House 4 by 5 m with an attic. Layout of a small country house

One-story houses are considered the best option for the construction of country houses or summer kitchens. Many people think that 5 by 5 houses are too small an option, in such a room there is no way to turn around anywhere. In fact, such premises can be well used for recreation, it is not for nothing that they are most often built outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle.

In this article, using the example of a photo of a 5 by 5 private house, we will tell you what such buildings are like, as well as what styles are in the design.

One-story houses

One-story 5 by 5 houses are the easiest option in construction. Sometimes such houses are additionally equipped with an attic for greater comfort, but if you build a room for a summer residence, in this case the attic is practically not needed. Many cannot understand what technologies are used in construction, as well as how to make the room as comfortable as possible.

If you plan to build a 5x5 house for temporary rest, you can choose a log house that will perfectly contribute to relaxation and circulation of fresh air. If it is planned to organize a fully residential state, in this case, choose more serious materials.

Decking is considered the best option in the construction of roofs of absolutely any house. In wooden houses, this material will be more than relevant, as it is recommended to completely rid the walls of excess moisture accumulation. Although the material is not cheap, its consumption for such a small house will be minimal, so experts recommend using it.

Surprisingly, even in such houses floor insulation is performed. As a rule, if the cold floor is well insulated initially, much less cold from the foundation will enter the room. Also, if you plan to build a house even for winter living, they conduct electric floor heating, so you don’t need to install gas or wood at all, the floor will completely heat a small room with sufficient thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling.

The main feature of such a small house is that it is being built with an impressive veranda, the entrance to the premises is made through it.

Most often, these are American-style houses, which we will discuss below. Since the construction of a 5x5 house is most often carried out for the construction of a summer room, the room in it is used for sleeping, and the veranda is for outdoor recreation.

As a rule, in the winter version, you can most often find clapboard ceiling lining. This is because with sufficient insulation of the walls and floor, cold air can come from the roof, and the heat exchange reaction completely removes the heated air from the room, exchanging it for cold air coming from the roof. Lining will interfere with this process.

Although the house is small and total weight, this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to prepare a stable foundation for it. Many projects provide for the construction of a foundation on concrete blocks, which will be quite enough to complete a one-story construction. In general, you can order cheaper options, but if you build, then for many years - this is what any Russian consumer thinks.

Houses with an attic

Small houses are usually decorated with an attic, as this is a separate great additional place to relax. In addition, an extra bed can be arranged in the attic. The only thing is that the attic is not always included in the projects of a 5 by 5 house, since these are separate labor costs.

Separately, it can be noted that the attic is considered the perfection of different styles of decoration, both interior and exterior, therefore they are attached separately to bring any idea to the end. What are these styles and what Russians usually choose, we will talk about this later.

Private house design

Design is the hottest topic in building a small house. Many people think that it is not necessary to decorate a small room for a summer house, since this is a house for only one season.

You can quickly build a building with your own hands and use it for your own purposes, why do you need to fantasize here at all? In fact, since the house is being built for a comfortable stay, why not bring the idea to the end?

Most often today you can see the layout of the house in the following options:

  • in a classic style;
  • American style;
  • in country style.

The classic style is considered the most common option that can be imagined in the construction of such houses. When building, it is important to pay attention to ease of use, since the room was originally built specifically for recreation.

Most people who build cottages with their own hands do not think at all about what they will use, so you need to pay attention to all the little things, right down to the size of the windows and in which direction the doors open.

The American style is considered as classic, but popular outside of Russia. Increasingly, you can find buildings in the American version, since today this is the most convenient option for further use.

But be that as it may, such houses are often built for year-round use, so there is everything here - rooms, a second floor, an attic and a spacious veranda. Of course, all this is done in a small version, however, everything is always at hand here.

Also, do not forget that such houses are more suitable for placement in suburban areas. Therefore, most often at cooperatives you can see ordinary Soviet buildings made of white brick, which are used for temporary storage of things while the owner works in the garden, as well as overnight stays in the summer.

The dacha construction option is the simplest and often many do not even think about either the exterior or the interior, so the house is considered the most economical.

Photos of houses 5 by 5

Almost every owner of a summer cottage wants to equip the territory so that in the future there will be no problems with the placement of tools and other necessary things, as well as organize a place to relax after garden work.

The primary task in this case is the correct choice of the project of a country house. Here it is also important construction material, and the size of the garden building.

Cottage from a bar - practicality and comfort

The beam is an excellent lumber for both small houses for the summer season, and for two-story cottages for permanent residence. Let's talk in more detail about the characteristics of the timber, because of which it is increasingly being chosen as a building material for houses and baths.


The main positive aspects of this lumber are: durability, quick installation, low cost, aesthetic appeal and environmental friendliness.. Any structure made of profiled or glued laminated timber will fit perfectly into landscape design. With the right choice of timber and appropriate treatment with antiseptics, a small wooden house IK will delight you for many years, and repairs during the operation of the building will require minimal investment.

House 4x5 - minimum costs, maximum benefits

What size house to choose for a summer cottage? It is this question that first arises from the owner of a suburban area.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages of such a structure as a 4x5 timber house for each variant of a summer cottage.

  • Small. In a small area, such a one-story house will look perfect. A large building with an attic or a full-fledged second floor will become an absurd heap.
  • Average. For medium-sized plots, a turnkey 4x5 house on one floor or with an attic will also be an excellent solution. The building area will remain small, and the rest of the space can be filled with interesting compositions in the form of rockeries, alpine slides, or come up with other unusual design solutions.
  • Big. In this case, the owner's imagination is limitless. In the suburban area, you can create a whole complex of buildings. In addition to the house, these can be: a log sauna, a wooden gazebo of any shape, outbuildings (a barn, a woodshed, a toilet, and so on). Also, an excellent solution would be to add a terrace or veranda to expand the usable space.

Country house with an attic floor: "for" or "against"?

Many customers opt for one-story buildings. Such a solution is beneficial both financially and from a practical point of view: less consumption of building materials for the foundation and log cabin, all rooms are on the same level, which facilitates cleaning and further repairs.

In our case, this option is not the best. House on one floor with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. will not make it possible to conveniently arrange garden tools and things necessary for giving. Yes, and rest in comfort, too, will not work. That is why a 4x5 house with an attic is the best solution.

We say to the attic - "Yes!"

On the attic floor, you can organize a bedroom where the summer resident can relax after a working day, the first floor will be occupied by a kitchen and a living room. So you can conveniently delimit the area into technical rooms and a room for rest and sleep. For lovers of an unusual interior, an attic under a sloping roof will become a place for the realization of all design fantasies and the creation of a room for rest and relaxation.

Which roof to choose?

There are a huge number of options for truss systems for a small house made of timber: gable, broken, single-sided, asymmetric, hip, half-hip and the like. In terms of popularity and practicality, the first two are usually chosen.

  • Conventional gable roof. This design consists of two equal slopes that are inclined towards the outer walls of the building. The simplicity of the truss system, the short construction time and the low cost of the roof are its main advantages. There is also a minus - the attic space is much smaller due to this arrangement of slopes.
  • broken roof. It is a kind of gable, but a broken design allows you to organize a full-fledged attic floor. In addition, the unusual interior space of the attic provides imagination for creativity when creating a unique interior. The main disadvantages are the complexity during construction and the high cost (in comparison with the previous option).

Projects, photos, planning

In catalog SC "Domruss" you can find projects of houses and baths made of timber for every taste and preference. We build buildings of any complexity, both according to standard projects offered on the site, and according to individually developed drawings of the customer. The company offers construction in 3 options, including: a log house under the roof, "standard" and winter. The cost of construction depends on the configuration.

Now more about the projects of a 4x5 house with an attic.

The project of a country house from a bar with an attic. Total area - 34 sq. m. The first floor is occupied by a small but cozy living room of 11.07 square meters. m. and kitchen - 7.21 sq. m. Upstairs is a bedroom of 13.01 square meters. m. The house is decorated with a sloping roof covered with ondulin.

The project of a house for a summer residence with an attic floor. Total area - 35 sq. m. Before entering the house there is a porch with carved balusters. The first floor is occupied by a kitchen (9.14 sq. m.) and a living room (9.14 sq. m.). You can climb the stairs to the attic, where a bedroom of 11.51 sq. m. As a roof, a gable structure is used, the roofing material is ondulin.

The project of a house 4 by 5 meters. In front of the entrance is a spacious porch, fenced with carved balusters. A small gable roof is organized above the porch for maximum convenience and comfort. The first floor is occupied by a kitchen and a living room, and a bedroom of 13.01 sq. m. The sloping roof is covered with ondulin.

Project No. 214. House from a bar 4x5 with an attic

The price of a turnkey log house in the basic configuration:

  • Timber house 100x150mm RUB 361,000
  • Timber house 150x150mm RUB 386,000
  • Timber house 200x150mm RUB 460,000
  • Dry profiled timber +18%

The price of a house from a bar for shrinkage:

  • House from a bar 100x150mm for shrinkage RUB 288,800
  • House from a bar 150x150mm for shrinkage RUB 313,800
  • House from a bar 200x150mm for shrinkage RUB 387,800
  • Dry profiled timber +18%

Shrink- means that after the installation of a log house from a profiled beam, construction is interrupted and the building stands in an unfinished form for 6 to 12 months. The price for shrinkage includes wall and partition timber, rafter board, roofing, necessary consumables and work.

The price of a house project from a bar includes basic equipment and installation work. After installation, you will receive a finished wooden log house with windows and doors. For permanent year-round use, additional insulation must be ordered. The basic equipment of the presented projects of houses made of timber is optimal for summer summer residence.

Project Features

  • A house made of small timber - only 4x5, but this is a better solution than a one-room apartment of 30 sq. m.
  • An ideal solution for guest accommodation, including summer cottages.
  • Vacation home.
  • One isolated room on the first floor and one isolated on the second.

Basic equipment “Project No. 214. House from a bar 4x5 with an attic "

Foundation Installation of a house from a bar on a point support-columnar foundation is included in the project cost. The cost of the pile foundation is calculated separately.
Walls Profiled timber with a natural level of moisture. Mezhventsovy insulation - jute.
Interior partitions 1st floor - profiled timber 100 × 150 mm, attic - frame-panel.
Ceiling height The ceiling height of the 1st floor is 230-240 cm (17 crowns), the ceiling height of the attic is 230-240 cm.
ceilings Ceilings are hemmed with dry clapboard. URSA insulation, 50 mm.
Roof Rafters from a bar 50x100 mm, a crate from an unedged board 20 mm.
rafters Rafters are installed at a distance of 1 m from each other.
Roof Ondulin. The color may vary depending on the choice of the customer.
Window Wooden window blocks are installed with a size of 1x1.2 m with double glazing. The number of windows corresponds to the scheme.
Interior doors Paneled, cashed, without fittings, array, size 2x0.8 m. The number of doors corresponds to the scheme.
Stairs Wooden staircase with railings and balusters.
Warming Floor and ceiling on the 1st floor and attic - 50 mm insulation with Isover mineral wool or its analogues, with vapor and waterproofing.
floors The floor is double. Draft floor - edged board 20 mm. The final floor is a grooved board 27 mm, with parchment vapor and waterproofing and Isover insulation 50 mm.
Internal corners Closed up with wooden plinth.
External corners Sewn up with clapboard.
See also the section Technical questions on construction technology in a note to the customer.

If you want to spend the summer in the Moscow region with comfort, then hurry up to buy from us country house ik 5x4 with an attic at a price lower than other companies. We offer our customers high quality, timely delivery, construction in the shortest possible time and, of course, impeccable service.

Country house 5x4 with an attic of blocks - what can we offer?

Our company has long specialized in the design, construction and installation of garden houses, change houses, gazebos and so on. With us you can definitely find a worthy project that will appeal to all your household members. At the same time, we especially note that we can develop a project together with the customer, if the latter so desires. But, of course, in this case, the price is somewhat higher than the purchase of a ready-made structure according to a standard project.

In any case, we carry out turnkey construction in Moscow and the Moscow region. We try to help all our clients and complete all the work on time, while not exceeding the given budget.

What you should pay attention to when buying a garden house:

  • If you intend to live in this house not only in summer, but also in autumn or even in winter, then you need to worry about thickening the walls or insulating them. Of course, in this case, the cost of the structure will be higher than that of a simple summer structure.
  • Communications should be discussed at the stage of concluding a contract. This will help reduce construction time and in some cases even financial resources.
  • The layout of the house can be free, that is, only load-bearing walls will be present, and the customer will do the rest, or it can be typical, like in most country houses.
  • Also, special attention should be paid to the materials from which the house is built. Beam is in particular demand. It is not particularly expensive in terms of its cost, but at the same time it is quite durable and reliable in operation.

We offer our customers affordable prices, optimal quality, and also guarantee that with proper care will serve you for a long time.

Our company in MSC is one of the best

We have been working in this area for a long time and always meet the needs of our customers. We enter into various life situations, so one of our services can be called the purchase of a house on credit or by installments.

We also note that we have an ideal price-quality ratio. All our houses are made of environmentally friendly materials and do not have large margins.

Call! Our managers will provide all the necessary information, help you make the right choice and calculate the final cost!

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Tiny mobile homes are actually becoming more popular every day. It's time to take a look at some examples of tiny house designs. And as a bonus, we have prepared for you 5 house projects which you can build yourself. Enjoy...

1. Let's look at a tiny house built from household materials.

This is a wooden structure that used sections of an old washing machine, discarded kitchen cabinets and pallets. The section of the washing machine became a window, and the roof of the house was made of transparent plastic. The area of ​​the house is 2.2 square meters and other options can be made according to the requirements of each client. This house was made by Gypsy Junker in his own backyard for only $200.

2. The transforming A-shaped house is our second idea.

First of all, this building costs $1200, at the end of the article you can download a project of such a house and build it yourself. The main idea behind this design is to make something that is easy and quick to build and that can serve a variety of purposes. The original design is equipped with 7.4 square meters of living space. One wall of the house is raised and can be turned into a porch with a mosquito net, thereby increasing the area. There is enough space inside for a bed, kitchen and storage.

3. "Nido", this tiny house was built in Finland by Robin Falk.

The windows overlook the beautiful lake and amazing surroundings. Although its area is only 8.9 square meters, the house is not as tiny as it might seem. It was built using a lot of recycled materials and the entire project cost about $10,500. The bedroom is on the top floor, and on the ground floor there is a living room with a small sofa and a couple of chairs. The veranda is ideal for enjoying the outdoor views.

4. Designer Christina Hristova set out to create a stylish vacation home on wheels that would allow the owner to travel across the continent.

The tiny houses we've shown so far are generally meant to be used as temporary shelters or breaks from industrial cities. This modern micro house with an area of ​​9 square meters and its main advantage are wheels.

6. Projects such as Tengbom show that houses can be affordable.

The architects came up with a concept specifically for students. The 10 square meter mini-house is affordable and very functional, in addition to being environmentally friendly. Inside this cute structure there is a kitchen, a table that can also be used as a desk, a bathroom, a sleeping area and even a seating area with an armchair.

6. Next on our list of tiny houses is this cozy mini-studio in Paris.

An area of ​​12 square meters has a bathroom hidden behind a perforated screen, a small kitchen with storage and a comfortable sleeping area. The beds can be hidden under the platform to create a seating area with a small sofa. Despite the small size, the interior has a large number of smart functions.

7. In Wroclaw, Poland, this tiny apartment is 13 square meters.

It's not enough space for most people, but designer Shimona Hantskar doesn't lose heart and takes it as a challenge. The apartment has all the important features. A small kitchen, a dining table, a bed, a spacious closet, a bathroom and even a comfortable hammock and bike rack.

8. The project is called "Perspective". A compact van of 10 square meters, finished with natural wood and alloy steel.

Inside there is a bedroom, a living room with a kitchen and a combined bathroom. The Perspektiva project was conceived as a private space that will allow you to be alone with nature. Huge windows on three sides give a panoramic view, you will definitely feel like a part of nature. This is a great mobile home for travelers who love to see the world from their windows. The cost of such a van in the US is $39,900. This is certainly a lot for residents of the CIS. But why not use the ideas of the finished product and make a similar mobile home yourself? Anything is possible, my friends.

9. 14.8 square meters - the area that this tiny house on wheels, built in the framework of "tiny project less house more life".

This mobile home has modern look and great design. 10 windows and a glass door allow sunlight to enter every corner of the house. Inside there is a workspace with a desk, a folding table, a loft bed with drawers for clothes, a small kitchenette, a bathroom and a seating area. There's plenty of room for upgrades as the design is simple, modern and flexible enough to innovate.

10. This tiny apartment in Seattle was built by engineer Steve Sauer.

11. The largest size for tiny houses and apartments is 17 square meters. The house was built from an old ship cabin and is located in Canada.

12. The second project, with an area of ​​17 square meters is called Pod Idladla.

This is a panel tiny house, able to adapt to different needs. Each space performs two or more functions. The standard model has a veranda that emphasizes the lines of the house. A vertical staircase leads up to the bedroom and downstairs there is a kitchen and ample storage space.

13. One-story country house with an attic and an attic.

14. Wooden two-story country prefabricated house.

15. Small one-story country house.

16. A simple prefabricated country house from a sea container. Read also - 20 Sea container houses.