The best fittings for plastic windows. What is the best hardware for plastic windows? High-quality window fittings

Good afternoon

I am always pleased with clients who know what they want and have an adequate understanding of the issue.

The other day I had the pleasure of talking with just such a person. After discussing the window configuration and other working issues, we started talking about fittings.

He not only imagined the gradation of fittings according to opening methods, but also justified why he was interested in hidden hinges, why a rotation blocker was needed on the nursery window and anti-burglary handles on all products.

Simply put, the client saved the manager from the main part of his work, which involves a detailed story about accessories from various manufacturers, their advantages and capabilities.

Therefore, I hasten to conduct a brief but informative educational program for you, dear readers, on the topic of fittings for PVC windows.

Do you still have the window handle in your hands or do you suffer from squeaking at the slightest change in the position of the sashes? And you have just moved into a new house, and the plastic windows, which seemed reliable and beautiful in appearance, have already disappointed you. It's all about low-quality fittings.

In the common understanding, fittings are the “insides” of a window, thanks to which it functions. Everyone wants a plastic window to have a beautiful appearance, durability, tilt-and-turn functions, and ease of adjustment and use.

To get all this, the buyer should base his choice on the following important points:

  1. Fittings from reputable manufacturers differ in cost from brands that are one step lower in quality. The difference is from 300 rubles. It seems like nonsense, but you will spend much more on repair work by a master.
  2. Before making a choice, you should at least superficially familiarize yourself with the main brands on the market.
  3. Products from the same manufacturing country, but from different brands, are not very different from each other. One market, similar products, one quality, but the cost may be different.

German fittings Siegenia-Aubi

This German manufacturer of the "ruble" class is ideal for luxury cottages. All brand products are produced exclusively in Germany, which means impeccable quality.


  • mechanisms allow you to adjust not only the height of the sash, but also its rotation to the right and left;
  • parts for the left and right wings are interchangeable, which makes the process of scheduled maintenance easier and faster;
  • the design has 7 sash pressure points (other brands use 5 points as standard), which guarantees complete protection from drafts;
  • the fittings can withstand a powerful load of up to 1.5 tons, which provides it with high defensive characteristics.


  • requires mandatory maintenance every six months, for example, lubrication;
  • one of the most expensive fittings on the market.


Siegenia-Aubi fittings are an ideal option for a cottage also because they can be equipped with the most unusual house design with triangular, round and oval windows. At the same time, the quality will remain high.

Austrian fittings Maso

If the first brand fit perfectly into the project of a private cottage, then this one rules in the segment of prestigious offices and residential high-rises. The brand has two production facilities in Austria.


  • has 6 degrees of protection against burglary;
  • very presentable appearance;
  • parts are coated with special wax, which gives the structure high resistance to corrosion;
  • the fittings are equipped with various limiters and fuses, for example, against hitting a jamb;
  • There are many opening and closing positions.


  • inept use of such a window design will lead to inevitable breakdown;
  • difficulty of self-regulation;
  • high price.

It can be summarized that Maso is considered the No. 1 brand for prestigious office spaces and luxury high-rises.

This is a German brand with a long history of 162 years, which has production facilities in 30 countries. And this is the only company that was able to establish high-quality production in Russia with full control. This option is affordable for people with average incomes. The company produces lines for any budget, and this is a great marketing advantage.


  • 5 degrees of anti-burglary protection;
  • durability even in the absence of maintenance;
  • modularity and versatility of designs;
  • uniform distribution of load on the mechanisms, which extends the service life;
  • anti-corrosion properties of parts;
  • The fittings can be installed in windows that have been in use for a long time.


  • Technically, the fittings are intended for installation using an automatic line, but in reality they are installed manually;
  • there are no stiffeners, and the human factor leads to a “pinched” bar, which is fraught with the appearance of various noises and rough running;
  • over time it will become more and more difficult to lubricate;
  • The basic configuration does not require the presence of a lifting blocker, as it is offered for an additional fee.

We can conclude that Winkhaus fittings are affordable for the average wallet, but with a reduction in cost and the main performance characteristics are lower.

German fittings ROTO

This brand is one of the most popular in the world. The products are available in various variations, which provides a wide choice for the consumer.


  • durable and reliable parts;
  • The products are guaranteed for 10 years;
  • has a special option for rolling up the window, which makes the cleaning process easier for housewives;
  • has a full range of options: child lock, burglary protection, alarm sensors, electronic elements, etc. During installation, you can select everything separately;
  • has a special anti-corrosion coating.


  • some models cannot be installed on window structures weighing more than 80 kg;
  • high percentage of fakes;
  • There are cases of overestimation of the initial cost.

Helpful advice!

When choosing ROTO fittings, you should still pay attention to the originality of the product offered. The well-known company has production facilities in different parts of the world, including the Middle Kingdom. But quality control is not the same everywhere. Consumer reviews of Chinese counterfeits are very unflattering.


Choosing quality fittings is not so difficult. To avoid this from being tormented by squeaks and torn handles, you should take care in advance about choosing the right “filling” for your PVC windows. To do this you need:

  1. Study the main structural elements and their purpose.
  2. Choose from a list of well-known manufacturers.
  3. Pay due attention to all the options and functional characteristics you need.
  4. Don't chase savings.
  5. Carefully read the operating rules and service conditions.
  6. Estimate service life.

Be careful when choosing!

Window fittings for plastic windows - answers to questions

Window fittings are a set of connecting elements that ensure the correct and convenient functioning of the window.

When choosing and buying a new window for installation in an apartment, we, as a rule, pay little attention to such seemingly insignificant details as hinges, handles, mechanisms, without realizing that all these elements directly determine how long the window will last. window, whether it will stick - in general, whether it will be convenient to use.

What is included?

A standard set of window fittings usually includes the following parts:

  1. upper and lower loops;
  2. compensator;
  3. random closing fuse;
  4. sash lifting device;
  5. clamps for the fitting groove;
  6. scissor bracket;
  7. reinforced hinges;
  8. tilt and turn mechanisms

In addition, among these necessary components there may be additional ones that provide some “bonus” functions. For example, rotation limiters, the main function of which is to fix the sash in a certain position, slot ventilators, as well as window locks that protect the window from breaking.

What are the fittings made from?

Window fittings are made from various alloys of aluminum, brass, etc., as well as steel - and the last option is the most durable and impressive.

The worst option is the operating parts of the fittings made of plastic. This material should be used only for the external design of parts, but not carry any load - this can lead to very rapid failure of the window.

Whatever metal is used for the production of fittings, it is very important that the surface of all parts is coated with a special anti-corrosion compound that will protect them from the negative influence of weather conditions and natural temporary destruction.

What should window handles be like?

A window handle is, metaphorically speaking, the “public representative” of window fittings: it is with it that you come into contact every day when opening or closing a window.

  • Firstly, the window handle should be ergonomic and comfortable - it should be easy to grasp and turn.
  • Secondly, it, like all other parts of the fittings, must be strong, solid, and not “flimsy”, which you will be afraid to touch again.

As for design, the easiest way is to choose a simple, classic handle with a geometric shape - made of plastic or metal. If your window (especially unusual wooden or aluminum windows) is the highlight of the interior, then you can always find unusual, interesting handles - for example, in a retro style, the look of aged copper, etc.

Also, with the help of a correctly selected window handle, you can implement another important aspect of the locking function.

Helpful advice!

If you have a small (and curious) child in the house, and you are afraid that he may open the window and fall out of it, simply purchase handles with locks as part of the fittings.

This system works simply: you just lock the window handles with a key - and after that it is simply impossible to open the window.

Is it possible to protect a window with fittings?

This question often worries residents of the first and second floors, because in this case additional protection never hurts.

Window locks that block a window unit are quite reliable in this regard, but here you need to remember that the locks will not help you in any way if you do not install impact-resistant outer glass - tempered or “triplex”. Therefore, experts recommend combining measures to protect your window and implementing them as a whole.

What to look for when purchasing?

Regardless of whether you chose fittings in a store or, on the contrary, saw them already installed after installing a new window, it is worth paying attention to some characteristics that will help you appreciate the set of window fittings.

  1. Wear resistance is perhaps the main advantage of the fittings. A high level of wear resistance means that by opening and closing the window several times a day, you can hope for a long service life of your window and all its elements. This parameter most depends on the material from which the fittings are made.
  2. The presence of a guarantee and certificate speaks for itself.
  3. High resistance to corrosion is also the most important characteristic of window fittings, because all its parts are exposed to adverse weather conditions every day - excess humidity, precipitation, temperature changes, etc. Such stability can only be guaranteed by a special anti-corrosion coating coupled with the high quality of the material from which the fittings are made.
  4. Convenience and aesthetics are more than obvious parameters, which are embodied in smooth running (nothing gets stuck, clings to each other, does not grind, does not rub excessively) and in external beauty and ergonomics.

How much does a window fitting kit cost?

The estimated cost of a simple set of fittings (a double-leaf PVC window, one sash is tilt-and-turn, the other is fixed), including window handles, is from 20-25 €.

All additional elements (locks, locking parts, ventilation) are paid separately - and their price can vary over a fairly wide range.

Customer Reviews

Much has been written about the fittings themselves. But almost nowhere is it mentioned that the fittings in modern windows need preventive maintenance. So, all locking mechanisms need to be cleaned and lubricated at least twice a year, even simple ones for sewing machines. If this is not done, after several years of operation problems begin, sometimes you even have to change the entire mechanics of the window, which is much more expensive than one bottle of engine oil.

When choosing windows, you first need to think about what room you need it for. If it’s a house, then it should be at least two-chamber. This is necessary to ensure that there is no condensation on the window. Then you need to select a profile. The durability of the window itself greatly depends on it. And a lot of attention needs to be paid to the locks.


To begin with, it should be noted that the word “accessories” itself is a collective term that implies a certain set of auxiliary mechanisms for completely different purposes.

A lot of time has passed since the time when the plastic window market in its primitive sense was replenished with the first copies of profiles made of polyvinyl chloride.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that windows with their entire locking system have been significantly changed from that very historical moment to the present day. The same applies to window fittings.

What is the difference between window fittings: purpose, design, classification

Particular and careful attention is often focused on the fittings. Moreover, it meets many of the requirements imposed on modern plastic windows (meaning the requirements that relate to quality, reliability and durability, first of all).

If we move from abstract reasoning to specifics, it must be said that high-quality fittings are at least half of a successfully built-in and functioning plastic profile.


The fittings guarantee the window structure a high degree of resistance to everyday loads, a high degree of burglary protection and, of course, ease of use. Therefore, we can conclude that the quality of window fittings and the quality of window operation are directly dependent.

Window fittings are designed using a modular principle. Therefore, it includes the drive itself, groups of hinges that are located in the upper and lower sections of the window structure, as well as corner mechanisms designed to carry out movement.

It is worth noting that window fittings have their own classification. In many cases, it is classified depending on the method of opening the window sash (right or left). In addition, there are different classifications for different types of window openings.

This means:

  1. sliding
  2. swing
  3. deaf
  4. tilt and turn
  5. inclined rotating and other window profiles.

There is also a classification for windows of various shapes.

It is clear that window fittings, based on the classification criteria listed above, come in different types and for different purposes. Thus, among the most important elements of fittings are handles, mosquito nets, hinges, anti-burglary mechanisms, locking strips and much more. To understand the purpose of each of these elements, it is worth talking in more detail about each of them.

What types of window fittings are there?

Microlift blocker, braking bushings

Typically, every tilt-and-turn window has this mechanism. The fact is that we are accustomed to seeing a window already in its built-in and working condition, but hardly anyone realizes that each standard casement has a weight ranging from 20 to 40 kg. It is not surprising that under such an impressive weight, each sash is subject to sagging.

To prevent this from happening, a special element called a microlift blocker was developed. It prevents the window sash from sagging, and therefore it does not touch the window frame when it is opened or closed (this is especially true for large window structures).

The friction process, unfortunately, affects not only the sash and window frame. Friction is a destructive factor for any working window mechanism. That is why there is another element of the fittings - braking bushings. These plastic parts almost completely eliminate the possibility of direct contact between rotating metal elements, and therefore the operation of the window structure becomes smoother.

The relevance of this element of fittings is especially evident during the summer solstice, when the annoyingness and, one might even say, the impudence of modern Russian and other mosquitoes, seemingly crosses all boundaries.

Using a mosquito net, you provide reliable and fully autonomous protection against flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other representatives of the insect order. By the way, it doesn’t matter at all where you are at this moment - at home, in the country or even in the car, since mosquito nets from modern manufacturers provide reliable protection everywhere.

Window handles

Speaking about fittings, one cannot help but pay attention to handles, since today they are the central element of any window structure. As a rule, modern technologies make it possible to produce handles that have a well-thought-out and therefore reliable base design, so their use becomes comfortable and, most importantly, long-lasting.

So, you can always purchase a handle with a lock, for example, at 45 degrees, which will provide comfortable micro-ventilation. Moreover, today you can choose a window handle of almost any color. Concerned about your safety, today you can purchase window handles with a key or a button to provide burglar-proof protection in advance.

Hinges for windows

This element of fittings performs two main functions:

  • reliable fastening of the window sash to the frame;
  • ensuring comfortable rotation around the axis when opening and closing the window.

In this case, the materials used in the manufacture of hinges and competent design solutions are of great importance, since the quality and guarantee of operation of the entire window structure depends on the quality of the hinges.

As a rule, hinges are classified according to two main criteria: by design (planar and rod) and by purpose (for metal-plastic, wooden, aluminum, steel and glass sashes). Today, the window market offers three-element and two-element hinges, corner hinges, sash mechanisms with a pin and ball bearing ring, and more.

You can purchase hinges that will allow you to adjust the position of the window handle in three main phases:

  1. opening up
  2. full opening
  3. a small gap for micro-ventilation purposes.

Ventilation mechanisms

It was said earlier that micro-ventilation of a window can be achieved using handles or hinges. However, it is worth noting that in addition to these fittings, there are others designed to ensure comfortable ventilation and air circulation.

The high degree of tightness of plastic windows today is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. We often observe condensation on the inside of the window structure (this occurs due to low air permeability).

To avoid these unpleasant moments, another element of the fittings was created - a climate valve. It is installed almost unnoticeably on the top of the moving window sash, and with its help you can achieve complete sound insulation, as well as avoid drafts and condensation.

Steel hook

If your goal is not only comfortable ventilation and sound insulation, but also reliability and safety of property, then you should pay attention to burglary-proof fittings (especially for windows of apartments located on the first floors, since, as practice shows, they are most often damaged victims of burglars).

So, a steel hook for windows and balcony doors is essentially a lock. As a rule, this element is made of alloy steel. The hook “enters” from above or below into the corresponding bar on the frame and is securely fixed in it. Due to this, the degree of protection of the window can even be compared to the front door!

Moderate constipation

It is worth noting that the steel hook is far from the only element of anti-burglary window fittings. Another important element is the middle lock with counter-movement.

It consists of two mushroom-shaped pins, which simultaneously “enter” the strike plate from both sides. If a burglar tries to force entry into the window by moving the perimeter hardware, the middle latch will prevent him from doing so.

Striker plates

This element of fittings is used to press the sash against the frame in several places around the perimeter. As a result, the necessary compression of the window seal occurs, which makes the burglary protection even more reliable.

Anti-burglary pins

It must be said that this is a special type of window fittings, which contributes to an increased level of protection against burglary. Moreover, it is one of the most modern examples of window security systems. Such an element does not require constant adjustment, since it itself adapts to the clearance.

Trunnions can be combined with standard striker strips, as well as with modern plastic window strikers. In addition, the high-strength material and smooth shape ensure easy and smooth movement of the mechanism.

It is impossible not to say a few words about one of the modern inventions of window craftsmen.

“Folding scissors” are a very convenient and, one might say, irreplaceable detail. If the window sash sags due to increased load, “scissors” help lift it. Using this element of fittings, you no longer have to exert any effort when closing the sash.

Ambitirm distance frame

This piece of furniture was created specifically for those who love individuality everywhere and in everything. A spacer frame can give the window an attractive and even, in a certain sense, exclusive look, which will make your window stand out from the general “gray” mass. In addition, the use of a spacer will reduce the degree of mechanical stress, and therefore increase the quality and durability of the double-glazed window.


This is also an element of fittings, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern window system. However, few people know that modern innovative technologies have made it possible to create blinds inside a double-glazed window. The system of such blinds guarantees complete protection from dust, dirt and various weather conditions.

PVC plastic windows are an expensive product, so the consumer wants them to last a long time and not have any problems during their operation. This can be achieved by choosing the right window components, on which its performance and reliability directly depend. Let's figure out how to choose fittings for PVC windows.


Window fittings are a collective name that includes a whole class of mechanisms that provide opening/closing of the window, the degree of pressure of the sash to the profile, its position in space, etc. Low-quality components quickly fail, so saving on them is not advisable. Cheap counterfeit products from well-known brands are one of the most common window problems.

The fittings are assembled according to a modular principle. The kit includes the required elements:

  • Loop groups.
  • Constipation.
  • Sash rotation elements.

If necessary, the kit can be expanded by installing additional parts that provide protection against burglary or against children, ease of opening/closing, etc. It is better to choose steel products that are characterized by maximum strength and reliability.

There are several types of fittings based on the method of opening the doors:

  • Rotary mechanisms with vertical suspension. They are most widespread as the simplest and most affordable option.
  • Rotating mid-hanging fittings. It differs from the previous type in the presence of a horizontal suspension, which allows the sash to rotate 180 degrees without the risk of sagging. The advantages of these mechanisms include good protective functions and the ability to be installed on windows of any configuration, including round and elliptical.
  • Tilt-and-turn. Another popular type on the Russian market. Depending on the position of the handle, the sash swings open or tilts back for ventilation.
  • Sliding mechanisms. Not often used on windows. Sliding systems have found their application in balcony glazing.

A separate group includes locking mechanisms for transoms. It is easiest to select components by type. It all depends on the desired method of opening the doors.

Additional items

The main elements are responsible for opening/closing the doors and their correct position. The installation of additional elements allows you to expand the functionality and facilitate operation. Despite the fact that it is not necessary to install them, it is more advisable to opt for expanding the standard set, especially if it is important to provide additional protection against burglary or the safety of small children. Additional components include:

  • Turn limiters. Their purpose is to fix the open sash in the extreme position. By installing a brake along with a limiter, you can ensure the stability of the structure when opening up to 150 degrees.
  • Turn blocker prevents the window from opening spontaneously and limits the angle of rotation. It is recommended to install in apartments where there are small children, as well as in houses located in areas with frequent strong winds.
  • Plastic covers- one of the elements on which you can safely save. Their purpose is to cover the visible parts of the mechanisms, giving the window an individual design. In sets offered by reliable manufacturers, the number of caps corresponds to the number of mechanisms included in the set. If the choice of decorative elements is too wide, you should think about the quality of the fittings.
  • Children's castle. This part is not included in the standard set. It is worth buying it if there are small children in the house. By accidentally opening a window, a child may fall out of it. The lock securely fixes the door; it is impossible to open it without a key. Manufacturers offer different lock options. The simplest one is included in the design of the handle. More complex functional mechanisms are mounted on the sash.
  • Microlift. The part does not affect the functionality of the window, but it reduces the load on other mechanisms, thereby extending their service life.

Recently, automatic fittings, the operation of which is controlled by an electric drive, have become popular. Automatic mechanisms can be programmed to ventilate. In case of unauthorized opening, a signal will be given.


The domestic market offers products from different manufacturers. The ranking of the best companies includes:

  • Maco. The Austrian brand "Mako" is very popular. The product range includes rotary, tilt-and-turn, and anti-burglary fittings. All mechanisms are hidden mounted. Maco is the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio.
  • Winkhaus. One of the oldest manufacturers of accessories for plastic windows. Offers reliable mechanisms, characterized by simplicity and ease of adjustment using special lifting rollers.
  • Roto. The products of the German company are known under this brand. It is distinguished by durability, reliability, and quality. The manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on all mechanisms. Roto fittings can be distinguished from fakes by their flat locking tongue.
  • Siegenia-Aubi. Another German brand whose range includes kits for aluminum, plastic, and wooden frames. A distinctive feature of the components is the ease of adjusting the sash in all positions.
  • G-U. The company produces all types of fittings, many additional mechanisms, anti-burglary lines. The products are reliable, durable, and easy to adjust.

The rating of manufacturers can be expanded, but the products of these companies are in greatest demand in Russia due to their quality and reliability. Choosing fittings for PVC plastic windows from any of these manufacturers will ensure the durability and ease of operation of the window. When choosing components, you cannot save money. The best fittings for plastic windows are high-quality and reliable mechanisms that can withstand numerous opening/closing cycles.

Kitchen fronts, drawers, shelves, removable baskets and hanging accessories - all this moves, hangs, stands and works. Few people are interested in what’s inside and how it all works! That is why most buyers pay so little attention to furniture and designer fittings, and yet they play almost the main role in the beauty, comfort and longevity of furniture.

The main elements in the fittings

One of the most important components of cabinets are hinges; they were first invented by Italian furniture maker Salice after World War II. It was an ordinary four-hinged, as it is also called a cup, hinge that opens and closes the door 90 degrees. Today, the furniture hinge has been transformed beyond recognition, becoming a stylish and multifunctional item that you cannot do without in the kitchen.

Door hinges are distinguished:

  1. According to the opening angle

  2. Planting depth

  3. Load

  4. According to the purpose and material of its manufacture

  5. By installation method

A hinge mounted in a corner furniture module can open the door to an angle of 30, 45, 95, 120, 135 and 180 degrees, there is also a special type of loop - carousel loop, swinging open the cabinet door to 270 degrees.

Appeared quick installation loops, they are attached to a special strip and snapped onto the inside of the facade in just one movement. A furniture door with such a hinge becomes very mobile - it can be removed and hung if necessary, without requiring the use of construction tools.

An equally valuable and functional element in a modern kitchen is retractable mechanisms, the condition of the furniture in the future and the noise level when moving boxes depend on their quality and strength. The latest generation shock-absorbing mechanisms are created taking into account the latest technologies; they begin their work a few seconds before the drawer is completely closed, making this process as smooth, easy and quiet as possible. High-quality roller fittings are designed for 100 thousand cycles or more, while remaining in perfect order.

Many consumers appreciated the benefits furniture closers in the kitchen. They softly and smoothly close cabinet doors, and also protect the furniture body from impacts and premature damage. The closer smoothly slows down the movement of the door, adapting to any hand effort, making the contact of the facade with the body absolutely silent and as soft as possible. It is attached to the hinge cup and regulates the load level during operation of the kitchen furniture.

The extreme smoothness and noiselessness of opening and closing cabinets also serve dampers. Their modern range is quite wide - from the simplest rubber pads to universal miracle mechanisms.

Another fashionable invention - silicone edge, located around the perimeter of doors and drawers. It protects furniture from dust and dirt getting inside, and also works as a shock absorber - it serves as a shock softener during mechanical impacts and contacts.

Furniture drawers are becoming deeper and wider, and along with them, guide systems are also improving, becoming more powerful and more technologically advanced.

Today, roller mechanisms can withstand weights of up to 70-80 kg, while maintaining easy movement and ease of removal of the structure. Fittings manufacturers do not recommend saving on guides and metaboxes, especially if you want to create maximum comfort in the kitchen and significantly extend its service life.

Another type of components that are installed on upper cabinets is gaining popularity - these are lifting mechanisms. They allow the cabinet to open upward, similar to luggage compartments on airplanes. These furniture lifting devices are divided into spring ones, in the form of brackets and gas elevators. Simple mechanical lifts are reliable and durable, but cannot fix the door in a raised state. A gas lifts and brackets capable of holding the facade in any intermediate position, but are characterized by a higher cost.

Facade fittings for facades - handles, legs, linings, decor and similar elements - must be resistant to moisture, temperature, dirt, mechanical and chemical influences. Metal fittings - zinc casting, stainless steel and aluminum - are considered the most durable and durable.

Today, there are solid and colored pens on sale, with original inserts, cast and hollow, textured, carved, and so on. Modern fittings can be selected to suit any style, interior and design direction.

Famous manufacturing brands

  1. Bloom. The fittings of this Austrian manufacturer are perfect; they are created in factories located around the world. Blum brand fittings are updated and improved every year. Impeccable quality and long service life are the criteria that distinguish Blum fittings from competitors' products. These products delight, give only positivity and joy, they are comfortable, practical and durable. Kitchen fittings from Blum make furniture as functional, comfortable and reliable as possible.

  2. Vauth Sagel. German Vauth Sagel fittings are recognized as the best in the whole world. This company produces and sells economy-class fittings, as well as premium and luxury products. All products released under the Vauth Sagel brand have excellent quality and a long service life, and they are also designed to solve non-standard problems. When developing their accessories and devices, the employees of this company focus on maximum functionality, as well as ergonomics and style. A prerequisite for the production of Vauth Sagel fittings is the observance of traditions and maintaining the highest quality.

  3. Hettih. High-quality German fittings with a wide range of products: hinges, brackets, rails, lighting, drawer systems

  4. Siro. This company is from Austria, it has been on the market for more than 60 years, during which time the Siro brand has become famous, fashionable and recognizable. This brand represents front and interior fittings, all products of excellent quality and stylish design. The Siro company prefers to work with traditional materials, but their know-how collection of unusual alloys has recently gone on sale, capturing the imagination and imagination of buyers all over the world. Their motto is: make any element of the fittings the main decoration of the furniture!

  5. agoform- this well-known brand from Germany produces a wide variety of fittings and accessories for furniture, characterized by convenience, aesthetics and functionality. Throughout the professional activity of the Agoform company, they try a wide variety of shapes, colors, textures, materials and variations. Agoform has extensive experience in applying all kinds of finishes to front fittings, and also has secret technologies for working with rubber and plastic.

  6. Boyard. This company represents facial and functional furniture fittings. Each product released by the Boyard brand is thought out to the smallest detail, and also has its own style and character. Boyard kitchen fittings are aimed at comfort, coziness and harmony in the home. This brand is distinguished by its affordable price, high reliability, functionality, convenience and quality of its products.

  7. Kessebohmer. German galvanized Kessebohmer furniture fittings are known, appreciated and respected everywhere. Special manufacturing technology, distinctive appearance and excellent quality ensure an extremely long useful life. All products undergo total quality control, therefore they are widely distributed and in demand among famous furniture manufacturers.

If you trust recognized brands in the hardware industry, it means you are choosing truly high-quality and reliable products that will serve you well for many years, turning housework and chores into sheer pleasure and joy!

Attention, TODAY only!

When buying or ordering kitchen furniture, you should pay attention to every detail, especially the fittings. These details are not visible from the outside, but it is important for users that the cabinet, shelves and other items stand well or stay on the wall and can be opened without problems.

According to experts, kitchen furniture determines the quality of the set, its ease of use and durability. These elements, although they seem to be a trifle, make the housewife’s work easier and will not create problems. They will allow you to preserve the beautiful appearance of furniture, household appliances, and food.

Please keep in mind that all accessories are selected individually for the ordered set:

  • loops;
  • pens;
  • shock absorbers;
  • retractable mechanisms, etc.


Furniture handles influence the look of the kitchen. It is interesting that there are quite expensive pieces that increase the price of furniture, especially since you need more than one of them.

There are three types:

  • bracket;
  • handle - railing;
  • button.

And they are classified according to the following parameters:


Stylish handles transform furniture, while low-quality handles will break with a simple touch. Poor fastenings will oxidize and destroy the façade material. The coating of the handles is important - it must be of high quality.


The main task of these elements is to open and close the doors. To make the right choice, you can wander around the showrooms and check the operation of different hinges by opening and closing doors on exhibition samples.

There are several types of loops:

  • invoices:
  • semi-overhead;
  • loose-leaf;
  • transformers;
  • corner.

This is not all, but the rest are just subtypes of the above.

Retractable mechanisms

It is absolutely impossible to do without drawers in the kitchen and it is very unpleasant when they jam. Therefore, the mechanisms that help perform this operation should also be selected carefully.

They are:

  • roller, easy to install and inexpensive;
  • ball or telescopic, easy to use, able to withstand heavy loads and very durable;
  • tandem box – a metal box that extends completely, operates silently and lasts a long time;
  • metal boxing – can withstand heavy loads - up to thirty kilograms;
  • cargo.


The customer himself chooses whether his kitchen will stand on legs or a plinth. The latter option prevents dirt from getting under the furniture, but mechanical impacts will negatively affect its appearance quite quickly. With legs, the kitchen is more elegant and will last longer.


What are the principles for choosing fittings for plastic windows?

In our analysis we will proceed from the following premises:

1. In reality, fittings from the most prestigious and reputable brands differ in cost from fittings from “second-tier” brands (Turkish, Chinese with German brand names, etc.) by 300-400 rubles. This is the cost of that bottle of vodka, which you will have to give to a master every six months so that he can “correct” your windows.

Moreover, this difference is constantly decreasing. The cost of labor in Asian countries is growing; in terms of energy consumption and hardware and administrative costs, they are already ahead of the West.

Conclusion: saving on accessories is stupid. As the British say, “...we are not rich enough to buy cheap things.” We put the price criterion in last place in importance.

Window fittings production line in Turkey

2. You should be at least a little familiar with the production culture of certain companies. It is no secret that many Western companies in the 90s, in pursuit of profit, began to move their production to other countries, incl. in Russia.

Despite the assurances that the branches will be certified at the parent enterprises, and that Western specialists will control the technical processes, this is hard to believe.

Please note: accessories from well-known brands that reach domestic consumers are, in fact, produced in domestic sources, and the quality is even worse than Turkish or Chinese products. Moreover, based on documents, price or appearance, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from one made in Germany or Austria. The difference is revealed later, during the operation stage.

Conclusion: you need to buy accessories from those manufacturers about whom it is known for certain that they did not export their production to other countries. Or at least those who were actually able to establish quality control of their products in Russia, China, etc.

3. It is naive to assume that hardware products from leading German and Austrian manufacturers differ greatly in quality from each other. It cannot be that two enterprises operate in neighboring cities, sell their products in the same market and at the same time do not exchange experience or copy what a competitor offers.

Conclusion: The consumer’s choice can only be influenced by nuances determined by the traditions of the hardware manufacturer, its experience in a particular market, and other seemingly minor points.

The basis is a full set of functions expected from a tilt-and-turn window, beautiful appearance, durability, ease of adjustment and operation - this is inherent in the products of all leading manufacturers.

It is these nuances that we will pay attention to.

Accessories for Rublyovka

Fittings made in Germany Siegenia-Aubi

The Russian luxury buyer rarely lives in an apartment building. As a rule - in a cottage. Experts recommend for arranging windows in a prestigious house.

The main argument: the high flexibility of this system: it can be equipped with a window of the most complex shape: triangular, oval, etc. It’s no secret that cottages are often built according to individual and sometimes very bizarre designs.

Other advantages of this fittings: it is produced exclusively in Germany; its quality is impeccable. It is durable, although it requires service (lubrication) approximately every six months. But I think this is not a problem for the owner of the cottage.

Many parts for the left and right wings are interchangeable - it will be more difficult for installers to blame their problems on the fact that “now there is no such thing in the warehouse, we will come and change it later, but for now we will put this one in.” Yes, and planned repairs will be painless.

Siegenia-Aubi fittings are ideal for luxury developments

For those who are concerned about security, Siegenia-Aubi is among the most difficult fittings to crack: its “defensive” elements can withstand a record load of 1.5 tons (usually this figure does not exceed 600 kg).

And for those who are afraid of drafts, we can inform you that the design has seven pressure points on the sash to the frame instead of the standard five.

In terms of price, Siegenia-Aubi is in the higher segment, but, let's say, this is not the most expensive fittings on the Russian market. There are also more expensive ones, and in domestic prices, quality and price exist as if in different dimensions, without touching each other.

Summary: Siegenia-Aubi is No. 1 for wealthy Russians who want to equip the windows of their cottage with good fittings.

For the normal elite

Austrian fittings MACO INVISIBLE

But our wealthy compatriot spends the second half of his day in his prestigious office. And he can live not in a cottage, but in an elite high-rise building - a settlement, as they now say.

Without at all detracting from the merits of Siegenia-Aubi, experts often recommend for such options (prestigious office, settlement).

Cause: a wide range of different options that will ensure a comfortable stay in a room with windows equipped with such fittings.

Its advantages:

  • Easy closing function
  • Up to six degrees of burglary protection
  • Final wax coating of parts providing increased anti-corrosion resistance
  • Presentable appearance
  • All kinds of limiters, protection against impact on the jamb, micro-lifting of the sash when closing, multi-position designs for ventilation

Experts point out only one major drawback of MACO fittings: some difficulty in self-adjustment compared to German models. But, obviously, for an office, the durability of equipment is more important than if everyone who is not too lazy to climb on any occasion to “debug” a complex design that is very sensitive to inept intervention.

All MACO fittings are produced at two factories in Austria.

Summary: MASO fittings - No. 1 for office premises and prestigious apartment buildings. In terms of price characteristics, it occupies one of the first positions. But she's worth it!

For the middle class

Winkhaus fittings - German brand

What should an average city dweller, let's say, a skilled worker with a good salary, a small entrepreneur, a manager who is valued at work, an official, do, if he wants to install a window with reliable, but not too expensive fittings in his apartment?

Answer: . The oldest hardware company produces products for every taste and budget - from very prestigious to quite budget ones. What speaks in its favor is that, according to expert estimates, it is the only one that was able to establish production in Russia, but according to German standards.

There are modifications Winkhaus proPilot, which are cheaper in price than Turkish models, but higher in quality and functionality. When analyzing the market, we found enterprises that are ready to supply Winkhaus fittings in bulk for 600 rubles. It is clear that these are some basic configurations with a minimum set of options, but this is one and a half times cheaper than Turkish fittings!

Not to mention durability. There are testimonies of people who operated Winkhaus for ten years without service. And they would have used it longer if the window had not broken.

Perhaps Winkhaus is inferior to Siegenia-Aubi in terms of elasticity and MASO - in terms of softness and number of options. But installing a plastic window and forgetting about it for 10 years means a lot in domestic conditions!

Summary: WinkHaus – No. 1 for a person with average capabilities. Moreover, if these capabilities continue to grow, then a person will simply need to switch from one Winkhaus model to another: from proPilot to autoPilot, and then, as ultra-modern modifications of ActivPilot are introduced into the domestic market, one can safely switch to them.

From a marketing point of view, full coverage of the entire price range is the most important advantage of Winkhaus, making it the No. 1 brand on the Russian market. He builds a consumer pipeline; scores goals all over the place.

For those who don't have to choose

Turkish fittings Kale

But not everyone in Russia enjoys the right to choose.

What happens if, say, the authorities of a large city decide to resettle pensioners from a depressed central area somewhere on the outskirts, and open shopping and entertainment complexes in the center? And he transfers the order for the construction of a new microdistrict “for grandmothers and grandchildren” to some Turkish construction company? And she, in turn, orders accessories from someone who is closer, who is related?

In most cases, it turns out to be “closer and dearer”. Or simply Kale, as it is already commonly called in the vast expanses of 1/6 of the land. Its fittings are simple and reliable. Cheap. It is easy to install. And it was made quite conscientiously. It may not have a multi-position micro-ventilation option, but it won’t draft like a chimney on blizzard February evenings.

Summary: Kale is #1 for those who don't have to choose. It goes not only to new buildings. Currently, we are capturing the widest market, cooperating with many companies producing profiles and installing them throughout Russia.

And don't be afraid of this! If you are a modest Soviet pensioner and are not afraid that your diamond necklace with pearl pendants will be taken from your home, then you do not need fittings with six degrees of protection. And Kale has everything else!

Market outsiders

ROTO fittings - for domestic consumers, produced in Russia

Obviously, the famous company overdid it, opening, in the pursuit of profitability, a dozen factories in all parts of the world. Including in China and Russia. And having failed to establish control over the quality of products produced in the branches.

As a result, it is impossible to buy a real ROTO in the Russian Federation, and there are such reviews about Chinese and domestic crafts that it is embarrassing to even remember.

In addition, when the author of these lines tried to find out the price of the company’s products, the remaining unknown manager quoted an amount 1.5 times greater than the cost of a purebred German Siegenia. Perhaps many copywriters suffer from excessive suspiciousness, but still, it seems that this is not entirely the case. This is more like a case where they are trying to take the consumer for a sucker.

“Personnel decides everything!” - Grandfather Stalin used to say. And he was right. One such response from one such manager can cost the company its place in the market.