Night prayer how to perform. Features of reading prayer by Muslim women

Night prayer is the logical end of the daybeliever, during whichhe prays to Allah for acceptancegood deeds received during the day and asks for help in upcoming affairs.

AT Holy Quran in many places you can find the words of the Almighty about the need for people to perform prayers during the day. Here is just one verse, but it is very eloquent:

“Be sure to pray and do not shy away from paying zakat…” (22:78)

The fifth obligatory prayer during the day is Isha (in the Arabic manner) or yasta (as representatives of the Turkic peoples usually say). Many Russian-speaking Muslims call this night prayer.

When can I start reading the night prayer?

According to the opinion of the vast majority of theologians of all branches of Islam, yastu-namaz can be read from the moment of darkness, that is, the disappearance of evening light on the horizon, and until morning. But in the collections of sayings of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.), compiled by the famous hadith scholars al-Bukhari and at-Tirmizi, one can find information about the preference for performing night prayers either in the first third of the dark time of the day, or before the beginning of the second half of the night.

The Structure of the Isha Prayer

Formally, the night prayer consists of four fard rakats (rakats) and two sunnats. Also, many Muslims practice reading the Witr prayer, which is in the rank of wajib (obligatory, but denying it is obligatory does not lead to exit from Islam, but is a great sin), immediately after two rakahs of the sunnat. In addition, in the rank of Sunnah, but not strengthened (muakkada), there are 4 Sunnah rakahats before fard. We will not dwell on the description of these additional sunnat rakahats and will immediately proceed to the fard (an example of which you can see in the video).

Note: the positions of the arms and legs described below, the torso of a person are presented for men. For women they have some.

4 rakahats of fard yastu prayer

Rakagat #1

Niyat (intention). Any business is evaluated, in addition to effectiveness and benefit, by the intention that a person put into it. That is why it is important that immediately before prayer, the believer mentally prepares to worship his Creator. Most likely, it is precisely with this that the fact that there is no one formula of niyat is connected. A Muslim who is ready for prayer and cleansed with the help of ablution must have a strong desire in his heart at this moment and in this place to perform a religious ceremony both mentally and with his body. Otherwise, repeating a hackneyed formula from time to time can change the sincere desire for the pleasure of Allah, in fact, with meaningless automatism.

That is, the believer stands in the direction of the Kaaba, mentally prepares for worship, pronouncing in any language to himself: "O Allah, I intend to read 4 rak'ahs of the fard of the Isha prayer."

Takbir-tahrim. Following the niyat, takbir-tahrim is pronounced "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is Great"), raising his hands to the level of his head and touching his earlobes with his thumbs (such a touch is typical only for representatives of the Hanafi and Maliki madhhabs, in contrast to the Shafi'i and Hanbali). It was from this moment that the start of the ritual of worship was given, and the worshiper can no longer make extraneous movements.

Qiyam (standing). During qiyam, the gaze of the believer is directed to the point that his forehead is supposed to touch at the moment of prostration. The right hand is placed on the left, clasping it with the thumb and little finger. At the same time, the hands are located below the navel (among the Hanafites), or above the navel to the chest (Shafiites), or they are completely lowered (Malikites). The Hanbalis themselves decide how exactly they will keep their hands in qiyam.

In a standing position, the believer reads dua "Sana":

“Subhanyaka Allahhumma wa bihamdika, wa tabarakasmukya, wa ta’ala jadduka, wa la Ilyaha gairuk”

Semantic translation:“Praise be to Allah Almighty! Your name is the greatest. Nobody is equal to You. No one is worthy of worship except You."

This version of the dua "Sana" is characteristic of representatives of the Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali madhhabs. The Shafiites use a different version of this dua:

“Wajahtu vajhiya lillazi fataras-samavati wal-ard, hanifam muslima, wa ma ana minal-mushrikin, innas-salati wa nusuki, wa mahya, wa mamaati lilLyahi Rabbil-'alyamin, la sharika lyakh, wa bi zyalika die wa ana minal- muslimin"

Semantic translation:“I direct my face towards the One who created the heavens and the earth. I worship only Allah, indeed, my faith, prayers, life and death - all this is under the power of Allah, Who is One and has no partner. I do what I am commanded, I am truly a Muslim."

Now the worshiper pronounces the words: “A’uzu billahi minashshaytanir-rajim, bismil-Lyahi-r-Rahmyanir-Rahim » (“I resort to the Almighty Creator from the devil, worthy of stoning. In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful [I start the matter]”). Next, you need to read, followed by an additional sura. It can be absolutely anyone, but usually the choice falls on some short sura or three successive verses. As an example of a short Quranic verse, we can offer. Sacred verses are read aloud if a person performs prayer alone. If we are talking about collective prayer, then the imam loudly pronounces suras and verses within the framework of the first and second rak'ahs of the fard part.

Hand' ( or rukug - waist bow). At the end of the initial qiyam, takbir is pronounced, the person lowers his hands and rests his palms on the kneecaps, while his body bends at 90 degrees (so that it resembles the letter “G” from the side). At the same time, the hands rest on the kneecaps, the gaze is directed to the feet. In this position, repeat the words to yourself three times: "Subhanya Rabbial-‘Azyim" (“The most pure [from all bad] is our Great Master”). The exit from the waist bow is made with the phrase (out loud): "Sami'allahu limyan Khamidya" ("Allah hears those who glorify Him"). After straightening the body, the arms are lowered at the seams. At this moment he says to himself: "Rabbani laKal-hamd" (“O Lord! To you all words of praise”). Then the worshiper says takbir and bows to the ground.

Sujud (sajda or prostration). When moving to the position of sujud, a Muslim first lowers his knees to the floor, followed by his hands and head. The palms should be placed on the line of the head (Hanafi). Shafiites place them closer to the shoulders. The worshiper must touch the prayer mat or other surface with his nose and forehead at the same time. You cannot close your eyes. Hanbalis first of all lower their palms to the floor, followed by their knees and head.

Being in sujud, it is pronounced three times: "Subhanya Rabbi al-A'la"("My Most Pure Great Lord"). Then the person comes out of the bowed position for a few seconds, saying takbir and sitting down (this position in Arabic is called ku'ud). The worshiper sits on the left leg, while the right leg is bent in such a way that the toes of the foot look towards the qibla. The hands are located on the hips. Then the takbir is pronounced again and the time comes for another sujud, within which the phrase is repeated "Subhanya Rabbi al-A'la". The exit from the prostration marks the takbir. Thus ends the first rak'ah. A Muslim takes a standing position (qiyam).

Rakagat #2

Standing up to his full height, the believer loudly recites the Fatiha sura and another sura of God's Final Revelation (for example,). Next come the waist and earth bows - just like in the previous rak'ah.

Then comes such an element of prayer as ku'ud. The Arabic word literally translates as "sitting". In fact, a Muslim sits down as he sat between two prostrations. So he starts reading. dua "Tashahhud":

“Attahiyatu lillahi was-salavat uattaiibat. Assalamu ‘alayka, ayyuhannabiyu, wa rahmatullahi wabaryakatuh. Assalamu ‘alayne wa ‘alee ‘yibadillahi-s-salihin. Ashkhadu al-lyaya-ilaha illa-Llahu, wa ashhadu an-na Muhammadan gabduhu wa Rasulyuhu "

Semantic translation: « Greetings, prayers and praise to You, O Allah! Peace be upon you, our Prophet, mercy to you from Allah and His blessings. I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah Almighty. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger."

Usually, when the shahada formula (“Ashhadu al-laya-ilaha illa-Llahu”) is pronounced, the one who reads the prayer gestures with the right index finger - i.e. raises it up to the phrase "wa ashkhadu an-na Muhammadan gyabduhu wa Rasulyuhu". At the end of "Tashahhud" the worshiper rises to the 3rd rak'ah.

Rakagat #3

This part of the fard prayer is performed in the same way as the first. The only difference is that there is no dua "San", and additional verses of the Koran after "Fatiha". By the way, this sura in the third and subsequent rakahah is already read to oneself. After it, Rukug and Sajdah are immediately done, and then the 4th rak'ah follows.

Rakagat #4

In the qiyam of the final rak'ah of the fard of the night prayer, the first sura of the Koran is read to oneself, after which the prayer immediately goes to the waist and bows to the earth. As in the second rak'ah, in a sitting position (ku'ud), the Muslim says "Tashahhud" to himself. Then - dua "Salavat":

“Allahumma sally ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala Ali Muhammad. Kama salata ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala Ali Ibrahim. Innakya hamidun-majiid. Allahumma barik ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala Ali Muhammad. Kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala ali Ibrahima, innyaka hamidun majiid”

Semantic translation:“O Supreme! Bless Muhammad and his family as You previously blessed Ibrahim and his family. Verily, You are the Praised One. O Supreme! Send blessings to Muhammad and his family, as You blessed Ibrahim and his family. Verily, You are Praised and Worthy of Glory.”

The next step is to read an excerpt from the Qur'anic Surah "The Cow":

“Rabbana, atinya fiddunya hasanatau wa fil ahirati hasanatau wa kynya gazabannar” (2:201)

Semantic translation:“O our Lord! Give us good in this world and eternity! Protect us from Hellfire and its hardships."

All of the above within the framework of ku'ud (sitting) a Muslim reads not loudly, but to himself. However, the next step - a salutation in both directions (in which the gaze is directed, respectively, to the right and left shoulder) - he performs, clearly pronouncing: "As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah" (“Greetings to you and the mercy of Allah”). Muslim scholars note that in the course of such a greeting, a person turns to the angels who record deeds, as well as other devout people and jinn.

At the end of the prayer, the prayer says three times "Astaghfirullakhi" ("Allah forgive me") and makes dua with these words:

“Allahumma antas-salamu wamankya-s-salaam. Tabarakta I zal-jalali wal-ikraam. Amine"

Semantic translation:“O Supreme Lord! You are the universe and You are its source. We pray for Your blessing. Amen". The greeting is usually said aloud in the fard part of the prayer, but the dua is spoken to oneself. And during the last prayer, the believer raises his palms to the level of the shoulders, chest or face. After completing this dua, he wipes his face with his palms.

So, we have analyzed step by step the procedure for performing fard namaz ‘isha in detail. Let's move on to the next step.

2 rakahats sunnat

The order of reading this part of the daily yastu prayer, in general, is similar to the one that was described by us in the context of the fard part. Naturally, the words of intention are modified. In addition, takbirs, greetings, suras - in a word, all elements of prayer are pronounced to oneself. For the sujud of the 2nd rak'ah, the believer sits in the ku'ud, where he reads "Tashahhud", "Salavat", the ayat "Rabban ..." from the surah "Cow". Further, a greeting is made in both directions and the final prayer-dua is read.

3 rakahah prayers-vitr

The order of this prayer is not much different from that described above. However, in the final - third - rakagat there are several important nuances.

Thus, the entire witr prayer is usually read to oneself and separately (not with the jamaat), even in the mosque. But during Ramadan, Muslims gathered in the mosque perform it collectively. If, in the month of fasting, the believer stayed at home during the yastu prayer, then during the vitra he also pronounces the corresponding elements aloud.

Another feature: after the "Fatiha" and an additional sura in the 3rd rak'ah (it is considered desirable here), one should say dua "Kunut":

“Allahumma, in-nya nyastya’yynukya vya nyastyagfiruKya va nugminu bikya va natavyakkalu ‘alaykya vya nuzni ‘alaykal-haira kulla. NashkuruKya va la nakfuruKya nahnagu laKya va nahlyagu ya naruku mai yakfuruk. Allahummah! Yakya na’du vya lakya nussalli vya us-judu vya ilyaykya us "and vya nahfid. Narju ryahmyakya vah-afwu 'azabyakal-jid. Innya 'azyabyaka bil-kafiriyina mukhlik!"

Semantic translation: « Oh Allah! Truly, we beg for help and forgiveness from Your side, we believe in You and praise for all the good that we have received from You. We are unspeakably grateful to You, we are not ungrateful to You, we are subject to Your order and devoted to You. We are not the ones who dare to reject faith in You. Oh Allah! Only You are worthy of worship, which we do only in relation to You, our prayers and requests are addressed to You, we are on our knees before You. We are working, making efforts to obtain Your blessing. We rely only on Your mercy. We are afraid of Your cruel punishment! Without a doubt, Your punishment will overtake all disbelievers!»

This is just a brief description of the witr prayer. You can find out more about the procedure for performing it from the standpoint of various madhhabs on our website.

4 rakahats sunnat

Let us remind you once again that this part of the night prayer ’isha is not considered an enhanced sunnah, in contrast to the 2 rak'ahs described above, and is read at the very beginning - before the fard.

In general, the procedure for performing the four rak'ahs of the sunnat is identical to that described above. However, in each of them, after Al-Fatiha, additional short suras or successive verses (at least three) are read. All elements of Sunnat prayers are pronounced to oneself.

“Keep awake part of the night reciting the Quran during extra prayers. Perhaps your Lord will lead you to a place of praise.”

Holy Koran. Sura 17 "Al-Isra" / "Night Transfer", ayat 79

Praying Tahajjud is Sunnah. Namaz Tahajjud is performed on the interval between the night prayer (Isha) and the morning prayer (Fajr). Prayer Tahajjud can be performed at any time of the night, but it is best to wake up specifically for the prayer of Tahajjud in the last third of the night. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Our Lord, the Great and Mighty, descends to the lower sky every night when it reaches its last third and says: “Who turns to me with a prayer that I answer him? Who is asking Me to give it to him? Who asks Me for forgiveness so that I forgive him?” (al-Bukhari; Muslim).

Number of rak'ahs prayer Tahajjud - from two to eight (at the request of the prayer). After performing the Tahajjud prayer, it is recommended to turn to the Almighty with a personal prayer, ask Him for forgiveness, support and help, thank Him for all the blessings bestowed by Him. Also, according to some hadiths, after Tahajjud, one rak'ah of Witr prayer can be performed, as the completion of the night prayer as a whole. Performing tahajjud collectively is condemned, since the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and his companions did not perform this prayer collectively.

“They tear their sides from their beds, crying out to their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have given them. Not a single person knows what delights for the eyes are hidden for them as a reward for what they did.

Holy Koran. Sura 17 "As-Sajda" / "Prostration", ayat 16-17

The Messenger of the Almighty, peace and blessings be upon him, performed tahajjud constantly. He said: “Get up at night to pray, truly this is the custom of the righteous people before you, which will bring you closer to Allah, atone for your little sins, keep you from sin.” He also said: “Whoever performs prayer perfectly at night, Allah will endow him with nine blessings - five in worldly life and four in akhirah.”

Among the five worldly blessings, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, named the protection of Allah from troubles, the love of people for a Muslim who performs Tahajjud, the achievement of wisdom, humility before Allah and enlightenment. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, attributed the resurrection of a Muslim with a brightened face, facilitating the report of a Muslim on the Day of Judgment, a quick and painless passage through the Sirat Bridge and handing over his book of deeds on the Day of Judgment to the four blessings of the akhirah. right hand.

One of the obligatory pillars of Islam, which every Muslim must fulfill, is the fivefold prayer (salat) to Allah Almighty at the set time of the day. At the same time, certain conditions must be met in order to perform prayer. How to perform namaz correctly and what should every Muslim know before performing it?

How to read namaz correctly - preparation

Before proceeding to prayer, it is necessary to perform a small (wudu) ablution or, if necessary, a complete (ghusl).

In addition to ablution, the following conditions must also be met:

  • Vestments. For women, it is allowed to leave open the feet and hands, face. In this case, the head, including the hair, must be covered. In men, the head remains uncovered.
  • Prayer should be performed towards the Kaaba (Mecca, Saudi Arabia).
  • For a certain prayer, a certain time must be observed.
  • It is necessary to express the intention to perform prayer (in the shower).

If all of the above points are fulfilled, then you can begin to perform prayer.

How to read namaz correctly. Five obligatory daily prayers: names and times

  • Fajr is the morning prayer. This salad is performed from dawn until full sunrise, when the sun has completely crossed the horizon.
  • Zuhr is the noon prayer. You can pray a few minutes after the sun passes its zenith. The period in which you need to have time to pray ends with the beginning of the Asr prayer.
  • Asr is the evening prayer. The start is about two hours before sunset and you need to be in time before the sun begins to hide behind the horizon.
  • Maghrib - evening prayer. Evening prayer should be performed immediately after sunset, until the moment when there is still an evening glow.
  • Isha is the night prayer. With the onset of the late evening, when it is already completely dark outside, you can perform Isha prayer. Its time spans all night until dawn.

How to read namaz correctly - rules

Consider the performance of prayer using the example of the morning Fajr prayer (consists of 2 ra'kaats). It is important that the prayer reads prayer to himself or in a whisper.

  • Stand towards the Kaaba. Lower your arms along the body and you need to look at the floor, about a meter away from you. Do not close your eyes.

  • Then the arms are bent at the elbow, open palms are raised from oneself to the level of the ears, the takbir is pronounced: “Allahu Akbar!” (Allah is Great!). In this case, the fingers should be connected together. After pronouncing the takbir, one should not do any actions that may violate the prayer, because it will not be taken into account by the Almighty (laugh, talk, look around, scratch something, and so on).

  • After the hands are connected on the stomach above the navel. In this case, the right hand is placed on the left, clasping it in the wrist. The first ra'kaat of prayer begins. Sanah is read - the praise of Allah:

"Subhanaka-llahumma wa-bi-hamdika wa-tabaraka-smuka wa-ta'ala jadduka wa jalla sana'uka wa-la 'ilaha gairuk" ("Glorious are You, O Allah, in Your Purity! We begin with praise to You. Blessed be the Name Thine. Great is Thy Power. Mighty is Thy Glory. There is no god but Thee.")

  • After it is pronounced: “A’uzu bi-l-lyahi mina-sh-sheitani-r-rajim!” (“I resort to the protection of Allah from the damned and outcast shaitan!”).
  • Next, you need to read Surah Al-Fatiha (“Opening”).

Al-hamdu li-llahi rabbi-l-alamin.
Maaliki yawmi-d-din.
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in.
Siraata-l-lyaziina an'amta aleihim.
Gayri-l-magdubi aleihim wa la-d-daaaalliin.

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
Gracious, Merciful,
Lord of the Day of Retribution!
You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.
Lead us to the straight path
the way of those whom You have favored, not those on whom anger has fallen, and not those who have gone astray.

  • After completing the opening sura, you need to say: "Amen!" and immediately another surah is read. It can be sura "An-us" (People), "Al-ihlas" (Purification of faith), "Al-falak" (Dawn) or any other by heart.
  • After the second surah, the takbir “Allahu Akbar” is again pronounced with a raise of hands and a waist bow (hand) is performed. At the same time, open palms fall to their knees, it is pronounced: “Subhana rabbia-l-azim!” (Glory to the Lord the Greatest!) - 3 times.

  • Then, rising, it is said: “Sami’a-l-lahu estuary hamidah!” (Allah hears those who praise Him!).
  • When fully extended: "Rabbana wa-laka-l-hamd!" (Our Lord, all praise is only to You) and takbir: “Allahu Akbar!”.

  • After the takbir, a prostration (sujud) is done. It is performed as follows. The knees begin to bend, then you need to stand on them, then lower your hands in front of you and touch your forehead and nose to the floor. Hands at this time should be closed at ear level. In this case, the feet remain on the toes. It is pronounced: “Subhana rabbiyya-l-a’la!” (Glory to the Lord Supreme) - 3 times.

  • Then takbir and, without getting up, sit on the left leg, bending the foot under you with the toe inward, and straighten the right one parallel to the floor. The palms are placed on the knees, the fingers are connected and the hands are along the thighs. Then “Allahu Akbar” is pronounced again and makes a second bow with a threefold repetition of the phrase: “Subhana Rabbiya-l-a’la”.

  • Next, takbir "Allahu Akbar" and you need to stand in reverse order. First, hands and head come off the floor, and then you need to get up from your haunches and straighten up. Thus ends the first ra'kaat.

  • This is followed by the repetition of the first ra'kaat and at the end of the second waist bow, the takbir is pronounced and again you need to sit on your feet. In this case, the index finger of the right hand must be straightened towards the Kaaba. The prayers "Tashakhhud" and "Salyavat" are read. During these prayers, the straightened finger should move up and down without stopping.

“At-tahiyyatu li-llahi wa-s-salavat wa-t-tayyibat! As-salamu ‘alaika ayyuha-n-nabiyyu wa-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh! As-salamu ‘alayna wa-‘ala ibadi-llahi-s-salihin! Ashhadu ‘al-la ‘ilaha ila-llahu, wa-‘ashhadu ‘anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa-rasulukh! (All greetings are to Allah, all prayers and righteous deeds. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah and His blessings! Peace be upon us and all the righteous servants of Allah. I testify that there is no deity but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and envoy.)

Salawat: “Allahumma sally ‘ala Muhammadiv-wa-‘ala ‘ali Muhammadin kama sallayta ‘ala Ibrahima wa-‘ala ‘ali Ibrahim, innaka hamidun-majid. Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammadiv-wa-'ala 'ali Muhammadin kama barakta 'ala Ibrahima wa-'ala 'ali Ibrahima, innaka hamidun-majid ”(O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Indeed "You are Glorious, Praiseworthy and Great. O Allah! Show Your bounty to Muhammad and his family, as You bestowed Your generosity on Ibrahim and his family. Verily, You are Glorified, Praiseworthy and Great).

  • After salawat, you need to turn your head to the right and say: “As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-l-lah” (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah), and then to the left and again: “As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-l-lah.”
  • Fajr prayer is over. All other prayers, except Maghreb, consist of 4 ra'kaats. After the first two, when the tashahud is spoken to “Ashhadu ‘al-la’ ilahu illa-llahu ...”, the takbir “Allahu Akbar!” is said again, you need to rise and repeat two more ra’kaats. Maghrib consists of 3 ra'kaats.

Before you start praying, you need to familiarize yourself with when it is impossible to perform prayer, what violates prayer, how to do ablution and much more. At first it may seem that everything is very complicated, but it is not! The most important thing is that after prayer you will feel inner peace and satisfaction! Peace be upon you and the blessings of Allah!

The obligatory night prayer (mustahab “salat al-layl”) is so important that in the school of Ahl ul-Bayt (A) it is considered close to obligatory.

Night prayer in the Quran and Hadith

This prayer is repeatedly mentioned in the Qur'an:

“Their sides deviate from their lodges; they cry out to their Lord with fear and desire and spend out of what We have given them. The soul does not know what is hidden for them from the delight of the eyes as a reward for what they did "(32: 16-17).

« There was a small part of the night that they slept, and at dawn they cried for forgiveness..." (51: 17-18).

« And at night, be zealous in it voluntarily for yourself - perhaps your Lord will send you a place worthy of praise!"(17:79).

Imam Sadiq (A) said: “The greatness of the believer is in the night prayer.”

The Prophet (S) said: "Two rak'ahs of prayer, read in the darkness of the night, are dearer to me than all the riches of this world."

Imam Sadiq (A) said: “The night prayer makes the face radiant and increases the lot (rizq).”

The Prophet (S) said: “When a servant of Allah turns to Him with worship in the middle of a dark night, Allah sets His light in his heart ... And He says to His angels: “O My angels! Look at My servant who addressed me in the middle of the dark night, when the hypocrites play and the desperate sleep! Testify that I have forgiven him!”

The Prophet (S) said: “If a servant of Allah - a man or a woman - gets up for a night prayer, sincerely for the sake of Allah, and takes ablution, and performs this prayer for the sake of Allah with a pure intention, with a trembling body and eyes wet with tears, Allah will command to line up behind him are nine rows of angels, and no one but Allah can count their number in each row. One side of each row will be in the West, the other in the East. And when he completes the prayer, he will receive the reward of all the angels in each row.

A man came to the commander of the believers (A) and said: "I forgot to read the night prayer." He said, "Your sins made you do it."

Imam Sajjad (A) was asked: “Why are those who perform night prayers the most beautiful people on the face?"
He said: "Because they are alone with Allah, and Allah has covered them with His light."

Night Prayer Reward:

1. He is an atonement for the sins of the day;

2. Increase in lot (rizka);

3. Illumination of the face;

4. Protection for the next day;

5. The house in which the night prayer is read shines for the inhabitants of the sky, just as the stars shine for the inhabitants of the earth;

6. Night prayer drives away the devil;

7. Becomes a cause of sincere recognition of Allah;

8. Weapons against enemies, the reason for making dua;

9. Relief of fate and light in the grave.

How is night prayer performed?

Night prayer consists of 11 rak'ahs.

First, 8 rak'ahs are read, that is, 4 prayers of two rak'ahs each. Each two-rakah prayer is read in the same way as a regular morning prayer of 2 rakah, only with the intention of “salat al-layl”. In each of the rak'ahs, the Fatiha and any other sura are read.

Finally, at the end, salat al-witr prayer is performed in one rak'ah. After the "Fatiha" and the sura, a kunut is performed, in which the following dua is read:

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

لآ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللّهُ الْحَلِيْمُ الْكَرِيْمُ لآ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللّهُ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيْمُ

سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ رَبِّ السَّمَاوَاتِ السَّبْعِ وَ رَبِّ الاَرْضِيْنَ السَّبْعِ

وَ مَا فِيْهِنَّ وَ مَا بَيْنَهُنَّ وَ مَا فَوْقَهُنَّ وَ مَا تَحْتَهُنَّ

رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيْمِ وَ سَلاَمٌ عَلى الْمُرْسَلِيْنَ

وَ الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ وَ صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ


Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim. La ilaha illa llahu l-khaliimu l-karim, la ilaha illa llahu l-aliya l-azim. Subhana llahi rabbu ssamaavati ssabA wa l-ardiina ssabaa wa maa fihinna wa maa beinahunna wa maa fauqahunna wa maa tahtahunna rabbu l-Arshi l-Azeem wa salamun Ala l-mursaliyin val hamdu lillahi rabbi l-alyamiin wa sallalla llahu talimahu -taahiriin

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! There is no god but Allah, the Patient, the Generous! There is no god but Allah, the High, the Great! Exalted is Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and seven earths and what is in them, and what is between them, and what is above them, and what is below them, Lord of the great Throne! And peace be upon the messengers and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may Allah bless Muhammad and his pure family!”

Then say 70 times:

اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّهَ رَبِّي وَ اَتُوْبُ اِلَيْهِ

Astagfiru Allah Rabbi wa Atuubu Elei

“I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, and I turn to Him.”

Then it is desirable to ask for forgiveness for 40 believers, living or dead.

Then say:

اَللّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ وَ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ

Allahhumma gfir lil muminina wal muminat

“O Allah, forgive the believing men and women!”

Then say:

رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَ ارْحَمْنِي وَ تُبْ عَلَيَّ اِنَّكَ اَنْتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيْمُ

Rabbi gfirli va rahmni va tub Aleyya innaka anta tavvabu rrahim

“Oh, my Lord, forgive me and have mercy and turn to me: verily, You are the Turning, the Merciful!”

Then make a hand, sajda, read, tashahhud and salam and finish the prayer with this.

Night prayer times

The time of the night prayer begins at Sharia midnight and ends with the onset of the time for the morning Fajr prayer. The best time to do it is just before Fajr prayer.

Night prayer is so important that if you cannot read all 11 rak'ahs, read as much as you can - at least one rak'ah of Witr prayer.

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The number of rak'ahs in tahajjud prayer

The book "Havi Qudsi" says: "The smallest number of rak'ahs is two, and the largest is 8 rak'ahs."

In the books "Javhara" and "Marakil Falah": "The smallest is 8 rak'ahs. You can choose as you wish."

Tahajjud Prayer Times

The best time to perform tahajjud prayer is the second half of the night (until dawn). During the last third of the night, Almighty Allah accepts the dua and proclaims: “Who will ask Me (for something) to grant him this? Who will beg Me for forgiveness so that I can forgive him?”

But if someone is not able to wake up during this part of the night, he can perform the night prayer (tahajjud) at any time after Isha prayer (night prayer). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Everything that happens after Ish is considered night (will be considered tahajjud)” (“at-Targhib”, volume 1, p. 430; “Shami”, volume 2, p. .24).

Anyone who is not sure that he will wake up at night should perform witr before going to bed. At the same time, if he woke up at night, he can perform tahajjud, but he does not need to repeat Witr (“Shami”, Volume 1, p. 369).

The advent of Ramadan provides an ideal opportunity for this outstanding Sunnah of our beloved Guide (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to become firmly established in our lives.

Virtues of Tahajjud Prayer

The Quran says (meaning): They tear their sides from their beds, crying out to their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have given them. No man knows what eye-sweets are hidden for them as a recompense for what they have done. "(Sura As-Saja, verses 16-17).

Performing nafl prayer (tahajjud) late at night was a constant practice of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Mrs. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Do not leave the night prayer, because indeed the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never left tahajjud prayer. Even in case of illness or weakness, he performed tahajjud while sitting.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him) says: Never stop praying at night. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never stopped doing it. When he was sick or weak, he prayed while sitting "(Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged the ummah to perform tahajjud. The faqihs have established that tahajjud is the most significant of all nafl prayers (Tahtawi, p. 393).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Get up at night to pray, indeed this is the custom of the righteous people before you, which will bring you closer to Allah, expiate your small sins, keep you from sin.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “May Allah have mercy on a man who woke up at night and prayed and woke up his wife, and if she refused, then sprinkled water on her. May Allah have mercy on a woman who woke up at night and prayed and woke up her husband and he prayed, and if he refused, she sprinkled water on him. (Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad, vol. 2, 250 pp., and Abu Dawood in Sunan, vol. 2, 73 pp.)

Narrated Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever performs prayer perfectly at night, Allah will endow him with nine blessings - five in worldly life and four in akhirah.

Five blessings in worldly life:

1. Allah will save from troubles.

2. A trace of submission to the Creator will appear on the face of a Muslim.

3. He will be loved by the hearts of the righteous and by all people.

4. Wisdom will come from his tongue.

5. Allah will make him wise, that is, give him understanding.

The four blessings that will be bestowed in the akhirah are:

1. A Muslim will be resurrected with a face illuminated with light.

2. The account will be made easier for him on the Day of Judgment.

3. He will pass through the Sirat Bridge like a flash of lightning.

4. The book of deeds will be given to the right hand on the Day of Judgment.

Sayings of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

“The best prayer of the additional prayers is the prayer performed in the dead of night - tahajjud prayer” (narrated by Ahmad).

“Performing the night prayer-tahajjud will bring the reader closer to Allah, protect from evil and cleanse from diseases.”

"Duas are accepted (better) in the middle of the night."

“Hello (i.e. say “as-salamu alaikum”) to those around you, feed the poor, maintain close contact with your relatives and perform prayer when people are sleeping, and you will enter Paradise in peace.”

« In every night there is such a moment when everything that a person asks for in dua, Allah will fulfill ” (narrated by Muslim).

« Namaz-tahajjud will keep a person from committing sins and bring him closer to Allah ”(narrated Tirmizi).

« Namaz-tahajjud will remove the horrors of the grave (narrated by ibn Majah).

« Namaz-tahajjud is equal to four rak'ahs performed in Laylat ul-Qadr ”(narrated by Tabarani).

If you get up at night, knowing that there is someone else who also wants to perform this prayer, then wake him up. It is better to make the intention (niyat) before going to bed, and then, even if you oversleep (unintentionally), you will still receive a reward, insha Allah.

Mr. Abu Umama (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated the following words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Remember the night prayer (tahajjud), because truly: 1) it was practiced by the righteous who lived before you, 2) it is a way attaining closeness to your Lord, 3) it is an atonement for sins, 4) it serves as a protection against disobedience.

In other hadiths, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) tahajjud described it this way:

5) the best of all prayers after the obligatory ones,

6) honor for the true believer,

7) the reason for the extreme pleasure of Allah,

8) a way to easily get to heaven,

9) protection from diseases.

(“At-Targhib”, Volume 1, pp. 423–435)

The Alims said that one of the many virtues of tahajjud prayer is that it illuminates the face of the one who performs it and protects him from the horrors of the Day of Judgment. The mother of the Prophet Suleiman (peace be upon him) advised her son: “O my son! Do not spend much time sleeping at night, because it is the cause of poverty for a person on the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer after the five obligatory prayers is the prayer of the night.” In another case, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) clarified: “All those after the night prayer (isha) refer to the prayer of the night.”

The collective performance of the tahajjud prayer is canonically reprehensible, for neither the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) nor his companions performed this prayer in the jamaat (collectively).

It was narrated from Hudhaifah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recited Surahs al-Baqara and Alu Imran in the night prayers, and when he reached the verses that mention Paradise, he stopped and asked Allah, and when he came to the verses that mention Hell, he stopped and asked for protection from Allah, and when he came to the verses that mention examples, he stopped and meditated.

If they ask: “In prayer, is it better to stand for a long time or make numerous bows to the earth?” - a reliable word is that transmitted from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He was asked about the best prayer (prayer), and he replied that this is the prayer in which standing will be long. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “Your reward will be according to your fatigue.”

Some conditions that make getting up at night easier

1. Moderation in food. A hearty meal makes the stomach heavy and the body lazy, inducing a person to sleep and making it difficult to get up.

2. The severity of sins. Sins make a person's heart hard and close the gates of Allah's mercy. Once Hassan al-Basri was asked: “O Abu Said, I am not sick, and I want to get up at night to worship, and I am preparing everything for this, but, I don’t know why, I can’t get up at night.” To which Hasan al-Basri said: "You are bound by the sins that you committed during the day."

3. Refusal of forbidden (haram) food. One of the righteous once said: It often happens that we eat forbidden food once and for a whole year deprive ourselves of waking up at night to worship.».

4. Knowing the value of nighttime worship. For the reward for him is great. This will help a person to get up at night in an effort to earn the greatest possible reward before Allah.

5. Love for your Creator. When sincere love for the Almighty Allah is strengthened in the heart of a servant of God, he is seized with a desire to retire with the Creator of all things at a time when everyone is sleeping and worldly affairs do not distract him in the complete stillness of the night. It is said that Imam Abu Hanifa performed the morning prayer for forty years with the ablution done for the night farz prayer.

6. Reading Surah Kaf. The theologian Afzaludin said: "It makes sleep easier."

8. Go to bed in ablution and make the intention to get up for tahajjud.

9. Refusal of greed for worldly possessions. A greedy person tires the heart and body, and when night falls, he sleeps like the dead.

It is advisable to devote less time to sleep and more prayer on the following nights: holiday nights - the night before the Feast of Conversation (Eid al-Adha) and the Feast of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha); the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan; ten nights before the Feast of Sacrifice (the first ten nights of the month of Zul Hijjah); the night of the middle of the month of Shaban (Lailat ul-Baraa), the night of the day of Ashura (the tenth day of Muharram). There are hadiths that emphasize the peculiarity of these nights and the desirability of performing additional prayers at this time.

Sheikh Tahtawi, "Hashiyatu Tahtawi"; Hasan son of Ammar, "Marakil Falah"; Abu Bakr son of Mas'ud, "Badaiu Sanai"; Usman son of Hasan, "Durratu Nasikhin"; Abdulwahab son of Ahmad son of Ali Sharani, "Lawakikhul anwaru qudsiya".

Material prepared

Faruk Azimov