Get rid of hornet wasps. Hornet nests (photo): about their device and how to remove them correctly and safely

If hornets or wasps build a nest and settle next to the apiary, they will inevitably begin to destroy domestic bees. And with an increase in numbers, they will simply ruin their hives. Naturally, the owners of apiaries do not put up with this and, in order to protect their wards, they destroy predators.

If you find out what the hornets are afraid of, then it will not be difficult to deal with them. Despite the fact that these insects can be helpers at their summer cottage, they also pose a threat to human health. A few pieces that accidentally hit the site are not so scary, but if they made a nest there, it can cause a lot of trouble and getting rid of hornets or wasps will not be so easy.

The bite of most species of wasps is not so terrible, although it is very painful, but if, then things take a serious turn. Hornet venom causes a severe allergic reaction. If several hornets sting a person in the chest and neck, this can cause pulmonary edema, which is fatal.

Other wasps are less dangerous than hornets, but their bites also cause a lot of trouble. It must be remembered that if someone in the family is allergic to the poison of these creatures, it is necessary to destroy dangerous neighbors immediately.

How to get rid of hornets in a house or apartment?

Hornets are attracted to the house by the smell of sweets: jam, sweet cookies, sweets - everything that contains sugar. If an insect flies into a room, then it can no longer find a way out on its own. Trying to get rid of a hornet with the help of improvised means is a rather dangerous occupation, the risk of being stung increases many times due to the closed space and the awakening of the instinct of self-defense in the insect.

It would be more correct to use any jar to catch the buzzing guest, then cover it with a lid with a sharp movement. You can use a matchbox in the same way, use leather or rubber gloves, if available.

If none of the above was found, then you can use a newspaper folded several times, but here you should be extremely careful and be more careful. As soon as the insect is caught, it should be crushed or released into the street, this is up to you.

Self-destruction of hornet nests

If hornet visits become too frequent, then it's time to go in search of their hive. He must be around somewhere. Usually wasp housing is located in secluded places under a canopy, under the ceiling on a balcony, in the attic in backyard buildings.

Ways to eliminate nests on your own at home:

  1. Take a bucket of water, bring it to the hive and immerse it in water. You can lean the bucket against the ceiling.
  2. Cover the nest with a bag, after spraying it with a Dichlorvos-type agent.
  3. Pour any combustible substance into a spray bottle, spray the hive and set it on fire. Of course, the applicability of this method is limited. It is not suitable for enclosed spaces and wooden buildings. Be sure to keep a fire extinguisher handy.
  4. If the hornets have chosen a tree to build their dwelling, then it will be enough to fill it with Karbofos or another chemical preparation, cover the entrance with clay or seal it with tape.
  5. The easiest way to deal with wasps that have made their home in the ground. 4-5 liters of hot water should be poured into the hole and the notch should be covered with something.

Safety Basics When Destroying a Nest

It is best to deal with the elimination of insects at night or in the evening, when they are less active. You need to have a beekeeper's suit with you or completely protect all parts of the body with tight clothing. It is not recommended to smoke hornets with smoke from the nest, this is fraught with their massive attack on people. Single insects that accidentally get on the site or in the apartment are caught with home-made traps from plastic bottles.

First aid for a hornet or wasp sting

The rules for rendering or a hornet are as follows: apply ice to the stung place, drink an allergy medication, and treat the wound with an antiseptic. Drink plenty of pure water throughout the day. If there are complications in the form of headache, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, severe swelling, you should call an ambulance.

Hornets are very helpful in the garden, destroying pests, but their bite can lead to anaphylactic shock and death of a person. The following questions will be considered in the article: what to do if a hornet flew into the room; how to deal with these insects that have settled in the walls of a wooden house; with what means to poison them at home.

Do I need to get rid of hornets

Experienced summer residents know that hornets are beneficial. Just one family of these insects destroys up to 500 pests - bedbugs, caterpillars and butterflies. Hornets can attack a person if they perceive his behavior as a threat to their safety. If the insects settled in the garden plot, their nest can be left, but if they chose the attic or the roof of the house as the place of settlement, then they must be destroyed.

If hornets are wound up, how to get rid of them in the house? First you need to determine the location of the nest. Then, having assessed the threat, you need to choose the best way to destroy insects. The most common method is to knock down the nest with a stick, put it in a bag and take it out of the house.

How to deal with hornets in a wooden house

Very often Hymenoptera choose wooden buildings for their nesting. How to get rid of hornets in the house and at the same time not harm the home? A new development in the fight against insects - ultrasound. Sound waves, inaudible to the human ear, can scare them away and force them to leave their homes.

Experts recommend removing the hornet nest in winter. In the cold season, insects die, only the queen and a new brood remain in the hive, which does not pose a threat to humans. The nest is removed from the roof, packed in polyethylene and destroyed. If time is lost, or the hive was discovered too late, repellent plates can be used to control flies and mosquitoes. They are cut into small strips and placed in metal containers, after which they are lit. Hymenoptera react negatively to insecticidal smoke.

Important! To consolidate the result, the procedure is recommended to be repeated for several days.

You can also get rid of hornets with a smoke bomb. This tool is advised to use if the insect hive is located under the floor or in another hard-to-reach place. It is worth considering that when ignited, the checker releases toxic permethrin, which not only poisons hymenoptera, it can stink the whole room. To avoid stagnation of an unpleasant odor after combustion, the product is taken out. It is best to pack bedding, clothes and household items in polyethylene before the procedure.

How to get hornets out of the wall of the house? It is important to find the gap in which the insects built their homes. Then you can spray insecticide or any other solution from wasps and hornets into it.

Recently, the method of destroying hornets with a vacuum cleaner has become increasingly popular. You will need two extension tubes to reach the nest. It is important that the hose is not kinked. As soon as the vacuum cleaner sucks in all the insects, the bag is cleaned and the nest is disposed of.

How to poison hornets at home

In the persecution of insects, chemicals have shown good effectiveness. To bring out the hornets, you need to put a plastic bag on their nest, having previously applied an insecticide to its inside. The edges of the bag are carefully glued to the surface with adhesive tape to exclude the possibility of air ingress and flying out of insects.

hornets nest

The best preparations for breeding hymenoptera:

  • dichlorfox;
  • tetrix;
  • karbofos;
  • sinusan;
  • raptor;
  • sail;
  • actor.

Note! If the choice of the owner of the house fell on chemicals, you need to use means to putty holes in the hive, otherwise angry insects will attack a person. Clay can be used as it.

Folk remedies:

  • Insects do not like red pepper. You can drive them out of the nest by hanging chili pods next to it.
  • Mix boric acid (1 tablespoon) with 3 finely chopped fly agaric, pour 200 ml of water and boil for 3 minutes. You can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey to lure insects. The resulting mixture is poured into containers and placed in the places of residence of Hymenoptera.
  • Alcohol mint lotion. Insects do not like the pungent smell of mint, lemon balm and geranium. You can plant these plants in a summer cottage or in pots.
  • Water. A bucket filled with water is brought to the nest. The hornets will die if the hollow gets completely wet. In order not to constantly keep a heavy container on weight, it is better to support it with a stepladder or a stick. You can knock the hive into a bucket and throw a rag soaked in ammonia into the container, this will kill all the inhabitants of the hollow.
  • Boiling water. Hot water should be poured over the nest from different sides. This method is only good for killing insects in the area, so it is not used in the house.
  • Mounting foam. It fills all the cracks and exits in the nest. For the procedure, it is better to choose the night, as at this time the insects will sleep and will not be able to resist.
  • Fire extinguisher. Carbon dioxide foam has a negative effect on insects. Foam must be carefully treated with the entire hive.
  • Fire. The method is not suitable for getting rid of insects in housing. The hive is doused with gasoline or any other flammable liquid and set on fire.
  • Traps from plastic bottles. The top of the container is cut off and placed upside down in the bottom half. At the bottom of the bait pour jam, syrup, kvass, beer or lemonade. The hornets will fly in, but they won't be able to get back out.
  • Sulfur. In the evening, the substance is lit near the hollow.
  • Baits - watermelon or melon peels - are sprayed with poison from the Colorado potato beetle and laid out near the hollow. Before this procedure, it is important to remove pets.

Important! When destroying insects, you need to take care of safety. All procedures should be carried out with gloves and tight clothing, it is best to use beekeeper overalls. It is also best to clean the nest with gloves.

What to do if a hornet flew into the house

Sometimes hornets fly into the apartment. They may be lured into rooms by the scent of fruits, vegetables, or sweets. The insect will no longer be able to get out on its own. You should not try to drive away the insect by making sharp waves with your hands, as this behavior can be regarded as an attack.

To catch one hornet, you need a glass jar. The insect is carefully covered with a container, after which the lid is twisted. They release the "prisoner" already on the street. For lack of a jar, you can use a matchbox or fabric work gloves.

If hornets have become frequent guests in the rooms of an apartment or house, you need to look for their nest. Often, they settle in attics, under the roofs of sheds, sheds or in trees. If the place of residence of the hornets is located in an accessible place, it must be destroyed.

hornets nest

Preventive measures

Hornets can return to their favorite place. To prevent this, you need to take simple measures:

  • if the hive was on a tree branch, it must be cut down;
  • if the nest was on the wall, it must be covered with a layer of paint;
  • close up all cavities that insects can use for nesting;
  • conduct a regular inspection of the attic;
  • remove fruits and vegetables from the veranda.

In some cases, hornets do not pose a threat to humans, but the situation changes as soon as insects choose the attic of a wooden house or its wall as their place of residence. You can get rid of unwanted tenants with the help of chemicals, special products produced to combat hornets, and folk methods. The fight against hornets in the house will certainly be won, in the case of an integrated approach to the problem. Whatever method the owner of the house chooses, it is important to observe safety measures, otherwise an angry swarm can harm a person. In some cases, it is advisable to use the services of special services and not endanger your health. After the destruction of the hornets, preventive measures must be taken to eliminate the likelihood of their return. If everything is done as described above, then the hornets will never return!

Hornets belong to the social wasps and are their largest representatives. Individuals of certain species reach sizes of 55 mm. On the territory of most of Russia, common hornets (Vespa crabro) live, which feed on sugar-containing foods (juices, nectar). In the article, we will look at how to get rid of hornets in the country if they settled in the ground, wall and if the nest is not visible.

Hornets: benefit and harm

Before destroying the nest, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. Few people know that representatives of one family destroy up to 500 g of insects per day, and most of them are garden pests. A large amount of protein food is necessary for the rapid growth of larvae and the breeding of new individuals. Adult hornets eat plant foods. So should they be destroyed?

Hornets rarely attack a person away from the nest - only in a hopeless situation. A representative of the species flying to the site separately will not cause harm if it feels safe.

Hornets build nests in secluded places - under the roof of the house, in earthen burrows, in the hollow of a tree. And if the nest is on the territory of a summer cottage, there is no way to do without destroying it, otherwise life will be constantly under threat - a hornet bite, even a single one, can cause anaphylactic shock.

How to find a hornet's nest?

It is easier to get rid of hornets in early spring, when there are few individuals, and the nest is a structure several cm long.

At the first signs of settlement, one should carefully examine the buildings and openings in them, suitable for possible insect habitation. Hornets can settle not on the territory of the site, but nearby - in the hollows of trees or even on branches, in the ground, under foliage, in abandoned neighboring buildings, walls or vehicles. To determine the location of the nest, one insect is knocked down and a bright thread is tied to the "waist". After that, they let go and watch where the hornet will fly.

How to get rid of a hornet in a room?

If an insect gets into the room, remember that it is just as scared as you are. You should not wave your arms and make sudden movements - this is perceived as a threat, and the reaction will be appropriate.

Dress first to protect yourself from being bitten. Then take a matchbox or an empty jar, go to the window and move the tulle. The hornet, like any insect, will fly into the light. The tulle is pulled up and covered with an insect trap on the glass, and then closed.

Mechanical methods of protection against hornets

Many ways have been invented to get rid of insects, but the simplest are methods using improvised means:

  • They take a bucket of water and, lifting it, press it against the ceiling so that the nest is immersed in water. From below, the bucket is supported by a stepladder. After a while, the hornets will drown;
  • If the nest is located in a relatively small room, then it is tightly isolated after sunset and a hole is made for the vacuum cleaner hose (the dust collector must be clean). After several minutes of operation of the vacuum cleaner, the hose is connected to the exhaust pipe of the car and the engine is turned on for 5 minutes;
  • Home-made Velcro is made: attractive-smelling substances (thick honey or fruit syrup) are applied to thick paper ribbons;
  • Traps provide invaluable assistance in early summer or if the nest is placed outside the site. They should be placed no closer than 20 m from the nest. Here, insects will smell and will not perceive a person as a threat:
Trap material Bait
Plastic bottle with the top cut off (1/3) and the neck inserted inside Mix of beer with honey
Screw cap jar with cross hole (edges turned inward) spoiled fish
6 liter plastic bottle with a hole in the lid Honey syrup with a little apple cider vinegar
10 l bucket or 3 l jar fermented fruit syrup

Timely placement of traps can save the site from settling - after all, individuals that have arrived for reconnaissance will not return, therefore, this place is dangerous and not suitable for building a nest.

Chemical methods of combating hornets

When a nest is found near or even in a dwelling, the question of safety arises, especially in the presence of small children. The most effective means in this case are insecticides. Choose a drug with a wide spectrum of action and as close as possible in direction to the destruction of hornets. Chemical methods of struggle are chosen if you do not get to the hornet's nest.

The following drugs are popular with summer residents:

Name Validity, days Hazard Class
Dichlorvos Neo 14 3
Karbofos 10 3
Dobrokhim Micro 180 - aftereffect 3-4
Fosban 14 2
Sinuzan 30-60 3
Agran 20 3-4
Executioner 12-15 Safe for people

The use of chemicals is advisable at night, when insects are in the nest. Depending on the location of the dwelling of insects, methods are used:

  • The nest hangs from the ceiling or a branch. The drug is sprayed into a plastic bag and put on the nest, tightly tied at the point of attachment to the ceiling;
  • The nest is attached to the ceiling with a wide surface. The nest is covered with a package with the drug, and the edges are fixed with adhesive tape to the ceiling;
  • Nest in hollow or ground. The drug is poured into the nest, after which the hole is sealed with rags soaked in poison.

After the death of insects, the nest is cut down with a knife and burned or buried.

Folk remedies for hornets

It is advisable to use methods according to folk recipes in early spring or if the nest is located outside the site:

  • Take three fly agaric caps, 100 g of honey and 0.2 liters of water. Crushed fly agaric is boiled with honey for 5 minutes, after which it is laid out in empty cans. Boric acid can be used instead of fly agaric;
  • Bunches of red capsicum are placed near the nest. The smell of pepper is so unpleasant to the hornets that they can even leave the home;
  • A piece of meat is hung near the nest, where insects get used to fly to feed, after which they are treated with an insecticide. A bucket is placed under the hanging piece, where the dead insects fall. The bucket is periodically cleaned so that the birds do not peck at the poisoned hornets;
  • If the nest is located in a non-flammable place, then it is doused with a combustible substance and set on fire;
  • If the dwelling of insects is found in a hole, they take a bucket of boiling water, pour it into the hole and seal it. This method is good with full confidence in the small size of the nest.

Safety measures when destroying nests

How to get rid of insects without hurting yourself? Before starting work on destroying the nest, they first put on tight clothes so that insects cannot pierce it with a sting. A special beekeeper's hat with a mosquito net is put on the head. Carefully inspect the joints on the clothing for insect penetration.

They do not take actions that can provoke an attack: knocking on the nest, sticking sticks into the nest, waving their arms when several individuals approach.

If they work with poisons, they follow the rules for safe work with poisons: separate dishes, special clothing, a respirator and their mandatory washing after use.

When deciding to destroy the nest with the help of fire, they carefully monitor so that the fire does not spread to nearby objects and does not cause a fire.

First aid for hornet bites

The hornet venom contains a high concentration of toxins, and when they enter the bloodstream, they quickly cause severe pain and swelling. In addition, a hornet bite can cause instant allergies. The hornet can sting several times in a row, increasing the concentration of poison in the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to know the first aid measures in case of a bite:

  • Check the wound for a sting (it may remain if the insect is slammed at the bite site);
  • Apply cold to relieve swelling;
  • Treat the wound with a disinfectant;
  • Drink Diazolin (an antiallergic agent) or another drug;
  • Provide plenty of fluids for the victim.

These measures are relevant for a bite in the arm or leg and if the victim is a healthy adult. If a bite is found in the head or chest area, large blood vessels, every lost minute can cause death, so an ambulance is immediately called.

🎥 Video advice from Victor "A working way to get rid of hornets in the country"

Expert gardener Victor (Vinnitsa) tells how easy it is to make a hornet trap with your own hands⇓.

Preventive measures in the fight against hornets

Destroying a nest sometimes does not prevent a new colonization. In this case, you should take preventive measures to protect yourself and the site:

  • Modify the place where the nest was, treat it with long-term poisons, install reflective surfaces;
  • Purchase and hang an artificial nest in the old place, and the hornets will never return - after all, they are territorial insects;
  • Start setting traps in the spring when the queens get there, this will prevent nest building on the site;
  • Examine all secluded places suitable for nesting, carefully close up all possible openings for the entry of insects;
  • Don't leave leftover protein foods out in the trash or in pet feeders. This will deprive the hornets of the attractiveness of the site in terms of finding rich food for the larvae;
  • If you decide to destroy the nest with your own hands using insecticides, take care of the safety of your loved ones;
  • In case of uncertainty in their abilities in the fight against hornets, the most correct decision would be to contact a specialist in carrying out the relevant work.

Undoubtedly, hornets pose a threat to human life, however, is their destruction always justified? If several individuals sometimes fly into the site, then their presence is even useful for plants. It is much easier and more humane to prevent settling in the wrong place, and for this, sufficient time should be devoted to prevention.

Peace and comfort reigned at the dacha until the owners discovered a nest of hornets. Yes, not in the far corner of the garden, where rarely anyone goes, but right next to the doorway. Such a neighborhood can unbalance any person: no one wants to live next to a giant wasp, put themselves and children in danger of being bitten. No need to throw a tantrum, this is not such a rare occurrence, and people have long found many ways to solve the problem.

What is dangerous hornet

Hornets belong to the wasp family. Usually they do not show aggression and bite only when necessary. How serious the appearance of their home on the site depends on the location of the hive. It is believed that the safe distance from the nest is 50 m, then the insects will not pay attention to you and will try to fly away. When a person comes closer, the insects feel threatened and the instinct drives them to defend their home. In practice, with a plot area of ​​​​6 acres, such a condition is simply impossible, and the neighborhood can be dangerous. In this case, you will have to decide how to get rid of the nest.

When bitten, there is swelling of large sizes and severe pain that does not go away for a long time. If a person is allergic to insect venom, they should be taken to the doctor immediately before anaphylactic shock develops, which can lead to death. In the same way, you should act when the victim was bitten by several individuals. If a hornet stings a child, immediately give him an antihistamine: an allergic reaction can develop very quickly.

Hornets are dangerous not only for people, but also for bees. These predators themselves feed on the inhabitants of the apiary and feed their cubs. If there is a large colony of giant wasps near the hives, they can quickly destroy all the bees. Noticing a hornet near the hives, try to track where his home is and eliminate the danger.

The harm and benefits of hornets

Remember that hornets are part of the ecological chain of your region, their complete destruction will cause irreparable harm to nature. Expel dangerous insects from your plots, but do not touch their nests in the forest or in the meadow. There are many paths in the open space, you do not have to go straight through the swarm, bypass it. In some regions, these giant wasps are on the verge of extinction, they were listed in the Red Book.

Hornets are predators, they destroy harmful larvae. The defenders will disappear - the enemies of forests and meadows, beetles and butterflies will breed. If the ecological balance is disturbed, no one will prevent pests from destroying vegetation. If you do not want to turn the surrounding landscape into a desert, give nature the opportunity to regulate the number of each species itself.

Another thing is cities, towns and agricultural facilities. It is necessary to create comfortable and safe conditions for people there. If the problem arises - how to remove the hornet's nest from the attic - you have every right to solve it. Expel insects from your home, but do not forget that in natural conditions they are the owners, and you are the guest. Nobody is allowed to destroy everything that you did not like in the forest.

What hornets and their dwelling look like

Hornets look like huge wasps, with a body size of about 6 cm. Their stings are smooth. Unlike bees, which bite only once and then die, this insect pulls the stinger out of the victim's body and can stab her many times. Adults feed on both insects and plant foods, but larvae need only live protein to develop.

Hornets build nests from pieces of bark, they look like a gray ball or cone, sizes can reach 70 cm. Insects treat small particles of wood with saliva and glue them together. The result is a material that looks like dry clay. Most often, a place is chosen in the attic, in secluded corners of buildings or behind various capital structures.

Hornets can make a nest in the ground, in which case it will be very difficult to detect it. You need to watch where the insects flock. Sometimes their dwelling is hidden under a thick branch or in a hollow.

When searching, you need to remember that a swarm will never arrange a hive in the open air, where it will not be protected from wind, rain and other weather phenomena.

Hornet and wasp

How to get rid of stinging neighbors

It is better to destroy a dangerous object in winter, at this time there are almost no inhabitants. If work needs to be done during the summer months, do it at night when the insects are sleeping. The hardest thing to solve is the question of how to remove the hornet nest from the attic. Take an insecticide that says it can be used on hornets and spray the inside cavity well through the inlet. Immediately after this, move as far as possible from the dangerous place and do not approach the poisoned house for several days. Some hornets did not spend the night at home, they will soon return and also die from poison. After about a week, cut the hive and burn it.

There are other ways to destroy a nest.

  • Take a bucket of water and raise it so that the entire hive is immersed in liquid. Fix the container in this position and leave for several hours.
  • Pour a little combustible liquid on the nest and set it on fire. Make sure that the fire does not spread to combustible materials and that a fire does not start.
  • If the swarm has settled in a hollow tree or other narrow opening, pour a good insecticide into it, and then carefully close up the exit and all cracks.
  • Release a stream of strong insecticide into a plastic bag and tightly wrap the nest.

Do not forget that the inhabitants are very dangerous and will defend their home with all their might, so it is better to prevent their appearance on the site in advance. In the spring, the queens look for a place to nest. So that they do not settle in the country, make traps. Add vinegar, sugar and detergent to a bucket of water. Insects will fly to sweet water, but they will not be able to fly because of the soap and will drown. Place buckets around the perimeter of the cottage, and the hornets will not build a dwelling in your house.

You can do it even easier: cut off the neck of a plastic bottle and insert it inside like a funnel. Inside, pour a mixture of beer and honey. Insects will fly to an attractive smell, but they will not be able to get out of the trap. By the beginning of summer, all giant wasps will settle in a permanent place, and the danger of their appearance in the country will disappear.

Never push or slap a hornet. A substance with a special smell is released from its body, which serves as a signal for other individuals: "Comrade in trouble, fly to the rescue."

Now you need to take measures so that the insects do not return to their favorite place. Examine the design, think about what the hornets found attractive in it. If they made a dwelling in a secluded niche, close it up, if on a convenient branch, cut it down. Hang shiny objects around: mirror fragments, tinsel. Never leave food in an open dish, especially if it has a sweet taste. The whole swarm can flock to an attractive smell.

If one individual flew into the house, do not scare it, do not make sudden movements. An insect can feel the danger and begin to defend itself with a sharp sting. Wait until the giant wasp sits on a window or other flat surface, cover it with a jar. Carefully insert a sheet of thick paper between the neck and the glass, and then close the lid, take away and release the insect away from home.

Security measures

Even if you are completely sure that there is no one in the nest, take precautions. Only 2 individuals left in the nest can cause serious harm to health.

For good protection you need:

  • durable gloves;
  • suit made of dense fabric with long sleeves and close cuffs;
  • thick hat;
  • boots;
  • goggles or swimming mask;
  • respirator when working with poisonous substances.

The face is best protected with a special helmet used by beekeepers. If you can’t get one, put on a hat with a brim, pull a well-stretched stocking over it, the upper part of which is tucked into the collar of the sweater.

Think in advance where you can quickly run away if an aggressive swarm is chasing you. Before leaving, close the windows in the house in order to hide indoors in case of danger. If bitten, treat the wound with a disinfectant and take medicine against allergic reactions. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention. When deciding how to destroy a hornet nest, do not forget about the most reliable and safe method. Contact the special service, its employees will solve the problem quickly and professionally.

If you find a cluster of giant wasps in your area before deciding how to remove the nest, try not to anger them. Do not make sudden movements, do not make loud noises. For a dangerous period, it is better to relocate children to a city apartment. Think about whether you can handle the work yourself or whether it is better to invite specialists. The main thing is not to panic, millions of summer residents and beekeepers have successfully solved a similar problem, and you will also find a way to get rid of dangerous neighbors.

The appearance of hornets under the roof of the house is a problem for summer residents and gardeners. These insects are quite friendly to people, but getting rid of pests and their nests is sometimes necessary.

The fight against hornets has its own specifics and should be carried out with all precautions.

Features of insects

Hornets are insects belonging to the wasp family. These are the largest of the known representatives of Hymenoptera. Insect bites are very painful. The poison that the animal releases causes an allergic reaction, with increasing signs of intoxication of the body, swelling at the site of the bite.

Hornets live in families, creating nests under the roofs of houses. Often they live in hollows of trees near apiaries, and feed mainly on bees and their honey. Young individuals use small insects as food. If a threat arises to any member of the family, the hornet behaves aggressively.

Attitude towards a person

Insects are never the first to show aggression. Sometimes the residence of large wasps in the same territory with people continues for many years, without any conflicts. In the winter season, all members of the family die, leaving only one single fertilized uterus of the animal. In the absence of an external threat from humans, hornets build a nest in the same place every year.

The owners of apiaries suffer the most from the appearance of large wasps. One adult individual is capable of destroying an entire bee family, after which it is taken for honey. In such cases, getting rid of pests is quite advisable. A potential threat of an insect bite is children in a garden plot or cottage. Active games, screams and fuss in the area where the insects settled cause reciprocal aggression of hymenoptera.

Hornets eat bee larvae. They simply kill adult bees to get to more tasty food.

The sting of a hornet is swift, fast and repeated. For most people, insect venom is a poison. With several simultaneous bites, an extensive infusion of the toxin occurs, which leads to anaphylactic shock and even death. In this case, it is necessary to fight the hornets.

Insect control methods

To get rid of the hornets and get them out of the local area, it is recommended to observe their location, follow the flight routes around the cottage. Insects have a developed instinct for self-preservation, caution and sensitivity. When destroying large wasps, safety measures should be observed:

  • overalls or suit that securely covers the entire body;
  • face mask;
  • gloves on hands.

A simple and effective remedy helps to get rid of hornets - sweet bait. It is installed in the country when the first representatives of insects appear in mid-April. Hornet females are the first to start. Insects lead a round-the-clock lifestyle, but in the dark their movements are reduced. And it is better to fight insects at dusk, using a flashlight only as a last resort. Hornets react sharply to light changes.

To get rid of the nest on the branches of trees, a package is used, which is pre-sprayed with toxic agents. They also use a long pole or a net, with which they pick up the nest. Carefully remove the insect's house in a bag, and tie it tightly. To get rid of small nests, a vacuum cleaner is sometimes used. It is better to burn a filled bag. Such methods of destroying hornets are effective, because insects remain alive and do not have time to secrete a special enzyme that calls for help from relatives in the fight against danger.

The hornet's nest can be found in the basement

If a nest of pests is not found in a garden plot or cottage, then simple traps are built to deal with single members of the family:

  • A plastic bottle without a cap is cut in half. The upper part is inserted into the other half. Sweetness (fermented syrup) is used as bait. The hornets, attracted by the smell, will crawl into the bottle. They won't be able to get out. Having placed several similar baits on the site, it will be possible to remove all harmful insects from the territory.
  • In a plastic bottle, a cut is made in the form of a cross on the cap. The edges are bent inward, and a small hole is obtained (about 1 cm in diameter). Use the same food bait, and the hornets will crawl into the bottle through the cap. Periodically cleaning the container from the crop, it will soon be possible to remove all insects.

If it was not possible to get rid of single representatives of insects in time, and the uterus began to sculpt a nest, then it will be possible to remove the structure with a shovel or a long stick. In winter, you can remove empty nests and carry out maintenance work: close up all the cracks on the roof and attic of the house with mounting foam.

Nest Elimination

To get rid of the entire family of hornets, you will have to destroy insect nests.

It is best to get rid of nests with hornets in winter when they sleep.

Two methods are used:

  • With the help of construction foam, all honeycombs hanging from the nest are poured. Thus, all available openings are closed. Work is best done at night, when most of the hornets will be in their home. Those insects that did not return to the nest at night will fly back in the morning and will look for their uterus. Without it, they will not be able to exist, so they will leave the territory of the site almost immediately.
  • Nest flooding. Hot water or a toxic substance is poured into a large bucket, and placed directly under the nest. The hornet house must be completely immersed in the container in order to absorb moisture. Insects will not be able to get out of clogged honeycombs, and soon they will stop fighting.

Nests in open space are sprayed with gasoline and set on fire, all precautions are carefully observed. To destroy nests in hollows of trees, a liquid insect repellent is poured inside, after which the hole is carefully sealed with adhesive tape or putty.

If the presence of hornets in the summer cottage does not bring inconvenience, then it is not necessary to remove them. Preventive work carried out on the territory will protect against further reproduction of insects.