Fig (fig) tree or fig tree: how to grow at home? Fig or fig tree The fruit of the fig tree is the name.

Botanical name: Fig or Fig, or Fig tree, or Fig tree (Ficus carica) - the genus Ficus, the Mulberry family.

Homeland of figs: Mediterranean, India.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: light, nutritious.

Watering: abundant.

Max Height: 10 m

Average lifespan of a tree: 200 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings, layering.

Description of the fig plant: fruits, leaves and seeds

Fig is a subtropical or large shrub 8-10 m high with a low wide crown and thick branches. The bark of the trunk and branches is light gray, smooth.

The leaves are large, arranged alternately, 3-7-lobed, almost entire, rigid, dark green above, grayish-green below, pubescent, up to 15 cm long, up to 12 cm wide. Attached to a thick, long petiole. In the axils of the leaves there are inflorescences - syconia, shaped, hollow, with a small hole at the top. This hole is intended for blastophage wasps that pollinate the tree. Male inflorescences are called caprifigs, female - figs.

The fruits are sweet, juicy, pear-shaped, up to 8 cm long, up to 5 cm in radius, weighing 30-70 g. Inside they contain small seeds-nuts. Fruit color, color and size depend on the variety. The most common are yellow, yellow-green, dark blue figs.

During the growth period, the fig tree often blooms. However, male inflorescences are formed only from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, and figs - only in summer and autumn.

What a fig looks like can be seen in the photo in the gallery below, after this article.

How and where figs grow: what it looks like in photos and videos

The wild fig tree is distributed in the Mediterranean countries, in India, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Asia Minor, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. In the mountains it grows at an altitude of 500 - 2000 m above sea level, more often on the southern slopes, as well as along the banks of rivers, forming thickets. It is cultivated in many countries with a subtropical climate. Large areas of fig plantations in Turkey, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, America. In Russia, it is grown in the southern regions of the European part. The countries where figs grow have a warm, humid climate. Severe frosts, below -12 ° C, the plant does not tolerate.

The culture is also grown indoors as an ornamental tree. In this case, its height reaches no more than 3-4 m.

Figs bloom 2-3 years after planting. Brings a high yield from 7-9 years.

The culture is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. In nature, the fig tree reproduces with the help of blastophage wasps, which penetrate through the opening of the seed. The females of these insects lay their eggs in underdeveloped female inflorescences. Wasps appear in male inflorescences. Leaving the inflorescence, the wasps get dirty with pollen. In the wild, they are attracted by the aroma of female inflorescences. Getting into female inflorescences, wasps leave pollen brought on the body. Flowers, on the stigmas of which pollen has fallen, tie fruits.

You can learn more about figs by watching the video:

Fans of this culture will be interested in the answer to the question “how does a fig grow?” Fig trees are unpretentious, successfully grow and bear fruit on any soil, including poor and depleted. Blooms often throughout the year. The fruits are tied 2 times a year - in summer and autumn. The fig plant is drought-resistant, and some varieties can withstand low temperatures down to -17-20°C. and is not affected.

One tree bears about 70-90 fruits per year. The life expectancy of wild individuals is 150-200 years, trees grown at home - 30-60 years.

Below you can see a photo of how figs grow:

What is a fig

The fig fruit is yellow, black-blue, purple and black, depending on the variety. It has high taste qualities, contains a lot of valuable substances. Despite the sweet taste of this fruit, its calorie content is low. 100 g of fresh berries contain 49 kcal. Dried figs decrease in weight and volume, but at the same time sugars accumulate in it. 100 g of dried fruit contains about 95 kcal. Dried figs are highly nutritious. They contain 4.5 g of protein, 1.4 g of fat and 64 g of carbohydrates. In addition, figs are a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and dietary fiber. The main vitamins that make up its composition are vitamins A, B, B1, C, E, PP, beta-carotenes, fiber, pectins. Among the minerals in the pulp of the fruit contains iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium.

The fruit of the fig tree is eaten fresh, canned, dried. Jam, jams, marshmallows, compotes and wines are made from it, for which the fruits of this plant are called "vin berry". However, fresh figs are not transportable, so only unripe or dried are transported.

The beneficial properties of the fig tree have been known since ancient times. Today, wine berries are used not only for cooking various dishes, but also to compensate for the lack of vitamins, strengthen bones, restore vitality, and remove toxins from the body. Fig fruits are used to treat coughs, colds, diseases of the liver and kidneys, and the cardiovascular system. In addition, this fruit increases male potency, fights sexual impotence. Fresh fruits are low in calories, which helps in the fight against excess weight. There are "fig" unloading days, when 100 g of dried fig tree fruits, 1 kg of any other fruit and 500 g are eaten per day.

Wine berry is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Figs help prevent iron deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman and prevent fetal anemia. When breastfeeding, it enhances lactation, serves as a preventive measure for the appearance of mastopathy, saturates breast milk with vitamins and microelements useful to the child.

Figs have been proven to improve brain function, increase immunity, and prevent many diseases.

Unripe fruits are inedible, as they contain caustic milky juice.

Figs are a useful fruit

Fresh figs do not harm a healthy body. However, this fruit is contraindicated in gout and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried fruits due to the high sugar content are not recommended for overweight and diabetes.

Wine berries should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy, if a woman is gaining weight quickly, or suffers from diabetes.

Despite the minimal harm of figs, it should not be consumed in large quantities. A healthy person is recommended 3-4 berries per day.

How to use figs correctly

Everyone knows what a fig is. However, not everyone knows how to properly consume this tasty and healthy berry.

In the absence of any diseases, the fruit of the fig tree can be eaten in any form. This fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, replaces chocolate and other sweets. Dried fruits are used as dried fruits. Before use, they are poured over with boiling water and allowed to swell. You can soften the figs for a couple, so they retain their shape and taste. Dried fig tree is added to compotes, used for filling cakes, pies and other confectionery.

Fresh figs are used as desserts, as well as an additional ingredient in meats, salads and snacks. Figs give exotic taste and delicate aroma to any dish.

Unripe fruits are inedible, but they can be baked after cutting, putting nuts in the cut and pouring honey. Such a dessert is not only tasty and nutritious, but also very healthy.

When choosing a fig, pay attention to its color, size and softness. It is better to give preference to the same size, soft light yellow fruits. Firm flesh and a sour taste indicate the immaturity of the fruit or the expiration of its shelf life.

fig leaves

The leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. They contain organic acids, furocoumarins, essential oil, steroids, flavonoids, tannins.

Raw materials are harvested from June to October. The leaves are not plucked, but cut with a knife. Cut leaves are laid out on a flat surface in a thin layer. Drying takes place outdoors. For quick drying, they are turned over 2-4 times a day. During harvesting and drying, the leaves should be protected from getting wet. So that the raw materials do not get wet from the rain, they are covered with a tarpaulin, cleaned under a canopy or in a ventilated room. In clear, sunny weather, drying lasts 5-6 days. Dried leaves turn brown and lose their qualities.

Store raw materials in a dry, ventilated area. Shelf life 2 years.

Infusions and decoctions of the leaves gargle with colds, rub the eyelids with trachoma, treat scabies, cystitis, kidney stones, furunculosis. In scientific medicine, the drug "Psoberan" is obtained from raw materials, which is prescribed for alopecia areata, as well as to restore skin pigmentation in vintiligo.

Fresh fig leaves are applied to wounds. They draw out pus and promote the speedy healing of the wound.

Leaf extract is used in skin and hair care products.

In addition to the leaves, fig seeds are used for medicinal purposes. They are used for constipation, 10-12 pieces at a time. Seed oil is valued for its moisturizing properties, so it is used to make creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos.

Economic importance

The fruit of the fig tree is used as a substitute for coffee. The wood is used to make handicrafts and also as fuel.

Attractive and unusual outwardly trees serve as decoration of the garden plot. A plant grown in a pot makes the interior of the room unusual and pleasant.

Photos of figs are presented on this page, after this article.

The history of the fig

The story tells that humanity has long appreciated the benefits and taste of the fig tree. Archaeologists claim that the age of this plant is more than 5000 years. The first description of figs was compiled in the Bible, the Koran and ancient Egyptian writings.

As the ancient legend says, its leaves were the first clothes of Adam and Eve. In ancient Greece, slaves wiped their masters' lips with them after a meal. Participants in the Olympic Games used figs in large quantities before the performance. There was a belief that this fruit gives strength and courage. That is why warriors always took this delicacy with them on military campaigns.

In Buddhism, the fig is considered a symbol of insight, because it was under this tree that the great Buddha realized the meaning of being. In ancient Rome, the plant was sacred, as it saved Romulus and Remus (the founders of the Roman Empire) from death. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra had a favorite delicacy.

The ancient Greeks revered figs as a symbol of fertility, and on holidays dedicated to the god of fertility - Dionysus, they supplemented the basket with dishes and wine drinks with the fruits of this plant.

Interestingly, at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, instead of medals, the winners were awarded fig fruits.

Figs were sung in their creations by the great writers and poets Leopardi, Dante, Pascoli. The plant was credited with miraculous properties. So, the famous Roman physician Dorante believed that almost all diseases could be treated with a decoction of figs. However, over the years, this statement was not confirmed in practice, so the fig began to lose its popularity, turning over the years into an ordinary tree.

The fig tree is a close relative of indoor ficus and distant relatives of mulberry. Knowing about their relationship, scientists have spent many years to cross figs with frost-resistant mulberries. In America, the well-known scientist Luther Burbank tried to implement this idea. However, the Crimean naturalist Ya.I. Bomyk. In the harsh winter of 1950, when frosts reached -20 ° C, the common fig died out, only the Bomyk fig-mulberry hybrid survived.

The gallery below shows photos of the fig tree, which clearly show all the characteristic features of this amazing and unexplored plant.


The fig tree, the fig tree, the fig tree, the wine or smyrna berry, and finally the fig tree are different names for the same plant. Sacred books claim that it was the very tree of paradise, the leaves of which became the first clothing of man. If you want to grow tasty, healthy and unusual fruits that do not require excessive effort to care for them, you should choose figs.

It is generally accepted that the cultural form of the fig appeared in Yemen, from where it was borrowed by the ancient Phoenicians, Assyrians, and later the Egyptians. The bas-reliefs of Egyptian craftsmen depicting the harvest of figs were made as early as 2500 BC. From Egypt, the culture of fig cultivation penetrated into Greece in the 9th century BC, from where it gradually spread throughout the Mediterranean.

Cultural form of the fig

A long time ago, figs began to be cultivated in the southern regions of our country. The tree easily runs wild, sometimes settling in the most unexpected places. In the Caucasus and Central Asia, figs are often not only a delicacy, but also an important high-calorie food. Its culture is slowly moving north, conquering new geographical areas.

The countries where this subtropical fruit plant grows have a humid and warm climate. The fact is that figs do not tolerate frosts below -12 ° C. A lot of work has been done to cross the fig with its distant relative, the more frost-resistant mulberry. This was done by the Crimean breeder Bomyk. Its resistant hybrid endured the harsh Crimean winter of 1949-1950 well. when the temperature on the South Bank dropped to -20 ° C, and almost all common figs died.

Usually a fig tree is a tree (sometimes a large shrub) up to 10 m high, with a low but wide crown with thick branches. Wild trees live up to 200 years, their cultivated counterparts - 40-60 years. On fig. 1 shows a photo of a typical fig tree.

The reasons why the fig tree is worthy of the closest attention:

  • it is unpretentious, can grow and bear fruit even on poor and depleted soils;
  • usually bears fruit twice a year: in summer and autumn;
  • fruits are not only tasty, but also very useful;
  • drought-resistant and almost not affected by pests and diseases.

The common fig tree is a clear illustration of how plants and insects can actively coexist. The inflorescences of the fig are unique: like its fruits, they are pear-shaped. There is a small hole in their flat top. There are two types of fig trees: female and male.

Fig tree inflorescences

In inflorescences, and then in the fruits of male trees, tiny black wasps live - blastophages. It is they who carry pollen from male inflorescences to female ones. After fruit ripening on female trees, it is easy to see that they are fleshy, filled with sweet and juicy pulp. On male trees, the fruits are outwardly the same, but to the touch they are flabby and hollow - blastophages live in them. Moreover, these insects, in turn, cannot reproduce without figs.

Without male plants, despite their apparent uselessness, female trees will not bear fruit either. Inflorescences for blastophages are both a home and a source of food. They live and feed in them themselves, and shelter their offspring in them for the winter. And, as if in gratitude, pollination of female inflorescences is carried out. An example of mutually beneficial symbiosis.

Today, quite a few self-pollinating varieties have been bred, for which blastophages are not needed. In particular, varieties intended for home cultivation are self-pollinating. For planting in open ground, it is also desirable to choose a self-pollinating variety. Figs are planted in the soil in the same way as all young trees.

Self-pollinating variety for home cultivation

The easiest way to propagate these trees is by shoots. To get an escape, the easiest way is to tilt a branch located low enough to the ground, fix it with U-shaped wire brackets and sprinkle it with earth. When the stem has roots, it is cut off with a pruner from the mother plant, after which it can develop on its own.

The place chosen for landing should be sunny and protected from cold winds. The soil under the trees is mulched with compost and their leaves are sprayed monthly with an aqueous solution of seaweed extract. Figs do not need to be carefully cared for, only thinning out the crown and trimming side branches to limit its size. It is also necessary to systematically remove the side shoots growing from the roots.

Care should also be taken to scare away birds that love to peck at ripening fruits. Like sweet juice and ants. To protect against them, wood ash is poured around the base of the tree. Good watering is important: with a lack of moisture, the plant can lose foliage. The first fruits appear 2-3 years after planting, and a sufficiently high yield can be obtained after 7-9 years.

Fig properties

The fruit of figs in different varieties can be purple (photo of the fruit in Fig. 2), yellow (Fig. 3), black-blue and black. More than two hundred of its varieties are known, having a different shape and color of berries. Fresh fruit is very tasty, contains many valuable substances for the human body. Calorie content is relatively low, despite the sweet taste.

This fruit is tasty not only fresh, but also dried and canned. From it you can cook jam, marshmallow, make wine. Hence one of its names - "vin berry". Fresh fruits are not transportable, therefore they are usually transported dried. The nutritional value of this fruit is quite high.

The beneficial properties of fig fruits have been known since ancient times. They have treated and continue to treat coughs, colds, diseases of the kidneys and liver, and the cardiovascular system. Eating them helps to eliminate toxins, strengthen bones, improve brain function and boost immunity. This fruit restores male potency and is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It is advisable for a healthy person to eat 3-4 berries daily for prevention.

Hot milk, in which figs are boiled, is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. You need to drink half a glass three times a day. Fig jam improves digestion, but diluted with water, it can be given to children as a laxative. The milky juice of unripe fruits has disinfectant properties.

An important problem is how to store ripe fruits. They will last no more than a week in the refrigerator, so they should be processed in a timely manner. You can dry the berries in the sun, but it is easier to use the oven for this purpose. Another way to harvest is to cook mashed figs simmered with lemon and honey for 20 minutes. It is better if the cooked and chilled puree is frozen.

Thus, the fig tree can become not only a source of original and tasty fruits, but also a reliable component of a home pharmacy.

Reading time: 7 minutes

There are many lovers of sweet and dried figs in the world. They resemble dried fruits and are used as substitutes for sweets. But little is known about the plant itself. Where does it grow and how is it useful? How to dry figs and is it possible to lose weight by eating a sweet fruit? How to select and store wine berries? Let's expand the "cognitive horizons" about this most interesting plant.

Where does the miracle tree grow?

This fruiting deciduous tree loves the subtropical climate. It inhabits the Mediterranean regions, and its origin is connected with India. Cultivated in a number of countries with suitable climatic conditions.

Figs - a common name, and according to the botanical classification, it is a fig tree, a fig tree or a wine berry, which belongs to the genus Ficus and belongs to the Mulberry family.

The tree grows up to 10-12 m and lives 200 years. But the most important thing is that it gives us tasty and unusual fruits. They are oblong, pear-shaped, their weight is from 30 to 70 g. The shape, color and color of the fruit depends on the variety.
Most often on the shelves we see yellow, green with a yellow tint and dark blue figs. Outside, they are covered with a thin skin with small villi, inside they are juicy, tasty and fragrant, filled with seeds - nuts.

For your information

The plant begins to bear fruit already at the age of 2-3 years, and a good harvest is obtained from 7-9 years. Fruiting occurs twice a year, with one tree producing 70 to 90 fruits.

Smakovnitsa refers to unpretentious cultures. She feels great even in poor and depleted areas. It is resistant to droughts, and some varieties tolerate low (down to -20C) temperatures well. The plant rarely gets sick, and pests "bypass it." Refers to monoecious: inflorescences are formed on female and male trees.

In nature, fruits are formed due to blastophage wasps. Females lay their eggs in male inflorescences. Wasps that are born fly to the scent of female flowers. Getting into them, insects leave pollen entangled in the villi on the body. Thanks to this unusual behavior of blastophages, the fetus is tied.

Useful properties of figs

The fig fruit is not only tasty, it contains a lot of substances needed by the body. It contains a vitamin and mineral cocktail:

  • vitamins C, A, group B, carotene, E, PP;
  • up to 5% pectins;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • cellulose;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • up to 30% sugars;
  • about 1% organic acids.

Although figs are sweet due to their high sugar content, they are low in calories: only 49 kcal per 100 g of the product. There are more sugars in dried wine berries, therefore the calorie content is slightly higher - 95 kcal per 100 g.

Dried fruits are quite nutritious and contain 4.5 g of protein, 1.4 g of fat, 64 g of carbohydrates. Their nutritional value is 255 kcal. With proper drying, the vitamin and mineral composition is preserved, but organic acids are destroyed. The concentration of other useful components due to a decrease in the weight of the fetus becomes higher.

Good to know

We most often use dried fruits, as fresh ones do not tolerate transportation well. They are supplied unripe or dried. Unripe fruits contain a caustic milky juice, which makes them unfit for consumption. Fresh (ripe), canned and dried figs are suitable for food.

The use of figs in traditional medicine

Due to the unique composition of the wine berry, traditional healers did not ignore. Official medicine also does not deny its therapeutic effect on the body. Figs are characterized by a diuretic and mild laxative effect, expectorant, enveloping effect. It is a good antiseptic with anti-inflammatory properties.

It finds application in traditional medicine:

  • as a source of vitamins for beriberi, after injuries or illnesses;
  • to restore vital energy after physical and nervous stress;
  • to strengthen bones due to the presence of phosphorus and calcium in the composition;
  • in the treatment of colds and coughs;
  • in cardiovascular therapy to strengthen the heart muscle and increase the elasticity of blood vessels due to the potassium content;
  • for the prevention of the gastrointestinal tract: a mild laxative effect contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the intestine;
  • with some diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • to restore male potency, against sexual impotence;
  • as a prophylactic for reduced immunity and to prevent possible pathologies.

Interesting fact: Scientists from Japan have found that latex juice from fig fruits has an antitumor effect. Based on it, a medicine is made that is being tested. Similar developments are being carried out in other countries.

Figs are recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Wine berry contains iron, treats (prevents) anemia in the mother and fetus, which is important for its normal development. Normalizes the hormonal background of the expectant mother and eliminates problems associated with bowel movements. It enhances lactation and prevents mastopathy during breastfeeding, saturating milk with useful substances.

How to lose weight "on figs"?

With excessive body weight and obesity, it is undesirable to use dried fruits containing a lot of sugars. But eaten in small quantities, they bring a feeling of satiety for a long time, so they can occasionally be introduced into the menu for obese people.

Fresh figs are low in calories and help to shed extra pounds. Some ladies spend fasting days “on figs”, using 100 g of dried fruits per day, 1 kg of any fruit and 500 g of vegetables.

Weight loss is possible due to such qualities of the fig fruit as a laxative effect and fiber content, which actively removes toxins and toxins with regular bowel movements.

But do not forget that figs are high in sugar.

When are figs banned?

There are not so many contraindications for the use of wine berries, but you should not get too carried away with it either. 3-4 seedlings per day are enough to replenish the body with vitamins and minerals.
Fig about you in the literal sense of this fruit is for people suffering from diseases:

  • stomach: ulcer or gastritis in the acute stage;
  • gout;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity or overweight;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.

During pregnancy, figs are contraindicated only if the woman is gaining weight too quickly. All restrictions imposed on figs are associated with the content of a significant amount of sugars in the fruit.

Growing figs in the middle lane

Gardeners have developed a practice of obtaining exotic fruits in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region. The fig tree tolerates frost, sometimes freezes slightly, and recovers well. But winter shelter is still desirable. The problem is the short growing season during which it is impossible to get a crop.

In the middle lane, the fruits do not have enough time to ripen on the tree, and when artificially ripened in boxes, it loses its taste, so figs are often grown as an ornamental plant.

You can get figs if you plant a tree in a container (tub, container) and in the fall bring it to a loggia, greenhouse or greenhouse under glass. A warm microclimate is maintained here for a long time and the differences in day and night temperatures are not so significant. For the winter, the tub with the plant is placed in a cool place and watered 1-2 times per season.

Figs are plants that do not require special care:

  • tolerates the cold season well;
  • quickly recovers after winter freezing;
  • withstands dry soil, but requires a lot of moisture to form a crop;
  • grows in open sunny places, protected from the wind.

For planting and transplanting, compost and sand are introduced into the soil for looseness and permeability of the soil. Landing is carried out in the spring before the start of growth processes, but after frost. In order to preserve varietal qualities, it is best to propagate figs using cuttings, layering and root offspring, which grow faster and enter the fruiting period.

The process of obtaining layering is quite simple: the lower branch is bent to the ground, pinned and added dropwise. After 2 months, roots form at the layer and it can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place. Already in the third year, he will begin to bear fruit.

Growing a young fig tree in a closed container guarantees bountiful harvests. This is due to the limited growth of the root system. Even in the southern regions, the planting pit is covered from the inside with boards, thick polyethylene or other auxiliary material so that the roots do not grow.

To form an open crown, the trimming procedure is carried out:

  • in early spring, during the dormant period, old, damaged branches thickening the crown are removed, the longest of them are shortened;
  • in the summer, young shoots are shortened over 5-6 leaves;
  • in autumn, all unripe fruits (breba) are cut off.

Sometimes, for the sake of decorativeness, the crown is formed in the form of a fan. So the tree looks exotic, but requires support. Figs tolerate pruning well and practically do not get sick, continuing to grow.

The best varieties of figs for the middle lane

Fig trees in natural conditions are pollinated by blastophage wasps, which are not found in our latitudes, so it is preferable to use self-fertile varieties.

  1. Dalmatian or white fig is a small tree with large green fruits and red sweet and sour flesh inside. It is distinguished by high frost resistance, but it belongs to late varieties, so in the fall all immature brebs are removed from it.
  2. Kadota forms round-pear-shaped fruits weighing up to 60 g, which are distinguished by a sweet taste. It is well transported and suitable for any processing.
  3. Brunswick is characterized by elongated fruits covered with a greenish-green skin. Differs in early fruiting.
  4. Brown Turki belongs to a new generation of varieties with high cold tolerance and good yields. The fruits are dark brown in color.
  5. The tiger fig or panache is an old French variety. The fruits have an exotic appearance: a combination of yellow-green stripes. The flesh is bright red with a sweet strawberry flavor.

Noteworthy are varieties such as Crimean black, Nikitsky fragrant, White Adriatic, chicago hardy and a number of old French varieties that grow well and bear fruit in the southern regions of Russia.

Choosing quality figs

It is quite difficult to buy good fresh fruits, since the wine berry is stored for a short time. Ripe seedlings are stored in cool conditions for 10-13 days, which is an extremely short time for transportation and sale. Therefore, dried fruits are a good alternative.

It is more profitable for producers to transport and sell unripe figs that ripen during transportation and do not pick up enough sugars, remaining hard and tasteless.

Qualities that should be evaluated when choosing fresh fruits:

  • the smell should not be sour, this indicates that the fruit has fermented;
  • the surface is hard and elastic;
  • soft and wet figs are overexposed and begin to rot;
  • hard ones are unripe and tasteless;
  • color is not a sign of quality, as it depends on the variety.

After purchase, it is advisable to consume figs as soon as possible. Only 2-3 days he is able to "hold out" in the refrigerator. The freezing of fresh seedlings helps out, in which all the valuable qualities of the wine berry are preserved. You can freeze figs for 12 months, but after defrosting, eat immediately, after a maximum of 1-2 hours.

How to save a wine berry?

To make figs delight us throughout the winter, you can make jam from them. You can see the detailed recipe and cooking sequence

Another option for winter consumption is self-dried figs, which keep well for up to 10 months. The drying process is simple and involves the following steps:

  1. Rinse and dry the fruits by spreading a kitchen towel or cloth. Rub them should not be, so as not to damage the delicate skin.
  2. Cut into halves or quarters for faster drying.
  3. In a warm climate, arrange the chopped figs in a shaded, drafty area. Close with gauze from flies, wasps, other insects.
  4. In the northern regions, lay it on a wire rack so that the airflow is from above and below and place it in a home dryer, setting the temperature to + 65C. Drying time is approximately 6-8 hours.

Properly dried fruit has a brown tint, when pressed it is elastic and significantly reduced in size. If, when cutting, no juice comes out at the cut point, then the figs are dried and ready for storage. A white coating sometimes appears on the surface, which is formed by released sugars.

Figs are a unique and unusual culture that gives us not only tasty and healthy fruits, but also an exotic plant that, with the right approach, is cultivated in the northern latitudes. And if it is not always possible to get fruits, then it pays off with the decorative appearance of a subtropical tree.

In September, on Yalta, the restaurant " Van Gogh"holds a festival of figs and walnuts (by the way, the combination of these products in jam is very healthy and tasty).

Fig tree, or fig (lat. Fícus cárica) is a bright representative of the genus Ficus of the Mulberry family. The Latin name comes from the name of the birthplace of figs - ancient Kariya in Asia Minor. It has many different names, the most popular of which are "common fig tree" or "wine berry". Figs are widely distributed in countries with a subtropical climate, in Georgia, South Ossetia, in the mountains of Armenia, on the Absheron Peninsula, in the central regions of Azerbaijan, in the Carpathians, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and Abkhazia, as well as in countries mediterranean.

A curious fact about the fig tree: its fruits, the familiar fruit - figs, are not a fruit at all, but a flower. Some other varieties of ficus bloom in a similar way.

In fact, the fruits of the fig tree are flowers, not fruits, as is commonly believed.

properties of fruits and leaves

The fig tree is recognized as one of the most ancient cultivated plants, the first mention of which is contained in the Bible.

Figs (otherwise fig) are widely used as fresh food, canned and dried form. Also from the fruits of figs very tasty and healthy jam is obtained.

Thanks to its rich medicinal properties, figs have been used since ancient times as a remedy for colds. Fresh fruits are used as a remedy for coughs and sore throats. Fig pulp has an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.

Figs are also high in iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In addition, figs are indicated for heart palpitations, as well as for bronchial asthma. Dried fruits have a laxative effect on the body.

Dried figs are very useful for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Outdoor cultivation

Throughout history cultivation figs, many varieties and varieties of this plant have been bred. For its cultivation, amateur gardeners are advised to choose self-pollinated varieties.

In addition, when choosing a variety, it is important to pay attention to how one or another variety will be adapted to the conditions of a particular region.

For example, in regions with a temperate climate, it is better to plant winter-hardy figs. This variety will survive the winter and frost in open ground without any problems.

Popular varieties among amateur gardeners include:

  • Brunswick;
  • Kadata;
  • Crimean black;
  • Dalmatian.

Landing: soil, location and lighting

The fig tree is a subtropical plant. This means that the plant loves the sun, heat, and does not like cold and strong winds. These features must be taken into account when choosing a place for planting in open ground. A well-lit place on the south side of the garden is best suited for this purpose. It is important that there are no tall buildings, buildings and trees with a lush crown nearby.

Figs are not capricious in the choice of soil. Suitable for almost any soil. The only requirement is sufficient moisture content. Therefore, drainage at the bottom of the landing pit is done only under the condition of heavy clay soil. However, a light, sandy substrate or perlite is ideal for figs.

The prepared substrate can be fed with organic fertilizer. After that, the soil is poured in the form of a hill and the roots of the seedling are placed on top, and then they are covered with earth. The root neck is located on the surface.

In those regions where winter frosts are quite severe, it is recommended to plant the fig tree in trenches. The north side of the planting trench should be vertical. To protect it from shedding, you can use a film or polycarbonate. The southern slope should be gentle to allow direct sunlight.

You can plant a fig tree in open ground in autumn, as well as in spring. In winter, the tree must be covered, and in case of severe frosts, “relocate” to the greenhouse. This also applies to winter-hardy varieties.

Outdoor fig care

Outdoor care activities include the following procedures:

  1. Watering should be regular and plentiful. When the soil dries out, there is a high probability that the plant will not bear fruit. The approximate frequency of watering is 8-12 times per season. In one run, at least 1-2 buckets of medium size must be poured into the soil. If drip irrigation is used, soil moisture levels should be checked regularly.
  2. Crown formation. Among gardeners, standard crown formation is popular. The crown is formed from 3-4 uterine branches. In this case, the trunk usually reaches a height of about 60 cm. Shoots are cut off during the season (this also applies to stem). For 2-4 years after planting, the ends of the shoots and conductors are cut a little. This causes the tree to have more side branches. At the end of spring, tweezing should be carried out on a shoot length of 50–70 cm. After that, once every 3-4 years, you need to remove the root growth and cut off the old branches.
  3. Fertilizer. In spring, the fig tree can be fed with mineral fertilizers. To apply fertilizer to the soil, it is better to use the surface loosening method. You can also fertilize with manure infusion.
  4. Shelter. In the autumn, when the temperature starts to drop, and in the spring, when the temperature has not risen yet, the tree should be covered with a greenhouse. For this purpose, a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate is perfect. It retains the desired temperature and humidity well, and is also quite durable. On especially warm and sunny days, it is recommended to open the greenhouse.

You can prepare figs for wintering in the following way:

  • Remove autumn greenhouse;
  • Press all branches to the ground;
  • Put the board on the trench and cover it tightly with a film;
  • The entire structure must be covered with a layer of earth, about 15 cm thick.

Growing and care at home

For growing a fig tree at home, not all of its varieties are suitable, but only undersized and self-pollinated. These include:

  • Shuisky;
  • White Adriatic;
  • Moisson;
  • Black Pearl ;
  • Seedling Oglobin;
  • October gift;
  • Dalmatic;
  • Kadata.

Each of them is able to bear fruit twice a year, even at home. If you provide the necessary lighting and proper care, the fruits will be quite large and tasty.


Having chosen the desired variety of figs, you must also choose the right capacity for planting and soil.

As mentioned earlier, the fig tree is not picky about the choice of soil. For planting at home, the most ordinary soil is suitable. You can mix it with ash or lime, but this is not necessary. As a fertilizer, you can use crushed eggshells or add a little peat.

Before planting the plant, the soil must be prepared. It needs to be steamed. You can do this in the microwave. You also need to steam river sand. They are advised to lightly sprinkle the topsoil after planting.

It is better to take a small pot. At the bottom of the pot, you need to make high-quality drainage and put a part in it in advance prepared soil. The soil must be moistened with water and make a deepening. Further, a seedling is “seated” in a small hole and covered with the remaining soil and sand from above.


During the first years of life, indoor figs are actively engaged in the development of a powerful root system. That is why it is recommended to transplant the plant into a larger pot every year for 7 years. This is best done in the spring before the leaves bloom.

Further transplantation can be done once every 3-4 years. Also, do not forget about high-quality drainage at the bottom of the pot. And abundant watering after transplants.

Temperature, lighting And level humidity V indoors

All characteristics figs And peculiarities care behind this plant They say O volume, What figssouthern plant And Very loves solar light And increased humidity. Healthy plant And good fruiting 1 2 times V year Can provide only thanks to compliance these two points.

IN room need to arrange tree on southern side And put pot closer To window. If such possibilities No, That good lighting Necessarily need to create artificially With help phytolamp.
Humidity V indoors Also recommended support artificially With help humidifiers.

It is best to place the fig pot on the south side of the room next to the window.


Home fig tree loves Not only abundant And regular watering, But And frequent spraying trunks And leaves. For this fit warm water, But Not hot. If allow drying out soil, tree Maybe reset All leaves.

Important decrease intensity And frequency glaze in time fruiting tree. redundant moisture Maybe do fruit watery And tasteless.


fig tree Fine reacts on pruning. That's why at neat And timely molding tree Can without labor give any desired form.

With the right pruning technique, a fig tree can be given any shape.

Period rest

Practically each subtropical plant It has mine period rest. figsNot exception. For him period rest account for on gap With november By January.

IN period rest tree throws off foliage. Tree need to put away V dark And cool place. Temperature V indoors must dress approximately from +15 before 0C. Also necessary gradually decrease number irrigation before minimum.

spring starts awakening And transition V active period. After appearance first kidney plant need to endure V more illuminated place And start off renew regular watering.

Top dressing and fertilizer

When plant passes To active vital activity, A kidneys start to swell, V soil are made alternately With two weeks gap phosphoric fertilizer And infusion manure.

Can on one's own cook mixture For fertilizer. For this need to dissolve 3 grams superphosphate V 1 liter water And boil solution on throughout 20 minutes. Bring quantity liquids before 1 liters, using boiled water. After this V mixture need to add 4 grams urea.

Two times V year, V early spring And V early summer, Can spray leaves tree special solution. This will allow save leaves aesthetic brightlygreen coloring. Solution For spraying getting ready from 1 liters boiled water And 2 grams iron vitriol.

Before start fruiting Not will superfluous add top dressing V form nitrogen fertilizer. Such procedure will contribute intensive appearance major fruits on tree.

Problems And disease

fig tree though And Not especially capricious plant, But often susceptible various diseases And attacks pests.

TO most frequent diseases figs relate:

  1. Gray roton fruits figs appears white or grey plaque With interspersed watery spots.
  2. Fusariumdecay fetus from within.
  3. Cancer branchesill plot trunkor branches covered cracked And exposed. Gradually this region dying off.
  4. Anthracnoseon fruits figsappear spots dark colors, And They wither.
  5. souringfruit figs change mine colorfrom pink before brown.
  6. Mosaic -on leaves And fruits are formed brown spots various size, fruit And leaves die off And fall off.

Pests, striking fig tree most often:

  1. Firebug:appearance butterflies gray colors leads To decay fruits And leaves.
  2. moleleaflet: yellowcaterpillars, A V furtherbutterfly brown colors, hurts All tree (leaves turn yellow And fall off, fruit rot).
  3. Ploshka: small insect With white little body And transparent wings sucks All juices from fruits And kidney, lichen plant vital forces And hinders his growth.
  4. beetle: bug oval odds brown colors hurts bark tree, And she gradually dying off.


Home figs Can successfully multiply two ways


cutting For rooting is selected so way, to on German was near 3 4 kidney. Lower half cutting wetted stimulant rooting And placed V in advance prepared pot With sand or water. If For rooting selected sand, That his necessary previously steam V microwave ovens.

On first time, Bye stalk Not take root, Can do For him hothouse from glass banks or cut plastic bottles. IN room must be enough warm And light. Periodically recommended take away hothouse And ventilate room, to plant « breathed» fresh air.

At successful rooting And subsequent landings plants V permanent soil figs will start fruit already V flow 6 months.

The most popular method of propagating a fig tree among gardeners is cuttings.

Seminal way

seeds need to choose from most major And beautiful fruits tree. After collection seeds necessary Rinse water And dry V flow 24 hours.

planted seeds V early spring. Spread seeds V capacity With soil on depth near 2 3 cm And slightly moisten upper layer soil. Further do hothouse from glass banks or plastic cup. After appearance first sprouts necessary ventilate plant, removing hothouse on some time.

When sprouts enough grew up And got stronger, their Can transplant V more suitable pot With soil.
Seminal way Not especially popular among gardeners And lovers, So How desired result have to wait for a long time. Fruit tree, propagated seed way, will start Not earlier, how through 4 5 years.

Seeds must be collected from the largest and most appetizing fruits.

Where buy

Buy ready seedlings For growing fig tree V garden or Houses Can V horticultural stores or nurseries, A Also through Internetthe shops. Price seedling will strongly vary V dependencies from varieties figs. scatter prices behind 1 seedling will approximately such:

  • Crimean black, Dalmatian (Russia) from 220 rub.;
  • Brunswick (Russia) from 600 rub.;
  • Brown (Türkiye) from 790 rub.;
  • White Adriatic, Kadata from 375 rub.

seeds Also there are V wide access. Approximate price behind packaging seeds (5 pieces.) is 60 rub.

Fig fruits will become a decoration for the garden and a favorite delicacy on the table.

Large green leaves And Right formed crown will become spectacular addition interior spacious living room or office. Delicious And useful fruit fig tree will be permanent source joy And subject pride For domestic.

Figs - tropical plant with a unique healing composition. In different regions, it is also known as fig, fig tree, fig tree, fig tree, wine berry. Figs were especially popular in ancient times. If you believe the interpretation of the Bible, then it was his sheets that covered the intimate places of Adam and Eve. And in Greece they say that if a fig tree grows in the yard, then the family does not starve. Its fruits were considered so nutritious that travelers must take dried figs with them. long way. Many have heard about this culture, but few people know about its beneficial properties.

General information

This is a large shrub that grows up to 8-10 meters in length. Its branches are smooth and thick, and the crown is wide. The diameter of the trunk can reach 18 cm, and the root system - 15 meters (the roots go deep into 6 meters). Fig leaves large and hard with uneven teeth on the edges. The color of the leaves is from dark green to green-grayish. In width, they can reach 12 cm, and in length - 15 cm.

All fig shrubs are divided into female and male individuals, which in nature are pollinated by black blastophage wasps. These insects do an excellent job with their work, to which the main proof is a large harvest. There are small holes in the inflorescences of the plant, it is through them that pollination occurs.

The fruits are pear-shaped and grow up to 10 cm long. They can be from dark to purple to yellowish green. The fruit is a kind of fleshy vessel with small scales. The color and size of the fruit depends on the variety. The most common fruit color is dark blue or yellow (yellow-green).

Unripe berries should not be consumed, as they contain inedible latex. The number of seeds in a fig depends on the variety, so it can contain up to 16 thousand small and 30 large seeds. If the fig grows in favorable climatic conditions, then it is able to bear fruit for 200 years. The tree blooms several times a year, but the fruits are formed only in the warm season (from summer to autumn).

The fig tree grows in the wild in warm regions with a humid climate: in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor, in India, Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia. In Russia, the fig tree can be found in the Caucasus and the Crimean Peninsula.

Useful properties of figs

Figs are not very rich in vitamins, such as raspberries or currants. It contains vitamins of groups B, C, PP and carotene. But the mineral composition is very rich. It has a lot calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. This combination of minerals makes figs the most useful of all southern fruits. All these beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

Fresh fruits are of great value. They contain:

  • sugar -12−25%;
  • organic acids - 0.39%;
  • glucose - 3.2%;
  • sucrose - 1.7−3.8%.

The amount of sugar in dried fruits reaches 70%.

Benefits and properties fig fruit is as follows:

Fig tree cultivation

Of course, figs are cultivated much less frequently than mandarin, lemon or pomegranate. When growing figs, some of its growth and fruiting features should be taken into account. This the plant is cold hardy, some varieties are able to withstand even temperatures of -20 degrees.

Growing in an apartment

Even a novice gardener can grow this useful plant at home. Cultivation is carried out in two ways:

Outdoor cultivation

The fig tree can grow not only in the southern regions, but it is also successfully cultivated in the northern regions of the country. But growing in these cold regions comes with some challenges.

Should be planted in the ground seedlings with roots. Preparing cuttings is easy. To do this, they are first dipped in water with honey, such a solution helps the formation of roots. After that, the prepared cuttings are planted in a container. It is most convenient to land in plastic bottles. You need to cut off half of the bottle, fill it with soil and place the cutting. The soil around it is watered (the soil should always be moistened). These makeshift containers are placed in a bright place where there is no direct sunlight. Through the transparent plastic, it is easy to see if the cutting is rooted or not. As soon as the first leaves appear, the seedling is planted in the ground along with a clod of earth.

In open ground, seedlings are planted in a sunny and calm place, where trenches or pits were previously prepared. The bottom of the pit must be sprinkled with a layer of drainage. Fig tree shoots branches quickly. As they grow, they should be tilted to the ground and attached. This is done so that the fig does not grow in height, but spreads along the surface of the earth.

It is better to cover the fig tree for the winter. To do this, you need to cover the plant with a layer of mulch from branches (some cover it with a blanket), then cover it with polyethylene on top and sprinkle it with a small layer of earth. In the spring, when the frosts recede, the shelter is removed.

General rules for caring for figs

Like all plants, figs need proper care. Subject to all requirements, the fig tree will delight with its useful fruits for more than one year. The main rules of care:

Diseases and pests

The fig tree is considered a fairly resistant plant to diseases and pests, but still there is a predisposition to some ailments. The most common fig diseases are:

Insect pests that most often infect a fig tree:

  • moth - a butterfly that leads to rotting of leaves and fruits;
  • leaf moth - harms the whole tree(the fruits rot, then the leaves and fruits fall off);
  • psyllid is a small insect that sucks all the juices from the buds and fruits (deprives the bush of vitality and prevents its development);
  • beetle - a brown bug, damages the bark of the plant, and it slowly dies off.

Figs are subtropical and tropical shrubs. Of course, to obtain fruits, it can be grown both at home and in open ground. And you can make the task easier by buying dried figs, which also have a high concentration of nutrients, as in a fresh fruit.