What is needed for happiness list.

The secret of happiness is in the contact of souls.

Happiness is there, you just need to look for it. Maybe happiness is sitting here in our garden, nestled between green leaves and fragrant tomatoes. Or maybe it’s enough just to open a couple of jars, get some interesting spices and melt butter in a frying pan. Or maybe happiness is in the eyes of a loved one, and you just need to look into them, turn on the music, join hands and dance. Happiness is not something that can be mastered. And of course, you don't have to chase after him.

Happiness comes from the ability to stop and see. See for real. Happiness is not somewhere else. It's right in front of you.

Now I will always live with you :)

Happiness can be found even in dark times if you do not forget to turn to the light.

Albus Dumbledore

Happiness is needed by everyone and in every home… Life, after all, it is given only once… Bright thoughts to you. May the sun always shine in your soul! :)


People are only as happy as they are free from comparisons and judgments.

Yesterday happiness came to me. It was dressed in autumn, it smelled of colorful rains and, for some reason, gingerbread. We sat in the kitchen, I treated him to hot tea, and it added petals of fallen stars dried in August to it. Then it sat on my windowsill and sang softly. It sang about the light, about the important, about the beloved, about what silently lives in the heart and makes the hands tender, it sang about the laughter of people, like a warm amber wind, and about the dew-wet paths leading to what everyone is looking for. . We spent the whole night together. It either sat on the shoulder like a bird, or lay on its knees like a soft purring cat. And in the morning it got ready to go, apologized, promised to look into the light, then threw a rainbow painted with children's dreams on its thin shoulders, and flew out the door. But I'm glad, because turning on the threshold, it told me that it was coming to you. Meet.

Cat on her knees, a pack of marmalade

Well, what do we, stupid, still need to be happy ?!

Well, what went for people with "happiness" for fun?

Personally, my happiness is a book, tea and a cat!

The main thing is to breathe correctly)

Breathe Happiness...

Breathe good...

“Well, what else can I tell you? ...Be happy!!!

Don't wait for happiness to come, step on it yourself ツ

The biggest challenge of your journey is to make one person happy every day. And that person is always you.

When I see that people rejoice at the smell of fresh pastries, rush home for dinner, fry potatoes or make dumplings together, I am convinced that the world is based on simple happiness.

It is a habit, a good habit - to strive every day to be happy!

There is something great in every minute. For example, happiness...

Wealth, like happiness, cannot be acquired directly. Both are by-products of serving people. Henry Ford

Happiness must be drunk fresh - it cannot be postponed!

And trouble can wait!

Romain Rolland

And happiness is to buy wallpaper, have a family, be patient.

And happiness is two in the kitchen, drinking tea and smearing jam on bread.

And happiness is not Rome and Cuba, not a bunch of clothes, not entertainment.

And happiness - too dear lips, a cozy house and tea with cookies.

Happiness is contagious. The happier you are, the happier those around you are.

The time for happiness is now.

Many are looking for happiness... But happiness can be found when you make someone else happy. The nature of love is not to take, but to give....

Happiness is when the house is light, cozy, warm, clean and calm. And so it is in the soul.

There are two ways to become happy: improve reality or lower expectations.

Being happy is very important, because it is in this state that we can easily create what we need.

Men need to know that if a woman is happy, her children, parents, husband, friends, dog and even cockroaches will be happy.

Happiness will come to everyone. And not necessarily on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Not necessarily in February or July. Not necessarily good weather. But surely, all of a sudden...

Happiness is when everything that should happen happens.

Were you happy today?

Not yet.

Then hurry up. This day is ending!

There is as much happiness in life as you can see...

Happiness is more likely to enter the house where a good mood always reigns.

Happiness does not need to be sought - it must be.

Happiness is always closer than you think...


Happiness, it is in everything: in a sunny bunny, in the wind, in the grass, in the smell of cinnamon and apple, in cocoa under the covers on a cold evening; it is hidden in puppy dog ​​smell, in mother's calls, in salty sea ​​water, in the bright and clear sky (there it is limitless), in summer dawns, in school bags and written notebooks, in children's laughter, in the most cherished memories ... it is everywhere, you just need to look closely.


You ask yourself: “How can I be happy if I am unhappy?”. Indeed, you cannot command feelings, but you can command thoughts, words and deeds. Do something simple, give free rein to good thoughts, speak kind words, hold on as if you are happy, even if you do not have an internal feeling of happiness.

Gradually, the inner joy of the soul will win, it will break through.

365 reflections of the Rebbe

Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect for you, it means that you have learned to see through imperfections.

Let everyone be sure to get a happy ticket to a happy life!

Only thoughts make a person unhappy or happy. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

I'm interested in excitement. I am interested in absolute merging with the cosmos at the everyday level. If I kiss, then I am not at that moment. If I sing a song, I am not at that moment. This is what interests me. I'm looking for where there's the least distraction. Where are the least bunnies around. I don't want to waste my energy. If we take the kissing analogy again, there are people who kiss and think - I still have to call this today, do this, this and this. And so uninteresting. If I do something, I want to be all there. I've come to the point where I want undiluted happiness.

Boris Grebenshchikov

Great happiness often grows out of a small seed of joy...

Happiness is not squeezed into a given framework, it is infinite, like the air we breathe.

Happiness is increased by sharing it with others.

There is as much happiness in life asyou can spot it.

As we age, we lose many important qualities. And one of them is the gift of being happy just like that. To catch small pleasures on a hook and look at them with delight for a long time.

You can be happy at any time of the year. Happiness is generally such a special fifth season that comes, not paying attention to dates, calendars and all that. It is like eternal spring, which is always with you, behind the thin glass wall of the greenhouse.

We pack our bags and move to Happiness...

And are you happy? At this particular moment, are you doing what you would like to do more than anything in the world? R. Bach

The great science of living happily is to live in the present.

You can't put off happiness for the future need to be happy now.

What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Do not go looking for them on the other side of the earth, you will return disappointed, upset, hopeless. Look for them on the other side of yourself, in the depths of your heart. Dalai Lama.

People are constantly inventing problems for themselves. Why not make yourself happy?

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you, it is a natural phenomenon. It's just like the air, just like the sky.

Happiness is contagious. How

the happier you are, the happier

those around you.

Happiness happens when you are in tune with your life, in such harmony that whatever you do is joyful.

Everyone has the right to be happy on their own terms.

Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have. It depends entirely on what you think.

Happiness is a property of character. Some have it in their nature to wait all the time, others constantly look for it, and others find it everywhere.

Happiness does not like to get used to it, Happiness loves to be treasured...

All the happiness that exists in the world comes from wanting happiness for others. All the suffering that exists in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself.

To become happy, you need to get rid of everything superfluous. From unnecessary things, unnecessary fuss, and most importantly - from unnecessary thoughts.

It's wonderful to be someone's happiness! .. :)

The main thing is to feel happy, what the rest will say - it doesn't matter.

My highest happiness, my complete satisfaction, consists in reading, walking, dreaming, thinking. David Hume.

You don't need anything to be happy.

You need something to be unhappy.

Look, I'm perfectly happy. My happiness is a challenge. Wandering the streets, the squares, the embankments along the canal, absent-mindedly feeling damp lips through the holey soles, I proudly carry my inexplicable happiness. Centuries will roll by - schoolchildren will miss the history of our upheavals - everything will pass, everything will pass, but my happiness, dear friend, but my happiness will remain - in the wet reflection of the lantern, in the careful turn of the stone steps descending into the black waters of the canal, into the smile of a dancing couple, in everything that God surrounds so generously with human loneliness.

Life is given for happiness!

To be a happy person, you need to be able to achieve your goals, maintaining good relations with people, your reputation and without sacrificing inner harmony. Christophe Andre / psychiatrist, psychotherapist.

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. The happiness of life is made up of individual minutes, of small, quickly forgotten pleasures from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings.

happy man very easy to find out. He seems to radiate an aura of calmness and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to do everything, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. The secret of happy people is simple - it is the absence of tension.

AT happy moments smile from the bottom of your heart.

Everyone froze.

Time stopped.

Quiet. Happiness is coming ;)

Expectation happy days sometimes it's much better than these days.

I always feel happy. You know why? Because I don't expect anything from anyone. Waiting is always a pain... Life is short... So love your life... Be happy... And smile... Listen before you speak... Think before you write... Before you write how to spend money, earn money... Before you pray, goodbye... Before you hurt, feel... Before you hate, love... Before you die, live!

William Shakespeare

I have committed the most terrible sin of all possible sins. I wasn't happy. Borges

Being unhappy is a habit. Being happy is also a habit. The choice is yours.

Sometimes we find it hard to be happy simply because we refuse to let go of what makes us sad.

A happy person is one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future, and does not climb into someone else's life.

Happiness knocked on every door. It gave hope to all people: sad and cheerful, depressed and laughing, energetic and devoid of imagination. Happiness said: “Listen, look for me not around you, but inside yourself!”. Most people did not understand the language of happiness. They expected happiness to enter their lives with a drum roll, but happiness loves silence! It is hidden and manifests itself almost imperceptibly in the curves of life and in the simple details of every day...

I always feel happy.

You know why?

Because I don't expect anything from anyone.

Sometimes all you need to be happy is to stay at home, treat yourself to delicious treats and just spend the whole day in a warm bed.

Helpful Hints

It is no secret that each person has his own ideas about happiness, and completely different things can make him happy and contented with life.

However, due to the similar characters of people born under the same sign of the Zodiac, happiness can be conditionally divided into 12 parts: each piece will go to one of the signs of the Zodiac.

What is the happiness of each of the signs?

Why do you need this and not something else?

How can you make yourself happy? Let's look at each sign separately.


Aries are very freedom-loving individuals, they do not tolerate any restrictions. Making an Aries happy is easy - give him the opportunity to do what he likes, to be ahead and to decide everything.

Aries are used to building their happiness alone, if they lack something, they go and take it: they achieve, earn or strive to get what they want in other ways. This is their happiness - get what you want using its capabilities.

ADVICE: Do not forget that collective efforts sometimes do not harm, but bring exceptional benefits. In a rush to do everything yourself, you should stop and give the opportunity and do something to others. This is especially true for Aries women who are unhappy in marriage: they take on too much!


This zodiac sign loves a luxurious life, none of the Taurus will refuse to surround themselves with beautiful things. The happiness of Taurus largely depends on material things, but also on the physical condition. If Taurus feels good physically, he has confidence in the financial situation for the coming years and he living quite comfortably- you can be sure that he is happy!

More irrepressible natures, however, want everything they own to be at least a little better than others. This is especially true for women who want to look their best and better than anyone else.

Another important thing for the happiness of any Taurus is to have someone nearby who could really appreciate.

ADVICE: The main thing is not to spare money for something that will bring you real pleasure!

happiness joy of life


Geminis have seven Fridays a week, so it's very difficult to say what they want in one moment or another, and what could be the deciding point in their basket of happiness. But more often it is freedom in communication, new books, new impressions and new acquaintances.

ADVICE: Bring joy and fun to others, make them laugh, give positive emotions, then you will easily become happier.


The happiness of any Cancer is in a large and friendly family. Only surrounded relatives and friends, with their well-being and health, Cancers can be happy, because this sign is very attached to family and home.

Also without small and sheltered place, where one could go and where one could hide, Cancers do not represent their happiness. Any Cancer needs a shell, where it is warm, cozy, but most importantly - safe!

ADVICE: Learn to respect, appreciate and pamper yourself, find time not only for family members and at home, but also for myself then you can't say you gave best years others, making them happy, but forgetting about themselves. Healthy egoism has not yet made anyone unhappy!


Leo's happiness lies in the ability to express himself the way he wants. He does not tolerate when he is told how to live and what to do. Besides, any Leo will be happy get recognition, admiration and have a sea of ​​​​fans, and he will certainly strive for this. That is why there are so many representatives of the Leo sign among actors and show business people.

The Leo will experience happiness by being special, standing out from the crowd. This happiness is somewhat similar to the happiness of Aquarius, who also likes to stand out with his originality. Leo, in turn, may not be original, but definitely one of the best.

Read also:10 Places Unhappy People Seek Happiness

Lion's happiness is also in creativity. Any Leo is an artistic and creative person, even if creativity is not directly related to his profession. In any work, he will bring an element of creativity, but will often look for an interesting hobby, in addition to work.

ADVICE: You should not put yourself above others. Bring joy to people through your creativity and be more considerate to others. This will draw much more attention to you than you might think.

Happiness in the life of every sign


Virgo is happy when there is order around her. Like other earth signs, representatives of Virgo prefer create order yourself rather than waiting for someone else to do everything for them. No matter how trite it may seem, but for Virgos, happiness lies in work and the ability to put everything in its place, when no one interferes and when everything goes on as usual, without unpredictability. In general, if in life there is stability and order The girl will be happy.

It is also very important for any Virgo to have good health. This is one of the most important indicators of happiness for representatives of this sign - they or their loved ones have good health, and there will be a happy life. That is why Virgos cherish their health so much, protect and take care of themselves and those around them in every possible way.

TIP: To become happier, you should lower your bar of ideality, do not strive for ideals, since ideals are true friends of illusions and disappointments. Curb your pedantry, do not expect people to be the same as you: correct and accurate in everything, do not criticize their shortcomings, but accept them as they are, then they will be drawn to you.


Happiness is in any balance out of balance- there is no happiness, so typical representatives of the Libra sign think so. An important condition of life is a harmonious existence without any distortions in one direction or another. A harmonious relationship is doubly happiness.

ADVICE: When it comes to happiness, rely only on yourself. Don't wait for someone to come and make you happier. If happiness is inside you, the other person will only double it, and if not, then there will be no sense.

Another tip: you should not constantly look at someone else's opinion. Yes, it matters to you, but do not put it at the forefront. You should not constantly think about who and what will think about you and your decisions. Try to become more independent, then you will be much happier!


The happiness of Scorpio is special, unlike any other. Scorpio is the very sign that knows how to experience joy and happiness when when someone is sick, as well as use someone else's energy for your happiness. However, this is at the lowest level of development, because Scorpios are distinguished by their awareness. Scorpios are the best manipulators and the best vampires. But, as you know, you can’t build strong happiness on someone else’s misfortune, so it’s important to have something else here.

Scorpions often eat negative energy turning it into a positive one. The greatest happiness for representatives of this sign is to experience strong emotions, moreover, these can be both positive and negative emotions. This does not mean at all that Scorpio must necessarily harm someone, but the risk, the passage along the knife's edge - that's what brings happiness. That is why many Scorpios go in for extreme sports or tickle their nerves in other ways.

ADVICE: Aggression, resentment, jealousy of other people's success - this is exactly what you should let go before you become happy.

happiness in your life


Happy Sagittarius - on the way, and the longer it is, the longer happiness lasts. Look at the people around you: who most often breaks off and goes in search of new experiences in foreign countries? Most likely, these will be Sagittarius, who are becoming cramped in the world and want more.

Sagittarius also needs to take authoritative position. This is not necessarily career growth or a social ladder, the main thing is to be an authority for those who are nearby, to feel that they are valued and respected.

ADVICE: Always appreciate what you have here and now, you should not constantly think that someday a better future awaits you.


The happiness of Capricorns is in their professional demand. Although many of them say that they would like to work less, as soon as they lose their job, they immediately begin to feel unhappy. If Capricorn feels that someone needs him and his work, he will be happy!

Also, Capricorn must always have a plan, and not only plan A or B, but also plans C, D, F ... and so on ad infinitum. Without clear plan and without another plan, if the first one does not work, any Capricorn will feel out of place, which means they will not be truly happy.

Where are you, happiness? If you pass by, look at me, even if we drink some coffee.

Life is worth seeing a happy person in the mirror.

We all have the ability to choose. Choose happiness.

You don't even know how lucky you are.

Sometimes you need to not know something or miss something in order to remain happy.

Well, well, well ... everyone moved! Now it's my turn to be happy.

Never take revenge on mean people, just become happy. They won't survive this.

All people have beautiful eyes when they are happy.

Happiness is not happy or sad. It is simply happiness.

Happiness - when you don't have to lie that you feel good.

Happiness is never enough. And only when you lose it, you realize how much it was.

Love has only one law: you need to make your loved one happy.

Happiness is not when you are not hurt, but when you protect someone from pain.

Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more diligently you look for happiness, the further it is. You lose hope, happiness quietly flies and sits on your shoulder.

Happiness is within us.

I will buy happiness. Wholesale. With instructions for use.

The hardest thing to wake up when in a dream you were happy.

Happiness lives in simple things - in the fact that there is a person who hugs your back every night so that it does not freeze.

Happiness is usually brought and carried away by the same people.

Nowadays social media VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki are hard to imagine without statuses. This is a great way to cheer yourself up and those around you by sharing some cool phrase. This applies especially to joyful moments. After all, to enjoy them, they must be shared with someone. How else to do this on social networks, if not with the help of short statuses about happiness.

For a person to look good in photographs, it is enough for him to be happy.

Only the one who gave him the most happiness can cause the most terrible pain to a person.

Nothing hurts like pieces of your own happiness.

Happiness is impermanent.

Follow your happiness and the universe will open its doors to you where there were only walls.

All I need to be happy is happiness.

A fool has stupid happiness.

If you don't know how to live, live happily.

Happiness is not sought, like gold or winnings. It is created by themselves, those who have enough strength, knowledge and love.

Happiness is not planned. It comes suddenly.

The most beautiful outfit for a woman is happiness! I wish you to wear it without taking it off!

Happiness is generous. It does not destroy others in order to live.

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his mobile number. And his eye color. It is very kind. Always laughing at me. I love happiness. Thank you for being with me.

I'm too smart to be happy.

Happiness is a step before a dream, a nightmare is a step after ...

Courage is half happiness.

We create our own problems. So, we can invent our own happiness!

If your happiness depends on what others do, then perhaps you really have problems.

Happiness is known in comparison. Sometimes it's good to remember yesterday in order to appreciate the present more.

The secret of happiness: never compare health, wife and salary with others.

Do you ever need to let the world know what grace you are experiencing, but the right words don't come to mind? I want something beautiful and meaningful. In this case, all hope for statuses about happiness. Copy, paste and you're done - all your friends are aware that you feel good.

I often see happiness. But for some reason, only his back.

Happiness is a property of character. Some have it in their nature to wait all the time, others continuously look for it, and others find it everywhere.

The place for happiness is here, the time is now.

Happiness is when you close your eyes and still see with your heart...

There is an abyss between happiness and unhappiness. It is in it that we live.

Whoever cannot find happiness along the way will not find it at the end of the road.

Do not feel sorry and do not scold yourself for the past - after all, you tried to be happy.

It is difficult to find happiness in yourself, but it is impossible anywhere else.

When there is money, it is somehow easier to agree that happiness is not in them.

Happiness is when you think that you were killed, and you just tore off your leg.

We don't know what will happen tomorrow; our business is to be happy today.

Everyone puts into the concept of happiness what he most lacks.

Happiness itself finds its way to a strong spirit.

A moment is a measure of happiness.

Happiness doesn't just come. He needs to like it.

Sometimes one call separates us from happiness… One conversation… One confession…

Happiness is not to own what you want, but to want what you own.

Many seek happiness in areas above their level, others below. But happiness is of the same height as a person.

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable.

If money doesn't bring happiness, give it to someone else.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness!

It is ridiculous to think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy.

Whoever seeks meaning in life has not found happiness in it.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? It only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

Who is happy, he is silent.

We look for happiness in the future and the past and stubbornly refuse to see it in the present.

Loving what you do is happiness.

Many people are happy, but few know about it.

People are often happier than they wanted.

For happiness, you need to fight with yourself ...

You can not get enough sleep, be tired, exhausted, have serious problems, but at the same time be absolutely happy. Absolutely.

Sometimes happiness falls so unexpectedly that you do not have time to jump aside.

Happiness is a five-minute walk, and sometimes we wait half a lifetime.

If someone wishes you every day Good night You are already happier than a lot of people.

If happiness has not yet come, then it is huge and goes in small steps.

Everyone finds their own happiness.

Live in youth in such a way that you will be happy in old age.

For a minute of happiness, you pay with two minutes of loneliness.

Healthy people imagine happiness in different ways, but sick people imagine it only in the form of health.

You don't have to draw a rainbow to be happy! Enough to be her.

With the help of statuses, you can not only please your friends, but also offend them. So think carefully before writing anything. Better yet, take advantage of our selection. Here only best statuses about happiness. These are exactly the phrases that will please everyone who knows what bliss is.

Some people think that they will be happy if they move to another place, and then it turns out: wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

You can't find happiness in love if you don't bring it with you.

There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere.

Happiness is the road itself, not where it leads...

The difference between happy and not happy families is in two or three phrases that are not said daily.

Freedom, of course, is a cool thing, but sometimes you still want to exchange it for happiness.

Happiness quickly becomes memories.

A person needs so little to be happy, but, alas, so much to understand it.

Happiness can be found even in dark times, if you remember to turn to the light.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

The first person you think of in the morning and the last person you think of at night is either the cause of your happiness or the cause of your pain.

I am happy that I live.

Life is for happiness. Nothing more and nothing less.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come. Gotta be happy today.

The key to happiness is being able to enjoy what you have.

I walked towards happiness... We missed each other.

Happiness is contagious: the happier you are, the happier those around you are.

You can be happy even in the most adverse conditions.

There is no happiness without action.

A person does not feel happiness, just as he does not feel the air he breathes.

Use these short statuses about happiness with meaning, share and enjoy them. And if it’s not enough for you, then we advise you to read also beautiful parables about happiness. After all, statuses are short and clear, and parables are deeper and wiser.

How many people in the world, so many different opinions, including on the topic of what a person needs for happiness. There may be much more opinions on this topic, but it’s just more difficult to answer: it’s too diverse, but still we’ll try.

What is happiness for a person?

Yes, anything, depending on his character, appearance, living conditions and much more. One question - many answers:

Philosophers refer to the concept happiness to the realm of morality, a state of complete satisfaction of a person with his physical and spiritual life suitability for its intended purpose.

How much money do you need to be happy?

It seems that the answer lies on the surface - many, however, even here everything is not so simple even in terms of the number of banknotes, and everyone’s attitudes in life are different:

  • The well-known proverb, which says that happiness does not depend on the availability of money, of course, is somewhat right: not everything and not everyone can be bought, and what is possible often does not bring joy. Someone is satisfied with the position of being “loved” due to their ability to earn a lot, but for someone this is an obstacle in gaining true happiness;
  • Having a lot of funds, it is much easier to cure a serious illness, and even then not always, but often it is easier to say goodbye to life altogether as a result of someone's envy;
  • A well-paid position helps to get the desired material benefits in the form of an apartment, car, clothes, various pleasures, but you often have to “pay” for this with huge stress at an unloved (to put it mildly) job and constant fear of losing it, sacrificing small worldly joys, the opportunity to calmly relax in the circle of your household;
  • Wealthy people have many friends and acquaintances, but are they sincere in their feelings and relationships with you, and is this important for you? There are many nuances.

Popular wisdom does not consider poverty a vice, but certainly it's hard to be happy in this position. It is important to be able to endure it with dignity, if there is no other way out, but it is equally important not to be in slavish submission to money and live only for the sake of accumulating it. The "golden mean" must be found.

A happy woman - loving or beloved?

Here, probably, the now widely used expression “two in one” will fit:

  • Each person is unique, and this does not depend on gender, something else is important: usually a woman, as an emotional being, needs a constant feeling of happiness more, as an organism for functioning - in breathing. So it is arranged by nature;
  • They say that people are divided into lovers and loved ones, and it is difficult to give priority to something. A woman cannot live without love in its simplest and most complex manifestation - feelings for a man. To love by giving of oneself is a need for happiness, often quite heavy. Feeling your “happiness” from the proximity of “your” man is a pleasure, but can it be called happiness? For everyone - differently;
  • Probably, ideal option it would be a combination of both cases in one fate, and then it really could be called happiness, but life is complicated, and more often it requires not emotions, but a sober mind, so as not to make an irreparable mistake. Again, nature takes its toll, and it is very difficult to resist it;

There is such a peculiar toast for women, when they want to love and be loved, that “in translation” means one thing: be happy.

What is more important for a man: to be happy or successful?

The first thing that comes to mind is a “definitely successful” response. Many women also want to fulfill themselves in their work, but still, the balance in the “happiness” – “success” pair shifts for the male gender towards success, and a woman should help him with this, for her own happiness, because her arrow moves there:

  • The “approach” to the feeling of happiness in men lies through career achievements, in its significance for the employer and colleagues, respect and adoration from the wife and children. The ability to fix a tap and electrical wiring, make repairs in an apartment, build a summer house and fix a breakdown in a car - all these are important components that increase or decrease his self-esteem;
  • Being happy for a man is inextricably linked with his authority as an employee, father and husband, self-sufficiency, the desire to earn success and not be considered a loser. Achieving goals increases a man's self-esteem in emotionally and help him become better, more confident. His mental attitude improves, and hence the “weather” in his family, making everyone happy.

Leo Tolstoy wrote about the similarities between happy families. Perhaps this is the way it is, only the path to happiness for each of them is their own, special.

What do scientists think about happiness?

It is very difficult to give an exact definition of this concept and is almost tantamount to chasing a sunbeam in order to catch it, as the main character of one famous “school” film believed.

However, psychologists and sociologists conduct research on this subject:

  • In the study of the phenomenon of happiness, both objective and subjective criteria are used, that is, on the one hand, a person’s financial situation, his educational level, age category are taken into account, and on the other hand, the characteristics of a person’s worldview as a person, his thoughts, understanding of various things;
  • If earlier psychology was for a long time close to the category of natural science disciplines, then at present it has begun to rely heavily in its research on such philosophical categories as the essence of man, the meaning of his life, ethical, moral installations;
  • Happiness as an inner feeling is, of course, difficult to fit into any scientific theory. In psychology, this concept includes both short-term positive emotions and rather long-term states, but in general the essence is the same - satisfaction with life and one's position in it, and each of us understands this in our own way.

Scientists have found that from the point of view of physiology, the body of a contented person produces certain chemical compounds called "hormones of happiness" (endorphins). But he also kills them during troubles, adapting the internal environment to the outside world.

The hero of the famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov Stirlitz considered the happiest people who don't care about time. It is quite possible that this can also include a person who not only knows exactly what is needed for happiness specifically for himself, but can also implement it.

Video about infinitely happy people

In this video, Dan Gilbert will tell you in full within 20 minutes what the key to a happy life is, what any person needs for this: