What do the wooden figures of the cheerful buddha china mean. The meaning of the figurine of the god of wealth hotei

First of all, the Buddha does not belong in the bathroom or in the kitchen, but his location should be at least at eye level. Looking down on a deity is considered rude and disrespectful. Avoid placement near electrical outlets and equipment with moving parts and motors as such movement disrupts the surrounding energy.

The most auspicious places for a Buddha figurine in the home and office

  • Facing the main door: Many feng shui experts recommend placing the Buddha in front of the main front door of the house on a table or cabinet at least 70 cm high. This arrangement allows the Buddha to interact with the qi energy in your home. From this position, the statue can neutralize any negative qi and transform it into a positive one.
  • Living room: Buddha is quite comfortable in the living room. Here it is best placed in front of the front door.
  • Table: For students, for example, it is especially useful to put the Buddha on their table. This is an ideal place to attract his support and favorable energy for study.
  • Office desk or reception desk: For businessmen, placing the Buddha on the secretary's desk at the entrance can help the company prosper.
  • Garden or backyard: Another great place for a Buddha statue is a place where you can rest, relax and meditate.
  • Yoga room or space: for this you most likely have a specially designated room or place in the room. You can also put a Buddha statue there, which must be at eye level or higher.

Laughing Buddha of happiness and wealth

While feng shui practitioners may disagree on the the best place for Buddha, they agree on one thing: the Laughing Buddha statue is the perfect addition to any interior. You may not yet be ready to apply feng shui principles to your home, but buying a laughing buddha is one of the most simple steps to improve the home atmosphere. This particular Buddha symbolizes happiness and wealth, and legend has it that he is very fond of entering houses, smiling broadly and dispersing all troubles.

A cheerful and happy Buddha is almost Santa Claus; he is chubby, happy and radiant, and he also comes with gifts! The next time you're in a Chinese restaurant, take a look around: you might see this happy guy sitting, smiling contentedly, near the cash register or in a special place overlooking the entrance.

How to choose a Buddha figurine for your home

When buying a Buddha statue, be guided by the following Chinese Feng Shui rules and principles:

  • The bigger, the better. If the size of your living space or office does not allow you to accommodate a large Buddha, do not be discouraged: a small Buddha will also work, just not as powerful.
  • Get a Laughing Buddha. There are many varieties of figurines, but if this is your first Buddha, then choose the laughing one. It brings wealth and happiness.
  • Pay attention to symbols. The Laughing Buddha, as a rule, holds certain objects in his hands: a pot of gold, large ingots, or a bag filled with treasures. Or it could be a wu lu (gourd with a red ribbon), a symbol of good health and longevity.

Where to put a statue of Buddha

Whenever you place any object in your home as a feng shui symbol for any purpose, make sure you are using the correct element. For example, a metal Buddha is best placed in the northern sector of the house. The same statue placed in the eastern sector will not bring tangible results: metal in the wood sector can interfere with the correct operation of feng shui, as it cuts wood. Do not put a Buddha statue on the floor, it is considered extremely disrespectful.

If you choose the laughing Buddha, don't forget to rub his tummy from time to time. Although it is not a requirement, many people claim that this ritual of rubbing the belly (the thicker the belly, the better) brings good luck and prosperity.

Let's talk about all the favorite accessories that have become so popular lately. Now, it is very difficult to find an apartment where there would not be at least one Chinese frog, figurine or coin. It's strange, but even those who do not believe in their "magic" properties, promised by glossy magazines, still buy them and even try to place them around the world.

As we have already said, unfortunately, a significant part of people sincerely believe that Feng Shui is the art of arranging these very accessories, and having bought a pair of mandarin ducks, they are waiting for great and bright love, but for some reason it is delayed somewhere. But the use of accessories is by no means following the principles of Feng Shui, although some of them are indeed necessary. In general, we would divide all commercially available accessories into two types, the first type is based on Chinese tradition and people's faith. These are various deities, money envelopes, dream traps, etc. The second type includes accessories used in the practice of Feng Shui. These are wind chimes, crystals, lopan compass, etc.

In our article, we decided to introduce you to popular accessories (see), tell you how to use them correctly and help you figure them out. After all, when a person enters a souvenir shop, then the number of toads, coins, gold bars simply makes him dizzy, he wants everything at once, and it’s not clear what really needs to be chosen.

Many argue about the usefulness of accessories, someone considers them a waste of money and time. Someone, on the contrary, buys them with great pleasure, and they believe that they can work wonders. Of course, it is foolish to think that it is worth putting Hotteichik in the money zone, and we will immediately win the Jack Pot in Super Lotto! But it also happens that this same Hotteichik can provide you with serious help and support!

When asked if the accessories work, we can safely answer: WORK, but not for everyone! Why? Because there are simple rules handling accessories, which for some reason many people forget or do not know about. And now we will tell you about them.

Handling accessories

1. First, don't try to buy a lot of accessories at once. You should not buy twenty Hottev (for greater effect), ten Ganesh, hang the whole house with Wind Music or hang Chinese panels on all the walls! Too much doesn't mean good! Sometimes it's better to have one Hottei than a hundred other figurines. Remember that it would be a mistake to consider accessories as the main means of Feng Shui, they are rather your friends and helpers, and sometimes it is better to have one faithful and reliable friend than a hundred acquaintances!

2. Secondly, never buy an accessory if you don't like it outwardly! Even if you found the only Ganesha in the whole city, and consider it necessary that this symbol was in your house! If something confuses you, it is better to wait until a new batch is brought. We don't usually marry the first man we meet just because there's no other man around, right? We are looking for our soul mate. Also, you need to find your accessory.

3. If you find a figurine you like, be sure to hold it in your hands before buying. If the feeling is pleasant and comfortable, then this figurine is for you, if not, try others.

4. When you come home with a purchase, do not rush to immediately put the figurine on the shelf. First you need to get to know and activate it. How to get acquainted? You can just say "Hello, I'm Petya, let's be friends" and rub the figurine in a friendly way! Or a simple ritual. Light candles, turn on music, relax. Then take your figurine in your hands, stroke it, feel its warmth, ask it for help in the area in which you need it. Thank you for your help, and put the figurine in its place.

5. Treat the figurine with respect. Make sure it doesn't get covered in dust, or your cat doesn't chew on it. She should be comfortable and well.

6. And don't forget to activate it! Greet her when you enter a house or room, touch her from time to time, they love it very much! For example, the god Hottei loves when his tummy is rubbed, and Ganesha loves when her palm is stroked! For some deity figurines, there are special mantras that activate their power, you can repeat them or sing them! The main thing is to show love and care for your figure, and she will respond in kind.

The most common Feng Shui accessories.

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BaGua Mirror Peacock "Love"
gold bars Pi Yao "Wealth"
Carp singing bowl "Money"
Kirin Arowana fish Double Happiness
Bell Fu dogs "Longevity"
crystals three-legged toad "Friendship"
Lakshmi Pumpkin Hu - Lou "Fulfillment of desires"
Bat mandarin ducks "The beauty"
lotuses Fukurokuju "Customer Acquisition"
Horse Hottei "Happiness"
Magic Wand Ruyi Chen Luoban "Luck"
Chinese coins Turtle
The music of wind

Goddess Kwan Yin- one of the most revered deities of the East. Guang Yin is considered the goddess of mercy, bestows happiness, wealth and prosperity. Quan Yin is a deity who saves everyone in the house from disasters and troubles, especially women. Protects people whose profession is associated with risk. The great goddess of compassion and mercy, saving from all troubles, protecting from illness and adversity. Gives longevity, youth, fulfillment of desires and immortality for many thousands of years. All this is depicted in the attributes surrounding the light image.

It is believed that the statuette of the goddess Guang Yin is best placed with its back to the north and its face to the south.

Guang Gong. The commander Gun-di, who later became known as Guan-gun, is the most popular and famous commander in Chinese history. Deified as the god of war, Gun-di eventually became the god of wealth and protection. In China, it is believed that his images, facing the front door, drive away negative energy. Any negative energy will not be able to enter the house towards him. It is best to place it in the northwest corner of the house. At work, place his image behind you - this will provide you with powerful support for important people.

In China, they believe that it brings fabulous wealth! The red velvet doily with gold embossed symbols is an ancient Chinese remedy for getting rich. On the rug, it is advised to count money daily. You can simply sprinkle coins on the rug and place it in the money zone. If you are working with cash, then you should not transfer money from hand to hand, it is better to put it on the mat, so you do not give your money energy to others, and do not take on someone else's negative energy.

has long been widely used in Chinese culture to attract prosperity and material well-being. These envelopes have the effect of increasing the amount of money, bring prosperity and success. It is recommended to keep money in them, because storing even a symbolic one is a sign of increasing the existing capital. If you want to give money to someone, be sure to put it in an envelope, this will bring good luck not only to your friends, but also to you. If you need to repay a debt, give it in an envelope, this will protect you from new debts!

The Dragon symbolizes strength and generosity, courage and endurance, happiness and prosperity, good luck and creativity. This mythical animal is the most revered in China. It carries the spirit of rebirth and change, represents the productive forces of nature. It is also a symbol of vigilance and security. "Dragon in the sky - great luck!" So they say in China since ancient times. The dragon must have a magic pearl, a symbol of the spiritual and material wealth. The dragon patronizes bosses and directors, brings good luck in business, as well as protection for its owner!

It is better to place the Dragon figurine in the east, or in the office, or near the computer. If you are placing a dragon in an office, then the best place for it is the director's desk. If you want to support your business, then use an image or figurine of a dragon with a pearl.

Another symbol of love and harmonious relationships. This is the main symbol of Chinese cosmology and mythology, which symbolizes the masculine and feminine, Yang and Yin! The dragon is a symbol of masculinity and abundance, while the Phoenix is ​​Yin splendor and feminine beauty. Together they symbolize a fruitful marriage, blessed with success, prosperity and children. They should be placed in the northwestern sector to bring good luck to the head of the house, or in the southwestern sector to bring good luck to the mother of the house. The dragon and phoenix in the east will benefit the family's health, while those in the south will bring good luck and recognition to everyone living in the house.

One of the key and significant symbols for the teachings of Feng Shui is the statuette of the laughing Buddha. The second name of the Hotei symbol. The figurine is a small figurine of a cheerful and broadly smiling plump man. A single growth figurine of a fat man necessarily has an addition in the form of a burden in his hands or behind his shoulders and is often located on a stone or some other stand.

The meaning of the figurine

The figurine belongs to the images of the gods of happiness. There are only seven such figurines of the gods of fun. Since ancient times, the statuette of the laughing Buddha has occupied key positions in the homes of followers of the Feng Shui teachings. It cleanses the house of harmful and negative energy and fills the house with good qi.

The figurine can be made from:

  • tree;
  • Ivory;
  • porcelain;
  • bronze;
  • ceramics.

The Council of Feng Shui Masters states that in order to achieve happiness and longevity, it is necessary to regularly stroke Hotei on the stomach. This ritual will give the owners of the figurine good luck, abundance, wealth and health.

Figurine Placement

  1. The best place for a figurine is the living room. The Buddha should be placed facing east. The presence of the Buddha in the living room will attract a rise in the social ladder to the house.
  2. Placing Hotei at the entrance to the house will give the owners the honor and respect of their neighbors.
  3. The installation of the Buddha in the southern rooms of the dwelling bestows wealth.

In the hands of the figurine there may be coins - wealth, a staff - a symbol of health, a pumpkin - prosperity, a pearl - a symbol of wisdom, which attract abundance and prosperity to the house. The placement of the Buddha should correspond to the sector in the house, which is supposed to be responsible for the good that is in the hands of Hotei.

There are several options depicting a laughing Buddha.

Buddha in a children's environment gives the house numerous offspring. Such a figure should be for people who dream of a large family. The presence of a figure of a laughing Buddha with children in the living room of the house will give the house many heirs, and parents will have patience and health.

Peach in Asia was considered a storehouse of useful substances that can give longevity. Buddha with a peach can give its owners iron health and an endless series of happy years.

The fan will remove obstacles from life path. A Buddha with a fan is able to clear the way for undertakings and bring closer the successful completion of all difficult cases.

The umbrella closes the owner from the troubles that the sky sends us. A Buddha figurine with an umbrella will bring home protection from the blows of fate and unpredictable disasters. This figure gives impetus to climb the social ladder.

There are several versions of this figurine. The Buddha can sit on a turtle dragon, or he can sit in an embrace with a real dragon. Both figures are designed to attract good luck and finances in business. The figurine with a turtle also symbolizes the mastery of wisdom and longevity.

The figurine will give the owners untold wealth.

Alexander , 6 November 2014 .

Hotei (Hotei), Budai- God of happiness, wealth, fun and prosperity. Laughing Buddha granting wishes. God of joy and fellowship. One of the seven gods of happiness.

The most cheerful and positive of all existing gods of all times and pantheons! A figurine of Hotei can be found in the homes of millions of people, regardless of their religion. And no wonder - you will not meet a more good-natured deity, and you want wealth and happiness!

There are several legends about Hotei:

A long time ago (at the end of the 10th century) in one country (let's call it China) there lived a monk, he was small and fat, and his name was Tse-Tsy. The monk constantly wandered and his faithful companions were only a large canvas bag and a wooden rosary. By the way, the name familiar to everyone came from the bag - Hotei (Ho Tei - canvas bag in Japanese). And in China, the monk was called Budai.

In the East, the belly is considered a haven for the soul, so Hotei can be called very sincere, and he (the belly) is the personification of the generosity and breadth of the soul.

The legend about Hotei says that where he came, people immediately had health, good luck and prosperity. Some people asked what the monk Hotei was carrying in a bag, he said that he was carrying "The Whole World" behind him.

Later, the contents of his bag came to be considered the Great Void (Ta-Khun), which personifies "nothing", from which the great "everything" was born. After the death of the monk, Hotei began to be considered the eighth incarnation of the Buddha, Maitreya Buddha. According to the canons of Buddhism, Maitreya Buddha is a ninth-level bodhisattva who will be born Manushi Buddha 5000 years after the death of the great Shakyamuni Gautama, whose arrival will be the achievement of world harmony. Now he lives in the heavenly country of Tushita (Garden of Joy) and, according to Japanese legend, in the form of Hotei descends to people to please them. Canonized as the god of carelessness and happiness (one of the seven gods of happiness) in Japan in the 17th century.

Another legend tells us about the laughing Chinese:

His name was Budai and he lived during the Tang Dynasty. He didn't want to call himself a Zen teacher or gather students around him. Instead, he wandered the streets with a large bag in which he put sweets, fruit or pies. All this he distributed to the children, who played in the street and gathered around him. He created Kindergarten on the street. If he met a Zen devotee on the street, he held out his hand to him and said, "Give me a coin." And if anyone asked him to return to the temple and teach others, he repeated again: "Give me a coin."

One day, when he was doing his game-work, another Zen teacher happened to be nearby and asked him: "What is the essence of Zen?" Hotei immediately dropped his bag on the ground in a silent response. "Then," another asked him, "what is the realization of Zen?" The happy Chinaman immediately hung the bag over his shoulder and continued on his way.

And another legend:

When Hotei reached enlightenment, he began to laugh. He lived after this for nearly thirty years; and laughed all these years. Even in his sleep - his students sometimes heard - he laughed. His whole message to the world was laughter. He moved from place to place, from one market square to another, stood in the center of the market and began to laugh - that's the whole sermon. He laughed captivatingly, contagiously; it was genuine laughter, his stomach was shaking with laughter, Hotei fell to the ground and rolled on it. The people gathered around began to laugh too, the laughter spread further like tidal waves, and now the whole village was overcome with laughter. People were looking forward to Hotei coming to their village, because he brought them so much joy, so much bliss. Hotei didn't say a single word, ever. He was asked about Buddha and he laughed; he was asked about enlightenment and he laughed, he was asked about truth and he laughed. Laughter was his only message.
from here

hotei mascot

They say that in order to enlist the help of Hotei, it is necessary to stroke his stomach every day. And if you rub the Hotei figurine on the stomach exactly three hundred times, thinking about your most cherished desire, be sure that your desire will come true. Therefore, stroking the belly of the Laughing Buddha has become a habit for many Chinese businessmen.

Others believe that the Laughing Buddha is the Buddha of Happiness, because nothing gives him more joy than collecting all the worldly misfortunes in his bag. This is the reason for his fun: he takes what he loves most in the world - other people's problems.

According to Feng Shui, you should place a Hotei figurine in the living room, preferably with his gaze directed towards the front door; and the figurine should be as big as possible. The presence of the Laughing Buddha will have a positive effect on any room, as it is believed that the image of this deity radiates positive Qi. Moreover, Hotei is able to absorb all the negative and deadly Qi inside the house, it is a good antidote for the annual invasion of flying stars that bring disease and loss.

If you decide to purchase a Hotei, choose a figurine made from a material that will not disturb the harmony in the place where you are going to put it, or from a material that is considered the most favorable for you. As for the figurines of Hotei, they can be golden or white color with different attributes.

If in the hand of your Hotei on a ginseng staff a pumpkin, a gourd and a bunch of six ancient Chinese coins of happiness - this promises you financial well-being, success, a happy long life, purity family relations and the well-being of your descendants. Peach - a symbol of immortality, held in the left hand - promises many years of healthy life. If Hotei is holding a fan, it means that all obstacles that complicate your path to your cherished goal are swept away from your path. When Hotei sits in a pyramid, among coins and golden sand, such a paperweight will calm the "workhorse", help to concentrate, tune in to the working mood - and, of course, earn more. Sometimes you can meet Hotei with a magical pearl in his hands. It is a symbol of both material and spiritual wealth. If Hotei is holding a yoke, and on it is a coin of happiness and a basket of gold bars, this is a justified expectation. great wealth, and a necklace around the neck (it depicts the hieroglyph "Fuk") - a promise of happiness and good luck. When Hotei is depicted with a Dragon, this is a guarantee of attracting solid capital, successful business development, or the opportunity to open your own business with the attraction of serious financial investments.

The pose of the Hotei figurine does not have of great importance, but take your time and choose the figurine you like the most. Every time you feel down, pet the Laughing Buddha's belly and look into his eyes. You will see that his joy is contagious and his smile will cheer you up.

Walking along the shopping streets of the city, you increasingly come across statues of Buddha in the windows of shops, exhibited to attract buyers or for sale. It has become fashionable to decorate the interior with such objects. But it is hardly known how profound a benefit they can bring if properly handled. The statues represent the presence of the Buddha and Lama. The Buddha works always and everywhere for the benefit of all beings and reveals to us the boundless qualities of the mind inherent in all. The external form reminds the consciousness of this, and imprints involuntarily remain in the subconscious, again and again leading us to the Buddha's Teaching and opening the way to working with the mind. Thus, Buddhist statues are used to stabilize places of meditation and facilitate access to the Buddha's Teachings.

Acquisition of statues

Made according to certain rules and close to perfection, the external form is an enlightened body. Knowing this, when buying a statue, we pay close attention to its quality. To get the maximum benefit from the Buddha statue, one copy is enough. No need to buy everything that comes along the way. What matters is what happens in our mind. Of course, we can achieve Liberation and Enlightenment without the image of the Buddha. There were no statues at all in Milarepa's cave. Ultimately, all phenomena are the timeless boundless freedom of the mind. But the images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Protectors, and lamas described by the Buddha and the lamas can influence our normally everyday mind. The more closely the statues correspond to the actual manifestations of the Buddha-aspects or lamas, the stronger their impact. In addition, it is the Buddha and self-realized lamas who know what the attributes and forms look like, we can learn about this only from their teachings. At a time when the artists themselves practiced Buddhism and adhered to the instructions of the lamas, the quality of the statues could be trusted. Now the production of statues in Nepal and India has become a business, so the “goods” when buying, just in case, should be checked. We need to have a clear idea of ​​how the Buddha aspect we are acquiring should look like. In the Emanated State, Buddhas most often appear in robes, like the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. Other forms are in the State of Joy, indicated by Bodhisattva jewelry: a crown with five prongs, a necklace, etc. A famous example is the Loving Eyes Bodhisattva. Rare aspects are depicted without any clothes or adornments at all and express the State of Truth of the Buddhas.

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Protectors sit or stand on a lotus flower. Lamas are depicted on a lotus or on a throne. Rare forms, mostly Defenders, sit or stand on certain animals. Each aspect has its own special signs: for example, it is depicted as sitting, standing, or even jumping. The number and proportions of arms, legs, heads and eyes are accurately described. The location of all body parts and attributes is clearly explained. A useful source of information is the photo album "Space and Joy" ("Raum und Freude / Space and Bliss"), published by the Buddhist publishing house of Wuppertal. And of course, it is useful to consult with experienced Buddhists, listen to their opinion when making a purchase. Some Buddhas appear in different forms, so they may have several correct images. Every detail carries a deep meaning and must be done as accurately as possible.

In addition to the correct form, it is important that the statue is made with high quality. Most statues, especially those of the Tibetan and Nepalese traditions, are hollow castings of copper or brass. At the same time, clear lines and a smooth surface are signs of quality. An excess of additional embellishments, on the other hand, hides insufficient processing and errors. Really high-quality processed statues already at the manufacturer have a decent price corresponding to the time and skill invested in their manufacture. You should not expect that a first-class statue can be purchased for next to nothing. So buying a handmade statue High Quality- the question is more of a wallet, not a taste. You need to be especially careful when purchasing the so-called antique statues: 99 percent are fake, and real copies are likely to be stolen.

In Tibetan and Nepalese statues, the heads are most often already painted. Traditionally, the painting of the statue is done last, after filling. The drawing of the eyes, called "opening the eyes", is the culmination of the making of the statue.

When painting faces, natural dyes and fixatives are used, in this regard, they can easily be washed off or erased. Therefore, you do not need to touch your face with your fingers and, moreover, wash it. One girl forgot to warn the cleaner, and she wiped the face of the beautiful statue of Tara with a damp cloth. In such cases, since pigment paints cannot be accurately restored, it is necessary to completely wash off the previous painting and re-paint the face professionally. So we did. Everyone who has seen this statue before says that now it looks more alive. In this case, the harm eventually came to the benefit. Now we can be glad that most of the statues are imported painted. But the knowledge and skills of painting have already come to the West. Some of us have learned how to paint statues, so now it's possible to do it here. We cordially invite those who are skillful with a thin brush, are ready to study and work in this field responsibly and with a long-term perspective, and can refuse to introduce elements of personal creativity into their work. For questions about painting statues, you can contact Silke Keller from the Cologne Buddhist Center or the Buddhist Center of Schwarzenberg. Unfortunately, when importing and buying statues, not much attention is paid to its interior space. As a result, many statues are covered inside with a thick layer of soot and fireclay. If possible, insist on the cleanliness of the inside walls of the statue.

Filling and blessing

If we use the statue as a manifestation of the Buddha, it is highly recommended to bless it at the Lama, after fixing inside it or on it the bundles of Protectors carrying the blessing, rice or objects from holy places. When we give the statue for blessing to Lama Ole in the course, the Protector's knot and a small envelope with various relics are attached to it. You can find out about the possibility of the final detailed traditional filling of the statue in the centers of the Diamond Way.

Before filling the statue, you need to carefully clean its inner walls. An important part of the filling is blessed Buddhist jewelry from realized masters or from certain places of power. The central energy axis of the statue is formed by the Tree of Life. It is made from the wood of a specially selected tree, in which the direction of growth is carefully marked, and has a trapezoidal shape, tapering upwards. The formerly east-facing side of the tree faces the face of the statue. The Tree of Life is painted red and Tibetan syllables are written in gold. Around it are placed mantrarolls (Tib. zoom) - bundles of certain strips of paper dyed with saffron with mantras printed on them.

The base of the statue, usually a lotus flower or a throne, serves as a treasury. It is filled with flowers, spices, all the most beautiful and useful. This creates a connection between relative reality and the mind of the Buddha. The empty space is filled with powdered incense and flowers. In Asia, it was believed that in this way the penetration of interfering energies into the voids is prevented. All work is carried out with the utmost care and attention. A completely filled statue is firmly closed. It now expresses the perfect forcefield of the Buddha and can no longer be opened. Needless to say, it is no longer an object of sale. Of course, you can also give it as a gift. But we must carefully consider whether the person who receives the statue as a gift will also appreciate it, and whether he can really take responsibility for it.

Filling the inner space of the statue with mantrarolls, expressing the aspect of the speech of the Buddha, and the subsequent blessing of the Buddhist master, personifying the mind of the Buddha, make the impact of the statue complete. Now we consider the statue to be perfect, even if small flaws can be noticed on it. It is critical to consider the statue before buying. If we already have a statue with external flaws that cannot be changed, we can arrange it in such a way that the defects are not so noticeable.

How best to position the statue

It is beneficial for our environment if the statue is placed where many people can see it, since every, even unconscious, contact with this form creates a useful connection. For example, it would be good to allocate a special place for it at the entrance or in a residential area. Most of the statues stand in a place for meditation. The place and we are energetically stabilized, and in this way we will remember about meditation. At the same time, it is recommended to contemplate the statue from our place of meditation, placing it above eye level in a specially designated place. It's good to go up. There is a classical arrangement of statues, texts and stupas on the altar, with the statues expressing the body of the Buddha, the texts expressing the speech, and the stupas expressing the mind of the Buddha. If we have several statues and thangkas, then they should be arranged according to the advice of Lama Ole in accordance with the Refuge tree. At the same time, the stupa symbolizes the Sangha. On the altar, next to the objects of Refuge - statues, images of Buddhas, stupas and Buddhist texts - there should not be anything mundane, except for offerings, above all, no images of unenlightened beings. Ideally, if the room allows, the altar should be in the West, then the statues will face the East. If we are making an altar in the bedroom, it is good to lie with the head in the direction of the objects of Refuge. This makes it easier for us to access our inherent qualities and creates mental imprints of generosity and wealth when we make offerings to the Buddhas. Offerings may well be symbolic. There is a detailed traditional system with 7 bowls, the contents of which are updated daily. But in everyday life in the West, this tradition is not particularly supported, since many cannot take care of the altar on a daily basis. Then the water and tasty offerings remain stale, so we don't get a good imprint in the mind. And on altars in Western Buddhist centers, this traditional form often looks somewhat exotic.

A simple version of offerings: a candle or a bowl of water - as a symbol of all that is beautiful. The main thing is that we represent it. The greatest generosity is spreading the Dharma. So when we make offerings, we can dedicate our work at the center to the Buddha.

The following phrase is often used: "This statue is meditated on." As a rule, this means that the statue is used meaningfully in meditation. In Diamond Way Buddhism, it remains common practice to meditate on the Yidam or Lama as a form of energy and light, this is what our Lama teaches us. The frequently discussed question - whether it is possible to move and transport the statue, becomes redundant if we deeply feel its significance. Then we will respectfully touch the object and move it only when necessary. It is usually enough to sometimes remove dust from the statue with something dry. If some dirt has stuck to the metal, then it can be removed with a damp cloth and, if necessary, treated with alcohol. Of course, the painted face is wiped from dust only with something dry, if possible, with a clean soft brush. The statue, as an expression of Buddha's activity, affects all beings, and bronze lives much longer than the human body. Knowing this, it is even more joyful to pay attention to the quality of the statue when buying, handle it with care and make sure that after our life it falls into trusted hands.

Based on an article by Werner Braun