Pediatric otorhinolaryngology. ENT doctor at home Pediatric otolaryngology

Pediatric ENT deals with the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, larynx, ears and oropharynx in children, from a very young age to 18 years.

A pediatric otolaryngologist treats problems related to the nasal cavity, sinuses, outer and inner ears, upper respiratory tract, and throat. An ENT specialist must have certain knowledge on the specifics of these diseases in children. The child’s body has a more fragile immune system, its own characteristics of reactivity and the course of diseases differ from those of adults.

What diseases does ENT treat?

An otolaryngologist treats the following problems in children:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa (allergic and non-allergic rhinitis).
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis).
  • Acute and chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis) - inflammation of the tonsils included in the Pirogov pharyngeal ring.
  • Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the surrounding lymphoid tissue.
  • Benign formations (polyps, cysts in the nose and sinuses).
  • Congenital and acquired anomalies (choanal atresia, deviated nasal septum).
  • Otitis of various etiologies.

In addition, an examination by a pediatric ENT doctor is required in the presence of foreign bodies in the nose, nasopharynx, ears, as well as in cases where it is necessary to remove wax plugs, rinse the tonsils, or perform an ear toilet.

Cost of medical procedures

ENT doctor
Consultation with an ENT doctor 1500 rub.
Repeated consultation 1400 rub.
At home
2500 rub.
ENT department (therapeutic procedures)
Irrigation of tonsils with drugs 550 rub.
Removal of mucus from the nasal cavity (Fazzini F18 device) 500 rub.
Removing ear plugs 400 rub.
Ear direction
Conducting otoacoustic emissions (hearing test) 1000 rub.
Hearing test with tuning forks 270 rub.
Audiometry 1100 rub.
Ear toilet for external otitis 500 rub.
Politzer ear blowing (both ears) 450 rub.
Flushing the ear canal with medicinal substances 450 rub.
Removing a foreign body from the ear 500 rub.
Pneumomassage of eardrums 450 rub.
Opening an abscess of the external auditory canal 1800 rub.
"Nose" direction
Vacuum drainage of the paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx using the moving method (cuckoo) 600 rub.
Adrenalization of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages 250 rub.
Anterior nasal packing 800 rub.
Removing a tampon after tamponade 400 rub.
Intranasal drug blockade 700 rub.
Lubrication of mucous membranes 170 rub.
Endonasal injection 500 rub.
Rinsing the maxillary sinus through the anastomosis with medicinal substances 800 rub.
Removing a foreign body from the nose 700 rub.
Opening a nasal septum abscess 1500 rub.
Endoscopy of the nasal cavity 600 rub.
Diagnosis of the condition of the maxillary sinuses on both sides (echosinoscope device) 1100 rub.
Diagnosis of the condition of the maxillary sinus on 1 side (echosinuscope device) 550 rub.
Diagnosis of the condition of the frontal sinus (echosinoscope device) 600 rub.
Throat direction
Washing the tonsils with medicinal substances 700 rub.
Removal of a foreign body from the oropharynx 700 rub.
Toilet after opening a peritonsillar abscess 900 rub.

When to contact a pediatric ENT specialist

It is necessary to make an appointment with a pediatric otolaryngologist if your child has the following symptoms:

  • decreased hearing acuity;
  • voice change;
  • the appearance of pathological discharge from the nose or ears;
  • breathing problems;
  • pain in the ears, throat, or nose;
  • snore;
  • nasal congestion.

Consultation and examination by a specialist will help determine the cause of these symptoms and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How is an examination by an otolaryngologist performed?

A visit to a pediatric ENT doctor follows a certain algorithm:

A pediatric ENT specialist is one of those specialists who conducts an examination in the first year of life, so it is necessary to show the child to a doctor during this period even in the absence of symptoms of the disease.

More information about nasopharyngeal diseases:

Otolaryngologists for children

Good afternoon The child is 10 months old on mixed feeding. There is a non-constant, but grunting sound in the throat or nose. The nose breathes, the chest sleeps without problems. The feeling is to clear your throat and everything will be ok. Sleeps with mouth closed
You put the sound of snoring in the crib at the beginning or when he sits and plays. What is this? Thank you

Good afternoon Most likely, these complaints are associated with excessive mucus formation in the nasopharynx. An examination by a pediatrician and according to the indications of an ENT doctor is indicated.

You can ask a question and get an answer.

Children's medical surveillance programs

Take care of your baby! Choose a medical supervision program for your child!

Has he just recently appeared in your life? Or have you been together for a long time? It does not matter. What really matters is that you love each other! Take care of your baby from the first days of his life. Let childhood illnesses not darken the joy of your communication. Choose a pediatric medical observation program for your child!

Everything must happen on time: observation, treatment, vaccinations, tests, massage... The child constantly requires attention, and sometimes mom and dad simply cannot keep track of all the activities and procedures that the baby needs. Each age and each child requires an individual approach and an individual medical plan. That's why we created Children's Medical Observation Programs for children of different ages. Parents will be calm and children will be healthy! Choose a medical monitoring program for your child and don't worry about anything else! .

Dear visitors! If you have not found the answer to your question, ask our doctor in the “Question to the Doctor” section. Specialists from the pediatric practice of the Inpromed medical center will answer your questions.

Pediatric ENT

Pediatric ENT(otolaryngologist) is a specialist in diseases of the ear, nose and throat in children.

When is a pediatric ENT needed?

In the first year of life, an ENT doctor must examine the baby twice to make sure there are no pathologies of the ENT organs.

Young children are susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Their immunity is still developing. It is important to prevent your child from becoming part of a group of frequently ill children.

The prevalence of ENT diseases leads to the fact that adults do not always react in time to the appearance of signs of the disease. How often do parents have to send children who are still sniffling and coughing to school to avoid a fatal lag behind the curriculum. But a disease that is not completely defeated results in decreased attention, high fatigue, and dangerous complications are possible. Therefore, it is very important to receive timely, high-quality consultation from a competent ENT doctor.

You will need a consultation with a pediatric ENT specialist if your child has:

    difficulty in nasal breathing;

    deterioration or loss of smell;

    pain or sensation of pressure in the bridge of the nose or forehead;

    nasal discharge;

    discharge from the ear;


    a sore throat.

Appointment with a pediatric ENT specialist

At the appointment, the doctor will examine the child’s ENT organs, establish a diagnosis, carry out the necessary treatment procedures, and prescribe a course of treatment. To make a diagnosis, additional studies may be required: a blood test, culture for microflora (for this, during the examination, the doctor will take the necessary biological material), radiography and other instrumental studies. An alternative to radiography when examining children over the age of 3 years can be ultrasound. Using the Sinuscan ultrasound diagnostic device, the doctor can examine the condition of the child’s nasal sinuses right during the appointment.

As a rule, a preliminary diagnosis is established on the basis of an endoscopic examination of the ENT organs, and laboratory diagnostics are used for clarification (for example, to determine the pathogen).

If necessary, right at the appointment, such manipulations and procedures are performed as removing wax plugs from the ear, washing the lacunae of the tonsils, rinsing the nose, pneumomassage of the eardrum and others. In most cases, the therapeutic effect is achieved during a course of treatment, so you will need to come back for the procedures several more times.

Paid children's ENT in Moscow

If you need a good pediatric ENT specialist in Moscow, contact Family Doctor JSC.

At the “Family Doctor” you will find qualified pediatric ENT doctors who are well versed in both the peculiarities of childhood diseases and the specifics of living conditions in a big city. “Family Doctor” was built precisely as a network of clinics for Moscow families, so childhood diseases are an integral part of the competencies of our medical staff.

You can find out the prices for pediatric ENT services and make an appointment with a doctor by choosing the most convenient clinic for you below.

There are a lot of names for the specialty of a pediatric otolaryngologist - pediatric ENT, otorhinolaryngologist, "ear, nose and throat" - just as people call it. This doctor is quite in demand; according to statistics, in Bibirevo alone, ENT doctors account for more than half of all incoming requests. If a child constantly complains of pain in the ears, throat, or nasal congestion, then the otolaryngologist is the doctor who should definitely see the baby.

Choosing a truly competent ENT doctor is actually very important, especially when it comes to very young children. After all, there are often situations when quite similar symptoms are observed in various diseases. That is why it is best to entrust your child to the best ENT doctors in North-Eastern Administrative District.

When should you visit an ENT specialist?

A visit to this doctor should not be postponed; the visit should be made as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. Often the development of diseases of this kind is characterized by a rapid nature, they occur at high speed, and therefore complications can suddenly begin, which can even be life-threatening. The most common diseases are otitis media, acute tonsillitis, adenoiditis, and laryngitis.

Symptoms that require a visit to a pediatric ENT specialist:

- the child constantly has nasal congestion, snoring at night or even stopping breathing during sleep. In most cases, these are characteristic signs of inflamed and enlarged tonsils and adenoids;

- Ear pain or hearing problems are often present. The child may also experience problems with balance. These signs indicate an urgent need to diagnose the hearing organs;

— a fairly common problem is enlarged cervical lymph nodes. This may indicate a non-infectious or infectious (ARVI, tonsillitis) nature of the disease. In this case, the child may have difficulty swallowing and difficulty turning his head. Contacting an ENT doctor should be done immediately;

- foreign body entering the child’s ear. The speed of contacting the clinic in this case should be maximum.

The Center for Pediatric Otolaryngology of the North-Eastern Administrative District in Bibirevo employs only the best specialists in the country. We have the most modern equipment designed for diagnosis and treatment. There are special microscopes, thanks to which the removal of foreign bodies is carried out very carefully, causing minimal discomfort to patients and eliminating the possibility of injury.

Why is it preferable to see a paid doctor?

It's simple: this is a 100% guarantee that the baby and his parents will receive sufficient attention, all procedures will be carried out at the highest level, and an individual approach will be provided to each situation. For comparison, in a free clinic the duration of an appointment is 12 minutes, and more than half of this time the doctor will simply fill out the necessary paperwork. In our clinic, things are different. At the appointment, the patient is given at least an hour, during which time all questions will be answered and a fairly thorough examination will be carried out.

A pediatric otolaryngologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the ENT organs (ear, nose and throat) in children and adolescents. In particular, the ENT doctor relieves sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and various types of sore throats. This specialist should be contacted, among other things, for otitis media, adenoids in the throat, sinusitis and sulfur plugs. Such specialists also additionally deal with problems of the vestibular system in children (otoneurology). Appointments with this doctor take place on an outpatient basis or in acute conditions at home.

What symptoms should I contact?

The doctor sees children with nasal congestion, hearing loss, difficulty breathing through the nose, snoring, and difficulty swallowing. The doctor examines patients with foreign bodies in the ENT organs for a fee.

Be sure to take your child for consultation if you observe:

  • persistent runny nose that does not respond to traditional treatment;
  • purulent and bloody discharge from the nose;
  • the nose is often stuffy;
  • difficulty swallowing (baby complains of a sore throat);
  • signs that a foreign object has entered the ear canals or airways;
  • hoarse voice;
  • there is pain in the bridge of the nose and forehead;
  • ears hurt or itch;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • hearing impaired;
  • loss of appetite (together with other symptoms).

Modern research helps to establish a correct diagnosis in the shortest possible time and begin adequate treatment.

Where can I find a good children's ENT specialist in Moscow?

On our website you can find reviews of pediatric ENT doctors (otolaryngologists) in Moscow, learn the best methods of diagnosis and treatment. The average rating of doctors is 4.75 points. You can select an experienced specialist and make an appointment yourself via the Internet, or by calling our help desk. Call us, we can recommend a good pediatric ENT doctor in Moscow and make an appointment for your child as close as possible to your home!

  • 24-hour emergency care, including surgery
  • Diagnostics: audiography, otoacoustic emissions, tympanometry, selection of hearing aids, video endoscopy of the nose and larynx, stroboscopy of the larynx, examination of the ear with a microscope, CT, MRI, as well as laboratory diagnostics of microflora, allergic and immune status and other tests
  • Doctors with extensive experience working with children who know how to find the right approach to each child
  • Interaction with pediatricians, neurologists, audiologists (audiologists) and speech therapists to draw up an optimal individual treatment plan for complex cases
  • Clear and prompt interaction between specialists educated in the best Russian universities and trained in clinics in the USA and Western Europe allows us to provide assistance to young patients in the shortest possible time

A pediatric otorhinolaryngologist (ENT) treats diseases of the ear, nose and throat, which are perhaps the most common in children, and the quality of their treatment largely determines the child’s future health.

Prolonged difficult nasal breathing can lead to oxygen starvation of the brain, which means memory deterioration, loss of concentration, fatigue, etc. Prolonged colds lead to rhinitis, acute respiratory viral infections, which are dangerous due to complications such as sinusitis or tonsillitis, which require mandatory treatment from a qualified pediatric ENT specialist in the clinic. Thus, an ENT doctor for a child is one of the most important and sought-after specialists.

The work of a pediatric ENT doctor differs significantly from the work of a similar specialist treating adults. A good pediatric ENT specialist must take into account the characteristics of the child’s body, and also be able to find the right approach to the child. This need is especially acute when surgical intervention is necessary. A qualified pediatric otolaryngologist must take into account all the features of the physiology and anatomy of a small patient, and also, together with an anesthesiologist, select the optimal anesthesia option.

When to see a doctor?

Your child needs to consult a good pediatric ENT doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

    loud crying;

    discharge from the ears, nose;

    the child's heavy breathing during sleep;

    lack of response to sounds;

    difficulty breathing through the nose;

If you have one or more of the listed signs, you should not postpone a visit to the children's ENT department, since in the later stages of the development of some diseases, treatment is carried out only with the help of surgery. Parents of children under one year old need to be especially attentive, since many pathologies at this age do not have pronounced symptoms, and the child cannot yet explain the reason for his crying. A good pediatric ENT specialist will help you figure out what is bothering the child and prescribe the optimal treatment.

If your child has recurrent (recurring) ear, nose or throat problems, you will also need a pediatric ENT. In Moscow, the assistance of a qualified pediatric ENT specialist is provided for a fee by the children's clinic of the European Medical Center. In our children's hospital, an ENT doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination and select an individual treatment plan.

The children's ENT department of the EMC Children's Clinic is ready to provide professional assistance to children with difficulty in nasal breathing, chronic cough, delayed speech development, hypertrophy and inflammation of the lymphoid organs.

Pediatric ENT specialists treat diseases such as:

Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology at EMC

At the appointment, the pediatric ENT specialist will take a medical history and examine the child using safe, modern equipment that will not cause the baby any pain. If necessary, a pediatric ENT specialist can refer you for additional consultation with specialists in related fields. If a child is hospitalized, the pediatric ENT specialist at EMC monitors all changes in his condition and well-being from the moment of admission to discharge.


The pediatric ENT specialist at our clinic performs scheduled operations to treat and remove tonsils, cysts, and also rinses the ears (if there are wax plugs or purulent discharge from the ear canal).

Emergency help

Emergency care is also included in the list of services offered by our children's clinic. An ENT specialist will help remove foreign objects if they get into the nasopharynx, ear canal, or eliminate the consequences of injuries to the ear and nose. A good pediatric ENT specialist will also be needed if your child has occasional nosebleeds, which may be caused by damaged blood vessels.


At the EMC clinic, pediatric ENT specialists not only treat, but also prevent diseases of the ear, nose and throat. A pediatric ENT doctor regularly conducts routine examinations of the child, which helps diagnose many diseases in the early stages and cure them much faster.


The wide diagnostic capabilities of the ENT department of the EMC Children's Clinic include pediatric audiography, otoacoustic emissions, tympanometry, selection of hearing aids, video endoscopy of the nose and larynx, stroboscopy of the larynx, examination of the ear with a microscope, CT, MRI, as well as laboratory diagnostics of microflora, allergic and immune status and other tests.

The offices of our ENT doctors at the children's hospital are equipped with all the necessary equipment to carry out:

    endoscopic examinations (possible with general anesthesia);

    audiological studies, including multilingual audiometry.

In our children's clinic, ENT specialists conduct audiological screening of young children, which is mandatory in Western countries, but is rarely used in Russia. A set of objective, reliable and absolutely safe methods of hearing examination both for the first stage of screening (registration of otoacoustic emissions and tympanometry) and for the second (diagnostic) stage (registration of auditory evoked potentials, full impedance measurements and play audiometry) makes it possible to identify signs at an early age hearing loss. The department is staffed by a specialized pediatric audiologist who diagnoses and corrects hearing disorders in children from a very early age.

In our children's hospital, ENT surgeons perform such operations as: eardrum bypass, tympanoplasty, plastic surgery for congenital anomalies of the auditory canals, auricle, cysts and fistulas of the ear and neck, endoscopic operations on the nasal septum, conchae, paranasal sinuses, sinus -ballonoplasty of the paranasal sinuses, operations on the tongue, thyroid gland, salivary glands.

Each pediatric ENT specialist has at its disposal devices and medications that can reduce the risk and pain during operations. Surgical interventions in the pediatric ENT department of our clinic are performed at the highest level using the latest technologies and always under general anesthesia. Most pediatric ENT operations are performed using the endoscopic method with minimal trauma to the small patient, which also significantly reduces the rehabilitation period after surgery and the time the child spends in the clinic.

As part of the interdisciplinary approach practiced in the clinic, in difficult cases, when establishing a diagnosis, pediatric otorhinolaryngologists work closely with audiologists () and, which makes it possible to draw up an optimal individual treatment plan. Clear and prompt interaction between specialists who were educated in the best Russian universities and trained in clinics in the USA and Western Europe makes it possible to cure young patients in the shortest possible time.