New England aster. Aster New England Lucida planting and care

Varieties of perennial aster attract the attention of gardeners primarily for their flowering. At a time when most of the plants in the flower beds are already living out their last days, this beauty is just waking up. Blooming its charming buds at the end of summer, it decorates the site until frost. In addition, unlike its annual relatives, perennial aster does not require as much attention. Having planted it once, you can admire the abundant and long-lasting flowering for many years.

Perhaps the only “disadvantage” of such plants is their assortment. There are so many varieties of perennial aster that sometimes the choice leads amateurs to a dead end. How can one not get confused here, if only there are several groups, and what can we say about varieties...

Today we decided to try to help you figure out what types of perennials exist. We would also like to introduce you to some varieties of perennial asters with photos. We hope our article will make your task easier and help you choose flowers to suit your taste. So let's get started.

Powerful New England asters

One of the most beautiful late-flowering asters. The plants are similar to the New Belgian variety, which will be discussed below. They can be distinguished by their stems: in plants of this group they are stronger and taller. As a result, the bushes grow slender, keep their shape well and do not need garter. Some varieties are about 80 cm tall. Most bushes are quite large specimens, up to one and a half to two meters in height.

New England asters (as in the photo below) are also called American asters.

In addition to its size, the New England aster is very bushy. Thin, but quite strong, straight shoots are covered with thick leaves-needles. The upper part of the stems actively branches. And when the bush blooms, the foliage under the inflorescences is practically invisible.

New England asters bloom late, in September, but remain in buds until frost. The flowers are quite large, with an average diameter of up to 4 cm, or even more. They tend to close in cold weather and at night.

New England aster varieties are characterized by high resistance to powdery mildew and rapid growth.

Astra Lucida

One of the short varieties in this group: the bush is maximum 1.1 m, but branches very strongly in the upper part of the shoots. This growth is fully compensated by the beauty of flowering. Large buds are painted in a noble ruby ​​color. The core is also in this tone, but with a more pronounced red tint. The New England aster Lucida blooms for a month in September.

Resistant New Belgian asters

Another group of autumn perennial asters. All varieties are resistant to low temperatures and drought. Unlike New England aster, the height of varieties of this variety does not exceed 1.5 m. In addition, the bushes do not hold their shape so well and often fall apart under the weight of the buds. Depending on the specific species, flowering occurs in August or September. It lasts until the beginning of November, that is, until the first frost arrives. In most cases, the inflorescences are double, some can reach 8 cm in diameter.

New Belgian asters, photos of some varieties can be seen below, are also called Virginia asters.

The following varieties of New Belgian asters are especially popular among gardeners:

  • Oktoberfest;
  • Royal Ruby;
  • Henry Blue;
  • Herpicton Pink;
  • Friendly.

Astra Oktoberfest

A medium-sized bush 1 m tall blooms in August. The flowers are small, semi-double, with pale blue narrow petals. The core is colored yellow, which makes it look like a chamomile, only blue. The New Belgian Oktoberfest aster blooms for a long time, until late autumn.

Astra Royal Ruby

Aster New Belgian Royal Ruby opens its first buds in August and blooms until November. Semi-double inflorescences have a rich royal color: the center is yellow and the petals are crimson-red. The diameter of the flower is from 2 to 3 m. The bush is medium-sized for this group, its height does not exceed 90 cm, but it is very dense.

Astra Henry Blue

One of the new varieties of aster New Belgian, Henry Blue, is distinguished by its compact size. The bush extends to a maximum of 35 cm. It has a very beautiful round shape. Henry Blue blooms from late summer to mid-autumn. The photo shows double asters painted violet-blue. They immediately attract attention and look good against the background of dark foliage.

Astra Herpicton Pink

The variety is characterized by long flowering, which begins at the end of summer and ends at the end of autumn. The inflorescences are medium in size, pale pink in color, with a yellow core. If there is enough lighting, the New Belgian aster Herpicton Pink grows up to one and a half meters in height.

Astra Friendly

A very delicate variety with charming pink inflorescences. Their diameter is 7 cm, and their terry shape with a yellow center attracts the eye. The bush itself grows up to 1 m in height.

Compact bush asters

Varieties of perennial bush (shrub) asters represent another separate group. It includes species that are ideal for borders and rockeries. Their height does not exceed 1 m, although there are also smaller specimens with a height of only 20-40 cm. Such compact bushes look very beautiful even when they do not bloom, and are considered dwarf.

Perennial dwarf asters include not only shrub species. These also include low-growing (up to 45 cm in height) varieties of Alpine, New England and Italian aster.

The dense crown of asters consists of many branching branches. The shoots are completely covered with small but elegantly colored foliage. Dark green leaves with such a quantity make the aster look like a boxwood bush. And when they bloom in the fall, the small inflorescences cover the bushes with a bright, solid cap. Another plus is that such asters do not require replanting for up to 5 years. Older bushes simply become too dense, and then they are divided for propagation.

Some of the most beautiful and compact species of low-growing bush aster can be considered the following varieties:

  • Blue Bird;
  • Dwarf Nancy;
  • Rosenvikhtel;
  • Blue Autumn;
  • Blue Lagoon.

Astra Blue Bird

Shrub aster Blue Bird is one of the brightest representatives of border flower species. The bush has a beautiful shape: it is thick and dense, like a green ball covered with flowers. The height of the plant is on average about 30 cm. It blooms in early autumn, flowering lasts 2 months. The inflorescences are small, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, semi-double, but there are a lot of them. In blue asters, the photo clearly shows a large center, colored yellow.

Astra Dwarf Nancy

The Dwarf Nancy bush aster grows to a maximum height of 25 cm. The shoots are so densely spaced that the bush looks like a sphere. It blooms with lilac semi-double inflorescences from early to mid-autumn.

Astra Rosenvikhtel

The Rosenvikhtel bush aster is distinguished by its lush forms and long-lasting flowering. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm, while it is very dense. The erect stems actively branch and are completely covered with dark green small foliage. The aster blooms in August and blooms until October. Pink asters darken as they bloom, acquiring a reddish tint. The buds are quite large, up to 5 cm in diameter. The petals are arranged in several rows around a yellow center.

The variety is frost-resistant, but needs watering in dry summers. Grows well in both sun and partial shade.

Astra Blue Autumn is a hybrid variety, the parents of which are the common bush aster and the New Belgian. From the first he took compact dimensions, and from the second he took bright colors. The height of the bush is only 40 cm, while it grows in the shape of a ball. In September, blue-violet buds with a yellow center bloom. The aster blooms until the coldest weather.

Astra Blue Lagoon

A very beautiful variety with rounded bushes up to 50 cm high and dark green foliage. Flowering occurs in late summer and lasts until frost. The inflorescences are quite large for such a plant, can reach 5 cm in diameter. In the center of the flower there is a large yellow core. Around it there are several rows of bright purple petals.

Alpine perennial asters - spring plants

Despite the fact that this crop is considered an autumn crop, some varieties of perennial aster can delight you with flowering at the end of spring. These include alpine asters. They differ not only in their early flowering. For the most part, the plants are compact in size - beautiful lush bushes grow up to a maximum of 50 cm. In addition, their flowering usually lasts on average about a month.

Some of the prominent representatives of the group are:

  • alpine blue;
  • aster Pink.

Alpine blue aster

Alpine blue, unlike autumn asters, blooms in the first half of summer, for which it is called spring. The height of the bush does not exceed 60 cm, while the inflorescences themselves are large. The diameter of the flower is 6 cm, and the color is dominated by lilac-blue tones. The yellow core is clearly visible in the center of the bud.

The variety is most similar to chamomile - its flowers form at the tips of the stems, one on each.

Astra Pink

The lush and dense perennial will delight you with its modest size - only 30 cm in height. Actively branching stems are covered with beautiful green foliage. The lower leaves have an oblong shape, and those that grow on the stem itself are smaller and narrower. Pink blooms in May. The buds are medium-sized (only 5 cm in diameter), terry, bright pink. The aster blooms for a month.

The Pink aster bush goes into winter green, with leaves.

May "daisy" - Aster Tongolese

Another early flowering species variety. Already in May, it is able to please with simple but charming inflorescences. Their core is bright yellow, and thin petals are colored lilac or violet. The height of the plant does not exceed 50 cm.

Abundantly blooming beauty Aster sideflower

The side-flowering aster differs from other perennial plant species in the arrangement of inflorescences, which gave it its name. The bush is 60 cm high and consists of erect stems (some varieties can grow twice as tall). In the upper part they have many branches into arched shoots. Each of them is densely strewn with small flowers, representing a whole flowering branch. The aster blooms in September, the buds are white or light pink. The center of the inflorescence is first yellow, then turns red.

Another characteristic feature of the side-flowering aster is the red color of the young stems.

Unpretentious and beautiful small-flowered aster

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a variety of perennial asters as the small-flowered or heather aster. This is one of the most unpretentious species that can most often be found in a flower bed. At its core, it is a bush that quickly grows to the sides, taking over the territory. It is very powerful, with strong branching shoots. The height of the plant does not exceed 1 m, but with such a crown it already seems huge. In addition, dark green leaves are located along the entire length of the shoots. At the bottom of the stem they are larger and stiffer.

The heather aster is not afraid of frost, drought, or sudden temperature changes.

The small-flowered aster blooms all autumn, and this is the main advantage and difference of the species. Its inflorescences are the smallest of all asters. The color depends on the specific variety and can be white, purple or blue. The core of the flower, as usual, is yellow or red. There are so many buds that under their weight the shoots bend to the ground. For this reason, the bush needs to be tied up or allowed to lie on the ground like a carpet.

Golden aster, golden

In conclusion, I would like to mention one more species of perennial autumn beauties - the golden (yellow) aster. In the scientific literature it is known as the flax-leaved aster. This species differs from the plants described above in the structure of its inflorescences. The flowers look more like fluffy yellow balls collected in inflorescences. They are very small (no more than 1.5 cm in diameter), but they look beautiful and delicate. The bush itself grows up to 50 cm in height. Its stems are strong, covered with very narrow, needle-like leaves. And the golden aster blooms at the end of August, signaling the arrival of golden autumn.

They are so diverse, varieties of perennial aster. Tall or dwarf, large or small, but they all have one thing in common: the light breath of autumn. The aster is blooming - it means that summer is saying goodbye to us, but it is being replaced by rich autumn colors. Choose your favorite color and "size" and enjoy these beautiful flowers!

Perennial asters in the garden - video

Deep autumn pleases with different colors. But these are the colors of the leaves that change color due to the cold. The New England American Aster brings a slice of summer to the chilly weather. Depending on the variety, you can see the rainbow colors of the huge bushes. Each plant has many bright inflorescences that cannot but please the eye and lift your spirits.

Description and characteristics of New England (American) perennial asters

The eastern regions of North America are considered the homeland of the New England or New Belgian aster. It grows as a bush, the shape is back pyramidal. Among the numerous varieties, the bushes are mainly medium, tall, gigantic - 0.5-2 meters. The bush spreads up to 80 centimeters in girth.

Grown as a bush perennial. It differs from other species in the number of flower stalks - up to 200 pieces on one bush.

The spreading root system of the aster allows the plant to be propagated by the bush method. Astra is recovering quickly.

The rainbow range of colors allows you to decorate borders, flower beds, and arrange compositions with them. The New England aster looks great with low-growing plants. Flowers are 2-4 centimeters in diameter. The petals are reed-like, sometimes in several rows, sitting in a ring above the tubular ones. The tight fit to each other creates the impression of terry. Stems are bare or hairy. Branched at the top. The leaves are lanceolate, sessile, green in color.

Varieties of varieties

The New England aster comes in many varieties.

Bars Pink

The giant bush (1.5 meters) of the Bars Pink aster has many inflorescences. The diameter of the flower is 3-4 centimeters. In the center there are tubular petals of yellow and red shades. There are reed, simple petals of pink and lilac color sitting around. The plant looks beautiful in groups and alone. When cut, one stem replaces the bouquet.


Perennial aster Braumeen with a spreading root system. Propagated vegetatively and by seeds. Stretches up to 120-130 centimeters. The tubular petals inside are yellow, dirty orange. Reed petals are mostly lilac. Decorates flower beds and flower beds. When cut, it lasts up to 2 weeks without losing its smell or appearance.

Rothe Stern

The powerful bush of the Rothe Stern aster can stretch up to 150 centimeters. A giant bush with numerous inflorescences will decorate any front garden or flower bed. Aster flowers resemble chamomile. Inside the inflorescences are tubular, the petals are brown in color. The outer ring of reed petals is wine-red. They delight with flowering in the autumn - up to 30 days. If you remove dried inflorescences, the duration of flowering can be increased.


An equally beautiful variety of aster Constance. His height is 180 centimeters, and he looks advantageous among low-growing plants and green grass. There are 200 flower stalks on the bush with miniature buds 3 centimeters. The center is framed by tubular petals of yellow or brown color. The outer circle of the inflorescence is purple in color. Astra Constance survives well in northern regions, as it can withstand sub-zero temperatures of up to 7 degrees.

Dr. Ekener

Tall varieties include the Doctor Ekener aster. Propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, and seeds. Small inflorescences – up to 4 centimeters in diameter, collected in racemes. Tubular petals are yellow, brown. Reed flowers of a red-violet hue. The aster is pleased with its flowering in October, when other plants fade.

When cut, the Doctor Ekener variety remains in its original form for up to 15 days, provided that the water is changed daily. You can extend the period with a silver coin, a spoonful of sugar or aspirin. It is not recommended to plant small perennials next to asters; they will kill them.

Reproduction of Novobelgian

Aster Novobelgica is grown using a variety of methods. Vegetatively: cuttings, dividing the bush. By seeds: seedlings and non-seedlings.

Seed propagation

One of the methods of seed propagation is the seedless method. This method involves sowing seeds in open ground. Seeds are planted in 3 stages. In the fall, furrows are prepared and seeds are sown. The beds are watered abundantly and covered with humus. In winter, the grooves are prepared in advance. In winter, seeds are laid, covered with soil and a shelter is made from organic materials. In the spring, after frosts, the shelter is removed.

In spring, the seeds are germinated or soaked before planting. Freshly harvested planting material does not need these procedures.

Sow the seeds in the furrows, covering them with a 5 mm layer of soil. Provide abundant watering. Cover the planting with film. When 3-4 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive. The distance between seedlings is left 15 centimeters.

As soon as the seedling reaches 10 centimeters, it is transplanted to a permanent place. During planting, the distance between the bushes is taken into account, based on the characteristics.

Seedling method

Seeds for growing seedlings are germinated or soaked before sowing. There is no need to scarify, since the seeds do not have a dense capsule. For disinfection purposes, the soil is spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate or freezing or steaming is used.

The containers can be boxes or individual peat pots. The latter option causes less damage to the root system, and the flowers take root faster. The soil is watered until moist.

  1. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 centimeter and sprinkled with sand.
  2. Cover the container. The room temperature is maintained at 22 degrees.
  3. When seedlings appear, the cover is removed.
  4. Reduce the temperature to 15-16 degrees.
  5. When 3 leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate containers.

Dividing the bush

Gardeners often use a simple method - dividing the bush. At the age of 3 years, the plant is dug up and divided into sections. In each part, three new shoots with a root system are left. The procedure involves several functions:

  • renews the bush;
  • new bushes will appear;
  • necessary when changing the landing site.

There is a second option. The bush is left in place. Cut off a part with a sharp shovel. Then they are divided into divisions and planted in a permanent place. The distance is maintained at 50x80 or 20x30 centimeters.


Cut cuttings from the crown to 15 centimeters. A twig with several buds is sent to a greenhouse to form a root system.

Features of cultivation

The New England aster is unpretentious, and during the growing process it is only important to fulfill the main requirements: choose the right planting time and place.

Optimal time

Seeds are planted in open ground in three stages:

  1. Deep autumn – second ten days of November.
  2. Winter - sowing is possible from December to February.
  3. Spring – April-May, after frosts, when the earth is warmed up.

Seedlings are grown for 65 days before planting in open ground. Somewhere in March, aster is sown at home. Dividing the bush is carried out at any time: in spring, summer, autumn, before or after flowering.

Preparation of seedlings

Seedlings are hardened off before planting in open ground. Lower the temperature to 10 degrees. The procedure is carried out within 10 days.

Selecting a location

The New Belgian aster loves sunny areas. Shaded places promote elongation of shoots and reduce the number of inflorescences. The plant does not tolerate cold winds. Aster does not tolerate stagnant water. Before planting, the depth of groundwater should be determined.

Landing method

Medium-sized varieties of New England asters are planted according to the pattern 30x50, giant ones - 80x60 centimeters.

How to care for flowers?

Simple actions are required during flower growth: watering, fertilizing, controlling diseases and pests.

Watering and humidity

In hot summers, New England aster is watered generously. The procedure is carried out after sunset. Pour 3 buckets of water under each bush. At the time of budding, watering is also required.

The frequency of watering depends on air humidity. The higher the humidity, the less frequent the watering. After watering, the soil is loosened. Just keep in mind that the roots are located close to the surface, so you can’t go deeper than 5 centimeters.

The soil

Aster requires nutritious soil with a neutral reaction. If the soil is acidic, add dolomite flour or lime.

Top dressing

New England aster responds well to feeding.

  1. First feeding. Apply mineral fertilizer when 4 leaves appear.
  2. Second feeding. At the time of budding, complex fertilizers are applied.
  3. Third feeding. During active flowering, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer is applied.


New England aster tolerates drought well. You will not see the plant drooping. Only the lower leaves will turn yellow. It can also withstand autumn frosts up to 8 degrees.

Winter care

Winter hardiness is the main characteristic of New Belgian asters. But even they will not tolerate frosts above 40 degrees. In harsh climatic conditions, bushes are insulated for the winter. To do this, the stems are trimmed to create stumps. Leaves and humus are placed on top.

Treatment against pests and diseases

In the fight against fusarium, a solution with potassium permanganate is used. The seeds are soaked for 3 minutes and washed under water. If a bush is affected, all affected areas are removed and burned. Healthy asters are sprayed with Fundazol.

Powdery mildew and gray rot affect perennials in the summer. Reasons: rainy weather, overflow. The bushes are treated with Topaz. The New Belgian aster is attacked by spider mites and aphids. The bushes are sprayed with a preparation that is harmless to bees, but lethal to pests - Actofit.

Possible problems

Growers face several problems when growing New England aster.

  1. Seeds do not germinate or appear in small quantities. It is necessary to use freshly harvested planting material. Every year germination rate decreases by 50%. Please pay attention to the collection period when purchasing.
  2. Aster is susceptible to fusarium. Preventive treatment of seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate and compliance with agrotechnical requirements will help prevent the disease: change the planting site after 3-5 years, do not plant dense bushes. You should monitor the soil moisture under the bush.
  3. Sparse flowering. Perhaps due to planting the bush in the shade. Due to lack of sun, the inflorescences thin out, and then the bush will not bloom at all.
  4. A rust disease has appeared. This means they covered the aster with spruce branches. Conifers infect aster.

New Belgian Aster is a perennial, cold-resistant flower of the Asteraceae family. The plant is widespread in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. The height of Novobelgian is from 40 to 150 centimeters, depending on the variety. The bush has a three-dimensional shape, the inflorescences of the species are large, double, and most often have a purple color.

New Belgian and New English (American) are autumn varieties. They have a lot in common, however: American grows up to two meters, while Novobelgian has an average height of about 1.5 meters.

Astra Marie Ballard

Belongs to tall varieties, can grow up to 1 meter. The stems are strong and elastic, so they do not require additional support. It is considered an early variety because blooms already in August and keeps color for up to 60 days.

The variety "Marie Ballard" was created in 1955 by Ernest Ballard, in whose honor it received its name.

The inflorescences are large - from 5 to 8 centimeters. The color range is varied: from lavender to blue.


All New Belgian are perennial flowers. All of them are divided into 2 subgroups: shrubby and herbaceous, depending on the height of the plant.

It doesn’t matter which variety of New Belgian you chose - each of them is perennial

The most popular perennial varieties among gardeners include the following types:

New Belgian "Mont Blanc". This is a tall plant up to 140 centimeters tall. Blooms from mid-September to mid-November. The inflorescences are double, white.

New Belgian "Royal Ruby". Medium height with inflorescences of rich crimson color. Flowering time is from August to September. Frost-resistant variety.

New Belgian "White Lady". It got its name from its small snow-white flowers. Blooms at the end of August. Frost-resistant.


There is no specific variety called "Osenaya". This is a group of varieties that begin flowering in early autumn. These varieties include the following New Belgian Asters:

  • Sam Benham - this variety It ranked first among white-flowered Asters. Plant height up to 1.5 meters. The stems are densely covered with leaves and many inflorescences. Flowering period: from mid-September to mid-October.

The unusual white appearance makes the Benham variety look like a chamomile
  • Royal Blue is another tall plant with double blue flowers. Blooms in September and lasts until the end of October.
  • Sunset is a medium-sized bush of this variety and is densely covered with many small inflorescences of a pink-violet hue. It blooms from September for 30-35 days.

Landing rules

In order to get a spectacular, lushly flowering bush, you need to plant it correctly. The future fate of the plant will depend on how the seeds, location and care are chosen.

What to plant

The first step is to take a responsible approach to the choice of planting material. It’s worth choosing seeds or ready-made seedlings in specialized stores. Externally, the seedlings should be free of damage, rot and other defects.

If you take seeds, then the date of their production should not exceed 1 year, otherwise the seeds lose their germination qualities and may not germinate.

Where do we plant

Choosing a location for New Belgian is another important step towards the proper development of the plant. Since Asters love light and do not like drafts, the site must meet these requirements. In the shade, Asters become smaller and bloom poorly.

In a constant draft, the plant may not bloom at all, or in the future the thin stems will simply be torn off by the wind.

They do not like areas with stagnant water. Therefore, if the area is too wet, it is worth taking care about a high-quality drainage layer. It is best to plant Astra on small hills.

Optimal time and method of planting

Planted in spring or autumn. In spring, optimally - mid-May. At this time, the earth will already warm up and the plant will take root better. Before planting, the area should be cleared of weeds, loosened and fertilized.

Seedlings are planted in beds up to 8 centimeters deep at intervals of 15-20 centimeters for low-growing and medium-growing varieties, 50-60 centimeters for tall ones. Having sprinkled and compacted each seedling with your hands, you need to water each Astra well.

In autumn they use seedless method landings. Seeds are sown in the prepared soil, sprinkled, watered and left until spring. In spring, seedlings are thinned out to the required distance.

Caring for the New Belgian Aster

Caring for the Novobelgian will not be difficult if you periodically give it your attention. Soon the plant will thank its owner with lush and abundant flowering, which will last until late autumn.

Watering and humidity

The flower of this species is considered drought-resistant, so abundant watering can to harm. In case of rainy summer, the plant does not need to be watered at all. During the dry season, moderate watering 1-2 times a week with warm water is sufficient.

Do not overdo it with humidity - aster prefers drought rather than overflow

The soil

As for the soil, its composition should be light, loose and with a good drainage layer, since Astra does not need excess moisture. From time to time, it is worth loosening the soil around the flower and removing weeds from it.

Top dressing

Twice a year you can apply fertilizers. This will make the leaves of the flower shiny and bright, and the inflorescences lush and abundant. It is good to carry out the procedure in spring and autumn, just before flowering. Humus, superphosphates and ammonium nitrate are suitable as fertilizing.

For abundant flowering, it is also good to apply potassium fertilizers.


The temperature during seedling ripening should be moderate, from 16 to 18 degrees. Mature plants are less demanding and can easily survive cold weather.

To avoid burning the flower, try to cover the aster from direct sunlight

But Astra doesn’t like heat, it’s better to maintain the temperature limit at 22-24 degrees, otherwise the plant loses its decorative effect.

Winter care

All Novobelgian varieties can withstand frost, so no additional shelter is required for the winter. After the above-ground part of the plant withers, it is removed, a little humus is added to each bush and left for the winter.

The exception is young first-year plants, which are recommended to be covered with sawdust and covered with branches for the winter.

Possible problems during cultivation

Aster Novobelgian is often affected by diseases and pests:

  • Powdery mildew. Symptoms of the disease appear as a white coating on the leaves and stem. To get rid of this disease, special chemicals. They can also be used without waiting for illness, for prevention. The best time for processing is spring.
  • Rust. Affects the lower part of the plant. The leaves swell and turn brown. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture helps against rust.

  • Jaundice. Manifested by yellowed foliage and absence or cessation of flowering. The disease is carried by insects, so the only means of control is to kill the insects with any insecticidal agent.
  • Pests in the form aphids, spider mites and cutworms also not uncommon for Astra. In order to avoid their appearance, you need to weed the plant in time, remove debris from under the bushes and treat the plant with any chemical solution to combat flower pests.

Note that all flower growers have to deal with pests. For example, different species attack our beloved orchids. We have already told you...

Reproduction of Novobelgian

The plant can propagate in three main ways: seeds, division and cuttings.

Seed propagation

This method is rarely used because the germination of New Belgian Aster seeds is quite long. In addition, only garden species can be propagated using this method, and varietal ornamental ones may lose their properties.

The seed method of growing aster is suitable if you are not afraid of the long wait for seedlings

Seeds can be sown in the ground immediately after they are collected, that is, in the fall. To do this, planting material is sown into prepared fertile soil to a depth of 7-8 centimeters, sprinkled with soil, watered well and left in the winter. For safety you can cover the ground with sawdust or branches.

Seedling method

In this case, at the very beginning of spring, the seeds are sown in a box with soil and placed in a warm place, after covering it with glass. When seedlings appear, the seedlings are opened and grown at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. As soon as the Asters reach the third leaf, they are dived. And at the end of May - beginning of June they are planted in a permanent place in the ground.

Flowering of Asters grown in this way occurs in the 2nd or 3rd year of life.

Dividing the bush

This method is considered the simplest and most effective. It will not take much time and will allow you to propagate ornamental plants without losing their properties. The best time for the procedure is spring, when young plants are just beginning to grow.

Small bushes are carefully dug up and cut with a sharp device so that a sufficient number of roots remain on each. The parts are placed in pre-prepared holes, sprinkle, water and apply fertilizer.

Each divisible part must have at least 5 shoots.


To obtain seedlings using this method, you need to cut off the upper stem, 6-8 centimeters in size. The harvested material is placed in boxes with soil and placed in a warm place. A few days later, when the cutting takes root, it is planted in a permanent place.

Novobelgian - an excellent decoration for a garden or personal plot

Thus, Astra Novobelgianskaya is an excellent ornamental plant that does not require much effort and time from gardeners. In turn, with proper care, the plant will give its owner abundant and long flowering that will last throughout the fall.

Perennial New England (American) asters are attractive not only for their decorative properties and amazing hardiness, but also for the absence of such a scourge as powdery mildew. It is the New England (American) asters that are the ideal plant for the garden plot, which is visited only on weekends. This unpretentious perennial is beautiful until late autumn.

Features of New England (American) perennial asters

Perennial asters are an excellent option for landscaping. They look spectacular (better at the time of flowering), are unpretentious, grow quickly, reproduce easily and are characterized by high winter hardiness. Among them it is worth highlighting New England, or American, asters (Aster novae-angliae). The North American plant first appeared in England, then became popular in other countries. This is explained by the large number of advantages of the New England (American) aster.

Tall bushes of New England (American) perennial asters grow as tall as a person: 130 cm and higher (up to 2 m). All shoots are strong, leafy and even. In the upper part they are highly branched. Powerful bushes do not need support. Sometimes they have to be tied together with a strong rope to fix the slender shape of the bush.

The inflorescences of perennial New England asters are large (3–4 cm in diameter), semi-double “flowers” ​​that are located on the tops of tall shoots. Young inflorescences are often double. Even one branch of this perennial aster, placed in a vase, looks like a lush bouquet. The central part of the inflorescence, consisting of central tubular flowers, is yellow, yellow-brown or reddish-brown. “Petals” (reed flowers) most often have a crimson, rose-raspberry, mauve, cherry-lilac, wine-red, reddish-lilac or lilac-pink color, reminiscent of the color of burdock flowers. Flowering occurs towards the end of summer and continues until frost. The plant is not afraid of morning frosts.

Varieties of New England (American) perennial asters

Variety "Bars Pink". The height of the bush is about 150 cm. The inflorescences have reed flowers (“petals”) of a thick red color. The tubular flowers (“middle”) are golden or yellowish-brown.

Variety "Braumeen". The height of the bush is about 130 cm. The reed flowers are violet-lilac, the tubular flowers are yellow and brownish-yellow.

Variety "Constance". The height of the tall bush is 150 - 180 cm. The reed flowers are deep purple, the tubular flowers are yellow or brownish-brown. In autumn it is cold-resistant.

Variety "Rote Stern". The height of the bush is about 150 cm. The inflorescences are large. Dark ruby ​​(wine red) reed flowers, yellow or brownish tubular flowers.

Variety "Doctor Ekener". The height of the bush is about 150 cm. Reddish-violet reed flowers and yellow, light brown tubular flowers.

Growing New England (American) perennial asters

Place. These perennial asters do best in a sunny location, but can tolerate partial shade. They can exist in the shade, but they are unlikely to become the same luxurious bush as in a well-lit place. Loose, nutritious soil is the most ideal option. These perennial asters also do well on loams near Moscow.

Watering. New England (American) perennial asters are so unpretentious that temporary drying out of the soil will not harm them. Even in the driest and hottest weather (without watering), I have never seen their bushes standing with drooping leaves. After some time, only the lowest leaves dried out, which had absolutely no effect on the condition or decorative appearance of the entire bush. Dried leaves can be easily removed by hand, after which the air begins to ventilate well the lower part of the thickened bush. It is better to water these asters in moderation, without creating a “swamp” under them.

Feeding. I consider New England (American) perennial asters to be among those crops that, on normal soil, are able to feed themselves. These perennials can be fertilized according to a very simple scheme: in the spring and first half of summer - nitrogen-containing mixtures, then potassium and phosphorus. In autumn - ready-made autumn fertilizers (dry). Ash - all the time, but in reasonable quantities. Diluted rotted manure - only in the first half of the season, very carefully. Excessive feeding leads to fattening and weakening of the winter hardiness of the bush. I know of the only case of New England (American) perennial asters dying out. The luxurious bush grew on very fertile soil, and caring owners generously fed the asters with organic matter. The plant was so fattened and pampered that it turned out to be unable to survive a fairly frosty winter. The repeated freezing of another bush in the same area was confirmation of this. In all neighboring areas, New England (American) perennial asters calmly survived the winter frosts. Nobody fertilized them so well and carefully.

Preparing for winter. The bush will continue to bloom even in late autumn if all fading “flowers” ​​are regularly removed. At the end of summer and during the sunny autumn, bees, wasps and bumblebees flock to it from all sides. Sometimes there are so many of them that the upper part of the bush turns into a kind of open-air hive.

By the beginning of autumn, the lower and middle parts of the shoots become woody: the overgrown bush is not afraid of any wind. The first autumn snow does not kill the bright inflorescences. They are just beginning to shrink into loose lumps. This is a signal: it’s time to prune the bush. This is not so easy to do. An ordinary pruner will not help here. You have to either break the shoots close to the ground, or take a large garden pruner. Sometimes I use garden shears to trim bushes. All shoots are cut very low. It’s better not to “under zero”, but to leave stumps up to 3 - 5 cm high. Before winter, I have already become a habit of pouring about a bucket of loose compost into the place where all the perennials grow. In the spring, I carefully spread it to the sides to allow the growth of young shoots.

Diseases and pests. It’s worth starting with the main thing: powdery mildew, which is the scourge of some types of perennial asters, especially old varieties, is absent. American (New England) perennial asters practically do not know it. On our site, one huge bush grows close to tall phlox of some old variety with cherry flowers. Powdery mildew has never spread from phlox to New England asters. Neither I nor my fellow amateur gardeners have noticed any particular health problems with these perennial asters.

Reproduction. There are no difficulties with the propagation of New England (American) perennial asters. The best option is to divide the bush. This perennial grows so quickly that you can always dig out part of its rhizome with shoots. The ancestor of our perennial New England (American) asters was a single flowering shoot with a piece of rhizome! I had to tie it to supports placed on three sides in order to maintain the vertical position of the shoot after planting. Of course, the best time to divide a perennial is spring, when the first shoots appear. During this period, you can start replanting the bush or its parts. Delenki are planted with an eye to long-term growth, thinking through which plants will be nearby. It must be taken into account that New England (American) perennial asters aggressively “run over” neighboring crops. Perhaps this is their only drawback.

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