Leaves turn yellow and dry: causes, treatment. How to treat sweet peppers against diseases Why peppers wither in a greenhouse

Typically, peppers wither because they are in a very warm room, with an air temperature even higher than the agrotechnical requirements for growing this crop. Therefore, you need to make sure that the conditions for growing peppers meet all the requirements that ensure normal growth and ripening of peppers. And this includes timely planting, fertilizing, watering, timely ventilation of the greenhouse, while at the same time it is necessary to keep in mind that pepper does not tolerate drafts. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate by opening the doors only on one side. It is necessary to water the peppers with warm water - approximately 20-23 degrees, trying to water only the soil, without getting water on the leaves. Cool water can cause growth to stop and, as a result, flowering to be delayed. The plant must be watered especially abundantly during its fruiting period.

What varieties of bell peppers should be planted in open ground and in a greenhouse?


Filofey Fokin


Filofey Fokin writes: And I chose pornographic pepper. It's a miracle.

Equinox writes: Verticillium wilt is a viral disease... Well, a specialist...

Peppers are quite heat-loving; if they begin to wilt with sufficient watering, most likely they have become infected from the outside. The most common pests for pepper are fusarium, white spot, and white rot. These fungal diseases infect the plant and prevent it from developing. The peppers could also be attacked by pests - whiteflies or cutworms. Carefully inspect the plants and act according to the situation.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow?


Zlata Altynova writes: thanks for the useful information! I'll take it into account =)

Mikhail Alexandrovich writes: Let me disagree with some of your conclusions.

Natalja Petrova writes: Thank you, we will help you...

Svetlana Petrova writes: What kind of hybrid (variety) do you have at the beginning of the 4th minute, a solid cucumber? Best regards, Svetlana

Jack Varabyov writes: ash has an alkaline pH

Before watering the peppers, you need to prepare the water so that its temperature is 20 or 20 5 degrees. When watering peppers, you should also make sure that the water only gets on the ground. When watering peppers, do not get cold water on their leaves. Because cold water may stop the pepper from flowering and the pepper will stop growing. It is recommended to water peppers abundantly while the pepper fruits are ripening. If you do everything according to technology, then your peppers will never wither in the greenhouse.

Pepper diseases are very similar to tomato diseases. But usually, bell peppers tolerate these diseases much easier than tomatoes. The most common pepper diseases are blackleg, blossom end rot, Septoria blight or white spot. Blackleg disease consists of fungi appearing on pepper seedlings. This disease manifests itself due to the fact that the peppers are planted closely next to each other and, in addition to this, the temperature in the room where the pepper seedlings are located is below twenty degrees, and there is a lot of moisture in the soil. It is recommended to treat such a disease with the help of prevention, i.e. Before you start planting pepper seeds, you need to treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, you need to immerse the pepper seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for ten or fifteen minutes. After you remove the diseased seedling, you need to disinfect the rest of the seedlings again with the same solution of potassium permanganate; you can also use a three percent solution of copper sulfate instead of potassium permanganate.


Peppers are quite heat-loving; if they begin to wilt with sufficient watering, most likely they have been infected from the outside. The most common problems for pepper are fusarium, white spot, and white rot. These fungal diseases infect the plant and prevent it from developing. The peppers could also be attacked by pests - whiteflies or cutworms. Carefully inspect the plants and act according to the situation.

This can happen on hot days when the greenhouse becomes stuffy. The air humidity is increased, plus the air temperature is high. This is how the pepper reacts. The problem can be solved by improving the ventilation system in the greenhouse. In other words, you need to ventilate the greenhouse better.

Another infection that this plant suffers from is late blight. You can recognize this type of pepper seedling disease by looking closely at the leaves and fruit. Brown spots appear on them, and the affected peppercorns begin to rot. It is quite difficult to fight the disease if the seeds have not been pre-treated. Although you shouldn’t despair, spraying with special products often helps get rid of late blight. And the development of this pepper disease in greenhouses is promoted by excess air humidity coupled with a sharp cold snap at night.

In addition, peppers can also be affected by diseases such as early dry spot and brown spot. These sweet pepper diseases, photos of the manifestations of which can be seen above, can cause crop loss. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the level of humidity and temperature in the greenhouse, and treat the plants with Bordeaux mixture, which helps fight many infections.

Why do the leaves of pepper seedlings turn yellow?

Greenhouse conditions protect plants from unfavorable environmental factors - temperature changes, strong winds, prolonged rains, recurrent frosts or simply a sharp cold snap. Despite this, it happens that the leaves of peppers in the greenhouse turn yellow and wither. There are several reasons for the phenomenon; it is important to identify them in time and take action. By being late with the necessary measures, there is a risk of losing the harvest.

Causes of yellowing and fading

The main causes of damage to leaves in a greenhouse:

  • recent transplant;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • the soil composition is incorrect;
  • non-compliance with crop rotation;
  • violation of the watering regime;
  • malnutrition due to lack or excessive feeding;
  • dense plantings, intertwining of the root systems of several plants;
  • pests have settled or the plants are infected with some disease.

Stress after transplant

The transfer of young seedlings is often accompanied by the fact that the leaves of the peppers turn yellow and fall off in the greenhouse. During the first week, you need to be especially careful about maintaining favorable conditions and carry out all the necessary agrotechnical measures. First, the leaves of young seedlings in the greenhouse wither.

If the transplantation technology is broken or the environment is not suitable, a gradual or sudden deterioration in the condition is observed, the plants take a long time to adapt to the changes or die.

Microclimate in the greenhouse

Growing peppers requires good lighting, shading from direct sunlight, maintaining a constant temperature within +23-30°C, humidity 70-75%. Greenhouse conditions provide good protection from the main adverse factors affecting open ground. Yellowed foliage may indicate a violation of the optimal regime. First of all, you should check the sufficiency of lighting, humidity level, and air temperature.

The soil is not suitable

Prepare a bed for peppers in a greenhouse in the fall. The culture prefers light neutral soil enriched with organic additives. It is important to consider precursors; some plants can produce toxins. The most suitable are early and cauliflower, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, onions, garlic, greens, legumes, carrots, green manure. Do not plant after tomatoes, early potatoes, eggplants and peppers. Acceptable neighbors are carrots, cabbage, zucchini, celery, and onions. Eggplants have similar requirements for growing conditions, but the diseases and pests are also the same, so it is advisable not to place them nearby.

Pre-planting bed preparation should include:

  • clearing of plant residues from previous crops;
  • disinfection;
  • if necessary, liming or soil deoxidation;
  • soil fertilization;
  • deep digging.

Care in the greenhouse involves the application of fertilizers. Their quantity should be moderate, since both deficiency and excess of nutrients have a negative effect. With a lack of calcium, the leaves turn pale and curl; with oversaturation, interveinal chlorosis begins. If there is not enough nitrogen, the pepper in the greenhouse stops growing, the color becomes lighter, the lower leaves turn yellow; if magnesium, they become yellow, red, purple; boron - the leaves turn yellow, the tops bend and curl.

The main cause of chlorosis - iron deficiency - begins to appear from the upper leaves.

Improper watering

Water the pepper in the greenhouse once every 5-6 days. The culture does not tolerate both lack of water and waterlogging. Leaves react by yellowing when there is a lack of moisture. Its quality is of great importance - it must be settled, with a temperature equal to the readings in the greenhouse. If you use a cold one, the plant may also react negatively, begin to wither, and turn yellow. During the procedure, you should try to direct the stream under the root, without hitting the lower leaves.

Diseases and pests

Of the diseases, the most dangerous are late blight, blight and viral mosaic. Compliance with agricultural techniques for growing peppers in a greenhouse will protect against infection. Harmful insects should not be allowed to settle. Their larvae feed on foliage or root systems and weaken plants. Spider mites move along woven webs. Whitened spots on the leaves inhabited by it turn yellow and become covered with necrotic tissue.

Solutions to the problem

It is advisable to first identify the problem; if this does not work, then check the microclimate and soil moisture. If symptoms of nutrient deficiency are detected, fertilize with a solution of the missing nutrient. If there are signs of illness or damage to peppers in a greenhouse by a pest, immediately remove severely damaged specimens from the room; in the initial stage, treat them with biological preparations and folk remedies.

Damaged leaves cannot be saved, but the rest must be protected, especially if the harvest is still far away. Without them, the plant will die and will not be able to adequately provide the fruits with the necessary nutrition. The results of the measures taken may not occur immediately, especially if the cause was insufficient or excessive soil fertilization. You need to give the pepper about a week to recover.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent any problem than to solve it later. You should prepare for planting peppers in a greenhouse in advance by washing and disinfecting the building and treating the soil properly. Treat the seed material before sowing. Before transferring grown seedlings to a greenhouse, they must be gradually hardened for 10-14 days at a temperature of +14°C.

It is important to observe crop rotation and acceptable proximity to crops.

Water the pepper according to agrotechnical recommendations; if necessary, loosen the soil surface after the procedure. Avoid dense plantings and the appearance of weeds in the beds. Changes in temperature adversely affect the plant, so the recommended environment must be maintained. Treat diseases and pests with preventative agents. Feed with phosphorus before fruit formation, potassium - during the formation of ovaries, calcium and nitrogen - from the beginning of growth until flowering.

Several factors influence the yellowing of pepper leaves in a greenhouse. It is important to establish the exact cause in time and take action. Carrying out preventive measures will significantly reduce the risk of a problem and preserve the harvest.

Sweet pepper is a very popular vegetable crop, which is successfully grown everywhere in greenhouse conditions. However, sometimes you can notice the withering of the leaves of this bush: the reasons for this phenomenon should be understood in more detail.

Why pepper leaves wither in a greenhouse: reasons

The wilting of peppers cannot appear suddenly; it occurs as a result of violation of certain conditions and growing technology.

These include:

  • stress after changing the growing environment;
  • deviations from the norm of the greenhouse microclimate;
  • inadequate soil;
  • violation of irrigation conditions;
  • influence of pests and diseases;
  • the formation of the bush occurs in violation of the timing or technology of the process;
  • There is no tying of the crown of tall varieties.

Important! The plant may also wither due to the aging of the bush.

As a rule, the wilting process occurs as follows: drops of water fall on the leaves of the pepper bush and, under the influence of sunlight refracted in a greenhouse, become very hot. Under the influence of high temperatures, the leaf area dries out greatly.

If the cause of wilting lies in insufficient aeration of the rhizome of the bush, then this is due to the fact that the soil is not loose enough and a crust appears on the surface of the soil, which blocks air access to the roots. Insufficient respiration of the root system is also the reason that the leaves dry out and wither.

Stress after transplant

Pepper seedlings are transferred to greenhouse soil when each young bush has 12–14 leaves. The stem of a healthy plant during this period should reach almost 25 cm. Transplantation occurs in mid-May, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently. If you do this earlier, the bush may begin to wilt. In addition, changes in soil and growing conditions can stress the plant and it may begin to wither.

Did you know? Pepper, which in our country is usually called Bulgarian, does not come from this sunny country at all, but from America, whereit was brought by ancient sailorsat firstto Portugal, then information about it appeared in Turkey, and then it came to Bulgaria itself, where this vegetable is simply called sweet pepper or paprika.

Disturbance of the microclimate in the greenhouse

It is very important to create and control the correct microclimate in greenhouse conditions.

This applies to indicators such as:

  • temperature. High rates can have a detrimental effect on the plant, and first of all this will be manifested by wilting. There should be no sudden changes;
  • humidity. High humidity does not give the plant the opportunity to develop well, the optimal level is in the range of 60–65%, and when it comes to seedlings - 75%;
  • ventilation. Mandatory ventilation of the greenhouse must be carried out to remove excess moisture and reduce the temperature in the enclosed space.

Unsuitable soil composition

Peppers can be planted in soil in which carrots, dill or onions previously grew - this will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the soil. If the soil was taken or purchased from the place where eggplants, potatoes or tomatoes previously grew, it contains weeds and spores of various fungal diseases - all this can cause the peppers in the greenhouse to wither.

Bell pepper reacts very sensitively to an excess of fertilizers, which can manifest itself in the form of wilting or lack of ovary on the bushes. You should also control acidity, because a violation of this parameter can be another reason for the deterioration of the appearance of the leaves.

Important! To improve air exchange and respiration of the root system, it is extremely important to loosen the soil; mulching the soil also contributes to this.

Improper watering

If the peppers have wilted in the greenhouse, the reason may lie in the abundant watering of the bushes. Too wet soil can become a breeding ground for fungal diseases and also cause root rot. An imbalance in water balance can also cause sweet peppers to weaken and wither. It is recommended to water in the morning and evening, but so that by nightfall the leaves of the bushes are already dry.

Diseases and pests

A change in the condition of the leaves may be one of the symptoms of diseases such as:

  • fusarium wilt;
  • verticillium wilt;
  • white spotting;
  • white rot.

Infestation by pests that carry diseases or harm the plant as a result of their vital activity can cause peppers to die in a greenhouse.

Did you know? Bell peppers, or sweet peppers, have a lot in common with chocolate. The similarity is that these products cause an increase in mood and a surge of energy due to the action of endorphins-“happiness hormones” in the blood.

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What to do and how to fix the problem

In order to stop the wilting of peppers, you need to do the following:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for the change in the appearance of leaves.
  2. Ensure normalization of the microclimate in the greenhouse, keep temperature and humidity levels under control, and carry out regular ventilation.
  3. Control the quantity and quality of fertilizers applied at the root and in the trench next to the bush. They must be balanced, comprehensive and in the required volume.
  4. Weed the beds, ensuring air flow to the roots, which will ensure the full functioning of the plant.
  5. Spray the bush against pests. To find out what to spray the pepper with, you need to carefully examine the bush and note on it additional signs of certain diseases or pests, for the destruction of which it is necessary to use specific means.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent the plant from becoming extremely difficult, when its leaves have wilted and are ready to fall off, a number of preventive measures should be carried out, which involve the following actions:

  1. Regularly inspect the bushes for damage and changes in the appearance of leaves, stems and fruits. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and the general microclimate in the greenhouse.
  2. Peppers should not be grown in the same area of ​​the garden for several years in a row. The planting can be returned to its original location after 4 years.
  3. It is necessary to completely destroy weeds and tops residues after harvesting - for this they are burned.
  4. Preventive loosening of the soil should be carried out regularly.
  5. The soil must undergo a mandatory disinfection procedure.
  6. At the stage of planning the purchase of seeds, it is necessary to study data on what diseases the pepper variety that you plan to grow is susceptible to.
  7. To increase vitality and resistance to diseases, it is possible to preventively spray the bushes with Zircon, Epin, and Novosil.

Timely prevention and control over the process of growth and development of sweet pepper bushes in a greenhouse will help avoid leaf wilting and will contribute to growing a good harvest.

When pepper leaves turn yellow, you need to know why this happens. Only in this case can the situation be corrected and the harvest saved. There can be many reasons.

The most common are improper care, disease or pest infestation.

Reasons for color change

There are several reasons for the yellowing of leaves of peppers planted in a garden plot.

  1. Incorrect watering. Bell peppers have a very delicate and vulnerable root system, so the plant reacts strongly to the lack of moisture or, conversely, to excessive watering. Wet soil leads to rotting, first of the roots, then of the top. Lack of moisture causes the leaves to dry out.
  2. Watering with unsettled, cold water stops the development of the plant. If the water for irrigation is regularly cold, real leaf fall is observed.
  3. Sudden temperature fluctuations. Leaves turn yellow, both from cold and from direct sunlight. This is especially true for young seedlings. Therefore, you need to take care of shading on a hot day and covering during frosts.
  4. For pepper you need to choose the right place in the open ground. You cannot plant where tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants used to grow. The residual roots of these plants begin to secrete substances that harm the development of the pepper. Nightshade vegetables should be planted in their place no sooner than after three years. Otherwise, the pepper sheds its leaves and resistance to disease decreases.
  5. Nutrient deficiency. First of all, the condition is affected by a lack of nitrogen. First, the upper leaves lighten, and then begin to turn yellow from the middle. The fruits have thin walls and curl. If the lower leaves turn yellow, there may be a lack of potassium. At the same time, the tips of the leaves dry out, the trunk changes color, becomes hard, and spots appear on the fruits. With a zinc deficiency, yellow-green spots can be found on greens. You can correct the situation or prevent problems with timely feeding.
  6. Pepper leaves drop and change color due to insects. All vegetable growers encounter pests. Most often, peppers are attacked by spider mites. It feeds on the sap of the leaves, which causes yellowing and drying out. Soon, if measures are not taken, the edges of the leaves will begin to dry out, and then not only they, but also the fruits may fall off altogether. Any insecticide, for example Fitoverm, Aktara, or a self-made solution based on wood ash, bird droppings, green grass and other components helps against pests.
  7. It happens that the leaves of peppers turn yellow due to diseases, and you need to know what to do in this case. If a plant is infected with a virus, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, and the fruits become distorted. To save the entire garden bed, it is necessary to urgently remove the infected plant and treat the soil with a disinfectant solution, for example with potassium permanganate.
  8. Lack of sunlight leads to yellowed foliage. Often the problem appears when the bushes are planted in a shaded area.

It is important to treat the plant against pests and diseases for preventive purposes, apply fertilizers at least three times during the entire growing season, prevent weeds from growing in the garden, and recognize in time why the pepper leaves have turned yellow, so as not to ruin the entire harvest.

Sometimes a yellow leaf at the bottom of the stem appears as a result of the vegetable maturing and growing. At the same time, all other parts of the bush look good.

Problem with young seedlings in a greenhouse

Many vegetable growers are concerned about the problem of why the foliage of sweet peppers turns yellow even in favorable greenhouse conditions? To understand what is happening to a plant, you need to monitor its growth and development at each stage.

Pepper seedlings cannot be protected from various misfortunes, even in such a protected place as a greenhouse. There are several reasons why the leaves of seedlings turn yellow and ultimately fall off completely.

  • The cause of leaves falling off in a greenhouse plant can be irregular watering. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out. During drought, seedlings wither and a yellowish tint appears on the greenery. It is recommended to water young seedlings once every five days with settled water.
  • Moistening the soil too often is also harmful. When there is an excess of moisture, the lower leaves of the seedlings fall off.
  • Lack of nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus in the soil.
  • The air temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 14 degrees. Otherwise, the soil freezes and the lower leaves of the pepper seedlings turn yellow. If the temperature does not return to normal, the entire plant dies.
  • Peppers react to lower air humidity levels. A humidity level of 70% is considered normal.
  • Insufficient light intake causes the leaves to dry out and fall off. A month after planting the seeds, the seedlings need to be provided with additional lighting.
  • Why seedlings have leaves in poor condition also depends on the distance at which the seeds are sown. If the seedlings are nearby, then the roots and leaves begin to interfere with each other and intertwine. As a result, the stems become elongated and the foliage turns yellow.
  • The plant may shed its leaves due to the active activity of insect pests. If the cause is pests, they can be easily noticed. The most common are aphids, thrips, and spider mites.
  • When pepper leaves turn yellow and even fall off, the cause is often a fungal, viral or bacterial disease.

Proper care of seedlings begins with choosing seeds for planting. You need to choose only large and dense grains. Then they must be kept for some time in a solution of potassium permanganate so that no bacteria remain on the seed shell.

The first fertilizer for seedlings should be done when two leaves appear. Then you need to wait for 6 leaves to unfold. An infusion of manure or bird droppings is suitable as an organic fertilizer. Do not add fresh manure to the soil, as this can lead to burns of the plant’s root system. Potassium phosphate elements are required from mineral fertilizers.

Growing seedlings at home

When seedlings are grown at home, on the windowsill, then here too you cannot protect yourself from problems. If pepper seedlings have turned yellow, you need to deal with the cause in time in order to get a rich harvest in the future.

Why does the color and condition of seedlings change? If the leaves of all the pepper seedlings have turned yellow, you need to figure out the root cause to help restore the plant.

  1. The seedlings turn yellow due to a weak root system. In young seedlings, the weakest part is the roots; it is their damage or strong growth that causes yellowness. The roots begin to tangle and intertwine, nutrients are poorly distributed, and the roots die. The roots can also be damaged during deep loosening. It is recommended to carefully dig the plant out of the container and check the roots. If there are few root branches and they are darkened, the plant dies. If the roots are intertwined, but the white ones need to be carefully straightened.
  2. When everything is fine with the root system, the cause may be due to nitrogen deficiency. It is recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers; you can use urea or ammonium nitrate. But don't overdo it. Since an excess of nitrogen also affects the condition of the plant. Fertilizers should be applied at intervals of two weeks.
  3. Sometimes the answer to the question of why leaves fall and turn yellow is associated with a decrease in the air temperature in the room. Young seedlings do not tolerate temperatures below 14 degrees. A box with seedlings should not be placed in a draft.
  4. The cause of leaf falling may be due to improper dosage of water. Newly planted seedlings are watered once every 5 days; as soon as the sprouts gain strength, watering is increased to once every three days. Do not neglect these rules, since excess or lack of moisture can cause pepper leaves to begin to turn yellow and fall off.
  5. Insufficient light can cause leaves to turn pale and stems to stretch. Therefore, it is best to place the seedlings on the windowsill of a south window. On short or cloudy days, additional lighting should be provided.

Seedlings need to be transplanted to a permanent place in time. If it outgrows, the roots will be large and in the new free space they will begin to diverge even more to the sides. All nutrients and forces will go towards their development, and not to the upper part. As a result, the pepper does not grow and the leaves dry out.

Gardeners often wonder why the leaves of peppers in a greenhouse wither. Lack of necessary experience leads to unconscious mistakes. They occur at the stage of planting, selecting the seed fund and caring for the plant. If you notice them in a timely manner, then there is a high probability of coping with the situation without damaging the future harvest. Before using any special means in a greenhouse, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the problem that has arisen.

Finding a suitable plant, they attach to its root system. For their development, insects use the root juices of the victim. As a result, the pepper quickly withers. Often a vegetable plant becomes a victim of the ubiquitous aphid. It is almost impossible to insure against it in a greenhouse. If numerous small rust-colored spots appear on the leaves, then this is a reason to start worrying.

The greatest tick activity occurs at the beginning of the spring-summer season. The first sign of a problem will be a web on the back of the sheet. Standard preventive measures will reduce the risk of an uninvited guest. But even if a gardener strictly monitors the condition of the peppers in the greenhouse, this does not guarantee a good harvest.

Due to the natural characteristics of the growth of food crops, the leaves of peppers in a greenhouse can curl and wither. The gardener should know that their central part always grows faster than the rest of the leaf plate. The result of the imbalance is a boat-shaped curl of the sheet. There is no need for a person to interfere in this process. As the leaf grows, it will take on its natural shape.

Reasons for the death of pepper seedlings (video)

Human factor intervention

Growing any fruit and vegetable crops in greenhouses requires compliance with many recommendations.

Experienced experts say that there can be many reasons for pepper leaves to wither or spoil in greenhouse conditions. The main thing is that the gardener constantly monitors the condition of the plants. Then there shouldn't be any serious problems.

Caring for pepper seedlings (video)

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