Solar panels are the best. Solar batteries for the home: cost of the kit and feasibility of installation

With constantly rising prices for electricity, you inevitably begin to think about using natural sources for power supply. One of these possibilities is solar panels for your home or garden. If desired, they can fully provide all the needs of even a large house.

Design of a solar power supply system

Converting the sun's energy into electricity - this idea kept scientists awake for a long time. With the discovery of the properties of semiconductors, this became possible. Solar cells use silicon crystals. When sunlight hits them, a directed movement of electrons is formed in them, which is called an electric current. When connecting a sufficient number of such crystals, we obtain quite decent currents: one panel with an area of ​​​​a little more than a meter (1.3-1.4 m2 with a sufficient level of illumination can produce up to 270 W (voltage 24 V).

Since the illumination changes depending on the weather and time of day, it is not possible to directly connect devices to solar panels. We need a whole system. In addition to solar panels, you need:

  • Battery. During daylight hours, under the influence of sunlight, solar panels generate electric current for the home or cottage. It is not always used in full; its excess accumulates in the battery. The accumulated energy is consumed in inclement weather.
  • Controller. Not a mandatory part, but desirable (if you have enough funds). Monitors the battery's charge level to prevent it from over-discharging or exceeding its maximum charge level. Both of these conditions are detrimental to the battery, so having a controller extends the life of the battery. The controller also ensures optimal operation of solar panels.
  • DC to AC converter (inverter). Not all devices are designed for direct current. Many operate on alternating voltage of 220 volts. The converter makes it possible to obtain a voltage of 220-230 V.

Solar panels for the home are only part of the system

By installing solar panels for your home or cottage, you can become completely independent from the official supplier. But for this you need to have a large number of batteries, a certain number of batteries. A kit that produces 1.5 kW per day costs about $1000. This is enough to meet the needs of a summer house or part of the electrical equipment in the house. A set of solar panels for producing 4 kW per day costs about $2,200, for 9 kW per day - $6,200. Since solar panels for home are a modular system, you can buy an installation that will provide part of the needs, gradually increasing its productivity.

Types of solar panels

With rising energy prices, the idea of ​​using solar energy to generate electricity is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, with the development of technology, solar converters are becoming more efficient and, at the same time, cheaper. So, if you wish, you can meet your needs by installing solar panels. But they come in different types. Let's figure it out.

The solar battery itself is a number of photocells located in a common housing, protected by a transparent front panel. For household use, solar cells are produced based on silicon, since it is relatively inexpensive, and elements based on it have a good efficiency (about 20-24%). Monocrystalline, polycrystalline and thin-film (flexible) solar cells are made based on silicon crystals. A certain number of these photocells are electrically connected to each other (series and/or parallel) and connected to terminals located on the housing.

Photocells are installed in a closed housing. The solar battery housing is made of anodized aluminum. It is lightweight and non-corrosive. The front panel is made of durable glass, which must withstand snow and wind loads. In addition, it must have certain optical properties - have maximum transparency in order to transmit as many rays as possible. In general, a significant amount of energy is lost due to reflection, so the requirements for the quality of glass are high and it is also coated with an anti-reflective compound.

Types of photocells for solar panels

Solar panels for the home are made from three types of silicon cells;

If you have a pitched roof and the facade faces south or east, there is no point in thinking too much about the space occupied. Polycrystalline modules may well suit this. For the same amount of energy produced, they cost slightly less.

How to choose the right solar panel system for your home

There are common misconceptions that make you spend extra money on overly expensive equipment. Below are recommendations on how to properly build a power supply system from solar panels and not spend extra money.

What to buy

Not all components of a solar power plant are vital for operation. Some parts can be done without. They serve to increase reliability, but without them the system is operational. The first thing to remember is to purchase solar panels at the end of winter, beginning of spring. Firstly, the weather at this time is excellent, there are many sunny days, the snow reflects the sun, increasing the overall illumination. Secondly, discounts are traditionally announced at this time. The following are the tips:

If you use only these tips, and connect only equipment that runs on constant voltage, a solar panel system for your home will cost a much more modest amount than the cheapest kit. But that is not all. You can leave some of the equipment “for later” or do without it altogether.

What can you do without?

The cost of a set of solar panels for 1 kW per day is more than a thousand dollars. Considerable investment. You will inevitably wonder whether it is worth it and what the payback period will be. At current rates, you will have to wait for more than one year until you get your money back. But costs can be reduced. Not at the expense of quality, but due to a slight decrease in the operating comfort of the system and due to a reasonable approach to the selection of its components.

So, if the budget is limited, you can get by with several solar panels and batteries, the capacity of which is 20-25% higher than the maximum charge of solar panels. To monitor the condition, buy a car clock that also measures voltage. This will save you from having to measure the battery charge several times a day. Instead, you will need to look at your watch from time to time. That's all for the start. In the future, you can purchase additional solar panels for your home and increase the number of batteries. If desired, you can buy an inverter.

Determining the size and number of photocells

Good 12-volt solar panels should have 36 cells, and 24-volt solar panels should have 72 solar cells. This amount is optimal. With fewer photocells you will never get the stated current. And this is the best option.

You should not buy dual solar panels - 72 and 144 elements, respectively. Firstly, they are very large, which is inconvenient for transportation. Secondly, at abnormally low temperatures, which we periodically experience, they are the first to fail. The fact is that the laminating film greatly decreases in size in cold weather. On large panels, due to high tension, it peels off or even breaks. Transparency is lost and productivity drops catastrophically. The panel is being repaired.

Second factor. On larger panels the thickness of the body and glass should be greater. After all, windage and snow loads increase. But this is not always done, as the price increases significantly. If you see a double panel, and the price for it is lower than for two “regular” ones, it’s better to look for something else.

Once again, the best choice is a 12-volt home solar panel consisting of 36 solar cells. This is the best option, proven by practice.

Technical specifications: what to look for

Certified solar panels always indicate operating current and voltage, as well as open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current. It is worth considering that all parameters are usually indicated for a temperature of +25°C. On a sunny day on the roof, the battery heats up to temperatures significantly higher than this figure. This explains the presence of higher operating voltage.

Also pay attention to the open circuit voltage. In normal batteries it is about 22 V. And everything would be fine, but if you carry out work on the equipment without disconnecting the solar panels, the no-load voltage will damage the inverter or other connected equipment that is not designed for such a voltage. Therefore, during any work - switching wires, connecting/disconnecting batteries, etc. etc. - the first thing you should do is disconnect the solar panels (remove the terminals). Having gone through the circuit, you connect them last. This procedure will save you a lot of nerves (and money).

Case and glass

Solar panels for home have an aluminum body. This metal does not corrode and has sufficient strength and is light in weight. A normal body must be assembled from a profile containing at least two stiffeners. In addition, the glass must be inserted into a special groove, and not fixed on top. All these are signs of normal quality.

When choosing a solar battery, pay attention to glass. In normal batteries it is not smooth, but textured. It is rough to the touch; if you rub it with your nails, you can hear a rustling sound. In addition, it must have a high-quality coating that minimizes glare. This means that nothing should be reflected in it. If reflections of surrounding objects are visible at any angle, it is better to find another panel.

Selecting the cable cross-section and the fineness of the electrical connection

Solar panels for your home must be connected using a single-core copper cable. The cable cross-section depends on the distance between the module and the battery:

  • distance less than 10 meters:
    • 1.5 mm2 per 100 W solar battery;
    • for two batteries - 2.5 mm2;
    • three batteries - 4.0 mm2;
  • distance more than 10 meters:
    • to connect one panel we take 2.5 mm2;
    • two - 4.0 mm2;
    • three - 6.0 mm2.

You can take a larger cross section, but not smaller (there will be large losses, but we don’t need it). When purchasing wires, pay attention to the actual cross-section, since today the declared dimensions very often do not correspond to the actual ones. To check, you will have to measure the diameter and calculate the cross-section (you can read how to do this).

When assembling the system, you can draw the positives of solar panels using a multi-core cable of a suitable cross-section, and use one thick cable for the negative. Before connecting to the batteries, we pass all the “pluses” through diodes or diode assemblies with a common cathode. This prevents the battery from shorting out (which could cause a fire) if the wires between the batteries and the battery are shorted or broken.

Diodes use types SBL2040CT, PBYR040CT. If these are not found, you can remove them from old power supplies of personal computers. There are usually SBL3040 or similar ones. It is advisable to pass through diodes. Don’t forget that they get very hot, so you need to mount them on a radiator (you can use just one).

The system also requires a fuse box. One for each consumer. We connect the entire load through this block. Firstly, the system is safer. Secondly, if problems arise, it is easier to determine its source (by a blown fuse).

SolarCity was created in 2006 by cousins ​​of the famous entrepreneur and founder of Space X, Elon Musk. Well aware of his outstanding business qualities, they also entrusted him with the leadership of their company.

During this time, SolarCity managed to become the largest manufacturer of solar panels in the United States. Its clients include private homeowners, businesses, schools, non-profits and government organizations who have chosen clean solar energy, which is much cheaper than that produced by power plants by burning hydrocarbons.

Company representatives said that their new solar panels are the most efficient in the world. So on an area of ​​0.093 sq. m (1 sq. ft.) they produce more energy than equivalents available in the world. Currently, their efficiency is 22.5% - the highest figure to date among the models on the market.

This became possible after SolarCity acquired new solar cell production technology from Sivelo. The new solar panel configuration reduces efficiency losses to 0.5%, while SolarCity's closest competitors achieve 1.5 to 2.5%.

The solar modules will be assembled in Buffalo, New York. The plant's daily output is expected to be between 9,000 and 10,000 solar panels. Thanks to new technologies, the cost of panels can be reduced to 55 cents per watt of rated power.

Unique panels assembled in SolarCity workshops will produce 30-40% more energy than similar batteries from competitors. The brothers’ ambitious plans include achieving a generated capacity of 1 GW. They intend to create a solar farm near the panel plant that will provide clean energy to Buffalo residents.

To become a SolarCity client, just contact company representatives who will take care of all the necessary calculations and design of solar panels. And then something incredible begins. The installers install and connect the equipment, and the client does not pay a cent for all this.

He will later pay monthly and exclusively for the electricity generated by his solar panels. In this unusual way, the SolarCity company and its creators are introducing their fellow citizens to the use of solar energy.

Billions of kilowatts of solar energy reach our planet every day. People have long begun to use this energy for their needs. With the progress of progress, solar panels began to be used to convert the energy of sunlight. But are these devices effective? How much is the efficiency of solar panels, and what does it depend on? What is their payback period and how can you calculate the profitability of using solar panels? These questions concern everyone who is planning or has already decided to purchase solar panels, so this article is devoted to this pressing topic.

Let's briefly look at what the operating principle of solar panels is based on. It is based on the physical property of semiconductors. Due to the knocking out of electrons from the outer orbit of atoms by light photons, a sufficiently large number of free electrons are formed. After the circuit is closed, an electric current occurs. But, as a rule, one or two solar cells are not enough to generate sufficient power, therefore, solar modules most often include several solar panels. The more solar cells are connected together, that is, the larger the area of ​​the solar panels, the greater the power they produce. In addition to the area of ​​the panels, the intensity of sunlight and the angle of incidence of the rays have a noticeable impact on the power produced.

Let's understand the concept of efficiency

The efficiency value of a panel is obtained by dividing the power of electrical energy by the power of sunlight falling on the panel. Today, the average value of this indicator in practice is 12-25%, but in theory this figure is close to 80-85%. What is the reason for such a big difference? First of all, it depends on the materials used to make solar panels. As is already known, the main element included in the panels is silicon. One of the main disadvantages of this substance is its ability to absorb only infrared radiation, that is, the energy of ultraviolet rays is wasted. Therefore, one of the main directions in which scientists are working, trying to increase the efficiency of solar panels, is the development of multilayer modules.

Multilayer batteries are a structure consisting of layers of different materials. They are selected based on quanta of different energies. That is, one layer absorbs green energy, the second - blue, the third - red. In theory, various combinations of these layers can give an efficiency value of 87%. But this, unfortunately, is just a theory. As practice shows, the manufacture of such structures on a production scale is a very labor-intensive task, and the cost of such modules is very high.

The efficiency of solar modules is also affected by the type of silicon used. Panels made from monocrystalline silicon have a higher efficiency than panels made from polycrystalline silicon. But the price of monocrystalline batteries is higher.

The basic rule: with a higher efficiency, to generate electricity of a given power, a module of a smaller area will be required, that is, a smaller number of photocells will be included in the solar panel.

How quickly will solar panels pay for themselves?

The cost of solar panels today is quite high. And taking into account the low efficiency of panels, the issue of their payback is very relevant. The service life of batteries powered by solar energy is about 25 years or more. We’ll talk about what causes such a long service life a little later, but for now let’s clarify the question raised above.

The payback period is affected by:

  • Type of equipment selected. Single-layer photocells have lower efficiency compared to multilayer ones, but also have a much lower price.
  • Geographical location, that is, the more sunlight in your area, the faster the installed module will pay for itself.
  • Cost of equipment. The more money you spent on purchasing and installing the elements that make up the solar energy saving system, the longer the payback period.
  • The cost of energy resources in your region.

The average payback period for the countries of Southern Europe is 1.5-2 years, for the countries of Central Europe - 2.5-3.5 years, and in Russia the payback period is approximately 2-5 years. In the near future, the efficiency of solar panels will increase significantly, this is due to the development of more advanced technologies that will increase efficiency and reduce the cost of panels. And as a result, the period during which the solar energy saving system will pay for itself will also decrease.

How long will solar panels last?

Solar panels do not contain mechanical moving parts, so they are quite reliable and durable. As mentioned above, their service life is more than 25 years. With proper use, they can last 50 years. The big advantage is that such a long service life does not require major breakdowns; you just need to systematically clean the mirrors of the photocells from dust and other contaminants. This is necessary for better energy absorption, and, consequently, for a higher efficiency rate.

A long service life is one of the main criteria when deciding whether to purchase solar panels or not. After the batteries pay for themselves, the electrical energy you receive will be absolutely free. Even if the payback period is maximum (about 6 years), you will not pay for energy resources for at least 20-25 years.

Latest developments that increase efficiency

Almost every day, scientists around the world announce the development of a new method to increase the efficiency of solar modules. Let's get acquainted with the most interesting of them. Last year, Sharp introduced to the public a solar cell with an efficiency of 43.5%. They were able to achieve this figure by installing a lens to focus energy directly into the element.

German physicists are not far behind the Sharp company. In June 2013, they presented their photocell with an area of ​​only 5.2 square meters. mm, consisting of 4 layers of semiconductor elements. This technology made it possible to achieve an efficiency of 44.7%. Maximum efficiency in this case is also achieved by placing a concave mirror at focus.

In October 2013, the results of the work of scientists from Stanford were published. They have developed a new heat-resistant composite that can increase the performance of solar cells. The theoretical efficiency value is about 80%. As we wrote above, semiconductors that contain silicon are capable of absorbing only IR radiation. So, the action of the new composite material is aimed at converting high-frequency radiation into infrared.

The next were English scientists. They have developed technology that can increase the efficiency of cells by 22%. They proposed placing aluminum nanospikes on the smooth surface of thin-film panels. This metal was chosen because sunlight is not absorbed by it, but, on the contrary, is scattered. Consequently, the amount of solar energy absorbed increases. Hence the increase in solar battery performance.

Here are only the main developments, but the matter is not limited to them. Scientists are fighting for every tenth of a percent, and so far they have succeeded. Let's hope that in the near future the efficiency of solar panels will be at the proper level. After all, then the benefits from using the panels will be maximum.

The article was prepared by Abdullina Regina

Moscow is already using new technologies for lighting streets and parks, I think the economic efficiency has been calculated there:

We welcome everyone who would like to spend a couple of minutes getting interesting information!
So, we have once again replenished the warehouse with completely new products. The number of new products is not so great, but what a number!
We are proud to present to you a line of the most efficient and spectacular solar panels on the Russian market - the Eclipse line from the Seraphim plant, which is included in the rating of the most reliable manufacturers (Bloomberg assigned Seraphim Solar TIER1 status back in 2015).

Two models of Seraphim solar panels are available for order:

  • Monocrystalline panel Eclipse SRP-320-E01B
  • Polycrystalline panel Eclipse SRP-290-E11B

The first model is made in the size of a standard monocrystalline 270 W module and at the same time produces 320 environmentally friendly watts. The second model corresponds to the size of a 250 W polycrystalline module, but the efficiency of this panel is 290 Watts - higher than that of a classic monocrystalline battery of the same size. How did you achieve such efficiency? Very simple and difficult at the same time! There are no tricks or shenanigans: the cells in Eclipse solar panels are laid out in such a way that almost the entire panel area is occupied by silicon, and the efficiency of the entire battery becomes almost equal to the efficiency of the silicon cells that make it up. True, the cells in Seraphim Eclipse solar panels are also not entirely simple - they are made using a special technology and can actually be “glued” to each other, which reduces losses on internal connections and also increases the final power.

In fact, at the moment the premium monocrystalline solar battery Seraphim SRP-320-E01B is the most efficient one available on the Russian market.

Also, another addition has been made to the shelf of solar battery models supplied by our company: an innovative “transparent” solar battery GP Solar GPDP-265W60 265 Watt power:

This model is a completely new line of solar panels. Made from two sheets of tempered glass, the thin and partially transparent (in our case 10%) solar panel is a definite trend in the world of solar energy. Anticipating and perhaps even anticipating the imminent rush of builders and architects, as well as ordinary users, we present you this new product. Transparent solar panels are suitable for those who are interested not just in the “utilitarian” component of a solar power plant, but also in realizing their creative, aesthetic needs. One or two years ago, translucent panels were just a curious novelty at specialized exhibitions, but having met with explosive interest from consumers around the world, Dual Glass products appeared in every self-respecting manufacturer. Futuristic design clearly hints at the need to use it in architectural elements - after all, being next to such a panel, the future becomes not only visible, but also tangible.

In addition to their standard purpose as an attribute of roofs and ground areas, such panels can be used as the main surface of a wall, fence, canopy, they can become an excellent alternative to window glass, or the heart of an architectural composition - we leave this question to your discretion. Note that the strength of these panels is sufficient for an adult to stand comfortably on their surface (bearing capacity is 5400 Pa).

Of course, frameless technology, which has previously proven itself well in Pramac and Hevel micromorphic modules, is by no means new, however, in comparison with analogues, these batteries are significantly more efficient. The power density of GPSolar GPDP-265W60 transparent solar cells is 16.11%, which is more than 2 times higher than micromorphic solar cells. This is an undeniable advantage when organizing a solar power plant on a limited roof or canopy area.
Among other things, a frameless solar panel with two layers of glass has a longer service life, since, unlike traditional solar panels with an aluminum frame, it is not affected by the difference between the temperature deformation of the aluminum frame and glass (which over the years leads to damage to the structure, especially in Russian conditions, where solar panels are subject to large temperature changes each year).

As for mounting frameless solar panels, there are no difficulties with this either. Our company has been supplying high-quality batteries for many years, which installers of this type of batteries throughout the country have long known about.

Solar panels are a unique system that allows you to convert solar rays into electrical and thermal energy. The growing demand for solar products today is determined by their quick payback, durability, and availability of coolant. But what voltage can solar panels produce? Read the article about how effective solar systems are and what their efficiency depends on.

High efficiency solar panels: types of converters

The efficiency of solar batteries is a value that is equal to the ratio of the power of electricity to the power of solar rays incident on the panel of the device. Modern solar cells have an efficiency ranging from 10 to 45%. This large difference is due to differences between the materials used and the design of the battery plates.

So, solar panel plates can be:

  • Thin film;
  • Multi-junction.

The latter type of solar panels, today, are the most expensive, but also the most productive. This is due to the fact that each junction in the plate absorbs waves of a certain length. Thus, the device covers the entire spectrum of sunlight. The maximum efficiency of batteries with multijunction panels obtained in laboratory conditions is 43.5%.

Energy experts say with confidence that in a few years this figure will increase to 50%. The efficiency of thin-film plates depends, to a large extent, on the material they are made of.

Thus, thin-film solar batteries are divided into the following types:

  • Silicon;
  • Cadmium.

The most popular solar batteries that can be used for domestic purposes are those with silicon film wafers. The volume of such devices on the market is 80%. Their efficiency is quite low - only 10%, but they are affordable and reliable. The efficiency index is several percent higher for cadmium plates. Films with particles of selenide, copper, indium and gallium have a higher efficiency, which is equal to 15%.

What determines the efficiency of solar panels?

The efficiency of photoelectric converters is influenced by many factors. So, as noted above, the amount of energy generated depends on the structure of the converter panel and the material of their manufacture.

In addition, the efficiency of solar inverters depends on:

  • Forces of solar radiation. Thus, with a decrease in solar activity, the power of solar installations decreases. In order for the batteries to provide the consumer with energy at night, they are supplied with special batteries.
  • Air temperatures. Thus, solar panels with cooling devices are more productive: heating the panels negatively affects their ability to convert energy into current. So, in frosty, clear weather, the efficiency of solar batteries is higher than in sunny and hot weather.
  • The angle of inclination of the device and the incidence of sunlight. To ensure maximum efficiency, the solar panel should be aimed directly at the sun's radiation. The most effective models are those whose inclination level can be changed relative to the location of the Sun.
  • Weather conditions. In practice, it has been noted that in areas with cloudy, rainy weather, the efficiency of solar converters is much lower than in sunny regions.

In addition, the efficiency of solar converters is also affected by their level of cleanliness. In order for the device to work productively, its plates must consume as much solar radiation as possible. This can only be done if the devices are clean.

The accumulation of snow, dust and dirt on the screen can reduce the efficiency of the device by 7%.

It is recommended to wash screens 1-4 times a year, depending on the degree of contamination. In this case, you can use a hose with a nozzle for cleaning. Technical inspection of converter elements should be carried out every 3-4 months.

Solar power per square meter

As noted above, on average, one square meter of photovoltaic converters provides the generation of 13-18% of the power of the sun's rays falling on it. That is, under the most favorable conditions, you can get 130-180 W per square meter of solar panels.

The power of solar systems can be increased by increasing the panels and increasing the area of ​​photovoltaic converters.

You can also get more power by installing panels with higher efficiency. However, the rather low (in comparison, for example, with induction converters) efficiency of available solar cells is the main obstacle to their widespread use. Increasing the power and efficiency of solar systems is the primary task of modern energy.

The most efficient solar panels: rating

The most efficient solar converters today are produced by Sharp. Three-layer, high-power, concentrating solar panels have an efficiency of 44.4%. Their cost is incredibly high, so they are used only in the aerospace industry.

The most affordable and effective are modern solar panels from the following companies:

  • Panasonic Eco Solutions;
  • First Solar;
  • MiaSole;
  • JinkoSolar;
  • Trina Solar;
  • Yingli Green;
  • ReneSola;
  • Canadian Solar.

Sun Power produces the most reliable solar inverters with an efficiency of 21.5%. The company's products are absolutely popular in commercial and industrial facilities, second only to devices from Q-Cells.

Efficiency of solar panels (video)

Modern solar panels, as environmentally friendly energy conversion devices with inexhaustible coolant, are gaining increasing popularity. Already today, devices with photoelectric converters are used for household purposes (charging phones, tablets). The efficiency of solar installations is still inferior to alternative methods of generating energy. But increasing the efficiency of converters is the primary task of modern energy.