Bake yeast-free bread from rye flour. Rye bread - how to bake at home in the oven or bread machine according to recipes with photos

The topic “The benefits and harms of yeast-free bread” has remained popular for more than one generation. The disadvantage and advantage is its structure.

Due to its density and rigidity, it has an excellent effect on the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the functioning of the intestinal muscles.

The main positive point is the absence of yeast, and as a result, there is no harm to the intestinal microflora.

As for the shortcomings, the most significant can be considered the specific taste. People are accustomed to fluffy and aromatic yeast bread; its counterpart without yeast has a dense structure and therefore will be almost half the size. In terms of taste, yeast-free baked goods are specific, but no less tasty than regular bread.

A simple bread machine recipe

Baking yeast-free bread in a bread machine is not a difficult or time-consuming task. The main thing is to stick to the recipe, and the machine will do everything itself.

To prepare yeast-free dough you will need:

  • flour 2-2.5 cups;
  • kefir 0.8-1.0 cups;
  • salt, sugar and soda one teaspoon each.

All components are placed in the bread machine and, using a special mode, the dough is first kneaded, and then the baking itself is carried out.

Lenten yeast-free bread in the oven.

Some housewives do not have the opportunity or desire to purchase modern appliances for the kitchen, and bake bread in the oven. At the same time, it does not lose its unique taste and benefits.

Ingredients for preparing lean, yeast-free bread:

  • water 1 glass;
  • flour 2 cups;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Preparation steps:

  1. First step: leaven is made. Mix a small amount of flour (30-40 g) and boiled water (1/4 cup) in a container and cover with a thick cloth. For a day, the mixture is placed in a warm place to obtain a starter.
  2. Second step: after 24 hours, another small amount of flour (50 grams) is carefully mixed into the starter, and again put away in a warm place for 24 hours.
  3. Third step: kneading the dough. The starter is mixed with the remaining flour and warm water, sugar and salt are added. The dough is kneaded until smooth.
  4. Fourth step: resting the dough. After kneading, the dough should rest for 2-3 hours.
  5. Fifth step: baking. The dough is placed in a special form and baked in the oven.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Another modern device to make the cooking process easier is the multicooker. It is capable of performing the same baking functions as a bread machine, with the exception of the first stage - kneading the dough. That is why, to prepare yeast-free dough, you should go through all the necessary steps as in the case of the oven, only the final stage changes a little - we prepare the bread in a slow cooker. This will not affect the taste, but cooking will become much more comfortable and easier. At the same time, the product will definitely not dry out or overbake, because modern kitchen appliances allow you to control the baking time.

Rye yeast-free bread

You can consider making rye bread as an example. After all, it will require a special type of flour - rye. First, a yeast-free starter is prepared, only rye flour is used and preferably coarsely ground. Add 1 liter of water at room temperature, salt to taste and 800 grams of flour to the starter. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass of viscous consistency is obtained. Next, the prepared dough should “breathe” for a couple of hours and only after that it should be baked in any device - oven, slow cooker, oven, bread maker. For additional flavor and filling, you can add sesame, sunflower or flax seeds to the dough.

Monastic cooking recipe

Monastery bread smells delicious and is easy to prepare. The only caveat is that preparing the dough itself lasts 4 hours.

A special starter is also used.

  • water 800 ml;
  • whole grain flour 300 gr;
  • rye flour 700 gr;
  • salt 1 dessert spoon without top;
  • leaven;
  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, pre-peeled), raisins - a small handful each.

Dissolve salt in warm water. If you have a wooden spoon, put 2 spoons; if you use tablespoons, then 4. It is very important that the water is a little warm. If the seeds are roasted, they must cool beforehand.

Stir these products with your hands until smooth. Afterwards you can add flour. It must be sifted before use. This will not work with whole grain, but rye can be easily sifted so that it is saturated with air. Mix gently, squeezing out any lumps. At first it may seem like there is too much flour, but with prolonged kneading the dough will be well soaked. It is recommended to leave it for a third of an hour under a towel to brew.

Place the dough on a board sprinkled with flour. It turns out heavy and thick. When, when kneading, it stops sticking to your hands, you can form a bun, roll it a little in flour, lightly beat it with your hands, tossing it up. Sometimes you beat the dough on the table, but there is a risk of covering everything around with flour.

Place the finished ball in a bowl, cover with a towel, and leave for 10 hours. You can put everything in the oven without turning it on. During this time the dough rises. Next, we lay it out in the molds and bake it at 180 degrees for an hour. After cooling, remove from the molds and cover with a damp cloth.

Important! Whole wheat flour will be the healthiest.

On kefir

Lush and tender dough is prepared with kefir:

  • flour;
  • kefir 1 glass;
  • salt 1.5 tsp;
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.;
  • any oil 50 g;
  • ½ tbsp. l. yeast;
  • egg.

Pour kefir into the dough container. In the microwave or in a water bath, lightly heat the butter (margarine). Add to kefir, add dry yeast, sugar and salt. Mix all products until smooth. Pour in the flour little by little, in small portions, until you can form a small ball, and leave to rise for an hour and a half.

Grease a baking sheet or mold with oil, and in a separate container beat the egg to grease. Pour a little vegetable oil onto the work surface, lay out the dough and roll into a thick sausage. Divide it into 8 pieces, turn it into a small cake and place it on a baking sheet. They will be small at the moment, but they will rise in the oven.

Brush with egg wash and bake. Small breads bake quickly - in just 7-10 minutes.

Traditional Irish soda bread without yeast

An interesting recipe - Irish, without unhealthy yeast and made from whole grain flour.

  • whole grain and wheat flour - 250 g each;
  • curdled milk 420 gr;
  • half a glass of raisins;
  • 2 tsp. lie salt;
  • 1 tsp. lie soda

Mix all the dry ingredients, pour in the yogurt and gently stir the dough so that all the ingredients come together, but under no circumstances knead it.

Sprinkle the table with flour, turn out the dough and give it the desired shape. Sprinkle a baking tray with flour and place the product. Carefully make cuts on the ball and sprinkle with whole wheat flour for decoration. Place in the oven at 200 degrees and bake for 45 minutes.

Sourdough bread made from water and whole grain wheat flour

Yeast-free sourdough bread is called “Healthy” because it is prepared with live sourdough and with the addition of whole grain flour.

For sourdough:

  • 2 tbsp. l. wheat starter;
  • 150 grams of white flour;
  • 150 grams of filtered water.

For the test:

  • 350 g whole grain flour;
  • 300 grams of wheat sourdough;
  • 150 grams of water;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Combine the starter and water in a container, add salt and sugar, and mix.

Add flour to the mixture and knead for a minute. Let it rest under a towel for 10 minutes.

Add oil and continue kneading. The dough should be soft, elastic, and not stick to your hands. Cover the container with film and leave to rise for 3 hours.

After the required time, place the dough on a work surface sprinkled with flour. Divide into 8 parts and form koloboks. Grease the mold with oil and fold the products. Cover with film again and leave for an hour or two. Place in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees, and then reduce the temperature to 180. The bread is ready.

On a note. Water is used either slightly warm or at room temperature. Otherwise, neither the yeast nor the starter will work.

Every housewife has bread on her table; depending on her tastes and capabilities, it can be purchased or freshly baked, with or without yeast, wheat or rye. But one thing will always remain the same - this wonderful and delicious pastry will never leave its pedestal in cooking.

And now, by popular demand, I’ll tell you how to bake yeast-free bread at home.

First, I would like to say that Bread used to be treated as a living being; leaven was cherished like the apple of one’s eye and passed on from generation to generation. It was believed that the longer the leaven lasts, the greater the Power of the baked bread. And, of course, it’s better to bake in a calm, even state of mind...

Today I’ll tell you how to bake sourdough bread from rye flour.

To prepare the sourdough, you only need rye flour and water. It takes three days to prepare for the first time, and then you can knead bread on it at any time.

So let's get started...

On the first day for sourdough, I take 50-100 g of rye flour and warm water - enough to dilute the flour to the state of liquid sour cream, put the dishes with the sourdough, covered with a towel or gauze, in a warm place, usually on a cabinet or refrigerator, and leave it there for day.

On the second day, I add the same amount of flour as on the first day, add water, again until it becomes liquid sour cream, mix and again leave for a day.

On the third day, I repeat the same procedure as on the second and leave until fermentation begins - until bubbles appear. The appearance of bubbles is a sign that the starter is ready for mixing the dough.

We can say that dough is diluted leaven.

To prepare one small loaf, I add a glass and a half of warm water, no higher than 40 degrees, to the starter, add rye flour until it becomes thick sour cream, or like dough for pancakes.

I cover the dish with the dough with a clean towel and put it upstairs again, in a warm place, for several hours. At first I left it for 4-6 hours, now I usually leave the dough overnight, and in the morning I knead the dough, this does not make the bread sour.

The main thing you need to remember in the morning, if you don’t want to wait three days again for the sourdough to be prepared, is to put 100 grams of the prepared dough into a jar. This will be the starter for making the next bread.

I cover it with gauze in several layers, put it in the refrigerator, and it is advisable to take it out 6-10 hours before preparing new bread so that it comes to life a little. Sourdough doesn’t last very long without feeding; if you don’t bake, once a week or two you need to add a little flour and warm water to it and feed it...

The finished dough gurgles, bubbles and rises. On it, when we have separated the starter for next time, knead the dough.

For the dough, depending on what kind of bread I want to bake, I take rye or wheat flour, about a tablespoon of vegetable oil, salt, bran, wheat germ, and add flax or sunflower seeds. When preparing wheat bread, I sometimes add raisins, but before putting them in the dough, I wash them, dry them on a cloth and roll them in flour, then they do not spread in the bread.

I knead the dough until it can be kneaded with my hands. I prepare the vessel in which I will bake the bread, usually a frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil, and place the finished dough on it. And again I put it on the cupboard for three to four hours so that the dough comes through. Depending on what flour is used, it can rise two to four times. Wheat bread rises better.

When the bread is ready, I put it in the oven or oven at maximum temperature. Rye bread is baked for 40-45 minutes, wheat bread - 5 minutes less. I take the bread out of the oven, wrap it in a towel, and usually put it in a warm place, for example, under a blanket.

As a small digression, I’ll say that we practically don’t cook food, we just bring it to a boil and put it under a magic blanket, where the food comes out like in a Russian oven...

If the crust of the bread is very hard, you can sprinkle it with a little water.

So, the bread is ready! By the way, you can also use wheat flour for sourdough.

You can negotiate with those who want to come and learn how to bake bread. Moreover, I teach not only how to bake bread, but also tell you how to treat it, how to make Healthy and Protective Bread.

I wish you all Health and Prosperity!

Elena Romanova from the settlement of Zalesye in Karelia.

Yeast-free rye bread has recently become increasingly popular. Now some people even make yeast-free bread at home, and I am also one of them. Those who make rye bread are proud of this miracle of their own preparation, describing its taste and aroma to all their friends. Homemade yeast-free rye bread has many advantages over store-bought yeast bread.

When bread dough sours, it ferments more slowly, which is good for the proteins in the flour. Yeast-free rye bread stays fresh longer and is stored longer, and it does not contain any preservatives. When we eat yeast-free bread, all the beneficial substances contained in it are better absorbed by our body.

Yeast-free bread enhances the healing properties of rye. Rye, as we know, improves digestion and metabolic processes in the body, removes toxins from it, and improves immunity. There is one more important advantage of yeast-free rye bread: it does not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar. Yeast-free bread contains less sugar, unhealthy fats, preservatives and antifungal additives. These additives inspire fear in everyone who reads food labels and knows about their negative effects on our body.

Rye bread that you baked without using yeast is bread that you baked with love. If you care what kind of bread you eat, then spend your time, energy on it and put your soul into it, and then this yeast-free rye bread will be tastier than the best

Preparing yeast-free bread is a rather lengthy process. If you have a yeast-free sourdough starter for bread ready, then starting from Friday evening to Saturday lunchtime you will bake it, but you will still have rye bread for several days and in addition you will give yourself great pleasure from eating the delicious freshly baked pulp of natural yeast-free rye bread made with your own hands. Nothing can compare to this!

First, I will tell you how to prepare yeast-free sourdough for bread, and then how to prepare yeast-free dough and bake rye bread.

Yeast-free sourdough for bread

  1. Mix 100 milliliters of warm water at a temperature of 40 degrees and 100 grams of wholemeal rye flour in a stainless pan with a displacement of 3-4 liters.
  2. Cover with foil or towel.
  3. Place in a warm place for three days. I usually put it on the battery. Every day, the starter for unleavened rye bread should be stirred with a stainless steel or plastic spoon.
  4. On the fourth day, add one liter of water at a temperature of 40 degrees and 100 grams of wholemeal rye flour. Mix. Leave the resulting batter for a day at room temperature without covering with a towel.

Five days have passed and the starter for unleavened rye bread is ready. You can put it in small jars of one hundred grams each, or you can, as I do, put the starter in bags and freeze it in the freezer. It can be stored in this condition for up to a year. If you want some rye, take out the package, defrost it and cook for your health. A new starter can be prepared much faster if you do not use the last package and repeat the entire process starting from the fourth day.

Fresh yeast-free rye bread

For the evening of the first day we will need:

  • 100 grams of yeast-free sourdough
  • 180 grams rye flour
  • 300 milliliters of water

Mix all the ingredients in one bowl, cover with foil and leave it overnight in a warm place. The temperature in this warm place should be 22-24 degrees

For the morning of the second day we will need:

  • dough from the previous day
  • 500 grams of good quality rye flour
  • 100 milliliters warm water
  • 200 milliliters yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  1. Mix all the ingredients. If you have a dough mixer, mix it in it. Start with 5 minutes at low speed and then 5 minutes at medium speed.
  2. Cover with foil and leave to rise until the dough doubles in size. This usually takes three to five hours.
  3. Place the dough for unleavened rye bread on a wooden board sprinkled with rye flour. Divide the dough into two parts and make balls out of them.
  4. Place the balls on baking paper, sprinkle with flour and cover with a towel. Leave the rye dough for an hour to rise. you can learn the secrets of making delicious dough.
  5. We see that cracks have appeared in the flour, so now we put the yeast-free rye bread in the middle of the oven preheated to 250 degrees, and put another baking sheet down, on which we put a couple of ice cubes. Reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and bake the bread for one hour.
  6. Take out the yeast-free rye bread and let it cool on a wire rack.

Cut a piece, pour in olive oil, top with young shoots of arugula, top with dried beef ham, Parmesan cheese, a little butter, salt and a drop of lemon juice - the result is an excellent delicacy.

The fashion for home baking has been growing in recent years. This is facilitated by the emergence of gadgets that help this, namely bread makers and the ever-increasing interest of people in their health and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, today the question is more relevant than ever - how to bake rye bread (recipes with and without sourdough)?

Since ancient times in Rus' - for many centuries the main food has been lean bread made from coarse wheat. And this is no coincidence; it is in such flour that all vitamins and grain shells are preserved to a greater extent.

Bread made from rye flour without yeast is diabetic and medicinal at the same time. Its use improves intestinal motility, and people who consume black (rye) bread are less likely to expose the body to the development of obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is very important to note that black bread helps the body remove carcinogens and many other harmful substances, while white bread cannot do this. Doctors recommend consuming up to 150 grams of rye bread per day without harm to the body - that’s about 3-4 pieces.

Those who like to watch their calorie intake will also be pleasantly surprised by the numbers - 100 grams of black bread corresponds to only 117 kcal.

If yeast is eliminated from at least the bread in your house, the whole family will definitely become healthier. Heartburn will go away, blood will improve, and therefore, of course, it’s worth spending time preparing healthy rye at home.

Back to the roots

The first recipe for making dough without yeast

  1. Water – 800 ml;
  2. Flour – 300 grams (whole grain);
  3. Flour – 700 grams (rye);
  4. Salt - an incomplete dessert spoon.

To knead rye you need: flour, water, additives (various seeds) and salt.

  • Pour water (room temperature - neither cold nor hot) into a container and add salt, mix.
  • We take different seeds - for example, sesame, flax, sunflower. The seeds are pre-fried a little in a frying pan. Pour them into our container.
  • Add 2 heaped tablespoons of homemade sourdough and mix everything again. Homemade sourdough is thick, but you need to stir it well and you can help it dissolve with your hands.
  • We take whole grain flour (the kind sold in stores) and it contains the bran, the center of the grain, and the surface. The temperature of the flour must be at room temperature.
  • Sift the flour into a container (it will be saturated with oxygen during the sifting process) and all unnecessary particles will be eliminated.
  • Add flour in small portions and mix, at first everything will be liquid, and gradually thicker and thicker.
  • The dough at this stage is not quite ready yet, but it needs to be left for 20 minutes, covered with a towel, all the components need to come together.
  • 20 minutes have passed, we take the dough, it has not changed visually - but in fact, flour, salt, water, leaven and seeds have been combined into one whole - into our future yeast-free rye bread.
  • The dough turned out thick, heavy, rested. Take it out onto a board with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. Flour is poured on the board - approximately 100-120 grams.
  • Knead the dough with your hands, attracting flour into it and removing excess air voids. The warmth of human hands for 2-3 minutes works a miracle - the dough is homogeneous, thick, elastic and does not stick to your hands.
  • The dough is shaped into a bun and placed in a container for another 8-10 hours. The dough stands this time, covered with a towel (folded 2-3 times, that is, the fabric is large), in a warm place in the room.
  • Over the past few hours, the dough has risen and it’s time to put it in the baking pans.
  • Shapes can be different - round, rectangular, square, large and small. Before baking, grease the pan with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with flour.
  • Bread is baked in the oven for approximately 60 minutes at a temperature of 180 o C. The oven is preheated.
  • Remove the bread from the oven, cool and only then remove from the pan.
  • Place in the designated area and cover with a wet (wrung out) towel for a short time.

The second recipe for making dough without yeast

  • Flour – 650-700 grams, peeled;
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons (replacement – ​​sugar);
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Water – 400 ml;
  • Sourdough – 6-8 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • Additives – various (raisins, dried apricots, seeds).

The process of preparing yeast-free dough (recipe):

  • The dough is kneaded from all ingredients, first all liquid ingredients and additives are combined.
  • Next, add flour in portions, sifting and mixing.
  • The finished dough is laid out in molds, it is allowed to stand (rise, rise) for two hours in a warm place, the molds are covered with a towel.
  • After 2 hours, the dough has risen in the molds and is ready for baking.
  • In order for the dough to have a beautiful crispy crust, it must be well moistened on top - this can be done with a silicone brush or a spray bottle.
  • Place a container of water under the bread in the oven.
  • Bake in a preheated oven 20 minutes with oven temperature 200 o C, open the door and moisten the surface of the dough with water again.
  • Now reduce the temperature to 180 o C and bake for another 40 minutes.
  • The finished black (rye) bread is cooled under a damp cloth and removed from the mold.

The third recipe for dough without yeast on mineral carbonated water without sourdough

To prepare yeast-free dough you will need:

  • 2 glasses - sparkling mineral water (not cold);
  • 3-3.5 cups – whole grain rye flour;
  • ½ teaspoon – salt.

The process of making dough without yeast (recipe):

  • Mix flour with salt.
  • Gradually add sparkling water and stir well. Stir briefly.
  • The dough turned out to be elastic and not sticky to your hands. This can be adjusted by the amount of water.
  • We make buns (round, oval, loaf-shaped).
  • Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil.
  • Place the buns on a baking sheet and use a knife to draw cuts on each piece – parallel or in squares. This must be done so that under the influence of temperature and rising of the dough, it does not “tear” and breaks or cracks do not form.
  • The oven is preheated, place a baking sheet in it and bake rye bread 60 minutes at 180 degrees.

Properly baked rye bread without yeast can be stored for 3-4 weeks without refrigeration; it can also be frozen - this significantly extends its shelf life. Again, the most delicious bread is piping hot - fresh and appetizing.

Yeast-free rye bread goes very well with fermented milk products, vegetables and soup. But meat and meat products to go with it are not the best combination, since the simultaneous presence of bread and meat in the stomach slows down digestion and heartburn and heaviness appear.

Cooking recipe - Yeast-free sourdough (second name is mother liquor)

Homemade rye bread is a healthy addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is rich in vitamins, essential amino acids and fatty acids, coarse fiber and mineral elements. The low glycemic index makes it possible to include bread made from rye flour in the menu of diabetics. You can prepare bread at home in several ways: with or without yeast, with sourdough or tea leaves. Regardless of the recipe you choose, the bread will turn out fragrant and tasty.

Secrets of making homemade rye bread

Working with rye flour is more difficult than working with wheat flour. This is explained by the physical and chemical composition of the grain. Rye flour requires less water, the dough from it is viscous and sticky, not so fluffy and heavy. To make it easier to knead the dough, you can add a little wheat, oatmeal, corn or buckwheat flour. Water is added gradually, pouring in a thin stream until the required dough consistency. Another important point is sifting.

It is advisable to sift rye flour through a fine sieve 2 or 3 times.

A few more little tricks:

  • Use only filtered or boiled water, and, if possible, mineral water with gas;
  • The vagaries of rye flour can be easily overcome if all products are measured on special kitchen scales, and not using measuring cups;
  • If you have little experience working with rye flour, you need to start with recipes with yeast;
  • To make the product aromatic and spicy, you can add spices to the dough. Rye flour goes well with cardamom, chili, coriander, cumin, turmeric, black pepper and mustard, thyme, oregano, etc.
  • You can make bread without yeast at home using tea leaves and sourdough. This will give the product a rich aroma, pleasant sourness and a recognizable bread taste.

Rye sourdough recipe

Classic rye sourdough is a combination of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation, and it is needed to obtain a porous and soft dough. Sourdough for bread without yeast is made from dried hop cones. A glass of the product is poured with a couple of glasses of water and boiled for a minute. Then the broth is infused for about 8 hours, filtered and poured into a fermentation container. 1/2 cup rye flour, tbsp. honey (can be replaced with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, molasses) and a glass of intoxicating broth are mixed and placed in a warm place for a day. During this time, the volume of the mass increases 2 times.

A simple starter is prepared from flour (100 g) and water (130 ml). Knead a homogeneous and creamy dough, which is covered with gauze or thin cotton, and put in a warm place for 20-26 hours. On the second and subsequent days, the starter is fed with the same amount of water and flour. Yeast-free sourdough is ready on the fifth day.

For preparation, it is advisable to use a 2-3 liter jar - during the fermentation process, the volume of the mass increases almost 2 times. This sourdough is also called eternal because part of it is used for baking rye unleavened bread, and the second part of the sourdough is stored in the refrigerator. To maintain working qualities, feed the starter every 2-3 weeks with flour (100 g) and water (100-110 ml). If a dense crust has formed on the surface, then remove it, pour the starter into another container and leave to breathe for 1.5-2.5 hours. Then they feed it and put it back in the refrigerator.

Tea leaves recipe

The water-flour mixture in bread production is used as a vital medium for lactic acid bacteria and yeast. This mixture is called tea leaves, and its use improves the taste of bread, slows down the drying process and increases the activity of yeast fungi.

Make a brew for rye bread from coarse wallpaper flour (85 g), 1.5 tsp. coriander powder and 25 g of red malt. Pour boiling water into the ingredients in a thin stream. Knead thoroughly and place in the oven for 2 hours at 65°C. Allow time for the brew to cool before use.

Delicious step-by-step recipes

Baking in a bread machine

Using a bread machine to bake homemade bread significantly saves time and speeds up the process. Another advantage of the technology is the automation of cooking. The program itself determines the kneading time, standing time, temperature and baking duration. To prepare, add 230 g of flour and rye (oat, barley) bran, tsp. dry yeast. Grind the mass with 25 g of softened butter. Separately, 1/2 tsp is diluted in 380 ml of warm milk. sugar and tsp. salt. Liquids are added to flour and mixed. The mold is placed in the bread machine and the program for rye bread is selected.

Oven Recipes

To prepare simple bread, you will need a glass of wheat and rye flour, about half a glass of chopped oat bran. The ingredients are mixed, sugar (2 tsp) and salt (1.5 tsp), a little basil and coriander are added. Then pour in 6 tablespoons in parts. sunflower, sesame, mustard or olive oil and knead. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can grease them with oil.

When the mass has become homogeneous, pour in 0.5 liters of mineral water with gas in a thin stream. It is needed to provide an airy and porous structure. The finished dough does not need resting or proofing since it contains no yeast. It is transferred to a heat-resistant form, greased with oil. You need to make several cuts on the surface of the future bread with a sharp knife: this is necessary so that the crust is even and does not crack from evaporation and internal gases. To bake homemade bread, the oven is heated to 200°C, and the cooking time is about 40 minutes. Once cooked, the bread needs 60-75 minutes to steam in the oven once it is ready. Then it is taken out and cooled under a thin towel or thick napkin.

Whole wheat bread

Making whole grain bread begins with brewing fermented rye malt. For this, 2 tbsp. The product is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water along with spices (coriander, cumin, cardamom). After 10 minutes, add 230 ml of water at room temperature and a couple of tbsp. olive oil (the bread will be more aromatic if you use mustard or linseed oil) and dark (forest, meadow, pine) honey.

Separately mix 11 g of dry baker's yeast and 1 packet of baking powder, tsp. salt, 3 cups rye flour and a cup of whole grain wheat flour. Combine the dry ingredients with the tea leaves, mix thoroughly and form a ball. The dough is left to rest and rise for 1.5-3 hours.

Grease a heat-resistant mold with butter and transfer the finished dough into it. The surface of the future bread is moistened with water using a silicone brush. Cover the mold with a towel or thick paper napkin and leave for another 40-60 minutes. Homemade bread is baked for about an hour at 180°C.

Rye yeast-free bread

Delicious and quick bread can be prepared using soda and kefir. 250 ml of fat kefir needs to be heated (it should be warm, but not hot), dilute a tsp in it. soda and leave for 15-25 minutes. In a large container, mix 150 grams of rye flour, 150 g of wheat and 50 g of oatmeal, 15 g of brown sugar, 10 g of salt. Then kefir is added to the dry mixture. Knead the dough into a soft and pliable dough, which is then allowed to proof for about 40 minutes.

This recipe for unleavened rye bread is convenient because it does not require sourdough or yeast, and its taste is delicate and rich. Bake at 180-190°C for no more than 45 minutes.

Homemade bread recipe with yeast

Homemade rye-wheat bread has a pleasant aroma, a porous crumb and an appetizing crispy crust. To prepare, you need to sift 2 cups of wheat flour and 1 cup of rye flour 2 or 3 times, add a couple of tsp. yeast and mix thoroughly. Then add 1.5 tbsp. brown sugar and 1-2 tsp. salt. Pour in 0.3 liters of warm water (you may need more or less depending on the quality of the flour).

Transfer the dough to a floured table and knead with your hands for about 10 minutes. During this time, the dough should become elastic, shiny and smooth. Then the holding container is greased with oil, the resulting dough is transferred into it and covered with a cotton towel. Usually, future bread is given 1.5-2 hours to proof. The finished dough is placed in molds, kept for another 30-45 minutes and baked in a well-heated oven for about 30-40 minutes at 200°C.

Coffee bread recipe

This unusual rye bread without yeast will appeal not only to coffee fans, but also to those who love spicy and aromatic homemade baked goods.

Preparation begins with brewing coffee: 2 tsp. freshly ground coffee, brew 300 ml of boiling water, add 75 g of rye flour. Stir vigorously with a whisk for 3-5 minutes. When the mixture has cooled slightly, add tsp. black pepper, 300 g wheat and 170 g rye flour, 1.5 tsp. salt. Knead into a soft and homogeneous dough. To make the bread porous and fluffy, the dough is allowed to proof for about 30 minutes, and the formed loaf is left for an additional 45 minutes. Before baking, the product is brushed with beaten egg on top and sprinkled with poppy seeds, flax seeds or a mixture of cumin and sesame seeds. Baking conditions: 45 minutes at 230 °C.

Homemade bread with dried fruits in a slow cooker

You can make delicious yeast-free bread at home in a slow cooker. It will be an excellent addition to breakfast or afternoon snack and will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

How to prepare sweet yeast-free bread in a slow cooker: stir 250 ml of hot (90°C) water with 65 g of rye flour and 4 tbsp. fermented malt from rye grains. Add a couple of tsp to the brew. coriander and 1 tsp. cumin. Stir thoroughly and leave under cling film until completely cooled.

For the dough you will need the entire volume of the brew, 350 g each of peeled rye and whole grain flour, 2 tsp. salt, 65 g buckwheat honey and about 350 ml water. Mix all ingredients and add a mixture of chopped nuts, about 50 g of chopped dates, dried apricots, prunes, dry berries or dried cherries. For fermentation, the dough needs from 2.5 to 4 hours in a warm place. It will take about another hour to proof in the pan.

In the multicooker, set the program for baking bread, or set baking separately at 190°C. Depending on the volume of the mold, the bread will be ready in 45-55 minutes.

Those who like to experiment with flavors or are simply a fan of hot and spicy foods can try baking garlic chili bread. It’s easy to prepare: mix a couple of glasses of milk, 75 g of softened butter and a couple of eggs in a container. Mix the dry ingredients separately: wheat flour (200 g), rye flour (150 g), salt (5 tsp), soda (1/2 tsp), baking powder (1 tsp), nutmeg nut (1 tsp), ground garlic (1 tbsp) and ground black pepper (2 tsp).

Chili peppers are peeled, cut into thin strips, and added to the dry mixture. Liquid is added to the spicy mixture of flour and spices. To make the dough the desired consistency, it is advisable to add the milk-egg mass in parts - 5-6 tbsp. with constant stirring. The dough should be creamy, moderately sticky and homogeneous. Before baking, add a couple of tablespoons to it. Tabasco sauce and stir again. Bake fragrant bread in a heat-resistant form for about 30 minutes at 200°C.

Making homemade rye bread can be easier if you know a few tricks for working with flour and follow the technology.

To make the dough soft and porous, you can add sparkling water to it, and to make the bread fluffy and tender, knead the dough well and leave to rest. When baking bread according to the simplest recipe, you can get a different result each time if you experiment with additives and spices. The advantage of rye flour is its good compatibility with many herbs, spices, berries, nuts and dried fruits. This will make your breakfast varied, tasty and healthy.