American cacti are different from others. succulents

Fans often refer to the cactaceae family all plants that have thorns and can store water in their own body. Only with time comes the understanding that not all such plants belong to cacti, although they have a number of similar features.

As a rule, the presence of thorns and the ability to store water are a sign inherent in a wide group of plants, which are called succulents. We can say that almost all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti.

What are succulents?

Succulents are not a taxonomic concept and have nothing to do with taxonomy. Succulents (succulentus - juicy, fleshy) - general opinions. This is the name of a group of perennial drought-resistant plants that are able to store water in a highly developed special tissue - water-storing parenchyma and have a number of morphological and physiological adaptations for its economical use in a dry period.

Cacti and succulents. On our planet, wherever there are wastelands and semi-deserts, local plants, independently of their own origin, adapted to living conditions in a similar way.

At present, there are about 15,000 species of succulent plants, which belong to 80 families. There are many succulents among plants of the families Cactaceae (cactaceae), Aizovye (aizoaceae), Crassulaceae (crassulaceae), Orchids (orchidaceae), Bromeliads (bromeliaceae), Swallows (asclepidacae), Agave (agavaceae), Asphodelaceae (asphodelaceae), etc.

Video: How to make leaves for succulent (marshmallow foamiran)

These plants are very different in form and adaptability to survival in low humidity conditions.

It should be noted that succulents also grow in tropical rainforests, ripsalidopsis or hatiora, for example. But more often these are only epiphytic plants, they grow on tree trunks and store moisture during rains in order to store it later in fleshy stems.

Video: Money tree. What is the difference between transplantation and transshipment of tree krasula. part 5

Cacti and succulents. For example, the branches of cylindroopuntia turned into oblong segments, on which cylindrical fleshy leaves grow, but they are short-lived - after some time they dry out and fall off.

Spherical and columnar cacti are completely devoid of foliage. The stem has only spines and hairs. The thorns of cacti are not decoration, they play an extremely important role in their life. Such reservoirs of water as cacti in the middle of the wasteland could not go unnoticed for a long time. Therefore, thorns are in fact the only protection against eating for most of them. In addition, spines and hairs protect the plant from heat, wind, heavy rain, and also retain dew and protect the surface of the stem from drying out soon.

How to distinguish a cactus from other succulents?

By what signs can representatives of the cactus family be distinguished from other succulents? Among the signs available to an ordinary cactus grower, you need to focus on 5 important ones: all cacti belong to the class of dicots (the seeds of these plants and their seedlings have two cotyledons) - they are perennial succulents - cacti have a special organ called the areola - the ovary of the fetus in cacti is lower - the fruit cactus - berry.

Cacti and succulents. From the point of view of an amateur, a more fundamental sign that a plant belongs to the cactus family is the presence of areoles in them. It can be assumed that the cactus areola fits the shoot and axillary bud of deciduous plants. The upper and lower areolas have different functions. On the upper lobe, which corresponds to the axillary bud, buds and young shoots appear in species that branch. The lower part, which corresponds to the shoot, gives spines, which in cacti simply separate from the stem: cactus spines are an independent organ.

The concept of "lower ovary" indicates that in cacti the part of the flower from which, after fertilization, the fruit will develop, is located below the petals (as, for example, in cucumbers).

The fruits of cacti, regardless of size and shape, are constantly eaten as ordinary berries: their small grains are kept in pulp covered with leathery skin.

These 5 signs allow you to firmly determine whether your plant belongs to the cactus family. However, if as a result of the check, your initial diagnosis is not confirmed and your "cactus" turns out to be an "imposter" - this is not a reason for despondency. It is rare to find a collection of cacti that does not contain any other succulent. This natural group of plants is so large and diverse that it is virtually impossible to ignore them.

Cacti and succulents. In room culture, both cacti and other succulents are extremely widespread. Many adherents of cacti collect huge collections of these mind-blowing plants.

Most succulents grow slowly and do not require special care, which makes them perfect for creating plant compositions, all kinds of desert gardens, small landscapes.

There is an unusual way to decorate the interior. To do this, it is enough to plant succulents and take care of them properly. But, they will survive in rooms with poor lighting, dry air and in the presence of low temperatures. That's how resilient they are.

Succulents are a group of plants that have common features due to the same living conditions. They are able to store water in their stems and leaves. They grow in arid places, on rocks and subtropical forests.

Succulents are divided into:

  1. stem
  2. leafy

stem succulents retain moisture in a thick stem. The leaves of this species are small, or transformed into spines. These include:

  • cacti

leafy succulents store moisture in their fleshy leaves. These include:

  • echeveria

Types, names and varieties of succulents

There are a huge number of species. Below are just a few of them:

Rod Aeonium

Very diverse and includes more than 45 types succulents.

The name "aeonium" is translated from the ancient Greek language as "eternal". It is given for a reason, namely, because these plants are long-lived.

Aeoniums exist in different forms: in the form of a dense rosette in diameter that reach up to one meter, in the form of grass, bushes. The leaves of this type of succulent can be of different colors.

Genus Didierea Madagascar

This genus of succulents has two varieties. In its shape and appearance, the didierea resembles an American cactus.

In nature, this species reaches six meters in height.

The trunk resembles a column with leaves, in the axils of which there are thorns. Didieria is grown at home. The plant has pale pink flowers with pinkish stamens.

A genus of perennial plant of the Kutrovye family. Exists nineteen kinds duvalias. They grow in southern Africa.

Duvalia was named after the French physician and botanist Auguste Henri Duval.

This type of succulent is small in size. They have a small shallow root system. The stems are oval and rounded. Bloom in summer and autumn.

The flowers look like starfish in red-brown, dark purple and even black. Duvalias reproduce by pollination by insects. The horn-like fruits contain numerous seeds with long hairs.


An evergreen plant of the Amaryllis family. Agave can be easily distinguished from other succulents by its rosette of succulent leaves. The stem from which the leaves grow is hidden in the ground. At the tip of each leaf is a thorn.

Agave is also native to Africa. Today it can be found in Europe and the Caucasus. Blooms very rarely, once a decade.

If the agave blooms, then this is a sign that it will die soon.

fat woman

A plant that is popularly known as the "money tree". This is an amazing plant with fleshy, rounded teardrop-shaped leaves with a tree-like trunk. Blooms at the age of ten.

It is believed that the owners of this indoor "money tree" do not know the lack of money, as it attracts money.


Pleased with a variety of shapes and marvelous colors. This is a plant with fleshy stems, thorns. There are no leaves on cacti. In the natural environment, you can find non-thorny huge species of cacti and dwarf cacti.

The shape of the cactus stem can be spherical, cylindrical, candle-shaped, disc-shaped. Cacti are perennial plants that grow very slowly. In nature, it can live from ten to hundreds of years.

Cacti are divided into desert and tropical. Desert species grow in dry conditions. The stems of such cacti are thick, without leaves, with thorns.

Tropical cacti prefer diffused light and moist evergreen forests of South America. They have long stems, soft and thin needles. As a rule, forest cacti grow on other plants.

Native to South Africa. In nature, there are more than 85 types of Gasteria. Gasteria belongs to the Asphodelaceae family. A perennial plant with thick leaves that resemble a tongue in shape.

The scientific name of Gasteria translates as "pot-bellied vessel", and among the people it is known as "lawyer's tongue".

How to care for and water a plant at home

Succulents do not require much attention and are considered unpretentious.

However, if you follow some care rules, your favorite plant will please you for a longer time and perhaps even give the owner a sudden flowering.

Autumn and winter Succulents should be kept in cool, well-lit rooms at a temperature +8-16°C. Watering is necessary after 5-10 days. It is important not to flood the succulents with water.

In spring and summer must be protected from direct sunlight. Watering in these seasons must be done every other day or daily.

The soil should be loose, permeable. Suitable universal soil with the addition of sand.

Succulents should not be repotted. But if it is necessary to transplant, then it is important to do this only with young plants.

landscape design

Designers appreciate succulents for their whimsical shapes, varied color palette and an incredible number of variations in creating decorative compositions.

Compact crassulas and gasterias are ideal for small gardens decorated with stones. It is best to plant in low spacious containers made of ceramics and wood.

There is no universal rule for growing and caring for succulents. It is important before you buy such a plant to study well the conditions necessary for its maintenance. Gardeners love succulents for their unpretentiousness, most of them, where you stick them, they grow there.

cacti- unpretentious plants that tolerate dry climates well. They are ideal for keeping in an apartment due to their small size.

succulents- a large segment of plants capable of accumulating moisture for a long time. To date, there are over 150 yew species. The main place among succulents is occupied by cacti.

Basically, succulents are heat-loving plants growing in arid climates (deserts and semi-deserts with a tropical climate). There are epiphytic species that, during the period of tropical rains, are able to absorb a large amount of moisture, and during the period of drought, they feel normal for quite a long time without water replenishment, gradually using up the water accumulated in the tissues.

The succulents include the family Aizovye, Crassula, Lastovnevye, Agave, Euphorbiaceae, etc.

Almost all succulents differ from other groups in their resistance to dry and hot climates and unpretentious care.

But there are also weaknesses. For cacti, excessive watering is highly undesirable at home, especially with cold water.

All succulent plants are distinguished by a juicy and powerful stem, the leaves are fleshy, often in the form of thorns. Due to the small surface of the leaves, evaporation during the hot period is minimal.

Most types of cacti are kept at home due to their beautiful, unusual and varied flowering. Each type of cactus has a unique flower shape and color. But in some individuals, the duration of flowering is very short, sometimes only for one night.

Basic rules for the successful growth of cacti and succulents

Abundant watering is extremely dangerous. They do not like frequent watering. The soil must be allowed to dry well. In the article for each type, we will talk about this in detail.

  • In the cold season, watering is practically not needed. Water is used distilled or rainy, without lime content. Often use bottom watering. The plant itself will absorb the required amount of moisture.
  • Fertilizer is added to water for irrigation.
  • For successful flowering, choose the size of the pots, or a little cramped.
  • The composition of the soil also plays an important role. Clean sand is not suitable. Use purchased soils, or cook your own from sand and flower soil. More details in the articles for this type. Be sure to add fine gravel (pebbles).
  • The universal composition of the soil for most succulents: sheet earth 4 hours, sand 4 parts, charcoal 1 hour, baking powder (perlite, or fine expanded clay) 1 part.

  • When using purchased ready-made mixtures, in most cases it is necessary to add sand, baking powder and charcoal 30% of the total soil volume. There must be a hole in the bottom of the pot.
  • To avoid pests, the soil is steamed before planting to kill the larvae. The sand is pierced.

  • Before transplanting, drainage is laid on the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay, large red brick chips, or fine gravel are used as drainage. The soil is poured to such a level that the earth does not cover the root neck, otherwise the process of decay will begin. After transplanting, the plant is placed in the shade for several days and is not watered.
  • All succulents prefer bright light in large quantities.
  • In winter (rest), the temperature is significantly reduced and watering is practically stopped. The soil is constantly kept dry.
  • For active growth, the cactus needs a constant supply of fresh air.

I dug up a few plants and brought them home with me. Since the deep roots of the plants were damaged during digging, I decided to dry them a little so that the plants would not rot when planted, as happens with cacti. What was my surprise when, after a couple of days, I found my saltworts very wilted! Of course, Kushka, this is not Moscow. At the height of summer, daytime temperatures are always above 35 degrees, the relative humidity of the air during the day is always below 15%, and clouds do not appear in the sky much more often than flying saucers. But still! The cacti brought from cool Moscow were not going to dry out, even if during my field work they remained without watering for weeks, and local saltworts, especially from the Erlanduz depression, dried up. At that time, I didn’t understand anything, dug up again and brought the hodgepodges to Kushka, and again they withered very quickly. Only after that I began to understand that not every succulent plant is a succulent. Succulents are characterized not only by the accumulation of water, but also by its extremely economical use. Succulents have a special type of metabolism that allows them to spend in the process of life approximately 30 times less water per unit of assimilated substance than ordinary xerophytes. The CAM-type of photosynthesis (CAM - Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) lies in the fact that, due to the complication of the internal structure of the tissues of the assimilation organs, the process of photosynthesis proceeds in two stages. The first stage - the absorption of carbon dioxide and its fixation - unlike ordinary plants, occurs in the dark with the help of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase with the formation of organic acids that are stored in the vacuoles of the same cells. The second stage takes place during the day in the light, but with closed stomata - carbon dioxide is released and included in the Calvin cycle - then photosynthesis proceeds according to the usual scheme. Thus, we see that the stomata of succulents open only at night, when the air temperature is minimal, the assimilation organs do not experience overheating, and the relative humidity of the air is maximum per day. As a result, water vapor loss with open stomata is minimal. Of course, with strong solar overheating, succulents evaporate moisture during the day, but in any case, the intensity of daytime transpiration is 2-3 orders of magnitude weaker than in ordinary plants, which prevent burns of their photosynthetic organs by increased evaporation.

The absence of daily transpiration inevitably leads to overheating of plants. And hence the resistance of succulents to high temperatures. As early as 1875, the German botanist Ashkenazi in the botanical garden in Heidelberg established that the rosettes of sempervivums on a clear sunny day heated up to 54 ° C, (Fig. 2) which is 30 degrees higher than the air temperature and 17 degrees higher than all other plants (Genkel P (A., Margolina K.P., - On plasma viscosity in some xerophytes and succulents. In: Abstracts of research papers for 1945, Department of Biological Sciences. M.-L., 1947)

The maximum temperature of external tissues for living plants - + 65 ° C - was recorded in the North. Mexico in one of the species of prickly pear. This is not to say that such temperatures are favorable for succulents. Many small species prefer to settle in the shade of the undercrown space of sclerophyte trees and shrubs. Succulents of open habitats, such as large cacti, cover the young growth on the crown of the plant with felt-like pubescence, covered with a dense cover of thorns. Prickly pear orient their stems so that they point edgewise towards the hottest afternoon sun. Leaf succulents orient their leaves in a similar way. And what about the saltworts that I dug up on the wet salt marsh in the Yerlanduz depression? The absence of CAM-type photosynthesis and habitation in conditions of constant presence of moisture in the environment (the soil of the solonchak at the bottom of the depression, as observations showed, remained wet throughout the year) allows us to conclude that they have nothing to do with succulents. Subsequently, already knowing the biology of these plants, I twice tried to cultivate them in dishes without drainage holes in constantly wet salty soil, that is, the opposite of how ordinary succulents are cultivated. This turned out to be a rather troublesome task, because. saltwort did not tolerate even a short drying. However, in autumn they rewarded me with fantastic colors of their reddened stems. It may seem that hodgepodges behave not quite typical for desert plants. But it's not. Unlike succulents, other desert plants also transpire very actively. But for this they must have - and have - a source of continuous moisture from the environment. Such a source for most xerophytes is soil moisture, which is always available at some depth. In other words, if succulents themselves create a supply of moisture for themselves, then non-succulent xerophytes use soil reserves. Here is what G. Walter (1968) writes about this, referring to the Arabian Desert in Egypt: become insignificant, the plants go into a state of dormancy.In the process of transition to a state of dormancy, the plant gradually dries up, which can be traced by a gradual increase in the concentration of cell sap.In this case, the individual organs of plants that are less supplied with water begin to die. If this process is not stopped, the plant will eventually die. Perennial species are adapted to endure long droughts and reach an age of 100 years or more; they are found in the desert only in places where the supply of water in the soil horizons penetrated by roots never completely dries up. If the rains fall only sporadically and irregularly, then only ephemera can practically be found here, the seeds of which, perhaps, remain in the soil for more than ten years without losing their germination. The physiology of succulents is a consequence of the peculiarities of their ecology. If we look closely at the photographs of cacti, or other succulents in nature, we will almost always notice other non-succulent plants around them, such as grasses, sagebrushes, acacias, and many, many others.Cactus promoters somehow forget about these plants when they broadcast about the unique drought tolerance of cacti.But they grow these are non-succulent plants in the same conditions as cacti and do just fine without water supplies.Moreover, we mentioned above that many succulents live in the undercrown space of other xerophytes. their roots in the depths of the soil, where at least the minimum amount of moisture available to them remains throughout the year (Fig. 3).

Succulents, on the other hand, spread their roots in the topmost layer of soil, which dries out a day after rain (Fig. 4).

Different biology does not allow them to "take someone else's place", but allows them to coexist. Thus, sclerophilic xerophytes use soil moisture reserves, while succulents use their own. In those habitats where the upper layers of the soil rarely dry out and for a short time, succulents are not common there, for example, in a humid climate. But if in a humid climate there are periodically completely drying habitats, they are occupied by succulents. An example is the numerous succulent epiphytes, in particular, orchids and bromeliads, inhabiting the upper tiers of crowns of constantly wet equatorial forests - hylae. In temperate latitudes, this pattern persists. For example, the succulent Sedum acrum settles on sandy soils with low moisture capacity in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, which are characterized by long summer droughts. Therefore, in our opinion, the concept of succulence includes: morphologically - the presence of water-storing tissues in green organs; assimilation; physiologically - CAM-type of photosynthesis; ecologically - living in conditions of a periodically complete absence of available moisture in the environment. This definition provides accurate diagnostic features of a succulent and distinguishes succulent plants from a large number of other plants that have one or two characteristics in common with succulents. Different biology does not allow them to "take someone else's place", but allows them to coexist. Thus, sclerophilic xerophytes use soil moisture reserves, while succulents use their own. In those habitats where the upper layers of the soil rarely dry out and for a short time, succulents are not common there, for example, in a humid climate. But if in a humid climate there are periodically completely drying habitats, they are occupied by succulents. An example is the numerous succulent epiphytes, in particular, orchids and bromeliads, inhabiting the upper tiers of crowns of constantly wet equatorial forests - hylae. In temperate latitudes, this pattern persists. For example, the succulent Sedum acrum settles on sandy soils with low moisture capacity in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, which are characterized by long summer droughts. Therefore, in our opinion, the concept of succulence includes: morphologically - the presence of water-storing tissues in green organs; assimilation; physiologically - CAM-type of photosynthesis; ecologically - living in conditions of a periodically complete absence of available moisture in the environment. This definition provides accurate diagnostic features of a succulent and distinguishes succulent plants from a large number of other plants that have one or two characteristics in common with succulents. (Fragment of the article by Sinev I.E. "THE DIFFERENCES FROM OTHER JUICY DRY PLANTS" in the journal CACTUS AND OTHER DRY PLANTS, 1999 No. 2)

Succulents are plants that have the ability to retain a large supply of moisture in their tissues. They are distinguished by their decorative qualities and can decorate any apartment or office, even with a low level of lighting, since succulents are completely unpretentious.

The flower is able to actively grow and develop at low temperatures, but the best option is a room atmosphere. with high air humidity. Therefore, such plants can be placed next to fountains and aquariums.

They are great plants for kids and busy people because they are hardy, easy to care for, and succulents, like cacti, can withstand abuse and neglect for long periods of time. In addition, unlike other plant groups, they are very easy to propagate.

Home succulents: photos and names

In nature, there are many succulents of various sizes and shapes, including colored ones, most of which have rosettes, since such dense arrangement of leaves helps to retain moisture and survive in the desert, among them there are also flowering species.

Despite the wide variety of species, succulents are very similar in their needs. They need fresh air, sun, a well-drained substrate, watering throughout the growing season.

Home succulents: types, names, catalog

Agave american

Wikipedia gives a complete description of the plant. This is a perennial leafy plant, consisting of basal, hard, narrowed upwards, thick, linear-lanceolate leaves of green or green-variegated color. Leaflets grow from one central leaf in a circle. Their edges are covered with small spikes. American agave blooms rarely, the flowers are inconspicuous greenish-yellow, located on a long pedicel. The temperature in the room where this flower is grown must be at least +8 degrees. Top dressing and watering should be carried out 1 time / month. Agave American requires frequent transplantation into a special deciduous-sandy-soddy soil.

Agave Queen Victoria

Perennial leafy plant. The leaves are basal, concave, rigid, triangular in shape, matte, dark green in color, there is a white edging along the edges, at the end of each leaflet there is a single long thorn. Grow in a circle of the central sheet. The Queen Victoria agave does not bloom. The flower should not be placed on sunny windowsills, it should be protected from direct sunlight. Temperature indicators in the room should not be higher than 21 degrees.


Perennial tree plant. The succulent stem of this variety has a seal in the root zone, followed by branching upwards. The leaves are dissected, serrated, lanceolate, light green in color. Flowering is abundant, but very rare. The flowers are double and simple, crimson in color with a light center. Home succulent needs watering (every 3 days) and daily spraying. The temperature during cultivation should not fall below +12 degrees.

Adromiscus spotted

Perennial plant with thick leaves. The succulent consists of basal, hairy, thick, green-spotted leaves, the edges of which have a purple border. Leaflets grow from a small dense root stalk. In appearance, the adrmiskus looks very saturated with moisture. When grown indoors, the plant should be moderately watered every evening. The flower must be protected from direct sunlight and not placed under the sun. The temperature in the room should not exceed +21 degrees.

Aloe variegated

Perennial leaf herbaceous succulent, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm. It consists of basal, hard, thick, linear-lanceolate, narrowed upwards, green-variegated leaves with clarified waves. Leaves grow in a circle, forming a rose. Blooms rarely. The flowers are orange in color, located in the cluster inflorescence. This home plant does not require special growing conditions, only needs constant watering.

Aloe squat

This is a cactus from the asphodel family, 10-50 cm high. The leaves are basal, hard, thin, pointed, light green in color. On the surface of the petals there are small rough spikes. Aloe squat is widely used in folk medicine and is famous for its healing properties. The plant is unpretentious, does not require special care.


Perennial weaving shrub, consisting of dense shoots of dark purple color. The leaves are small, watery, dense. Arranged symmetrically along the branches. The flowers are pink, regular in shape, rather large in size, located on tall succulent pedicels. On one branch, up to five pieces can bloom at the same time. The plant is photophilous, needs a lot of sunlight. Requires unlimited space (for weaving) and needs constant watering.


Perennial. It is also called Living Stones. The trunk of the succulent looks like a stone, painted in a grayish-green matte color. The plant has a massive rosette, consisting of two rather fleshy thick leaves. Flowers of the correct form, bright pink color, with thin small petals. Appear at the point of contact of the leaves. The plant needs timely abundant watering and plenty of sunlight. Argyroderma grows in drainage fine stony soil.


Perennial evergreen succulent. It has sprawling, fleshy, creeping stems. The leaves are light green, watery, lanceolate, arranged symmetrically along the stem. Aptenia can become a climbing plant. The flowers are small, rare, white or pink. Flower petals are thin, small, located in the axils, which are located at the ends of the branches. Needs abundant watering and good light. The air temperature in the room should be average.


A perennial tree-like leafy plant with a dense (in the root zone) stem, the height of which is 20–50 cm. The leaves are oval, elongated, lanceolate, covered with a wax coating, shiny. The flowers are yellow, small, located on individual high pedicels. The plant is photophilous, needs regular moderate watering and good lighting.


A leafy perennial consisting of basal, slightly flattened, thick, green-spotted leaves with smooth edges and a sharp end. Many thick rosettes form from the leaves. The flowers are tubular-swollen, small, located in the apical inflorescence on a long pedicel. The succulent is unpretentious to heat and lighting. Needs repotting (1 time / 2 years) and regular watering.


Herbaceous stemless perennial, consisting of small, dense, watery, heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are matte, dark green, with a sharp end, collected in a pink rosette. The flowers are pink, large, lily-shaped, located on separate long peduncles. The plant is photophilous, needs a lot of light and regular watering. Prefers drainage, fine-rocky soil.


A leafy treelike perennial with a dense stem, from the top of which single leaves are formed. The height of the stem is approximately 20-25 cm. The leaves are lanceolate, elongated, oval in shape. The flowers are green, are a box with seeds, located on a separate peduncle. The succulent is unpretentious to heat and light. Needs regular spraying and watering. The plant needs to be fed once a month.


Perennial leafy plant, consisting of numerous stems, on which shiny, dark green, lanceolate oval leaves are symmetrically arranged. In the root zone, the stem is watery and thick, upwards it becomes thinner. Blooms rarely. The succulent needs frequent watering (1 time / 2 days) and good lighting. Does not tolerate cold, the temperature in the room should not be less than +8 degrees.


Perennial home plant, 5-10 cm high. The flowers are small, yellow. Needs abundant watering and plenty of sunlight. Grows only in shallow soil.


Semi-shrub species of perennial with a stiffened single stem, which begins to bush over the years. This rather large succulent can reach a height of 50-180 cm. The leaves are dark green, thick, watery, shiny. Along their edges, a reddish edging is noticeable. Blooms rarely. The flowers are star-shaped, white or light pink. The succulent tolerates low temperatures well, while excess moisture in the air and soil has a detrimental effect on the plant.

Other types of home succulents

In addition to the above, you should pay attention to the following types of these beautiful plants that can decorate any apartment or office:

Are cacti succulents or not?

Everyone knows what a cactus is, and even a child can tell what this plant looks like and give it a detailed description. The names succulent and cactus can often be found side by side, however, does this mean that both plants are relatives? What unites them?

The thing is that cacti, like succulents, are good adapted to survive in dry climates, they are able to store a large amount of moisture and have a natural resistance to low humidity. However, cacti, although they belong to the group of succulents, stand out in a separate large cactus family.

Cacti are of the following types:

  • Cylindrical;
  • oval;
  • discoid;
  • jointed;
  • spherical.

Cacti can be with or without leaves, the same applies to thorns. Very often, many amateur flower growers, due to their employment, from the entire group of succulent plants choose the cactus, since they can easily endure the lack of moisture and minimal care for a long time (for example, a person often goes on long business trips).

Diseases and pests, prevention

In nature, there are practically no plants, including succulent ones (aloe, cacti, etc.), which would not be subjected to various diseases and pest attacks.

Succulents can be damaged by mites, thrips, mealybugs. Among the diseases, it is worth highlighting fungal rot, which develops rapidly and can lead to the death of the plant.

Therefore, in order for a flower to please you with its beauty for many years, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive actions:

What type of succulent or cactus to choose - everyone decides for himself. However, it must be remembered that any of these plants can decorate your interior and does not require special care.

Varieties of domestic succulents pictures