Pyramid of love. What awaits you in love - the “Pyramid of Lovers” Tarot will tell you about it

Quite often it happens that it is difficult for a person to understand not only the feelings of his partner, but also to understand his own. In such cases, fortune telling comes to the rescue. One of these is the “Pyramid of Lovers” Tarot layout for 4 cards, which helps to consider the relationships of partners and draw conclusions on the situation. The cards provide a description of each partner, the current relationship and the prospects for the development of the existing connection.

Deck selection

There are dozens of Tarot decks, each of them has its own purpose. Of course, every master has his own favorite one with whom he works. Beginners will benefit from the advice of more experienced tarot readers.

Many decks are suitable for love fortune-telling, but beginners are recommended to make layouts for:

Classic scheme “Pyramid of Lovers”

Fortune telling Tarot “Pyramid of Lovers” 4 cards are used to view the situation in couples. This layout will help you navigate the different stages of a relationship:

  • The origins of feelings and the perspective of the novel.
  • Relationships in a couple who are legally or civilly married.
  • Getting answers to questions about relationships.
  • Questions about betrayal, feelings, the relationship of one partner to another.
  • Questions regarding the couple's expected future.

The layout also helps to understand your partner, his feelings and expectations. Do not forget that by revealing the situation, the fortuneteller accelerates events.

The classic version uses 4 cards, which are laid out as follows:

The interpretation begins with the first card; after establishing the meaning of each card, the answer is analyzed. The first card is compared with the fortuneteller’s feelings.

The second card is an assistant for the questioner and an answer to the following questions:

  • “Partner’s attitude towards the questioner?”
  • “What does the partner lack in the existing relationship?”
  • “The intentions of the partner regarding the fortuneteller?”

The third and fourth cards are the answer to the question regarding the relationship in general and the characteristics of the partners’ connection. These positions can be regarded as advice in order to normalize the situation and achieve harmony and understanding. Taking into account that in these positions there will be favorable and non-reversed cards.

Question formulation

The result of the alignment depends not only on the real state of affairs between the partners, but also on how the question of interest was asked.

The layout will give an answer to a specifically posed question, so before starting the layout it is worth formulating an accurate and open question. Without the option of answering only “Yes” or only “No”.

Also, the question should not have a hidden meaning or contain two questions in one. Before the reading, it is recommended to meditate to calm down and come into balance and harmony with yourself.

There are several important nuances to note that beginners may not be aware of. You need to pay close attention to these points, since the result of the entire fortune-telling may depend on them:

Interpretation of the layout

When interpreting the “Pyramid of Love” Tarot layout, you need to pay attention to all the cards. It is also necessary to know the interpretation of all cards used:

Interpretation of the Suit of Cups

Since the suit of Cups can also be used in fortune telling, you need to know the meaning of these cards. The most accurate is given by Rider Waite:

  • Ace of Cups - strong emotions and experiences. The desire for something new or a return to the old. Willingness to change and work on yourself. There is no need to look for love and mutual feelings, as they will soon find you.
  • Two of Cups - attractiveness, balance, happiness in love, no doubts about a partner, no tossing between two options. The choice has already been made.
  • Three of Cups - establishing relationships, getting out of a difficult situation. Openness in relationships, enjoying relationships and life in general.
  • Four of Cups - satiety, overkill. Preoccupation with unpromising relationships. Detachment from life, ignorance of new opportunities and more favorable prospects.
  • Five of Cups - a crisis in the emotional and sensual sphere, confusion and disappointment. Experiences, perception of reality do not correspond to reality.
  • Six of Cups - flirting, playful state, immature relationships. On the other hand, this can be the foundation for a mature relationship that has its own history and has survived more than one difficult situation.
  • Seven of Cups - wild imagination, disappointment. Dreaming, falling in love, delusion about existing relationships. A person can see something that is not really there, place hopes on relationships, which will then not come true and lead to collapse, since the person initially did not want to see the real state of affairs.
  • Eight of Cups - a break, the collapse of the union, this union was initially doomed to collapse, and could bring nothing but disappointment and pain.
  • Nine of Cups - pleasure and luck. The joy of relationships, intimate connection, learning something new and unknown. Good lovers in every sense of the word.
  • Ten of Cups - saturation. The culmination of a love relationship is getting everything at once. Climax can manifest itself in different ways: declaration of love, reciprocal love, intimacy, marriage, birth of children.
  • Page of Cups - tenderness, desire for intimacy. The desire to get to know each other, to look for common ground, common interests, to find new things to do together, but at the same time naivety and immaturity, the vulnerability of relationships.
  • Queen of Cups - acceptance of partners by each other, boundless love, harmony of relationships. The partner was chosen with the heart, and not by calculation or profit.
  • The King of Cups is a reference to the husband or wife of the fortune teller. Rich experience in love affairs, tenderness and sensitivity, such love has gone through a lot. Depth of feeling and rich variety.

If it is not possible to lay out the cards yourself and tell fortunes about relationships, then you can use the Internet to make an online Tarot reading “Pyramid of Lovers”. Before fortune telling, you need to concentrate on an exciting question, mentally formulate it and do it.

Love. How much has merged in this word for the Russian heart. How much resonated in him. Having slightly paraphrased the words from “Eugene Onegin”, we can say that love is the most important and delightful state of a person, being in which you want to sing and dance, fly and be delighted and just live. Live next to your loved one and be loved. What a joy it is to love and wait to meet a person for whom you are ready to do anything.

As they say, all people in love are equally happy and they have no need to decipher their relationship. It’s a completely different matter during the period of falling in love, when there is still no clarity in the relationship, when there is no confidence in reciprocal feelings, when every gesture can be deciphered in different ways. Turning to Tarot cards, lovers are looking for a kind of guide along the difficult path of developing relationships. Which will sort out the mistakes you are making and suggest a way out of the current situation. The “Pyramid of Lovers” Tarot layout includes cards of the Major Arcana, which will help you figure out where you and your chosen one stand on the road of life. What will be the consequences if your paths cross? Or maybe your paths through life run parallel, without intersecting, only occasionally touching each other.

The crisis of human relations affects not only the heart and soul of the participants in the conflict, but also those around them. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to a knowledgeable person who will tell you what to do next and how to get the relationship out of the deadlock. There is no way to find such a person - then do the “Pyramid of Lovers” fortune telling yourself on the Tarot. Here you will have the opportunity to analyze your relationship. Understand what mistakes you have already made and what to do in the future to prevent their repetition. The cards will help you look into the soul of your partner and look at yourself through his eyes.

Fortune telling “Pyramid of Lovers” - how to make a layout?

There are 78 cards in the deck, each of which carries certain information. The pictures and episodes depicted on the maps help to more fully characterize the state of affairs and make their interpretation clearer and more acceptable. But in the Pyramid of Lovers layout, only four cards take part. By decomposing them, lovers gain access to information that is embedded in their subconscious and which they are ready to accept as it really is.

  • The card in the first position will characterize you and your attitude only within the framework of relationships. You may not recognize yourself, but the cards are rarely wrong and you should consider why you and your subconscious mind are at odds.
  • The second position card will tell about your partner. About his feelings for you. About his thoughts about your relationship. About how your partner sees your future relationship.
  • What feelings your partner has for you and what kind of relationship characterizes your connection. This is exactly what the third position of the layout will tell you about. From what the cards tell you, you need to draw the right conclusions and act as your intuition tells you.
  • Lovers take the fourth position of the Tarot layout as an excursion into the future, in which you, she and your feelings take part. It will become clear to you whether your relationship has a future and what to do to ensure its continuation.

If, nevertheless, a breakup occurs, and you still cannot understand the reason, the cards will tell you that perhaps you shouldn’t blame anyone but yourself for the breakup. If your relationship can be restored, then the cards will show you what is wrong with your relationship and whether there is a way to improve it. You just have to look inside yourself and draw conclusions.

The period of falling in love is quite difficult - this is the time when both partners are not yet completely confident in each other, often feel excited and need outside advice in order to better understand the situation, as well as protect themselves from possible mistakes. However, not everyone knows that in reality, the answers to questions often lie deep within ourselves. And the “Pyramid of Lovers Tarot” layout will help you quickly and easily clarify all the unclear aspects of a relationship.

Tarot layouts can be roughly divided by complexity, and fortune telling such as the “Pyramid of Lovers” is quite simple. But you still need to take into account the nuances before the start of the Pyramid tarot reading.

Tarot layout "Pyramid of Lovers"

You can take the full deck or use only the Major Arcana, turn it face down, and draw any four cards, after which you should arrange them in the form of a pyramid, that is, one at the top and three below it. Decoding must begin in the order indicated on the diagram.

Interpretation of cards

To correctly evaluate the cards and their meaning, you first need to look at each Arcana separately, understand what it symbolizes, and only then interpret the overall picture of the resulting layout.

At the same time, in the layout the meaning of the cards will be as follows: - a fortune-telling person. It should be taken into account that this card does not explain the character as a whole, but shows the role of the lover in the relationship with the partner, strengths, weaknesses and other similar nuances, precisely in the state of communication with a specific person for whom the “Pyramid of Lovers” alignment is carried out.

The first card is partner. Explains what a person feels for a fortuneteller, why he behaves this way and not otherwise, and what he wants from this relationship.

The second card is the present. From this card you need to count down future relationships, prospects and joint future of lovers, and it is here that the presence of the Major Arcana (subject to fortune telling on the entire deck) means a significant relationship that will completely affect the life of the fortuneteller.

The third card is the future. In this map you can see the further development of relations. The fortuneteller must understand that in any case, the future does not depend on the tarot, but on the lovers themselves, but it is quite possible to see whether there is a relationship in the future. The Major Arcana in this place is also very important. For many, this card shows the great influence of a partner on later life.

Interpretation of the Major Arcana

To get a correct assessment of the layout, it is important to be able to correctly evaluate all the meanings of the cards. Different decks may offer slightly different interpretations; each fortuneteller forms his own interpretations over time. In general, the meaning of the Major Arcana will be as follows:

  • The Tower is a rather complex lasso; it can be read as liberation from the bad, unnecessary, hope for a bright future, but through negative catastrophic situations in the present. It should be remembered that any destruction makes room for something new, gives experience and increases strength for the future; such a lasso is best read not as hopeless devastation, but as the beginning of a new life.
  • The High Priestess - in fortune telling, the “Pyramid of Lovers” is interpreted as a very strong emotional connection between lovers, affection (not necessarily mutual), trust. The remaining options need to be looked at based on other Arcana.
  • Lovers - a wonderful relationship between partners, romantic, trusting and stable communication, but inverted, the meaning is interpreted exactly the opposite - unpromising relationships, disappointment in a partner and instability.
  • Universe - tarot fortune telling Pyramid of Lovers 4 cards interprets such a sign as a sign of complete harmony and mutual understanding between lovers; most likely, this particular person will be a long-term partner.
  • The devil is a connection between people exclusively on the physical level, and it is not easy to satisfy sexual needs, it is lust, debauchery, sinfulness and rigidity. If the devil has fallen, a marriage of convenience is possible, where there is no hint of true love, but only greed.
  • Priest (Hierophant) is a sign of a strong, high-quality and productive union between people. Depending on the nearby Arcana, it can be interpreted differently, for example, with the Empress it symbolizes a child.
  • Star - positive sign for lovers, is interpreted as a strong long-term alliance and joint plans.
  • Empress - trust, sexual sensitivity, transition to a new level that is more durable and of higher quality. The Empress Arcanum in some cases symbolizes an addition to the family.
  • The Emperor is a card of stability and strong relationships, a strong, time-tested alliance that is not so easy to destroy. Both partners have deep respect for each other and have common goals and objectives. A girl in such a relationship actually feels like the weaker half.
  • The Chariot is a sign of movement, a good Arcana for relationships at a dead end, monotonous connections will receive a new wave, and lovers making the alignment will believe in each other and become closer.
  • Moon - instability, uncertainty in a partner. Most likely, there are unresolved issues in the relationship that are negatively impacting communication and understanding. The moon symbolizes daydreaming, imagination and developed thinking; perhaps many problems in a couple are simply far-fetched.
  • Magician - if such a sign falls on a fortuneteller, then soon he will need to show determination and take a step forward in the relationship. If it happens to your partner, then you should expect such determination from him; most likely, in the near future, the lovers are planning a new round in their relationship.
  • Hermit - this Arcanum symbolizes the need for solitude, in order to understand more deeply, you need to build on nearby cards, it can also be a desire to remain alone and run away from everyone with a partner, and in some layouts with a full deck it is interpreted as a reliable and strong union.
  • The Hanged Man - a vicious circle of problems in relationships, the selfishness of one of the partners, a complete lack of trust and understanding, in the near future predicts a crisis and the futility of restoring warmth and tenderness between lovers.
  • Strength is an Arcana symbolizing passion, emotionality, stability and confidence. Attraction between people occurs on an energetic level, the connection is based on strong relationships.
  • Justice, on the one hand, symbolizes the absence or lack of romance, on the other hand, it compensates with honesty and decency, promising a more down-to-earth, but high-quality relationship for the couple in the future.
  • The sun is a sign of cloudless happiness, warmth, light in relationships. Most likely, there are no problems in such an alliance, and if they arise, they are resolved quickly and neither partner gets hung up on them.
  • Court is interpreted as a novelty in relationships and a solution to problems. Arcanum Judgment for lovers always means acquisition, internal changes and overcoming obstacles.
  • Death is an Arcanum, interpreted as big changes in relationships, a gap between partners, such a card must be taken for granted and remain on good terms with the person. You shouldn’t be afraid of such changes; it’s better to tune in to a new wave in life.
  • Moderation - complete mutual understanding, trust and harmony in relationships. Lovers are very comfortable with each other, they consider themselves soul mates and are in harmony and fidelity.
  • Wheel of Fortune(fortune) - if fortune tellers have experienced a crisis in relationships, such a card promises improvement, restoration and rapprochement. Lovers who have recently met may understand this arrangement as a fateful relationship that will most likely lead to a long and lasting marriage.
  • Jester - mainly symbolizes openness, simplicity and sincerity, but sometimes excessive straightforwardness harms relationships, and in this case everything depends on the partners doing the “Pyramid of Lovers” tarot spread; if they can stay together in such a situation, then there will be no directness in the future obstacle. Moreover, the Jester card is also interpreted as an ideal and harmonious sexual relationship.

Tarot will help you understand a confusing love situation when it is impossible to understand the outcome of the situation. The “Pyramid of Lovers” layout for 4 cards is a simple way to find out what the future awaits in everyone’s love story.

Fortune telling will help you understand relationships that have just begun, as well as find out what awaits stable couples. “Pyramid of Lovers” will talk about the future of partners and answer questions of interest. Turning to the Tarot is a good opportunity to intelligently deal with the problem that has arisen and avoid dangerous mistakes.

Features of fortune telling

There is no need to use all of the Tarot during a reading. Only the Major Arcana and cards of the Cups suit are used. Other Arcana do not take part in the layout. “Pyramid of Lovers” with 4 cards will help you understand the issue where you cannot do without the participation of otherworldly forces. This version of fortune telling will allow you to understand the sincere intentions of your other half and better understand the problem.

If emotions and fear of the future prevent you from sensibly assessing a possible outcome, the “Pyramid of Lovers” will put everything in its place.

The layout takes place on four cards, which are laid out in the form of a pyramid. The first is placed in the center, the second Arcana is laid out to the left of it. The third is located to the right of the first (main card). Above the other three, at the head is the fourth Arcana. This arrangement of the Tarot makes love predictions as accurately as possible. In fortune telling, each card gives a specific answer to a question.

Detailed meaning of cards

It will be possible to correctly interpret the Tarot if you first understand what each symbol in the layout means. The table presents detailed characteristics of each Arcana.

PositionWho does it characterize?Meaning
1 cardThe man himself (fortune teller)Describes the current feelings of the one who tells fortunes. The cards indicate whether everything suits the fortuneteller in the couple and whether he is happy. The arcan describes only the state of a person in a love relationship and does not affect other areas of life.
2 cardSignificant otherShows the feelings of a loved one and his behavior pattern in relationships. The second position shows how the loved one influences the fortuneteller. Arkan explains why a person behaves this way in the current circumstances.
3 cardLove relationships todayTarot shows what is happening in a love tandem today. This map should be used as a starting point for future relationship forecasts. In the case when the Major Arcana appears in the scenario, the forecast turns out to be fateful. The third position also indicates what unresolved issues and problems there are in the couple.
4 cardPossible future of loversArkan shows what awaits lovers in a relationship and says whether the couple will be able to resolve the issues that arise and maintain the connection. The tarot will indicate whether a possible breakup is expected in the future. When the Major Arcana appears in a reading, this means that the outcome of the love affair will greatly influence the fate of the fortuneteller.

“Pyramid of Lovers” is a simple option to find out the possible future awaiting partners. It must be remembered that the most accurate forecast depends on the correct interpretation. It is much easier to find out what fate has in store for a person if the fortuneteller pays attention to the following tips.

  1. During fortune telling, it is better to choose the suit of Cups. Cards in this category will help you understand as accurately as possible what kind of relationship a couple has and whether love lives in the partners’ hearts.
  2. The Major Arcana are the easiest to interpret. They give an accurate and detailed forecast of the situation. Please note that fortune telling when using the entire deck leads to confusion.
  3. During the layout, special attention is paid to the interpretation of the fourth card, which is responsible for the future. If the decoding of previous cards is done incorrectly, this will distort the entire result.
  4. When working with Tarot, focus as much as possible on your significant other. This mood will be transmitted to the cards, making the forecast reliable.
  5. It is important to remember that the future can be changed. If partners actively work on mutual understanding and harmony in the couple, the forecast will change. If the fortuneteller feels changes in communication with a loved one, it is necessary to repeat the clarifying alignment.

☞ Video story

Remember, it is easier to get a reliable answer to exciting questions for a person who understands the intricacies of working with Tarot. A professional tarot reader will make a more accurate forecast for the future in a love relationship than a beginner.

Sometimes during a reading the fortuneteller uses the entire deck. By choosing only the main Arcana, it is much easier to make a four-card layout and understand the forecast.

Tarot cards in this fortune-telling act as an adviser who will help you deal with the difficulties that have arisen in love. The layouts will show how to influence fate and change the outcome of events. The pyramid will tell you about the sincerity of your significant other’s feelings and point out possible misunderstandings that exist at the moment.

If the Lovers' Pyramid showed unfavorable developments in the near future, this is not a reason to be upset. There is always time to influence the situation and turn the forecast in your favor.

Tarot is a unique magical tool for self-analysis and self-development. The “Pyramid of Lovers” layout is able to predict options for the development of relations between a man and a woman. But it will depend only on the questioner how this forecast will be realized. Each person independently shapes his life with his thoughts, actions, and beliefs. Tarot predictions help to harmoniously and intelligently correct current situations and get answers to complex questions.

Tarot fortune telling: "Pyramid of Lovers" layout - 4 cards

A distinctive feature of the “Pyramid of Lovers” layout from other tarot layouts is the recommendation to use only the Major Arcana. It is in the representatives of the Major Arcana that the maximum of ancient sacred knowledge about the fate of man, about the interaction of his conscious and intuitive feelings, methods of self-development and the search for the right solution is encrypted. The use of the Minor Arcana can significantly confuse and complicate the interpretation of the tarot, which consists of only four cards (keys).

Before performing the “Pyramid of Lovers” layout, you need to sort the deck and select the Major Arcana. Shuffling the cards , You should concentrate deeply on the problem that has arisen in your love relationship and ask the question very clearly. Obtaining a clear and logical answer entirely depends on the correct formulation of the question. Experienced tarot readers advise relaxing and meditating before fortune telling. This will help calm the nervous system, turn off the internal dialogue, concentrate on your feelings and hear the hidden voice of the subconscious.

How the 4-card layout “Pyramid of Lovers” will help, diagram

The “Pyramid of Lovers” method of fortune telling with 4 cards will help a person who is in a state of love , realize the true depth of both your own and your partner’s feelings. It will provide an opportunity to assess the current situation in a love union, see possible prospects, or receive a warning about potential difficulties. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the lovers are legally married or at the beginning of a romantic relationship. Select 4 cards at random and arrange them in the shape of a triangle (pyramid). Place the first key in the center of the table, the second key on the left, the third on the right, and place the fourth above the first. The fundamental component of the Pyramid of Lovers is the lasso, symbolizing a fortuneteller.

Interpretation of the meanings of the “Pyramid of Lovers” layout

  1. The individual state of the questioner in the current love union: emotional experiences, outbursts of feelings, doubts, fears, hopes.
  2. Characteristic features of the partner, his true intentions, experiences, unspoken grievances. Shows sincerity of feelings and objective influence on the questioner.
  3. The situation between a man and a woman in love at the moment. The interpretation of the key will help you evaluate the positive aspects of the existing relationship, warn about pitfalls, eliminate misunderstandings, and listen to your partner.
  4. Future prospects for the loving couple. The key indicates the prerequisites and real opportunities for the harmonious development of the union. Or it reveals hidden reasons that hinder happy relationships.

How to interpret the cards in the “Pyramid of Love” layout?

Traditionally, tarot symbolism is viewed from the perspective of the upright or inverted position of the card. Interpretation of the keys in the “Pyramid of Lovers” layout:

  1. The jester is the birth of new romantic feelings. There is energy of development, optimism and strength to find happiness.
  2. The magician is a harmonious interaction of the emotional and sensual sphere, active male and supple female energy, the unification of desires and hopes.
  3. The Priestess is the embodiment of the mystical aspect of knowledge. “Learn to distinguish the true from the false, listen to the voice that communicates without sound, look at what is invisible.”
  4. The Empress is a person’s awareness of his secret and obvious desires, on the basis of which he creates his life path. Symbolizes home comfort, fertility, material wealth, problem solving, a new round of love relationships.
  5. Emperor - achieving mutual goals, logical actions, choosing the right joint path. Stabilization of the situation, possible paternity, patronage of influential people.
  6. Hierophant (Priest) - portends a marriage union, a return to the good old traditions. Teaches trust, mutual respect and caring for a loved one. Strength should be shown for the sake of the prosperity of love.
  7. Beloved are an inevitable choice guided by intuition. Represents emotional heartfelt affection, the long-awaited appearance of a life partner.
  8. The chariot is a triumph of spiritual power. Success on the way out of the closed wheel of cause and effect is achieved through persistent efforts and joint efforts of a man and a woman.
  9. Strength is a manifestation of will and perseverance, the desire to endure, even while experiencing pain. Shows the dedication of a person with which he overcomes the vicissitudes of fate.
  10. A hermit is a seeker and keeper of wisdom and virtue. Temporary isolation from society for the sake of gaining inner peace, calmness of thoughts, balance of feelings. It suggests that forced loneliness at this stage can give new feelings and happy relationships.
  11. The Wheel of Fortune is a good omen, a turning point in the love sphere. The end of a certain stage of life, the beginning of a new path.
  12. Justice symbolizes the right to self-expression of every person, his desire for development, the search for freedom and independence. It means the ability to find a common language with a loved one, the ability to listen and compromise.
  13. The Hanged Man is a combination of restlessness and enlightenment; the usual value system has been turned upside down. Readiness to accept upcoming changes, renewal and revival of feelings. Lovers are able to reconsider their relationship and draw conclusions.
  14. Death - the familiar world of people in love collapses, giving way to new achievements and relationships. The worldview expands, the feeling of the fullness of life takes on new colors.
  15. Moderation is the stability of consciousness under the influence of external influences. Represents victory over the vicissitudes of fate, making optimal informed decisions.
  16. The devil warns about excessive trust, which is abused: a partner in love does not notice a lie. In some cases, it symbolizes obsessive dependence on erotic pleasure.
  17. Tower - the destruction of previous foundations, the overthrow of values. Warns of the breakdown of a relationship or of severe trials of love, after which the opinion of the people around you will change dramatically.
  18. The star is the harmony of creative power, the balance of mutual feelings of lovers. Implementation of joint plans, fulfillment of desires, prosperity of the union of a man and a woman.
  19. The Moon is a developed intuition, the ability to notice the hidden. Increased emotionality, the ability to inspire people's trust. In some cases, it signals the partner’s duplicity, his inconstancy, unfounded claims, and insincerity of feelings.
  20. The sun is a long-awaited fulfillment of desires: a happy marriage, the birth of children, the health and material wealth of the family, the respect of others. A man and woman in love have sufficient strength to maintain peace and harmony in the family.
  21. Judgment is the awakening and renewal of feelings, the spiritual transformation of a person. Establishing relationships between lovers, immersing themselves in each other. After a long lull in the love sphere, changes come, a reward for virtue and patience.
  22. Peace is an affirmation of the correctness of one’s intentions and actions. Freeing yourself from unnecessary attachments, finding well-deserved love, starting new trusting relationships.

What awaits you in love - the tarot pyramid of lovers will tell you

Every person hopes that his love will definitely be mutual and happy, even despite the bitterness of past betrayals and disappointments. Often, people find themselves defenseless against the blows of fate in the love sphere or find themselves weak to change the circumstances of their lives. It happens that when in a relationship, people cannot completely trust their partner, do not feel complete fusion with their “other half,” do not see or do not want to see hidden difficulties, and do not find answers to the questions posed.

“The Pyramid of Lovers” is one of the ancient and proven methods of tarot reading, which will show the true state of affairs in the union of a man and a woman and provide reliable information regarding future events. Before you decide to tell fortunes on the tarot and ask the cards for advice, you need to understand that all the answers are already contained in the person himself at the level of his subconscious. The deck only acts as a conductor between real life and the hidden capabilities of the questioner, his inner voice.


The art of tarot divination “Pyramid of Lovers” lies in the fact that from the several meanings of each key it is necessary to select exactly the meaning that is significant in each specific case. Correct interpretation of the layouts allows you to receive answers, the accuracy and timeliness of which often surprises and fascinates novice tarot readers.