picnic area, as well as benches around the territory - 300 m 2.
  8. Decorative structures (fountain, artificial or natural reservoir, garden bridge, stone sculptures) - 100 m 2.
  9. Garden - 200 m 2.
  10. Flowerbeds and mixborders - 70 m 2.
  11. Garden - 400 m2.

There are no special recommendations for such a site, so pay attention to the first and second options. Everyone will be able to implement any idea here, and even more than one - it is enough to rationally weigh and develop everything so that everything fits and harmonizes very well with each other.

A country house should be surrounded by greenery, so this stage is given a lot of time and effort. A large number of flower beds are planned and laid out, and a large front garden is being built in front of the house.

When developing a plan for your summer cottage on your own, you need to take into account many nuances and points that will help you do all the work correctly and rationally. Take note of the recommendations and tips in the article, and also check out the site plan sketches. As a result, it will be possible to create a summer cottage of your dreams, where it will be comfortable to spend all seasons, regardless of weather conditions.


Lots of great tips in the following video:


When obtaining land for private construction in the property, sooner or later the question will arise: how, so that it is both correct and rational.

After purchasing a site, it is necessary to rationally plan the location of all buildings and landings.

And it doesn’t matter how many acres got 6, 8, or more: in terms of organizing a land plot, you can’t make hasty decisions.

The Need for Planning

Homestead, garden, summer cottage, narrow, wide, small or large plot - in any case, planning, a well-designed scheme is necessary.

If it is possible in the future to change places for paths, benches and other similar equipment on a plot of 6.8 acres without significant financial investments and planning, then it will be very difficult to transfer capital buildings to more convenient places: this will require considerable investment and effort.

In order to avoid the need in the future for any significant changes in 6, 8 or more acres, land owners first of all need not only a scheme and plans for organizing a land plot, but also need to assess the forces and means, financial capabilities, reconsider the desires of family members and their own. Provide for what is not needed now, but will be needed in the near future, such as a playground or additional car parking.

If a piece of land (garden, summer cottage or for the construction of a country house) is planned rationally, then there will be no problems with either the desired harvest, or with housing, or with a comfortable stay.

In any case, for a plot of 6, 8 or more acres, planning is needed: the scheme must be drawn up in such a way that the useful is combined with the pleasant.

The correct plan or scheme for organizing a land plot is not only a convenient location of outbuildings, houses and other things: there are certain rules and regulations for the location of all buildings on a private plot of 6, 8, 10 or more acres.

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Regulations for location

First of all, after the purchase of the site, it is necessary to protect the site with a fence.

It does not matter whether the planning is ready (plot diagram or plans for organizing a land plot), first of all, a fence is built on an empty plot.

Regulatory norms and serious documents (SNiPs) did not ignore even such a simple thing as fencing plots of 6, 8 acres and other sizes, and in particular from buildings to the fence, behind which the neighbors' plot is located.

But do not rush to talk about the excessive bureaucratization of society on this issue - after all, if everyone builds fences at their own discretion, without proper planning, then sanitary and fire safety standards may be violated, and if a neighbor wants to close to your windows?

To avoid these and other problems, regulations were drawn up, which are very important to familiarize yourself with before erecting a fence and residential and outbuildings on your site.

The exact distances from the fence to the buildings are not indicated. However, the distance from the site boundary to the buildings is clearly regulated. But since fences are most often placed precisely at the boundaries of the plots, the figures below can be taken into account before starting construction.

It is easier if construction is planned, a scheme and plans for organizing land plots are developed and no neighborhood is foreseen. In this case, you do not need to think about the height of the fence, what to make it from, what to build near it, and what plants and trees to plant.

All family members should participate in drawing up the organization plan during the planning of the land plot. You need to choose a place for a residential building and, as needed, places for a summer kitchen, a guest house, a bathhouse, a barn, a garage, a playground, a greenhouse, a garden, a vegetable garden, flower beds and more. It is worth considering the location of paths, driveways, sheds. Experts do not recommend attaching outbuildings to the house, they should be separate and as far away as possible.

All of the listed elements should be located already during the planning and marked on the diagrams in strict order of the requirements of sanitary and hygienic rules and fire safety, so that later there will be no misunderstandings. For example, a residential building can be placed no closer than 7-8 m from another large building, this also applies to your own buildings and buildings on a neighboring site, if any.

Depending on whether you want to have a bright house or whether there is a preference for muted tones, the residential building must be located with an orientation to the cardinal points. But for the rational use of the usable area of ​​the site, the house should still be located not in the middle, but closer to one side, while not forgetting to fulfill the necessary requirements for the allowable distance between the neighbor's house (if any) and the future building.

Seedlings of large trees should not be placed closer than 5 m to the house. But it would be right to plant flower beds and flower beds in front of the house, a garden on the sides of a residential building, and a patio for relaxation would be appropriate behind the house, and in the middle of the site, and in front of the house. Near the terrace or veranda, as well as the playground.

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Location of different zones

Zoning of the site: a - a residential building; b - a bathhouse with a utility block; c - a recreation area with a gazebo and a swimming pool; g - ridges for growing vegetables; e - fruit and berry plantations.

It is also worth considering where it would be better to place sun loungers, a hammock, country furniture, maybe even build a small pool. The recreation area is usually located on the south side of the site. In order to create a shadow for her, she can be fenced with pergolas and climbing plants can be planted next to them. Benches can be equipped with umbrellas or awnings. If there are no plans to build a pool, then a small pond or an abandoned natural reservoir will create a favorable microclimate.

The summer kitchen can be located closer, no further than 10-12 m from the entrance of the house. A cellar is usually made at the same distance. Garages or sheds for family cars are built either on or on the border with access to the street. In this case, the area of ​​hard surfaces in the yard will be minimal. From the side of the street, the house must be placed at least 3 m from the boundaries of the site or at least 6 m from the road.

For garages and outbuildings, you need to choose places away from the playground and recreation areas. Paths throughout the site should not be made wider than 80 cm.

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Land processing of the site

You also need to take care of the location of the beds. It will be good if you leave the beds where they were located at the former owners.

If you plan to grow vegetables, then the ideal option would be to leave the beds where they were located at the former owners. If you got virgin land on the site, it would be right to either bring in fertile soil or start preparing it on your own.

And here you can not do without primary land cultivation. To do this, in early spring, when the top layer of the earth thaws, it must be carefully removed, the soil loosened, leveled, and the top layer returned to its place. Next, you need to start planting vegetables, they will help get rid of the dominance of weeds, which is very important for developing the land.

Before you start driving in pegs on the site, marking out various zones on it, you need to do this on paper. Putting a general plan on paper is easy. Having measured all the parameters of future buildings marked with pegs and based on the figures obtained, it is necessary to draw the contours on graph paper in a more convenient scale. For example, 1cm² will be equal to 1m².

It will also be correct to mark not only buildings and recreation areas, but also to break beds on paper, mark paths, hedges.

It is more convenient and more correct to plan a suburban area as a whole, even if finances do not allow you to immediately build all the planned elements. Everything has its time. As far as possible, all necessary buildings will appear on the site. The main thing is not to build anything and anything, otherwise it will very soon be discovered that real chaos has formed on the site.

Building planning is the second stage after the purchase of the site itself, but is no less important. It is necessary not only to come up with and draw a plan for the location of future buildings on the site, but also to comply with many norms and rules and carry out the appropriate calculations.

The planning of the land plot, as well as the planning of the house itself, is carried out at the stage of preparing project documentation. After the project is ready, when all calculations are successfully completed, it will be necessary to coordinate and approve the project documentation.

When planning a site, it is necessary to observe:

  1. architectural and construction requirements,
  2. fire safety requirements
  3. sanitary requirements.

In addition, we advise you to take into account the issue of interaction with neighbors, because your future buildings, by their location or architectural and construction features, may violate their rights or otherwise negatively affect your neighborly relations.

For example, if you just bought a plot, and the neighbors have already rebuilt the house and planted a beautiful flower garden, then your neighborly relations will be hopelessly damaged if one of your buildings completely deprives this flower garden of sunny color. Therefore, at this stage, you need to think as carefully as possible about all aspects that will be affected by the location and type of future buildings.

Site planning basics

In principle, you can carry out a complete site planning on your own, without the involvement of third-party specialists. It will be easier, the more you are professionally close to the architectural and construction topics. It will be necessary not only to familiarize yourself with the mass of regulatory and reference documentation (various GOSTs and SNiPs), but also to fully comply with its requirements.

In our opinion, at this stage it is not worth saving and instead of wasting your time and trying not to miss various important little things, it is better to entrust this task to a good specialist or a company engaged in similar work. After all, in addition to a collection of rules and regulations, there is such a thing as experience, which is not always possible to find in books.

To order a project from a specialized organization, you will most likely need to provide the following documents:

  1. Topographic plan of the site with applied underground utilities (usually on a scale of 1:500)
  2. Cadastral plan of the site
  3. Materials of engineering-geological surveys on the type of soil and the level of groundwater.
  4. Your wishes in the form of a technical task, with a description of how you want to see your house and related buildings.

First of all, as already mentioned in the article “Selection of a site for construction”, it is necessary to conduct engineering and geological surveys to determine the properties of the soil, the level of groundwater, etc. Based on these and other data, the type and depth of the foundation, the required degree of waterproofing, the thickness of the walls of buildings are calculated, and calculations are made for heating the future home.

Based on your wishes, a specialist designer will design a house and related buildings, as well as place them on the ground, linking them to the plan of your specific site.

To draw up a technical assignment for the design, you will need to answer the following questions:

  • What should your future home look like?
  • what should be the area of ​​the house;
  • how many rooms (and for what purpose) should be in the house;
  • what building materials are preferred (brick, concrete / foam concrete, wood, etc.);
  • what equipment and what communications should be in the house (heating boiler or stove, ventilation equipment, air conditioners, pumping station for a well, sewer system, fire alarm, telephone-Internet, etc.);
  • how many and what kind of additional buildings you need on the site - their size, purpose and the possibility of "blocking" (that is, is it possible to connect them with other buildings into a single whole with a common wall).

Site planning procedure

When planning the site itself, first of all, it is necessary to determine the number and purpose of additional (yard) buildings on the site. It can be:

  • garage;
  • bath;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • hozblok;
  • place for compost / manure, cesspool / septic tank;
  • outdoor toilet, shower;
  • decorative pond, swimming pool.

In addition to buildings, you need to keep in mind your wishes regarding the size and location of the garden, vegetable garden and other areas for vegetation (vineyards, hedges, etc.). Obviously, the more buildings you plan, the less space will be left for a garden with a vegetable garden and vice versa. Therefore, here it is necessary to come to an agreement that will suit all interested parties.

It is best to plan in the following order:

  1. Decide where to build the house.
  2. Determine the functional parts of the remaining area of ​​​​the site (garden, kitchen garden, outbuildings).
  3. Determine the location and types of individual households. buildings, specific areas for a garden and a vegetable garden.
  1. It makes sense to build a multi-storey building in the city (in view of the small areas allocated in the city of plots), and outside the city - a one-story building with the creation of separate additional buildings. This is due to the fact that in practice the construction of a multi-storey building is more expensive than a single-storey one (reinforced foundations, walls and ceilings impose additional costs). At the same time, the construction of additional buildings can be spread over time, accelerating the construction of the house itself and “stretching” financial costs.
  2. The experience of the Nordic countries shows that the heating costs for the construction of spaced buildings are quite comparable with the costs of heating an all-in-one house, so you should not pay special attention to this point. Moreover, in buildings that do not require heating, it can not be organized, which can even reduce the cost of this item.
  3. The garage is recommended to be a separate building. This is due to the fact that, as experience shows, garage odors are able to penetrate into the house in spite of any ventilation and sealing of cracks, and it is very difficult to get rid of these odors.
  4. It is more rational to locate the garage at the edge of the site (in compliance with the rules and regulations) in order to minimize the cost of creating access roads and the loss of usable space.
  5. On plots of a small area, it is more rational to place the house near the street in order to increase the usable area of ​​​​the remaining land. If you have a plot of a large area, then you can choose any location of the house, up to building in the depths of the plot, in order to protect yourself from the noise of the street and neighbors.
  6. It is better to place the garden zone in the middle and in the depth of the site, garden trees - in the foreground and in the middle of the site.
  7. If your site is located in a suburban area, then, by agreement with a neighbor, you can combine your outbuildings into one building with a common wall, slightly reducing construction costs. Otherwise, you will have to indent at least a meter from the border of the neighboring area.
  8. Consider the orientation of the site relative to the cardinal points and the trajectory of the sun in order to correctly position the house relative to the garden with a vegetable garden (to prevent them from falling into a permanent shadow). In addition, this will allow you to provide yourself with a cool zone during the hot daytime hours (relevant for the southern regions), as well as correctly plan the layout of the rooms in the house itself.

Layout options

Separate buildings

Layout options with spaced buildings can be used for any type of house and in any climatic conditions.

Option 1

In this option, the outbuildings are located in different buildings, the garage is separated. The garden is planned in the front and middle parts of the site, the garden - in the depths.


  1. garage
  2. hozblok
  3. garden

Option 2

Two adjacent plots are shown.

In this version, the garage is adjacent to the house. Household the buildings of the neighbors are combined and are in the background. The garden occupies the front and middle part of the site, the garden is located in the depths. This option is undesirable for two reasons at once (combining a house with a garage and irrational use of land under the driveway to the garage due to the remoteness of the house from the street), but is given as one of the options.


  1. garage
  2. hozblok
  3. garden

Combined buildings

Option 3

Garage combined with households. buildings, but separated from the house into different buildings. Inside there is a courtyard that can be arranged as a resting place, closed from prying eyes. The garden occupies the front and middle part of the plot around the house, the vegetable garden is located in the back.


  1. garage
  2. outbuildings
  3. garden

Option 4

The plan of the "fortress" type, in which the house and all the buildings are evenly spaced around the perimeter of the site, inside there is a garden with a vegetable garden and an outdoor recreation area. The garage can be double (one next to the house, the second - in the depths of the site), or single (inside the site), and next to the house you can equip a parking shed.


  1. garage
  2. outbuildings
  3. garden, vegetable garden, vineyard

Option 5

In this embodiment, most of the buildings are combined, part of the households. structures is moved to a separate building (if necessary), along the perimeter there is a garden and a vegetable garden.


  1. garage
  2. household the buildings
  3. garden

Compliance with building codes

It is very important to comply with fire regulations when planning, otherwise your project simply will not pass the approval. Here are some numbers to help you get started:

  • for houses made entirely of stone and other non-combustible materials, the distance from the windows of the house to the buildings of neighbors should be at least 6 m.
  • For a stone house with wooden floors, which are protected by hardly combustible or non-combustible materials, the distance should be at least 8 m.
  • If wooden floors are not protected from burning, or the whole house is built of wood, the minimum distance increases to 10 m.
  • Detached garage or household. the block must be located at a distance of at least 7 m from the windows of the living rooms or the veranda of the house.
  • A free-standing toilet, compost pits or animal pens should be located at least 15 m from the house.
  • The distance from the house (your or neighbor's) to a free-standing bath or sauna should be at least 8 m.

It is better to specify all the values ​​in the reference documentation when designing, as they may change.

A couple of final remarks - the construction of a bathhouse or a pool will require additional documents for approval and approval, so be prepared for this.

Before you start building, you should plan the site and create a project for the house. And for this, it is necessary to carefully study the existing regulatory documentation, which determines the rules for the location of buildings on the IZHS site. This is important, first of all, so that the inspecting authorities do not oblige you to rebuild buildings. Secondly, it is important for the proper functioning of your communications. And thirdly, it is important for a comfortable stay for you and your neighbors.

Documentation and standards

At the moment, there are many rules and SNiPs (building codes and regulations) that determine the correct development. But for individual low-rise and summer cottage construction, 3 documents are important:

The location of the house on the site

First of all, we must decide where we can place the house on the site. Here is what SP 30-102-99 tells us:

    A residential building (or house) must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, at least 3 m from the red line of driveways. At the same time, the fire-prevention distances indicated in the table :

    Thus, first of all, when planning the location of the house, we pay attention to the boundaries of our own site: which streets or driveways it adjoins, as well as how the houses adjacent across the street are located.

  1. The minimum distance from a residential building to the border of a neighboring site in terms of sanitary conditions must be at least 3 m.

    Thus, it is also necessary to take into account the distances from the boundaries of adjacent parcels.

Do not forget that, in accordance with the rules and regulations, we measure the distance from the house from the basement of the building, provided that the remaining parts protrude no more than 0.5 meters. If the length of the protruding parts of the house is more than 50 cm, then the distance must be measured from them.

Location of buildings and other objects

The distance from the outbuildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must, in accordance with the norms, be at least 5 m, and between any buildings on the land plot at least 4 m.

The bath should be located at least 8 m from the house, and the garage should be at least 1 meter from the fence and 6 m from the neighboring plot.

It is also worth considering the location in relation to neighboring plots:

  • Shrubs - at least 1 m;

    Tall - not less than 4 m and medium-sized trees - not less than 2 m;

    Buildings for keeping poultry and livestock - at least 4 m.

Location of communications

According to sanitary standards, a compost pit, a trash can and an outdoor toilet must be located at least 20 m from the house.

Depending on the type of water supply source, the distance from the toilet or compost pit varies, but it starts from 8 m.

It should be added that all communication facilities should be located at the maximum distance from neighboring areas.

Instead of a conclusion

So, you can read in detail all the nuances and codes of rules for placing the buildings of a summer cottage or an individual housing construction facility in three documents:

In the diagram, we presented the graphic dimensions of the standards for the placement of objects and houses on the land.

Full distance scheme according to building codes

Mandatory requirements for compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards when planning summer cottages are given in the article.

This article will discuss the basic principles of planning summer cottages. Some examples of planning problem areas are given.


Having received at your disposal a long-awaited land plot, you, of course, want to quickly begin to implement your grandiose plans for the development of new possessions.

But do not rush to pick up a shovel and take action

In order to carry out practical actions competently, efficiently and at the lowest cost, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

What is it?

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a study and evaluate the site according to a number of indicators and, using the data obtained, draw up a plan for further actions.

This work can be divided into the following steps:

Stage 1. Land valuation

The planning of a personal plot depends on many natural and planning factors.

The first step in site planning is an objective assessment of its characteristics.

What is it?

Based on the realities of the area on which the allotment is located, it is necessary to consider and evaluate the following points characterizing the site:

  • terrain;
  • the shape and size of the site;
  • the general architectural and planning structure of a settlement or a dacha partnership (depending on the location of the dacha);
  • soil type;
  • availability of groundwater;
  • predominant winds (wind rose);
  • the location of the site relative to the cardinal points, the illumination of its zones.

As a result of this work, material will be obtained that will help clarify the possibilities for implementing your plans in accordance with the realities of the area.

What to pay attention to

  • Terrain relief. It can be the most diverse - from a flat surface to the slopes of a mountain, hill or ravine. This will determine the location of the residential building and other buildings, the choice of planning style, the construction of engineering systems, etc.;
  • The shapes of the plots are also very diverse. It can be a rectangular area close to a square, a rectangular elongated or narrow, rounded corner, shaped like the letter “g”, triangular, and other options. The principles and style of site planning will depend on the form.
  • Soil types can be: clay; light, heavy and medium loamy; sandy; sandy; humic. It may be necessary to bring fertile soil to the site. The acidity of the soil will determine which trees and vegetables can be planted on it;

Note: In this case, they use detailed soil maps available in each district, collective farm or state farm.

You can determine the type of soil in the most practical way - by rolling a lump of moist soil between your fingers in the form of a flagellum. Rolling the flagellum into a ring, observe the appearance of cracks on it. Clay soil does not give cracks, heavy loamy - slight cracking, medium loamy cracks significantly. Breaking the ringlet is typical for light loamy soil, and non-rolling of a wet lump into a flagellum is typical for sandy and sandy loam. Samples are taken at a depth of 10-15 cm from the soil surface in different parts of the site.

Soil acidity can also be determined at home using litmus paper or a special express device. To do this, 2 tablespoons of soil from the top layer (0-20 cm) are placed in a glass container (jar, glass), 100 ml of cold boiled water is added, shaken for 5 minutes and allowed to stand for 2-3 hours. Then, the tip of a litmus paper is lowered into the settled solution and the changed color of the indicator is compared with the attached color scale.

  • The level of groundwater on the site determines the need for its drainage and drainage of flood and storm water, the selection of fruit trees.

Note: Information on the level of groundwater at the site can be obtained from the district architect. If such data on the site is not available, then they can be obtained by yourself. In the middle of summer, if there are no sharp climatic deviations in spring (very late spring or rainy summer), wells 1.5–2 m deep are drilled in several places on the site. When water settles in them, the water level is determined with a measuring ruler to the soil surface. At a mark of less than 1 m, drainage of the site is mandatory, at a mark of 1.5 m it is desirable. Otherwise, during heavy rainfall, waterlogging may occur, which can cause the death of all plantings.

  • Predominant north and northeast winds in the area have a bad effect on the yield of horticultural and vegetable crops, and can lead to freezing of trees. If they prevail on the site, it is necessary to take measures to protect against them. These data can be obtained from the local weather service.
  • The location relative to the cardinal points, the illumination of the areas of the site will allow you to correctly orient residential buildings, gardens and kitchen gardens on the ground, correctly select plants suitable for this place.

Note: To find out the mode of insolation (lighting) of the area, you can apply the following technique:Choose a sunny day. In the morning (8-9 hours) on the plan, mark the boundaries of the shadows falling from the house, the fence and buildings located on the site, as well as from large trees and shrubs. Repeat this at noon (12-13 hours). Then in the evening (17-18 hours). Mark the borders of the shadows with hatching. On paper, you will see areas of deep shadow (on which hatching is applied three times, i.e. at each measurement). Marked with double or single shading, these are moderately shaded places (the sun looks here only in the morning and in the afternoon). And unshaded areas (zones of full illumination). Considering the results obtained, you will be able to correctly orient the areas of the site and select plants suitable for this place.

Stage 2. Styles of planning

In summer cottage construction, two styles of site planning are mainly used:

  • regular (geometric);
  • landscape (picturesque);
  • the right to life also has a mixed style, which includes elements of regular and landscape styles.

1.regular style blends well with flat, flat terrain. It is characterized by a geometric pattern of buildings, beds, paths. It is more economical when focused on growing crops. The scheme of planting trees and shrubs can be square, rectangular, chess. The track composition is linear.

Compositions made in this style imply the correct arrangement of elements in relation to a given or main axis, strict geometric shapes of landscape elements.

Reservoirs also have a strictly symmetrical, usually rectangular shape, paths and alleys should be straight, even and clear.

regular style

2. landscape style It is distinguished by free placement of plants, complex microrelief, winding lines of paths, smooth changes in forms and types of vegetation. The landscaping style involves a less utilitarian use of the territory, gives the site a picturesque and attractive appearance.

This style involves a free, natural arrangement of landscape elements. Straightness, correctness of form and symmetry are completely excluded.

An obligatory feature of the style is an uneven terrain with ravines, artificial and natural hills, ponds of irregular shape.

The paths located on the site must have a winding structure, but the turns, at the same time, should not be far-fetched and sharp. The material of the paths must be of natural origin or imitate it.

landscape style

3. mixed style. Combines elements of the two previous styles.

Depending on the location of the site, it gives a wide choice of building plans. Recently, it has been the preferred style when planning summer cottages.

Each type of style is attractive in its own way in country planning and its choice depends on the taste and intent of the developer.

mixed style

Stage 3. Zoning of the site

As we already know, the territory of the site can be conditionally divided into zones:

  • living sector;
  • zone of personal and economic services;
  • rest zone;
  • garden area.

When planning, it is necessary to think over the rational zoning of the site, determine where and how the infrastructure facilities will be located on the site. It is recommended to allocate 9-11% of the area for development, 65-77% for a garden, 65-77% for a utility yard, driveways, paths, playgrounds and decorative landscaping - 14-16%.

Site zoning

Each zone should have preferences in location on the site, depending on its size, orientation to the cardinal points, and terrain.

Planning is a creative process and depends on your imagination, although it is advisable to adhere to generally accepted requirements, based on extensive experience in summer cottage construction.

You need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The house is the main building site of the site. Therefore, the breakdown of the site should begin with determining the location of the house, on which the rest of the layout of the site will depend;
  2. As a rule, the economic zone is planned in the depth of the site. Although it can be taken out more closely, it is desirable to cover it from view with decorative plantings;
  3. It is desirable to arrange buildings on the site so that they protect the site from the prevailing winds and do not obscure it. It is best to place them on the north or northwest side. Near the border of the site, you can plant a shrub that is not afraid of shade (raspberries, gooseberries, currants);
  4. The location of the recreation area on the site can be the most diverse, as the most arranged in one place, and placed on the territory of the site. It depends on what kind of occupation and what type of recreation family members prefer (after all, any family consisting of people of different ages prefers to organize their leisure time in different ways);
  5. The gazebo, where all family members and guests gather, should be located in a picturesque place, in a pleasant shade of trees and surrounded by flowers;
  6. It is advisable to take the more sunny side under the garden and vegetable garden. In this case, the shadows from buildings will not fall on green spaces, which means that the harvest will be larger and of better quality.

To effectively address site planning issues, it is desirable to observe a number of basic principles:

  • rational placement of functional infrastructure zones;
  • minimum land acquisition for the entire building complex and footpaths;
  • the shortest distances to move between buildings.

Stage 4. Drawing up a plan - diagram of the site

Now everything that you have in mind must be put on paper. This is best done in the form of a plan.

For a deeper understanding of the face of your site and cost savings, you can make a plan diagram yourself. This requires a little skill in drawing, an idea of ​​​​scale and some spatial imagination.

How to do it?

Draw a plan of your site on a piece of paper. Let's say it's 9 acres - a square with sides of 30 by 30 meters.

The most convenient scale is the scale - 1:100. That is, in the drawing, the plot will decrease to a size of 30 by 30 cm. Line the entire field with a grid with 1x1 cm squares. Each square centimeter of the diagram is in reality a square meter of earth.

Now you need (again on a scale) to cut out buildings, a garage, a flower garden, a pool, etc., from paper, that is, what you want to see on your site. Moving these figures along the plan, choose the place you like and functionally corresponding to its purpose on the site. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with sanitary and fire safety standards, which were mentioned in the previous article.

The principles of planning suburban areas, landscape design - this is a whole science. By moving pictures of objects according to the plan, you will better understand where it is convenient to place what you want to see in your country house.

The layout of the site, the choice of the location of plant compositions and other design elements must be determined taking into account the main factors of the terrain, the geometric dimensions of the site, the growth and development of plants, the composition of the soil, the depth of groundwater, and climatic conditions.

The plan can also be made voluminous by gluing large-scale models of buildings from paper, molding some elements from plasticine. These decorations will help determine, for example, where the projected house will cast a shadow for most of the day, where it is not advisable to set up a garden or flower beds, etc. These simple manipulations will help you get rid of bitter disappointments, rework, replanting plants in the future and, as a result, save money.

The plan must indicate the location of:

  • houses with main and additional entrances;
  • auxiliary and outbuildings (sheds, showers, baths, summer houses, garages, etc.);
  • children's, sports grounds, asphalt and paved paths;
  • fence-enclosing area;
  • the location of the plant composition and other design elements;
  • passing over the territory of overhead transmission lines and underground utilities (if any on the site). Transmission lines can be determined visually, and the placement of underground utilities can be obtained from the chief architect of the area in which your site is located. This is necessary in order not to plant tall trees with a powerful root system in these places.

For a more detailed development of the plan-scheme, the orientation of the site to the cardinal points is determined. This will be required in order to properly plan plantings and provide optimal temperature and light conditions for plants. At the same time, the directions of air masses are noted to determine places that are well warmed up and protected from the wind.

Having received a plan-scheme, it is necessary to order a general plan of the site from an official organization with its approval in the prescribed manner in the relevant state organizations. Remember that these organizations must have legal rights to these works.

The plan-scheme will help you confidently talk with landscapers, builders (if any), control their actions.

Rational site plan

An example of a rational plan-scheme of a plot with an area of ​​9 acres (30x30 meters) 1. Check-in at the site and parking for a car.2. Residential building.3. Hozblok.4. Decorative pond.5. Rest area.6. Playground with barbecue.7. Garden.8. Composting bin.9. Playground for sports.

Rectangular dacha

As already mentioned, the main factors affecting the layout of the site are: the terrain, size, shape of the site and its location relative to the directions of light. Based on this, we will consider general recommendations for site planning.

1. The location of the house, buildings, trees, gardens on a plot of 8 acres.

  • The location of the house on a flat plot of rectangular shape. A house built close to the street allows you to create a more intimate courtyard and garden, protecting them from the outside world. When the house is located in the center or in the depths of the site, an atmosphere of privacy is created, protection from wind, noise and dust.
  • In a narrow area, it is desirable to place the house at a shorter border or closer to the side. Such a layout contributes to a better use of the land, the space in front of the house from the entrance expands, the site becomes less dissected, there are more opportunities for garden planning.
  • Where to locate the house if the plot is on a slope?
  • On the southern slope, it is better to build a house on a high place. On the eastern and western slopes, the house is located at the northern border of the site in a high place. With the least favorable terrain, with a decrease to the north, place the house closer to the western border, in the middle of the slope, possibly on the bed.
  • The main way of arranging a slope is its terracing. Also, a steep slope can be designed as an alpine hill. A small flat space is suitable for creating a lawn, and an artificial reservoir can be equipped in a hollow. Thanks to such a dissection of the garden, individual sections look quite natural, which is very difficult to do on flat terrain.
  • The size of the site plays an important role in the layout of the site. As a rule, the side of the site facing the street (to the "red line") does not exceed 30 m, and the length of the site is about 60 m. Capital buildings (houses, garages) have facades to the street. When the house is located at a distance of 5-7m from the "red line", a plot is obtained, which is called the front garden. Flowers, shrubs or small fruit trees are planted here.
  • Trees are recommended to be placed no closer than 5 m from the house so that they do not create a large shading area and dampness does not appear in the room. Fruit or ornamental trees and shrubs are located both around the house and in the depths of the site. It is recommended that large spreading trees such as an apple tree, a pear tree be located closer to the north of the site. If you plant a cherry, apple, or ornamental barren tree on the east side of your lawn, you'll have a shaded resting place in the summer.
  • Near the entrance to the garage, you can plant low shrubs.
  • The southern wall of the house and garage is an ideal sunny place, protected from cold winds, for a trellis of grapes and other heat-loving plants. The garden is usually placed in the depths of the site on an unshaded area. Outbuildings are located, as a rule, also in the depths of the site in compliance with sanitary standards of distances.
  • The orientation of the site relative to the cardinal points plays an important role in the improvement of the site.
  • The sunny side should be taken under the orchard, vegetable garden, the main part of the flower garden.
  • Shrubs, an ornamental (not fruit) garden, a lawn, part of a flower garden, outbuildings and utility rooms, a barbecue area may be located in a more shaded place.
  • Windows and summer kitchens facing southeast, south and southwest provide the maximum amount of sunlight, and to the north provide maximum shading and protection from overheating. By the movement of the shadow cast by the house on the site, determine the location of the open terrace, recreation area, carport.

2. The recreation area and the green lawn should be separated from the compost heaps by a row of berry bushes.

Behind the bushes, compost heaps will not be visible from the veranda and from the house.

Do not plant a high green hedge along the edge of the part of the site where the garden is located. The sparse raspberries along the southern edge of the estate will not shade the garden. To save neighbors from looking at the compost pit, you can also put up a wooden fence.

3. Fence.

A living green hedge is more beautiful and more practical than a fence.

It will protect the garden from the wind, limit the space of the estate, fit it into the surrounding space, and attract the birds that are friends of the garden. It can consist of 1-3 rows of trees and shrubs, both naturally growing and carefully trimmed. You can plant one hedge for two with a neighbor.

As an alternative to unaesthetic picket fences, we can also recommend a hedge of "trimmed" shrubs, compositions of stones and flowers, thick logs, a natural-looking fence of poles, a stone fence.

4. Lawn and playground.

A veranda or terrace usually opens onto the lawn. The playground is often located under the windows of the room where adults spend most of the daytime so that the children are constantly in sight. At the edge of the lawn, leave room for a barbecue grill.

5. With a plot size of 12 or more acres, you can maximize the recreation area, plant a larger garden or cultivate a larger vegetable garden.

It is tempting to find a place for a small reservoir next to the lawn located in the center of such a site. Well, if it is visible from the veranda, terrace. The soil excavated when digging a reservoir can be used to build a small picturesque shaft on one of the boundaries of the site, an alpine hill, or a small slope on the south side of the house, on which roses will grow well. All the space next to the house can be occupied by grass, flowers, ornamental plants. The rest of the recommendations are the same as for smaller plots.

6. When planning, it is necessary to take into account the sanitary and fire safety standards of distances between buildings which are outlined in the article.

Examples of planning "problem" areas

1. Elongated (narrow) section.

It is often difficult to plan an elongated area. But, using some tricks, you can visually expand the site and make it more comfortable.

First, consider what is undesirable to do.

A narrow section is not very suitable for a regular style. One of the main mistakes is a straight path that runs through the entire plot, which makes the garden visually even narrower and longer.

It is desirable to divide such a site into zones, so that it would be impossible to look at the entire site at once. To do this, you can use the so-called "space separators". It can be just a group of shrubs covering the view, a hedge, a beautiful pergola, arches with climbing plants located across the site (Example 1).

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

For a glance, you can create optical barriers that attract the eye in the center of the site in the form of a bright color composition - flower beds (Example 2).

If you place free-form flower beds along the long side with a color scheme in light or cold colors, and along the far short part of the site, bright, attention-grabbing flower beds with large plants, this will visually expand the boundaries of the site (Example 3).

By planting a large tree at the far boundary of the site, and a low one at the near one, you will visually shorten the distance. You can simply plant large trees and shrubs in the far corner of the garden, and arrange all the rest as their growth decreases towards the house.

The change in perspective is illustrated in examples 4 and 5.

Example 4. Moving away

Example 5: Approaching

Placement of buildings, playgrounds, garden plantings, vegetable gardens on the site is similar to a rectangular plot, but more limited in its capabilities. It is desirable to place the house at the short front border of the site and closer to the side, and outbuildings at the end of the site. The middle part remains for the garden. Recreation area, children's area are very limited.

2. Triangular plot.

If the plot is triangular in shape. What to do in this case?

There is no single answer here, it all depends on your imagination and desire. There is only one advice for the developer - a plan-scheme of the layout of the site is required. By arranging the infrastructure elements on the diagram, you will definitely find the best option for site planning.

Below are two examples of the optimal layout of triangular plots.

Example 1. Triangular plot

Example 1: Plan of a triangular plot of 500 m2 without outbuildings: 1 - house; 2 - track; 3 - lawns; 4 - a corner of rest; 5 - flower beds; 6 - rose garden; 7 - ornamental shrub (lilac); 8 - courtyard fireplace (hearth); 9 - hedge; 10 - a small sports ground (with a hedge separating it from the rose garden); 11 - reservoir (pool).

Example 2. Triangular plot

Example 2: 1. House (6 x 7). 2. Hozblok (2 x 4). 3. Toilet. 4. Shower. 5. Greenhouse. 6. Compost heap. 7. Apple tree. 8. Pear. 9. Plum. 10. Cherry. 11. Chokeberry. 12. Raspberry. 13. Currant. 14. Gooseberry. 15. Strawberries. 16. Flower garden. 17. Cabbage. 18. Potatoes. 19. Carrots, beets, greens.

3. Plot on a slope.

slope house

A site on the slope of a mountain, a hill, or a fold in the terrain is not such a rare occurrence. How to properly plan the site in this case?

Experts distinguish summer cottages at a slope of 15 degrees or more. The technology for erecting a summer house and the features of the construction process depend on the magnitude of the slope. If the slope is small, it does not affect the layout of the house, but it is still recommended to build it on the highest point of the site.

This will avoid flooding, as well as provide better visibility of the entire surrounding area. If the slope exceeds 15 degrees, when choosing a project, you should choose one that is designed for areas with a significant slope.

To reduce the steepness of the slope, several methods can be considered:

  • breakdown of the slope into several horizontal levels-terraces (see the terracing scheme below), with the organization between the edges of the terraces, retaining walls, restrictive slopes. In this case, both the terraces and the slopes between them can be used for planting plants and building the necessary buildings. Each level of the terrace should be provided with a drainage system to remove storm water. If there is a threat of a large amount of water coming off the slope, a concrete fender should be arranged with water drainage along the concrete channel down to the relief;
  • pruning or backfilling of the slope at the locations of buildings, plantings. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the support of the remaining or sprinkled part on the retaining wall. With this method, the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site will increase. A drainage system is also needed here.

To move around the site, tracks are made. They can be in the form of steps and ramps. With a steep climb, a combination of ramps and steps is desirable.

There are several methods for locating a house on the slopes:

  • the natural slope is preserved, and the horizontal arrangement of the building is obtained through the construction of a basement, sometimes large. It can accommodate a garage, shed, kitchen. Thus, it turns out a cottage, consisting of two levels.
  • on leveled terrain (see above - pruning or backfilling).

The preferred locations of the house, depending on the direction of the slope to the cardinal points, are set out in the "Planning Recommendations" section of this article.

With a slight slope, the garden will hardly differ from a flat one, with an average one, retaining walls and terraces will already have to be built, and the design of a plot on a steep slope will require serious construction work. The style of the garden on the slope gravitates toward landscape solutions. But there is an opportunity to create a regular garden. For example, Italian Renaissance gardens were often built on slopes and consisted of a cascade of platforms and stairs. So you can equip even a very steep slope.

The topic of building on a slope is well disclosed in the article. .

An important point in the arrangement of the site is the strengthening of slopes and slopes.

To do this, a set of protective measures is applied, including:

  • sowing various types of grasses with a developed root system, to create turf;
  • mechanical fixation of slopes with the help of biomats, gabions, cellular geogrids, geotextiles, and other materials;
  • planting trees and shrubs (mainly willows).

4. L-shaped area.

A small area has a non-standard L-shaped shape. Oddly enough, a plot of this shape is not as bad as it seems. An unusual form can be beaten. One of the main advantages is that a plot of this shape cannot be immediately captured by the eye. Here is a specific example of planning such a site. One of the goals of planning is to make the site look larger than it really is, while still being sufficiently open.

Given the small size of the site, it is advisable to place on it: a house with a terrace; parking for cars; bath; small shed; recreation area; playground; small garden; several fruit trees; lawn; flower beds.

L-shaped plot

The protruding part of the site seems to be hiding from view and should be used as a recreation area. The site, which seems to be open to the eye, surprises in the form of a secluded recreation area. It looks like a garden within a garden. Going around the house, you suddenly have a view of the area with a barbecue. The effect of surprise is also created by the fact that the boundaries of the site are hidden by thickets of shrubs, trees and flowers, and the passage to this zone is narrowed even more.

Closed on all sides, the area has a cozy rest. If desired, it can be covered with a canopy.

With all the variety of planning options for summer cottages, there are general principles for approaching this process. A specific planning option depends both on objective circumstances - geodetic, geological, climatic indications on the ground, and on subjective ones - the developer's capabilities, his imagination and desires. The planning process is creative and everything is in your hands.