Pipes for installing a pump in a well. Construction of a water well: rules for installing equipment

Comfortable living in a private house depends on many factors, and water supply plays an important role here. If there is already a well on the site, then the issue is half resolved. But to ensure a complete water supply, you will need to select a suitable pump, otherwise getting water from a deep and narrow hole will be, to put it mildly, difficult, don’t you agree?

At first glance, installing a pump in a well seems like a rather difficult task. Here, as in any business, there are a number of important nuances. Therefore, before starting to solve it, it is worth thoroughly studying this issue. We will help you understand the intricacies of installing pumping equipment.

Useful tips for installing surface and submersible pumps are presented in this material. There are also photos and videos with expert advice that will help you better understand the intricacies of installation.

First you need to select and purchase a suitable pump, as well as a number of materials necessary for its successful installation. The pump is usually submersible, but it is highly desirable that it be centrifugal.

Unlike centrifugal models, they cause dangerous vibrations in the well, which can lead to destruction of the soil and casing. Such models are especially dangerous for sand wells, which are less stable than their artesian counterparts.

The pump power must correspond to the productivity of the well. In addition, the immersion depth for which a particular pump is designed should be taken into account. A model designed to operate at a depth of 50 m can supply water from a depth of 60 m, but the pump will soon break down.

A submersible centrifugal pump is the optimal choice for a well. Its performance, size and other indicators should be correlated with the characteristics of your own water source

Another risk factor is the level of quality of drilling work. If an experienced team drilled, the well will better withstand the destructive effects. And for wells created with your own hands or through the efforts of “shabashniks”, it is recommended to use not just a centrifugal pump, but special models for wells.

Such devices better withstand the loads associated with pumping water heavily contaminated with sand, silt, clay particles, etc. Another important point is the diameter of the pump. It must match the dimensions of the casing pipe. It is also important to take into account the power supply features of the pump. For wells, both single-phase and three-phase devices are used.

It is easier to find equipment for four-inch pipes than for three-inch pipes. It would be good if this point was taken into account at the well planning stage. The greater the distance from the pipe walls to the pump housing, the better. If the pump fits into the pipe with difficulty rather than freely, you need to look for a model with a smaller diameter.

Preparation of materials accompanying installation

A stuck pump in a casing can be a major headache. And you need to pull it out (as well as lower it) using a special cable. If the pump is already equipped with a polymer cord, you need to make sure that it is of high quality and of sufficient length. Sometimes it makes more sense to purchase this item separately.

It is believed that a reliable cable or cord must be designed to withstand a load that is at least five times the weight of the equipment attached to it. Of course, it must withstand moisture well, since part of it will constantly be in water.

If the device is suspended relatively shallowly, less than ten meters from the surface, care must be taken to provide additional shock absorption for the equipment during operation. To do this, use a piece of flexible rubber or a medical tourniquet. Metal cable or wire is not suitable for suspension as it does not dampen vibration but may destroy the mount.

A special electrical cable is provided to power the pump. Its length should be sufficient so that the cable lies freely and is not strained.

To supply water from the pump to the house water supply, special plastic pipes are used. Designs with a diameter of 32 mm or larger are recommended. Otherwise, the water pressure in the system will be insufficient.

To install a submersible pump, a special cable is used, which is designed for long-term operation under water. Its cross-section must comply with the technical requirements specified in the product passport

Pipes can be used both metal and plastic. There is controversy regarding the connection of metal pipes. Some experts object to the threaded connection as less reliable. It is recommended to use flanges, and the bolt should be on top, this will prevent it from accidentally falling into the well.

But threaded connections in wells are used quite successfully. During installation, winding must be used. Some experts recommend using linen or “Tangit” sealing tape instead of the usual FUM tape or tow. The linen winding is additionally strengthened with silicone sealant or similar material.

The characteristics of the water supply pipe should be selected in accordance with its operating conditions. For depths up to 50 meters, HDPE pipes designed for a pressure of 10 atm are used. For a depth of 50-80 m, you will need pipes capable of operating under a pressure of 12.5 atm, and for deeper wells, pipes of 16 atm are used.

In addition to the pump, pipes and cord or cable, before installing, it is recommended to stock up on the following materials:

  • clamps for securing the electrical cable to the pipe;
  • check valve;
  • pressure gauge;
  • shut-off valve for the water pipe;
  • steel fastening unit;
  • power cable, etc.

Before connecting the pipe to the pump, attach a nipple adapter to its outlet. Usually modern submersible pumps are equipped with such a device, but if it is not there, this unit must be purchased separately.

It should be remembered that to pump the well immediately after drilling, i.e. To remove large amounts of very dirty water from a well, such a pump cannot be used. It will quickly fail. Usually the well is pumped with a separate pump, which is cheaper and works better when working with dirty water.

Rules for installing the surface version

Surface pumps are not often used for this type of water supply as they are only suitable for shallow hydraulic structures, up to eight meters deep.

And yet, this option has a right to exist, and its installation is no more complicated than installing submersible equipment.

Surface pumps are easier to install and cheaper than submersible models, but they are only effective for wells up to eight meters deep

Mount the device as follows:

  1. The surface pump is installed in a special caisson or a separate room.
  2. A hose of suitable length is connected to the suction pipe of the pump.
  3. A check valve is attached to the other end of the hose (a protective measure to prevent water from draining when the pump stops running).
  4. A protective strainer is installed on the valve to prevent various contaminants from entering the pump housing.
  5. The hose is lowered into the well.

At this point, the installation can be considered complete and a test run of the pump can be done. To install such a pump in a well, a special adapter is often used. In this case, the hose is connected to the adapter, and the adapter is connected to the pump. The rest of the installation procedure is exactly the same.

It is a little more difficult to install a surface pump equipped with a remote ejector into a well. In this case, two hoses need to be lowered into the well. In addition to the suction hose, a pressure hose is also installed. It is connected to the side fitting of the ejector using a special outlet.

In some models, it is recommended to use not plastic pipes, but a special rubber hose to supply water. In any case, before starting work, you should carefully study the technical data sheet of the product, as well as the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.

When installing a water supply pipe, it is important to ensure that it is as level as possible. The fewer obstacles to immersing the structure into a narrow casing, the better. The pipe is then connected to the corresponding pump connection.

Another important point is waterproofing all connections. In addition to heat-shrinkable tubes, special couplings are additionally used at the electrical cable connection points. The power cable also needs to be carefully straightened, aligned and laid along the water pipe.

After the water supply pipe and cable are connected, proceed with the installation of a cable (cord, rope) that will hold the device at the required depth. The stainless steel cable is threaded through the eyes provided for this purpose and secured using a special device. Then the cable is also laid out exactly next to the cable and pipe.

A general diagram of installing a submersible pump and connecting all the necessary elements to the house water supply will help you better understand the procedure for performing installation work

Now you should take fixing clamps or special clips and carefully connect the cable, electrical cable and pipe with them. The connection should be fairly tight, but not overly rigid. If the clamp presses too hard on these structures, it can damage them.

Step #2. Immersion of the pump into the well

When all structures are connected, preparation can be considered complete. You can begin installing the pump in the well.

First, a special rubber gasket is put on the casing pipe and the head is installed. Then the pump is carefully passed into the hole in the head and begins to be smoothly lowered down.

The water supply pipe is connected to, for example, a storage tank or a special adapter. Connect the power supply and check the operation of the system. When installing a protective device, the correct current value must be selected.

If this moment is missed, the device may overheat. As a result, the stator winding often shorts. Sometimes there are surges in the voltage supplied to the motor, or it constantly remains too low. All these situations are fraught with rapid breakdown of the device; in some cases, the pump will simply have to be completely replaced.

Step #3. Determining the pump operating point

During pump installation, another important step must be taken - to determine the operating characteristics of the pump under real load. The information specified in the device passport may in fact be very far from what was expected. It is necessary to measure the filling rate of a specific volume, i.e. calculate water consumption per unit of time.

In addition, you should use a pressure gauge to determine the pressure that is created in the water supply when the pump is operating. You will also need to measure the current consumption during operation of the device. To do this, special conductive forceps are attached to it.

Before starting installation, you should study the instructions and passport of the pump in detail, and upon completion, establish the point of operation of the device in real conditions.

Once the necessary measurements have been made, they should be compared with the manufacturer's data specified in the technical documentation of the product. If it turns out that the actual values ​​exceed those recommended by the manufacturer, you should slightly close the pump valve.

As a result, additional resistance will be created, which will bring the device parameters back to normal. In this way, the operating point of the device is verified and established under different operating modes.

A special brass fitting is used to connect the check valve to the water supply pipe. The connection must also have a special drive sleeve. This measure will prevent the pipe from shrinking in diameter and will compensate for the excess stress created by the compression fitting.

The fitting, like all connecting elements, must be of high quality, designed for increased tensile loads. Otherwise, the pipe may simply jump out of the fitting. To connect the opposite end of the HDPE pipe with the outlet at the head, use the same compression drive-in fitting made of brass.

A special electrical cable for submersible pumps is available for sale. It is this that must be used to connect to the pump. Substitutions with lower quality materials are not acceptable. The power cable is connected to the pump cable by soldering; it is better not to use twisting in such an important place. The connection point is covered with a heat-shrink sleeve.

To secure the cable and cable to the water supply pipe, you need plastic clamps. They are installed every 2-3 meters. This measure helps to avoid accidental tangling of the cable while lowering the structure down. Instead of clamps, you can use electrical tape.

To attach the cable and cable to the water supply pipe, you can use plastic clamps. A special adapter will allow you to reliably connect the pump to the pipe

For the sake of economy, a special cable is used only in the area where it will be immersed in water. The remaining distance is covered by a regular PVS cable.

In any case, the cable cross-section must comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations specified in the pump data sheet.

Soldering is performed at the junction of the power cable and the pump cable. After this, the cable is closed with a special heat-shrink sleeve. To install it you will need a hair dryer

The pump can only be suspended from a stainless steel cable. Neither regular black steel nor its galvanized version are designed to withstand continuous use in water.

Video #2. A visual demonstration of another pump installation experience:

It is very important to carry out all operations for installing pumping equipment in a well correctly, since any negligence can result in breakdown or breakage of the cable.

There are situations when the damaged one is from the workings. This leads to a complete loss of the structure and makes it necessary to start drilling all over again. Care and attention will help you install the pump in the best possible way.

It is advisable to equip a water well with a stationary pumping station only after flushing. Installation of a water pump in a well is carried out after preparatory procedures - cleaning and pumping - in order to protect expensive equipment from clogging and damage by sand, clay and dirty water. There are no problems with selection and installation if the installation is carried out by professionals.

If you need to install the equipment yourself, you will first have to study the installation technology and correctly select the elements of the pump group, having previously selected the arrangement scheme.

Water intake diagram with submersible equipment

Types of pumping equipment for wells

Depending on the technical features of the well and the planned average daily volume of water pumping, the type of device and installation diagram are selected. There are 2 methods of arrangement: installation of submersible equipment and installation of a surface pumping group. The routing of pipes is planned based on the regularity of the planned operation: seasonal water supply is organized with flexible hoses on the surface, year-round - with underground wiring below the ground freezing level.

Submersible or surface equipment: differences in installation of systems

Surface stations

Surface devices are installed in pits, caissons or basements (ground floors) of a house. In seasonal summer systems, you can leave the equipment in the open ground. Features of installation and use of surface well pumps:

  • It is necessary to install the group in close proximity to the source, preferably in a pit. If the device is significantly removed, a higher power pump will be required to ensure a constant supply of water from the depths of the well.

The ideal place for mounting a surface device is an insulated pit

  • The supply hose must be equipped with a good filter to prevent dirt from the bottom of the source from getting into the housing.
  • The equipment is noisy; even low-power models require installation in a soundproofed space.
  • Installation of protection and a hydraulic accumulator is mandatory - the pump will quickly fail if turned on frequently.

The main advantage of the equipment is mobility and ease of installation. Also, surface equipment can always be inspected and checked, unlike deep-level devices.

Deep well pumps

Installation of a submersible (deep) water pump is carried out directly into the well. Water is a working medium that functions as a coolant and at the same time a lubricant for engine parts. Downhole devices come in different sizes, diameters and power. Unlike well pumps, borehole pumps have a smaller body diameter, built-in protection and greater power.

Deep well pump works in water

Classification of submersible devices depending on the operating principle of the engine:

  • Vibrating. Inexpensive models not intended for constant use. They are used as temporary devices for watering, flushing and cleaning wells, and pumping out liquids. Water is sucked through the pump nozzle after the inlet rod is opened under the influence of an electromagnetic field.
  • Centrifugal. Mid-price devices that are equipped with factory protection. Installed in systems for constant supply of water to cottages and dachas. The equipment operates absolutely silently and can be installed in wells with any flow rate and depth.

Selection of equipment according to technical characteristics and water intake flow rate

How to choose a submersible pump that needs to be installed in a well, while saving money and not making a mistake? It is enough to calculate only 4 parameters:

  • Source flow rate: the actual amount of water arriving at the wellbore per unit of time (hour, day).

  • Pressure: the height of the water column from the point of intake to the extreme point of water intake in the house. To this value you must add the value that is calculated from the total length of the horizontal wiring. On average, 10 m of pipe is equal to 1 m of water column.
  • The amount of water consumed per hour is the maximum value. The volume that flows out in 1 hour from all water points in the house is summed up.
  • Well string diameter: the minimum diameter must be taken into account. The pipe may narrow at the joints.

For a family of 3 - 4 people, it is enough to buy equipment capable of providing up to 3 cubic meters per hour, and with a maximum pressure of up to 60 m. You should not buy more powerful models: if a hydraulic accumulator is installed, the required volume of liquid accumulates in the tank. There is no need to save money by buying a weak, low-power pump: the equipment will constantly operate at maximum speed, which will shorten its service life.

Installation and connection technology for the pump group: installation of submersible pumps

In order to install the pump in the well correctly and as reliably as possible, you need to prepare the connection parts and the necessary materials for piping. You will need:

  • PVC or plastic rigid hose (pipe) for supplying water from the pump. The standard diameter used for water supply is 32 mm.
  • Keg and check valve. Most pumps are equipped with a 1-inch outlet.

Parts for valve group trim

  • Adapter fitting from valve to pipe.
  • Waterproofing materials: flax (tow), sealant, fum tape.
  • A cable to tie the pump to the well. They use both steel and polyethylene, synthetic material. It is preferable to use plastic, which is not susceptible to corrosion, or a metal cable in a sealed braid.

Ready cable to secure the submersible pump in the well with loops

  • Clamps that secure the cable loops. If using metal ones, you will need waterproof tape.

  • A hook with a carabiner to secure the pump to the well head.
  • Hydraulic accumulator, protection: pressure switch, pressure gauge. Fittings and adapters of the appropriate diameter.

Pump piping: valve and pipe installation

Before fixing the pump in the well, perform piping. First, equip the outlet pipe with a valve. The check valve minimizes the risk of running the pump without water. When the engine stops, the valve closes and water does not flow down through the housing.

The valve is connected to the barrel: sealant is applied to the threads, linen thread is wound, and twisted. The valve connected to the barrel is twisted with a fitting to which the outlet pipe will be connected. To seal the threads, use a special paste-like sealant to connect plastic to metal.

All connections must be carefully insulated

The assembled valve assembly is connected to the pipe - the outlet of the pump. It is advisable to screw an additional filter to the lower suction pipe. It will protect the inner chamber from sucking in sludge.

The assembled valve is connected to the body

How to properly connect the rope and cable

How to properly attach a safety rope to a deep well pump? The cable is unwound, threaded at one end through both holes (ears), wrapping around the body. The short end of the cable is connected to the long end with two or three clamps. Instead of special metal ones, you can use plastic clamps - they do not need to be protected from moisture. If self-compressing plastic fasteners are used, it is worth fixing the loop every 5 cm.

The cable is secured with clamps, forming a loop.

It is better to wrap metal fasteners in several layers with insulating tape on a waterproof adhesive base. When exposed to moisture, steel will quickly collapse without protection.

The finished pump with piping is laid on a flat surface. It is necessary to measure the required length of the cable and form another loop at the end in order to secure the well pump to the surface with the cable. The loop is grabbed with clamps.

The cable is fixed to the pipe on a flat surface

The cable must be disconnected from the capacitor box. Along the entire length of the hose that is connected to the pump, the cable will have to be secured with electrical tape in increments of 20–25 cm. Care must be taken that the wire is not bent or twisted.

Assembling the hydraulic accumulator and protection

Before installing the submersible pump in the wellbore, it is necessary to assemble the hydraulic accumulator unit. The pressure switch is installed directly on the tank. Fine adjustments are made using a pressure gauge. Typically, turning on the pump is set to a pressure drop of up to 1.5 bar, turning off is set at 2.5 - 3 bar.

The tank is connected to the pipeline with fittings. Adapters may be needed of 2 types: angular, if the entrance is located at the bottom and the tank is vertical; or straight if the tank is horizontal. The connections are sealed with moisture-resistant paste and linen thread.

Adapters at the entrance to the tank must be sealed

The pump in the well can be installed either with a connection to a hydraulic accumulator or with a direct connection to the outlet pipe. But you shouldn’t skimp on the tank: the water supply will protect the motor from short operating cycles.

How to properly install and secure a pump inside a well

To correctly install a well pump, it is necessary to calculate the depth of lowering the equipment as accurately as possible. The minimum distance from the inlet filter to the bottom is from 1 to 1.5 m. The upper edge of the pump should be at a distance of 1.5 m to the water level.

Lower the equipment in a strictly vertical position, smoothly. Do not hold the device by the power cable. Lower the pump with a cable. After reaching the required immersion depth, fix the upper loop of the cable on a steel hook or carabiner. The cable is passed through the hole in the cover and the capacitor box is connected.

The cable is secured to the metal hook of the head

The head cover is secured to the casing pipe - the device is ready for a test run. If, after switching on, clean water flows smoothly from the hose with good pressure, you can complete the connection. The hose at the outlet of the well is cut, fittings are connected, and an outlet for irrigation is assembled. The pipes are connected to the hydraulic accumulator.

Video: connecting the pump to the well

A useful video tutorial from a professional on how to assemble, install and securely fasten a submersible pump in a well.

When organizing an autonomous water supply system, special attention is paid to the selection of equipment: it cannot be done without the help of a qualified technician. Pump installation requires skill and experience. Due to the fact that the equipment is constantly in water, it will not be possible to identify installation errors or insufficient sealing until the pump fails.

The lack of a centralized water supply is not yet a reason to forget about high-quality water supply and comfortable living in a private house. This is a reason to think about your own well. An autonomous source of water can become your reality even without the involvement of a professional team and fabulous costs, because practice proves: if you take each stage of well construction seriously, all the work can be done with your own hands. So, if you want to make your home independent in terms of water supply, then we suggest you understand in detail with a video the main stages of organizing a water well: from drilling to connecting automation.

Drilling a well

The first step is to form a well. For drilling, it is best to use the shock-rope method: it is simple but effective.

First, prepare the main working mechanism - a supporting tripod with a driven glass: weld the tripod structure from metal pipes and use a winch with a special cable to secure the glass on it. The height of the support is determined by the length of the driving device used: the tripod should be 1.5-2 m higher than the glass.

Shock-rope well drilling technology

When the mechanism is assembled, start drilling:

  • Drive the glass with pressure into the designated work area;
  • take the soil with a glass;
  • lift the glass and free it from the ground;
  • repeat the steps until the well reaches the required depth.

Advice. When deciding on the depth of the well, take into account two factors: the level of the aquifer in the local area and your economic and domestic needs for water.

After drilling, place the casing pipe into the drilled well. It can be made of either steel or plastic, but must have a threaded connection. It is also important to fix the pipe well - it should fit as tightly as possible to the ground.

We install the caisson

In order for a well to successfully cope with its tasks, its contents must be protected from a number of negative external factors: siltation, freezing, and groundwater penetration. It is for this purpose that a caisson is used - a cylindrical product made of durable plastic or steel. The diameter and length of the device are selected individually to suit the dimensions of a particular well. But the thickness of the cylinder walls in any case should be no less than 5 mm.

Before installing the caisson, it is recommended to thermally insulate it - the material used must be non-flammable. Additionally, it is advisable to protect the cylinder with bricks or plastic panels. These two measures will make the caisson more resistant to external influences and thereby increase its service life.

Metal caissons

The caisson is installed according to a simple scheme:

  • cut a hole in the bottom of the cylinder of the same diameter as the previously fixed casing pipe;
  • lower and secure the caisson into the well - the product should protrude no more than 15-20 cm above the top of the well;
  • cut the casing and weld it to the caisson hole.

Important! The caisson must have a sealed lid with prepared holes for supplying pipes and connecting other working equipment.

We fix the pump and filters

The next mandatory step is pump installation. Its role for an autonomous water supply system is extremely important - the device directly makes it possible to supply water from a well. When choosing a pump, focus on four factors:

  • diameter of the casing pipe used;
  • well depth;
  • water supply pressure in the well;
  • planned water consumption.

Do not use pumping equipment whose power is higher than the well’s productivity level, otherwise during the operation of the water supply you will encounter such an extremely negative phenomenon as “dry” running of the pump.

Advice. Choose a pump with a diameter 15% smaller than the diameter of the installed casing pipe - this way you will maintain the possibility of convenient maintenance of the device.

Direct installation of the pump includes the following steps:

  1. Attach a safety cable to the device mounts - it will protect the pump from emergency lowering.
  2. Install a check valve on the pump - it will block the reverse flow of water.
  3. Connect the main water pipe to the unit.
  4. Connect the power cable to the pump. Using plastic clamps, secure the latter to the water pipe.
  5. Lower the pump into the casing. Using a cable, secure the device at a height of about 1 m from the bottom of the well. Secure the other end of the cable to the top of the well.

Well development

After installing the pump, install coarse and fine filters. If necessary, you can supplement them with softeners or carbon filters. These devices are mounted in a pipe, which will be responsible for supplying water from the pumping equipment to the hydraulic accumulator.

Installing automation

Not a single individual water supply system can do without a whole complex of auxiliary automatic devices that are designed to maintain its uninterrupted functioning. These include: a pressure gauge, a pressure level sensor, a relay - thanks to them, the system starts up and the main indicators of its operation are regulated. All these devices are connected to a hydraulic accumulator, which essentially occupies a central place in the entire complex of auxiliary equipment.

The hydraulic accumulator is designed to ensure constant water pressure, protect the pumping device from water hammer, and also create a water reserve. Externally, it is a standard storage tank - it is regularly filled with water under pressure caused by a pump.

To connect automatic devices to the hydraulic accumulator, a fitting is used with five outputs - one each for: a pressure gauge, a pressure level sensor, a relay, a water pipe and a pipe from the pump.

Autonomous water supply scheme

To control automatic devices during the subsequent operation of the water supply system, a remote control can be used - it should be included with the hydraulic accumulator and connected devices.

So, before you are the main stages of setting up a water well: drilling, installing a caisson and a pump with filters, as well as connecting the automation. Having carefully understood each step and completed all procedures according to the instructions, you will receive an absolutely functional autonomous source that will provide you with water no worse than a centralized water supply system.

Construction of a water well: video

Do-it-yourself well: photo

The main problem that arises for a person who has become the owner of a suburban area is providing water for his family and all its household needs, including watering the garden. The key requirement for a source of autonomous water supply is, first of all, the quality of life-giving moisture. Water should not contain harmful impurities. It is not always possible to achieve this by drawing water from a traditional well. Wells are more sensitive to contamination and require regular maintenance and cleaning.

Deep wells are much more practical to operate. Drilling such a well will provide owners with a productive source of water supply with healthy and tasty water. And in order to supply water from a well to the home water supply, you need to install a sufficiently powerful pump. And you can do it yourself.


Pumps designed for use in wells can operate at great depths. Most models are submerged in water - they are more often called deep-well pumping equipment. Units of this type have compact dimensions with a small diameter and a long service life. They can fit even in a narrow needle-type well (Abyssinian well). But there are also surface models that are successfully used for pumping water from medium-depth wells. All this must be taken into account if you want to know.

The classification is as follows:

Submersible (deep models):

  • vibration;
  • centrifugal.


  • self-priming type;
  • manual columns, more often used in Abyssinian wells.

Submersible vibration type models

These are the most economical units to date. They cost little and are absolutely easy to maintain. The principle of their operation is to create a magnetic field by an electric coil, which attracts the armature of the pumping chamber and thereby creates the vibration necessary for operation.


  • low cost;
  • simplicity of design and operation;
  • the absence of rotating elements in the housing, which most often fail in other pumps;
  • high-quality engine cooling due to water circulation;
  • low electrical energy consumption.


  • short power cable length for some models;
  • engine noise;
  • It is undesirable to use the unit at great depths - the optimal value is 10-15 meters, although
  • the device is also used in deeper sources;
  • Works only with slightly contaminated water (up to 2 mm).

Especially popular in Russia.

The main purpose of vibration-type submersible pumps is pumping liquid from containers, watering beds, pumping drainage water from flooded basements, and providing water to autonomous water pipelines.

Centrifugal type units

These are universal devices designed for pumping a wide variety of liquids (drinking water, oil, acids). They are widely used in industrial production. The operating principle of the equipment is based on the rotation of wheels with blades and the transfer of centrifugal energy to the liquid flowing through the body. There are units that are entirely dependent on water - it must be poured into the chamber before starting (classical centrifugal principle of operation), and those that suck in air or are of the vortex type. The pump can be installed on a special raft (relevant for wells), immersed in water or located on the surface.


  • good pressure at standard performance;
  • low price;
  • reliability with regular use;
  • high maintainability;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • can be installed above the liquid level;
  • Suitable for use in contaminated water.


  • it is necessary to fill the pump chamber with water before the first start;
  • Vortex-type models have a high probability of engine overheating.

The main purpose of units of this type is to provide watering and irrigation of agricultural land, connection to autonomous water supply systems, use for extinguishing fires and pumping out drainage fluid, as well as industrial use.

Surface Type Pumps

These are kind of sissies among pumping equipment, extremely sensitive to water pollution. Household units operate on a self-priming principle and can be centrifugal or vortex.


  • budget cost of many models;
  • ease of maintenance and installation;
  • low energy consumption.


  • increased operating noise of models with a built-in ejector;
  • impossibility of using standard models without an ejector at depths greater than 7-9 meters;
  • sensitivity to water pollution (the unit fails).

designed to provide housing with drinking water and irrigation of household areas (gardens and vegetable gardens).

Tools and materials

To install the pump you will need:

  1. Special adapter for connecting a pipe (nipple). It has an external thread at one end and an internal thread at the other. When purchasing a pump, you need to check whether such an adapter is included. If it is not there, you should immediately purchase a nipple of a suitable diameter.
  2. Coupling – fits onto the nipple and ensures reliable fastening of the pipe.
  3. Plastic clamps or insulating tape for attaching the power cable to the water intake pipe (relevant for deep models).
  4. Sealant for joints - tow with silicone sealant or FUM tape.
  5. Cable (to be purchased if not included with the pump).
  6. Cable or rope for hanging a well pump inside a shaft.
Plumbing tools, screwdrivers, scissors for insulating and FUM tape, kit for well head, tape measure.

Installation process

The installation procedure may vary depending on the pump type.

Installation of surface models

They are installed in utility rooms or placed on a bracket directly at the well head (summer option).

Installation includes the following steps:

  • connecting the water intake hose to the suction pipe;
  • installing a check valve at the end of the hose;
  • securing the filter (mounted behind the valve).

If an ejector is used, a system of two hoses must be inserted into the well - a suction hose and a pressure hose. The ejector, filter and valve are installed on the suction hose, and the pressure hose is connected to the side inlet of the ejector (an outlet is used).

Installation of submersible models

Such units are lowered directly into the water. The size of the pump must be smaller than the diameter of the well, that is, it is necessary to provide a gap between the walls of the well and the body of the unit for its free movement.

Installation consists of the following steps:

  • the check valve is screwed to the pump nozzle;
  • then a filter with a concave shape is mounted here - the device prevents siltation of the unit;
  • a water pipe is mounted to the check valve (such models do not have a water intake hose);
  • the second end of the pipe is fixed to the hydraulic accumulator (if it is located in a caisson chamber near the well) or attached to an adapter - a special adapter at the head of the well;
  • the power cable is secured to the pipe with plastic clamps;
  • a safety cable or rope is threaded into the brackets of the unit;
  • the pump goes down (you cannot hold it suspended by the cable!);
  • the pipe is fixed to the head with a coupling.

Important points

For installation to be successful, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules:

The lowered pump should not lie on the bottom. This will lead to silting of the unit. The optimal distance to the bottom is from 50 cm to one meter.

Holding a cable or bundle consisting of an electrical wire and pipe is strictly prohibited.

The unit is suspended using a safety cable. To prevent it from getting tangled, it is permissible to fasten the safety net to the main water supply pipe using plastic clips or insulating tape.

You should clearly determine the type of pump and the depth of the source:

  1. For a depth of 7-10 meters, a surface self-priming or submersible vibration pump is required.
  2. At a level of 15-20 meters, vibration and centrifugal pumps, as well as surface units with an ejector, operate.
  3. Deep submersible units are used in wells from 20 meters.

Switching on and operation

Pumps operating on the vortex principle (suction air) do not require filling the pump chamber with water. Classic self-priming centrifugal models must be filled with water before the first start!

The choice and installation of a well pump depends on many factors: the location of the equipment, the required water pressure, pressure losses due to technological friction in the supply pipes, the pressure difference when turning the equipment on and off, its reliability, ease of use, manufacturer and cost.

For personal needs and installation in a suburban area, well pumps are selected according to the following criteria:

  • Initial equipment dimensions. A well pump is placed in a well with a certain technological tolerance.
  • Power of the electricity source. Based on the initial parameters of the site and its power supply, it is necessary to take into account that well pumps are single-phase and three-phase.
  • Pump power. This parameter is determined in advance based on water consumption and design pressure.
  • Pump cost. Today there are a lot of offers on the market in different price categories, the main thing is the right choice of the price-quality ratio of equipment.

Pumps intended for domestic water supply are divided into surface and submersible equipment. Surface pumps are designed to draw water from a shallow depth (up to 8 m) and are mounted outside the water supply source; submersible pumps, which include borehole and well pumps, are completely immersed in water during operation and are used to lift water from greater depths. Sometimes well pumps (when arranged in a horizontal arrangement) are used to draw water from rivers or other open bodies of water, if they are located away from the house and high-power equipment is required to deliver water.

Borehole pumps have a number of advantages:

  • Large depth of water intake, inaccessible to other types of pumps.
  • Ease of installation.
  • No rubbing parts.
  • Low noise level.
  • Long service life.

Installing a well pump requires certain skills and knowledge. It is very important to carry out installation competently and carefully, since all further operation of the equipment will depend on the correct arrangement of the equipment.

Incorrect installation of the pump, the use of low-quality materials and violation of technology can lead to the following negative consequences, which will then be difficult to correct:

  • Pump breakage;
  • Its premature failure;
  • Inability to lift the pump during dismantling.

If the well pump gets stuck, its operation will become impossible, and all organizational work on drilling and equipping the well will need to start again.

Stages of work

After selecting equipment, this is the second, very important stage of well configuration.

The pump must be installed in the well below the water level, but no closer than one meter to the bottom, so that during operation of the equipment sand and sedimentary soil, which can accumulate at the bottom of the well over time, are not captured.

Together with the pump, an operational plastic pipe is lowered into the well, through which water will rise, a safety rope and an electrical cable for the pump motor. The cable is secured to the head of the well, and the protected cable and pipe for supplying water are brought into the house. The head is needed to seal the wellhead of the well structure.

When installing equipment, it is necessary to provide for the organization of a check valve that will protect the system from water hammer.

The water pipeline from the caisson to the house must be laid in advance in the ground at a depth of at least one and a half meters, below the freezing level.

Before installing a well pump, you need to thoroughly clean the well, pump it, pump out water until the well is cleared of sand and excess particles. Then the well pump is lowered into the well, a start-up protection device is installed, and adjustment work is carried out. If the equipment does not have a non-return valve provided by the manufacturer, then to avoid back pressure of water it is installed immediately after installing the pump. After solving organizational issues, the pressure in the pressure tank is regulated, its calculated value is 0.9 units from the switching pressure. Having adjusted this indicator, connect the well pump.

Another important advantage of borehole pumps is the fact that the water they pump simultaneously cools the engine, which protects it from overheating during long-term operation. The presence of a float switch in the pump will ensure automatic shutdown of the equipment in the event of a sharp drop below the permissible water level. The main disadvantage of borehole pumps is the technological complexity of carrying out preventive and repair work.

Regardless of the parameters of the selected pump, during installation it is necessary to verify its operating point in various modes; measure the estimated water supply flow rate, which is determined by the rate at which the volume is filled; Based on the readings of the pressure gauge, the pressure created and current consumption are measured using special current forceps.

If the operating parameters are exceeded (in comparison with the manufacturer’s original data), it is necessary to close the pump valve at the well outlet, thus creating additional resistance, which will be sufficient to correctly set the operating point. When installing a well pump, it is necessary to install a starter with protection and set it to the calculated current value.


This story will tell you about the assembly of a pump group for a submersible pump.

We bring to your attention a video that will tell you about some aspects of installing the pump.

And this video will tell you what to do if the pump gets stuck in the well.