L-shaped one-story house. L-shaped houses - projects with the letter L

The wide choice of shapes is due to aesthetic considerations and modern fashion trends. But a house in the shape of the letter “L” rationalizes the occupied territory; with a successful layout, every family member will like a comfortable structure. Initially, L-shaped houses were built on corner areas, then they began to be installed on rectangular/square areas due to the optimal use of the house footage and a cozy courtyard. In the article we will analyze the nuances of planning, design and consider projects of log houses suitable for temporary and permanent residence.

Design Features

It’s not enough to buy a cozy house; it’s important to determine its most convenient location.

  1. The building is placed so that the corner faces north, the blank wall faces the leeward side. A pleasant microclimate will remain in the inner corner courtyard, and weather conditions will not spoil your holiday. The space is protected from strong and gusty winds.
  2. The parts of a house in the shape of an “L” are different: identical and symmetrical, or one side is larger than the other. The angle is not necessarily straight - L-shaped house designs have an acute or obtuse angle, it all depends on the personal tastes of the owner.

Let's consider some more nuances that are important when designing.

Entrance to a residential building

There are several here options:

  • arrangement of the entrance from the inner corner - protection from adverse weather; such a solution is not always advisable;
  • arrangement of the entrance from the side of the building's gables - combined with an open terrace or veranda.

Such options also have disadvantages, so owners often organize several entrances to the house for convenient operation and compliance with fire safety techniques. Entrances are arranged from two gables of the building, and an additional entrance is organized from the inner corner.

Front width

Correctly determining the width of the gables at the design stage is an important point. The owner chooses the width of the gables to his taste - different or the same. Often they equip a wide roof element, which is smaller in length. This way the architecture of the building is not distorted, and the façade becomes attractive and aesthetically pleasing.


Depending on the structure, the structure is erected from timber or using sandwich panels. The following variants of residential buildings made of rounded logs/laminated laminated timber are common:

  • Chalet style;
  • rustic style - in the form of a classic hut.

Experts do not recommend building houses in an “L” shape with several floors. It is rational to build a one-story house and conveniently zone the premises. If there is a small free space, a terrace, veranda can be added, or the construction of a bay window is included in the plan. Sometimes the construction of a standard attic is allowed. A one-story house is built for reasons of convenient repair and operation. It is equipped with a terrace and a garage, and a cozy patio allows you to have a good time.

Corner house layout

Now about the features of the layout.

  1. In one part of the house there is a sleeping area and a study, the other part is reserved for a games room and a living room. Between the zones there is a kitchen combined with a dining room.
  2. L-shaped residential buildings provide convenient placement of a garage, which is built in and subsequently used practically. The shape of the building allows for a double entrance: during cold and rainy seasons, one can enter the garage directly from the house, and during warm periods, entry from the street is available. Such a room is heated together with the rest - a separate heating system is not installed. This saves costs on equipment acquisition and operation.
  3. In a house made of timber with an attic, a quiet area for relaxation and sleep is created on the attic floor. Downstairs there are common areas, including technical rooms, a living room and a garage. This layout involves allocating space for arranging a bathroom on the first tier, where a small bathroom and toilet are located.
  4. Often, an L-shaped structure is complemented by an open veranda or a spacious terrace - here there is a double benefit - aesthetics and functionality. The outbuildings are used for a pleasant stay with family and friends. Arrangement rules: choose the side that warms up well; they attach it on the leeward side so that the terrace is not influenced by the winds. The veranda is located at the junction of two parts of the building, that is, in the inner corner. This is how the terrace is used both in the warm season and in the rainy season.
  5. Remember that a terrace and a veranda are different architectural elements. The terrace is built on the same foundation as the main building and serves as an extension of the house. The truss and roof of the house in the shape of the letter “L” and the terrace are common. The veranda is a separate extension, often without a roof. Plot owners prefer to equip a corner terrace, which fits perfectly between the two wings of the house.

L-shaped houses fit perfectly into a corner lot and have pleasant advantages: a cozy covered terrace in the corner, spacious living space in a compact size, individual style and functionality.

L-shaped house project

SK "Stroyudacha" offers interesting options for house and bathhouse designs, among which you will find the house of your dreams. All kinds of shapes and configurations, number of floors and area. Here is everything your heart desires.

The usable area of ​​the house is 100 sq. m. m. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a room, a living room and a bathroom. A small porch-terrace in front of the house adorns the building. On the attic floor there is a sleeping area: 2 bedrooms of the same size and a corridor. The L-shape allows you to conveniently plan the premises: on the ground floor, the bathroom is separated from the main rooms; on the attic floor, the corridor is separated from the bedrooms.

Fans of original buildings who want to become the owners of a unique house that will be different from neighboring houses will be able to appreciate such unusual developments of the Cottage Projects company as corner house projects. They can be made in various versions, with different orientations, which will allow you to choose exactly the design that fits into the overall layout of your site.

However, when choosing house designs with the letter L, you need to remember several important points, without which the building will not be truly warm and cozy. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the wind rose, because without taking it into account, it may turn out that the house will be located inconveniently, and it will always be cold in it. In addition, in order to provide a sufficient amount of light in such a structure, it must be correctly oriented relative to the cardinal points.

What's hiding around the corner: choosing corner house designs

The logical conclusion is that when choosing projects for corner houses, it is necessary to understand as fully as possible the intricacies of the location of such a structure. Or - entrust the solution to this problem to the Cottage Projects company, whose specialists will not only help you choose the best development directly for your site, but will also perform all the necessary calculations, and, if necessary, advise you on other, more suitable options, for example, U-shaped home, the special charm of which is the presence of a cozy courtyard. Thus, no matter what kind of house you plan to build in the future, with “Cottage Projects” it will be the best: comfortable, spacious and warm.

The boom in the construction of private cottages that began in the 90s of the last century is not slowing down. Due to the noticeable reduction in the cost of construction, there is every reason to believe that the demand for individual construction will only grow.

Ready-made project for a one-story corner house

There are a variety of them. But even in this variety, choosing the right option is not easy. Moreover, if for some reason you have to deal with non-standard situations. In such cases, a specific solution is necessary, one of which is a corner house.

In what cases might a corner house project be needed? Let's consider possible reasons for choosing a non-standard solution.


The site where construction is proposed has a complex landscape. Or, as an option, the plot itself is corner.

In these cases, when planning a building, you will either have to refuse to use part of the site for development, or use a non-standard design.

In the landscape aspect, various problems may arise:


Restrictions on the construction plan may be imposed due to the existing infrastructure and buildings.
Features of planning within populated areas:

  • Prohibitions from government agencies;
  • Limitations due to existing infrastructure (public facilities, private buildings, etc.);
  • Corner location on a site, for example, at an intersection.

Comprehensive corner design

Typically, the entire ensemble of structures is planned for construction on a site at once. Projects of such complex buildings also involve the construction of corner houses. Often, a cottage and a garage (this may be another outbuilding) are adjacent to each other, and above them there is a common roof.

Detailed layout of a corner house with furniture arrangement

This layout allows for convenient placement.
There are projects with two corners and even with an internal, completely enclosed courtyard. But such projects are more a tribute to originality.

Integrated design considers the optimal placement of interior spaces, optimization of heating costs, lighting and other aspects.


Corner layout is one of the design solutions, another reason why there may be a need for a corner design of a house.

No one can limit the creativity of some designers, and there is no point in challenging design.

Creative guys can design houses with either many curved corners or no corners at all. What is typical is that some of them still live in their own creations.

Creativity is everything to us. And the trend, and life, and trouble.

Creative corner house project

To paraphrase Pushkin, creativity is given to us from above, it is a replacement for creativity.

A good designer, in addition to aesthetic qualities, must be able to give an object the target functionality, at least design without compromising it. And this is achieved either through joint efforts with designers, or when the designer is himself first and foremost a designer, and only then a free artist.

These warnings are made due to the fact that the realized design of a good designer may be impossible to live in.

Types of corner houses

As is already clear from the above, buildings can take the form:

  • Houses with an internal corner;
  • Houses with an external corner.

Both one-story and multi-story corner houses are being built.

According to the materials used:

The actual design and construction of corner buildings is no different from the design and construction of ordinary cottages. The same materials and building codes apply.

Pros or benefits

In addition to the obvious advantages: landscape features and urbanization, there are a number of other advantages:

Cons or disadvantages

Corner houses also have a number of disadvantages. If the construction plan does not require a corner solution, then you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of constructing such a structure.


The advantages and disadvantages concerned primarily houses with an internal corner. Houses with an external corner differ from ordinary rectangular buildings only in that the requirements for the facade apply to two walls of the house. And rather, these are not requirements, but restrictions.

There are a huge number of types of private development projects and they can be divided into separate groups, one of them is projects of corner L- and U-shaped houses and cottages. Initially, such houses were designed mainly for non-rectangular plots (trapezoidal, triangular, etc.) or for corner plots, where it was preferable to have two front facades.

However, later projects and design solutions were developed that made it possible to use a house design with the letter G or P for the stylish organization of a landscape solution for a site of any shape and size and a stylish design solution for the layout of the house that satisfies the most sophisticated requirements of the owner.

Projects of L-shaped houses

Projects of L-shaped houses make it possible to implement two or more main entrances both from the street side and from the side of the landscape layout of the site, for example, from the side of a fountain or an attractive surrounding view.

The design of a house with the letter L will fit on any plot, including a triangular or more complex shape, or on a plot of limited size. Projects of corner houses significantly improve the combination of residential premises with a swimming pool, garage, technical rooms, etc. Additionally, L-shaped house designs allow for optimal zoning of the building according to the principle of functional separation or separation of flows of residents (for example, the residence of families of different generations).

Projects of U-shaped houses

U-shaped house designs make it possible to realize to a large extent all the possibilities of L-shaped house designs, but also create a more organic, balanced architectural space. Allowing you to combine almost all premises for various purposes in one building - living space, front areas, swimming pool, garage, technical rooms, etc.

Projects of P- and L-shaped houses also make it possible to more rationally arrange premises according to the degree of illumination, and in some cases avoid the implementation of light wells to provide daylight illumination of interior spaces. These projects create an additional wind protection zone where it is ideal to place an open recreation area.

Projects of L- or U-shaped one-story houses are ideal for those who object to stairs or people with disabilities.

We have a large catalog of standard designs for L- and U-shaped houses in which you can choose the option that suits you, or order an individual exclusive project for an L- or U-shaped house, order an interior design project in accordance with your wishes, and we are also ready to build the chosen one Your home, including technical and architectural supervision with a 10-year guarantee.

In most cases corner house projects have one floor. But depending on the requirements and desires of the customer, it is possible to build a house with several floors. Typically, such buildings are chosen by owners of large families or those who need large space and an abundance of rooms. The layout of a corner house may include an attic, a terrace, and, if there are several floors, balconies. Before starting the design and construction of corner buildings, it is important to pay attention to a number of features. In order for there to be enough light in a corner house, it is necessary to correctly orient the building relative to the cardinal directions. And in order to preserve heat, it is important to take into account the wind rose.

Corner bath projects

Gaining more and more popularity corner bath projects. An angled layout allows for the most convenient and economical zoning of the bathhouse. In addition, the presence of a design feature in the form of a corner allows for the most optimal and compact placement of several buildings under one roof. This could be a bathhouse combined with a swimming pool, barbecue area, gazebo or terrace.

Pros and cons of corner buildings

The convenience and practicality of corner houses are quite obvious - they will fit perfectly into narrow or corner areas. The absence of large and high stairs, with a one-story corner house, eliminates constant descents and ascents, and also increases mobility inside the house. There are buildings with external and internal corners.


  1. Free layout of the room. Unlimited possibilities for planning and zoning of interior spaces.
  2. The possibility of erecting a single common roof and walls can significantly reduce construction costs, as well as ensure ease of use in the case of several buildings - a house, a bathhouse, a gazebo.
  3. Compactness and aesthetics of a corner building.

There are also disadvantages

  1. Increased construction costs. Compared to a rectangular house of similar size, the construction of a corner house requires more materials, and therefore higher costs. This is due to the increased perimeter of the external walls.
  2. Heating costs for a corner house. The heat loss of a corner house is greater than the heat loss of a rectangular building. This is also due to the fact that the perimeter of the external walls of a corner house is larger than the perimeter of the walls of a rectangular house of identical area.