Why does lemon dry out? My experience of growing pomelo Why do flowers fall on pomelo?

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​Another problem that an expectant mother may face is depression. It happens that a woman becomes completely different one day, forgetting what the joy of life is. Pomelo, which is one of the best antidepressants, can easily cope with this too! Vigor, joy and the desire to move actively can be restored by consuming 2-3 slices of this miracle fruit per day.​


Growing pomelo at home

The main contraindication to consuming this fruit is allergies. Therefore, it should not be eaten by people who are allergic to citrus fruits. Although pomelo is recommended for diabetics, it should be used with caution. It is better to go to the doctor, who will determine the average daily intake, which subsequently should in no case be exceeded.​

Transplantation is carried out as needed in early spring before growth begins. It is not recommended to replant plants in autumn. Fruit-bearing plants are replanted no more than once every 2-3 years. It is not recommended to replant trees that have flowers or fruits, as this leads to the fall of both. If the roots have not yet entwined the earthen ball, it is enough to change the drainage and top layers of soil. When transplanting, you should not greatly destroy the earthen ball; it is preferable to transfer the plants. Pots and tubs for replanting plants should not be too large in size, as citrus fruits are afraid of soil acidification. Pots and tubs must have good drainage. The root collar in the new container should be at the same level as it was previously. Roots formed above the root collar are removed.​

​Stick the seed into the pot, do not let the water dry out completely, and do not torment the poor plant with daily digging.​

​“How to choose a broom” especially for the site Eco-life.ru. All rights reserved

​First of all, you should pay attention to the aroma of the fruit - it should be felt at a short distance and be pronounced. This indicates the ripeness of the fruit and its positive taste.​

Features of growing pomelo at home:

​Mash the pot of pomelo in your hands and remove the plant. Add drainage to the new pot and begin adding soil. Compact the substrate well. Place the broom in the pot and start filling in the remaining soil.​

​Therefore, if you are a fan of watering your plants from the tap, then it is better to abandon this idea. Pass the water through a filter or simply settle it.​

​First you need to remove the seeds from the fruit. The extracted seeds must be washed under running water and rid of the pomelo pulp.

​Growing citrus fruits at home is a responsible and painstaking task. But imagine what reward all this work will turn into.​


Pomelo: features of home care

People who want to use pomelo (in combination with other types of treatment) to alleviate diabetes or, if they are lucky, get rid of this insidious disease, are recommended to eat freshly squeezed juice of this fruit. Moreover, the best option would be to do it yourself, without using a juicer, so that the beneficial substances will be completely preserved. For the best effect, pomelo juice should be consumed immediately after meals.​


Citrus fruits are grown in the following soil composition: turf and leaf soil, humus, sand. Young plants need lighter soil (2:1:1:1), and heavy soil for adults (3:1:1:1) with the addition of a small amount of clay.​

Citrus fruits need the absence of drafts, good drainage, adherence to the watering schedule, abundant fertilizing and fairly low temperatures in winter. In summer it is advisable to expose them to fresh air. To get fruits, you will have to work as a bee: pollinate the flowers with a cotton swab or a soft brush. On plants grown from cuttings and blooming for the first time, half of the buds are first removed, and then 2-3 fruits are left from the remaining ovaries; on a 4-5 year old plant, 6-7 fruits are left, on a 6-7 year old plant - up to 10 fruits. With this rationing of the harvest, the correct development of the tree is ensured.

​Photo © Marek Kosmal | Dreamstime.com

​When choosing a pomelo, pay attention to the color, it should be uniform and the same. There should be no spots, especially green ones (the exception is the pomelo of green varieties).​

​Water the pomelo or place it in a container of water so that the roots themselves are saturated. Transplantation can be carried out at any time of the year.​

​As for watering, pomelo is a moisture-loving plant; you don’t have to spare water. But remember the rule, everything is good in moderation.​

​The washed bones must be dried and placed in sand. Place the jar in a dark, cool place for 10-12 days. The ideal place to store seeds is the refrigerator.​

​A beautiful small tree will smell fragrant with blossoms, and with proper care will bear fruit.​

Pomelo is not only a tasty and beloved fruit by many, it is also a very attractive plant that can be used to decorate the interior of a house (apartment). This is very simple to do - you need to save the bones left over from the eaten fruit. First, they are placed in a saucer, covered with damp cotton wool and placed on a well-lit windowsill for 2-3 days. After this, prepare a flowerpot and plant the pomelo, like any other indoor plant. The exotic homeland is sunny Asia, therefore, it will grow better in a well-lit room.​

Replanting pomelo at home

The pulp will also not harm diabetics, although its therapeutic effect will be somewhat lower. Therefore, you can safely enjoy this delicious, unusual fruit. It is also supported by the fact that, unlike the bitter grapefruit, which is also allowed for diabetics, the pulp of the pomelo is sweet. This means that this delicious citrus fruit can be eaten without fear for your health. Pomelo can be combined with most diabetic foods, this will give dishes an exotic touch. But this does not mean that pomelo can be consumed in unlimited quantities. It is better to divide a large fruit over several days at the rate of 100 g per day. And for the reason that each patient has his own individual characteristics, then, when planning frequent use of pomelo, it is better to consult with your doctor.

​Pomelo is an excellent fruit for weight loss because it contains a lipolytic enzyme that promotes weight loss. How does it work?​

​you plant a seed in the ground and water it...​

Flowering and fruit set occur most abundantly at an average air and soil temperature of 15-18°C. However, like most subtropical crops, they need coolness in winter.​

​Most likely it will sprout and grow, but it won’t bear fruit; it needs to be grafted.​

​It is also very important to feel the fruit. The peel should be of uniform thickness throughout the entire fruit; compactions are simply not acceptable. If the fruit has compactions, this indicates improper ripening and storage conditions. This type of broom should not be chosen. It will be dry, bland and not tasty. In addition, there will be a lot of seeds in it.​

​It is worth excluding this operation during the period of flowering, dormancy and budding. Experts recommend returning to feeding two weeks after transplantation.​


How to choose a pomelo |

Under no circumstances should you overwater the plant, otherwise it can cause fungal diseases and lead to the death of the plant. We recommend starting the next watering only after the soil dries out or becomes slightly damp.​

​Take a pot, it’s better if it has several drainage holes, and pour drainage into it. The next layer will be fertile drainage, which consists of sand and garden soil. Add 1/3 of the substrate.​

​And if someone said that it is impossible to grow a pomelo from a seed, then it’s time to refute his opinion and start planting a citrus fruit.​

How to choose a pomelo

The plant will not bear fruit soon (in about 15 years), but with annual replanting, proper care and pruning, this is quite possible. The long wait for fruits will be brightened up by the magnificent appearance of this exotic mini-tree!​


​Every day our body enters a large amount of fats, which gradually accumulate in our body. It is not easy to remove them; only heavy physical activity can help with this. Unfortunately, not everyone can find the willpower to go for daily runs; not everyone has the time and money to visit the gym. And the lack of intense and constant exercise contributes to even greater accumulation of fat. Thanks to the lipolytic enzyme, pomelo breaks them down and removes them from the body.​

​will grow on its own...​

​It is best to keep them in winter in a bright, cold room at a temperature of 16-17°C during the day, 8-12°C at night.​

​When growing citrus fruits, you need to remember that different types of plants have different needs for light and heat, different whimsicality, different timing and frequency of flowering. Different citrus fruits have different attitudes towards soil composition. For example, tangerines are less demanding on the substrate, and for pomelo (pompelmus), the soil must be neutral or slightly alkaline, so peat cannot be added to it, but it is useful to add salt (this gives the fruits a special taste and aroma). Minneola loves well-fertilized soils enriched with nitrogen and calcium. Lime grows quickly in rich, light, well-drained soils with added lime.​

How to store pomelo

​Citrus with stains of uncharacteristic colors (red, burgundy or brown) is better to be put aside. This is a sign of a specific plant disease. For humans, of course, this disease is not dangerous, but there will be no benefit from such a fruit. And it’s unlikely to please you with its taste.​

​Transplantation and care will not take up much of your personal time. Fill your home with something truly exotic.​

Pomelo peel jam recipe

​Feeding pomelo to ensure beautiful and long flowering. In a flower shop, we recommend choosing fertilizer for flower plants.​

​Place the pomelo seed and cover with the rest of the soil. Water the future tree. After you have successfully planted a pomelo, you must remember that it will require special attention.​

​As you may have guessed, pomelo is an evergreen plant that can reach a height of 10-15 meters. Naturally, this figure does not apply to trees that are grown at home.​


How to grow pomelo (an exotic fruit) at home if you have its seeds?


​For the umpteenth time today I recommend Versilin’s book, A Journey with Houseplants, it clearly describes how to make citrus fruits bloom for 4-5 years without grafting, by the way, with this formation, pomegranates also successfully begin to bear fruit for 5-6 years - verified, you can download the book at Aldebaran library
The calorie content of this fruit is low - approximately 28-37 kilocalories per 100 grams of pulp. The sweeter the pomelo, the higher this indicator and vice versa. But even its maximum number is much lower than that of other fruits.​

This fruit also contains many healthy carbohydrates that improve the functioning of the entire digestive system. This gives us the opportunity to eat our usual foods without gaining excess weight.​
The pulp of this fruit contains a number of useful substances that are of great value to the human body:
Citrus fruits are light-loving, they need sunlight, but they need to be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun. This promotes healthy, dark green foliage. The fruits of orange and lemon are characterized by increased acidity when there is a lack of light, but when there is an excess of sunlight, the leaves of the plants acquire a pale green color. However, the lemon tree is shade-tolerant and can be successfully grown even in a dimly lit room. If there is a sudden change in light, they stop growing and may shed their leaves until they adapt to the new lighting conditions. Additional lighting in winter promotes the growth and development of plants when the right temperature conditions are available.​


​It is important to avoid getting chlorine salts into the substrate with citrus fruits, to which they are very sensitive. Watering should be regular and sufficient; Excessive watering of citrus fruits leads to the development of fungal diseases. Timely feeding allows you to grow healthy and beautiful trees, get abundant flowering and fruiting.​


The top of the fruit should be dense, but no more than 1 cm in diameter. When choosing a broom, pay attention to whether there are any growths or damage.​


The pomelo will definitely say “thank you” to your efforts with its fragrant and tasty flowering. Add some citrus mood to your life!​


​The product contains an increased amount of microelements necessary for the normal growth and development of the tree.​
​In order for your work to please you with its flowering and fruits, you must carefully care for the green miracle.​
​Our climate is not the same, and the ceiling height is not intended for such dimensions.​
​It's growing for me. He is already 3 years old, but the bush is small, 30 cm in total. There must be a tree. It is unlikely that it will bloom in 2 years. In 12 years, I’ll still believe it... Lemon blooms at about 13-15 years of age. My lemon is 5 years old, 1.5 meters, but is not going to bloom. :)​
Pomelo is also indispensable for a mono-diet. The main danger of such diets is the removal of large amounts of fluid and nutrients from the body. Pomelo contains a lot of liquid - more than grapefruit and orange. There are also many useful substances, the most valuable of which are potassium and calcium. But everything should have its own measure, so you can stay on such a diet for no more than 3 days.​
​Potassium, improving the oxygen supply to brain cells, stimulates thinking; sodium - makes tissues hardy. Together, these two minerals regulate water-salt metabolism in the body. Thanks to the high phosphorus content, the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is normalized, and the functioning of the heart and kidneys improves. In combination with calcium, phosphorus is involved in the formation of bone tissue. Calcium plays an important role in blood clotting and reduces the risk of developing diabetes and colon cancer.​
​Plants that have shed their leaves in winter are best kept in semi-dark rooms at a temperature of 8-12°.​
​After planting citrus seeds, you need to study the needs of this species and the peculiarities of their agricultural technology, and also be patient: most ungrafted citrus fruits will not produce fruits soon. Different types of citrus fruits begin to bear fruit at different ages: most often trees grown from seedlings bloom at the age of 8-12 years, but possibly earlier (from 5-7 years of age). For example, bright orange tangerines usually begin to bear fruit at 6-8 years, golden-green pomelo - at 7-10 years. Having sowed a lime seed, you can hope that within 3-4 years amazing emerald fruits will appear on it. It must be borne in mind that seedlings grown from citrus seeds often lose completely or partially the characteristics of the variety of the parent plant, however, there are exceptions. For example, a lime grown from a seed always retains these properties.​
​By choosing the right pomelo, you will provide your body with a lot of useful substances, get rid of many diseases and bad mood.​

Elena Schastlivaya

​Brief instructions for caring for pomelo:​
Pomelo is distinguished by abundant and long flowering. The aroma in the house will be incredible, you will definitely have the feeling that you are on the sunny islands.​

For some time you will have to protect the young broom from sudden changes in temperature conditions and drafts. Also, the plant does not like direct sunlight.


The crown is covered with small thorns, so the “juices” of the tree do not evaporate. The length of the leaf plate can reach 15-20 centimeters, the top is dark green, the bottom leaf has a light green tint. The vein is clearly expressed.


I grew it from a seed. He is already 5 years old, he threw out one flower in the second year - that’s all. Very frail and not a tree at all, and not even a bush, but just that. You can plant it for fun, but it won’t be particularly beautiful.​

Vitamins and other valuable substances

​Many pregnant women select fruits for their diet with special care so as not to harm the baby. Can they eat pomelo and in what quantity?​

​This fruit is ideal for fasting days. An eaten pomelo slice dulls the feeling of hunger, but at the same time no extra calories enter the body. While at work, you can replace your usual snack during your lunch break with a few slices of pomelo, and then the extra pounds will begin to “melt” and your face will become fresher and younger.​

Contraindications for using pomelo

​Iron takes part in oxidative processes, removes carbon dioxide from the body, and normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood. Magnesium improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prostate, promotes the production of female hormones, and accelerates the process of blood clotting.​

The air in the room must be clean, free of harmful odors and sufficient humidity. Citrus fruits do not like tobacco smoke. Plants must be kept clean, washed frequently, and during the growth period, sprayed daily with warm water. Plants respond very well to weekly bathing in the shower.​

Pomelo for weight loss

​Some citrus fruits bloom only once a year; for example, tangerines usually bloom in spring (the fruits ripen in winter). Many citrus fruits, with good care, can bloom several times a year, so you can see both flowers and fruits of varying degrees of ripeness at the same time.

​Another positive feature of pomelo is its long-term storage. The fruit can be stored in the refrigerator or at low temperatures for an average of two to four months, and the beneficial properties of the pomelo will not go away. However, in a cleaned state, you should not store it for more than a day, since in the future it can dry out and acquire bacteria.​

​How to choose a broom​

True, the tree will begin to bear fruit after 8-10 years. Don’t worry that there’s something wrong with the broom, or that you’re doing something wrong, since this is a completely natural, natural phenomenon.​

​The best choice is diffused light. Experts recommend spraying young leaves with warm, settled water at least twice a week.​

Everyone knows that pomelo fruits are quite large and can reach up to one kilogram in weight. The pulp is very juicy, sweet and sour and aromatic, divided into small slices.​

Glycemic index of pomelo

To speed up fruiting, it is necessary to stimulate the formation of branches 4, 5, etc. in order, as well as

​Since during pregnancy the female body is especially vulnerable to colds, it needs an increased supply of vitamin C, which is an excellent remedy for both the prevention and treatment of colds. Pomelo contains it in sufficient quantities. It also contains a lot of potassium and calcium, which will not only keep the mother healthy, but will also become building material for the baby’s bones, and will also help the brain develop better.​

Pomelo for diabetes


​Of the remaining substances contained in pomelo, it is worth highlighting dry nutrients, fats (take part in the vital processes of cells, improve the condition of the skin, making it healthy and elastic), proteins (participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin, peptide hormones, enzymes). Fiber (improves intestinal function, promotes the removal of bile acids from the body), pectin (promotes the removal of toxic and radioactive metals), ash. Some of the enzymes break down fats, and essential oils suppress viruses.​

​You need to water with warm water, moderately but regularly throughout the year, when the soil surface dries out slightly. Plants die from excess moisture. However, the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out, as this leads to curling and falling of the leaves.​

Calorie content of pomelo

​I think like oranges and lemons are pulled out, maybe it will grow, but definitely not that big​

​By the way, the thick peel (sometimes reaching 5 cm in thickness) of the pomelo is not at all useless. You can make a kind of jam from it. Somewhat troublesome, but tasty, healthy and very unusual :)​

Pomelo during pregnancy

​Just recently, no one knew about pomelo (pamelo). Now in any supermarket and in any market you can buy this fruit, although not as exotic as carom or feijoa, but also somewhat unusual. How to choose a pomelo so as not to be disappointed? By what signs can you separate a tasty, ripe and maximally healthy fruit from a low-quality one?​

​So, we learned that the citrus tree requires special attention. For normal development and growth of the plant, it is necessary to adhere to the optimal temperature regime, and also do not forget to water and feed the plant on time.​

​Remember that pomelo does not feel well in a peat substrate, so you should discard it. Its development is adversely affected by the presence of chlorine.

​In each slice the main object awaits us - seeds (seeds) from which we will grow a citrus tree.​

​provide wintering at low temperatures. This will stimulate the formation of generative buds.

Growing pomelo at home

​For women preparing to become mothers, pomelo is also very useful because it can prevent one of the most undesirable side effects of pregnancy - excess weight. The special enzymes that make up this fruit promote better breakdown of proteins and fats and activate metabolism. Thus, there will be no problems with the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and, therefore, excess weight will not appear.

Citrus fruits decorating the windowsills of Russians are now not uncommon. But people more often plant lemons, tangerines, and oranges, but I managed to grow something exotic - the pomelo fruit.

One day, having tasted the pomelo, I decided to set up a “plantation” of this healthy fruit on my windowsill. Of course, the Internet helped with information. Of the many varieties, I wanted to find Thongdi, bred by Thai breeders. It was promised that its fruits have a spherical shape and very juicy pulp with a pink tint.

Finding the right variety turned out to be difficult, but on the forum I “met” a man who grows citrus fruits, and he sent me a grafted plant. The seedling arrived to me in the spring of 2012 in a small pot.

And so, with trepidation, I took the broom out of the pot to look at the root system - it was very good, it entwined the entire earthen ball. I transferred the seedling into a larger pot (in three years I did two more transfers; now the pomelo is growing in a three-liter plastic pot).

Soon the plant began to grow noticeably. I didn’t have to shape it, since it branched quite well on its own.


1. Broom - pronounced with an emphasis on E. With an emphasis on O, Baba Yaga with a broom comes to mind.

2. This is the largest citrus fruit in size. Depending on the variety, it can be spherical, pear-shaped or in the form of a slightly flattened ball. Its peel can be light green, dark green or yellow.

3. Attention when choosing - the fruit should be a little soft to the touch, and the aroma should be pronounced.

4. Pomelo can be stored well even at room temperature for a month.

A place under the sun

I have a pot of pomelo on the loggia on the east side. The plant prefers bright, diffused light, so in the summer before lunch I shade it from direct sunlight. In winter I move it to the window sill in the room. And I add additional lighting - a fluorescent lamp is enough for this.

Watering and spraying

Watering in spring and summer - as the soil dries out. In winter - about once a week. The main thing here is to find a balance, since drying out the soil or, conversely, excess moisture has a bad effect on the well-being of the plant.

Spraying in summer - every day in the evening, in winter - once a week. But every month I bathe the pomelo in the shower, having first covered the ground with film so that excess water does not get into the ground. After a shower, the leaves breathe easier, they take on a fresh, glossy look - just a sight for sore eyes!

For irrigation and spraying, I use warm water that has been left standing for at least a day. Melt, rain or river water is naturally better than tap water.

Fertilizing in winter and summer

I feed with mineral and organic fertilizers - according to the instructions on the package. I use horse manure infusion as an organic fertilizer. I spread it 1:15.

Feeding: in the summer, for example, on the 1st of the month - with mineral fertilizers, on the 15th - with organic fertilizers. In winter: once a month, alternating mineral and organic fertilizer.

Also, closer to winter - potassium fertilizing, twice with an interval of two weeks. I dilute 1 level teaspoon per 2 liters of water.

Potassium is needed so that in winter the shoots of the plant do not stretch out due to lack of lighting. Potassium also increases the intensity of photosynthesis of leaves, improves metabolism, and resistance to diseases. Accelerates the ripening and lignification of shoots.


I save it from the dry air in the room, which is detrimental to the pomelo, by covering the heating radiator with a thick blanket; this slightly reduces the temperature on the windowsill. But still, I cannot completely provide a cool winter for my plant; it turns out only within 17-20 degrees.

Moment of Truth

In February 2015, in its third year, my broom blossomed for the first time. There were many flowers, but, unfortunately, not a single ovary formed. Of course, I was upset, because I had been waiting for flowering for a very long time and was hoping to get fruit.

However, my surprise knew no bounds when the pomelo bloomed again - literally a month later, in March. Flowering, however, turned out to be not so abundant. To be more precise, there were only three flowers, two of which later turned into ovaries.

Pollination was carried out from the same flowers. A month later, one ovary fell off, but one still remained on the branch.

I watched the first fruiting of the pomelo with fascination; it pleased and warmed my soul. The fruit began to develop, gradually increased in size and acquired an increasingly rounded shape.

In October, when the days became shorter, I decided to pick the fruit. Although it has not yet fully matured, I got ahead of the event so that the young plant would not be oppressed and would not waste energy on feeding the fruit.

And here it is - the moment I’ve been waiting for more than three years! I was holding in my hands a spherical broomstick with a green, fragrant peel! And its pulp, despite being eaten early, turned out to be very juicy, sweet and sour.

Big hopes

Now my pet is resting and gaining strength. In winter it will delight me with its glossy foliage, and in spring I will look forward to its flowering again. And then I hope for the development of a more powerful crown and, of course, abundant fruiting.

The right soil

  • As a substrate, during the first transfer of the plant I used equal parts of turf soil, leaf humus from linden and river sand. In subsequent transfers, I prepared heavier soil, adding more turf soil.
  • There is always drainage at the bottom of the pot to avoid stagnation of water.

Nowadays, growing citrus fruits on windowsills is becoming increasingly popular. But usually people grow lemons, tangerines, and oranges, but I wanted to grow something completely exotic, this pomelo. This fruit is often sold in stores, but few know that it can be grown at home. Pomelo fruits are very large, so they believe that it is unlikely to get the same ones.

The idea of ​​growing a pomelo is wonderful, but where to get the planting material? I turned to the Internet. I found out that pomelo has several varieties. My choice fell on the variety bred by Thai breeders, "Thongdi". Its fruit has a spherical shape and flesh with a pink tint.

Having collected all the necessary information about the plant, I began to look for where to purchase it. On one of the forums I found a person who breeds citrus fruits, and, fortunately, he just happened to have the right variety of pomelo. I ordered it and soon became the proud owner of a grafted plant. It was grafted onto a pomelo seedling, although the cuttings themselves take root quite well.

HURRAY, SEEDLING IS HOME! The plant came to me in the spring of 2012 in a small pot. Since the roots were already peeking out of the drainage hole, I decided to remove it from the pot and look at the condition of the root system. He carefully took the broom out of the pot. The root system was very good, the entire earthen ball was entwined with roots, and I decided to transfer it to a slightly larger pot. Subsequently, over three years, I made two more transshipments. Now the pomelo is growing in my three-liter plastic pot.

THE SOIL. As a substrate for the first transshipment, I used equal parts of turf soil, leaf humus from linden and river sand. In subsequent transfers, I made heavier soil, adding more turf soil. There was always drainage at the bottom of the pot to prevent stagnation of water.

PLACE IN APARTMENT. The pot with the pomelo was placed on the loggia with eastern exposure. Pomelo prefers bright, but diffused light, so in the summer (before lunch) I shaded it from direct sunlight. While it’s warm outside, the pomelo grows on the loggia, and in the winter I move it to the window sill in the room.

WATERING. I use tap water for irrigation, which has been left standing for at least a day. You can also use melt, rain or river water, which is better for plants than tap water. I water in spring and summer as the top layer of soil dries. In winter less often, about once a week. The main thing here is to find a balance, since drying out the soil or, conversely, excess moisture has a bad effect on the development of the plant.

In summer I spray every day in the evening with warm, settled water, in winter less than once a week. But every month I bathe the plant in the shower, after covering the soil with film so that excess water does not get into the soil. After this procedure, the leaves acquire a glossy appearance and begin to breathe, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the plant.

FEEDING. I feed the pomelo with mineral and organic fertilizers. I dilute mineral fertilizers according to the instructions on the package. As an organic fertilizer, I use an infusion of horse manure, diluting it in a ratio of 1:15.

In summer, I fertilize twice a month, for example, on the 1st of the month with mineral fertilizer, and on the 15th with organic fertilizer. In winter, naturally, less than once a month, alternating mineral and organic fertilizer.

Also, closer to winter, I give potash fertilizers twice at an interval of two weeks. I dilute 1 level teaspoon per two liters of water. This is done so that the shoots of the plant do not stretch out and the leaves do not grow too large due to lack of lighting in winter. In addition, potassium increases the intensity of photosynthesis of leaves, improves metabolism in pomelo, accelerates the ripening and lignification of shoots, as well as the plant’s resistance to diseases.

POMELO FORMATION. Apparently, the plant likes my care, and it gives good growth. During the spring-summer period there are two waves of growth. I didn’t have to shape it, since the bush itself branches quite well. But if individual shoots grow too quickly, they need to be shortened to encourage the growth of side shoots and form a more uniform crown.

WINTERING THE PLANT. In winter, plants are in dire need of light. Some crops do not react much to this, but it is advisable to add additional light to the broom. I use a fluorescent lamp, and this is enough for the plant to survive the low light period of winter.

Another problem is dry air in the room, which can cause leaves and flowers to fly around. I help the plant in the following way: I cover the heating radiator with a thick blanket, this saves the situation a little, since I cannot provide a completely cold winter for my broom. On the windowsill in winter, the temperature fluctuates between 17-20 degrees.

BLOOM. In 2015, in the third year of its life, in February, my pomelo bloomed for the first time. There were a lot of flowers and they smelled very nice. But, unfortunately, not a single ovary formed. Of course, I was very upset, because I had been waiting for flowering for a long time and was hoping for fruit. And then my surprise knew no bounds: my pomelo bloomed again literally a month later, in March. The flowering, however, was not as abundant as the first time: only three flowers opened, two of which subsequently turned into ovaries.

Pollination was carried out from the same flowers. A month later, one ovary fell off, but one still remained.

FIRST HARVEST. I watched the development of the first ovary with fascination; it pleased and warmed my soul. The fruit began to grow. Every month it was noticeable how it gradually increased and acquired a regular rounded shape.

In October, as daylight hours decreased and so that the plant did not waste energy, I decided to pick the fruit, although it was not fully ripe. The bush is still young, but the fruit takes on a lot of nutrition.

And now the long-awaited moment has come, which I have been waiting for a little over three years, this is the tasting of my pomelo! The fruit was spherical in shape, the peel was aromatic, green in color. The pulp, despite the unripe fruit, was very juicy and tasted pleasant, sweet and sour.

Now my pet is resting and gaining strength. In winter it will delight me with its glossy foliage, and in spring I will look forward to blooming again. And then, with the development of a more powerful crown, I expect more abundant flowering and fruiting.

Pomelo is a very healthy plant; it contains many vitamins and various macro and microelements that have a positive effect on the human body. Therefore, it is doubly pleasant to grow such a healthy fruit at home.

Pavel Konstantinovich Zimin, Nizhny Novgorod region, Sarov,

The content of the article:

Pomelo (Citrus maxima) is a bright representative of the Citrus genus, beloved by people, which is one of the Rutaceae family. Representatives of flora with a dicotyledonous, equal-petalled structure unite there. This fruit can also be found under the synonymous names Pompelmus or Shaddock. The Southeast Asian territories and the lands of Malaysia are considered the homeland of pomelo; it also grows on the islands of Tongo and Fiji. There is evidence that in China the medicinal and taste properties of the exotic fruit were known as early as 100 BC. There, pomelo is considered a fruit of prosperity, wealth and prosperity. It was brought to European countries by seafarers in the 14th century.

The plant gets its name from the base in Tamil, translated as pampa limoes and meaning "big citron", which through the Portuguese language has already become "swollen lemon" pronounced pomposos limoes, and then in Dutch it became pompelmoes. It meant in English a mixture of apple and melon (pome & melon - pompelmousse) and was shortened to pomelo, pummelo or pumelo. Exotic bears its second name in honor of an English captain with the surname Shaddock, who was the first to bring seed material from the islands of the Malay Archipelago to the West Indies in the 17th century.

Pomelo is a plant with an evergreen crown and a tree-like growth form, reaching a height of 15 m. The crown is mostly spherical. The leaf blades are large. White pomelo blooms with buds 3–7 cm in diameter; they can grow singly or be located from 2 to 10 pieces in an inflorescence. The flowering process occurs 2–4 times a year and, therefore, the number of harvests is the same.

When fruiting occurs, a large fruit ripens, colored in tones from soft greenish to soft yellow. The peel of the fruit is thick, and under it there is a division into large slices. Between them there is a hard, dense partition; seeds can be found in almost every lobe. The size of the pomelo fruit is larger than that of grapefruit and its fibers (sacs with juice) are also enlarged and elastic. Its shape is spherical, but occasionally it can take on a pear-shaped shape.

This is the recognized king among all citrus relatives, since the weight of one fruit sometimes reaches 10 kg, and its diameter grows up to 30 cm. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, but there is some bitterness. The pulp is also not as juicy as that of other citrus plants; it is colored pinkish or red.

There is a version that the pomelo is the same grapefruit, which under different conditions was degenerated and mutated. However, the beneficial properties of sheddock are much greater than those of grapefruit.

When buying a pomelo, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • a good fruit is always distinguished by increased density and when weighed on your hand, the fruit should not seem half empty;
  • the peel of a quality product is slightly soft and completely smooth to the touch;
  • The smell of the pomelo fruit is light citrus;
  • There should be no spots or stripes of burgundy or brown color.

  1. Lighting and choosing a place for the pot. The plant loves good lighting, but can also grow quietly in a north-facing window. It is better to place the pot on the windowsill of windows facing east, west and south. On the latter, it is worth shading from bright sunlight from 12 to 16 hours of the day.
  2. Pomelo content temperature. The tree feels great at temperatures of 24–30 degrees. But in winter, placing it next to heating devices will be detrimental for this representative of citrus fruits.
  3. Air humidity. Sheddock loves it when the air humidity in the room is high; for this it is necessary to spray the crown twice a day in the spring and summer months. This will help avoid damage by harmful insects. You can use humidifiers or place containers of water next to the pot. Also, the container with the plant is placed in a deep and wide container, at the bottom of which a layer of pebbles or expanded clay is poured, you can take chopped sphagnum moss. A little water is poured there, which evaporates to saturate the air with vapor.
  4. Fertilizers for shaddock. Pomelo should be regularly fed with complex mineral compositions that contain sufficient amounts of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and also contain iron, sulfur, calcium and magnesium. Mullein solution is also used.
  5. Watering. Soil moisture should be moderate throughout the year. Water is taken from rain, melt or distilled water, and must be warm. It is important not to overwater or dry out the soil.
  6. Replanting and selection of soil. When the broom is still young, its container and soil will have to be changed annually. It is advisable to carry out this operation in the month of February or with the arrival of spring days. The plant needs to be replanted using the transshipment method, since pomelo, like all citrus fruits, does not like having its root system disturbed. Therefore, during transshipment, the earthen lump is not destroyed. The pot material can be anything. A layer of 2–3 cm of drainage material is poured onto the bottom, and 2 cm of river sand is placed on top of it.
The substrate for replanting is either a regular universal one or a special one for citrus plants. When the tree is still young, the following soil mixture is prepared: turf soil, rotted manure (at least 3 years old), leaf humus, coarse sand - all parts of the components are equal.

For adult specimens, soil taken in the forest from under deciduous trees (only chestnut, oak, walnut or poplar) devoid of fresh leaves is suitable; it is 5–10 cm of top soil. Coarse sand, wood ash and humus are also added there (in a proportion of 2 parts soil, 1 sand and 0.5 ash and humus).

You can get a new exotic tree by planting seeds, cuttings, creating layering or using grafting.

Using seeds you can grow a powerful and healthy plant, but fruiting will not occur for a long time. After the seed has been removed from the fruit, it must be planted as soon as possible in a container with a moistened substrate based on river sand and humus soil. If you let the grains dry out, they will never sprout.

The seeds are buried 1 cm into the soil and immediately watered a little. The container is placed under glass in a warm place with good lighting. If you constantly maintain the conditions of a moist substrate and heat, then in a month they will germinate and several sprouts may appear from one seed. As soon as a pair of leaves appear on the sprouts, they can be carefully planted in separate pots 7 cm in diameter.

For the vegetative method, “air layering” is used. A branch with developed shoots is selected on the tree, which are directed in different directions, so that if successful, the young plant has the appearance of a formed tree. Below the last branching on the side, 15–20 cm, using a sharp knife, remove a ring of bark about 1 cm wide (you can tighten this place very tightly with wire). Take a plastic cup or pot made of soft plastic and cut it vertically on one side, and make a circular hole in the bottom along the diameter of the branch.

The container must be placed on the branch in such a way that the part with the peeled skin is located in the very center. Now you need to connect the walls with wire so that the pot sits firmly on the branch. At the bottom of this structure you need to lay sliced ​​sphagnum moss or small sawdust in layers. Next, this substrate is covered with river sand, and on top with turf-leaf humus and an admixture of sand. This entire earth mixture should be well moistened.
When young leaves appear on the layering and its growth resumes, it means that rooting is proceeding normally. After the buds on the branches begin to swell, you need to add 1/4 cup of ammonium nitrate into the pot (0.05% at the rate of 0.5 g per 1 liter of water).

Instead of a pot, you can use a film to wrap the branch for layering, into which the substrate is placed and tied on both sides of the shoot. It turns out to be a mini-greenhouse, which will promote the formation of roots.

After six months, the cuttings can be separated from the mother tree. First, they cut under the pot, and then, when the structure is removed, the excess part of the branch is removed to the root shoots.

The young pomelo is planted in a container filled with nutrient soil. At first, you will need to shade it from bright sunlight and spray the leaves daily. If the plant begins to wither a little, you will have to put a plastic bag on it and leave it for about 3-4 weeks, gradually accustoming the young specimen to indoor air.

Difficulties and pests when cultivating pompelmus

Like all citrus fruits, the pests of pomelo are spider mites, scale insects, false scale insects or mealybugs. Symptoms of insects may include:
  • folding the leaves into a boat shape and covering their surface with a cobweb, which is also visible in the internodes;
  • the appearance of 3–5 mm brown-brown or gray-brown formations that are visible on the back of the leaf;
  • the appearance of a sticky coating on the foliage or stems of the plant and if no action is taken, it soon turns black and sooty fungus develops.
To fight, you can use a tincture of garlic, tobacco dust and laundry soap, or an oil-soap mixture, including a couple of drops of machine oil and grated laundry soap. After preparation, these products must be applied to a cotton swab and remove pests manually, and then spray the crown and branches of the pomelo. If this does not give a lasting result, then you can treat the tree with insecticidal preparations (for example, Aktara, Korbofos and others).

If the plant was exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, the foliage may become sunburned - the appearance of light spots on the surface. If the air is dry, the leaves will dry out at the tops. If the substrate is flooded, the leaf plates will turn black and they will begin to fall off.

Pomelo fruits contain quite a lot of compounds of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and sodium. It also contains the following vitamins B1, B2, B5 and naturally vitamin C. The fruit also boasts the presence of beta-carotene, which promotes the synthesis of vitamin A in the human body.

The fruits contain substances - limonoids, which have a strong and long-lasting effect against cancer. With the help of essential oils, which are contained mainly in the peel and hard partitions between the segments, the pomelo strengthens the immune system.

Pomelo juice is often used in cosmetic preparations; masks are prepared on its basis to help prolong the youth of the skin and restore lost turgor to it. If you drink a glass of shiddok juice every day, then within a month a person will look much younger, and this will improve the overall health of the gastrointestinal tract, nails, hair and skin.

It is interesting that people with diabetes can safely eat pomelo, since its glycemic index is very low, only 60 units, but the most interesting thing is that the plant’s juice contains substances that help activate the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. These substances are easily soluble in water and it is enough to simply drink half a glass of this fruit juice a day. Nutritionists recommend using pomelo in the fight against excess weight, since a special substance that the fruit contains helps fats to oxidize faster - this enzyme is called lipolytic.

Juice, rich in vitamins, has a beneficial effect on a person during colds, ARVI or flu, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is recommended to take it heated to a temperature of 40–45 degrees, and it will promote the release and removal of sputum. The most interesting thing is that the thick peel is a good product for making jam.

Types of pomelo

  1. Pomelo "Khao horn" It is distinguished by its white flesh and quite sweet taste, the color of the fruit is yellowish-green, its shape is rounded or pear-shaped.
  2. Pomelo "Khao nampung" its outline is pear-shaped, the color of the peel is yellowish-green, the flesh of the fruit is whitish-yellow, sweet and with delicate fresh notes of citrus.
  3. Pomelo "Khao paen" has been used for quite a long time in cultivation in the southern lands of Bangkok, Thailand (more than 160 years). The shape of the fruit resembles a flattened ball, soft to the touch. The peel that covers the pulp measures 1–2 cm in thickness and is yellow-green in color. The appearance of the peel is slightly wrinkled and because of this the fruit can be stored for a long time after harvesting - this is not a sign of spoiled fruit. The pulp is usually divided into 12–15 cloves and is large in size. These slices are poorly divided, but the film that separates them can be removed very easily. The taste of the pulp of this variety is very sweet with a slight sourness, although there is a barely noticeable aftertaste of bitterness. The pulp is more juicy than other species; its color is white. The grains in the fruit are usually underdeveloped; when the harvest is just harvested, they are already ripe, being on store shelves. A plant of this variety was bred at the beginning of the 20th century in the USA (in 1929).
  4. Pomelo "Khao phuang"- a variety that was also artificially bred at the beginning of the 20th century in the Philippines by American researcher P.J.Wester. In 1913, a fruit was taken from the garden of Prince Jugelar of Bangkok for further experiments in breeding. It was grafted onto a tangerine tree, selected as a scion of the Calamodin variety. And already in 1916 it was possible to enjoy the fruits obtained as a result of this work. The fruit is oblong, pear-shaped, with a “neck” measuring about 12 cm or more in width. The peel is distinguished by green tints, which become greenish-yellow when the fruit ripens. And by this time, the peel changes its appearance - it becomes smooth and glossy, its thickness becomes 1.25–2 cm. The fruit pulp is usually divided into 11–13 lobar parts, which are easily separated. Its color is white or white with yellowing. The film and membranes are not eaten. The variety is distinguished by its juiciness and excellent taste. At first, the fruit has a slight sourness, which disappears when fully ripe; there is no bitterness, but there are practically no seeds. The fruits of this variety are exported mainly from Thailand, since those areas have the most suitable conditions for growing this plant. But in the USA (California) there is success in cultivating this type of pomelo, fruits that are absolutely not inferior in all properties to their Thai counterparts.
  5. Pomelo "Thongdi" also a native of Thai lands. The shape of the fruit is spherical, reaching a diameter of up to 15 cm. The thickness of the peel, unlike other types of pomelo, is not so thick, only 1 cm. The pulp is sweet to taste, it is colored in pinkish shades. It is distinguished by its juiciness and the presence of a large number of seeds. This variety can grow in conditions more unfavorable for plants of the citrus genus.
What a pomelo looks like and how to grow it, see here:

Indoor cultivation of citrus fruits requires responsibility on the part of the grower. If your care for them is limited to just watering, then don’t be surprised why the leaves of the lemon fall off, although it seems to be an evergreen plant. However, do not be afraid, caring for it is simple, but the tree will immediately respond to care for it with a beautiful appearance, flowering, and harvest.

A little about citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are mostly native to the subtropics, with hot summers and mild winters. The summer growing season for lemon means plenty of sun and moisture. In autumn, with a natural reduction in daylight hours, the amount of watering and fertilizing decreases. The rest period for lemon is expressed by a decrease in average temperatures.

Unfortunately, we are not always able to provide good wintering conditions for lemons. As a result, it may shed some of its foliage, or almost completely lose its green mass. This is not so scary if this happens, but in order not to let our green pet fall, we need to know why the plant shed its leaves. So, your homemade lemon is losing its leaves - what to do and how to prevent it?

Video about helping lemon

Below are the main reasons:

  1. Bad light
  2. Overwatering
  3. Insufficient watering
  4. Soil depletion
  5. Dry and hot home
  6. Cold in the room where the tree overwinters

Why lemon leaves fall and ways to combat it

Poor lighting triggers a natural mechanism to reduce the amount of green mass; citrus fruits are susceptible to this, as are conditionally deciduous plants. Only leaf fall for lemons is more a reaction to stress than an annual process. It is necessary to increase the illumination of lemons in the autumn and winter, since where they come from there is no such a sharp drop in illumination in winter.

For this:

  • Place a tub of lemon by a south window
  • Create additional lighting with reflective surfaces around the plant
  • Additionally, illuminate with fluorescent lamps.

Excessive watering leads to acidification of the soil, causing it to become denser and less saturated with oxygen. Little air reaches the root system; small capillary roots begin to die. Unable to provide nutrition to all the green mass, the lemon gets rid of some of it.

Insufficient watering leads to drying out of the earthen coma, death of roots, and failure to absorb nutrients from the soil. As a result, sap flow slows down. And also the process of saving liquid in the lemon tree is turned on and it gets rid of most of the foliage. Drying out the earthen ball is extremely harmful for the plant and can sometimes lead to its death, unless your lemon has already grown into a five to eight year old tree and the moisture reserve in the wood allows it to endure this torment for more than a month.

Sudden watering after a long period of drought is also harmful. This is akin to monsoon rain, when the soil abruptly changes from excessive dryness to excessive moisture. Lemon does not like this at all and responds to such stress adequately - it sheds its leaves.

To avoid yellowing and leaf fall in such cases, it is best not to let the soil dry out or flood the pot with water, turning it into a swamp. The soil should always be slightly moist. But if the earthen lump is still dry, you need to gradually moisten it. First, in small portions of watering at intervals of several hours, and then after a day or two, increase the dose of watering until the entire volume of soil is saturated with moisture.

Soil depletion. During the summer growing season, the plant intensively consumes the mineral composition found in the soil, and given that in the limited space of the pot it has nowhere to replenish other than the artificial application of organic and mineral fertilizers, this is something we should take care of. Among the fertilizers, there are three main ones: nitrogen, phosphates or superphosphates, and potassium salts. But indoor flowers even more need microelements, such as zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium, iron, etc. A significant deficiency of one or more of them is expressed in leaf deformation, color change, and then falling off. This may be redness, the appearance of yellow spots, paleness, loss of leaf elasticity, drying out at the edges.

We avoid this problem by feeding the soil with organic matter and minerals. Macronutrients are not provided evenly throughout the year. So, in the spring, most of the nitrogen fertilizers and organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. In summer, nitrogen, phosphorus, mineral and organic are added evenly. In the fall, we increase the dose of potassium fertilizers, excluding nitrogen and organic matter. We feed microelements monthly. This is best done in the form of liquid complex fertilizers.

Heat. The dry, warm air of a room heated in winter resembles the microclimate of a salt desert. Even in the Sahara the air humidity is higher. Even for cacti that love dry but cool winter air, these conditions will not be very comfortable. It is not surprising that the lemon cannot cope with such stressful conditions - the leaves fall off.

What to do if the air in the apartment is too dry:

  • To begin, move the tree tub away from the battery.
  • Cover the radiator with a thick blanket or rag if it is not possible to regulate the room temperature in any other way.
  • Spray regularly, every week. Give the plant a shower periodically.

Low room temperature. Lemons need coolness for a successful winter, but you should know when to stop. It is better to keep the temperature in the room where the lemon tree is located above +10. Otherwise, the plant also turns on the leaf fall mechanism. The problem is relevant not only for winter gardens and greenhouses, where air temperatures may be too low. Your citrus fruits should also be kept away from drafts, so as not to be surprised later why the lemon drops its leaves, despite all the measures taken. In winter, constant drafts lead to the fact that the plant endures extreme temperature fluctuations for a long time and experiences stress. We need to rid him of this. So take care of the temperature conditions, as well as the absence of drafts at home.

And it’s worth mentioning separately about diseases and pests of citrus fruits, which can also lead to leaf fall.

Diseases of indoor lemon

Spider mites most often develop in dry, hot air; characteristic cobwebs appear at the bases of the leaves; the leaves themselves turn yellow, curl, and dry out. The drug Fitoverm is well suited against ticks. If the tree is small, you can dip its green part in hot water, above 60 °C.

A sign of aphid infestation is deformation, yellowing of leaves, and drying out of entire branches. When there are a lot of aphids, its colony is difficult to miss; they concentrate on the back side of the leaf. If there are few insects, then manually remove all affected areas; if there are many, use Tanrek and similar products.

It happens that for no reason at all the lemon drops its leaves. What to do in this case? Check for gommosis - gum leakage on the bark. Hommosis often results from other diseases that weaken the plant. It is them that needs to be fought. Moreover, most often, only drugs are used; traditional methods are not very effective here. It is not always easy to determine what disease we are facing, so it is best to use complex drugs such as Antrakol, Quadris and others.