Merlin kerro love stones. Semi-precious stones from Marilyn Kerro

One of the most famous participants in the television show "The Battle of Psychics" is Marilyn Kerro. Spectacular witch took part in seasons 15, 16 and 17 and always took second place. With the success of passing all the tests, the Estonian lacked a few percent to the coveted prize.

How did Marilyn Kerro become a psychic?

What is magic, the future participant in the famous show, learned in early childhood thanks to her aunt, who earned her living,. When Marilyn was six years old, she was struck by lightning, and after that her gift was revealed to the fullest. She began to predict the future, see the dead and so on. The well-known psychic Marilyn Kerro found her great-grandmother's magic book, and her spirit appeared to her, saying that she should accept the power of her kind and become a witch.

How to get to Marilyn Kerro?

Watching the program "Battle of Psychics", a huge number of people were eager to personally communicate with the witch in order to get advice from her in solving problems. Marilyn takes this into account and conducts personal sessions from time to time. Information on how to contact Marilyn Kerro can be found on her website and pages in in social networks. In addition, she periodically conducts mass seminars that are devoted to important topics, such as love, money, and so on. Recording to Marilyn Kerro is conducted by her manager. Recently, the witch announced the opening of her own store.

A huge number of people are trying to find answers to questions thanks to the help of magicians and witches. After the Battle of Psychics, Marilyn Kerro became popular, and she was invited to various interviews, where she was asked the most common questions. More often, an Estonian woman is asked about how to find her love, how to improve her personal life and. Witch Marilyn Kerro does not keep secrets and easily shares her knowledge to help others.

If a person wants to win fortune, then you can perform a ritual with buttons, which since ancient times have been considered talismans and amulets. Estonian Marilyn Kerro recommends that everyone use them to attract what they want.

  1. The ritual is very simple, you need to sew a small red button on the inside of clothes that are worn often early in the morning. The witch recommends using outerwear.
  2. During sewing, a plot should be read. The finished talisman will not only attract good luck, but will also be good and other negative.
  3. If the button comes off, then you need to change it.

“I am sewing luck on myself, firmly, firmly. As long as this button is with me, I am not afraid of any troubles.

A famous Estonian witch revealed to her fans some magical secrets on how to attract sincere love into your life. Marilyn Kerro's advice on how to find love is based on opening your heart to real feelings. For this purpose, you can perform a simple ritual.

  1. It is recommended to start the action after sunset and best of all on Friday.
  2. From the room it is necessary to remove everything that can distract and interfere with the ceremony.
  3. Prepare a candle Pink colour which represents love and heart. Light it up and put it in front of you.
  4. As you look at the flame, visualize your happy life filled with love.
  5. For some time, concentrate as much as possible on your desires and the very next morning the world can change dramatically.
  6. If nothing happened, then the ritual can be performed daily until there is a result.

Many girls have feelings for a particular person, but they are afraid to take a responsible step and confess. Clairvoyant Marilyn Kerro gives some tips on how you can simply fix the situation.

If a separation has occurred, but the feelings have not cooled down, and you want to return your lover, then you can perform a simple ritual using semi- or precious stone. When the “Battle of Psychics” took place, Marilyn Kerro received many questions about how to choose the right talisman, and so she is recommended to focus on her Zodiac sign or on her own feelings upon contact.

  1. The Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro advises reading a conspiracy on a stone on a full moon or a new moon, when the energy of the moon is enhanced.
  2. The decoration must be placed in a bowl of water, standing in a circle of seven red candles.
  3. Dip your in the water left hand and whisper a conspiracy.
  4. The decoration should remain in the water all night, and in the morning cover it with a red cloth.
  5. Do not remove extinguished candles until morning.
  6. It is recommended to constantly carry jewelry with a stone that will attract a loved one.

“The stone is my strength and beauty, my love and luck. May the servant of God (the name of the person) appear to me and give me happiness. Everything that is planned will come true, yes it is said. Amen"

Marilyn Kerro - how to raise money?

Another popular topic with which people turn to the witch is finance. Marilyn Kerro's help can be obtained by everyone by learning simple tricks.

  1. The Estonian says that words that repel money energy must be excluded from her vocabulary, for example, “I have no money.” To become a rich person, it is important to love and respect money.
  2. In the “Battle of Psychics”, Marilyn Kerro often spoke about the power of talismans, and so special amulets can be used to attract financial flow. It is recommended to saturate the selected item with good luck, which can be stolen from a successful person. To do this, you need to make an appropriate acquaintance and rub the amulet in your hands during communication.
  3. Speaking about Marilyn Kerro, it is worth mentioning a few more tricks to increase material wealth: keep money in one place, keep order in your wallet and do not give money from hand to hand so as not to lose your luck.

Marilyn Kerro Predictions

Many people often ask an Estonian to talk about the future, so she makes a forecast every year. This version is for 2017.

  1. January - the month will be calm in all aspects.
  2. February - business related to personal life will be successful.
  3. March - Marilyn Kerro predicted that this month is ideal for starting action, it's time to turn your plans into reality.
  4. April - there is an increase in business, but there may be problems in the family.
  5. May is the perfect time to travel and work with the land.
  6. June is an ideal month for long trips.
  7. July is the time to receive the fruits for the work done.
  8. August is a quiet month, suitable for learning and creativity.
  9. September is the month of health and beauty.
  10. October - devote time to visits to relatives and.
  11. November - the time is suitable for self-discovery and relaxation.
  12. December - it's time to spend money, make repairs and communicate with distant relatives.

Marilyn Kerro - unusual facts

There is information that is not common, so some of the facts may surprise you. Few people know that an Estonian has been a vegetarian for more than 10 years, because she believes that animal food pollutes her energy. For those who are interested in the whole truth about Marilyn Kerro, it is worth offering her one interesting fact - the witch knows her own date of death and this will happen in April 2071. Related Marilyn Kerro Interesting Facts about her tattoos. It is not known how many specific drawings are applied to her body, but many people managed to see some of the tattoos.

  1. The word "Michael" is written on her wrist. According to rumors, this is the name of her close friend, who passed away.
  2. On the back of the neck, under the hair, a word is written, which in translation means "to believe." Traditionally, amulets are placed in such places.
  3. On the hands of the Witch is a Phoenix - a mystical bird that is reborn from the ashes.
  4. On the stomach of the Estonian is a protective pattern, which includes runes.
  5. Kerro has an inscription under his chest, which in translation means "true love."

Exposing Marilyn Kerro

As soon as the spectacular witch appeared on TV screens, reports began to surface that Marilyn was a liar. You can find various negative reviews of people who allegedly were at her reception and were convinced that she had no gift. To believe that Marilyn Kerro is a charlatan is everyone's business, since you can be convinced of this only by actually meeting with a psychic, and not believing in various rumors.

Attract love For many centuries, various tricks have helped women to find happiness and a successful marriage. Women's charms, exquisitely applied cosmetics, and eye-catching clothes are also used. But there are many secrets and mysteries in a woman. One of these mysteries is the female soul, which sometimes harbors the most unbridled desires.

Let's pay attention to which stones are called love stones

Beloved in the East, pearls adorn national costumes and clothes for a reason. Oriental women. Bearing in mind their fertility, it is easy to conclude that pearls not only bring more wisdom, softness and femininity to the character, but also promote love.

Red and pink corals also bring love and are considered love stones, but it is not recommended to wear them all the time. Otherwise, the stone is able to make the character of a woman more rigid.

Lapis lazuli will encourage contemplation, unity with the natural world, give health and attract love into a person’s life.

Rhodonite will help to cope with past experiences, clear the memory of the confusion of the past years and tune in to new relationships, a new true love.

The magic of love is the magic of voodoo by Marilyn Kerro

However, Estonian Merlin Kerro advises not easy to wear love stones with you or at home. A certain special love ritual from Marilyn Kerro in which she uses love stones. So, in episode 17 of season 14, she says:

"There is a special ritual for women, which helps to attract love. And in fact, every woman can do it herself without the help of a psychic.
You need to start on the full moon.
This requires 4 candles, black cloth and love stones. All the time that you spend on making dolls, you will need to constantly think about the image of the man you want to get.
Needles should be inserted to stimulate the heart chakra.
And when your toy lover is ready, you will need to make a female doll from the remaining candles ... for yourself. The main thing is that they will need to be connected together with threads. This is just the connection between a man and a woman. The next morning you will need to go and immediately bury it. I have done this many times and the main thing is that it always works.

Every woman decides for herself how to attract a man. Whether to use blood sacrifices, whether to make a voodoo doll to attract a man whether to weave candles with stones. This is every woman's business. She was given a special gift - beauty, and it is this gift that can be used as the woman wishes. Adorn yourself with a Rose Quartz pendant and attract passionate love, or wear purple garnet or moonstone earrings and find passionate passion. Enchant or charm?

Or maybe just remain a mysterious woman, who is helped even by stones in her sincere desire to follow her nature - to be loved!

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An amulet or talisman of unconditional love from the famous psychic Marilyn Kerro will allow its owner to solve problems in society and personal life. It is made of metals that purify the aura, and ruby, which makes a person interesting and attractive to others. You do not have to believe in it, the talisman works regardless of the attitude towards it.

  • Julia Wang:

Marilyn Kerro was born in Estonia in 1988. She is one of the most powerful young psychics in the world and is quite popular in Europe. Marilyn is a very sympathetic and kind person. She claims that the purpose of her existence is to help. In her life, Marilyn went through many difficulties, which tempered and increased her strength. She is well versed in stones, minerals and their magical properties. Several times she took part in the "Battle of Psychics", where she successfully passed difficult tests. Marilyn directs all her energy and strength to help those in need. The Marilyn Kerro amulet is created for each individual. For this, special rituals are performed using personal information about the client: name, birthday, zodiac sign, and so on.


Wearing an amulet does not affect a person's health in any way. It affects only the attitude of others and worldview. Judging by the large number of reviews, it really works. In the first days, many see improvements: they notice that people are starting to be more friendly, interested in their lives, and it is clear that others really like to communicate with them. The amulet of love is made of rare metal interspersed with ruby ​​(red garnet). It protects against various negative energy influences, physically imperceptible: love spells, evil eye and other unwanted influences. The combination of red stone and metal relieves complexes and fears from which a person suffers all his life. The amulet charges him with energy and paints the world in bright colors.

In everyone's life, situations occur, after which, in a strange way, fears and complexes before relationships appear. If you:

This magical amulet will help:

  • regain confidence in their beauty and attractiveness;
  • increase sexuality;
  • give energy and strength;
  • improve relationships with others;
  • find love.

The amulet actually works. Unfortunately, the world of magic and wizardry is inaccessible to ordinary people, it is hidden from ordinary perception. But for wizards like Marilyn Kerro, these are more than possible things, which she proves by making these wonderful talismans.


Make an order right now!

If you decide to purchase an amulet from Marilyn Kerro, you need to know for sure how to use it and what to do so that it brings success in your personal life. This talisman must be kept with you at all times. At the same time, it is not necessary to wear it around your neck, if you are going somewhere, you can simply put it in your purse. It does not require additional rituals and actions. Good luck will come by itself. You will be convinced of this almost immediately, as soon as you step over the threshold. Shortly after putting on the amulet, you will begin to notice that:

  • began to receive more compliments, the attention of the opposite sex increased;
  • like people, and this sympathy is growing every day;
  • they will get to know you more often;
  • soon there will be prospects of getting married or getting married;
  • right person will turn his attention to you.

The amulet is a personal thing, it should not be given into the wrong hands, even the closest people from your family, otherwise its effect may stop. This thing is also a talisman that will protect against the negative energy influence of others who want to consciously or subconsciously harm.


This product is made of materials that contribute to the unification of the spiritual and physical in a person. Pomegranate affects the energy centers (chakras) and awakens the desire to love and count on reciprocal feelings. This strong desire attracts people's lives and necessary events. This talisman is a powerful magical item, not a simple trinket. Its action, with the help of slander and other rituals, is tied to a specific person and supports him in life. The amulet helped many people to evoke reciprocal feelings in a loved one, find their soul mate and enter into a happy marriage. Reviews about the Marilyn Kerro amulet are overwhelmingly positive and this proves that information about him is not a lie and a deceit. Negative reviews are left only by those who expected too much change and were disappointed, or had malicious intentions - the amulet will not help such people. But if you sincerely desire to meet someone who suits you, then you can definitely count on this result.

How to purchase?

You will not be able to buy this product in the store. If you want to get an amulet, then you need to order it on the official website (here it is), which distributes. The amulet is made individually by Marilyn Kerro herself. Is it worth saying that the purchase of a talisman anywhere else is a guarantee to buy a fake? After filling out the form, you will be contacted to clarify the data, postal address, and start making the talisman. The price of the product is constantly changing upwards, due to its popularity, so hurry up with your order. Delivery is carried out within a few weeks, payment upon receipt. On the site you will see reviews of real customers who have felt the effect of the amulet on themselves.

Get your amulet of absolute love personally from Marilyn Kerro, feel his real magical power and make sure it's not a lie or a money scam. Soon after you start using it, life will change in a positive way. Relations with others will improve, you will meet your love and find a life partner.

Feedback from doctors and other buyers

By the way, we advise you to read the reviews of famous doctors and real people that we have collected for you. Perhaps they will push you to buy.

  • Julia Wang: She stole her husband from Buzova with the help of Kerro's amulet
  • TVNZ. Confessions of a millionaire: "How I, a teacher from Saratov, married an American rich man."

Where to buy?

Remember!!! You will not find the Marilyn Kerro amulet in the store. The original amulet can only be bought on the manufacturer's website! Thanks to this, the company constantly monitors the quality of the product, its price and, of course, customer reviews.

The purchase procedure will not take you much time. Just fill out the order form and wait for your parcel.

Go to the official site

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For a long time I went through different means. Nothing helped. Hands down already. But then I accidentally stumbled upon an article about Hypertofort. I started looking for information, I read about a bunch of fakes and deceit on different sites. In general, everyone advised to buy only in the official store. So I bought it here. And it helped me! I'm so happy! Do not be fooled by advertising of any intermediaries! And then there's some trickery. Got rid of my problem and happy!! Bought on official website

For several years I could not arrange my personal life, men bypassed me, but with the advent of the amulet, everything changed, I met my man very quickly, our relationship is developing rapidly, I have never been so happy.

I have never seen such an amulet. They say that he really helps very well in love. Only I saw it in a regular store. Therefore, I have a question, does the amulet itself need to be charged or is it optional?

I don’t know, maybe it’s a coincidence, but after the appearance of the amulet, many men appeared in my life, I met the same, dear and only, for the 8th month together, the other day they took the application to the registry office. I don’t know, maybe it sounds funny , but the amulet can change lives. Ruby has long been considered an unusual stone that brings good luck to a person. Maybe it's magic, maybe just self-hypnosis, but with the amulet I became much more confident in myself, it's easier for me to communicate with people, especially with men, and they began to pay more attention to me.

I heard about the famous young psychic Marilyn Kerro and watched programs with her participation, I believe that she is endowed with superpowers.

Merlin Kero followed in every program and was surprised how she did everything. And now an amulet from her. This amulet already attracts attention with its original form. Don't know about magical properties amulet, but met a man, just because of his shape and appearance. He turned out to be a jewelry designer.

I told myself that it was just a pretty pendant, but deep down I really hoped it would work. In the end, pomegranate is my stone (I am Scorpio according to the horoscope)
Not even a few days have passed (perhaps, after all, my faith in its action helped), as the amulet began to work! My behavior, make-up, clothes did not change, and the attention from men became more and more! I hope I will soon find the one I love and the only one.

I got this AMULET.
Arrived literally in 5 days! I also ordered a red thread for health (reached the handle)
Now my husband loves, as he did not love, and also got a lover 10 years younger! Enough! I've suffered! And of course, ALL THANKS ONLY TO THE AMULET! I didn’t write a comment right away - I was waiting for the result! And it hasn't even been a month!!!

The famous Estonian clairvoyant, who participated in three whole seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”, offers you to purchase a love amulet, Marilyn Kerro, with his help, was able to attract Alexander Sheps, an equally strong magician and participant in the same show, into her life. According to Mary, the amulet attracts love and has incredible power.

Real reviews "Marilyn Kerro amulet"

Natalia, 20 years old: Incredible amulet, definitely attracted love into my life! I watched the “Battle of Psychics”, but, to be honest, I was rooting for another participant, nevertheless, for the sake of interest, I decided to order this amulet. A month later I met a good guy, whom she is dating at the moment more than a year. So it works!

Veronica, 28 years old: I'm just a fan of Marilyn, from the beginning of the 14th season I was rooting only for her and asked all my friends to vote only for this participant. She was very worried, as if every test was with her, in general, she remembered the Estonian clairvoyant for a long time). When I came across such a wonderful amulet, I immediately ordered it in the official online store. Moreover, at that time it was not going well with her personal life, she decided to take a chance. About two months passed and one neighbor guy confessed his love to me, whom I also often looked at. Now I have a loved one, thanks to Mary for such a pendant, I recommend it for purchase!

Anna, 25 years old: My marriage was bursting at the seams, I went to my parents with a child and thought that only a divorce and there was no way to save our relationship. One fine day, a friend sent me a link to the official website with an amulet from an Estonian witch, at first I was afraid to order it, but then I watched the episodes with Marilyn and realized that she was a very strong clairvoyant and in any case it would not be worse. What do you think, a week after the purchase, my husband came to my parents' house and began to ask for forgiveness for all grievances, collected my things and took us home with the child. So you can order without hesitation, sometimes you can even save a family, and not just attract someone.

Marina, 43 years old: To be honest, I was counting on something more, well, I already had a husband at the time when I ordered the pendant, I also wanted a lover.

Tatyana, 20 years old: In my case, the amulet worked, but the package arrived in a slightly crumpled package.

Price and where to buy

You can buy an amulet from Marilyn Kerr in the official online store. Now the site has a discount, taking into account which the cost of the goods is only 1075 rubles.

Delivery is carried out quickly, and payment for the goods occurs upon receipt. The online store respects the privacy policy.


Do you want to attract love into your life? Then we recommend that you purchase Marilyn Kerro's absolute love amulet, a magical pendant that has strong energy and helps in difficult life moments. The famous Estonian clairvoyant, the finalist of three seasons, thanks to her amulet, attracted the magician Alexander Sheps into her life. You may not believe that the pendant works and is able to make a person's life happier, but satisfied customers and their real reviews characterize the Marilyn Kerro amulet only on the positive side.

With such an amulet, you will very quickly be able to find your soul mate, because solar energy will come from you, which will be filled with love. Accordingly, you will attract people with the same energy and they will love you for who you are.

Principle of operation

The presented amulet of Marilyn Kerro will bring its owner not only love, but also good luck. The amulet is made for each client individually, taking into account, first of all, the date of birth. The pendant is made of rare metal alloys, with the addition of particles of red garnet, which is a very strong love stone.

The pendant relieves complexes and fears, thanks to which a person can easily immerse himself in new love relationship. You will immediately feel as if a warm light is lit inside you, which attracts love and creates harmony with the world around you.

The secret of the amulet lies in its very basis - the interweaving of stone and special metals, which have a reflective unity, both physical and spiritual. The power of the red stone lies in the impact on energy level, which entails love and passion for the person who wears the pendant. Thus, it is most realistic to attract the necessary events into your life. The conspiracy is the main secret of the amulet, it was created by Marilyn herself, according to her, the pendant helped her reach the final more than once and find her love. The clairvoyant makes amulets for names and signs of the zodiac, for each person individually. This ritual is based on the power of ancient Estonian sorcerers. The ritual is dipped in water with clairvoyant blood and then illuminated by fire from a candle that passes through a rock crystal.

How to use

You just have to put on the amulet, and after a while you will notice the following:

  • you will start to like people even more;
  • you will immediately begin to receive compliments and a lot of attention from the opposite sex;
  • you will immediately have prospects of getting married or getting married;
  • the person who evoked feelings in you will immediately pay attention to you;
  • you will notice that people want to get to know you more often;
  • you have the opportunity to capture the heart of any person.


If negative reviews of the amulet of absolute love Marilyn Kerro can be found on the net, then more often it happens that a person did not wear this product, but simply expected some kind of miracle from him. Therefore, when purchasing such a wonderful pendant, be sure to carry it with you and preferably closer to your heart. Then you will immediately meet your soul mate and find happiness.

The main advantages of the amulet:

  • works 100%;
  • there is an opportunity to attract love and happiness into your life;
  • an amulet from a famous Estonian witch;
  • life will change for the better;
  • the pendant has incredible power;
  • you will be filled with love and harmony with the world around you.

Unrequited love hurts and brings suffering to any person. No need to endure this, because there is an easy way to make people fall in love with you! The finalist of the Battle of Psychics Marilyn Kerro knows several proven ways to attract love.

Love spell on a stone from Marilyn Kerro

To attract love with the help of a talisman stone, you must first determine your talisman stone by Zodiac Sign. You need to get jewelry with this stone and wear it regularly. A charmed stone will draw attention to you from the opposite sex. If you want your chosen one to fall in love with you, this is the best way to get his attention.

Spend a conspiracy on a stone-amulet on the day of the Full Moon or New Moon. These days, the energy of the Moon is especially enhanced, which affects the result of any conspiracy or love spell.

Lower the jewelry with the stone to the bottom of the bowl of water, which should stand in a circle of seven red lighted candles. Dip your left hand into the water and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“The stone is my strength and beauty, my love and luck.
May the servant of God (the name of the person) appear to me and give me happiness
Everything that is planned will come true, yes it is said. Amen"

Leave the stone in the bowl overnight, cover it with a red cloth. Extinguished candles also do not remove before dawn. By morning, your love spell will be charged with strong energy and will be able to attract the right person.

For those who want to fall in love with them, psychic Marilyn Kerro has simple tips for attracting the attention of the chosen one without much effort and rituals:

If the person you like is already connected in love with another, it will be quite difficult to separate them. You should not resort to Black Magic, in this way you will only suppress a person’s feelings for the chosen one, but will not attract love to yourself.

A participant in the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” is sure that by following her advice, you can easily make the one whose attention you seek fall in love with you. Use Marilyn Kerro's love spell and soon you will hear the long-awaited "love" and find personal happiness. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.08.2015 00:40

After the finale of the “Battle of Psychics” season 14, all the secrets behind the scenes of this show began to open. As it turned out, ...