Vilyui boilers: Prehistoric nuclear reactor? Yakut boilers: what's wrong with them? Yakut copper boilers.

Vilyui boilers

Attention readers! This work by the author is the original source! This is its value!

Dear readers, according to my dream vision, I was shown the following on this topic.

Dear readers, I once again welcome you to the pages of my “Dream Essay” - “Vilyuisk Cauldrons”!
Back in the 19th century, people knew about the existence of a certain anomalous zone in Yakutia, located along the Siberian Vilyuy River. Local residents nicknamed this valley “Death Valley” because... those who visited it often died. This valley is interesting because certain hemispheres were discovered in it, similar to inverted cauldrons in which tourists cook their grub. Since these cauldrons ranged in size from 6 to 10 meters, they were called cauldrons!
Here is how they write about it on the Internet: “Researchers of this anomalous zone, Mikhailovsky and Gutenev, recreated the picture of the events taking place according to legends and all available data, including the main Yakut epic “Olonkho”. In their opinion, everything looked like this:
“In those distant times, when it all began, this area was inhabited by a few nomadic Tungus. And then one day, distant neighbors saw their area suddenly enveloped in an impenetrable darkness, and the surrounding area was shaken by a deafening roar. A hurricane of unprecedented strength arose, powerful blows shook the earth. Lightning streaked the sky in all directions. When everything calmed down and the darkness dissipated, a picture unseen before in the village was revealed to their shocked gaze. In the middle of the scorched earth, a tall vertical structure shone in the sun, visible from a distance of many days' travel.
For a long time, the structure emitted unpleasant, cutting sounds, and the structure itself gradually decreased in height until it completely disappeared underground.
Anyone who, out of curiosity, tried to penetrate this territory never returned. As it turned out, beautiful-looking housing awaited them there - a domed, tall “iron house” standing on numerous side supports. But it was not possible to enter it - the house was high and smooth, having neither windows nor doors. In some places, other metal structures poked out from under the ground.
In place of the shining high-rise structure, a huge vertical “vent” gaped. According to fanciful descriptions of legends, it consisted of three tiers of “laughing abysses.”
In its depths there was allegedly an entire underground country with its own “defective” sun. A suffocating stench rose from the vent, and therefore they did not settle near it. From the outside one could see how a “rotating island” sometimes appeared above the mouth of the house, which later turned out to be its “slamming lid.”
Over time, some structures sank into permafrost. The “iron house” also went almost completely underground. It became possible to climb onto its dome, where there was a spiral-shaped descent going down. It was also possible to get into a circular gallery consisting of many metal rooms, where even in the most severe frosts it was as warm as summer. But it was worth spending at least a few days there in a row, and the person began to get very sick, and soon died.
Over time, the “house” finally sank into the permafrost, and only the “arch” of the entrance remained on the surface. The “lid” of the vent was overgrown with mosses and looked like an ordinary bulgunyakh (a mound above a lens of ice), of which there are a great many here on the permafrost.
Nothing here foreshadowed any events, but one day a small earthquake occurred, and a thin “fiery tornado” pierced the sky. A dazzling fireball appeared at the top of the tornado. This ball, accompanied by “four thunders in a row” and leaving behind a “fiery trail”, rushed towards the ground along a gentle trajectory and, disappearing over the horizon, exploded. The nomads were worried, but did not leave their homes, because... This "demon", without harming them, exploded over the neighboring warlike tribe.
A few decades later, a similar story repeated itself - the fiery fireball again flew off in the same direction and, in the same way, destroyed only its neighbors. Seeing that this “demon” seemed to be their protector, legends even began to be made about him, calling him “Nyurgun Bootur” (“Fiery Daredevil”).
But after some time something happened that horrified even the most remote outskirts. A giant fiery fireball burst out of the mouth of the “iron house” with a deafening roar and roar and... exploded right here. As a result, a strong earthquake occurred in the area. Some hills were cut by cracks more than a hundred meters deep. After the explosion, the “fiery sea” splashed for a long time, above which the disk-shaped “rotating island” hovered. The consequences of this explosion spread over a radius of more than a thousand kilometers.
The nomadic tribes that survived on the outskirts fled in different directions, away from the disastrous place, but this still did not save them from death. All of them died out from some strange disease, transmitted only by inheritance. Despite this, they left behind detailed information about what happened, on the basis of which Olonkhout storytellers began to compose beautiful and unusually tragic legends.
Indeed, many legends have survived that there are some strange structures in the “Valley of Death”. Here is the testimony of a hunter wandering through the taiga during a dry period:
“Having tried to get ice from the bulgunyakh - an ice lens, usually covered with earth on top, he began to dig, but under a thin layer of soil he discovered not ice, but the reddish metal surface of a large dome extending into the permafrost. The hunter was very scared and tried to leave this place as soon as possible.
During another incident: a hunter discovered the edge of a dome ten centimeters thick; this time the hunter also did not dig further. According to the hunter, the bulgunyakh was about a meter high and about 5-6 m in diameter.
Later, near the Olguidakh River, they discovered a smooth metal hemisphere of a reddish color stuck into the ground and with such a smooth edge that it even “cuts a nail.” The thickness of its wall is about 2 cm. It stands tilted, so that one could ride under it on a deer. It was discovered by a geologist in 1936, but in the post-war period the traces were lost. In 1979, a small archaeological expedition from Yakutsk tried to find it.
The guide, an old hunter who had seen this object many times in his youth, could not remember the way to it, because, according to him, the area had changed a lot.
The ancient Even nomadic route also passed here - from Bodaibo to Annabar and further, to the coast of the Arctic Ocean.
Meanwhile, local residents gradually left these places. A certain old man Savinov, a goods merchant, and his granddaughter Zina also decided to move to Syuldyukar.
Somewhere in the area between the Helduz (“iron house”) interfluves, her grandfather led her to a small, slightly flattened reddish “arch,” upon entering which, behind a spiral passage, there were many metal rooms. There they spent the night. As the grandfather assured, even in the most severe frosts, they are as warm as in summer.
Other old-timers also recalled these “metal rooms” even in the post-war years. Only the bravest and most desperate people dared to take advantage of this “blessing” of metal rooms, because... just a few nights in the “rooms” inevitably led to severe illness and quick death.”

Dear readers, many scientists, researchers, as well as hunters and local residents, tried to study these cauldrons and unravel the mystery of their appearance in “Death Valley”! Various expeditions were repeatedly sent to the valley area in search of and study of boilers that were partially or completely submerged in the ground. No one has yet been able to solve the mystery of the appearance of metal boilers in the “Valley of Death”!
Dear readers, let us together try to explore these historical events and find out the secret: where did these strange, deadly cauldrons come from?
In order for us to get the quintessence of these events, you and I need to put all these historical events together and wring them out like we wring out a damp rag.
So we put all these events together and squeeze it out. Yeah, the quintessence has begun to drip – let’s read….

This alien civilization appeared in the Vilyui River valley several years before the appearance of hunting rifles in Russia. Hunting rifles were initially sold in Moscow and other cities of the European part of Russia, and later they were imported by traders or hunters from Europe to Yakutia.
For the first time, when aliens appeared in Death Valley, local residents, when they met aliens, simply killed them with sticks, but when they got hunting rifles, they began to shoot at them from these rifles.
The aliens flew to Earth on the Matke spaceship, and explored the territory of the earth in capsules that looked like glassy spheres. These glassy spheres of aliens were broken by local residents with sticks when they met aliens, after which it was the turn of the aliens themselves. It was their one-eyed corpses (cyclops) that were found near the cauldron. Those metal shields that the aliens were wearing were intended to protect the delicate bodies of the aliens from being hit with sticks by people.
If the first alien space capsules of the aliens looked like glassy spheres, then subsequent capsules were made of durable metal.
It is this durable metal that is described in the epic of the Yakuts and other boiler researchers. In addition to the fact that the metal from which the aliens’ cauldron is made is very durable, it has a phenomenal feature that not a single scientist in the world knows about yet! The phenomenal feature of this alien ship metal is that the metal is a kind of antipode to our core of planet Earth!
This is a very rare metal in the entire Universe! If our metal core of the Earth, which moves inside the hollow Earth, may be negatively charged, then the metal of the aliens has a positive charge! It is known from physics that unlike charges attract, and like charges repel! It is this difference in charges that attracts the UFO to itself, i.e. inside the Earth! This is exactly what is written about in Olonkho, that the boilers themselves sink into the earth! This must be understood that the metal core of planet Earth attracts UFOs (cauldron) of aliens!
The aliens, knowing about this effect, specifically chose the permafrost zone for themselves, because here the earth will be harder than at the equator. To prevent the UFO from plunging into the earth, aliens tried to land even in the Altai Mountains and other solid places on planet Earth.
In the valley you can see some hills that look like volcanoes, which have “vents” going far into the earth.
Dear readers, as you understood from everything I said, that when a UFO plunges into the earth, then when flying out of the ground, the UFO with its body scoops the earth out of the vent onto its surface, which results in the formation of an earthen hill, similar to a volcano with a vent (mine) in the middle.
When the depth of the vent reaches several hundred meters, the UFO flies out of it and changes its location! It is possible that the depth of this shaft reaches 800 meters, when a change in the location of the UFO is required. This change of UFO base locations occurs several times, which is why some vents are empty, while others are occupied by aliens!
Dear readers, the vents of alien mines can be roughly compared to our ballistic missiles, which are based in underground mines.

Dear readers, the alien UFO in Yakutia consists of three levels:
First: designed for spherical capsules, with the help of which aliens explore the vastness of the Earth. Each alien has its own individual capsule. Since there are three aliens in the UFO, it means that there are three such capsules in the UFO at the same time! These capsules are placed on top of each other in the cylindrical body of the UFO. This is exactly what UFO eyewitnesses are talking about when they say that three fireballs flew into the cigar-shaped UFO, which immediately flew away.
Second: This is a living compartment, with “metal rooms”, in which, in fact, the aliens while away their time.
Third: This is the compartment of the UFO propulsion engine itself, the door of which is constantly locked! Between the living compartment and the door leading to the engine compartment there is a vestibule, which is locked in the same way on both sides. It was in this very vestibule that the aliens hid from people when they visited them on a UFO.
In one case, it was a certain youth who failed to open the vestibule door and get into the engine compartment.
In the second case, it was a local merchant and his granddaughter who spent the night in one of the UFO rooms.
In the morning, the aliens came out of the vestibule in which they were hiding from these earthly aliens and saw two sleeping people. The aliens wanted to kill people, but, having read the peaceful thoughts of the grandfather and granddaughter, the aliens did not kill them, but admired them as their most dear guests! For the first time, the aliens saw closely people who did not kill them with sticks or sabers, but snored peacefully, lying on the lower shelves of the compartment. The aliens felt the emanating feelings of kinship from these two people and decided to take care of them in order to protect them from dashing people! And indeed, later, this guardianship of aliens over their grandfather and granddaughter played a big role for them.
In the third case, these were various researchers who were afraid to sleep in the metal room of the UFO, and therefore urgently left the UFO with the thoughts: If only something bad could happen!
In the fourth case, there were multiple cases when curious people, from among hunters and mushroom pickers, visited the UFO.

Dear readers, when the aliens first flew to Earth, this flight was indeed accompanied by thunder and various kinds of tornadoes, whirlwinds, dark clouds, including even an earthquake in this list! Like a faulty motorcycle that deafens the area with loud shots and the release of clouds of black smoke, the same thing happened with the arrival of this UFO, only several thousand times more powerful!
After these cataclysms, local residents saw a brilliant vertically standing cylinder, in modern terms - just a rocket! However, this same alien rocket had impressive dimensions, both in height and width. The rocket had a shiny silver body without windows or doors.
Local daredevils, the Tungus, walked around the alien rocket, trying to find the front door or window in it to knock on the owners.
The aliens looked closely at people for a long time and one day they allowed Tungus into their spaceship. They took him through their rooms and even showed him a piece of their planet's territory!
Outwardly, it looked as if you had stepped inside a screen on which a film projector was showing a green meadow, illuminated by a dim sun!
Again, in modern terms, perhaps it was some kind of volumetric hologram, in which you feel the smell of meadow grass, the breeze and the emanating heat from the sun!
Tungus came out of the “holographic movie frame” back into the ring-shaped UFO corridor and asked the aliens why they needed this green meadow?
The aliens explained to the curious Tungus that the green meadow is a part of their Motherland, which they miss during long flights in the Universe! Again, resorting to modern language, this green meadow and the sun serve them as a kind of “psychological relief room”!
“Holographic realities” can be changed according to taste: one alien likes the sea, another a green meadow, a third a personal account. That is, before the flight itself, the alien-astronaut selects a picture or landscape and stores it in the memory of the holographic projector. So….
The aliens escorted the delighted Tungus to the exit of the rocket, and this was the first person with whom they came into close contact on Earth. When, after such contacts, the Tungus began to get sick and die, these contacts stopped by themselves.
Later, when the entire rocket sank into the earth until the end exit of the UFO, the daredevils who entered the rocket without permission did not return. And those who lingered for a long time near the rocket itself got sick and died. Therefore, legends and commandments were composed among the Tungus, so that young people would not visit this rocket and avoid it!
The stench emanating from the inside of the rocket, which is mentioned in the Tungus legends, is actually the gas mixture that these aliens breathe on their planet! This type of alien can breathe earthly air for a short time, for about 12 to 15 minutes, after which they suffocate like fish. Thus, these aliens must breathe exclusively their own alien air every 15 minutes, which is produced for them by air mixture generators.

In addition to all this, the aliens learned to leave their physical body with their spirit. This is exactly what the Tungus mention in their legends when they say that frost fell from the treetops, as if someone invisible was walking along the treetops. That’s how it was, one alien left his physical body and walked towards the researchers to find out for himself: with what intentions did these people come to the forest?

In this territory of Yakutia near the Vilyui River there lived two tribes that were at enmity with each other. The distant tribe was more numerous than the first, and therefore, out of all sorts of quarrels among themselves, the leader of the tribe wanted to conquer the first tribe. The main role in their quarrel was played by such motives as: territory for hunting, fishing, picking berries and mushrooms.
In a small tribe, let’s call it so conventionally, there lived a certain strong spiritual man-man of prayer! The prayer book (shaman) prayed to God at night for his family and people to stay alive during the capture of their tribe.
It was these persistent prayers that were heard by the aliens who at night walked around, invisibly, people’s homes. As a joke, the aliens pretended to be God, who heard the prayers of the owner of the home.
Another time, the alien admitted to the prayer book that he was not God, but just a simple alien, but who could save their tribe from destruction! The alien immediately offered the prayer book “friendship” in exchange for information about people! The prayer book agreed with the invisible alien, because. tomorrow the invaders were supposed to come to their tribe.
Dear readers, as I mentioned above, the rocket itself had three capsules that could fly through the air and which simultaneously served as combat charges!
This is what happened this time too. The alien left his physical body and took over his individual capsule in spirit, on which he flew towards the aggressive tribe.
Next, the alien left this capsule with his spirit, and the capsule exploded over the hostile tribe! It is this explosion that the Tungus mention in their legends.

The same explosion of the capsule occurred a second time over the same tribe, when the aggressive tribe, at the expense of people from other tribes, managed to recover, and again counted on revenge. However, the story of how the capsule was blown up the second time was somewhat different! So….
After the first explosion of the capsule over a hostile tribe, the aliens decided to fly away, but before that they had a conversation with the prayer book, who owed them - his life!
The aliens asked the prayer book various questions about the life and everyday life of people on planet Earth, as well as characteristics of the people from his tribe. At the end of the peaceful scientific conversation, the aliens gave the prayer book a radio receiver that could not only pick up radio waves from radio stations on planet Earth, but also transmit an “SOS” signal to the aliens!
It was precisely this “SOS” signal that was sent to aliens by a prayer book at one time! This “SOS” signal meant that the prayer book was asking for help from aliens!
The fact was that the aggressive tribe was restored due to family ties in other tribes, and therefore they again began to threaten to attack the weak Tungus tribe. In connection with these new circumstances, an “SOS” signal was sent to the aliens. Moreover, the prayer book decided to check at the same time his friendship with aliens, because... at that time, deception, self-interest, and flattery were in constant use among their tribes.
Despite the fact that the aliens had flown quite far from planet Earth during all this time, the alien commander still turned his “Gravitsap” back to Earth!
Returning to Earth, the commander of the “Gravitsapy”, let’s call their ship that way, found out from the prayer book the reason for sending him the “SOS” signal.
The prayer book complained about the aggressive Tungus tribe, whose leader began to again threaten to attack their tribe.
Without hesitation, a capsule flew out of the Gravitsa and exploded over the aggressive tribe.
Having calmed the prayer book, the aliens left the Earth and flew back to their planet.
The local Tungus residents fell in love with the aliens, whom they mistook for a good “demon” protecting their tribe from a hostile tribe.

Since the explosions of the capsules caused enormous damage not only to the aggressive tribe, but also to nature, in which there were fewer mushrooms, berries and wild animals, the inhabitants of the peaceful tribe themselves entered into a conspiracy among themselves to kill the sorcerer, through whose fault they began to starve.
For this compelling reason, the prayer book again sent an “SOS” signal to the aliens!
The aliens returned to Earth and found out the reason for the new SOS signal from the prayer book.
The prayer book told about the current dangerous situation in his tribe and asked the aliens to destroy the inhabitants of his tribe, who entered into a conspiracy and decided to kill him!
The aliens asked the man of prayer to choose those people from the tribe whom he wanted to let live!
The prayer book described all the men of his tribe to the aliens by name and in detail. The prayer book turned out that all the inhabitants of his tribe had to die! The calculation of the prayer book included only men, excluding from this list women, children, and old people, who were automatically supposed to die, together with their heads of families!
The aliens stood up for a merchant and his granddaughter, who once spent the night in their “Gravitsap”. Therefore, the merchant was warned by the prayer book about this action - to destroy the inhabitants of the tribe!
The merchant loaded his modest belongings onto a sleigh and early in the morning, with his granddaughter, set off towards the nearest town where the railway passed. Since all the inhabitants of the tribe were starving, all the goods from the merchant were bought up, and therefore he had a reason to leave the tribe. When a local resident asked the merchant about where he was going so early, the merchant explained to him that he was going to Syuldyukar to get the goods. (In fact, perhaps initially it was Yakutsk, and then further, where the Far Eastern Railway passed - Approx. Auth.).
The merchant was in a hurry because... the blast zone could have reached him! After two and a half days of the merchant’s journey, the explosion itself occurred, the merchant and granddaughter immediately fell into the snow to avoid damaging factors similar to an atomic explosion, exactly as the aliens with whom the prayer book introduced them taught them.
In addition to the new friendship between the merchant and the aliens, the merchant had to listen to the radio and transmit information at a certain time to the aliens, using the same alien radio transmitter for these purposes.
The alien explosion was so powerful that an earthquake occurred on planet Earth! Hot fiery lava, similar to volcanic lava, appeared in the deep crevices of the earth. The fiery lava cooled for several more months, and the bravest Tungus went to look at the lava as if it were the Great Miracle of Manitou.

Dear readers, as you understand from my essay, these Vilyui cauldrons are nothing more than alien spaceships, which we call UFOs.
The media and the Internet write that in 1971, the testimony of an old Evenk hunter was documented that in the area of ​​​​Nyurgun Bootur ("Bogatyr") and Ataradak ("A very large triangular iron fort") there is an iron hole in which "thin people lie , black, one-eyed people in iron robes." Are these aliens in spacesuits? Is the bunker their earth base? – the authors of the articles ask.
Dear readers, I hope you now understand that these are the corpses of aliens killed by Tunguska hunters. And the “iron hole” is nothing more than a UFO, which, until now, neither researchers, nor scientists, nor even stupid people who deny the existence of UFOs are interested in.
The one-eyed alien skulls found here, as well as in other places, are presented by scientific fools: for some unknown civilization of people (Cyclopes)!
The metal from which the cauldrons are made is the rarest in the entire Universe, because... it is like the metal of the earth's core, which has the opposite charge! For this reason, the ship (UFO) dives into the earth to connect with the core of the Earth!
Radiation does indeed come from a UFO, and therefore scientists need to be careful and take all measures to ensure their radiation and gravitational safety! Gentlemen scientists, the metal of the boiler (missiles, UFOs) has a different polarity than the core of planet Earth! This other polarity of the metal, irradiating the physical body of a person, causes changes in his physical body and the DNA chain, which lead to the rapid death of a person!
These aliens flew from the most extreme expanses of our Universe, and stupid scientists are arguing: do aliens exist? They send pennants and radio signals into space in the hope that aliens will answer them!
The Americans, seeing aliens on the Moon, did not hesitate to stick the US flag, meaning that they were the first here!
In the USA, at their secret bases, cryogenic refrigerators are literally crammed with alien corpses! Here, at secret US bases, there are even living aliens who have flown to us from various places in the Universe!
When, just three days ago, I wrote a comment on the topic of aliens, I received a response comment from a certain man who wrote that I was profiting from this deception, and that in my head instead of brains there was all sorts of dregs and pus!
What do you think, dear readers, is there really sawdust or pus in my head?
I think that in our 21st century there is already so much information about the existence of aliens that it’s time for us to no longer be surprised by these facts! However, there are still brainless people whose brain is still in its infancy, in the form of a walnut, who, due to weakness of mind, cannot delve into this topic, much less understand and realize it with their minds!

Dear readers, please note that this is just my dream, and therefore: Believe it or not! You never know what each of us might dream about.

Urgently to essay-1

Dear readers, I wrote this essay on February 3, 2011. Today is March 14, 2011, and this is what happened during these days, according to the website “A disaster occurred in the Irkutsk region, which can be compared to the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Local residents claim that they saw with their own eyes how a UFO fell. Some believe that a large meteorite fell.
This event happened on March 1, 2011, in the evening. A bright light flashed in the sky and a loud bang was heard. Soon the shining body disappeared behind the trees, and a sound like an explosion was heard again. Those who did not see the fall at first thought that some kind of earthquake had occurred - the blast wave was so strong.
Local residents are speculating. Most are inclined to believe that they observed the crash of an alien spaceship here. The Ministry of Emergency Situations could not find either the crash site or the debris. Scientists are sure that a meteorite with a diameter of no more than 1.5 meters fell, and these people are simply making a big deal out of it.”

Dear readers, what happened in the Irkutsk region is what I wrote about in this essay “Vilyuy Cauldrons”! The same explosions and loud bangs, the same mention of an earthquake, people saw UFOs, the same places. Lots of similarities with my essay!
Once again the Ministry of Emergency Situations shows its stupidity, telling us that it was a new Tunguska meteorite that fell!
Dear readers, we understand with you that the next arrival of aliens on Earth took place not two hundred years ago, but in our modern days - just now!

Urgently to essay-2

Dear readers, I wrote this essay on February 3, 2011. On March 14, I added addition No. 1, and today, April 19, I am adding news from the Internet that appeared on the RIA© RIA website, I quote:
“It looks too weird to be true. However, these two men claim that they have discovered a dead alien in the frozen Siberian wastes.
A skinny, very badly damaged body, lying on its side, mouth parted, and half buried under snow, was found near the Russian city of Irkutsk. This area is quite popular among ufologists. A video of an alien's body posted on the Internet has generated great interest around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people watched it.
The found body of a creature reminiscent of Spielberg's alien is badly damaged. Its length is 60 cm. Part of the right leg is missing. The skull-like head reveals deep sockets for the eyes and mouth.
Those who believe in UFOs believe that the body could have been left behind by aliens after the crash or missed by military alien specialists clearing the crash site.
In the areas where this body was discovered, UFOs are often seen. Dozens of cases are reported each year. A month ago (March 14), reports appeared that a UFO had crashed near Irkutsk.
“We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw it. It is strange that there were no “traces” of the spacecraft nearby. Perhaps it was removed and the body was not noticed,” says Igor Molovich, one of the two people who posted the video. In just a few days, the video has already been watched by almost 700,000 people.
Cynics claim the video is simply a hoax using a well-crafted alien doll. One of the people who watched the video writes: “How many people like to start shouting about fakes, as soon as something unusual appears! Until proven otherwise, this material should be considered plausible.” “If it is a fake, we are dealing with real doll makers. I think this is a rare case when the body is real. Great video!" - notes another viewer.”

Dear readers, please note for yourself that this is the same area, the corpse of an alien, UFO flights. It turns out that the dream “Vilyui Cauldrons” that I wrote to you is not my fantasy, but underneath it there are real facts and confirmations from our life today, our existence!

From time to time, information appears that in the forest-tundra, in the north of Yakutia, there are huge metal hemispheres - ufologists consider them an ancient base of aliens. Locals call them boilers. For many centuries this area has been considered forbidden by the Yakuts and Evenks.

Mysterious 8- and 10-meter cauldrons have more than once served as an overnight stay for lost hunters. They are much warmer inside than outside. But the one who decides to use them as a refuge gets very sick after that and doesn’t live long...

Who scattered these hemispheres throughout Death Valley? What exactly are the mysterious cauldrons: traces of the creation of ancient civilizations or alien UFOs? Why do they have a detrimental effect on people and animals?

The Yakuts call this legendary place Elyuyu Cherkechekh, which means “Valley of Death”. The old people consider it forbidden: “In winter, under the cauldrons it is as warm as in summer, and people who spend the night in them inevitably go to “graze the heavenly deer”...

It’s creepy to be in the valley,” says Yakut local historian Aitalina Nikiforova. - The trees are dead, black, around the swamp.

According to ancient legends, in the middle of the swamps, a flattened arch protrudes from the ground, under which there are many metal rooms. Inside, even in the most severe Yakut frosts, it is as warm as in summer. Curious hunters went inside and even spent the night in these rooms, but then they began to get very sick and died.


The geographer Richard Maack wrote about the same place in the 19th century:

On the bank of the Agliy timirnit river, which means “The big cauldron has sunk,” there is a giant copper cauldron. Its size is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground.

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The diameter of the flooded boiler is 10 meters

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Nikolai Arkhipov, a researcher of ancient cultures, also recorded information about these strange objects:

Since ancient times, among the population of the Vilyui River basin there has been a legend about the presence of huge bronze Olguy cauldrons in the upper reaches of this river. This legend deserves attention, since these supposed areas of location of the mythical cauldrons are associated with several rivers with the Yakut name Olguidakh, which means “where the cauldrons are located.” Local residents claim that pillars and balls of fire, directed by the demon Wat Usumu Tong Duurai, burst out of the opening hemispherical lids once every hundred years.

Is there really a power plant hidden under the boilers? But what civilization - ancient earthly or alien - does this reactor belong to? In the 30s of the twentieth century, a resident of the village of Syuldyukar Savvinov spent the night with his granddaughter in an “iron house”. They found a flattened reddish arch, where behind a spiral passage there were many metal rooms.

]]> ]]> In 1971, the testimony of an old Evenk hunter was documented that in the area between the Nyurgun Bootur (“Bogatyr”) and Ataradak (“A very large triangular iron fort”) there is an iron hole in which “lie thin, black, one-eyed people in iron robes." Are these aliens in spacesuits? Is the bunker their earth base?

Historians and archaeologists have long dreamed of solving the mystery of the Vilyui cauldrons. From year to year, attempts were made to find them in Death Valley. But they were all unsuccessful. None of the researchers could come closer to solving the mysterious cauldrons - they simply could not be found!

I was lucky just last year - Czech traveler Ivan Mackerle finally found them!

Aitalina Nikiforova took part in his expedition. She was very difficult.

The area of ​​the Death Valley is huge,” says Aitalina. - Looking for boilers in the taiga and swamps is like finding a needle in a haystack. But Ivan came up with a brilliant idea: you need to fly around the territory on paramotors - parachutes with motors. And literally on the 3-4th day of the expedition they found a strange circle with surprisingly smooth, clear edges, covered with snow. The snow has melted almost everywhere in the taiga, and in that place there is a clear, clear circle in the snow. Then they found the second one. We recorded the coordinates on the satellite navigator, and then got to this place on foot. And they were surprised - the metal boilers were dusted with snow!


]]> ]]> “Before leaving for Yakutia, Ivan turned to a Czech clairvoyant,” says Aitalina. - They had a very specific interest - to find out the location of geopathogenic zones on the map of the Vilyuisky ulus. The clairvoyant showed four points on the map, but immediately after that she stunned Ivan, saying: “You are going there for your death!” Ivan did not listen: after all, so much time and money had been poured into this expedition that there was simply nowhere to retreat! But just in case, I took with me a metal amulet in the form of several triangles, reminiscent of the Star of David. And he set off.

And literally the next day after the discovery of the boilers, Ivan Matskerle suddenly felt unwell:
“I woke up in the morning and immediately felt dizzy and began to lose consciousness. My blood pressure and heart were fine, but I seemed to be in a state of extreme intoxication. We waited a day, but my condition did not improve. When we left this territory, as if by magic, I immediately felt better...


But still, much remained unclear: what kind of metal was used for the mysterious boilers? Why do people who have experienced its effects get very sick and even die? And what civilization do the creatures that created these giants belong to?

The archives of the National Library preserved a letter from Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok, who claimed that he had found seven such boilers:

I visited there three times. The first time was in 1933, when I was still 10 years old, I went with my father to earn money. Then in 1939 - already without a father. And the last time - in 1949 as part of a group of young guys. “Death Valley” stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyui River. In fact, this is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain. All three times I was there with a Yakut guide. We went there not because of the good life, but because of the fact that there was a place in this wilderness where we could pan for gold without expecting a robbery or a bullet in the back of the head at the end of the season.

All our attempts to break off at least a piece from the strange cauldrons were unsuccessful. The only thing I managed to carry away was the stone. But not simple - half of an ideal ball with a diameter of 6 cm. It was black, did not have any visible traces of processing, but was very smooth, as if polished. I picked him up from the ground inside one of these cauldrons. I brought this souvenir with me to Samarka, Chuguevsky district, Primorsky Krai, where my parents lived in 1933. It lay idle until my grandmother decided to rebuild the house. It was necessary to insert glass into the windows, and there was no glass cutter in the whole village. I myself tried to scratch the halves of this stone ball with an edge (edge) - it turned out that it cuts with amazing beauty and ease. After that, my find was used many times like a diamond by all my relatives and friends. In 1937, I gave the stone to my grandfather, and in the fall he was arrested and taken to Magadan, where he lived without trial until 1968 and died. Now no one knows where that stone went...

As for the mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them, because over three seasons we saw 7 such “cauldrons”. They all seem completely mysterious to me: firstly, the size is from 6 to 9 meters in diameter. Secondly, they are made of an unknown metal. The fact is that even a sharp chisel cannot pick up the boilers (we tried it more than once). The metal does not break off or forge. Even on steel, a hammer would definitely leave noticeable dents. And this metal is covered on top with a layer of an unknown material, similar to emery. But this is not an oxide film or scale - it cannot be chipped or scratched either. We did not see wells with rooms going deep into the earth, which are mentioned in local legends. But I noted that the vegetation around the “cauldrons” was anomalous - not at all similar to what grows around. It is more lush: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass one and a half to two times taller than a person. We spent the night in one of the boilers as a group (6 people). We didn’t feel anything bad and left calmly without any unpleasant incidents. No one got seriously ill. Except that one of my friends lost all his hair completely after three months. And on the left side of my head (I slept on it) 3 small sores appeared, each the size of a match head. I have been treating them all my life, but to this day they have not gone away.

Based on Koretsky’s letter, it can be assumed that there is a slightly increased radioactive background around the “boilers”. Giant vegetation around them, non-healing ulcers on the head, and lost hair are clear symptoms of radiation exposure. Options are possible: either the “boilers” are made of radioactive metal, or their walls contain some artificial radiation sources such as isotope generators?..

The only eyewitness known to us, Koretsky, believes that the “boilers” are HUMAN WORK; if they were extraterrestrial, they would be a little stronger. As evidence, he explains: in 1933, he heard from a Yakut guide that 5-10 years ago he discovered several completely new and absolutely round boiler-balls that protruded high, 2-3 meters, from the ground. But later, after a dozen or two years, an Evenk hunter saw these units already split and scattered. Having also visited another “cauldron” twice, Koretsky noticed that over the past few years, the object itself, as if under the influence of its own weight, had noticeably sunk into the ground (into permafrost!). This means that since the immersion occurs at a fairly noticeable speed, the “boilers” themselves appeared not so long ago. But if “cauldrons” were made by earthlings and, moreover, relatively recently in the Middle Ages, then who did it? It’s worth remembering that local peoples would not be able to produce even a small copy of such things; this would require at least a highly developed production.

In 1999-2000, researcher A. Gutenev, having read Koretsky’s story, came to the conclusion that he had many inaccuracies in his descriptions of the area, too many even if he had been there as a child.

Several attempts have been made to find Death Valley. In 1962-63, geologist V.V. Poroshin tried to find it on the northern bank of the Berende River (flows into Namana west of Tuobuy), however, he discovered only strange settlements of people hiding from civilization. In the 1990s, A. Gutenev and V. Mikhailovsky were searching for this place. In July 1996, an expedition near Aikhal was prepared by Kosmopoisk, however, it did not reach the appointed place for technical reasons.

In the summer of 1997, a group of 2 people (V. Uvarov and A. Gutenev) went to this area, who, with the help of sponsors, paid for the work of specialists in the local aerial photographic archive, where they discovered “something interesting” in the photographs of the area. We left for the place, however, the helicopter with the supplies was late, other everyday difficulties arose, and we had to return back, with a grievous heart, without finding anything...

In October 1999, journalist Nikolai VARSEGOV conducted local inquiries regarding the location of the Valley [KP 1999, October 16]. In August 2000, A. Gutenev again went to one of the supposed locations of the Valley, but this time the instruments did not provide unambiguous confirmation of the existence of metal structures in the soil...

Something similar is regularly observed in the Altai Mountains and in the Kalmyk Black Lands... And there are clearings where mysterious metal structures are piled up, either twisted, overgrown with moss, or even completely new. Sometimes - when at night, when during the day (but never on Sundays and very rarely on the 13th) a rumble is heard in the sky, dazzling white crosses flash, and another “metal monster” appears on the ground. In the neighboring villages, houses have outlandish stoves made by local craftsmen from parts that are clearly of extraterrestrial origin. There, too, stories are retold about shepherds and hunters who found pieces of iron “completely unlike anything else,” for example, small silver cylinders that were hot and did not cool down for months; then these people died...

All these mysteries have completely earthly origins. The stamps of Russian and Ukrainian factories are clearly visible on the strange metal fragments. We are talking about the places where spent rocket stages fall. And since spacecraft (ships with astronauts, spy satellites, scientific stations) are launched from year to year along well-defined routes, “zones” have formed on the surface of the Earth where twisted aluminum tanks of launch vehicles and other fragments of “space metal” are piled up in almost heaps " They say that in the Altai Mountains there is a whole village where the nozzles of spent rocket stages have been adapted for stoves; fortunately, there are about two dozen of them on each Soyuz. They also say that an illiterate Kazakh shepherd was very happy when he found an RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generator) left over from an emergency launch ), since the thing never cooled down, and it was very convenient to warm up near it on cold, dark nights; and when the soldiers sent from Baikonur finally found the lost RTG in the yurt, under a layer of blankets, it was no longer possible to save the “lucky one.” Isn’t it true, Is all this similar to the legends about the Vilyui “Valley of Death”?

And Yakutia, at the same time, is quite officially one of the zones where debris from carriers launched in Kazakhstan should fall. But the fact is that the legends that we mentioned at the beginning were born a very long time ago - when humanity had not even thought about going into space...

This anomalous zone is located in Yakutia, in the valley of the Vilyui River. The Yakuts call this place “Yelyuyu Cherkechekh” - “Valley of Death”. There are large metal hemispheres with a diameter of 8-10 meters located here. The Aborigines call them cauldrons and forbid approaching them, since more than once hunters who were late and decided to spend the night inside them in the cold winter became very ill and died.

Who left strange hemispheres in this wilderness: ancient civilizations or aliens? Why do they have a detrimental effect on people and animals? Science has not yet found answers to these questions.

The Tricks of the Demon Wat Usumu Tong Duurai

The first information about Death Valley was reported to the scientific world by naturalist, teacher and researcher Richard Karlovich Maack. He was in Yakutia from 1853 to 1855, conducted scientific research in the basins of the Vilyui, Olekma and Chona rivers, studied the terrain, geology, and also became acquainted with the peoples inhabiting this region.

In his notes from 1853, Maak mentioned that on the bank of the Algyi Timirbit River, which means “a large cauldron has sunk,” there really is a giant copper cauldron.

Its size is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground, and several trees grow in it. This find did not arouse much interest in the world of science: no one was going to equip an expedition to the inaccessible taiga region because of some kind of boiler.

Exactly the same object was discovered in the middle of the 20th century during the construction of the Vilyui hydroelectric power station dam. When hydraulic builders laid a diversion canal and drained the Vilyuy riverbed, a convex metal “bald patch” was discovered.

The summoned authorities quickly examined the find and came to the conclusion that it was nonsense, not worth attention, and ordered the work to continue. Which is understandable: management was first asked for a plan, and no one was going to disrupt the work schedule over trifles. Obviously, the “cauldron” now rests under a layer of silt on the river bottom.

It was only in the 1970s that Yakut ufologists collected and documented evidence from local residents. For example, they claim that pillars and balls of fire, directed by the demon Wat Usumu Tong Duurai, burst out of the opening hemispherical lids once every 100 years.

Also in Death Valley there is a flattened reddish iron arch that you can even ride a deer through, and behind it a spiral passage leading to many metal rooms.

It is much warmer there than outside, but unwary travelers who decided to spend the night in these rooms inevitably fell ill, and many of them died.

Particularly interesting is the testimony of an old Evenk hunter that in the area between the rivers Nyurgun Bootur (which means “glorious hero”) and Ataradak (which means “a very large triangular iron fort”) there is a metal hole in which lie frozen through “very thin, black one-eyed people in iron robes."

Fiery daredevil in an iron house

By comparing the testimony of residents with legends and traditions, including the Yakut epic Olonkho, the researchers reconstructed the history of Death Valley. In ancient times, this area was inhabited by a few nomadic Tungus. One day, an impenetrable darkness enveloped the valley, and a deafening roar shook the surrounding area.

A hurricane of unprecedented strength arose, powerful blows shook the earth. Lightning streaked the sky in all directions. When everything calmed down and the darkness dissipated, in the middle of the scorched earth, a tall vertical structure, visible from a distance of many days’ journey, shone in the sun. For a long time it emitted unpleasant, ear-piercing sounds and gradually decreased in height until it completely disappeared (possibly underground). Those who tried to enter this territory out of curiosity did not return.

Over time, the soil fertilized with ash and ash restored the vegetation cover. The dense young growth attracted the beast, and nomadic hunters also followed the animals. They saw a tall, domed “iron house” resting on numerous side supports. But it was not possible to enter it - it was high and smooth, had neither windows nor doors.

Over time, the “house” finally sank into permafrost, and only the entrance arch remained on the surface. But one day there was a small earthquake, and a thin fiery tornado pierced the sky. A dazzling ball of fire appeared at its top.

This ball, accompanied by “four thunders in a row,” leaving a trail of fire behind it, rushed toward the ground along a gentle trajectory and, disappearing over the horizon, exploded. The nomads were worried, but did not leave their habitable places, fortunately this “demon”, without bringing them harm, exploded over the neighboring warlike tribe.

A few decades later, history repeated itself - the fireball flew off in the same direction and again destroyed only its neighbors. Seeing that this “demon” seemed to be their protector, legends began to be made about him, calling him “Nyurgun Bootur”.

A mysterious circle in a swamp near the Vilyui River

But one day, a giant fiery fireball burst out of the crater with a deafening roar and roar and... immediately exploded. A powerful earthquake occurred. Some hills were cut by cracks more than 100 meters deep.

After the explosion, the “fiery sea” splashed for a long time, above which the disk-shaped “rotating island” hovered. The consequences of the explosion spread over a radius of more than a thousand kilometers.

The nomadic tribes that survived on the outskirts fled in different directions, away from the disastrous place, but this did not save them from death. They all died out from some strange, inherited disease.

Souvenir from the cauldron

The archives of the National Library of the Republic of Yakutia preserved a letter from a certain M.P. Koretsky from Vladivostok. Here is a fragment from it:

...I saw seven such “boilers”. They all seem completely mysterious to me: firstly, the size is from six to nine meters in diameter. Secondly, they are made of an unknown metal.

The fact is that even a sharpened chisel cannot take the “boilers” (we tried it more than once). The metal does not break off or forge. Even on steel, a hammer would definitely leave noticeable dents. And this metal is covered on top with a layer of unknown material, similar to emery...

I noted that the vegetation around the “cauldrons” was anomalous - not at all similar to what grows around. It is more lush: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass - one and a half to two times taller than a person. We spent the night in one of the “cauldrons” as a whole group (6 people). No one was seriously ill afterwards.

Except that one of my friends lost all his hair completely after three months. And on the left side of my head (I slept on it) three small sores appeared, each the size of a match head. I have been treating them all my life, but to this day they have not gone away.

All our attempts to break off at least a piece from the strange “cauldrons” were unsuccessful. The only thing I managed to carry away was a stone. But not simple: half of an ideal sphere with a diameter of six centimeters. It was black, had no visible traces of processing, but was very smooth, as if polished. I picked him up from the ground inside one of these cauldrons.

I brought this souvenir with me to the village of Samarka, Chuguevsky district, Primorsky Krai, where my parents lived in 1933. It lay idle until my grandmother decided to rebuild the house. It was necessary to insert glass into the windows, and there was no glass cutter in the whole village. I tried to scratch the halves of this stone ball with an edge (edge), and it turned out that it cuts with amazing beauty and ease.

Versions of an ancient riddle

At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, several expeditions visited Death Valley. They recorded several perfectly round reservoirs, but the instruments available to the researchers did not provide unambiguous confirmation of the existence of metal structures in the ground.

A more thorough study of this area with more advanced equipment is needed.

Currently, there are several versions of the origin of the mysterious “cauldrons”. Skeptics believe that they are of entirely terrestrial origin and represent fragments of space rockets that crashed during launch, or detachable stages.

Used rocket parts are actually dumped over this territory, but the “boilers” arose many centuries before the launch of spacecraft by modern humanity.

Ufologists suggest that in Death Valley there is an alien base that automatically explores the Earth and protects it from cataclysms.

But perhaps the strange structures are escape capsules of crashed alien ships. There is an opinion that the “boilers” are the remains of the apparatus of an ancient earthly civilization that died as a result of a nuclear war on a planetary scale.

There are also versions that these are unknown natural geological formations or an abandoned nuclear laboratory of the USSR.

Yakut Valley of Boilers

Since ancient times, fur-bearing animals have been hunted in the forest-tundra of Yakutia. It is clear that the hunters were real explorers of these mysterious and sparsely inhabited places; they saw a lot during the hunt and often shared what they saw with local residents upon returning to populated areas. And so, starting from the 19th century, in Yakut villages and hamlets they often began to talk about certain huge cauldrons, supposedly buried in the ground to the very top so that their walls were visible only from the inside. It is not surprising that hunters were among the first to discover the cauldrons: they always examined the surrounding area in search of lowlands, sheltered from the cold northern winds raging here, and the cauldrons with a diameter of 5–6 m became a real find for them, a reliable shelter for the night. As those who spent the night in the cauldrons themselves said, inside the large vats it was unusually warm, not like winter. Hunters who actively used these cauldrons for their utilitarian purposes hardly thought much about who placed these iron hemispheres in the tundra and why, but after some time they noticed an unpleasant trend: as soon as they spent the night in the cauldrons, they began to get sick . For some, a long stay near the boilers even cost their lives. And then the hunters understood why the area in that area was considered by local reindeer herders to be forbidden, disastrous, dangerous - in a word, the real Yeluyu Cherkechekh, which translated means “Valley of Death”. After the cauldrons caused the death of several people who visited the area, the rest of the population also renamed the Valley of the Cauldrons to the Valley of Death, so that everyone would immediately understand how dangerous these mysterious hemispheres were. However, any anomaly is a real treasure for researchers who strive to understand and comprehend all the mysteries and secrets of nature. Therefore, the Yakut Death Valley attracted their close attention. What are these boilers, where did they come from, what material are they made of, what does a person feel in their pathogenic zone, why does he get sick and die - all these questions had to be answered. Yakut local historians who visited this valley shared their impressions of a terrible place where all the trees turned black and withered, where instead of flowering meadows or green grass there were only swampy swamps and bogs, and in the middle of all this slurry there were huge cauldrons. According to the traveler and geographer Richard Mack, who visited Yakutia in the 19th century, huge cauldrons are located near the river with the local name Agliy Timirnit, which translated means “The Big Cauldron Drowned.” The scientist himself assumed that the vat was made of copper, but due to superstitions or concerns about health, he did not approach the cauldron. At the beginning of the 20th century. new information has appeared about these boilers; this time, data about the mysterious objects was provided by a Russian researcher, archaeologist Nikolai Arkhipov, who studied local toponymy and discovered that some small rivers in the area are called Olguidakh, which in thorough translation means “The place where the boilers stand.” Detailed questioning of local residents made it possible to establish that the boilers are not only heated from below by an unknown heat source, but also somewhere around once a century, huge columns of fire burst out from under the boilers or directly from them to the surface, obviously of demonic origin, according to their beliefs. The presence of an open fire gave rise to new mysteries; some ufologists became seriously interested in the valley as a possible refueling or landing station for UFOs. Archaeologists wondered whether huge metal cauldrons were evidence of an ancient civilization still unknown to us.

In the post-war years, the first attempts were made to explore this valley, but for a long time the place with the mysterious cauldrons simply could not be found, although local hunters said that they stopped there, saw some arches, entrances to underground iron caves with rooms, and even saw dead one-eyed people creatures in metal clothes. However, another eyewitness, a resident of Vladivostok, who claimed to have visited Death Valley three times, described this area in sufficient detail, but without any metal rooms and one-eyed people. According to him, along one of the Vilyui tributaries on the right side there are many boilers, at least 7, but it is possible that there are many more. They are located in a chain along the river floodplain and vary in diameter from 6 to 9 m.

The boilers are made of metal, but it is impossible to determine its composition, since neither a chisel nor any other tool could scrape off even metal dust from them: the metal is so strong that even strong blows of hammers on the walls of the boiler did not produce any noticeable changes. The top layer of metal is fine-grained, similar to sandpaper and just as resistant to mechanical stress. The grass around the cauldrons is very thick, reaching 2.5–3 m in height - you won’t find anything like this anywhere else. In the valley itself, none of the six members of the group noticed a deterioration in their condition, but one of them completely lost his hair after a few months, and the second developed strange sores that did not heal for the rest of his life.

According to scientists, the areas in the vicinity of the Vilyui River have long been sparsely populated. This area was once inhabited by nomadic tribes of Evens and Yukaghirs; starting from the 14th century, the Yakuts began to actively develop the territory. Unlike the Evenks, they were at a higher stage of cultural development and had already mastered the process of casting bronze and copper products, but scientists were never able to find any traces of the use of such significant containers in the life of the Yakuts.

In the 1990s. Another traveler managed to find Death Valley - Czech tourist Ivan Matskerlev with several of his comrades.

From the words of those who were on that expedition, it became clear why the valley could not be found for so long, although its area is large, but it is almost impossible to find 10-meter cauldrons, the walls of which are hidden by peat and earth, among the swamps and tall trees, without the use of aircraft. The Czech traveler turned out to be resourceful and savvy and offered to fly around all the surroundings on paragliders, carefully examining the taiga from above. Somewhere on the 3rd or 4th day of the search, the expedition members were lucky: they came across a strange circle, covered with snow, with dark edges clearly visible against the white background; after the first, exactly the same second was discovered, after which there was no doubt left: they managed to find that very valley. After that, they only had to accurately record the coordinates of the area, fortunately, modern navigation technology allows this to be done with pinpoint accuracy, after which they approached using the already established coordinates to the valley along the ground and carefully examine the boilers.

Only one fact stopped the Czech traveler: on the eve of his trip to the snowy and cold Republic of Sakha, he visited a local fortuneteller in his homeland so that she could tell him where zones with geopathogenic properties were located in the Vilyuisky ulus. The psychic, without hesitation, pointed out four areas on the map and warned the researcher about the mortal danger to which he was exposing his life. The traveler did not cancel the prepared expedition, but, heeding the words of the clairvoyant, took a small iron amulet on the road.

The geopathogenic zone made itself felt the very next day after visiting it: Ivan had a sharp headache, and stars appeared before his eyes. One got the complete impression that the traveler’s strength was leaving him: his head was spinning, he could not get up, as if he was drunk, but the measured pressure turned out to be normal, and the pulse did not become weaker. Other members of the expedition were able to get to the boilers, but only measured the magnetic field, which turned out to be higher than normal, and were convinced that they were metal. Due to Ivan’s illness, other research had to be curtailed, and the group hurried away from the snow-covered valley, despite June. As soon as they left this place, the Czech traveler’s condition stabilized: his strength returned, and sharply, as if Ivan had crossed some invisible line that separated complete powerlessness from vigor and health.

The expedition confirmed that the valley really exists and, as local legends say, is mortally dangerous for any person who comes near the metal cauldrons. However, the traveler was never able to establish what these iron walls were made of: no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to make a single dent or obtain a sample of the metal. But after the exact coordinates of Death Valley became known, more and more expeditions can now be sent to it, which, perhaps, will reveal the secret of the origin of the boilers. In the meantime, there are several common versions. According to one of them, the strange boilers are an abandoned military base, but considering that the first mentions of the boilers appeared long before the Soviet regime, this version does not seem convincing. According to the second version, this is also a military base, but not for the Soviet military, but for aliens. The boilers themselves represent some parts of flying saucers, either crashed or honestly serving their time - in a word, a UFO cemetery.

According to the local residents themselves, the cauldrons lead straight to a hellish dungeon where terrible creatures live, but many researchers are inclined to assume that the cauldrons are still of earthly origin and made by human hands. This is evidenced by the fact that time makes its own adjustments and the metal of the boilers still collapses and darkens, as evidenced by the Yakuts, who claim that they saw several broken boilers in other places.

Over time, they gradually sink into the soil, as eyewitnesses who have visited the valley several times say, and in a few decades they will finally disappear underground. In the meantime, more and more expeditions are being sent to the valley, but since the 1990s. for one reason or another, most often due to lack of funding and technical problems, not a single research group managed to get to the mysterious boilers. Perhaps the anomalous zone simply does not allow anyone to enter until it finally hides its mysteries under the marshy frozen lands.

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52. Ezekiel / Yehezkel The Valley Full of Bones (37:1–14) As much of a pessimist as his contemporary Irmeyahu (see chapter 51), the prophet Yehezkel left Israel one of the most enduring images of hope. In his youth, Yehezkel was a priest Temple in 598 BC e.; When

The strange area, located 200 kilometers from Mirny, along the floodplain of the right tributary of the Vilyuy River, is called Death Valley by local residents. In the past, the nomadic trade route of the Evenks passed through this place, which is why eyewitness accounts have been preserved that in that place there is a huge copper cauldron dug into the ground, or, as it was called, the Iron House.
Local hunters sometimes spent the night in its premises, which “kept summer warmth in severe frosts,” which did not have the most favorable effect on health - after this, people became very ill or died. The Yakuts living on the banks of the Vilyui River have a legend about incredible events that took place in these places many centuries ago. According to legend, in ancient times, a column of fire burst out from time to time from a certain metal pipe located underground.
In this pipe lived the giant Wat UsumuTongDuurai, “throwing fireballs.” Translated into Russian, the name of the monster means “a villain who made a hole in the Earth, hid in a hole and destroys everything around.”
In the north-west of Yakutia, in the Upper Vilyuy region, there is a difficult terrain with traces of some grandiose cataclysms - continuous forest falls that are about 800 years old, stone fragments scattered over hundreds of kilometers. In this area there are strange metal objects located deep underground in the permafrost. Their presence is manifested on the surface of the earth only by patches of bizarre vegetation. The ancient name of this area is “Uluyu Cherkechekh”, which means “Valley of Death”.
For many years now, the Yakuts have been walking a hundred miles around this remote area, which has played and continues to play a special, fateful role in the fate of not only civilization, but the entire planet.
Having systematized a large number of scattered messages and materials, we decided to tell you about what may change our ideas about the world around us and about man’s place in it, if people take into account everything that is stated below.
In order to convey the picture as fully as possible, we will divide the story into three parts, the first of which will contain facts and eyewitness accounts in the form in which they have come down to us. In the second part we will offer you ancient legends of the peoples who lived in those places, and epics of neighboring peoples who observed strange phenomena. This is important so that you can do your own research and experience every detail of the story for yourself. And then we'll tell you what's behind it all.
Part one.
The area that will be discussed can be characterized as continuous swamps, which alternate with impassable taiga, over an area of ​​more than 100 thousand square meters. km. It is also surrounded by rather interesting rumors about the dispersal of metal objects of unknown origin on it.
In order to shed light on what was barely perceptibly adjacent to us, giving rise to these rumors, we had to touch upon the ancient history of this region, get acquainted with its traditions and legends. It was possible to restore some elements of local paleotoponymy, and they miraculously merged with the content of ancient legends. Everything indicated that the legends and rumors imply very specific things.
In ancient times, the ancient Evenki nomadic route passed through the “Valley of Death”, from Bodaibo to Annabar and further to the coast. Until 1936, the merchant Savvinov traded there, and when he retired, the residents gradually left those places.
Finally, the elderly merchant and his granddaughter Zina decided to move to Syuldyukar. Somewhere in the area between the Haldew rivers (translated from local as “iron house”), the grandfather led his granddaughter to a small, slightly flattened, reddish arch, where, behind a spiral passage, there were many metal rooms in which they spent the night.

As the grandfather assured, even in the most severe frosts, they are as warm as in summer. In ancient times, there were brave souls among local hunters who spent the night in these rooms. But then they began to get very sick, and those who spent the night several times in a row generally died quickly. The Yakuts said that the place was “very thin, swampy and animals don’t go there!” The location of all these structures was known only to old people who had been hunting since their youth and who at one time often visited these places. They led a nomadic lifestyle, and knowledge of the terrain - where to go and where not to go - was dictated by vital necessity. Their descendants had already led a settled life, so this knowledge was lost over time. Currently, the presence of these structures is indicated only by local, partially preserved paleotoponymy, and all kinds of rumors. But each of these toponyms covers hundreds, or even thousands, of square kilometers.
In 1936, near the Oiguldakh River (a place with a boiler), at the direction of the old people, a geologist came across a smooth metal hemisphere of a reddish color protruding from the ground, of large diameter, with such a smooth edge that it “cuts a nail.” The thickness of its wall was about 2 cm. It protruded from the ground by about one-fifth of its diameter. It stood tilted so that one could ride under it on a deer. He sent the description he made to Yakutsk.

In 1979, an archaeological expedition from Yakutsk tried to find the hemisphere discovered by a geologist. With them was an old guide who had seen this structure more than once in his youth, but, according to him, the place had changed a lot, and they found nothing. It should be said that there you can walk ten steps from the desired object and not notice it, so until now they have been stumbled upon purely by chance.

Even in the last century, the famous researcher Vilyuya R. Maak noted: “In Suntar /Yakut settlement/ I was told that in the upper Vilyuya there is a river “Algy Timirbit” (which translated means “a large cauldron has sunk”), which flows into Vilyuy. Not far away from its shore, in the forest, there is a gigantic cauldron made of copper. Its size is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground, but several trees grow in it..." (1853)."

The same fact is noted by the researcher of ancient cultures of Yakutia N.D. Arkhipov: “: Since ancient times, among the population of the Vilyuy River basin there has been a legend about the presence in the upper reaches of this river of enormous sizes of bronze cauldrons - Olguys. This legend deserves attention, since several rivers with the Yakut name “Olguidakh” are associated with these supposed areas of location of the mythical cauldrons - “ Boiler room".
Here are lines from a letter that came from another person who visited the “Valley of Death”. Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok writes:

I visited there three times. The first time was in 1933, when I was still 10 years old, I went with my father to earn money. Then in 1937 - already without a father. And the last time in 1947, as part of a group of young guys.
The “Valley of Death” stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyui River. In fact, it is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain. All three times I was there with a Yakut guide. We went there not because of the good life, but because there, in this wilderness, it was possible to pan for gold without expecting, at the end of the season, a robbery and a bullet in the back of the head.
As for mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them, because in three seasons I saw seven such “cauldrons”. They all seem completely mysterious to me: firstly, the size is from six to nine meters in diameter.

Secondly, they are made of an unknown metal. You wrote that they are made of copper, but I am sure that they are not copper. The fact is that even a sharpened chisel cannot take the “boilers” (we tried it more than once). The metal does not break off or forge. A hammer would definitely leave noticeable dents on copper. And this “copper” is covered on top with a layer of unknown material, similar to emery. But this is not an oxide film or scale - it cannot be chipped or scratched either.

We did not see wells with rooms going deep into the earth. But I noted that the vegetation around the “cauldrons” was anomalous - not at all similar to what grows around. It is more lush: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass, one and a half to two times taller than a person. We spent the night in one of the “cauldrons” as a whole group (6 people). We didn’t feel anything bad, we left calmly, without any unpleasant incidents. No one was seriously ill afterwards. Except that one of my friends lost all his hair completely after three months. And on the left side of my head (I slept on it) three small sores appeared, each the size of a match head. I have been treating them all my life, but to this day they have not gone away.

All our attempts to break off at least a piece from the strange “cauldrons” were unsuccessful. The only thing I managed to carry away was a stone. But not simple - half of an ideal ball with a diameter of six centimeters. It was black, had no visible traces of processing, but was very smooth, as if polished. I picked him up from the ground inside one of these cauldrons. I brought the Yakut souvenir with me to the village of Samarka, Chuguevsky district, Primorsky Territory, where my parents lived in 1933. It lay idle until my grandmother decided to rebuild the house. It was necessary to insert glass into the windows, and there was no glass cutter in the whole village. I tried to scratch the halves of this stone ball with an edge (edge) - it turned out that it cuts with amazing ease. After that, my find was used many times like a diamond by all my relatives and friends. In 1937, I gave the stone to my grandfather, and he was arrested in the fall, taken to Magadan, where he lived without trial until 1968, and died. Now no one knows where that stone went..."

In his letter, Mikhail Koretsky emphasizes: In 1933, a Yakut guide told him that 5 - 10 years ago he discovered several boiler-balls (they were absolutely round), which protruded high (taller than a person) from the ground. They looked like new. And later the hunter saw them split and scattered.

Koretsky noted, having visited one “cauldron” twice, that over the past few years it had noticeably sunk into the ground.
Researchers from the city of Mirny A. Gutenev and Yu. Mikhailovsky reported that in 1971, one old Evenk hunter said that in the area between the Nyurgun Bootur (fire hero) and Ataradak (a place with a triangular fortress) rivers, just that one peeks out of the ground , which gave the name to the area - ““Very large” triangular iron fort.” And in the interfluve of Helyugir (iron people) there is an iron hole, and in it lie “thin, black, one-eyed people in iron clothes.” He said that he could lead people there, he said that it was not far, but no one believed him. Now he is no longer alive...

Another of the objects, apparently, was “buried” during the construction of the dam at Vilyui, slightly below the Erbillet threshold. According to the story of the builder of the Vilyui hydroelectric power station, when they built a diversion canal and drained the main channel, a convex metal “bald patch” was discovered in it. The plan was in motion, and the authorities, having quickly examined the find, ordered the work to continue.

There are many stories of people who accidentally stumbled upon such structures, but without specific signs in a dull, monotonous area, it is extremely difficult to find them again.
One day, the old people said that the Ottoamoh stream ("holes in the ground") flows in the Tong Duurai tract and that there are vents of incredibly great depth there, called "laughing abysses." The same name also appears in legends, where it is said that a fiery giant lives there, destroying everything around. Approximately every 6-7 centuries, a monstrous “bolide” burst out of there, which either flew off somewhere into the distance and (judging by the chronicles and legends of other peoples) exploded there, or the explosion occurred directly above the place of departure, as a result of which the area within a radius of hundreds of kilometers turned into a scorched desert with crushed rocks.

Yakut legends contain many references to explosions, fire tornadoes and the rise of flaming balls. And all these phenomena are somehow connected with the mysterious metal structures found in the “Valley of Death”.

Some of them are large round “iron houses” standing on numerous side supports. They have neither windows nor doors - only at the top of the dome there is a “spacious opening.

Valley of Death (Ulyuyu Cherkechekh) Some of them were almost completely immersed in permafrost - only a barely noticeable bulge, such as an arch, remained on the surface.
Eyewitnesses who do not know each other, but who saw this “rattled iron house,” describe it the same way.
Other objects are metal hemispherical lids scattered in different places, covering who knows what. But Yakut legends say that the mysterious flaming balls are generated by a “mouth spewing smoke and fire” with a “slamming steel lid.”

Fire tornadoes also fly out from there, which, according to descriptions, are similar to the effects of modern nuclear explosions. About a century before each explosion, or series of explosions, a fast-flying fireball flew out of the “iron vent” and, without causing major disasters, soared upward in the form of a thin column of fire. A very large “fireball” appeared at its top. Accompanied by four thunders in a row, it rushed to an even greater height and flew away, leaving behind a long “fiery and smoky trail.”

Then, from afar, the cannonade of his explosions was heard... Valley of Death (Uluyu Cherkechekh)
In the 50s, the military became interested in this area, apparently due to the exceptional unpopulation of its northern outskirts. They carried out a series of nuclear explosions on it. One of the explosions occurred under very mysterious circumstances. Foreign experts are still perplexed about this. As the Deutsche Welle radio station reported in September 1990, in 1954, during the testing of a 10 kt nuclear device, the explosion, for unknown reasons, exceeded the calculated parameters by 2-3 thousand times, i.e. reached a power of about 20-30 mgt, which was recorded by all seismic stations in the world. The reason for such a significant discrepancy in the power of the explosion remained unclear. TASS issued a statement that a compact hydrogen bomb was tested in flight mode, but as it later turned out, this statement was not true.

After testing, there were restricted areas on the ground. Secret work was carried out for several years.

Let's try to look into the distant past, depicted in the epic material.

As legends passed down from mouth to mouth testify, in those distant times when it all began, this area was inhabited by a few Tungus nomads. One day, their distant neighbors saw how she was suddenly enveloped in an impenetrable darkness, and the surrounding area was shaken by a deafening roar. A hurricane of unprecedented strength arose, powerful blows shook the earth. Lightning streaked the sky in all directions. When everything calmed down and the darkness cleared, an unprecedented picture opened before their shocked gaze. In the middle of the scorched earth, a tall vertical structure shone in the sun, visible from a distance of many days' travel.
For a long time, the structure emitted unpleasant, ear-piercing sounds and gradually decreased in height until it completely disappeared underground. At the site of the submerged high-rise structure, a huge vertical “vent” gaped. According to fanciful descriptions of legends, it consisted of three tiers of “laughing abysses.” In its depths there was a supposedly hollow underground country with its own, but “defective” sun. A suffocating stench rose from the vent, and therefore they did not settle near it. From the side one could see how a “rotating island” sometimes appeared above the vent, which then turned out to be its “slamming lid.” Those who tried to enter this territory out of curiosity did not return.
Centuries have passed. Life went on as usual... Nothing foreshadowed any events, but one day a small earthquake occurred, and a thin “fiery tornado” pierced the sky. A dazzling ball of fire appeared at its top. This ball, accompanied by “four thunders in a row,” leaving a trail of fire behind it, rushed toward the ground along a gentle trajectory and, disappearing over the horizon, exploded. The nomads were worried, but did not leave their habitable places, fortunately this “demon”, without bringing them harm, exploded over the neighboring, warlike tribe. A few decades later, history repeated itself: the fire “ball” flew off in the same direction and again destroyed only its neighbors. Seeing that this “demon” seemed to be their protector, legends began to be made about him, calling him “Nyurgun Bootur” (“fiery daredevil”).

But after some time, something happened that plunged even the most remote outskirts into horror: A giant fiery fireball burst out of the crater, with a deafening roar and roar, and... exploded right here. A powerful earthquake occurred. Some hills were cut by cracks more than a hundred meters deep. After the explosion, the “fiery sea” splashed for a long time, above which a disk-shaped “rotating island” hovered. The consequences of the explosion spread over a radius of more than a thousand kilometers. The nomadic tribes that survived on the outskirts fled in different directions, away from the disastrous place, but they were not safe from death saved. They all died out from some strange disease, transmitted only by inheritance. But they left behind detailed information about what happened, on the basis of which Olonkhout storytellers began to compose beautiful and unusually tragic legends.

A little over 600 years have passed. By that time, many generations of nomads had changed. The covenants of the ancestors were forgotten, and the area was inhabited again. And... everything happened again. The Nyurgun Bootur ball appeared above the fire tornado and again flew beyond the horizon, where it exploded. A few decades later, the second fireball took off into the sky (now it was called “Kun Erbiye” - “shining air messenger, messenger”). Then a devastating explosion occurred again, also “humanized” by legends. He received the name "Wat Usumu Tong Duurai", which can be roughly translated as "a criminal alien who made a hole in the earth and hid in the depths, destroying everything around with a fiery tornado."

The important thing is that on the eve of the departure from the “mouth” of the negative hero Tong Duurai, the messenger of the heavenly Dyesegey appeared in the sky - the hero Kun Erbiye, who crossed the sky like a “shooting star”, “lightning faster”, to warn Nyurgun Bootur about the upcoming battle.

The most significant event in the legends was the flight from the underground depths of Tong Duurai and his battle with Nyurgun Bootur. It happened something like this: first, a snake-like branching fiery tornado burst out of the “mouth”, on top of which a gigantic “fireball” also appeared, after several thunderclaps rushing high into the sky. His retinue flew out with him - “a swarm of destructive bloody tornadoes” that caused destruction in the area.

But there were cases when Tong Duurai met with Nyurgun Bootur over the place of his departure, after which the area remained lifeless for a long time.

In general, the picture of these events is quite diverse: several “fiery heroes” could fly out of the “vent” at once, fly some distance and explode in one place. The same thing happened when Tong Duurai took off. Soil layers indicate that the time between explosions does not exceed 600 - 700 years.

Legends vividly depict these events, but the lack of writing did not allow them to be documented. It seems that it was this gap that was filled by the historical chronicles of other peoples.
Chronicles of other nations

In total, several explosions occurred with an approximate interval of 600-700 years, or rather, a complex of these events, including precursors.

All these events were meticulously recorded in the epic material, in its traditions and legends. It is interesting that similar legends also appeared in the equatorial zone of the planet, when, due to explosions that suddenly appeared in the sky of “giant fireballs”, some centers of ancient civilizations were destroyed.

Judging by the results of archaeological research carried out in Upper Vilyuy by S.A. Fedoseeva, intermittent wave-like settlement of this territory begins to be traced approximately from the 4th millennium BC. To the first millennium AD. the line of historical development ends, which does not contradict the possible date of the last explosion, which occurred in September 1380. The dense cloud he raised obscured the sunlight over Europe for several hours. Strong earthquakes have occurred in some geoactive zones. This event is already noted in written sources. In Russian chronicles, it coincided with the Battle of Kulikovo: “: the darkness dissipated only in the afternoon. The wind was blowing with such force that an arrow fired from a bow could not fly against it...” This factor turned out to be favorable to the victory of the Russian troops.

Tunguska legends describe these explosions much more clearly than other sources. Based on their descriptions, this is something many times worse than modern nuclear weapons.

If we take the year 1380 as a starting point and delve into the past, we can note such moments. For example, in 830, the culture of the Mayan Indians who inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico was destroyed. Many of their cities were destroyed by one, gigantic blow. Some biblical tales are also akin to Yakut legends - descriptions of the Executions of Egypt, the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In one of the oases of the Arabian desert, an ancient city was destroyed and literally incinerated. According to legend, this happened during the explosion of a huge fireball that suddenly appeared in the sky. In the Indian town of Mohenjo-Daro, archaeologists discovered a lost city. Traces of the disaster (a melted stone wall) clearly indicated an explosion comparable to a nuclear one.

Similar events are described in Chinese chronicles of the 14th century, where there is mention of a huge black cloud rising above the horizon far in the north and covering half the sky, shooting out large stone fragments. Stones also fell from the sky into Scandinavia and Germany, where several cities caught fire. Scientists found that these were quite ordinary stones, and suggested that a volcanic eruption had occurred somewhere.

Perhaps the cause of these disasters was Tong Duurai, which flew out of the “mouth” for many centuries? If Nyurgun Bootur blocked half the sky when he appeared, then Tong Duurai significantly exceeded him in size and, going up in height, completely disappeared from view. Let us note that in the “Valley of Death” at certain periods of time an increased background radiation is recorded, for which experts cannot find an explanation.