Georadar for searching for treasures and coins. Price and application efficiency

We note right away that the actual treasures are not searched for by any equipment. You can not set the parameters of the alleged pile of gold coins or precious stones. Therefore, all searches are performed by indirect signs, for example, by the resistance of the object, by its electromagnetic or magnetic properties. From this “stove” both geophysicists and treasure hunters have to dance (it has been noticed that modern treasure hunters become geophysicists to a certain extent, and geophysicists often become treasure hunters).
Let's take an ordinary soil metal detector. Strictly speaking, this is not a metal detector, but a finder of medium resistance anomalies. If the resistance is low enough - there will be a signal that “there is an anomaly in conduction!”. That is why “phantom” signals are often encountered - there is no metal, but the metal detector reacts. So, for some reason, the soil has a very low resistance. The same applies to any other equipment - magnetometers are not looking for iron, but for magnetization anomalies. And ground penetrating radars are looking for conductivity anomalies, not gold-silver-underground passages. In other words, all searches are conducted not on direct, but on indirect grounds.
For this reason, let's consider what additional indirect signs can help the search for the desired object.
Electrical resistance. Due to the prevalence of manual ground metal detectors, this parameter is known to all archaeologists - both professional and amateur. According to the anomalies of resistance, there are coins and treasures in the uppermost layer of soil. But what to do if the treasure is at a depth of 50, 80 centimeters, or deeper - a meter, two, three? We already know that the resolution of any equipment decreases with increasing distance from the sensor to the object (see the article “Instrument Accuracy and Resolution”). And even a pot full of gold coins at a depth of 1.5-2 meters will not be detected either by an ordinary metal detector or by a “deep” one. And here we take a closer look at the object. Yes, the pot (head over heels, cast iron, etc.) is small. But in order to bury it, a man dug a hole. And at the same time, the structure of the soil was disturbed - and it is always horizontally layered, such is the geological feature of the sedimentary cover of loose rocks into which something can be buried. And the transverse size of this hole is the larger, the deeper it is. After the treasure was lowered into the pit, the man, of course, buried it, trampled the ground, perhaps even somehow disguised it. But it is no longer possible to restore the soil structure in this pit - the layers of rocks are hopelessly mixed, and the resistance of this area has changed! As a result, we have a wonderful an indirect sign is a low-amplitude negative resistance anomaly above the well.

Fig.1 Model of the geoelectric section: reduced resistance above the pit and increased resistance above the buried foundation.

And if hundreds, even thousands of years pass, the conductivity anomaly will remain. Such an anomaly will not be detected by any metal detector - metal detectors are “sharpened” for a different level of resistance drop, much sharper, corresponding to the difference in resistance between metal and ground. But equipment capable of detecting minor conductivity anomalies has long existed in exploration geophysics. Some types of this equipment have been successfully modified to solve archaeological problems. First of all, these are archaeological resistance meters (the English device RM15 and the domestic "Electroprobe") and ground penetrating radars(see section "" and "").
The resistance meter is a frame with electrodes (Fig. 2), between which the soil resistance is measured.

Fig.2. Resistance meter RM15. Tensioned cords are visible, indicating the profiles of a uniform network.

Measurements are made point by point, along pre-selected routes. Using this method, you can perform simple search work on a specific area, when the task is set something like this: “They say my great-grandfather buried a pot of gold in his area, presumably in this garden or in that garden over there.” Or: “The estate was burned by the owners, who fled with a small hand luggage, having buried larger valuables in advance (silver, crockery, etc.)”.

Walking with electric probe according to the indicated sites with a distance between measurement points of approximately 0.5 meters, it will be possible to say with a high degree of probability where a hole has ever been dug here, to what depth and what width. In principle, the resistance method, depending on the distance between the electrodes, makes it easy to penetrate to depths of tens and even hundreds of meters, but archaeological equipment is oriented only to depths of up to 2-3 meters. Deeper its resolution drops sharply, and there are practically no archaeological objects at these depths.

Another problem solved by the method of resistance, from classical archeology: a specific site is given, and it should be found out whether there are buried foundations underground, the remains of walls, voids, underground passages. And if so, how are they located?

With the help of the same Electroprobe” or RM15, we survey the site using a pre-set network of profiles (see section “ ”). Then a map of the electrical resistance of the site is built (Fig. 4), according to which archaeologists plan further excavations.
Field work with georadar is not much different from the application of the resistance method (see Fig. 3) - the same movement along profiles during areal surveys or along arbitrary routes during searches.

Fig.3. Working with georadar

The results are also presented in the form of maps of the electrical resistance of the section or in the form of three-dimensional sections (Fig. 4.5).

Fig.4. Map based on the results of areal work with an electric probe.

However, georadar has certain advantages - firstly, georadar gives a more accurate depth determination than the resistivity method. Secondly, under certain favorable conditions, the georadar is able to distinguish individual small (from 10-15 cm in size) objects at depths up to 50-80 cm. The disadvantages of the georadar are its high cost and the need for highly qualified user (see article ""). As well as the resistance method, GPR survey reveals buried pits, foundations, and other structures. The depth at which the georadar shows an acceptable resolution does not exceed 1.5 meters (usually 50-80 cm). At great depths, of course, the resolution drops sharply, and the structures associated with human activity are obscured by geological formations. Let us pay attention to how in Fig. 5 the detail of the section changes sharply with depth - already at a depth of 2 meters only objects with a size of at least 1 meter are visible.

And let's go back to treasure hunt. Of course, the more we know about an object, the greater the chance of finding it. Now, if it is known, for example, that something is hidden in an underground passage or in the cellar of a house that was destroyed and completely disappeared from the face of the earth, then this is already a plus! The fact is that the walls of buildings, foundations and voids (and any combination of them) also give conductivity anomalies, but not in a positive direction, as is the case with pits or metals, but in a negative direction: these are objects with high resistance (Fig. 1 ). And such objects are confidently distinguished by the method of resistance or georadar. Thus, we have another stable indirect sign - an anomalously high resistance of the object.
Another group of indirect signs is associated with the magnetic properties of the medium:
All geological rocks, both rocky and loose, sedimentary, have magnetization to varying degrees. But there are objects whose magnetization is hundreds and thousands of times higher than the magnetization of rocks - these are, in 99.9% of cases, products of human activity. The exceptions are meteorites (which in themselves are of exploration interest) and iron ore deposits, which, of course, are very rare.

The magnetic field has a remarkable property: it decays in proportion to the 3rd power of the distance between the measuring instrument and the source of the anomaly, while the electromagnetic field decays in proportion to the 6th power.
In other words, magnetic anomalies caused by any objects decay 1000 times slower than the electromagnetic field signal used in metal detectors and ground penetrating radars, reflected from a conductive object. This property makes magnetic research one of the most profound methods used in archeology. At searching for iron objects no other method can be compared with magnetic prospecting in terms of efficiency. Accumulations of ceramics and burnt wood are also well detected by magnetometers. But the method also has a significant limitation - no metals, except for iron, have any noticeable magnetization, and therefore are not objects for magnetic exploration.

Let's get back to indirect search features. So, if we have a clearly defined magnetic anomaly of the appropriate size and intensity and see that the object is located at the expected depth (methods for determining the depth of the object are described in the section ""), then with a high probability we can say that we have found what we were looking for! Everything is clear and simple here: magnetic exploration does not give "phantom" anomalies - the source is always obvious. Another interesting effect has been observed in magnetic fields. If a part of this rock is removed from geological rocks that have a certain magnetization, then a low-intensity negative magnetic anomaly appears at this place, the so-called. "deficit of magnetic masses". Due to this effect, in some cases, underground passages and voids can be detected, which will be fixed on the surface as low-intensity negative anomalies. Examples of detection of such objects are known, and some are even presented on the Internet. Thus, low-intensity negative anomalies can also be an indirect sign of the desired object.

Summing up, we can say the following: the most effective for searches will be the use of not just one method, as is usually the case, but a certain rational set of methods, each of which will make its contribution to the common cause. In exploration geophysics, there is a whole section dealing with the integration of methods for solving a variety of problems. Foreign archaeologists always use a set of methods - this approach allows you to quickly and cost-effectively solve the tasks. For this reason, we considered it useful to propose a set of methods that solve the most typical search and archaeological problems in the article “Electrical prospecting in archeology”.

It is necessary, it is very necessary, Dear search engines, to reach a new progressive level of search, as there are very few “not knocked out” places left.

More and more often the thought comes to my mind to buy ground penetrating radar for finding treasures and coins in order to find several dozen coins, or even a whole treasure, without problems on a field dug up by search engines.

Only one circumstance prevents me from acquiring a “dream” - this is the price of a georadar, since the cost of it, even the cheapest (but to the best of efficiency, I do not take Chinese fakes into account) starts at 6-7 thousand dollars (for example, the excellent Russian device “Loza M ”).

By the way, watching the prices in online stores, I see and am glad that they are slowly getting cheaper. Well, our time will come, but for now I’m watching with “black envy” the lucky ones who were very lucky in finding and selling coins, and they saved up and purchased this powerful device (or risked taking it on credit).

So, what is a "geo-radar"? For those who are not “in the know”, I will briefly explain ...
This is a very powerful device for sounding (transmission, and displaying a cross-sectional image on a monitor): earth, water, and other media, and it can search not only for metals at a very great depth (up to 25 meters), but also voids in the ground , to see the structure of the mixing of soil layers (a very important parameter for a treasure hunter), i.e. if someone dug this piece of land, well, for example, at a depth of 2 meters, then it is quite possible to find something worthwhile, even if a thousand years have passed.

Its scope is very extensive: archeology, search for underground tunnels and communications in construction, they are looking for oil and gas deposits, metal deposits and much more, as long as your imagination lasts.

The principle of operation of the georadar. Which model to choose to search

Georadar consists of three main blocks: antennas (transmitting and receiving), receiving unit (usually a laptop monitor), and the main part - optical and electrical converters.

Working with this complex device requires a lot of skill and a lot of patience. But if you have firmly decided to work (search) effectively with it, and even more so have invested a lot of money in its purchase, then of course, over time, it will “submit” to you.

What is the main thing we need to know in working with him? Firstly, of the two antennas that come with the kit, to search for coins and treasures, we will be interested only in high-frequency (frequency 900-1700 MHz), they “see” not deep (up to two meters), but their resolution is very high .

Some models do not see less than a metal object 10 by 10 cm, the creators of others promise “visibility” of a large coin with a device, all this needs to be studied in detail in the instructions, and in practice, and of course, to compare individual devices (some are suitable for searching for coins, others are just do not see).

If you intend to find an underground passage, some kind of deep well, voids, deposits, then use a low-frequency antenna (frequency 25-150 MHz), you will not see small objects, and scan large voids at a depth of up to 25 meters very easily.

Each type of search has its own program, so from the very beginning you need to determine the type of search, and choose the right one.

On some expensive radars, a converter is installed that formats scans into a three-dimensional image, it is easier to work with it, and the cut of the earth is visible “at a glance”. It is not available on less expensive ones, and you have to analyze scans for a long time, and figure out what could be there.

I heard now there is a paid training for working with a georadar, those who wish can “dig up” information on the Internet. That's all .

The purpose of this article is simply to get acquainted with this device in general terms, to find out the principle and efficiency of work.

In the following articles, we will separately give characteristics to radar models, point out their advantages and disadvantages, how to work with it, and where to buy (add our site to your bookmarks and stay tuned for new articles).

In the recently established Center for Scientific and Applied Research on Energy Information Security "Veles" (Kryvyi Rih city) they seriously took up energy information research (geopathogenic zones, anomalous zones and phenomena). The Research Laboratory of Technical Design "VEGA" has been established at the Center, which has rich experience in the development of research instruments: here is the development, production and sale of technical means and devices for diagnostics (detection) and neutralization of energy-information, fine-field radiation and geopathic zones. They are busy at the Center with popularization and training (lectures, seminars on eniology, training in dowsing and instrumental diagnostics of geopathic zones) ...

At the Veles Center for Scientific and Applied Research on Energy Information Security, the development of modern electronic devices for the study of energy information interactions of a person with the outside world is in full swing, allowing diagnosing fine-field radiation of living and inert natural objects at a new, non-traditional level. Already this year, a whole line of products of the Scientific Research Laboratory of Technical Design "VEGA" appeared in the field of studying the "aura" of living and non-living objects. This line includes such models as VEGA-2, VEGA-10, VEGA-11 and VEGA-D 01 (Thumbelina).

Unique, superior to known world analogues, is the VEGA-11 device, which can become an indispensable assistant in determining geophysical anomalies and determining geopathogenic zones both indoors and in the field. Moreover, weather conditions (rain, dampness) do not affect the operation of the device.

This device has unique properties, surpassing the Russian development of the IGA-1 type, due to the fact that it is based on new scientific approaches. Their essence lies in the fact that in a normal electromagnetic field, at the interface between two media with different conductivity, a double electric layer appears, which creates a weak electric (electromagnetic) field, i.e., if there is an object underground that contrasts with the natural (continuous) field of the Earth, then fixing these changes on the surface (intensity, polarization ellipses, frequencies, etc.) it is possible to fix this object. By applying a high-frequency field illumination method, we excite this weak electromagnetic field, which allows us to more confidently identify anomalies in the natural electromagnetic field.

In practice, this makes it possible to detect centuries-old burials, foundations of destroyed buildings, voids in the ground (tunnels, caches, dugouts, underground passages up to 12 meters deep, etc.). The device also registers the remains of people, metal objects, metal and plastic pipelines, communication lines, and so on. Quite successfully, the device also registers the aura of a person, which the device is able to detect at distances of about five meters through brickwork up to a meter thick, which can be used to determine the presence of people inside (outside) the premises (hostages, criminals, etc.).

The device was tested and showed excellent results in terms of energy-information survey of the area near Lake Bolduk (Belarus). The work was carried out at the request of the Chairman of the ICCO, Ph.D. Romanenko Galina Grigoryevna and Vice-Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow NGO MAIT, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the BAN Sychik V.A. during the scientific-practical conference "GIS-Naroch 2014".

A device for studying anomalous zones, solar activity, torsion heat generators and cavitators, as well as sources of "strange radiation".

Passport and instruction manual


The device IGA - beta is designed to study solar activity, torsion heat generators and cavitators emitting solar beta radiation and to search for sources of "strange radiation".

The IGA-1-beta device, when working in the field, can detect water veins, karst voids and other anomalies that emit radon gases emitting beta particles.

The output parameter of the device is given to the pointer and digital indication, there is a connector for signal output to an additional indication for input into a computer.

2. Operating principle

The IGA-1 device is a highly sensitive beta particle meter.

The device is made in the form of a portable measuring sensor, as well as a power supply unit and digital indication, connected by a cable.

The device is powered by:

The measuring sensor - from the block of external accumulators, with the separate charger from a network 220 volts 50 Hz.

The power supply unit and digital indication from the accumulators which are built in the power supply unit, the charger of the power supply unit works from a network of 220 volts 50 Hz.


The sensitivity of the device for beta particles is 2 μR / hour

Operability is ensured at temperatures, degrees Celsius: minus 40 ... + 40 and humidity up to 80%.

Measuring sensor dimensions, mm - 82 x 134 x 163

Detection unit dimensions mm Ø 50 x 164

External battery block dimensions 50x50x100 mm

Dimensions of the power supply unit and digital indication, mm - 210 x 120 x 150;

Rods with detection unit, mm 560….910

Dimensions of the device, packed in a leather case, mm-440 x 380 x 150;

Supply voltage for charging batteries 220 V plus 10 minus 10%;

Power consumption no more than 3 W;

The weight of all equipment in the package does not exceed 5.0 kg;

The weight of the measuring sensor with the detection unit is not more than 1.0 kg;

The guaranteed resource of the device is 5000 hours of continuous operation during one year of operation.

4. Completeness

Measuring sensor with detection unit - 1 piece;

Extension rod - 1 piece;

Charger measuring sensor - 1pc;

Block of external accumulators of the measuring sensor - 1 piece;

Power supply and digital indication with charger -1 pc;

Power cord for connecting the power supply and digital indication to the 220 V network. -1 PC;

Head phones with cables for connecting phones and docking the measuring sensor with an external battery pack and a power supply and digital display - 1 pc;

Leather case -1 pc;

Passport and instruction manual - 1 pc;

Spare fuses: 0.5a -3 pcs.

5. Test results

The device was tested in the environmental company "Light-2"

6. Developer details

The device was developed by the environmental company "Light-2", the author of the invention and the developer of the device.

Manufacture of devices is carried out on the basis of the conversion enterprise, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan.

7.Instruction manual

7.1 The device is powered by:

The measuring sensor - from the block of external accumulators, with the separate charger from a network 220 volts 50 Hz.

Power supply and digital indication from batteries built into the power supply with a charger from the mains 220 volts 50 Hz.

Permissible spread of the supply voltage 198 ... 242 V. The device has been tested when operating from mains voltages of 190…250 volts, but long-term operation in these modes is not recommended.

There are 3 fuses on the power supply unit and digital indication of the device:

Primary network 220 v - 0.5 a,

Secondary power supply + 20 V - 0.5 A,

Secondary power supply - 20 V - 0.5 A.

Indication of the health of the fuses is carried out by LEDs: "NETWORK", "+20V", "-20 V.

7.2 Preparing for work

7.2.1. Charging the accumulators of the measuring sensor.

Connect the charger of the measurement sensor and the external battery pack of the measurement sensor using the connector. Connect the plug of the charger to the 220 V network. The control of the battery supply voltage is carried out during the operation of the measuring sensor by the pointer indicator in the black triangle position, while the pointer of the device should be set in the mode sector. If the arrow of the microammeter does not deviate or is not set in the regime sector, it is necessary to charge the batteries.

7.2.2. Charging the batteries of the power supply and digital indication.

Connect the power supply and digital indication unit with a power cord to a 220 V network, while the LED on the power supply and digital indication unit will light up.

The battery supply voltage is controlled during the operation of the device by the brightness of the LEDs "+20 V", "-20 V" on the power supply and digital indication. If the batteries are discharged while working with the IGA-1 device, these LEDs start to glow dimly and may go out completely, which indicates the need to recharge the batteries in the power supply.

7.2.3. Connection and docking of equipment.

Study the passport and instruction manual.

Remove the set of equipment from the leather case, attach the rod to the detection unit, which is used as a handle. To do this, put the rod grip on the cable so that the end slots face the detection unit, insert the grip into the connecting socket of the detecting unit, press it all the way and turn.

On the transmitter, set the sub-range switch knob to position 0 (off). Set the OPERATION and RESET switches on the power supply unit and digital indication to the lower position.

Connect the external battery pack of the measuring sensor to the measuring sensor using a connector and headphones using a plug, and also connect the cable to the connector on the power supply and digital indication unit.

7.2.4 Turning on the equipment.

Put the switch knob on the measuring sensor in the black triangle position, while the arrow of the device should be set in the mode sector. If the arrow of the microammeter does not deviate or is not set in the regime sector, it is necessary to charge the batteries.

Set the range switch knob on the measuring sensor to the position x 1000, x 100, x 10, x 1, x 0.1, check the operability of the measuring sensor on all sub-ranges except the first (200) using a control source mounted on the rotary screen of the detection unit, for then set the screen to the "K" position.

When checking the performance, clicks are heard in the phone with a frequency of about 100 Hz. In this case, the pointer of the microammeter of the measuring sensor should go off scale in the subranges x 1, x 0.1, deviate in the subrange, x 10, and may not deviate in the subranges x 1000, x 100 due to the discharge of the source. Press the RESET button on the measuring sensor, while the pointer of the microammeter should be set to the zero mark of the scale.

Set the swivel screen to the "G" position. Set the switch knob to the black triangle position.

On the power supply and digital indication unit, set the biscuit switch to position 6. Set the OPERATION toggle switch to the upper position. The LEDs "+20 V", "-20 V" should light up. Warm up the device for 3 minutes.

7.3 Measurement of the natural background of gamma radiation.

Set the switch on the measuring sensor to the position x 0.1.

Set the rotary screen of the detecting unit to position "G".

Set the switch on the power supply and digital display to the position where the microammeter needle on the measuring sensor will fluctuate within 30 - 50% of the scale.

7.4 Detection of beta radiation

Turn the screen on the detection unit to position "B". Set the switch on the measuring sensor to the position x 0.1.

Taking the rod with the right hand by the handle, bring the detection unit to the examined surface with the outstretched arm. Set the switch on the power supply unit and digital indication to the position at which the microammeter needle on the measuring sensor will be set or fluctuate within 50-100% of the scale.

In the position of the screen "B" on the detection unit, the dose rate of the total beta and gamma radiation is measured. An increase in the microammeter reading on the power supply and digital indication relative to the background values ​​of gamma radiation indicates the presence of beta radiation.

The RESET button on the power supply unit and digital display can reset the dial gauge to zero.

To measure the digital values ​​of gamma and beta radiation, turn on the RESET toggle switch on the power supply.

On the power supply unit and digital indication there is a connector for outputting an analog signal 0-15 V for recording to a computer.

The signal converter and computer processing program are available on a separate order.

7.5 Detection and search for voids, geological faults under the Earth releasing radon gases

Turn on the device at the search location. Turn the screen on the detection unit to position "B". By smoothly moving the detection unit on the rod along the Earth's surface, and periodically resetting the RESET button on the power supply and digital indication unit, mark the place where the indicator needle starts to deviate above the background values ​​of gamma radiation. Then, moving in the opposite direction, specify the place where the indicator needle will begin to deviate.

Then repeat the above, retreating at a distance from the found point by 0.5 ... 1 meters, and moving in a circle from the found point, find the next point. Then move along this line formed by the found points, smoothly moving the sensor from right to left and back, mark the place where the indicator needle begins to deviate above the background values ​​of gamma radiation, thus determining the occurrence contours.

8. Maintenance work

Periodically, after 25 hours of operation, wipe the detection unit of the measuring sensor with a cloth moistened with alcohol. When working in dusty conditions, clean every time after work, then dry the measuring device at a temperature of 20 plus or minus 10 degrees for one hour.

9. Storage and transportation

Storage and transportation of the device is carried out in a special suitcase on road, air and rail transport at temperatures from minus 50 to plus 40 degrees Celsius. Storage in unheated rooms is allowed.

10. Manufacturer's warranties

The Light-2 enterprise guarantees trouble-free operation of the IGA-1 device for 5000 hours of operation in one year of operation in accordance with the instructions and provides warranty repairs during this period.

Head of the enterprise Head of QCD

Search detector Iga-1 http://www.