Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute). Higher School of Folk Arts (academy) Institute of Folk Crafts

Status: State
Founded: 2003
License: No. 0460 dated December 14, 2012
Accreditation: No. 1362 dated June 30, 2015

The Moscow branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute)" (formerly the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts - MSHR) is a state educational institution of higher professional education that provides professional training for artists of decorative and applied arts. The Moscow School of Artistic Crafts began its educational activities in 1938. In 1985, the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts initiated the training of artists in the field of traditional applied art using new teaching methods and innovations in the content of professional training. Following her example, similar training is subsequently introduced in other educational institutions of folk arts and crafts in Russia. In 1992, the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts became a college (since 1996 - advanced type). Taking into account the experience of this secondary vocational educational institution, which produced unique master artists and performers of the highest quality, as well as the absence in Russia at that time of higher education in the field of folk arts and crafts, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in 1997 decided to conduct an experiment in training specialists with higher education on the basis of the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts. The long and unique experience of scientific and pedagogical activities and educational practice of the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts in training highly qualified artists of traditional applied arts in the system of continuous professional education was noted.

It was the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts that provided the personnel, material, scientific and creative base for the creation in 2003 of a university of a new formation - the Higher School of Folk Arts in the city of St. Petersburg.

Rector of the Higher School of Folk Arts - Valentina Fedorovna MAKSIMOVICH, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Teacher of Russia, author of a scientific and practical school of art education in the field of traditional applied art, the formation of which became a significant event not only in Russia, but also in the history of world art pedagogy. For many years (since 1984) V.F. Maksimovich was the head of the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts, the author of the concept of an educational institution of continuous education in the field of folk art, which has no analogues in the world.

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2003 No. 1222-r, the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts was transferred from the Ministry of Culture of Russia to the Ministry of Education of Russia and transformed into the Moscow branch of the state educational institution of higher professional education - the Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute), acquiring the status of a higher educational institution .

The interest shown by specialists and ordinary spectators in the educational institution and the products of students is explained by the fact that the teaching staff of the institute educates its students on the experience of domestic artistic pedagogy, the traditions of Russian decorative and applied art, awakens in them national self-awareness, love for the Fatherland, educates active patriotic and civic position. Graduates of the institute easily fit into the socio-economic and cultural space of modern Russia. They continue and develop the traditions of domestic decorative and applied art, with their creativity they contribute to the preservation of national aesthetic and ethical ideals, the connection between the past, present and future, and ensuring Russia’s unique place in world artistic culture.

Today, the educational activities of the Moscow branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute)" embodies a holistic, harmonious aesthetic system of continuous professional training of artists of decorative and applied arts, consisting of several levels: pre-university, university and post-graduate training.

Ndirection 072600

"Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts"

qualification: bachelor,


  • artistic embroidery
  • artistic lace making
  • artistic painting (fabrics)
  • artistic painting (decorative painting)
  • artistic painting (lacquer miniature painting)
  • artistic bone carving
  • artistic metal (jewelry art)

form of education: full-time,

training period: 4 years

Admission to all educational programs of higher professional education is based on:

secondary (complete) general education (11 grades),

secondary vocational education,

higher professional education,

primary vocational education (if the diploma contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education).

Tuition fees for educational programs

higher professional education

for one academic year (10 months)

Direction 072600 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”,
qualification Bachelor - 150,000 rubles

The cost is fixed for the entire period of study.

direction 072600 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”, qualification: bachelor


  • Direction 072600 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”: from June 20 to July 5, 2013,

Subject to availability of places, applications continue to be accepted for the second stage of entrance examinations until September 15, 2013

Documents are accepted simultaneously for places of study at the expense of the state budget and for places with payment of the cost of training under a contract.

Required documentsWhen submitting an application:

1. Statement.

2. Original or photocopy of identification documents and citizenship.

3. original or photocopy of a state document on education.

4. 6 photographs 3x4 cm.

It is possible to submit documents through public postal operators (by mail), as well as in electronic digital form - e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Required documentsFor enrollment:

1. original state document on education.

2. Entrance Tests

  • Direction 072600 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”

Creative and professional orientation: painting, drawing

General education: Russian language (USE), literature (USE).

Applicants who have:

Secondary vocational education upon admission to a bachelor's degree program or a specialist training program in a relevant profile;

Secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign countries -

have the right to take entrance examinations at the Higher School of Scientific Research in Russian language and literature in written form ( composition).

Applicants with higher professional education , pass entrance tests: creative and professional orientation:

  • Direction 072600 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”: drawing, painting

general education: Russian language, literature (essay).


  • Direction 072600 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”:

Subject to availability of free places, applications continue to be accepted for the second stage of entrance examinations from September 16 to September 19 .

4. Enrollment

  • Direction 072600 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”

First main stage

July 27- announcement of complete lists of persons whose enrollment may be considered by the admissions committee.

July 30- announcement of last name lists of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examinations, highlighting in them lists of persons recommended for enrollment.

from July 31 daily- complete information on the submitted original state-issued education documents by persons from the lists of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty) is updated on the website.

August 4- completion of the provision of the original state document on education by persons who have successfully passed the entrance examinations and are included in the lists of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment.

The Higher School of Folk Arts became the first and only state educational institution in Russia that trains artists and masters of traditional decorative and applied arts. The founder of the educational institution, originally called the “School of Folk Crafts”, and in 1912 renamed the “School of Folk Art”, was the last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At that time, the School trained teachers in various types of folk arts and crafts. Girls from various regions of Russia studied there. In 1938, the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts opened, training specialists for folk craft enterprises. In 1992, the School received the status of a college, and since 2002 it has become an institution of higher education. Today it has turned into the Moscow branch of the “Higher School of Folk Arts” located in St. Petersburg. The university trains specialists in such traditional types of folk art as embroidery, fabric painting, jewelry making, metal painting and papier-mâché. Among the university graduates are teachers of art disciplines, managers and employees of art production workshops, leading specialists of fashion houses, heads of educational institutions in the field of culture and traditional folk art.

The Higher School of Folk Arts trains specialists in the field of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts.

The institute provides training in the most important types of traditional applied arts, such as artistic embroidery, artistic lace making, artistic bone carving, artistic painting on metal and papier-mâché, artistic fabric painting, jewelry art, lacquer miniature painting.

The institute includes the following departments:

  • Department of artistic embroidery;
  • Department of artistic lace making;
  • Department of Art History;
  • Department of Lacquer Miniature Painting;
  • Department of Decorative Painting;
  • Department of Jewelry and Bone Carving Art;
  • Department of Drawing and Painting;
  • Department of Language Training;
  • Department of Natural Sciences and Economics;
  • Department of Philosophy;
  • Department of Physical Education;
  • Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education.

The material, scientific and methodological base of VSHNI has been formed for more than a hundred years. The school inherits the traditions and experience of two educational institutions. The first of them existed under the patronage of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and was first called the School of Folk Crafts, then the School of Folk Art.

The second educational institution was the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts. The school's activities consisted of professional training for folk arts and crafts enterprises of the Russian Federation. For the first time in the history of domestic art pedagogy, the teaching staff of the Moscow School of Art and Culture created unparalleled educational programs, which students of the Higher School of Folk Arts are now studying.

These programs are distinguished by deep scientific validity, rootedness in ethnopedagogy, the use of innovative teaching technologies, and a close connection with the requirements of the modern socio-economic and educational space of Russia.

The institute has all the conditions for conducting a full-fledged educational process and independent work for students.

VSHNI has a unique library with rare publications on embroidery, lace-making, jewelry, bone carving, costume, metal painting, icon painting, the history of handicraft production and teaching manual labor.

VSHNI graduates are distinguished by a high level of professional skill, a broad general cultural and scientific outlook, and are in constant demand in the market of artistic labor and professional education in the field of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts.

More details Collapse http://www.vshni.ru

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Folk Arts is the only higher educational institution of its kind in the Russian Federation that produces artists of traditional decorative and applied arts.

Founded in its modern form in 2003, the origins of VSHNI go back to 1913.

Over its hundred years of activity, the School has earned a justified reputation as a university., whose graduates are invariably distinguished by their high professionalism, broad outlook and are in particular demand in the creative labor market as true masters of decorative and applied arts.

The university is represented by two faculties, within which specialists are trained in 4 areas of training.

Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts

  1. arts and crafts and folk crafts;
  2. painting;
  3. theory and art history.

Faculty of Folk Arts and Crafts

  1. arts and crafts and folk crafts.

For creative people, it offers applicants training in the most relevant and popular areas, which can be chosen as a profile of study at one of the faculties:

    • Department of Painting conducts training of traditional artists of applied art - masters who have been valued in the creative labor market at all times and throughout the world. Excellent practical skills and a high level of proficiency in basic techniques distinguish all VSHNI graduates;
    • Department of Drawing allows students to fully master the skills of academic composition, which is a key skill for masters of arts and crafts;

    • Department of History and Theory of Fine Arts– the youngest structural unit of the educational institution (since 2007), producing art critics who are so in demand in the modern world;
    • Department of Lacquer Miniature Painting conducts training of students in such areas as church historical painting, icon painting, etc. Comfortable and fruitful training takes place in conditions of complete and modern material and technical equipment for students during classes;
    • Department of artistic textile painting trains specialists in fabric decoration using various techniques with clothing design skills;

    • Department of artistic lace making produces specialists who can not only develop high-quality designs for clothing, accessories and interior elements, but also skillfully bring their own designs to life;
    • Department of artistic embroidery has been operating since the first day of its foundation and is famous both for its graduates and for the special skill of their work;
  • On Department of Jewelry Art Training is conducted in accordance with the author's methods, as a result of which graduates of the direction are skilled jewelry artists.

Branches of the Institute of Folk Arts in Russian cities

Today, the university, located in St. Petersburg, provides in the creative field to everyone in the Moscow institute - branch and in other regions of Russia, namely:

  • in Fedoskino;
  • in the village of Kholui (Ivanovo region);
  • in Omsk;
  • in the village of Mstera (Vladimir region);
  • in the village of Bogorodskoye (Moscow region);
  • in Ryazan.

Advantages of getting an education at the Higher School of Folk Arts

The undoubted advantages of studying at the Higher School of Folk Arts include:

    1. obtaining a decent education in the field of art and creativity;
    1. educational process under the guidance of recognized teachers, authors of their own methods and skilled masters of the taught field;

    1. complete and modern support for the educational process (material and technical base), including all the necessary equipment and consumables for mastering arts and crafts techniques;
    1. formation of a broad outlook and mastery of the complete theoretical basis necessary for successful work in the field of art;
  1. obtaining a diploma that enjoys an excellent reputation in the labor market among representatives of creative professions at all levels.