How and what is the best way to paint a bicycle frame. Painting bicycle frames

Does the iron horse need new paint? Modern paint and varnish materials provide the opportunity to realize any fantasies for the new “skin” of your bike. It doesn’t matter for what reasons the vehicle is to be painted, the main thing is to choose high-quality paint and thoroughly prepare the bicycle frame.

There are quite a few ways to paint a bicycle, and they all depend on the painting method (brush or spray) and the frame material: aluminum surfaces are painted much faster than carbon or steel, since they are more susceptible to oxidation.

Required tools and materials

Before you paint a bicycle frame at home, you should prepare all the necessary tools and materials. To work you will need:

  • a set of tools for disassembling a bike;
  • professional wash;
  • metal scraper;
  • sandpaper with coarse and fine-grain coating (80; 220; 1200);
  • acetone, kerosene or white alcohol for degreasing;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • brush or air gun;
  • epoxy or acrylic paint with a spray gun;
  • latex gloves.

Preparing for painting

First of all, the bicycle is completely disassembled; exposed threaded areas are sealed with tape to prevent problems with tightening the nuts.

Bicycles, scooters, components

It is better to work in an open space or in a well-ventilated area, be sure to wear rubber gloves and a respirator, since all chemical materials used for work are very toxic.

Preparatory work process:

  1. After disassembling the bicycle, the frame is cleaned of old paint with a special liquid: a chemical remover is applied to the surface in several layers and after 10-15 minutes it is removed with a metal scraper.
  2. For maximum leveling, after washing off the paint, the frame is cleaned with sandpaper; as a result, the surface should become absolutely smooth without chips or dents.
  3. It is better to repair significant chips using cold welding or putty. The smoother the surface of the frame becomes, the better the quality of the painting.

  4. The sanded surface is degreased using white alcohol or other appropriate means.
  5. An ideally cleaned and degreased frame is primed: the primer is applied in a thin layer to the entire surface 3-4 times with 20-minute intervals between priming.
  6. To evenly distribute the mixture over the surface when priming, maintain a distance of 15-20 cm between the frame and the can.

  7. After priming, the bike is left to dry completely for 24 hours.
  8. The next day, the dried frame is sanded with zero dust sandpaper.
  9. You need to sand carefully so as not to tear off the ground layer.


When choosing styling, cyclists usually choose car aerosol paint with a high-quality composition and protection from dirt, weather conditions and mechanical stress.

The color is selected according to personal preference, but for a special tinting effect it is always recommended to paint the first layer white.

After all the preparatory work is completed, you can start painting the bike. New paint is applied using a spray gun in several layers until a smooth, uniform surface appears.

In order for the saturation to become monochromatic, the spray paint can must be constantly shaken.

You can also apply paint to the frame with a brush in small alternating strokes, but in this case, any uneven stroke increases the likelihood of smudges.

The fully painted frame is hung to dry. If hanging is not possible, it is carefully placed on plastic film or newspaper.

After drying, the surface is polished with zero sandpaper and glass cleaner, or ordinary water.

When polishing, the surface to be treated must remain damp during the entire sanding period. Polishing prepares the frame for the next stage - varnishing.

Frame varnishing

To maintain color saturation, prevent fading and protect against premature damage, the painted and dried part is varnished in several layers: the first layer is a primer, the second is a fixing and main layer. After varnishing, the frame is left for a day until completely dry.

How to paint wheels and trunk

If you do not plan to buy new wheels (for example,) for a bicycle, then you should update the old wheels, for this you need:

  1. Disassemble the wheels;
  2. Wash and dry;
  3. Clean all holes and dents with sandpaper;
  4. Hang the disc on a metal wire for easy painting;
  5. Prime several times;
  6. Dry and apply paint of the desired color;
  7. After drying, sand with fine sandpaper and seal the result with varnish.

The trunk is painted in the same order as the frame and wheels: the paint should be sprayed especially carefully, and if excess drops appear, immediately cut them off with a thin piece of cardboard.

Painting a bike without disassembling

If disassembling the bike is not possible, and the frame requires light tuning, then you can paint the bike without major cleaning.

The first thing to paint is all the hard-to-pass areas of the bike: the spaces between the rim and the front fork, the rear wheel and the chainstay.


  1. Wash, dry and degrease the bike;
  2. Remove, and speeds, all related parts and holders;
  3. Wrap the steering wheel, wheels and all remaining mechanisms tightly with cellophane film;
  4. Fix the bicycle upside down or hang it in a stable position;
  5. Strip off the old paint, apply a primer and, after drying, evenly paint the surface in the desired color.

You can paint a frame or any part of a bicycle in a quick way: sand off the old paint and paint it with a brush or spray it with new paint, but in most cases this will not look attractive. In this article we will talk about how you can paint a bicycle frame at home and with the highest quality possible.

The first step is to prepare the frame for priming and painting, namely to get rid of the old layer of paint. In order to “wash off” the old paint on the frame, we need a special product - a remover for old paint. Nowadays, finding such a product is not difficult, the choice depends on your budget, do not buy the cheapest one, but ask a consultant to choose the optimal product for your intentions. This product is a gel-like substance that must be smeared onto the frame with a brush. Be sure to do this in fresh air and wearing rubber gloves, follow safety rules, as this product is caustic.

How to remove paint from a bicycle frame? And so, apply paint remover to the bicycle frame with a brush. Wait 10-15 minutes (read the instructions for the product), then use a metal scraper to remove the layer of old paint that has become shriveled from the chemical action of the product. This operation must be repeated until the paint peels off to the metal, 2-4 times. The better you remove the old paint, the better it will be for the new paint; you shouldn’t skimp on this matter.

Now that the frame is perfectly clear of the old paint, we need to prime it. Before applying the primer, it is necessary to wash the frame with a solvent to better clean the frame and so that the primer lies evenly on the surface. The primer must be applied in a thin layer, 2-3 layers, with a 20-minute break before each application. The main thing in this matter is not to create drips, so try to keep the can at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Then, it is necessary to leave the primed frame for a day so that it dries properly.

After this, we need to sand the frame with sandpaper. At the same time, we try not to press too hard on the surface so as not to tear off the layer of soil. Now the frame is ready for painting.

Once you have decided on the color of the frame, you need to buy paint. It’s better not to skimp on paint; buy high-quality paint, maybe automotive paint. It will also not be difficult to choose any color scheme using services that sell paint in bulk, but for this you need to have a compressor at home.

We apply a thin layer of paint to the prepared frame, then wait 5-7 minutes and apply a new layer, very thinly and carefully, so that there are no drips. For high-quality painting you need 10-15 such layers. The last layer must be kept for a longer time, 2-3 hours. The main thing in painting is not to leave smudges and apply layers very thinly. If you hold the can at a distance of 8-12 cm from the frame, then you need to move it very quickly to avoid leaks. For painting you need 1-2 cans, depending on the consumption and how effectively you use it.

The next step is to cover the frame with layers of varnish, possibly automotive varnish. We apply varnish in the same way as paint. It is advisable to dry the last layer at a temperature of +30 degrees for 2-3 days; in order for the varnish to gain sufficient strength, it must be dried for a couple of weeks.

If you did everything correctly, then this frame coating will be in no way inferior to its original factory color. It will be resistant to mild chemicals such as oil, gasoline, as well as mechanical stress.

When applying primer, paint and varnish, it is best to hang the frame by the steering tube or carriage, or by the seatpost, in general, whatever is convenient for you.

Experienced cyclists know that long-term use of a two-wheeled friend leads to such sad consequences as chips, scratches or rust. But this is not a reason to abandon your bike or look for a replacement. It is enough to properly paint the bike and then it will serve you for many years. We will talk about how to correctly carry out this process in the next article.

man painting a bicycle

Preparing the bike for painting

First, we need to disassemble the bike, that is, remove all the components that will interfere with painting. This:

  • Brakes
  • Shock absorbers
  • Trunk
  • Saddle
  • Wheels

Before you begin the painting process itself, you need to complete a certain preparatory step. It occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Removing the original paint
  2. Sanding the surface
  3. We degrease metal

Remove paint using a solvent and a dry, clean cloth. Carry out this procedure until the factory paint layer is completely removed.
Then we take sandpaper and thoroughly sand the surface. For this procedure, it is better to have paper with varying degrees of grain, then you can clean out chips and scratches that differ in depth.

Treating the surface of a bicycle with a special degreaser is a very important step, which contributes to better painting of the metal. White spirit is perfect for these purposes.

Primer stage

It is best to hang the bicycle parts that you are going to prime on a special mount, then it is much easier to ensure uniform coverage with the primer. It is better to apply it in 3 layers. Allow the primer to dry after each application. Like paint, this material is sold in a can. After applying all layers, leave the parts for a day. It is very important that priming and painting take place in a well-ventilated area with minimal humidity. When the primed parts are completely dry, sand them with light-grit sandpaper.

Let's move on to painting

Acrylic spray paint is ideal for painting a bicycle. On average, a bicycle will require 2 - 3 cylinders. The choice of colors is very diverse, so you are sure to choose the option that suits your taste. Apply paint in a thin layer over a short distance. It is best to apply up to 3 layers. Do this in stages. Each layer should dry well. After painting, the parts must dry for at least two days. If after this time you find minor smudges, sand them with fine-grained sandpaper.

If you consider yourself to be the creative type, don't limit yourself to the standard plain paint job and go further by decorating your bike with an original stencil design. Using a special adhesive form, you can easily apply an emblem or pattern to a specific part of the bicycle frame. The main thing is to do this after the main coat of paint has completely dried!


Well, the final stage is applying varnish. The best option is varnish in a can. Apply it in several layers and let dry thoroughly. Experience shows that paint protected by a varnish coating will last much longer.
As you can see, the procedure for painting a bike is not at all complicated, but quite an exciting process that will allow you to show your creativity and emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of your bike!

Factory bicycle paint sooner or later loses its shine, and often acquires “life scars”: chips, scratches, rust deposits. Returning your favorite vehicle to its former shine and shine or radically changing its design at your own discretion - every cyclist can do all this with his own hands and at home.

What is necessary

To paint your iron friend you will need not only aerosol car paint of a suitable shade, but also other consumables and tools:

  • Screwdriver, wrenches of different sizes;
  • Putty or mastic;
  • Primer;
  • Sanding paper with grit 80, 220 and 1200;
  • Degreaser or special car wipe;
  • Brush, spray;
  • Masking tape;
  • Rag, sponge;
  • Respirator, gloves, safety glasses.

For colorful work, it is better to choose a spacious, ventilated, illuminated room or an outdoor place protected from direct sunlight. It is advisable to hang the frame and other parts of the bicycle on a wire or clothesline so as not to leave unpainted areas.

The required number of cylinders with paints and varnishes is calculated individually. Based on the calculation that a standard bicycle requires 2-3 aerosols of paint, primer and varnish.

Painting stages

The whole process can be divided into several stages: preparatory, disassembling, sanding, painting and final.

Each step is important, so let's look at them in more detail.

General preparation

The first stage includes all the preparatory actions: thinking about the future design, purchasing consumables, searching for the necessary tools. Particular attention is paid to safety. So, if possible, wear an apron, gloves, a respirator, goggles, and the work area is covered with film or old newspapers.

Disassembling the bike

Before painting a bicycle, it is disassembled and all parts and spare parts that do not need updating are removed. This is done as carefully and consistently as possible so as not to deform or break anything. For non-professionals, it is better to seek help from specialists or available instructions.

Preparing the surface

Anything that is not planned to be painted, for example, logos, inscriptions, drawings, must be carefully and accurately sealed with tape. Threaded areas are protected in a similar way.

  1. The surface is degreased with a special product (White spirit) or a universal car wipe.
  2. Use P80 grit paper to remove the old coating (for carbon frames the use of sandpaper is prohibited).
  3. Using putty or mastic, all unevenness, damage, corrosion and dents are eliminated.
  4. After drying, the smooth surface is sanded again and cleaned of dust.
  5. A thin (about 5 mm) layer of corrosion-resistant primer is applied. It is taken into account that the final shade depends on the color of the primer.

It is important to choose the correct consistency of the primer, which ideally should completely drain from the brush. A solution that is too thick is diluted with a solvent, and a liquid solution is added to the mixture. To cover hard-to-reach areas as much as possible, the bicycle frame is suspended from the ceiling and treated with an air gun.

All primed parts are left to dry overnight in a suspended state or carefully placed on dry newspapers.

After 24 hours, the dry surface is wetted and carefully sanded with P220 paper.

Let's start painting

Direct work with the paint can is the most important and painstaking stage. The first step is to carefully read these instructions and protect your skin from the toxicity of the paint.

The paint is sprayed evenly until a uniform coating is formed. If the design of the bike involves an ornament of several shades, then first the lightest of them is applied in 3-4 layers, which, after drying, is sealed with tape. Then the coating is done in a similar way with other colors, ending with the darkest tone.

Using masking tape you can not only make geometric patterns, but also any other ornaments. To do this you need to use your imagination and scissors.

Some experts note that it is better to paint a bike using the powder method, which is more reliable, durable and resistant to negative environmental influences.

If necessary, other parts of the bicycle are also painted: handlebars, forks, wheels, pedals.

Final processing

The final steps include sanding the frame again with the highest grit paper possible and keeping the surface wet.

Before varnishing, the vehicle is optionally decorated with labels, emblems or other suitable decorative elements. Also, if you have talent, you can paint the surface with a bright contrasting color or use a stencil.

The end result is fixed with 2-3 layers of varnish, which is sprayed at a distance of 5-10 cm to avoid the appearance of roughness and unevenness. It is worth noting that only matte paints need to be varnished, so find out in advance whether it contains varnish.

A freshly painted bike needs to dry completely, which takes about a week on average. Previously, assembling an iron friend was risky: uncured paint and varnish are easily damaged.

The strength of the coating is checked by lightly moving a blunt knife, the sliding of which means complete drying.

The following recommendations and tips will help make your work easier and reduce risks:

  • Use paints and varnishes from the same manufacturer to avoid causing a possible negative chemical reaction;
  • Accurately calculate the required volume of consumables, or better yet, purchase cans for future use in order to carry out local “repairs” in the future;
  • If the old coating cannot be removed with sandpaper, use a wire brush on a drill or an angle grinder with wire bristles. A thermal hair dryer and spatula are also suitable for this purpose;
  • It is easier to defeat rust with special anti-corrosion substances and products;
  • Old stickers can only be removed with sandpaper, since the solvent only causes the glue to smudge;
  • Wet sanding will give the frame a matte finish if you keep the surface damp with glass cleaner during the process.
  • When assembling the bike after painting, lubricate the bearings, internal mechanisms, and springs to increase their wear resistance.

You can update your bicycle transport both in the showroom and in your home workshop. At the same time, the second option is more economical, more interesting, and more productive. Only by painting yourself will you be able to fully control the process, evaluate the quality of materials and realize your dreams in an individual design.

The main thing is not to deviate from the proposed algorithm, listen to the recommendations and not be lazy. Then your freshly painted bike will delight you for a long time and cause the envy of your neighbors.


Products from world-famous brands are popular primarily for their reliability and guaranteed results. And already in the second - for external characteristics or additional capabilities. It’s the same with bicycles: by purchasing an expensive, time-tested model, you can be sure that this vehicle will serve faithfully for a long time. However, no matter how high-quality and branded a thing is, constant use does not make it newer. But this can always be fixed! How? The answer is in this material.

Bicycles get scratched during constant use, are exposed to various weather conditions, and are also incorrectly “tuned” by their owners using additional elements or stickers. That is why you can often see an amazing picture: a completely solid and absolutely working bicycle, but at the same time it looks extremely unsightly and unpresentable.

Just such a (fully serviceable, note!) two-wheeled vehicle fell into our hands: during its operation it managed to change several owners and acquire a dozen or two stickers, which over time completely faded, as well as a whole set of various scratches and chips... Because of this, most of the time the bike was “bored” on the balcony and not used for its intended purpose. Therefore, it was decided to breathe new life into the vehicle by simply repainting the bike frame.

How to paint a bike? Step-by-step instruction

To completely paint the bike, we needed three aerosol cans: one with primer and two with paint.


This is what the frame looked like before painting. In the picture next to it are abrasive materials from the Indasa brand, which were used to prepare the surface.


The frame should be treated with an abrasive before painting as carefully as possible: all stickers, scratches and chips must be removed, as well as the surface “dulled” - that is, the old protective coating must be removed.


Things will go much faster if you use a sander.



A cleaned bicycle frame must be cleaned and degreased before painting.


It is important to remember that it is impossible to paint a bicycle properly without applying primer!


The primer should be applied to the surface in one thin layer.


But the paint should be applied in three layers, waiting for each of them to dry completely.


Apply a second coat of paint.


The frame dries after spraying the third coat.


To increase visibility at night, it was decided to paint the bike with reflective paint. The enamel was applied in several layers to the edges of the frame.


After all the work was completed, the frame was left to dry.


After some time the bike was assembled. And this is what happened in the end!

How to paint a bicycle: ideas