Is it possible to plant leeks in the fall? Proper cultivation of leeks in open ground

Today, a wide variety of onion varieties are grown in the gardens of our country. Of course, the leading place here is occupied by onions, but recently leeks have become increasingly popular. This article will tell you about when to harvest leeks and also store them in winter.

Many people, growing leeks in their gardens, do not even realize that they can be stored at home throughout the winter. But in order for this to be possible, it must be prepared correctly.

And for this you need to know exactly the timing when you need to dig up the crop. Please note that the timing of leek harvesting depends on the following factors:

  • climatic conditions of growth. Harvesting of this onion in Siberia and in the Moscow region will naturally be carried out at different times;
  • features of summer. The timing of leek harvesting may vary slightly depending on weather conditions, since summer can be either hot and sunny or rainy and cold;
  • variety. Depending on what variety was planted (early, mid- or late-ripening) the timing of harvesting will be determined. When choosing varieties of this cultivated plant, remember that some are more suitable for growing in Siberia, while others are more suitable for regions with a milder climate.

Typically, leeks begin to be dug in August. But such harvesting times are only suitable if the crop will be processed and used exclusively in the summer. Vegetables dug up in August are not suitable for winter storage. If you intend to use the crop for storage, then you need to collect it from the garden only in early or mid-October.

Harvesting leeks for winter storage consists of the following steps:

  • harvesting from the garden;
  • preparing vegetables for storage.

If you want to store the beautiful bright white stems, you need to cover the soil around the plants with an opaque material a few weeks before harvesting. Such simple manipulations will allow you to achieve the desired result - beautiful and juicy stems.

The leek harvesting process itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • determining the timing of cleaning. Each variety has its own timing, which must be correlated with the weather and climatic characteristics of the growing region (for example, Siberia, Moscow region, etc.);
  • It is necessary to remove onions from the garden in good weather;
  • You need to dig up vegetables carefully to avoid soil getting between the leaves. Otherwise, long-term storage of such a crop will become impossible. When digging, be careful not to damage the bulbs with the shovel. Cut vegetables cannot be stored and can only be eaten in the coming days;
  • After the digging process is completed, the onions do not need to be left in the sun to warm up, as when preparing onions for storage.

At this point, the leek harvesting procedure is considered complete. Next, the procurement scheme consists of the following stages:

  • after harvesting, leeks must be lightly peeled from the soil;
  • In addition, partial pruning of the roots is carried out. Their trimming should be done carefully so as not to damage the bottom;
  • You cannot cut the leaves, as this will accelerate the process of their withering. Cut leaves also become more susceptible to various diseases. You can trim only those leaves that were damaged during harvesting and also heavily soiled. In this case, they are shortened by about two-thirds.

As you can see, if you want to prepare leeks for storage, they must be collected carefully and correctly. Otherwise, your harvest may simply spoil in the first months of storage.

Video “From planting to harvesting”

This video explains in detail how to plant onions and when to harvest them.

How to prepare leeks

Interestingly, not only the entire plant, but also the feathers separately can be stored for leeks. Typically, feathers for storage are cut from those bulbs that for some reason cannot be stored (for example, they were cut when digging up or have other defects).

The process of harvesting green leek feathers can be carried out during the growing season and until the harvest is harvested. Some gardeners extend it right up until the onset of cold weather.

The feathers of this cultivated plant are harvested according to the following scheme:

  • cutting a feather from a bad bulb;
  • removing yellowed and dried areas from its surface;
  • After this, the feather must be rinsed well in running water and allowed to drain. To do this, the tops should be placed on paper or a gauze napkin. At the same time, light should not fall on the drying feather.

When the leek tops are completely dry, they need to be carefully cut into rings. You can also cut it into strips. After this, the chopped feather should be placed in the freezer for storage.

Some people prefer to use leek feathers as a seasoning for various dishes. In such a situation, the onion tops must be finely chopped and also stored in the freezer. In addition, you can put a whole feather in the freezer without chopping it. But cutting vegetable tops will allow you to save space in the freezer, which will significantly increase your supply of frozen vegetables and fruits for the winter.

When preparing leek feathers, you must remember that the plant growing in the garden bed should not be subject to frost. Otherwise, even the above steps will not allow you to save it for a longer period of time.

Storing onions in winter

Storing leeks in winter, if properly prepared, can be done in the following ways:

  • fresh. To keep onions fresh, they must be stored in the refrigerator, first placed in sand;
  • frozen. In this storage method, the vegetable can be used as a component of various dishes;
  • in dried form. In this form, leek is a seasoning for dishes.

The most interesting and unusual way to store leeks is to place them in sand. In this case, it will be possible to keep the vegetable fresh for a sufficiently long period. To ensure the success of this enterprise, the following rules must be adhered to:

  • Leeks must be sent for storage immediately after harvesting;
  • The optimal conditions for harvesting fresh onions will be a temperature in the range from -1 to +1°C and an air humidity of 85%.
  • a layer of sand 5 cm thick is poured into the box;
  • then leek stems are inserted into it vertically in rows;
  • between the rows it is necessary to pour wet river sand. Its layer should be 10-15 cm.

In this form, the onions will remain fresh for 5-6 months. This method allows you to keep the stems straight.

You can store leeks on the balcony. But for this it needs to be well covered. Then he will be able to easily tolerate frosts down to -7-10 degrees. Plants stored in this way should be checked periodically, as they may become diseased or simply dry out. To prevent further damage to the crop, such specimens must be removed immediately.

Many gardeners prefer to store leeks in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to sort through the entire harvest and find the highest quality specimens. Next, you need to do the following manipulations with them:

  • clean well;
  • trim the roots;
  • cool the leaves. This procedure should be carried out at a temperature of -2…+2 °C. In this case, the stems do not need to be placed in packaging. This is due to the fact that this is just an intermediate stage in preparing the plant for storage.

After cooling, the stems need to be placed in plastic bags that have perforations. You can put no more than 8 stems in one bag. In this form, the plant can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 months, but only if the onions were prepared according to all the rules. It is important that the temperature in the refrigerator does not fall below -5 °C. If you have a modern refrigerator, then you should not be afraid of any temperature “surprises”.

Dry leeks can also be stored for quite a long time. To do this, the roots of the vegetable must be preserved. They just need to be trimmed. To dry such onions well, you need to use an electric dryer or oven. With such drying, the maximum of nutrients is retained in the plant. For drying, it is recommended to set the temperature at +50°C. But some people dry leeks at +140-160 °C for 20 minutes.

After drying, the stems will be stored for 2-3 months. But to do this they need to be placed in a refrigerator at zero temperature. If zero degrees are maintained in the basement or cellar, then onions can be stored here rather than filling the refrigerator with them. Also, after drying, leeks can be planted in wet sand. In this form it will be stored until spring.

Dried stems can also be finely chopped and packaged in bags. The result is an excellent seasoning for dishes for any celebration.

Which storage method to choose depends only on your personal preferences. You can try all the options at the same time to determine the one that makes the leek tastier or will last longer.

It is worth noting that not all varieties of leeks can be stored for a long period of time using the methods described above. The key to long-term storage of this onion in winter will be to correctly perform the following steps:

  • determining the optimal harvest time;
  • carefully digging it out of the ground;
  • proper harvesting of plants;
  • creating optimal storage conditions.

Violations and deviations from the technological process at any of these stages can lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and always strictly follow the instructions specified for each individual stage. Only in this case will you be able to keep leeks fresh, dry or frozen throughout the winter and enjoy this healthy vegetable even during the winter holidays.

Video “Six hundred meters about onions”

The video talks about growing onions.

Over the past few decades, leeks or pearl onions have become a frequent visitor to summer cottages in Russia. This famous type of onion has been cultivated in the world for many centuries; it is famous for its unique vitamin and mineral composition and special taste. In cooking, it is used both fresh, dried, and canned and frozen. You can grow it from seeds. It grows everywhere without special conditions and labor-intensive care. If you are thinking about growing this useful crop yourself, use our tips.

  • Leeks are a fragrant biennial belonging to the genus Onion, subfamily Allium. Depending on the varietal characteristics, it grows in height by 25-150 cm.
  • Leeks have many leaves, they are linear-lanceolate, bluish-green, arranged in the form of a fan.
  • In the first year, the plant grows a strong rhizome, a false bulb (it reaches 3-8 cm in diameter and 9-12 cm in length), as well as many alternately arranged flat leaves.
  • In the second year, the leek acquires a peduncle, which often reaches two meters in height. By mid-summer, an umbrella inflorescence with many pink and white flowers is formed.
  • Leek seeds are triangular, ripen by September, and with proper storage remain viable for up to 4 years.
  • Leeks have high cold-resistant qualities, require abundant watering, and do not grow in acidic soil.
  • Depending on the weather conditions in the region, leeks are grown either by seedlings or sown in the garden.

This is what a leek looks like in the photo:

Leeks, properties and applications

The history of leek cultivation stretches back to the Ancient period. According to available data, the birthplace of the culture is Western Asia. It was from there that leek migrated to the Mediterranean.

Numerous excavations and ancient writings have revealed that the cultivated type of leek occupied an important place in the cooking of Ancient Egypt and Rome. There it was considered the food of the rich. The Emperor of Rome especially loved it, believing that this food plant preserved his voice during long speeches. And the gourmet Apicius recommended adding leeks to salads, and serving the false onion as an excellent seasoning for various dishes.

During the Middle Ages, leeks were actively grown throughout Europe. However, in Russia they learned about this culture only in the last century, when most did not even know what leeks looked like. Now leeks are cultivated in vegetable growing areas in most countries of Europe and Asia.

The white stalk and young foliage of leeks have a delicate, pleasant aroma and mild taste, which gives dishes a special zest. Leeks are consumed boiled, raw, or canned. In addition, leeks are used in industry to improve the taste of sauces, seasonings, and concentrates.

In addition to taste, the plant has a considerable number of beneficial properties, which keeps this plant at the peak of popularity. Onions have a beneficial effect on health in cases of gout, diseases of the musculoskeletal center, metabolism, cholelithiasis, and obesity. There is also information that leek leaves restore the functioning of the digestive system, normalize appetite, and stimulate immune function.

Leek is also used as a medicinal plant. It is used to heal abrasions and deep cuts, is used for insomnia or diarrhea, and relieves attacks of bronchial asthma.

In its raw form, leeks may be contraindicated in case of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, but when boiled, they can be consumed in small quantities.

Leeks, varieties

Depending on the ripening period, leeks are divided into varieties - early, mid-ripening and late.

Early or summer varieties ripen with the arrival of September. The full cycle of leek ripening lasts 150 days, the average size of one plant is 220-340 g, the diameter of the stem is no more than 3 cm. The foliage is thin, not wide, and arranged alternately.

Common early varieties:

  • Columbus is a leek with impeccable taste and light aroma. The stem with succulent leaves grows up to 80 cm, the white leg is weighty, large - 22 cm in height, 5-6 cm in width. The total weight of one leek is at least 400 g. Does not require hilling.
  • Vesta is a fertile variety 1.5 m high. Leek has a mild, slightly sweet taste and sweet aroma. The weight of the food stalk is 300-350 g.
  • Goliath is a medium-sized variety, about 30 cm high and weighing no more than 200 g. The false bulb is underdeveloped, the leaves are flat, large, with a bluish bloom.
  • Kilima is a variety with increased productivity. The bleached part varies between 10 and 30 cm, weight 100-150 g. The taste is moderately hot, very aromatic.

Mid-season - autumn varieties that ripen closer to November. They are less productive, but have excellent taste. Autumn varieties ripen in about 180 days. The leaves are rich green in color with a blue tint, 5-7 cm wide. The weight rarely exceeds 240 g, the height of the bleached stem is also modest - 25 cm.

Popular mid-season varieties:

  • Jolant is a good variety of leek, planting and caring for which will not cause trouble, thanks to its high resistance to diseases. It is quite productive, characterized by a poorly formed bulb and characteristic narrow leaves with an anthocyanin tint. Leek leg 25-30 cm.
  • Casimir is a tall variety, resistant to fungal diseases. The foliage is flat, located vertically. The bleached stem grows up to 23 cm, its diameter is no more than 4 cm.
  • Camus is a compact variety with curved green leaves that are covered with a waxy coating. The stem is low - 19 cm, and the diameter does not exceed 2.5 cm.
  • Tango is a variety with good frost resistance. Upright foliage is dark green; the stem is short - up to 12 cm, but wide - 4 cm. Plant weight is 250 g.
  • Bastion is a variety resistant to spotting and produces a high yield. Height is about 30 cm, average weight is 220 g.

Late varieties of leeks take 190 days to ripen. Productivity and shelf life are high. In later varieties, the leaves are somewhat different: they are squat, wide, hard to the touch, bluish-blue, with a waxy coating.

Promising varieties:

  • Karantasky is an excellent variety with a mild taste and high resistance to both diseases and weather conditions. The height of the stem is 25 cm, its diameter is 4 cm, and the average weight is 200 g. The leaves are characteristic of winter varieties - flat, stretched wide, rich green, with a waxy coating visible on the surface.
  • Elephant is a productive Czech variety with excellent frost resistance and can withstand prolonged drought. It has a spicy, pungent taste and a persistent onion aroma. Weight - 240 g, stem length - 20-25 cm. Leaves are dense, blue-green.
  • Bandit is a Dutch tall variety. The plant has a massive thickened stem, the leaves are arranged vertically, their color is deep green, the taste is slightly pungent with a sweetish aftertaste. Suitable for very long-term storage.
  • The autumn giant is the property of Dutch breeders. A variety with a high stem - 30 cm, diameter - 8 cm. The taste is moderately hot, aromatic.
  • Asgeos - has a moderately spicy taste. The foliage is a calm green color with a barely noticeable bluish tint. Weight - 300-340 g, stem height - up to 23 cm.
  • Mercury - this variety is immune to viruses. The taste is semi-sharp, the leaves are gray-green, weight 180-210 g.

Leeks, growing from seeds

The growing season of leeks is quite long (about 20 days), so it is preferable to grow this crop using the seedling method. The exception is the southern regions - there the seeds are immediately sown in open ground.

Sowing leek seeds

The first thing you need to know is when to sow leeks. Sowing in pots is carried out at the turn of February and March. If seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, then the seeds are sown in April. The crop is also grown in an area under a film cover. In this case, the seeds are sown closer to May.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • Prepare a container of the required depth. Considering the length of the root system, the depth of the container should be at least 12-15 cm.
  • The container is pre-disinfected with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Before sowing, seeds are immersed in a thermos, filled with water at a temperature of +45⁰C and left for several hours.
  • After this, the seed material is poured with cold water and dried.
  • Sod-humus soil is poured into the container. It should be light.
  • Then the soil is compacted a little and watered abundantly.
  • Seeds are sown on the soil surface and covered with a ball of sand 7-10 mm thick. The distance between the lines in the container should be about 5 cm.
  • Then the container with the seeds is covered with film and kept in a room with an air temperature of +22 to +25⁰С.

Leeks, seedlings and their care

  • Young plants need to be provided with daily ventilation and spraying with warm water.
  • Shoots, as a rule, appear on 10-12 days. When they hatch, the film is removed and the container with the sprouts is exposed to sunlight.
  • The required temperature for seedlings during the day is from +18 to +20⁰С, at night from +12 to +14⁰С.
  • The roots of young growth are very sensitive to cold, so foam plastic or a piece of drywall is placed under the container.
  • Watering the seedlings is carried out regularly, using only warm water.
  • If the seedlings are too dense, they are thinned out.
  • When the leek seedlings get stronger, carry out the first feeding: 20 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, as well as 40 g of superphosphate are given per bucket of water.

Important! Young seedlings should be protected from drafts and bright sunlight.

Leeks, planting in the garden

When the seedlings grow up and weather conditions become favorable, they are planted in the garden. In order for the seedlings to take root successfully and produce a high yield, you need to adhere to some rules.

When to plant leeks

Leek seedlings are planted in open ground in the first half of May. By this time, the seedlings are already 60 days old and are completely ready for the upcoming planting. Before planting, seedlings are well watered. At the time of transplantation, the roots and leaves are trimmed by a third. It is advisable to plant leek seedlings in the afternoon or in not very sunny weather.

Preparing the soil for leeks

For the crop, choose a sunny site for planting, which is located away from trees, tall bushes and fences that create shade.

Leeks need neutral, very fertile soil, with high water and breathability properties. Too acidic soil must be limed.

Preparatory work on the planting site begins in the fall. The soil is dug up, 2-3 tablespoons of Nitrophoska are added, as well as a bucket of compost and a teaspoon of urea per square meter.

In the spring, a mixture of compost and humus (approximately 3 kg/m²) is spread on the site without further digging up the bed.

Advice! Leeks grow well in areas where peas, tomatoes, soybeans, and potatoes were previously cultivated.

How to plant leeks

In a prepared and leveled bed, make depressions of 12-15 cm, maintaining a distance of 15 cm between plants. The soil from the furrows is firmly fixed so that it does not fall back.

Leek seedlings grown in pots are hardened off. This is done starting from the sixth week after germination. The seedlings are taken outside, constantly increasing the period of their stay in the air.

Before immersing the seedlings in the furrows, their roots are shortened and dipped in a solution of water, manure and clay, taken in equal quantities. Then the seedlings are dug in and watered well. After this, they are covered with spunbond for a while, and when warm weather sets in, the cover is removed.

Leeks, cultivation and care

  • Caring for the crop consists of watering, fertilizing, weeding, and protecting against diseases. But growing and caring for leeks involves another important point - repeated hilling of the plant. Leeks begin to hill in June. After each hilling, the area is mulched with straw or dry manure.
  • Twice a week, loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle. When the stems reach a thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm, at the time of loosening, gradually pour earth into the recesses. After the furrows are filled, hilling begins.
  • Sufficient moisture is the main condition for active plant growth. The seedlings are not watered for the first three days, then the leeks are watered every 5-7 days. Approximately 10-12 liters of water are consumed per 1 m².
  • Plants are fertilized 4 times per season. The seedlings are fed for the first time on the 20th day after planting. A mixture of ammonium nitrate (10 g) and potassium salt (7 g) and water (5 l) is used as fertilizer. The plant responds well to the application of mullein, as well as bird droppings. They are diluted in water in a ratio of 1:20. In addition, before the next hilling, wood ash is added to the tree trunk circle.

Pests and diseases of leeks

  • A common disease affecting leek crops is mosaic. This is an incurable viral infection carried by aphids. The disease can be suspected by yellowing leaves and obvious retarded growth of the aerial parts. It is impossible to cure leeks from viruses, so protecting the plant comes down to agrotechnical measures. It is necessary to get rid of weeds in a timely manner, sow only disinfected seeds, and grow virus-resistant varieties.
  • Also more leeks are susceptible to fungal diseases. Downy mildew causes brown spots on the plant and makes it unfit for consumption. Rust is accompanied by the appearance of yellow fluffy spots, which consist of fungal spores. Over time, the yellow pads darken, causing the leaves to dry out. To combat fungi, Fitosporin or a solution of copper oxychloride is suitable.
  • A frequent pest of the crop is the onion fly, which becomes active in May and is capable of destroying most of the crop. The fly larvae quickly eat the central stem and the plant dies. To preserve leeks, they are treated with wood ash or tobacco infusion.

Leeks, cleaning and proper storage

The final harvest is completed before frost. The last leek is harvested before the air temperature reaches -5⁰C. The leek is dug up and laid along the furrows to dry out a little. Then the leek is shaken off the ground, trying not to contaminate the greens, and sent for storage.

You can store plants in the cellar if the temperature allows. The optimal temperature is considered to be from +1 to -1⁰С. The humidity level is also important - it should not exceed 85%. The harvested crop is placed vertically in wooden boxes with sand poured into the bottom. It is permissible to store leeks on the balcony. To do this, it is also placed in boxes with moistened sand.

When frozen, leeks are stored at -8⁰C for up to 5 months.

By learning how to grow leeks, you can reap a rich harvest of this healthy and tasty crop.

Amateur gardeners call leeks large-sized and beautiful. This non-standard culture is becoming increasingly popular. And there are objective reasons for this: leeks practically do not get sick, they are rarely attacked by harmful insects, they are characterized by increased frost resistance, as well as a long shelf life. Housewives use it in preparing a variety of dishes, because the content of carotene and vitamin C in it adds value to it.

Leeks are a tasty and healthy product

The main difference between leeks and regular onions, besides their size, is the large amount of vitamins that do not disappear after long-term winter storage, but rather accumulate. In addition, leeks do not taste as bitter as regular onions and do not cause watery eyes. Growing and caring for leeks is quite simple. And by observing the conditions for its development and growth, you can get not only a tasty, but also a fairly high harvest.

Botanical features

Leek is a biennial plant. However, it is grown as an annual, because in the second year it blooms and loses its valuable qualities. The diameter of the white, slightly swollen bulb is approximately 2-7 cm. At the top it turns into a light green false stem, forming long leaves that adhere tightly to each other. The length of the stem can vary depending on the variety - from 10 to 75 cm, and its diameter - from 2 to 5 cm.

Each plant has 6-15 leaves, the length of which is 45-65 cm. The departure of the leaf blades from the stem is fan-shaped, resembling an opposite arrangement. The flat leaves of leeks are folded in half from the central vein and have a waxy coating. The development of the flower arrow occurs only in the second year of growth.

Its height can reach a meter or more, and it carries an inflorescence in the form of a ball - an umbrella. In plants that are well developed, the umbrella is quite large. It can reach 15-20 cm in diameter, and the number of small flowers in it, which are usually dark purple or lilac in color, is up to 1000. Very often, the formation of aerial bulbs is observed in the inflorescences, which can be used for propagation.

Growing technology

Many amateur gardeners today are interested in the question - how to grow leeks? This is done in two ways: seedlings and non-seedlings. The latter is used mainly in the southern regions, where air and soil temperatures enable plants to normally form a root system.

The seedling method is used in the Far Eastern and Siberian regions, the middle zone, as well as in northern regions where there is not enough heat and light for leeks to fully ripen.

There are no special secrets to growing leeks using the seedless method. Planting leeks in the ground usually begins in the second half of May. It is first necessary to prepare the beds. To do this, the soil needs to be fertilized with organic matter and covered with black plastic film in the fall. Sowing of disinfected and germinated seeds is carried out according to the scheme - 12-15x15-20cm. After sowing the seeds, the beds should be well watered and covered with film or polycarbonate.

Seeds for seedlings should begin to be sown in the second half of February. If you have heated greenhouses, you can sow early varieties in late March-early April. For this procedure, it is good to use small boxes or cassettes filled with peat. The gap between seeds should be at least 5 cm, and the distance between rows should be 2 cm.

Until the seedlings appear, you need to water moderately every day. After four weeks, it is necessary to pick the seedlings. To do this, you can use pots with a diameter of about 5 cm. It is very important to adhere to the temperature regime and not overheat the soil and air. The temperature should not exceed 20 degrees during the day, and 14 at night. Until the beginning of May, seedlings need to be illuminated with phytolamps.

How to plant seedlings?

Since this crop is not afraid of a possible drop in temperature, it can be planted in the garden in early May. Preparation for planting requires hardening off the plants. To do this, containers with seedlings are left in the open air, choosing a place without drafts and sufficiently illuminated by sunlight. The area where leeks will be grown in open ground should be well lit.

Very good yields of this crop can be obtained on light loamy soils. The best time for planting is considered to be the period when the soil warms up to 8-10°C at a depth of 12-15 cm. When planting seedlings, grooves are cut at this depth into which the plants are placed. At this depth, it will be convenient to hill up grown sprouts. Before starting work, the leaves and roots of each seedling plant should be shortened by a third.

Tip: to make leeks take root better, you can make a mash of equal amounts of clay and mullein, and then dip the roots of the plants in it. Planting density – 23-30 plants per 1 square meter.

The most common are double-row and multi-row planting schemes. With a two-row system, the distance between seedlings is 25 cm, and between rows - 35 cm; In case of multi-row planting, plants are planted every 15 cm, the row spacing is about 30 cm. At the end of the work, the furrows must be watered. It should be noted that intact plants with roots that have not dried out, as a rule, take root well.

The space between onion rows can be used rationally: for example, sow beets or carrots. If the leeks are planted too densely, you need to start thinning them in July. It is advisable to do this work in a timely manner to avoid thin false stems. Young greens left after weeding can be useful in making salads.

Features of care

Agricultural technology for growing leeks consists of a set of measures, including:

  1. Regular watering. It must be done at least three times a week. In order to moisten the soil 8-10 cm deep, watering should be sufficiently abundant. This crop responds very well to moisture during the first half of the growing season.
  2. Fertilizing, which is best done simultaneously with watering twice a month. In order to provide the plants with nutrition, you need to know how to feed the leeks. You can use a remedy common among summer residents, which includes mullein or chicken droppings, which is diluted with water.
  3. Hilling, which is recommended to be done at least 4 times in one season. The ideal option is 2 times a month. This operation increases the chances of growing a plant with a powerful white stem. Hilling up is best done some time after watering.

Otherwise, growing leeks consists of the necessary weeding, as well as mulching the soil between the rows with peat or rotted manure.

How to preserve the grown crop?

The formation of a powerful stem in plants occurs in September. At this time, the plant can already be used in the preparation of various dishes, as well as consumed raw. Late varieties of onions can be stored for a very long time. For this purpose, in mid-autumn, the plants should be buried in the sand, having previously cut their roots to a length of 2-5 cm.

They should be placed tightly and vertically in the sand. The row spacing should be filled with wet and clean sand. During such storage, the temperature should be 0 ° C, and the humidity in the air should be approximately 80%. Such conditions allow leeks to be stored for 6-7 months. At the same time, its stem becomes lighter and its size becomes larger. In February, the amount of vitamin C in onions increases.

Important! When soil moisture is higher than recommended, activation of nematodes or mites may occur. Therefore, humidity and storage temperature are very important parameters when storing this crop. But it is worth remembering that while observing a favorable regime, you cannot be sure that pests will not appear. However, in this case their development will be very slow.

In order for the harvested crop to be used for food all winter, you need to know how to store leeks correctly. Many people prefer the method of keeping it in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to select good plants, clean and trim their roots and leaves, and cool them to 0+1°C. Then they should be packed in 7-9 pieces using plastic bags. They can be kept in the refrigerator for 4-5 months without any loss of quality. But with any type of storage, plants need to be inspected from time to time, because they can dry out, get sick or rot. Spoiled leeks should be thrown away immediately.

Interesting information about growing leeks can be gleaned from the video:

Recently, growing such a rare crop for Russia as leeks, also known as pearl onions, in garden plots has become popular. It is believed that growing leeks requires a lot of time and effort. This statement is true only in comparison with cultivation: in fact, caring for pearl onions is no more difficult than caring for any vegetable crop.

  • Place the seeds in a small container.
  • Fill with hot water (50°C).
  • Leave for 20 minutes.
  • Drain the water.
  • Place the seeds in a damp cloth bag or gauze.
  • Place the bag of seeds in a dark place.
  • The fabric should be damp.
  • After a week, remove the seeds, dry them slightly and plant them in the ground.

Leek seeds do not absorb water very well, and this treatment will allow them to accumulate the moisture necessary for germination.

Technology for sowing leek seeds in open ground:

  • Before sowing, dig the bed to a depth of 20 cm and add 4 kg of compost and 40 g of urea, potassium salt and superphosphate per 1 square meter of soil.
  • Lightly compact the soil.
  • Make grooves 8 cm deep.
  • Sow in furrows.
  • Sprinkle with a 2-3 cm layer of soil.
  • Compact the soil again (you can slam it down with your hand).

After the seedlings grow to a height of 10 cm, they must be placed in a permanent place at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other, keeping a gap of 50 cm between rows.

Leek seeds are sown for seedlings in February-March. Containers for seedlings can be very different: seed boxes, pots (at least 12 cm in diameter) or greenhouse beds.

The composition of the soil for seedlings can be as follows:

  • Peat - one part
  • Garden soil - one part
  • Humus - one and a half parts.

Pour the prepared soil into seedling containers in a layer of 8-10 cm, compact it and pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate (40-50°C) for disinfection.

Caring for pearl onions, in addition to feeding and hilling, includes regular weeding, loosening and watering. Plants need to be watered once every 4-5 days, increasing the frequency of watering only on very hot and dry days. Water consumption is 10 liters per square meter of soil. The water temperature should be 15 degrees.

The harvest time depends on the leek variety: some varieties begin to be harvested as early as August, others intended for storage - no earlier than October. The best time to harvest leeks is a few days before frost.

The leek is carefully dug up and, holding it by the stem, is pulled out of the ground. The plant for storage is cut to a length of 25 cm, the roots are shortened to 2 cm, placed in containers and sprinkled with wet sand. It is not possible to cut off the roots completely, because without them, the onion begins to rot.

The most acceptable storage temperature is 1-2 degrees.

Leeks have an amazing unique feature: during storage, they increase the content of ascorbic acid in the stalk by one and a half times. No other vegetable has this property.

More information can be found in the video.

Gardeners in Russia are now increasingly engaged in growing onions and leeks on their plots. This is a rather rare crop for the Russian Federation. It is also known as “pearl onion”. It is generally accepted that caring for leeks requires a lot of effort and a lot of time. Planting and growing leeks is a troublesome business - this hypothesis only concerns how to care for onions. In comparison, pearl onions require as much attention as other vegetables.

Leeks - description

The vegetable leek is a herbaceous biennial that reaches a height of 40 cm to 1 meter. During 1 year of its existence, it develops a strong root system, a false white bulb, with a diameter of 2-8 cm and a length of 10 to 12 cm, turning into a false stem.

In addition, during this period, many linear-lanceolate, fan-shaped leaves of green and green with blue shades are formed. In the 2nd year of life, in mid-summer, the leek forms a peduncle, the height of which reaches 2 m. With flowers of pink or white hue. The flowers form an umbrella-shaped inflorescence.

Closer to September, the seeds reach maturity. They have an appearance similar to onion seeds. Leek seeds retain the ability to sprout for 2 years.

Leeks are resistant to cold weather and have special requirements for watering. Where there are central and northern regions, this crop is preferred to be grown using seedlings, and in the southern regions it is immediately sown in the soil.

Pearl onions rightfully take pride of place in country garden beds

Types and varieties

Pearl onions have 3 types of varieties. They depend on how soon the harvest will be received. This:

  • early variety;
  • mid-season;
  • late (winter).

Early ripening leek– this is when the “leg” matures within 100 to 140 days. This onion has very delicate greens containing a small amount of fiber. Can be used as food. Species growing in the summer season are characterized by high yields. The weight of 1 fruit can reach 350 g, the length of the “leg” is from 40 to 50 cm, but the thickness is not so large - from 3 to 4 cm. It is very difficult to store onions of this type, but in order to eat it immediately after harvest - will fit well.

Medium ripening leek matures in 140 to 160 days. Its “leg” is shorter - from 30 to 40 cm, but thicker - from 4 to 5 cm. Mid-season onions have dark green feathers, which have a coarse fibrous structure. The feather is covered with a layer of waxy coating. You can store such onions for two to two and a half months.

Late ripening variety a guest from Asia who finds himself in Russia ripens within 200 days. It is customary to cultivate it using seedlings.

Another option is to send it to grow in a greenhouse where heating is provided. When winter ends, there's a good chance you'll have a healthy, bountiful onion harvest.

What distinguishes the late leek variety? This is its “leg” - a “giant”, the diameter of which can be 7 cm, but its height grows no more than 20 cm.

Important! “]A late-ripening variety of leek can retain its beneficial qualities for a long time. During the period when onions are stored, the dose of vitamin C contained in it increases 3 times!

Characteristics and description of early varieties (consider common types).

Features of early ripening leek varieties

Columbus. A guest from Holland (it was bred there) - the Columbus variety. Ripens in 100 to 110 days. A distinctive feature is the ability to produce fruits weighing up to 400 g. The “leg” has a sharp-sweet taste, and the greens are distinguished by the fact that they are soft. This bow does not require additional hilling. It's quite easy to care for. Resistant to diseases. Widely used when preparing fresh salads.

Vesta. Russian breeders developed the Vesta variety. It can reach a height of 1.5 m in its growth. It has a powerful “leg”, sweet in taste, the height of which is about 30 cm with a diameter of 3 to 4 cm. It will please the gardener with a harvest after 120 days. To make the productive part of the onion stem larger, it is hilled up or covered with earth.

Variety Elephant trunk . The “leg” of an elephant’s trunk can reach a height of 30 cm. This only happens if the leek is systematically hilled. A distinctive feature is a pleasant sweetish taste, as well as the ability to be stored for a long time.

Leek variety Goliath. The goliath has powerful, wide feathers of a gray-green hue. They are eaten. A mature vegetable weighs approximately 200 g. It is not resistant to diseases. Ripens after 120-130 days.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 49 years old

Leek Kilim. A distinctive quality of kilim is that the “leg” can reach a height of 30 cm, its diameter is about 5 cm, and it also has a denser structure. The weight of a ripe leek is from 150 to 170 grams. Widely used for drying and preservation.

Variety name Bulgarian giant speaks for itself. The “leg” has a height of 45 cm and a diameter of about 4 cm. The color of the leaf blades is green-blue. Excellent for long-term storage, preservation, and eating immediately after collection. The yield indicator is 5 kg/sq.m. If taken care of carefully - 6.

Video: review of interesting varieties of leeks

About the best mid-season varieties - description

Medium ripening variety Kazimir . A native of Germany is Kazimir. Its fruits weigh about 250 g. They have a bleached powerful part, the thickness of which is from 5 to 6 cm, reaches a height of 30 cm, and the leek tastes very delicate. The leaves are dark green, very coarse, and not suitable for eating.

Feature of Kavar is a thin “leg”, the leaf plates are narrow and delicate. It is most often used as greens, as it has a very strong taste and aroma compared to other varieties. The yield indicator is 4.5 kg/sq.m. Not more.

A species that produces a high yield is Tango. It is distinguished by the fact that the “leg” is short, as well as by the leaves of small size and blue-green color. The growing season is from 120 to 130 days. A mature vegetable weighs 250 g. Great for preparing salads and canning.

Guest from the Czech Republic – Kamus. The breeders of this country have tried their best to create a fruit that is resistant to fungal diseases. The yield indicator is average. 1 fruit weighs about 150 g. The height of the “leg” is from 15 to 18 cm, and the thickness is from 2 to 3 cm. The vegetable has a burning taste. It is used when preparing salads.

The onion variety is Pandora leek the height of the “leg” is up to 25 cm, and the diameter is about 5 cm. The dark leaf blades have a dense structure. The variety is used for both preservation and fresh storage. The yield indicator is 4 kg/sq.m.

The Jolant onion is considered short (about 40 cm). This variety is very often used in industrial-scale processing. The glaucous purple tops are quite coarse. The vegetable weighs approximately 180 g. The stem is of medium height and thickness.

Bastion is a high-yielding variety. The “leg” has a height of about 30 cm. The weight of a mature vegetable is about 220 g.

Some varieties of leeks do not form flowers, but aerial bulbs.

The main late varieties of leeks and their characteristics

A native of Russia is Asgeos. It has large fruits. The weight of 1 can reach 350 g. The massive stem has a thickness of 6 to 7 cm. It reaches a height of 20 cm (very rarely more). After 180-200 days, you can harvest. Stored well. The taste is slightly spicy.

Dutch bandit is a late-ripening, tall hybrid. It has a short bleached part and a cut thickness of up to 8 cm. It is easy to store. He is left, without any problems, to spend the winter in the basement.

The late-ripening species is Carantan. The growing season is prolonged, since ripening occurs after 200 days. The length of the “leg” is short, but it is thick in diameter. The taste of the culture is mild-spicy.

A characteristic feature of leek Mercury, this is what the “leg” has - the shape of a cylinder. The fruit weighs 150 g. This onion stores well. It is resistant to diseases.

The winter onion variety Gigant the stem is 7 cm thick, and the height of the onion is about 25 cm. As a rule, it is consumed fresh. Tolerates low temperatures well. Yield indicator 6 kg/sq.m.

Variety Elephant - the product of Czech breeders, in comparison with others, is drought-resistant and frost-resistant. The length of the “leg” is about 25 cm. The fruit weighs up to 200 g. The leaves are blue-green in color and have a strong waxy coating. The bulb is poorly expressed.

Autumn giant. The “brainchild” of Dutch breeders is the Autumn Giant. It has a large leg, reaching a height of 40 cm, the diameter of which is about 8 cm, and a bleached stem. Loves moisture. There should be no weeds near it. Can be stored for a long time.

Worth paying attention! “]When choosing a leek variety for planting, the region and purpose of cultivation are taken into account. For example, if you want to eat fresh greens, then you should give preference to early varieties. When leeks are needed "on hand" during the winter season, then it is worth purchasing one of the late-ripening types.

Growing leek seedlings at home has recently become very popular among summer residents.

How to plant leeks

This is done using:
seeds for winter sowing (do not soak or germinate).

They use the seedless method of planting leeks (seeds) only in the southern regions of the Russian Federation. In the central regions, it is necessary to grow seedlings in order to harvest a full harvest in 1 season.

How to plant leeks using seeds

The material for sowing retains the ability to germinate for 3 years. In addition, the best option is to use not fresh, but material that has been sitting for two years. If the seeds were purchased in a store, there is no point in preparing them in advance. If you have to deal with homemade material, the preparatory work will be similar to processing cabbage seeds.

March is the time when activities begin before planting onions:

  1. Seeds should be disinfected before planting. To do this, they are first placed in water heated to 45 degrees, and then placed in cold water.
  2. It is necessary to create conditions for the seeds to germinate. To do this, moisten the cloth with warm water, place them there, and leave them in a warm place for 3 days.
  3. After this period, the seeds are collected and slightly dried to facilitate sowing. Then immediately placed in the soil.

When choosing a place for future planting of leeks, they are guided by the principle of crop compatibility.

Pearl onions will be happy if the predecessor plants were: cucumbers, garlic, cabbage, onions, peas, beans, carrots, potatoes (early). According to the recommendation of gardeners, fertilizers must first be added to the soil before planting leeks.

Leeks are planted according to this scheme:

  • Seeds are planted at a depth not exceeding 2 cm.
  • There should be a distance of 15 to 25 cm between each row.

Video: Sowing leek seeds in open ground

Leeks: planting seedlings - seedling method

How to plant onions using seedlings? For those regions where the climate is cool and temperate, experts recommend growing leek seedlings in this way:

  • When winter comes to an end, you need to sow seeds in boxes. The depth of the groove is usually 2 cm. The intervals between rows are 5 cm. The soil should be fertilized in advance.
  • The boxes are covered with polyethylene and taken to a room where it is warm and light.
  • As soon as the first shoots appear, the polyethylene is removed, and the temperature in the room is lowered to +14 degrees in the evening, and +20 degrees during the day.
  • After 30 days, the seedlings are thinned out and planted in containers with a diameter of about 5 centimeters. Once every 14 days it is necessary to moisten it using compost tea and trim it so that the height does not exceed 10 cm.

Leek seedlings are planted according to the rules.

  • In the first weeks of April - in a greenhouse (made of glass).
  • In the last days of this month, leek seedlings are planted in open ground under polyethylene.
  • In May - already in the ground, which does not need to be covered. A useful action would be: shortening the roots of the onion by 1/3.

Note!”] In order for leek seedlings to take root well in the soil, it is necessary to place the roots in advance in a composition made of clay and mullein, taken in the same ratio.

Video: leek planting and care in open ground before winter (Moscow region)

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Features of growing leeks

Landing dates

The gardener must decide in advance on the timing: when is the best time to plant the planting material. The timing of sowing depends on how the onions were grown. Experts consider the best way to use seedlings, i.e. its cultivation, and subsequent planting in open soil.

Therefore, the logical answer to the question of “what is the best time to plant seeds” will be related to the variety of leek. The seeds are sown taking into account the fact that after 65-75 days they become grown seedlings, which are planted in open ground. On March 20-25, leek to obtain seedlings from it. These terms are the most optimal.

There is also information that the best time to plant leek seeds to obtain seedlings is the end of February. Seedlings that have grown up are planted outdoors in early May, or in the middle of the month.

How to prepare soil for planting

The land intended for this culture must be neutral. In order to reduce the acidity of the soil, dolomite is added to it in the fall. If the soil has an alkaline pH, a small amount of peat should be added in the fall.

Even in the fall, it is necessary to apply fertilizer to the soil in order to increase its physical characteristics and in order to increase the yield of leeks. Experts recommend fertilizing the soil with rotted manure and compost. Fertilizers are applied per 1 sq.m. area from 6 to 8 kg.

It doesn’t hurt to take into account that the optimal predecessor plants for this crop are pumpkin crops, potatoes, and legumes (peas, beans, etc.).

Here we talked about that: and revealed the secret of how to deal with it.

How to care for leek beds

As leeks grow outdoors, they, like all crops, need care. The soil must be watered, fertilized, and loosened between the rows. As soon as the diameter of the stem becomes a little larger, it is worth adding soil to the holes.

After this, at intervals of 14 days, the crop is hilled (earth is raked up to the stems) so that the white part of the “leg” grows as long as possible. It is best when hilling leeks is combined with watering.

As a rule, during growth, leeks need to be hilled 4 to 6 times.

How to water and fertilize

It is necessary to provide leeks with regular and abundant watering (once every 5 days). It is necessary to fertilize the plant: this procedure is carried out 3-4 times during the entire growing period (until the end of the summer season).

The first time they are fertilized is usually 21 days after the onions were planted. The following fertilizers are used: cow manure, bird droppings, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, ammophosphate.

Advice!”] Experts advise, at the same time as hilling, to feed by adding ash to the onion.

How does maturation work?

If the summer is cold and rainy, certain varieties of leeks will ripen very slowly. They will not have time to reach full strength by the time the harvest needs to be harvested.

Leek varieties of late ripening can withstand low temperatures when the first frost occurs. If the onions are not ripe by the end of autumn, they are transplanted into boxes and taken into the house. There he will ripen.

In order for leeks to ripen well, it is better to plant them in the place in the garden that is best lit.
If you want to collect onion seeds, it makes sense to leave it over the winter. The plants will be rewarded with good seeds for next year.

Leek is a plant with pleasant taste characteristics and is very healthy.

Properties of leeks - harm and benefits

Leeks contain a high content of vitamin C. In addition to it, they contain vitamins: B1, B2, E. The culture contains: carotene, protein substances, potassium salts, magnesium, iron, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus.

This type of leek has such a unique quality: during storage, the amount of ascorbic acid in it increases by more than 1.5 times.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that leeks have healing properties. That is why this plant was used when help was needed for: gout, rheumatism, scurvy, obesity, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, exhaustion, and urolithiasis. The use of leeks showed good results when treatment was required for people who were physically and mentally exhausted.

Clinical studies have shown that leeks have a diuretic and choleretic effect, they stimulate appetite and have a positive effect on liver function.

Leek slows down the development of cancer. So, it is used for diagnoses: prostate cancer, intestinal cancer, uterine cancer. This culture helps to increase tone, restore the body, and gives strength in the spring, when vitamin deficiency occurs.

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Onions have a wound healing effect. When a person is scratched or has abrasions, leeks will help the wounds heal faster. It also increases hemoglobin in the blood.

The culture is successfully used in the treatment of diseases such as anthrax, tuberculosis, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, diarrhea, chills, insomnia, arthritis, ulcer attacks. The vegetable is also effective in treating other disorders and diseases of the body.

Storage Features

Leeks are good for storing at home. In the event that it is properly “packed” in the fall. During the long winter, onions will be able to please the owner of the garden and his relatives with greens containing many useful properties. Leeks are stored in the refrigerator using plastic bags.

Advice!”] There is one caveat here: before putting the onions in the refrigerator, you need to cool the bags and onions to storage temperature. Then the onions are packed into bags and placed in the refrigerator.

Leeks, like regular onions, are frozen as follows: cut into small pieces, placed in a plastic bottle or containers, and then placed in the freezer.

It’s very convenient to do this: freeze onions in ice cubes along with dill and parsley. It will be easy for housewives to prepare dishes later. For example, you can add such a cube to soup or borscht. You can also put these cubes in 2 dishes. It will be very tasty!

This type of onion can be dried and stored in a glass jar in one of the compartments of the kitchen cabinet. When there is a basement or balcony where the air temperature is low, leeks are planted in a box filled with wet sand. Leek roots should be planted at a shallow depth.

Don’t forget to add extra sand between the plants: 10 cm.

In this form, the onions will not lose freshness throughout the winter period. If necessary, then longer. As soon as it is needed, they dig it up in the right quantity to use the leek for preparing various dishes.

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It is recommended to trim leek seedlings not only before the crop is transplanted into the open sky (leaves and roots are cut to 1). This is also done when the plant matures. When young leek plants are pruned, a length of 8 to 10 cm is left. The leaves need to be trimmed so that the root system is formed properly and the stem is thick.

For planting new seedlings of onions and leeks, small square pots 4x4cm are suitable. It is convenient to place such containers on the windowsill, and there is enough space in the pots for plants.

Vegetable growers sow leeks in July and leave them to overwinter in the ground for an early harvest. By the way, even with normal planting in the spring, this crop is left for the winter as a plant that produces crops for many years.

The onions are covered and dug up when the need arises. The plants that remain will be able to sprout and produce seeds in the spring (this is due to the fact that onions are a biennial crop). When the region has low temperatures in winter, it is not worth the risk, but it is better to grow leeks as an annual plant.

Video: Leeks - growing tricks

Alina Sokolova, especially for

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