Voronezh State Technological Academy. Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies (vguit): description, faculties, reviews Voronezh State Technological University

Voronezh State Technological Academy is one of the oldest and most popular universities not only in the city, but also in the region. It includes 6 faculties: technological, economic, automation of technological processes, food machines and automatic machines, applied biotechnology and the faculty of ecology and chemical technology. Specialists are trained in 26 and bachelors in 11 areas. Postgraduate studies and preparatory courses are available.

History of the university

Universities in Voronezh have a long history. In 1923, on the basis of the Voronezh Agricultural Institute (VSHI), on the initiative of the director of the institute, Professor A.V. Dumansky, a technological department was created. Over time, it grew and in 1930 it was transformed into the Voronezh Institute of Food Industry. At this stage, the university was tasked with training qualified personnel for the sugar, starch and syrup, alcohol and fermentation industries. Three departments were opened: technological, mechanical and economic planning.
In the summer of 1931, narrow-branch faculties were created, each of which trained specialists for a separate branch of the food industry. As of December 1931, 712 students were studying at the institute.
At this time, all sectors of the country's food industry experienced an acute shortage of personnel; being interested in high-quality training of students, enterprises constantly maintained contact with the educational institution. The teaching staff, with the direct help of students, studied and disseminated the best practices of industrialists and, in turn, developed manuals on the technology of processing agricultural products.
On the initiative of V.I. Popov in 1936, a scientific and experimental laboratory for the production of fermentation products, including alcohol, was created at the institute. This “mini-factory” allowed students to master technological equipment while still studying.
In 1940, the Faculty of Mechanics was opened, and the number of students increased to one and a half thousand people. At this time, the teaching staff of the institute included leading scientists of the country: A. V. Dumansky, I. D. Buromsky, A. I. Borshchevsky, P. M. Silin, M. V. Likhosherstov, N. Rozanov, V. N. Stabnikov, S.E. Kharin, V.I. Popov and many others.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the life of the university changed. Many teachers and students went to the front, and those who remained made their contribution to the cause of victory. The subject of research work has changed significantly. The institute's employees took an active part in the development of the famous "Katyusha" and the creation of anti-tank incendiary mixtures.
In July 1942, all universities in Voronezh were evacuated to the city of Biysk, Altai Territory. Training and scientific work did not stop during the evacuation. The institute’s staff was able to return to their native land only in 1959.
In 1965, VTI received the status of a first category higher education institution. At this time, the university already had a significant material base, and had 435 employees and more than 8,000 students.
Over more than eighty years of history, the Voronezh Institute of Food Industry has undergone many changes and today it is the Voronezh State Technological Academy.

Description of faculties

The Faculty of Technology trains process engineers in the following specialties: food technology, technology of sugary products, pasta and bread, confectionery technology, grain storage and processing technology. Such education makes it possible to get a highly paid job not only in the food industry, but also in the catering industry.
The Faculty of Automation of Technological Processes trains highly qualified IT specialists, communications engineers and electronics engineers, which will allow graduates to take their rightful place in the labor market. In recent years, information technologies are so rapidly entering all areas of human activity that there is a shortage of qualified personnel, both in large enterprises and in small businesses.
The Faculty of Food Machines and Automata trains specialists in the areas of metrology, certification and standardization, as well as food engineering of small enterprises, which allows its students to work at any food industry enterprise as a production technologist. And also monitor compliance with all GOSTs and standards.
A graduate of the Faculty of Applied Biotechnology with a specialty in “food biotechnology” can engage in scientific activities in plant breeding using genetic engineering methods or the synthesis of drugs and biologically active substances. Other specialties of the faculty produce process engineers for the meat and dairy industries, winemaking and fish processing enterprises.
The Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology trains specialists for chemical industry enterprises. And environmental engineers are in demand at all enterprises whose activities can cause serious harm to the environment.
The name of the Faculty of Economics speaks for itself. It trains specialists in all spheres of the economy - from enterprise auditing to the global economy. The faculty also provides training in management and commerce, the study of which will allow the academy graduate to get a job in any field of commercial activity.

Additional education and courses, scientific activities

Voronezh State Technological Academy guarantees its students high competitiveness in the labor market. This is achieved with the help of excellent teaching staff and the organization of scientific and innovative activities with integration into the global scientific and educational space. The management of the university constantly monitors the educational process and makes adjustments to the training program taking into account the current requirements of service consumers.
The academy successfully runs preparatory courses designed for 6, 8 and 9 months of study. They allow you to bring the applicant’s knowledge in line with the requirements of the university. This helps the applicant identify elements of the school curriculum that require additional preparation, and also facilitates the adaptation period when moving from a secondary school to a higher education institution.
Scientific and technical conferences are regularly held on the basis of VGTA, to which many guests from other universities are invited, and students and graduate students of the academy take part in similar events that are held in other educational institutions.
There is also a military department here, and non-resident students are provided with a comfortable dormitory.

Prospects for graduates

A higher education received at the Voronezh State Technological Academy will allow a young specialist to easily find a well-paid job. Recently, the food production industry has been developing rapidly, which creates an increased demand for competent personnel.
Graduates of the Academy's Faculty of Technology are in demand not only in the food industry, but also in the catering industry. They can work in the following specialty: winemaker, food and raw material procurer, cook, food production technologist, food industry technologist, pastry chef, chef.
Young specialists who graduate from the Faculty of Process Automation master the following professions: ERP system consultant, ERP programmer, system administrator, software engineer, SAP consultant, Lotus programmer, IT system consultant, system analyst, and software specialist telephone network service specialist, computer network service specialist, technical director, technical writer, etc. All of these professions are incredibly in demand in the modern labor market.
Having completed training at the faculty of food machines and automatic machines, a graduate can successfully work in one of the following positions: equipment engineer, food production technologist, specialist in metrology, standardization and certification.
A diploma from the Faculty of Applied Biotechnology gives you the opportunity to realize yourself in the following professions: biotechnologist, winemaker, taster, sommelier, food production technologist, food industry technologist, as well as in scientific laboratories for the development of biologically active substances and at breeding stations where genetic engineering methods are used.
In recent years, the issue of environmental safety has become increasingly acute and positions of environmental specialists have been introduced at every industrial enterprise. That is why the demand for workers with professional knowledge in this area significantly exceeds the supply.
Specialists in the field of economics have always been in demand. And the fact that VGTA teachers keep pace with the development of modern economic science makes graduates of the Academy’s Faculty of Economics competitive specialists.

Engineering Technologies is a specialized educational institution whose main task is the multi-level training of highly qualified personnel for the food and chemical industries, energy and communications. In the process of teaching students, information and computer technologies are actively used, which allows applicants to acquire deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their chosen specialty.

Historical reference

Engineering technology traces its history back to the Voronezh Technological Institute, founded in 1930. It was the first engineering institute in the city. It was supposed to train engineers for the production of starch, molasses, sugar and alcohol, conduct research in these industries, develop equipment and new technologies. By the early 1940s. the number of students exceeded one and a half thousand people.

The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War made adjustments to the measured life of the educational institution. Most of the students and staff went to the front. The war changed not only the engineer training program, but also the institute's research topics. Its employees took part in the development of components for jet fuel for the famous Katyusha rockets, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.

After the war, scientific work intensified. A number of institute employees became outstanding scientists: State Prize laureate Professor Malkov, professors Knyaginichev, Chastukhin, Ptitsyn, Ivannikov, Novodranov and others.

In 1975, the institute began training foreign students from all over the world. And in 1994, the Voronezh Technological Institute was transformed into an academy. In 2011, the Voronezh State Academy of Technology was awarded university status.

The science

The tasks of engineering technology teachers include not only training future chemists and food industry specialists. The university is also focused on the development of innovative technologies, equipment, new substances, preservatives, additives, etc. The main scientific directions are as follows:

  • Fundamental and applied research on the development and improvement of models, equipment, technologies, means and methods for managing chemical and food production. Solving issues of process automation.
  • Development of physical, chemical and mathematical methods and models for solving theoretical and applied problems in the chemical and food industries.
  • Improvement of existing and development of innovative technological solutions.
  • Scientific-methodological and psychological-pedagogical foundations for managing the process of training specialists in a technical university.

Core Curricula

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies teaches in the following specialties:

  1. Economics and enterprise management (for different industries).
  2. Machines and installations for the production of chemicals and building materials.
  3. Machines and devices for food production.
  4. Automation of technical processes.
  5. Technology for processing elastomers and plastics.
  6. Environmental protection, careful use of resources.
  7. Milk products.
  8. Sugar products.
  9. Meat products.
  10. Methods of storage and further processing of grains.
  11. Manufacturing technology for pasta, bakery and confectionery products.
  12. Winemaking, fermentation production technology.

Faculties of VSUIT

The university has 5 engineering faculties:

  • Ecological.
  • Computer science, technological equipment management.
  • Automation, food equipment.
  • Economic.
  • Technological.


  • Pre-university training.
  • Secondary vocational education.
  • Continuous education.
  • Institutes: professional retraining of specialists, international cooperation.

7,500 students study at the faculties of the educational institution. About 500 teachers work at 36 departments, many of whom have academic degrees.

Accepting applications

Applicants must attach the following documents to VSUIT with their application for admission:

  • The original document (notarized copy) of complete secondary education (valid certificate of vocational education).
  • Medical certificate (form 086/у).
  • Six photographs (format 3x4 cm).
  • Passport.
  • Unified State Examination certificate.
  • Certificate (if available) of the winner of the Olympics.
  • A copy of the work book (for employees).

Persons applying for a shortened form of study are required to additionally submit an application for this form of study in addition to the main list of documents. It is recommended to present to the commission recommendations, characteristics, diplomas, certificates characterizing the applicant.

Passing scores at VSUIT are determined on the basis of competitive tests and depend on the popularity of a particular specialty. Applications for the full-time form are accepted from June 20 to July 15. Tests are carried out from July 16 to July 31. Enrollment - from August 1 to August 10. Applications for absentee applications are accepted from June 20 to August 15. Tests are carried out from August 6 to 15 and from August 16 to 28. Enrollment - until August 30.

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
International name

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology

Year of foundation
The president

Bityukov Vitaly Ksenofontovich


Evgeny Dmitrievich Chertov


8,200 (together with graduate students)

Postgraduate studies

8,200 (together with students)

The doctors
Legal address

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies- a university in Russia, in the city of Voronezh. Founded in 1930. Located in the historical center of Voronezh.

Full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies" (VSUIT)


Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies arose in 1930 on the basis of the Faculty of Technology of the Voronezh Agricultural Institute and was called the Voronezh Institute of Food Industry (VIPPP). In 1932, the higher education institution was renamed the Voronezh Chemical-Technological Institute (VKhTI). During the Great Patriotic War in 1942-1943, the institute was evacuated to the city of Biysk, from where it was returned to Voronezh in 1944. But in 1947 it was transferred to Leningrad, where it received a new name - the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Food Industry (LTIPP). After returning to Voronezh in 1959, it was transformed into the Voronezh Technological Institute (VTI). In 1994, VTI received the status of an academy and was called the Voronezh State Technological Academy (VSTA). In 2011, it received university status and was renamed Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies.

  • automation of technological processes
  • lifelong education
  • pre-university training
  • humanitarian education and upbringing
  • food machines and vending machines
  • applied biotechnology
  • secondary vocational education
  • technological
  • ecology and chemical technology
  • economic

The VSUIT library collection contains about 1 million books.

Famous teachers

  • Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Professor A. V. Dumansky
  • State Prize laureate Yu. V. Koryakin
  • Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation Professor V. M. Bautin
  • Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Professor Ya. I. Korenman


  • Voronezh Encyclopedia: In 2 volumes / Ch. ed. M. D. Karpachev. - Voronezh: Center for Spiritual Revival of the Chernozem Region, 2008. - T.2: N-Ya. - 524 pp., ill., maps. ISBN 978-5-900270-99-9, pp. 271-272


Wikimedia Foundation.

License series AA No. 227677, reg. No. 8158 of September 11, 2006
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 000349, reg. No. 0338 dated November 1, 2006

Voronezh State Technological Academy- Academy in Russia, in the city of Voronezh. It is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia and one of the leading centers of national science and culture. Founded in 1930. Located in the historical center of Voronezh.

Full name - State educational institution of higher professional education Voronezh State Technological Academy (VSTA)

Level of training

  • Bachelor
  • Certified specialist (engineer)
  • Advanced postgraduate degrees (preparation of candidates of sciences)
  • Higher level doctoral studies (Doctor of Science)
  • Automation of technological processes
  • Food machines and vending machines
  • Ecology and chemical technology
  • Technological
  • Applied Biotechnology
  • Economic
  • Faculty of Humanitarian Education and Upbringing
  • Faculty of Lifelong Education
  • Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training
Voronezh State Technological Academy (VSTA) carries out educational activities in 39 educational programs of higher professional education:
  • 29 specialties;
  • 10 areas of bachelor's training.
  • Management and computer science in technical systems
  • Automation of technological processes and production
  • Information systems and technologies
  • Machines and apparatus for food production
  • Small Business Food Engineering
  • Standardization and certification
  • Food biotechnology
  • Technology of meat and meat products
  • Technology of fish and fish products
  • Technology of milk and dairy products
  • Food service technology
  • Fermentation technology and winemaking
  • Grain storage and processing technology
  • Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta
  • Technology of sugar products
  • Technology for processing plastics and elastomers
  • Machines and apparatus for chemical production
  • Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources
  • Engineering environmental protection
  • Finance and credit
  • Economics and enterprise management
  • Accounting, analysis and audit
  • Applied informatics (in economics)
  • Social and cultural service and tourism - extra-budgetary reception
  • Commerce (trading business) - extra-budgetary reception
  • World Economy - Off-Budget Reception
  • Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products
  • Chemical technology of inorganic substances
  • Chemical technology of high molecular weight compounds
Bachelor's degree:
  • Economy
  • Commerce
  • Management
  • Applied Informatics
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • automation and control
  • Information Systems
  • Chemical technology and biotechnology
  • Food technology
  • Environment protection

Reviews: 6

Alexander Chernyshev. Uryupinsk city

The best unforgettable years of study were 1983-88, I remember almost all the teachers - Fetisov, Kharichev, Bityukov, Kovtenko, Nesterenko, Evteev, Lygin, Kushchev-rector, Damn-today's rector, Valeev and many, many more worthy people of that time. who made us real specialists.

Nikolenko Sergey Petrovich

I know your institute as a normal educational institution that performs its functions. I wish the staff of the institute to survive in modern politics towards the education of the population. I can come and tell you the rest during a personal meeting.