Types of work of the master in production. Shift foreman job description

Complies with the requirements of the document - "HANDBOOK of qualification characteristics of workers' professions. Issue 1. Jobs of workers that are common to all types of economic activity. Section 3. Activity of enterprise management bodies", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine dated 29.10.2007 N 583.
The status of the document is "valid".


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1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Shift Master" belongs to the category "Leaders".

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete or basic higher education in the relevant field of study (specialist or bachelor). Work experience in the specialty - at least 2 years.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- regulatory and methodological materials on the operational management of production;
- technical requirements for products, the technology of its production;
- production equipment of the workshop and the rules for its technical operation;
- systems and methods of accounting for the production process;
- the procedure for billing works and workers;
- norms and prices for work, the procedure for their revision;
- fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- technical-economic and operational-production planning;
- current regulations on remuneration and material incentives;
- Fundamentals of labor law.

1.4. The shift foreman is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The shift foreman reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The shift foreman directs the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The shift foreman during his absence is replaced by a duly appointed person who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Ensures the fulfillment of variable production tasks by sections and teams, compliance with the established technology for the production of products, the performance of work (services), the rhythmic release of high-quality products.

2.2. Organizes timely preparation of production, rational loading and operation of equipment.

2.3. Carries out operational control over the provision of material and energy resources, technically correct operation of equipment and other fixed assets, economical use of raw materials, fuel, materials, detects, prevents and eliminates the causes of violations of the production process.

2.4. Participates in the work on operational planning of production, improvement of rationing, certification and rationalization of jobs, dissemination of advanced methods and methods of work, reduction of labor costs.

2.5. Analyzes the results of the production activities of the site, the brigade per shift, the reasons for equipment downtime and a decrease in the quality of products (works, services), participates in the development and implementation of measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

2.6. Ensures the correct and timely execution of primary documents for recording working hours, output, wages, downtime.

2.7. Promotes the dissemination of best practices, the development of rationalization and invention.

2.8. Maintains operational records of the promotion of products in accordance with the technological process and jobs, the implementation of production tasks.

2.9. Controls compliance by employees with technological, production and labor discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.10. Submits proposals on the promotion of distinguished employees, on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on violators of production and labor discipline.

2.11. Conducts educational work in the team.

2.12. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.13. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The shift foreman has the right to take action to prevent and correct the occurrence of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The shift foreman has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The shift foreman has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The shift foreman has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The shift foreman has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The shift foreman has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and instructions of the management.

3.7. The shift foreman has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The shift foreman has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The shift foreman has the right to get acquainted with the documents that define the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The shift foreman is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The shift foreman is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The shift foreman is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The shift foreman is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and the legal orders of the management.

4.5. The shift foreman is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The shift foreman is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The shift foreman is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

The foreman is the person who manages the production unit. This specialist can have a variety of categories: foreman of the housing and communal services section, workshop foreman, etc. The features of this important profession will be discussed later in the article.

Job Responsibilities of the Foreman

The job description of the foreman of the site prescribes that a person who has the appropriate education (higher or secondary vocational) and sufficient work experience (at least a year) is capable of obtaining the profession in question.

The site foreman is appointed directly by the head of the organization. The specialist himself is obliged, like any other employee, to know labor legislation, job descriptions, other rules and regulations established by the enterprise. And what are the duties of the job description of the foreman of the site? Of course, everything here will depend on the category. However, the general functions look something like this:

  • site management;
  • performance of tasks in accordance with the norms;
  • timely preparation of production;
  • provision of all necessary conditions for workers;
  • records management;

Thus, the duties of the site foreman are quite extensive. It should be noted that the functions of a specialist will also vary depending on the category. For example, the foreman of the electrical installation site, the foreman of the repair site, etc.

On the responsibility and rights of the site foreman

Like any other employee, the site foreman has a number of professional rights.

What rights does the job description of the site foreman assign to the specialist in question?

  • Giving instructions to employees.
  • Participation in the recruitment and placement of staff.
  • Presentation of requirements and wishes to the management to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
  • Request from the authorities the necessary documentation.
  • Participation in meetings related to the work of the site foreman.
  • Passing certification.
  • Training.

And what can be said about the responsibility of the specialist in question? After all, the duties of the site foreman are incredibly extensive, and therefore, his responsibility is high. The job description prescribes the following points for which he must be responsible:

  • for the quality performance of the duties assigned to him;
  • for the execution of orders;
  • for the distribution of resources;
  • for keeping order;
  • for maintaining documentation;
  • for labor discipline.

In case of violations, the master may be subject to liability - from disciplinary to criminal.

Who is a Senior Site Foreman?

To become a senior master, you need to have quite a lot of work experience. The specialist reports to the head of the section.

The CEO appoints and dismisses him.

The senior foreman of the section supervises turners, drillers, various carousel turners, millers and automaton adjusters. If the senior foreman is temporarily unable to perform his duties, he is replaced by another specialist appointed by the head of the section.

This specialist can be guided in his profession by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as acts and rules of the enterprise.

Responsibilities of the Senior Foreman

The senior foreman of the site is endowed with much greater functions and responsibilities than a simple foreman.

The typical specialist in question prescribes the following functions:

  • fulfillment of production tasks in accordance with the norms and the established time;
  • inspection at the beginning of the working day of the elements necessary for work;
  • control over the work of specialists with lower qualifications;
  • checking the quality of manufactured products;
  • ensuring competent and correct operation of the equipment;
  • control over workers;
  • familiarizing workers with certain rules and processes;
  • records management;
  • analysis of production results;
  • organization of necessary conditions for advanced training of employees;
  • independent timely confirmation or advanced training;
  • compliance with safety regulations.

Thus, the duties of the senior foreman of the site are quite extensive, because the work is very responsible and important. Controlling workers is a very complex activity. It all depends on the category, be it a foreman of a construction site, a workshop site, etc.

On the responsibility and rights of the senior site foreman

The typical production instruction of the specialist in question prescribes that the senior foreman of the site should be responsible for:

Thus, he bears quite a lot of responsibility for the performance of his work functions. And this is absolutely fair: after all, the position in question is very important. The job description also prescribes the following rights for a representative of the profession in question:

  • to make to the authorities various kinds of wishes and proposals for improving the efficiency of the enterprise;
  • get acquainted with innovations, one way or another related to the work of the senior foreman of the site;
  • interact with superiors;
  • maintain documentation within its competence;
  • stop work in case of equipment malfunction;
  • give various instructions to workers within their competence.

Requirements for a senior foreman

The job description for the site foreman, who is a senior, has an extremely important section: requirements for the employee.

It is worth bringing the most important points from this section. So, the senior master should know well:

  • all necessary regulatory, legislative acts, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • technical data and characteristics of the equipment with which work is being carried out;
  • production planning methods;
  • labor standards;
  • provisions on income, on wages;
  • basics of economic knowledge;
  • production rules;
  • safety precautions and some other things.

Thus, slightly greater requirements are imposed on the senior foreman than on any other worker with a lower qualification.

Master of the production site - who is it?

The job description of the master of the production site prescribes that the specialist in question is a person engaged in the implementation of the production plan in accordance with the specified standards, as well as using and developing various methods of managing, ensuring order in the team, production calculation, etc.

If production foremen are included in the complex teams, then these specialists become leaders in them. It is also worth noting that they are subordinate to the head of the section.

Only a person with sufficient work experience can get this job.

About the duties of the production site foreman

This specialist has a fairly wide range of powers and functions.

Here are just the most basic of those listed in the job description:

  • ensuring the fulfillment of all necessary tasks prescribed or specified in the plan;
  • ensuring the proper operation of equipment and its elements;
  • development of production plans;
  • providing the necessary materials in accordance with the established time frame;
  • confirmation and advanced training;
  • control over the maintenance of documentation;
  • provision of briefing for workers with lower qualifications;
  • control over various kinds of technological processes, which is carried out by workers with lower qualifications;
  • ensuring labor discipline;
  • ensuring safety.

A large number of rights gives rise to a high responsibility. Just about this and will be discussed further.

On the responsibility and rights of the foreman of the production site

So, what rights are assigned to the specialist in question? Here are just a few of them:

  • the right to present positively distinguished workers for bonuses;
  • the right to submit to penalties and fines employees who violated the rules of discipline;
  • the right not to allow specialists with lower qualifications to work if the working equipment or its elements are faulty;
  • the right to remove from work specialists who do not know the instructions and rules, and other rights similar to those listed above.

What about responsibilities? The job description for the master of the production site does not have a large number of subparagraphs here. It is necessary to know first of all that the responsibility lies with this specialist in case of non-performance or improper performance of his professional duties.

Foreman - responsible profession, which includes a large number of qualification requirements and skills. The article will study the job description of this specialist.

The foreman of the site is a specialist who is engaged in the management process on the territory of the production zone. Other employees of the enterprise are subordinate to him, in particular - workers. The category to which the representative of this position belongs is a specialist.

Appointment and dismissal from office is carried out on the basis of order of the general manager of the company. Submission occurs directly to the head of the workshop / production process.

The order of the organization usually contains information that in the absence of this professional, his official functions are performed by another person who has the appropriate authority and competence.

As for the qualification requirements, they look like this: the presence of a higher technical education, the obligatory presence of work experience in the field of production from 1 year. An alternative option is secondary education by profession and work experience of at least three years.

Eat a few moments, which this person must own without fail:

  • legislative and regulatory framework of the state, as well as materials related to production activities;
  • technical requirements and characteristics that apply to products, as well as the technology of its manufacture;
  • equipment of the territory of the site and the norms of its operation and maintenance;
  • features of labor legislation, relationships with personnel, evaluation of their work;
  • rules of safety and labor protection.

In the process of carrying out the work, this specialist is guided by several normative types of documentation:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • articles of association;
  • orders received from leaders;
  • job description.

Rights and duties

This profession has next set of powers:

  1. Signing and endorsement of certain papers.
  2. Issuing instructions to subordinate employees.
  3. control over their execution.
  4. Suspension of work in case of equipment malfunctions or low-quality raw materials.
  5. Appealing to higher management in order to ensure appropriate working conditions.
  6. Making proposals for changes in the staff and optimization of its work.

If we consider job responsibilities, then they are presented in the following way:

  1. Direct site management.
  2. Ensuring that employees complete their assigned tasks.
  3. Strict observance of the production plan, responsibility for increasing labor productivity and economical use of the raw material base.
  4. Formation of working groups.
  5. Technology compliance control.
  6. Determination of the causative factors of the violation and their elimination.
  7. Participation in the creation of new processes.
  8. Checking the quality parameters of released products.
  9. Prevention of marriage and improvement of consumer characteristics.
  10. Reporting tasks to teams and individual workers.
  11. Conducting production training.
  12. Guarantee of rationality and timeliness of registration of primary documentation related to the accounting of the work process.
  13. Monitoring compliance with labor protection rules.
  14. Preparing incentive proposals for employees.

What is the workplace of the site foreman

Due to the constant need to either change and improve something, a representative of this profession must be active. Accordingly, his workplace should provide a set of all necessary conditions for the timely receipt, processing and application of information. Particular attention in the design of the workspace is given the following aspects:

  • competent location (in relation to light sources, other employees, workshops, administrative buildings);
  • comfortable working position (this is ensured by a competent choice of furniture - desktop, chair);
  • access to information (however, there should be an optimal number of documents on the table without an overabundance);
  • equipping with the necessary means of labor and equipment;
  • careful and regular maintenance.

If the master observes all these norms, this, one way or another, will discipline him and speed up the process of managing the entire work.

Main functions and responsibilities

The representative of this position in the process of performing his official duties is assigned several basic options:

  1. The direct process of managing the site and its employees.
  2. Ensuring the implementation of all activities related to the improvement of the qualification level of employees and foremen.
  3. Organization of the execution by the site / production unit of all necessary tasks.
  4. Rationalization of working conditions to create safety and preserve the health of subordinate performers.
  5. Direct control of compliance with the requirements established by law and this job description.

The work of the site foreman, in addition, implies a high level of responsibility, and there is several points for which he is responsible:

  • non-fulfillment or untimely, poor-quality fulfillment of official obligations;
  • non-compliance with the existing briefing, order documents, orders related to the preservation of secrets of a commercial nature and non-disclosure of confidential information;
  • violation of internal labor regulations, discipline, safety standards and fire safety aspects.

Responsibility implies a warning from a higher specialist, administrative penalties or other measures.

Working conditions and its evaluation

The foreman of the site undertakes to monitor the timely execution of production tasks in terms of the volume and quality of work. His competence is to determine the place of work of the team in production, as well as monitoring compliance with all norms and processes.

As you can see, the list of requirements for this specialist, although long, is doable. Therefore, the working conditions of this specialist can be considered quite loyal and convenient.

The profession is strictly related to mental (creative or intellectual) work. In the process of fulfilling official duties, a special role is played by the work of sensory functions, the training of attention, and memory options. It is also important to activate thinking in a timely manner and achieve rationalization in the work of the emotional sphere.

The representative of this position is usually markedly different the following personal and professional qualities:

  • curiosity;
  • Analytical mind;
  • rationality;
  • objectivity;
  • erudition;
  • honesty;
  • stress resistance;
  • purposefulness;
  • punctuality.

There are good opportunities and prospects for further career growth. The next step that can be achieved by a representative of this specialty is deputy head of section. And subsequent prospects will depend directly on the degree of learning and the possibility of advanced training.

If a professional has an appropriate goal, he will definitely succeed in his field. This profession is suitable for both men and women. Practical statistics show that the largest number of employees in this position are women.

Who is the senior master

There is another type of profession in a manufacturing enterprise that deserves special attention - head master. As in the case of the site foreman, his appointment and dismissal is based on the order of the general director. He is under the supervision of the section chief.

A prerequisite for the smooth performance of duties is the presence of higher technical education and experience of 1 year. Eat several information aspects which must be owned by a representative of this position:

  • current norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • state and local acts, resolutions, orders, decisions, orders and other materials provided by higher authorities on issues related to the implementation of production and economic activities;
  • technical features and requirements that the law imposes on manufactured product units, their manufacturing technology, equipment and fixtures, as well as the rules for the operation of raw materials and production resources;
  • ways of carrying out technical and economic planning, methods of achieving compliance of the fact with the plan;
  • the subtleties of cost accounting and the procedure for charging work and employees, the norms and prices for labor, the procedure for their rediscounting;
  • current state regulations related to wages;
  • economic fundamentals associated with the organization of the production and management process;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • features of labor protection, safety and sanitation, as well as fire protection.

Thus, this position is very honorable, but it implies a certain set of requirements and compliance with a number of conventions.

How to conduct courses for masters of production sites, you can learn from this lecture.

The master is a full-fledged leader in his production area. Organizing the rhythmic fulfillment by the section of the production plan and the obligations of the team according to the given nomenclature on the basis of accelerating the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technological progress into production. The use of new methods of management, the introduction of cost accounting and collective contracting. When masters are included in the enlarged complex brigades, they are entrusted with the leadership of such brigades.


1. Ensuring the fulfillment by the site (team) of planned targets in terms of production volume, range and range of products, a steady increase in labor productivity, the manufacture of high quality products, and a reduction in costs per unit of output (work).

2. Ensuring maximum use of production capacity, full load and proper operation of equipment, productive work of all work areas (teams) throughout the entire shift.

3. Participation in the development of ten-day and monthly production tasks for the site (team) and, in accordance with them, the establishment of tasks for teams and individual workers.

4. Ensuring timely preparation of production with materials, semi-finished products, tools, fixtures, technical documentation, etc. and uniform work of the site (team) in accordance with the established task.

5. Systematic verification of the fulfillment of tasks by teams and individual workers, timely elimination of emerging problems that interfere with the normal course of the production process.

6. Organization of the solution of production and social issues of the activity of the unit (site).

7. Systematic improvement of one's qualifications, at least 1 time in 2-3 years, retraining at advanced training institutes, advanced training courses, etc.

8. Control over the correct and timely execution of primary documents regarding the acceptance and issuance of work (orders, shift assignments, etc.), downtime of workers and equipment, overtime work orders, information on the implementation of the production program.

9. Instructing subordinate workers, providing them with the necessary assistance in mastering production standards and fulfilling production tasks, paying special attention to instructing workers in cases of complexity or responsibility of the work performed, mastering new work.

10. Verification of compliance by workers with established technological processes and termination of work in cases of non-compliance with its established technical processes, specifications, drawings, processing modes, etc.

11. Acceptance of the first part or product made by a worker on equipment that has come out of repair or after adjustment.

12. Revision in the prescribed manner of outdated and underestimated production standards, as well as work standards for which organizational and technical measures have been taken to ensure a reduction in labor costs.

13. Systematic inspection of the condition of equipment and fences, instructing workers and testing their knowledge of safety regulations, industrial sanitation, fire safety and the rules for using personal protective equipment, monitoring compliance with working rules and instructions for labor protection and safety.

14. Ensuring the strictest observance by workers of labor and production discipline, cleanliness and order in the workplace. Control over the timely removal of waste and finished products without blocking aisles and driveways and cluttering workplaces.

15. The development of multi-machine maintenance and the combination of professions, the involvement of workers in participation in the work of production meetings and the discussion of issues of fulfilling the tasks set for the site, the experience of advanced workers and production innovators, etc.

16. Together with the QCD employees, ensuring the high quality of the work performed by the workers, checking the quality of parts in the process of manufacturing parts, assembling units and products, as well as studying the causes of defects and defects, developing and implementing measures to eliminate them.

17. Introduction of cost accounting and collective contracting at the site.

1. Arrange workers at the site and, with the approval of the head of the shop, release surplus workers, as well as workers who systematically violate production and labor discipline.

2. To present distinguished workers of the section (team) for bonuses under the current bonus provisions and other types of incentives.

3. Impose disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the established procedure on subordinate employees who violate production or labor discipline, transfer workers to a lower-paid job who systematically fail to fulfill through their fault the norms of output (time) or allow poor-quality performance of work and marriage.

4. Do not allow work to be done on faulty equipment and using faulty tools, fixtures and instrumentation, as well as on equipment that does not have guards, interlocks and other safety devices.

5. Do not allow the use in production of materials and semi-finished products that do not meet technical requirements.

6. Do not allow workers who do not know the rules and instructions on safety and labor protection to work.

7. Employ workers within the established limits, place them in their workplaces, submit for approval the categories assigned to them in accordance with the tariff-qualification guide and the sample or test passed.

8. Suspend work on faulty equipment, when using faulty tools, fixtures and instrumentation, as well as when using raw materials that do not meet specifications.

9. Provide holidays to subordinate employees in accordance with the approved schedule.

10. Require timely implementation of the equipment repair plan and measures for safety, labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

11. Require the shop management to timely issue monthly and ten-day production targets and other planned quantitative and qualitative indicators.

12. Require the management of the shop to timely provide the site with the necessary materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, tools, fixtures, technical documentation, etc. for the normal course of production.

13. Require the senior foreman, and where he is not, from the head of the shop, to make changes to the technological process in cases where it does not provide high productivity and the specified quality of the part or product.

14. Require subordinate employees to comply with orders and instructions on all issues of the production activities of the site.

15. To reward workers for achieving high performance, exemplary work and successful completion of tasks at the expense of the bonus fund allocated to the master.


The foreman of the production site is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by these Regulations.

The Site Manager is responsible for:

Results and efficiency of production activities of the site.

Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties, as well as the work of subordinate employees of the site on issues of production activities, the state of labor discipline, compliance with safety and fire safety rules.

Inaccurate information about the status of implementation of the work plans of the headed section.

Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of the Internal Regulations, safety and fire safety by the site employees subordinate to him.

PJSC "Company"
____________ V.V. Umnikov


Job description
senior foreman of the mechanical section of the shop

1. General Provisions

1.1 This job description establishes the job duties, rights, service relationships and responsibilities of the senior foreman of the mechanical section of the shop of JSC "Company" (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise).

1.2 A person with a higher professional (technical) education and at least 1 year of work experience in production or a secondary vocational education and work experience of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of senior foreman of the mechanical section (hereinafter referred to as senior foreman). In the absence of special education, at least 5 years of work experience in production.

1.3 The senior foreman reports directly to the head of the section. The appointment, transfer and dismissal of a senior foreman is carried out by order of the general director of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the workshop.

1.4 The following work areas are subordinate to the senior foreman:

- Turners;
- Ancillary worker;
— Adjuster of automatic and semiautomatic devices;
- Drillers;
- Turners - carousels;
- Milling machines.

1.5 In case of temporary absence (business trip, illness, vacation), the duties of the senior foreman are performed by another person appointed by the order of the head of the workshop with the obligatory familiarization with this job description.

1.6 In his work, the senior master is guided by:

- labor legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and regulatory documents on the production and economic activities of the site;
- orders, directives, instructions from superiors;
— The policy of the enterprise in the field of quality;
— QMS documentation of the enterprise;
- rules and regulations on labor protection and safety;
- norms and rules established at the enterprise;
- this job description.

1.7 In addition to the orders of the head of the section, the senior foreman carries out the orders and instructions of the head of the shop.

2 Job responsibilities

The Senior Foreman is responsible for:

2.1 To carry out, in accordance with the current legislative and regulatory acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise, the management of the shift team, section.

2.2 Ensure that the site fulfills the production targets in terms of production volume, quality, given nomenclature (assortment), increase labor productivity, reduce the labor intensity of products based on the rational loading of equipment and use its technical capabilities, increase the shift ratio of equipment, economical consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and lower production costs.

2.3 At the beginning of the shift, inspect workplaces, machines, mechanisms, equipment and take measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

2.4 Timely prepare production for the release of products by the site, ensure the placement of workers and teams.

2.5 Monitor compliance with technological processes, promptly identify and eliminate the causes of their violation.

2.6 Participate in the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes and production modes.

2.7 Check the quality of products and work performed.

2.8. To carry out measures to prevent the release of non-conforming products, improve product quality.

2.9 Take part in the acceptance of completed work on the reconstruction of the site, repair of technological equipment, mechanization and automation of production processes and manual work.

2.10 Organize the introduction of advanced methods and techniques of labor, as well as forms of its organization.

2.11 Ensure that the workers comply with the production standards, the correct use of production areas, equipment, office equipment.

2.12. To carry out the formation of brigades (their quantitative, professional and qualification composition), develop and implement measures for the rational service of brigades, coordinate their activities.

2.13 Establish and timely bring production targets to teams in accordance with approved production plans and schedules, standard indicators for the use of equipment, raw materials, materials, tools, fuel, energy.

2.14. Ensure the correct operation of protective, safety, signal, blocking devices and other devices that ensure the safety of work.

2.15 Conduct primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings of employees, organize their training in safe working methods, internships at the workplace, special training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, as well as maintaining relevant documentation.

2.16 To acquaint employees with technological processes, regulations, modes, maps, diagrams, etc. and ensure that work is carried out in accordance with these documents.

2.17 Monitor the availability of safety certificates for employees for the right to work on this type of machines, mechanisms, equipment, compliance by employees with labor protection instructions and rules for the technical operation of equipment, safe performance of production operations and use of personal protective equipment.

2.18. Prepare subordinate personnel for the performance of high-risk work and supervise their implementation.

2.19. Carry out proper registration, storage and use of sling (pull) sets, containers.

2.20. Regularly inspect load handling devices and containers, take measures to timely eliminate the identified malfunctions. Enter the results of the inspection in the log of accounting and inspection.

2.21. To carry out safe storage, transportation and use of dangerous, harmful and explosive and flammable substances.

2.22. Ensure the safety of posters, signs, signs, warning signs, etc.

2.23. Prepare and maintain the documentation established by the provisions governing the work on labor protection (foreman's workbooks, instruction logs, control logs, etc.)

2.24. Remove from work persons, as well as those in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic intoxication.

2.25. Take measures to prevent accidents.

2.26. Organize the provision of first aid to persons injured in accidents, immediately take measures to deliver them to a medical institution.

2.27 To promote the introduction of progressive forms of labor organization, to make proposals for the revision of production standards and prices, as well as for the assignment, in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook, of work and professions of work categories to the workers of the site, to take part in the billing of work.

2.28 Analyze the results of the production activities of the site and bring the results of the analysis to the head of the site and the head of the shop.

2.29 Ensure the execution of primary documents for recording working time, output, wages, downtime.

2.30. To promote the dissemination of best practices, the development of initiative, the introduction of rationalization proposals and inventions.

2.31 To take part in the implementation of work to identify production reserves in terms of quantity, quality and range of products, in the development of measures to create favorable working conditions, improve the culture of production, rational use of working time and production equipment.

2.32 Report and record in the workshop repair service log about all emergency breakdowns of process equipment and tooling.

2.33. To make registration of the products handed over to the shops.

2.34 Monitor compliance by workers with the rules of labor protection and safety, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations, promote the creation of an atmosphere of mutual assistance and exactingness in the team, develop a sense of responsibility and interest in the timely and high-quality performance of production tasks, use personal protective equipment .

2.35. Ensure the collection, temporary storage of production and consumption waste in accordance with approved instructions. Takes measures to prevent overfilling of waste containers.

2.36 Ensure the correct operation of exhaust ventilation, dust and gas cleaning systems. If inefficient operation of these systems is detected, immediately inform the head of the section or the head of the shop.

2.37 Ensure the maintenance of the production premises of the site in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2.38 Ensure timely implementation of instructions, orders, instructions of the HSE department.

2.39 Provide accident investigation commissions with full information necessary for the exercise of their powers.

2.40 Prepare proposals to encourage employees or to bring to justice violators of production and labor discipline in the prescribed manner.

2.41. Organize work to improve the skills and professional skills of workers and foremen, train them in second and related professions, determine the need for training subordinate personnel, evaluate the effectiveness of training and conduct educational work in a team.

2.42 Do not engage in activities that directly or indirectly damage the company.

2.43. Manage work shifts, determine the responsibilities, duties and authorities of subordinate personnel in accordance with their work instructions.

2.44 Determine the actions to be taken in relation to any problems requiring preventive and corrective action.

2.45. Comply with the requirements of the company's quality management system documentation.

2.46 Participate in the work on certification and rationalization of workplaces of the site.

2.47 Constantly improve the results of professional activity.

2.48 Monitor compliance with fire safety rules. Workers of the site, to provide free passage to workplaces, driveways and evacuation routes.

2.49 Organize and carry out the work necessary to comply with fire safety (rolling hoses, replenishing sand boxes at fire shields, recharging fire extinguishers, etc.)

2.50 Must be in the production of work on the site to monitor their safe conduct.

2.51 In case of an accident at work, provide first aid to the victim, inform the HSE department about what happened, maintain the situation as it was at the time of the accident or accident, if this does not threaten people's life and health.

2.52 Control the issuance, washing, dry cleaning, drying, dust removal and repair of overalls and safety shoes, provide workers with soap and disinfectants.

2.53 Suspend from work persons who have not undergone training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in the prescribed manner.

2.54 Ensure timely attendance of employees for periodic medical examinations. Suspend from work persons who have not passed medical examinations in a timely manner.

2.55 Monitor the efficiency of heating, ventilation systems and installations, as well as lighting of premises in accordance with applicable standards. If necessary, take measures to eliminate the identified problems.

2.56 Ensure compliance with the established procedure for admission to work of increased danger.

2.57 Ensure timely implementation of the "Instructions for the person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes."

2.58 Submit full information to the accident investigation commissions necessary for the exercise of their powers.

2.59 Ensure the correct operation of exhaust ventilation, dust and gas cleaning systems. If inefficient operation of these systems is found, immediately inform the HSE department and make a request for the elimination of these violations.

2.60 Prepare reports in the form POD-3 (Journal of Accounting for the Operation of Dust and Gas Cleaning Equipment) and submit monthly to the environmental protection laboratory.

2.61 Ensure the collection, temporary storage of production and consumption waste in accordance with approved instructions. Takes measures to prevent overfilling of waste containers. Timely submit applications for the removal of waste from the workshop.

2.62 Timely provide information to the OPB and EP on liquidated, mothballed and newly introduced sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

2.63 Ensure timely implementation of instructions, instructions, instructions of the HSE Department.

3 Professional requirements

The foreman must know:

3.1 Legislative and regulatory legal acts, regulatory and methodological materials relating to the production and economic activities of the site.

3.2 Technical characteristics and requirements for products manufactured by the site, the technology of its production.

3.3 Site equipment and rules for its technical operation.

3.4 Methods of technical, economic and production planning.

3.5 Forms and methods of production and economic activity of the site.

3.6 Labor legislation and the procedure for charging works and workers.

3.7 Norms and prices for work, the procedure for their revision.

3.8 Current provisions on wages and forms of material incentives.

3.9 Best domestic and foreign experience in production management.

3.10 Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

3.11 Internal labor regulations.

3.12. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3.13 Appropriate documentation of the enterprise's quality management system.

4 Rights

The senior foreman of the site has the right to:

4.1 Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the shop, enterprise.

4.2 Submit proposals for the improvement of the enterprise, workshop, section for consideration by the head of the workshop.

4.3 Interact with the heads of all sections of the workshop.

4.4 Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

4.5 Give subordinate employees binding instructions on issues of production activities and monitor their implementation.

4.6 Suspend the performance of work on faulty equipment, when using raw materials and materials of inadequate quality until the indicated deficiencies are eliminated.

4.7 To provide assistance from the head of the workshop in the performance of their duties and the use of rights.

5 Service relationships

5.1 The senior foreman receives planned tasks for a month, a decade and a day from the head of the section. Brings them to the attention of foremen and workers.

5.2 Disagreements arising in the process of carrying out the production activities of the senior foreman are resolved by the head of the workshop.

6 Liability

The senior foreman of the site is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Russian Federation for:

- improper performance or non-performance of their official duties stipulated by this job description;

- violations committed in the course of carrying out their activities;

- Causing material damage to the enterprise;

- lack of control over the quality of products;

- violation of the rules of production and labor discipline.

Shop manager P.P. Tsekhovnikov


Head of Personnel Department I.I. Ivanov

Head of the Legal Department S.S. Sergeev

Lead QMS engineer V.V. Vasiliev

Head of OPB and OOS Guards

Job description of the head of the mechanical section

Job description for foreman

Job description of the head of the shop