Features of choosing shading mesh for greenhouses and canopies. Shading net for greenhouses: why and how to shade a greenhouse How to shade a greenhouse

In winter, all the efforts of the gardener are aimed at preserving heat and ensuring maximum illumination of the greenhouse. With the onset of spring, the sun shines more and more, which can cause overheating indoors, and this, in turn, will lead to the death of plants.

Therefore, sometimes when there is excessive sunlight, greenhouses need to be shaded. It is not enough to simply cover the transparent cover of the greenhouse; shading should be combined with proper ventilation and watering of the plants, this is the only way to create a balanced microclimate in the greenhouse. Shading will also help reduce watering of plants, since moisture will not evaporate as quickly.

If the greenhouse is equipped with a sufficiently effective ventilation system, then it requires almost no shading. The only exception is when direct sunlight causes burns on plant leaves.

All plants grown in protected soil can be divided into light- and shade-loving. If both crops grow in a greenhouse, then they should be placed correctly in the room. Plants that love the sun and do not suffer from overheating are best placed in close proximity to frames that transmit light. Shade-loving crops will feel better in the depths of the greenhouse, near the aisle.

How can you prevent excessive sunlight from entering the greenhouse? This can be done by correctly positioning the greenhouse on the site (this has already been discussed in previous chapters), and using techniques for shading the structure. There are two ways to shade a greenhouse: by applying special paint to the transparent surface and by using materials that block the passage of sunlight.

Shading using coloring is a fairly ancient method. As a paint that prevents the passage of excess sunlight, you can use lime whitewash or highly diluted emulsion paint. These compounds are easily applied to the surface and serve well for quite a long time without being washed off by rain. But they also have their drawbacks: at the end of the season, it is not at all easy to remove paint from glass. To completely remove the shading layer, you have to work hard with a stiff brush.

Therefore, it is best to use liquid shading compounds developed specifically for greenhouses, which are easily applied to the surface and easily removed from it. Whatever paint is used for shading, it must be white. Only this shade reflects heat, while other colors absorb it. Rain and winds thin the shading layer, so that when hot weather sets in, it often has to be renewed.

The use of liquid shading compounds is not always convenient for the gardener. The fact is that once the paint is applied it remains on the glass throughout the season. But even in summer, cloudy weather, when the sky is overcast, or cold snaps are inevitable. Even these days, a layer of paint prevents the penetration of sunlight into the greenhouse, and garden crops suffer from a lack of light and heat. And it is almost impossible to wash off and reapply paint every time the weather changes.

Therefore, it is best to use special shading screens as means of protecting from sunlight. The best screens are those made of wooden or plastic slats or mats. Such screens are durable, easy to roll up and unfold, and withstand changes in temperature and humidity well. When the glass is covered with such shading screens, some light still enters the greenhouse, but the plants do not suffer from excess light or from overheating.

Some owners use blinds made of plastic and coated with white paint as such shading screens. They are also very convenient to use. Protective screens can be installed both from the inside and outside of the greenhouse. If the screens are rolled into a tube, then it is more appropriate to place them on the outside of the greenhouse. These same screens can serve as an excellent means of protection against frost in winter. In this case, they need to be deployed at night, when the temperature drops and the sun does not.

Internal shading screens are often made in the form of roll-up blinds.

Being located inside the greenhouse, they are not exposed to atmospheric influences, which means they hardly deteriorate.

But at the same time, such screens, preventing the passage of sunlight into the greenhouse, transmit thermal radiation, which passes through the glass and heats the air in the room. Internal screens, if they do not fit tightly to the glass, can damage the leaves of plants growing in the greenhouse. Therefore, the screens must always be lowered and raised with great care.

You can equip your home greenhouse with a special device that will allow you to regulate shading without human intervention. External shading screens are driven by motors that activate light sensors. As soon as there is excess sunlight, the shading screen unfolds and covers the glass surface of the greenhouse. In cloudy weather, the screen is always minimized.

A gardener can make a shading screen without much expense from scrap materials. For this, an opaque film or burlap is used, which is nailed to a wooden frame made of durable slats. An improvised screen is attached to the side walls of the greenhouse and the roof from the outside.

As a last resort, you can use a large piece of thick fabric for shading. It is thrown over the roof and attached to the ridge or slopes so that it does not blow off the wind.

In our latitudes, growing vegetables and berries in greenhouses has been practiced for quite some time. This allows you to get a harvest earlier than when planting a crop directly in open ground, or to collect several harvests. However, recently, when the summer becomes hotter, many are faced with the fact that plants in greenhouses are burning: they turn yellow, wither and quickly die.

This occurs due to an excessive increase in temperature inside, in some cases it reaches 50°C, which is incompatible with the life processes in plants. Shading the greenhouse can solve this problem. Young seedlings need shading already in mid-March - early April, when there are more sunny days than inclement ones, and the length of daylight hours increases.

How can you shade

In fact, shading is the simplest device for regulating the microclimate inside a greenhouse.

Experts assure: if your greenhouse is not permanent and is not equipped with an automatic ventilation system, then it must be shaded.

It is possible among trees, and then in the summer their foliage will naturally shade the plants and protect them from the destructive rise in temperature in the hottest time of the year. The shading should not be too strong. Plants need at least 4 hours of sunlight per day to grow fully. In the case of trees, it is impossible to predict how much they will cover the greenhouse.

In addition, this option is not available to everyone, so many greenhouse owners shade them artificially. To do this, use special materials or whatever is at hand: shading mesh, polypropylene fabric, spunbond, dirty or colored polyethylene, special paint.

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Rules for the use of shading materials

In some cases, fast-growing leafy crops that can cover the roof are deliberately planted near or inside the greenhouse. Aristolochia, philodendrons and passionflower are very suitable for these purposes. In addition to shading, they also prevent direct rays from reaching the plants growing in the greenhouse and increase the humidity inside the structure. If you decide to use this method, then be prepared to face the fact that due to the reduced temperature, the plants will take a little longer to develop, and due to the increased humidity, harmful insects may appear in constantly shaded areas.

Shading using special water-soluble paints, reflective and shadow nets is much more controllable. Paint is applied to the roof and side surfaces of the greenhouse using a sprayer or a brush. It can be removed naturally or mechanically if it is no longer needed. You can spray paint in exactly the proportion that is needed.

The predecessor of shading paint was ordinary lime, which was diluted with water and sprinkled on the roof of polyethylene greenhouses to shade plantings. If lime is diluted with water and milk, it will not be washed away by rain and will not crumble. That is, once, having sprayed it in the required proportion over the coating, there was no need to renew the layer all season.

Reflective nets should only be used in areas of high solar activity. To shade the greenhouse, such a grid is placed outside. And shade nets can be found in different densities, so they are a more versatile option. Depending on the density, they transmit from 25 to 75% of light. Such nets are placed outside to avoid overheating of the greenhouse. The best way is to leave an air gap of 7-10 cm between the greenhouse roof and the mesh for air circulation. But in this case, the mesh can easily be damaged by the wind.

Today there are automatic systems that are based on light-sensitive sensors. When there is excessive solar activity, sensors are triggered, they start the motor, and shading screens are deployed over the roof of the greenhouse. Such systems are very convenient for those who cannot constantly be near their plantings, but are concerned about their safety.

In any case, shading has a very beneficial effect on plants. So if you've never done this before and have experienced the disastrous effects of overheating, be sure to give it a try. Thanks to modern materials, the shading process can be approached so that part of the greenhouse receives more light, while others receive less.

In many regions of our country, greenhouses or greenhouses have become not just a luxury, but an urgent necessity, since without them it is impossible to grow good seedlings, as well as some vegetables and herbs.

But then another problem appears.

With the onset of spring, the air temperature rises, there are more and more sunny days, and the length of daylight hours increases.

There is a need to protect plants from bright sunlight and overheating. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Methods for shading a greenhouse

The first way is plant a hedge outside the greenhouse, which will filter the amount of sunlight. In this case, it is advisable not to plant large trees - a barrier of low ornamental shrubs planted at some distance from the greenhouse (for ventilation) is sufficient. The height of the plants is selected in such a way that the greenhouse is heated by the sun for at least four hours every day.

Second way - create shade inside the greenhouse, planting unpretentious vines with large leaves. It should be taken into account that due to high humidity, harmful insects, fungi and mold may appear in the shaded areas of greenhouses. And if you plant plants that shed leaves inside a greenhouse, you will have to thoroughly clean it regularly.

Another way to protect against excess heat is special water-soluble paints that are applied to the surface of the greenhouse.

Previously, ordinary lime diluted with water was used for these purposes (it was sprayed on the roof of the greenhouse). However, it was easily washed off with rainwater. If the lime was diluted with water with the addition of milk, the coating became more stable (it was not washed off by rain and did not crumble throughout the season). New technologies offer the use of special paints that can be applied to the roof and side surfaces of the greenhouse using a spray gun.

This technology is not a panacea, but it can significantly reduce the amount of heat entering the greenhouse. However, before painting the surface of a translucent material (for example, polycarbonate), it is worth remembering that the durability of the paint in this case is more of a disadvantage than an advantage, because after a week or two of heat passes, the lack of light will again become a problem.

A reliable and practical way to shade a greenhouse - hanging surfaces. Such protection is installed on top of the greenhouse or on its walls on the sunny side. For this purpose, roll products are used that are sufficiently resistant to moisture, wind and ultraviolet radiation. These are, for example, agrofibre, polypropylene fabrics, reflective films (however, films have one significant drawback - they are very difficult to remove from surfaces). For these purposes, roll-up blinds (wooden slats or “mat”) and sun screens are also used, on the frame of which a shading mesh is stretched (Fig. 1).

More popular now reflective mesh, which can block up to 75% of heat. Foil threads can be woven into the shadow mesh - the result is also light reflection of up to 50% of the sun's rays.

However, the use of such grids requires compliance with certain conditions. There must be an air gap between the mesh and the surface of the greenhouse. The mesh can be installed both inside and outside the greenhouse. Attach it to the frame by yourself or, by installing special clips, stretch it with a cable or nylon cord to the greenhouse frame (Fig. 2). If necessary, the mesh can be easily removed.

The light transmittance of the mesh depends on the frequency and size of the cells. Depending on climatic conditions, a material with a shading level of 15 to 85% is selected, but meshes with a coefficient of 40-50% are more often used.

A fairly popular design is when the material is wound on a horizontal crossbar along the wall of the greenhouse (Fig. 3). It is also possible to locally shade the beds in the greenhouse using a mesh attached to the frame.

In addition to these materials, there are energy-saving films that almost do not absorb light, but significantly prevent the penetration of infrared radiation, which, in fact, is heat.

And although such films are not at all cheap, once you spend once, you don’t have to think about protecting your greenhouse for many years. By the way, such a film works “both ways”: in winter it saves heat inside, and in summer it keeps it out.

Shading mesh for greenhouses and canopies is needed both to shade plants from exposure to aggressive sunlight and to protect them from insect pests. There are different types of such meshes, which have their own characteristics. And in order to choose a good shading net for greenhouses, all this must be known and taken into account.

It is so durable and resistant to all sorts of unfavorable external factors that it does not rot or deteriorate even over several years. At the same time, the functional qualities of such material are also not reduced.

Such materials are very durable, but due to their lower density and production costs, their price is slightly lower. This type of mesh is capable of both trapping insects and sunlight, and partially protecting the area from precipitation and wind.

The cheapest and simplest is considered to be a shading mesh made of fabric. Even the poorest summer resident can afford such material. The mesh does a good job of protecting plants from the sun, but you shouldn’t expect protection from precipitation. The material will not last very long, since excess moisture causes the fabric to rot easily. But such a mesh can also be used for other economic purposes, and not just for shading greenhouses and canopies.

Selecting the color of the shading material

There are 3 more varieties of garden nets by color. This parameter, contrary to the skeptical statements of many inexperienced summer residents, is also very important. After all, color can influence many factors regarding the cultivation of garden crops.

Thus, blue-green garden coverings are considered the most successful option for greenhouses in which it is planned to grow plants all year round. This color helps optimize the internal microclimate and maintain it at the appropriate level. And a mesh of this shade protects plants very well from mold and sunburn, even if moisture gets on the leaves on a sunny day.

Practice shows that the use of gray-green garden nets for greenhouses helps to accelerate the ripening of crops and increase the size of fruits. This effect is achieved precisely by optimizing the microclimate and allowing the maximum amount of necessary light to enter the greenhouse.

Gray shade coating is considered the most suitable for protecting flower and ornamental crops. The fact is that this color of the protective mesh promotes enlargement of leaves, accelerated development of shoots and buds. But if we talk about fruiting, then the gray network does not have any influence on this process.

It is also necessary to note the fact that it is the gray net that will best protect plants from night frosts. For this reason, it is recommended to use it in autumn and in regions with variable climate, where even summer nights can be very cold.

Red mesh is a pretty good option for protecting fruit-bearing garden and vegetable crops. The red color remarkably activates the processes of flower formation, ovary and crop ripening. If you use red material, you will notice that flowering occurs much faster, as a result you can get a harvest much earlier than in an area completely open to the sun.

Red shading net for the garden also helps to increase the number of fruits and their size. But it is also necessary to remember that this color provokes the growth of shoots. As a result, don't be surprised if you have to prune a little more often than usual.

To successfully choose a garden net for yourself, you need to listen to a few simple and useful tips. Indeed, when choosing such a material, you need to take into account many factors, such as the purposes for which the mesh is intended, plant varieties, and climate characteristics.

  1. The cell size of the shading mesh has a huge impact on the development of plants. The larger they are, the greater the amount of heat and sunlight the material will transmit. Thus, for growing celery, cabbage, dill, lettuce and various crops with large, dense leaves, experts strongly recommend giving preference to nets with small cells, which will create good shade. After all, these types of plants are considered not only shade-tolerant, but also develop much better in the shade than in the sun.
  2. It must be remembered that the more sunlight hits the material over a long period of time, the better quality the material must be purchased. After all, colored fabric mesh will fade very quickly, causing it to quickly lose its basic properties. Therefore, for permanent use in a sunny place, it is best to give preference to meshes made of polymers or polycarbonate.
  3. To protect verandas, balconies, parking lots and gazebos from the sun, you should choose a network that is better suited for its decorative properties. And, of course, preference should be given to materials that can at least partially protect the space not only from the scorching sun, but also from precipitation.

Shading mesh is an excellent inexpensive material that can help both in the garden and in the garden, and on vacation.

The choice of shading mesh is an important matter. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time and study all the properties of materials and their features, and listen to the advice of experienced specialists. Then in the future you will not have to regret that the shading grid does not fully perform its functions. Whatever material you choose, be sure to study the intricacies of its installation. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid damage to the mesh during the process of stretching it.

Greenhouse shading grid (video)

Gallery: shading mesh for greenhouses and canopies (15 photos)

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Abroad, to control the amount of light entering the greenhouse, they use a system of curtains such as blinds, which automatically opens or closes them. We are far from this and the light-retaining material is attached once and until the end of summer.

What workers' and peasants' materials can be used to shade a greenhouse and how much will this pleasure cost? Prices for shading materials will be indicated wholesale in hryvnias and for spring 2011.

Shading material can be attached either inside the greenhouse or on top, outside the greenhouse. Securing the shade material inside will still allow solar energy to penetrate into the greenhouse (the shade material will absorb the energy and release it inside), so it is preferable to place the shade material outside. However, when fixing the greenhouse on top, you need to use a shading material that does not have windage, is resistant mechanically and to the sun, and does not require complex acrobatic work.

Practice shows that for various crops it is necessary for the light delay to be 60% or higher. And on the hottest sunny days and all 80%.

What materials exist that are suitable for shading a greenhouse?

Shading the greenhouse with a shade net.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel (and don’t read the article further), because a special material for shading has already been invented. This is created specifically for shading and, otherwise, is a wonderful material for protecting a greenhouse from the sun. But it is also relatively expensive. True, it's not cheap - its only drawback.

Cost from 3 UAH per sq. m. - but this is a 36% shading mesh which is of little use. In fact, you need to buy a more expensive one.

Lime shading.

A free and effective way to shade a greenhouse. We dilute the lime and apply it to the surface of the greenhouse by spraying or brushing. This method is used by many greenhouse growers. More suitable for polyethylene greenhouses. When it gets warmer, only the side walls of the greenhouse are removed, but the polyethylene roof remains. Lime mortar is applied to it.

Shading using spunbond.

It has been proven that you can hammer nails with pliers and, in the same way, shade them with spunbond. Indeed, one day it was necessary to further shade the corner of the greenhouse where the gloxinias stood. There was no shading net - no need to buy a roll. But there was spunbond, which was easily pulled over the desired rack.

Spunbond is a relatively cheap material. But, under the influence of the sun, it is destroyed, so it will only last for one season.

Spunbond is very fragile and breaks quickly. Securing it is problematic: it is impossible to tighten it, but you need to fasten the entire perimeter and also in the center.

Spunbond is not transparent to the wind, so it must be placed inside the greenhouse.

The cheapest 17-density Chinese spunbond costs 180 UAH per roll 3*100m = 200/300 = 1.4 UAH per sq. m.

Shading with polypropylene fabric.

I cover the winter garden with such a fabric (see photo), which is used in the summer for sowing seeds of perennials and pansies. The small area prevents the fabric from being torn off by the wind.

Awnings for household needs are made from this fabric. The awnings are blue in color and come in various sizes. There are holes around the perimeter with steel sleeves for fastening. This fabric is strong and can be pulled over the edges. True, you can’t pull it by the corners - it will rip out the cartridges. The rope needs to be passed around the perimeter, like lacing a shoe. When installing the greenhouse outside, you should take into account the windage and fit it well to the surface so that the wind does not have the opportunity to come in and tear off the shading material.

The fabric transmits light in the blue spectrum and I don't know how bad or good that is. I note that propylene fabric has sufficient light-retaining ability, which can be seen in the photo.

From 3.20 per sq. m.

Shading with dirty polyethylene.

Over time, polyethylene loses light transmittance due to atmospheric influences and dust accumulation. The greenhouse usually has two layers of polyethylene, that is, the effect is doubled. If the polyethylene located at the top is not removed, but only the side walls are removed, then we will already get some sun protection. The side polyethylene can be rolled up, further enhancing the light-retaining ability of the structure.

Shading with solar curtains.

These curtains were used by everyone with windows facing south. Curtains are highly reflective. It is clear that there is no point in attaching such a curtain from the outside. However, a curtain fixed inside the room will still reflect radiant energy outside the room.

One season I shaded the winter garden with solar curtains, gluing the curtains with tape from the inside to the ceiling of the winter garden. It is impractical to shade large areas and glass at an angle with such a curtain.

Shading by trees.

Tall trees should be planted on the south side of the greenhouse. When it’s cold and there’s not enough sun, the trees are bare and don’t block the precious sunlight.

In summer, trees provide natural shade.