Safety requirements for the operation of pipelines, causes of pipeline accidents and safety measures for their operation. Tickets for steam and hot water pipelines Pipelines for heating networks

RD 34.39.503-89


Valid from 01/01/90
until 01.01.95*
*See Notes label.

DEVELOPED by the Sibtekhenergo Enterprise of the Soyuztechenergo Production Association for setting up, improving technology and operating power plants and networks

PERFORMERS A.E. Kovaleva, F.G. Leyer

APPROVED by the Main Scientific and Technical Directorate of Energy and Electrification on April 12, 1989.

Deputy Chief A.P. Bersenev

AGREED with the Main Production Directorate of Energy and Electrification on 09.09.88.

Chief engineer G.G. Yakovlev


This Standard Instruction establishes requirements for preparatory and start-up operations, monitoring the technical condition of pipelines, bringing pipelines out for repairs and organizing repairs, actions of operating personnel in emergency situations, operational control during the period of acceptance from installation and repair of thermal power plant pipelines.

The standard instructions apply to pipelines transporting steam with a working pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm) or water with a temperature of more than 115 °C.

The standard instructions are mandatory for operating personnel of thermal power plants and workers monitoring the installation, commissioning, acceptance and monitoring of the operation of pipelines, as well as for personnel of research, design, engineering, construction, repair and commissioning organizations performing work on thermal power plants. power plants.



1.1. The administration of the enterprise operating the pipeline is obliged to ensure the serviceable condition and safety of operation by organizing acceptance from installation and repair and supervision of pipeline maintenance.

1.2. The head of the boiler-turbine shop must determine from among the personnel a list of persons responsible for the operation of pipelines.

1.3. When operating pipelines, boiler-turbine shop personnel must do the following:

control of thermal movements in accordance with the "Guidelines for monitoring the movements of steam pipelines of thermal power plants: RD 34.39.301-87";

monitoring the condition of pipelines (see section 6);

monitoring the temperature conditions of the pipeline metal during startup and shutdown (see sections 3, 4; local instructions for starting up equipment);

control of work during installation (Appendix 1) and repair of pipelines.

1.4. Pipelines are handed over for repairs in accordance with Section 7 and OST 34-38-567-82* “Procedure for handing over for repairs and release from repairs”.



1.5. The person responsible for the operation of pipelines, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents (NTD), controls the timing and scope of metal inspection performed by the metal laboratory.

1.6. Based on this Standard Instruction, local instructions must be developed at each thermal power plant, taking into account the specific operating conditions of pipelines at a given power plant. The heads of the boiler-turbine shop and metal laboratory must determine a list of persons for whom knowledge of this instruction is mandatory.

1.7. Each enterprise (site, workshop) must have areas for the repair of pipelines and fittings, and the permissible loads for them must be indicated on the signs. Service areas should also be located in the places where thermal displacement indicators are installed and where instrumentation is inserted.


2.1. When performing installation work, it is necessary to observe the safety measures set out in the “Instructions for the installation of steam and water pipelines at thermal power plants” (M.: Informenergo, 1976). When performing repair and adjustment work, as well as when observing the technical condition of pipelines during operation, it is necessary to be guided by the “Safety Rules for the Operation of Thermal Mechanical Equipment of Power Plants and Heating Networks” (M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985).

Additional safety requirements are outlined below.

2.2. When calibrating or fixing the installation height, personnel must take appropriate protection measures (use light protective covers). When calibrating springs or assembling them into blocks, you should use a device that prevents the springs from slipping out during compression.

2.3. During the period of cutting the ties, all other work on this pipeline must be stopped. Those working on adjacent equipment should be warned about the possibility of shaking the pipeline and not standing on, under or touching the pipeline while cutting ties.

2.4. Cutting the ties must be done from pipeline maintenance sites, the installation and welding of which are completely completed in accordance with the project, or from specially constructed scaffolding. The scaffolding must be accepted by a pipeline installation or repair technician with an entry in the scaffolding and scaffolding acceptance and inspection log. It is prohibited to cut ties from scaffolding, ladders, or scaffolding connected to the pipeline. Cutting ties can be done from cradles, adjacent pipelines or equipment using safety belts. Standing on a pipeline on the hangers of which the ties are cut off and attaching a safety belt with a carabiner to the parts of these hangers is not allowed. The person cutting the ties should be on the side at arm's length from the cutting site. Places where cut ties can fall must be protected.

2.5. To reduce the dynamic impact on the pipeline when cutting welded mounting ties from spring blocks, the installation tightening of which differs from the tightening for the cold state by more than 20%, simplified threaded ties, unloading devices or lifting mechanisms should be used.

2.6. Before assembling the spring blocks, support and suspension blocks, or adjusting the height of the springs, you must check the threads of the rods and nuts. If there is rust, wash it with kerosene and restore the preservative coating.

2.7. When adjusting the height of springs in support blocks, it is necessary to use limiting brackets.

2.8. When adjusting the heights of support springs with a permissible load of more than 2 tons and spring blocks with traverses with a permissible load of more than 3 tons, it is necessary to use a hoist or other lifting mechanism.

2.9. The springs must be tightened or loosened with the main nut; To protect against breakage when cutting the thread, a lock nut should be screwed onto the end of the rod.

2.11. Marking of places for fastening supporting structures and their installation, as well as installation of pipelines must be carried out from scaffolding, scaffolding or towers, made in accordance with the requirements for scaffolding.

2.12. When punching holes in walls and ceilings for pipes or for attaching supports and hangers, you should wear safety glasses. If necessary, the workplace is fenced with protective screens. It is necessary to prevent access of unauthorized persons to the places where holes are punched.

2.13. Installation and removal of plugs separating the repaired area, as well as all work to eliminate defects, must be carried out on a disconnected and emptied pipeline according to the permit with drainage open to the atmosphere. When closing work orders, you should make sure that temporary supports and hangers in the work area have been removed, the fixing ties have been removed from the spring blocks, and the openings have been cleared of foreign objects.

2.14. When performing work that requires a short stay on a running steam pipeline, insurance is required - attaching a safety belt to fixed structures, since shocks to the steam pipeline are possible when the valves are activated.

2.15. Local instructions must indicate emergency response measures in accordance with the “Standard Instructions for the Prevention and Elimination of Accidents at Thermal Power Plants: TI 34-66-061-87*” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987).


* The document is not provided. For more information please follow the link. - Database manufacturer's note.


3.1. Features of preparation and observation during trial launches and comprehensive testing are given in Appendix 1. This section discusses issues of preparation for launch during operation.

3.2. Before the start of each start-up, all defects and comments on the operation of pipelines recorded in the repair log (or defect log) must be eliminated, all work related to the repair or hydraulic testing of pipelines, work on inspection of the technical condition (revision) and repair of main and drainage fittings must be completed safety valves, valves for start-up and release devices, repair of auxiliary pipelines connected to the main pipelines (drains, vents, instrumentation lines, sampling). Work permits for work must be closed.

3.3. After major and medium repairs or a reserve lasting more than 10 days, as well as after repairs associated with cutting and re-welding sections of the pipeline, replacing fittings, adjusting supports and hangers and replacing thermal insulation, before putting the equipment into operation, the following must be inspected: thermal insulation, indicators movements, fixed and sliding supports, spring suspensions, places of possible pinching of pipelines and elements of the support and suspension system, drains, vents, connecting (impulse) lines of instrumentation, fittings. All identified defects must be eliminated before starting operations.

3.4. Before start-up, the shut-off, control and safety valves must be checked in accordance with local instructions.


4.1. For each pipeline, when switching on or off, the temperature difference along the perimeter of the section should not exceed 50 °C, and the heating (cooling) rate should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in the table.


Temperature range, °C

Speed, °C/min

warming up

cooling down

Medium pressure steam lines (up to 5 MPa)

More than 500

High pressure steam lines (over 5 to 22 MPa)

More than 500

Supercritical pressure steam pipelines (more than 22 MPa)

More than 500

Steam collecting chambers of fresh steam with a pressure of more than 22 MPa, gas treatment plant housings and valves

More than 500

An increase in the temperature difference and heating (cooling) rate may be permitted by local instructions based on calculations in accordance with the "Guidelines for calculating permissible temperature differences and heating rates of the main parts of boilers and steam pipelines of power units: MU 34-70-030-81" (M .: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1983).

4.2. Warming up of sections of steam pipelines included in the boiler start-up circuit is determined by the requirements of the start-up technology and the permissible heating rates of the outlet chambers of the superheater.

Monitoring should be carried out using standard recording devices.

4.3. The heating of individual sections of pipelines, sectioned by valves, is controlled by standard thermocouples.

4.4. The heating rates of auxiliary pipelines (extractions, auxiliary pipes, etc.) must be monitored by standard recording devices.

The heating of auxiliary pipelines (drainage, purge, discharge), which are not under the jurisdiction of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision and do not have temperature control devices, must be regulated by the degree of opening of the drainage fittings. The opening speed of the valve must be specified in local instructions (depending on the starting circuit of the equipment).

4.5. Before heating the steam lines, you must ensure that they are completely empty along the drain line (there should be no stream of water above the funnel). When warming up the steam line, you should first open the drains, then slowly and carefully the bypasses (steam valves) and warm them up with throttled steam.

4.6. If hydraulic shocks occur, heating must be stopped and measures must be taken to eliminate the causes that caused these shocks.

4.7. After the metal temperature has been equalized along the length of the pipeline and the consumer (turbine, dispenser, etc.) has been connected, the discharge drains must be closed.

4.8. When filling the pipeline with water and putting it into operation, it is necessary to carefully remove air from the “air bags” that form at the upper points of the route.

4.9. During the heating process of the steam pipeline, the serviceability of supports and hangers, movement indicators, and verification of compliance of movements with the actual temperature of the metal must be monitored.

4.10. When shutting down, it is necessary not to exceed the permissible cooling rates indicated in the table. When turning off power equipment, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of water from the injection devices getting into hot steam lines. When the parameters corresponding to the saturation point are reached, all drains must be fully open.

4.11. After cooling, it is necessary to conduct an external inspection of the pipeline, its fastening system, temperature movement indicators and record the identified defects in the repair log (defect log).


5.1. In cases of rupture of steam-water path pipes, headers, fresh steam steam lines, reheating and extraction steam, main condensate and feed water pipelines, their steam-water fittings, tees, welded and flanged connections, the power unit (boiler, turbine) must be disconnected and stopped immediately.

5.2. If cracks, bulges, or fistulas are detected in fresh steam, reheating and extraction steam lines, feed water pipelines, in their steam-water fittings, tees, welded and flanged connections, the workshop shift supervisor should be immediately notified about this. The shift manager is obliged to immediately identify a dangerous zone, stop all work in it, remove personnel from it, fence off this zone, post safety signs “No Trespassing”, “Caution! Danger Zone” and take urgent measures to shut down the emergency area using remote drives. If during a shutdown it is not possible to reserve an emergency section, then the corresponding equipment associated with the emergency section must be stopped. The shutdown time is determined by the chief engineer of the power plant with notification to the duty engineer of the power system.

5.3. If destroyed supports and hangers are detected, the pipeline must be disconnected and the fastening restored. The shutdown time is determined by the chief engineer of the power plant in agreement with the duty engineer of the power system.

5.4. When identifying damage to a pipeline or its fastening, a thorough analysis of the causes of damage and the development of effective measures to improve reliability are necessary (see clause 8.6).

5.5. If leaks or steam are detected in fittings, flange connections or from under the insulating coating of pipelines, this must be immediately reported to the shift supervisor. The shift manager is obliged to assess the situation and, if a leak or steam poses a danger to operating personnel or equipment (for example, steam from under insulation), take the measures specified in clause 5.2. Leaks or vapors that do not pose a hazard to personnel or equipment (such as vapor from packings) should be inspected every shift.


6.1. The person responsible for the operation of pipelines, after each start-up and shutdown, is obliged to analyze the chart tapes of devices that record the temperature of the metal of steam pipelines in transient modes.

6.2. In all cases of exceeding the permissible rates of heating, cooling, permissible temperature difference, as well as in cases where the temperature of the pipeline metal exceeds the nominal one, the causes must be identified and all measures must be taken to prevent these violations.

6.3. During work, the lineman must inspect pipelines once per shift. During the inspection, you should pay attention to the condition of the fastening system, insulation, displacement indicators, the appearance of increased vibration, the appearance of leaks and steam in the fittings or from under the insulation of the pipeline being inspected, as well as leaks of other equipment that cause water, alkali, or acids to enter the pipeline , oils, fuel oil. When identifying damage to pipelines, you should follow the recommendations set out in Section 5.

6.4. When carrying out any work near pipelines, the occurrence of pinching on the pipelines must be prevented by laying temporary beams, stands, supports, etc.

6.5. Cases of damage to supports and suspensions, springs, displacement indicators, violation of insulation along the route and the occurrence of other defects must be recorded in repair logs and promptly corrected.

6.6. Inspection of operating conditions, technical examination, organization of technical supervision must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the “Methodological instructions for the inspection and technical inspection of boiler inspection facilities” (M.: Metallurgy, 1979), “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines” (M. : Nedra, 1973), as well as “Standard instructions for inspecting supply pipelines of steam boilers during maintenance: TI 34-70-067-87” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987).

6.7. When scheduling an inspection of pipelines before shutting down the equipment, it is necessary to mark the locations of the scaffolding for inspection and the sections of the pipeline where it is necessary to remove the insulation to inspect the condition of the supports and hangers, and write down all identified defects from the repair logs.

6.8. An operational inspection of pipelines by a specialized commissioning organization, a specialized service at energy departments or power plant personnel should be carried out in order to check:

compliance of actual execution with the project;

no pinching;

the state of the fastening system and its performance;

drainage conditions;

state of thermal insulation;

status of direction indicators;

protecting the fastening system from overloads during hydrotesting or flushing.

6.9. During the initial inspection after installation, all of the above work must be carried out. Subsequent survey work will be carried out:

to determine whether actual execution corresponds to the project:

after reconstruction of the pipeline or fastening system;

when deviations from the project are identified during any inspection or survey;

to determine the absence of pinching, the condition and operability of the fastening system, as well as thermal insulation before and after each major overhaul of the main equipment;

to determine drainage conditions in the following cases:

detection of signs of parking corrosion;

the appearance of water hammer and vibration;

slowing down the rate of pre-shock heating compared to neighboring (identical) pipelines;

detection of fatigue cracks based on the results of ultrasonic testing of welded joints;

damage to the pipeline or fastening system, leading to deflection of its axis;

replacing more than 20% of the length of the pipeline section enclosed between fixed supports;

simultaneous rewelding of more than 20% of pipeline welded joints;

to check the protection of the fastening system from overloads before each filling of steam lines with water before hydrotesting or flushing, with the appropriate instructions in the passport.

The most typical deficiencies in the operation of pipelines and fastening systems and methods for eliminating them are given in Appendices 2-5.

6.10. The compliance of pipelines with the project should be determined based on the results of measuring route elements, distances between supports, reinforcement, as well as the reference dimensions of fixed supports to the building columns and ceiling.

6.11. Possible pinching of pipelines is detected by inspection of the route. There must be gaps between pipelines and nearby equipment or building structures to ensure unhindered movement of pipelines to a value not less than the calculated value.

6.12. The type of springs installed in the fasteners should be determined by comparing the diameter of the rod, the outer diameter and the number of turns of the springs with the data given in the norms or industry standards. The range of installed springs is checked if the actual and calculated reactions of the springs do not correspond.

6.13. The actual height of the spring must be measured at two diametrically opposite points between the planes of the bases adjacent to the spring. The axis of the measuring instrument must be parallel to the axis of the spring.

6.14. In a cold state, for all pipelines, measurements of spring heights are made before:

comprehensive testing;

each start-up from a major overhaul;

start-up from repairs, during which:

more than 20% of the length of the pipeline section between fixed supports was replaced or when more than 20% of welded joints were overwelded;

deformation of the pipeline axis due to its damage was eliminated;

there was a displacement of the pipeline axis of more than 10 mm during the repair of fastenings.

Before measuring the heights of the springs in a cold state, before starting, all installation (repair) work on the pipeline and its fastening system, insulation work must be completed, temporary fastenings must be removed and all defects identified during the inspection must be eliminated. Before measuring cold spring heights, steam lines must be completely drained and water transport lines must be filled with water.

6.15. In operating condition of pipelines, measurements of spring heights are carried out:

during comprehensive testing;

before the pipeline is taken out for major repairs;

after starting the pipeline from a cold state after repairs, during which the pipeline elements were replaced or the heights of the springs were adjusted.

Measurement of spring heights in operating condition must be carried out at nominal parameters throughout the entire measurement time. The assessment of the compliance of actual and calculated reactions of spring fastenings should be carried out according to the “Instructions for installation and adjustment of spring fastenings of steam pipelines” (Moscow: STSNTI ORGRES, 1974). It is allowed not to measure the heights of the springs in working condition for individual hard-to-reach suspensions if the measurements of the heights in the cold state and the readings of the displacement indicators (or the heights of the springs in working condition for adjacent suspensions) are satisfactory.

6.16. The results of measuring the heights of the springs must be entered into the operational form for checking the working loads in the support and suspension system of the pipeline (Appendix 6) and compared with the design (calculated) data. In case of significant deviations of the spring heights from the design data (more than 25%), during the next shutdown, the spring tensions must be adjusted, and, if necessary, the supports must be altered. In the event of significant deviations of the support loads from the design data, it is allowed not to adjust the springs and alter the supports, if verification calculations of the pipeline for strength and self-compensation were carried out according to the actual state of the support-suspension system and the actual weight characteristics of the installed thermal insulation and the calculation results showed the admissibility of this.

6.17. The volume and sequence of work when checking drainage conditions are determined by the “Methodological instructions for setting up steam pipelines for thermal power plants in operation” (M.: Soyuztekhenergo, 1981).

6.18. When checking the condition of thermal insulation, the compliance of the temperature of the outer surface of the insulating coating with the requirements of the PTE is selectively checked. If the linear density of the pipeline changes by more than 5% due to replacement of the insulating coating (the thickness of the insulation or the weight characteristics of the insulating material are changed), the change in loads on supports and hangers should be assessed (including during hydrotesting) and, if necessary, adjust the springs or reconstruct the fastening system .

6.19. An increase in the operating temperature of the pipeline must be justified by a verification calculation for strength.

6.20. When connecting an additional branch to an operating pipeline, a verification calculation for the strength of the integrated pipeline system must be carried out.


7.1. Pipelines must be submitted for repair after the expiration of the planned overhaul period established on the basis of current technical operation standards and, in most cases, repaired simultaneously with the main equipment. Submitting the pipeline for repairs before the expiration of the planned overhaul period is necessary in the event of emergency damage or emergency condition, confirmed by a report indicating the causes, nature and extent of damage or wear. Pipeline defects identified during the overhaul period and not causing an emergency shutdown must be eliminated during any next shutdown.

7.2. Steam pipelines operating at temperatures of 450 °C or more must be inspected before major repairs.

7.3. When handing over for repairs, the customer must transfer to the contractor design and repair documentation, which contains information about the condition of the pipeline and its components, defects and damage. Documentation must be prepared in accordance with GOST 2.602-68*. After repair, this documentation must be returned to the customer.


* GOST 2.602-95 is valid. - Note "CODE".

7.4. In accordance with the Rules for the organization, maintenance and repair of equipment (RDPr 34-38-030-84), when overhauling a boiler and station pipelines, the following work should be included in the nomenclature:

checking the technical condition of steam pipelines;

checking the technical condition of flange connections and fasteners, replacing studs that have expired;

checking spring tightening, inspection and repair of suspensions and supports;

control of welds and metal (see clause 7.6);

overwelding defective joints, replacing defective pipeline elements or fastening systems;

inspection and repair of samplers and sample coolers;

repair of thermal insulation.

7.5. When inspecting pipelines, sagging, bulging, fistulas, cracks, corrosion damage and other visible defects must be recorded. If flange connections are defective, the condition of the sealing surfaces and fasteners should be checked. When supports and hangers are defective, cracks in the metal of all elements of supports and hangers and residual deformation in the springs must be recorded.

7.6. The procedure and scope of control over pipeline metal is determined by the normative and technical documentation. The control is carried out under the technical guidance of the metals laboratory.

7.7. The customer has the right to interfere with the contractor’s work if the latter:

made defects that may be hidden by subsequent work;

does not comply with the technological and regulatory requirements of technical documentation.

7.8. During repair work related to the installation or dismantling of spring blocks or pipeline parts, the sequence of operations provided for in the work project or technological map must be followed, ensuring the stability of the remaining or newly installed components and elements of pipelines and preventing the fall of its dismantled parts.

7.9. Before dismantling a fixed support or cutting a pipeline when re-welding welded joints according to the conclusions of flaw detectors or when replacing any elements of the pipeline, the springs on the nearest two hangers on each side of the repaired area must be secured with threaded welded ties. Temporary supports (bracings) should be installed at a distance of no more than 1 m on both sides from the place where the pipeline is unloaded (or the fixed support is dismantled). These supports must ensure the displacement of the pipelines along the axis required during welding and fix the pipeline in the design position. Attaching these ends to adjacent pipelines, supports or hangers is not permitted.

7.10. On both sides of the repaired area, cores must be made on the pipes; the distance between the core points must be recorded in the report. When restoring a pipeline, cold stretching must be performed so that the deviation in the distance between the core points does not exceed 10 mm.

7.11. After dismantling a section or element of a pipeline, the free ends of the remaining pipes must be closed with plugs.

7.12. When cutting a pipeline at several points, it is necessary in each case to perform the operations listed in clause 7.9.

7.13. Whenever cutting a pipeline after welding the closing joint, it is necessary to draw up a report and enter it in the cord book.

7.14. After completing repair work related to cutting the pipeline or replacing parts of its supports, it is necessary to check the slopes of the pipeline.

7.15. When replacing a defective spring, the replacement spring must be selected according to the appropriate permissible load, pre-calibrated and compressed to the calculated height for the cold state. After installing the suspension block and removing the retaining ties, check the spring height and make adjustments if necessary. When welding couplers, it is unacceptable for the coils of springs to come into contact with the electric arc, and when cutting, with the burner flame, which can cause damage to the springs.

7.16. When replacing a spring in a support due to its damage or non-compliance with the design loads, you should:

place the plates under the spring block (if the replacement block has a smaller height than the replaced one);

disassemble the support pedestal and reduce its height (if the replacement block has a greater height than the replaced one).

7.17. When changing the heights of the springs in the spring support, it is necessary to remove the adjustable block, change its height on the calibration device and, in accordance with clause 7.16, install it in the support.

7.18. After completing the work on adjusting the heights of the springs, the heights of the springs after adjustment should be recorded in the operational forms (see Appendix 6), and the positions of the pipeline in the cold state should be specified on the displacement indicators.

7.19. Any changes in the pipeline design made during its repair and agreed upon with the design organization must be reflected in the passport or cord book of this pipeline. When replacing damaged pipeline parts or parts that have exhausted their service life, the corresponding characteristics of the new parts must be recorded in the cord book.

7.20. After completion of repair and adjustment work, a corresponding entry must be made in the repair log (see clause 8.3) and a commissioning certificate must be drawn up and entered into the cord book.


8.1. When operating pipelines, the following documentation is used:

technical passports for fittings, pipelines and their parts;

installation and assembly drawings of pipelines, working drawings of supports and hangers, pipeline parts;

design diagrams, installation diagrams of temperature movement indicators, drainage diagrams, air vents;

acts of acceptance of hidden work on pipelines (on cold stretching, on fixing the mounting axis, on cutting pipelines during repair or replacement of parts, blowing, chemical cleaning and hydrotesting);

forms for tightening springs and controlling movements;

acts of acceptance into operation, conclusions on the investigation of damage to pipelines, protocols on the investigation of the causes of unacceptable heating rates, cooling of pipelines or excess of the operating temperature above the design one.

Design and plant documentation must be stored in the power plant archive. The cord book (see Appendix 1) must be kept by the person responsible for the operation of the pipelines. Documentation on incoming and operational inspection of metals should be stored in the metals laboratory.

8.2. Pipeline diagrams made in conventional colors should be posted on the block or local control panel.
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General provisions.

1.1. This instruction applies to steam and hot water pipelines of the hydrometallurgical department.

1.2. Pipelines with an outer diameter of more than 76 mm transporting water steam with a pressure of more than 0.7 kg/cm 2 or hot water with a temperature above 115 ° C are subject to the “Rules for the construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines” (PBOZ-75-94).

1.3. Persons from among the operator operators - hydrometallurgists, who have passed a medical examination, have been trained in the retraining and advanced training program for operator operators - hydrometallurgists TsEN-1, certified, have a certificate of operator operator - hydrometallurgist and know these instructions - may be allowed to service steam and hot water pipelines.

1.4. Periodic testing of the knowledge of personnel servicing pipelines must be carried out at least once every 12 months and is carried out when operator operators - hydrometallurgists pass an exam at the end of the annual training on occupational safety (10-hour program), extraordinary - in cases provided for by safety rules.

1.5. The results of the initial certification, periodic and extraordinary testing of knowledge of this instruction by service personnel are documented in a protocol signed by the chairman and members of the commission.

1.6. Permission for personnel to independently operate steam and hot water pipelines is issued by a workshop order after the operator-hydrometallurgists pass an exam in the specialty of operator-hydrometallurgist.

1.7. Maintenance personnel must:

Know the diagram of steam and hot water pipelines;

Be able to promptly identify problems in the operation of steam and hot water pipelines;

Monitor the condition of fittings and seals;

Monitor the tightness of the flange connections and the condition of the thermal insulation of the pipelines;

Timely check the proper operation of automation and safety devices, protective equipment and alarms.

1.8. Instructions for the installation and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines are issued to GMO technological personnel and stored on the GMO central console.

1.9. Diagrams of steam and hot water pipelines are posted in a visible place on the central control panel of the GMO, on the panels for repulping ferrous cakes, concentrate and carbonate processing, and the autoclave unit.

1.10. Repair work is recorded in the GMO repair work log, which is stored at the GMO central console. It contains all the deficiencies identified during the maintenance of steam and hot water pipelines and the measures taken to eliminate them.

1.11. Pipeline passports are stored and maintained by the energy service mechanic, who is the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines.

1.12. GMO technological staff carries out operational switchovers on steam and hot water pipelines used for GMO technology.

1.13. Repair work on the steam and hot water pipelines used for the GMO technology (after the flow meter units installed in the GMO heat station) is carried out by mechanics of the workshop's mechanical service, and repairs of pipelines up to the flow meter units are carried out by mechanics from the workshop's energy service.

1.14. Operational switching in technological sections of steam and hot water pipelines is carried out by GMO technological personnel in accordance with the Technological Instructions for the production of nickel catholyte.

1.16. Operation of GMO steam and hot water pipelines to flow meter units is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the design and safe operation of GMO and EO steam and hot water pipelines for the workshop energy service.

2. Design and technical characteristics of pipelines.

2.1. The supply and return of hot water to the GMO heating station is carried out through pipelines D = 108 mm, having a length of 2x40 mm, thermally insulated and located on an overpass extending to the GMO building. The pipelines are connected through DN100 valves to the main hot water pipelines on the inter-shop rack. In the heating station, hot water is distributed for ventilation, heating, LAN and technology according to scheme No. 1. Hot water supplied to the technology is supplied to the GMO through a pipeline D = 57 mm, which is not subject to PB 03-75-94.

2.2. The supply of high-pressure steam to the GMO heating station is carried out through a main pipeline D = 108 mm, thermally insulated and located on the inter-shop rack. The GMO heating station is equipped with a DN100 valve and a bypass with a DN50 valve. High pressure steam is used in an autoclave unit, according to the diagram

No. 2. From the distribution unit, steam is supplied to autoclaves through pipelines D = 50 mm, which are not subject to PB 03-75-94.

2.3. Low pressure steam is supplied to the GMO heating station through a pipeline D = 219 mm, 40 m long, thermally insulated and located on an overpass leading to the GMO building. The pipeline is connected through a valve DN200 to the main steam pipeline 13 kg/cm2 on the inter-shop rack. From the GMO heating station, steam of 13 kg/cm2 after the DN200 valve is supplied to the GMO for the technological needs of the GMO according to three main

pipelines D = 112 mm. From them, steam is supplied to GMO consumers through pipelines D = 50 mm, which are not covered by PB 03-75-94. Scheme No. 3.

2.4. Technical characteristics of pipelines:

2.9. “Rules for the construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines” (PB 03-75-94) apply to the pipelines listed in clause 2.4. These pipelines are not subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities.

2.10. To turn off and on the flow of water, steam and regulate its quantity and parameters, the pipelines are equipped with: gate valves and valves;

- air vents for air intake and exhaust;

Drains for draining water and heating steam lines;

Pressure gauges for monitoring pressure;

Thermometers for monitoring the temperature of the coolant;

The steam lines are additionally equipped with condensate traps.

2.11. Steam and hot water pipelines are covered with thermal insulation.

2.12. Sections of steam pipelines that can be turned off by shut-off devices are equipped with a fitting with a valve at the end points to allow them to be heated and purged.

3. Control and management tools.

3.1. To ensure safe operating conditions and regulate the parameters of the coolant, pressure gauges, thermometers, flow washers, temperature sensors, and pressure sensors are installed in heating points on the hot water supply and return pipelines, as well as on steam input units.

3.2. The installed pressure gauges must have an accuracy class of 2.5, a scale from 0 to 16 kg/cm 2 (1.6 MPa) on hot water and low pressure steam pipelines, and on a high pressure steam pipeline up to 25 kg/cm 2 (2.5 MPa ).

3.3. The pressure gauge scale should have a red line indicating the permissible pressure.

3.4. A three-way valve or replacement shut-off valves must be installed in front of the pressure gauge for purging, checking and shutting off the pressure gauge.

3.5. In front of a pressure gauge designed to measure steam pressure, there must be a siphon tube with a diameter of at least 10 mm.

3.6. Pressure gauges are not allowed for installation if:

There is no stamp indicating verification;

The verification period has expired;

When the pressure gauge is turned off, the needle does not return to the zero scale by an amount exceeding half the permissible error for this device;

The glass is broken or there is other damage that may affect the accuracy of the readings.

3.7. The serviceability of the pressure gauges is checked once a day when a mechanic from the energy service visits the heating stations.

3.8. Control verification of pressure gauges is carried out at least once every 12 months, with the installation of a seal or brand. For verification, the pressure gauge is removed from the pipeline and handed over to the energy service mechanic.

3.9. At least once every six months, an instrumentation and automation mechanic performs an additional check of working pressure gauges with a control pressure gauge and records the results in the log of control checks of pressure gauges. The control check log is kept by the instrumentation and automation electrician.

4. Technical examination.

4.1. Technical inspection of hot water pipelines is carried out by an energy service mechanic before the start of the heating season, after completion of all repair work and pneumohydraulic flushing of the heating network. In this case, a hydraulic test and external inspection of pipelines is carried out with the drawing up of a report and recording in the pipeline passport.

4.2. Technical inspection of steam pipelines is carried out by an energy service mechanic once a year according to the maintenance schedule. In this case, an external inspection of the pipeline is performed with an entry in the pipeline passport.

4.3. After welding-related repairs to a steam or hot water pipeline are completed, an energy service mechanic will conduct a technical inspection of the pipeline. In this case, an external inspection and hydraulic test are performed with an entry in the pipeline passport.

4.4. Before putting into operation after installation, A also, after being in conservation for more than two years, a technical examination of the pipeline is carried out. In this case, an external inspection and hydraulic test are performed with an entry in the pipeline passport.

4.5. If the inspection results are unsatisfactory, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the defective area and measure the wall thickness. The defective area must be replaced. In this case, the welds are subjected to 100% radiographic inspection or a hydraulic test of the pipeline is carried out.

5. Hydraulic test.

5.1. Hydraulic testing is carried out to check the strength and tightness of pipelines and their elements, as well as all welded and other connections.

5.2. A hydraulic test is carried out if the results of the external inspection of the pipeline are positive.

5.3. Hydraulic testing of hot water pipelines is carried out with a test pressure of 16.25 kg/cm 2 , low pressure steam pipelines with a test pressure of 16.25 kg/cm 2 and high pressure steam pipelines with a test pressure of 28.75 kg/cm 2 .

5.4. Hydraulic testing of pipelines is carried out by energy service mechanics under the direct supervision of a mechanic.

5.5. The pipeline and its elements are considered to have passed the hydraulic test if no leaks, sweating in welded joints and in the base metal, visible residual deformations, cracks or signs of rupture are detected.

5.6. If the results of the hydraulic test are unsatisfactory, the mechanic determines the boundaries of the defective area, which is repaired or changed. After repair, a repeated hydraulic test is carried out.

6. Pipeline maintenance.

6.1. Pipeline maintenance includes:

Carrying out operational switching and adjustments;

Daily monitoring of the condition of operating pipelines, shut-off valves, control devices, protection and automation;

Conducting inspection of pipelines;

Pipeline repair;

Daily monitoring of thermal and hydraulic operating conditions.

6.2. GMO technological personnel must:

Carry out daily inspections of operating pipelines, paying attention to the absence of vibration of pipelines, the serviceability of supporting structures, passage areas, the absence of steam and hot water leaks, the presence and integrity of fasteners, and the condition of thermal insulation.

If coolant leaks or equipment malfunctions are detected, inform the shift supervisor of the GMO;

Inspect shut-off valves;

7. Stopping and starting pipelines.

7.1. Stopping and starting up of GMO steam pipelines is carried out after agreement with the thermal power plant.

7.2 Sequence of putting the steam pipeline P = 23 kg/cm2 into operation.

Make sure that drain valve No. 8 is open;

Valve Nos. 4, 5, 6 for supplying steam to thread columns No. 1, 2, 3 are closed;

On the distribution comb, open valve No. 7 for the steam supply to the autoclave columns of thread No. 4 of the GMO autoclave installation;

Open valve No. 2 on the steam supply pipeline in front of the distribution unit;

To warm up the steam line, supply steam through the bypass by opening valve No. 3 in the heating station by opening it slightly so as to hear the noise of passing steam;

After the hydraulic shock stops, warm up the steam line in the same sequence for 15-20 minutes;

When the steam temperature reaches the operating temperature, slowly opening the valve on bypass No. 3, bring the pressure in the launched steam line to the pressure in the operating steam line;

After equalizing the steam pressure in the switched on and operating steam line, in the heating station, fully open the main valve No. 1 in front of the switched on steam line;

Steam supply to the autoclave columns should be carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the safe operation of the column of the autoclave installation GMO TsEN - 1.

Start-up drain valve No. 8, as the temperature of the section of the steam line being started increases, must be covered and finally closed after the steam line is put into operation;

After putting the steam line into operation, inform the foreman about this.

7.3 Start-up sequence for steam line P = 13 kg/cm2 for work.

Make sure that all valves No. 23, 17, 18, 28, 64, 79, 80 for discharging air and condensate of the steam pipeline being switched on are open;

Valve No. 4, 6, 11, 13, 15, 29, 36, 41, 37, 42, 55, 56, 57, 58, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76 , 78 closed;

To warm up the steam line, apply steam through the main shut-off valve


No. 3 by opening it slightly so as to hear the noise of passing

If water hammer occurs, immediately reduce the steam supply, and if the shock continues, stop the steam supply;

After the hydraulic shock stops, warm up the steam line in the same sequence for 15-20 minutes;

When the steam temperature is close to the operating temperature, slowly opening valve No. 3, bring the pressure in the launched steam line to the pressure in the operating steam line;

After equalizing the steam pressure in the switched on and operating steam line, fully open valve No. 3;

valves distributing steam to processing stages and equipment of GMO Nos. 22, 24, 15, 16, 13, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, and supply steam to consumers - tank equipment of the main purification circuit and part of the ferrous repulpation stage cakes, GMO JUICE;

Close the drain valves on the bypass steam supply units to repulpators No. 606 and No. 607;

Sequentially, one after another, as the steam lines warm up, open

valves distributing steam to processing plants and equipment of GMO No. 63, 58,

59, 60, 61, 62, 57,56, 55, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 41, 37, 39, 40,

38, 33, 34, 35, 36, 29, 30, 31, 32 and supply steam to consumers - tank equipment of carbonate, concentrate processing, autoclave installation, autoclave drying cabinet;

Sequentially, one after another, as the steam lines warm up, open

valves distributing steam across processing plants and equipment of GMO No. 78, 76,

77, 74, 75, 73, 71, 72, 69, 70, 68, 67, 66;

After putting the steam line into operation, inform the foreman about this.

7.4. Start-up sequence for hot water pipelines:

Open valve No. 33 on the water supply to the copper purification classifier No. 1;

In the heating station, slowly open valve No. 3 or No. 3 until the sound of flowing water appears and fill the pipeline with water, while not allowing the pressure in front of the pipeline to be turned on to decrease by more than 0.5 kgf/cm2;

After the water supply to classifier No. 1 appears and the pipeline has warmed up to operating temperature, fully open valve No. 3 or No. 3";

open valve No. 32 on the water supply to the copper purification classifier No. 2;

Open valve No. 31 on the water supply to the GMO JUICE;

Open valve No. 30 on the water supply to pack No. 409;

7.5. The sequence of stopping the steam pipeline is P = 23 kg/cm2.

7.5.1 Stopping the steam pipeline in the section from valve No. 2 to the distribution unit with valves No. 4, 5, 6, 7.

Slowly closing valve No. 2 and not allowing the pressure to change before and after the section being disconnected by more than 0.5 kg/cm2, unload the pipeline;

7.5.2 Stopping the steam pipeline in the section from valve No. 3 to the distribution unit with valves No. 4,5,6,7..

Prepare the equipment of the autoclave installation for stopping the steam pipeline;

Slowly closing valve No. 3 and not allowing the pressure to change before and after the section being disconnected by more than 0.5 kg/cm 2, unload the pipeline;

After disconnecting the pipeline, open drainage through drain valve No. 8 only after a natural decrease in steam pressure;

When the pressure in the pipeline decreases to a value close to zero, open valve No. 8.

7.6 Sequence of stopping the steam pipeline P = 13 kg\cm2.

7.6.1 Stopping the entire pipeline in the section from valve No. 1 (route);

Slowly closing valve No. 1 and not allowing the pressure to change before and after the section being disconnected by more than 0.5 kg/cm 2, unload the pipeline;

7.6.2 Stopping the pipeline section from valve No. 2 or No. 3 (heating station);

Slowly closing valve No. 2 (No. 3) and not allowing the pressure to change before and after the section being disconnected by more than 0.5 kg/cm 2, unload the pipeline;

After disconnecting the pipeline, open drains through drain fittings No. 18, 28 only after a natural decrease in steam pressure;

7.6.3 Stopping the pipeline section from the distribution valves along the stages and the GMO tank equipment to the end valves of the tank equipment;

7.6.4 Stopping the pipeline section from the end valves of the tank equipment before introducing steam into the tank equipment;

Slowly closing the valve in the section being shut down and not allowing the pressure to change before and after the section being shut down by more than 0.5 kg/cm2, unload the pipeline;

Finally close the valve and wait for the steam pressure in the area to be stopped to naturally decrease.

7.7 Sequence of stopping the hot water pipeline.

Shut off the supply of hot water to the pipeline by slowly closing valves No. 3 and No. 3 ‘ in the GMO heating station;

Wait for a natural decrease in pressure in the area being stopped.

7.8 If the sequence of starting and stopping the pipelines is not followed, hydraulic shocks may occur in them, which, in turn, can cause serious damage to the pipelines and their fasteners. The causes of hydraulic shocks in steam pipelines are mostly due to unsatisfactory heating and drainage of the connected line.

7.9 The order of stopping and starting the steam and hot water pipelines, the need to drain water from the pipelines is determined by the energy service mechanic, depending on the duration of the shutdown and weather conditions.

7.10. Hot water intake for DHW and technology should be carried out in winter from the return hot water pipeline, and in summer from the direct pipeline. The transfer of hot water intake is carried out on the instructions of the energy service mechanic.

8. Emergency stop of pipelines.

8.1. Operating personnel must emergency disconnect the steam or hot water pipeline in the following cases:

If a section of the pipeline ruptures;

In case of depressurization of the pipeline, if this threatens the life and health of people;

If the pipeline fastening elements are damaged, if this threatens the pipeline’s fall or destruction;

In case of hydraulic shocks in the pipeline.

After the stop is completed, you must inform the GMO master about this.

8.2. The sequence of operations for emergency shutdown of steam and hot water pipelines is defined in clauses 7.5.;7.6.;7.7. of this instruction.

9. Labor protection.

9.1. The premises of the GMO heating station must be locked. The key to the heating station is kept by the energy service mechanic and at the central GMO point.

9.2. All repair work on steam and hot water pipelines must be carried out in accordance with the permit. In this case, before starting work, the pipeline (or its part to be repaired) must be separated from all other pipelines by plugs or disconnected. The installation location of the plugs is determined by the person issuing the permit.

The plug must have a protruding part (shank), by which its presence is determined.

9.3. Hydraulic tests of steam and hot water pipelines are carried out according to the approval order. In this case, the following must be provided:

Removing people from the pipeline area during test pressure testing;

Installation of plugs on pipelines supplying coolant to cast iron heating appliances

9.4. When starting up steam pipelines, it is necessary to fence off the area where steam is discharged from drainage and air valves and post prohibiting signs.

9.5. When servicing pipelines, it is necessary to observe the safety measures set out in the instructions: 38-01-99, 38-15-99, 04-11-2000.

9.6. All operations with valves and gate valves must be performed slowly and carefully; they should not be closed or secured with great force or using levers, as This method of fastening may cause the spindle thread to break, bend, and other damage.

10. Responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements of the instructions.

Persons guilty of violating these instructions bear administrative, financial or criminal liability depending on the nature and consequences of the violation.

Maintenance of pipelines in emergency modes.

2.3.1. In cases of rupture of steam-water path pipes, headers, fresh steam pipelines, condensate and feedwater pipelines, their steam-water fittings, tees, welded and flanged connections, the steam boiler must be disconnected and stopped immediately.

2.3.2. If cracks, bulges, or fistulas are detected in fresh steam pipelines, feedwater pipelines, in their steam-water fittings, tees, welded and flanged connections, the shift foreman should be immediately notified about this. The shift foreman is obliged to immediately identify the dangerous zone, stop all work in it, remove personnel from it, fence off this zone, post safety signs “No entry”, “Caution! Danger zone” and take urgent measures to shut down the emergency area. If during a shutdown it is not possible to reserve an emergency section, then the corresponding equipment associated with the emergency section must be stopped.

2.3.3. If destroyed supports and hangers are detected, the pipeline must be disconnected and the fastening restored.

2.3.4. If leaks or steam are detected in fittings, flange connections or from under the insulating coating of pipelines, this must be immediately reported to the shift foreman. The shift foreman is obliged to assess the situation and, if a leak or steam poses a danger to operating personnel or equipment (for example, steam from under insulation), take the measures specified in clause 2.3.2. Leaks or vapors that do not pose a hazard to personnel or equipment (for example, vapor from packings) should be inspected every shift.

2.3.5. If there are fistulas, cracks in the supply pipelines, fresh steam pipelines, as well as in their fittings, the emergency section must be immediately disconnected. If during a shutdown it is impossible to reserve an emergency section, then the equipment associated with this section must be stopped.

2.3.6. In case of significant dangerous vibrations of pipelines, measures must be taken to strengthen the pipelines with special support structures.

2.4.1. Pipelines are disconnected by closing the shut-off valves, draining the disconnected section and opening the vents. In this case, closed-type drainages, after draining the disconnected area, must be closed, and open-type drainages directed to the atmosphere remain open.

2.4.2. When turning off the equipment, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of water from the injection devices getting into the hot steam lines; when the parameters corresponding to the saturation point are reached, all drains must be fully open.

2.4.3. After cooling the steam pipelines, it is necessary to carry out an external inspection of its fastening system, temperature movement indicators, and record any identified defects.

2.4.4. To prevent steam or hot water from entering it, the section of pipeline to be repaired must be disconnected from both adjacent pipelines and equipment, as well as from drainage and bypass lines. Drainage lines and vents communicating directly with the atmosphere must be open.

2.4.5. Heat exchangers (pipelines) must be turned off with two valves installed in series. Between them there must be a drainage device connected directly to the atmosphere.

Ticket 1.

In what cases is a pressure gauge not allowed for use?

The pressure gauge is not allowed for use in cases where:

there is no seal or stamp indicating verification;

the verification period has expired;

when it is turned off, the arrow does not return to the zero scale reading by an amount exceeding half the permissible error for this device;

the glass is broken or there is damage that may affect the accuracy of its readings.

2. Which pipelines are subject to the requirements of the “Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines”?

Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish requirements for the design, construction, materials, manufacture, installation, repair and operation of pipelines transporting water vapor with an operating pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf /cm 2) or hot water with a temperature above 115°C.

What kind of fittings are installed on pipelines?

To ensure safe operating conditions, each pipeline must be equipped with instruments for measuring pressure and temperature of the working environment, and, if necessary, with shut-off and control valves, reducing and safety devices and means of protection and automation.

The number and placement of fittings, measuring instruments, automation and protection must be provided by the design organization, taking into account the provision of safe maintenance and repair.

What does technical inspection of a pipeline include?

Pipelines covered by the Rules must undergo the following types of technical examination before putting into operation and during operation: external inspection and hydraulic testing.

What responsibility do workers bear who are guilty of violating instructions and industrial safety rules?

Managers and specialists of organizations engaged in design, construction, manufacturing, adjustment, technical diagnostics (inspection) and operation who violated the Rules are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Depending on the damage caused, the perpetrators bear responsibility: disciplinary, administrative, financial and criminal.

Ticket 2.

Is it allowed to use and use compressed air to increase the pressure in the pipeline when testing it?

Not allowed.

Actions of personnel in case of accidents or accidents.

In case of accidents and incidents, personnel must report to the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of pipelines. The organization is obliged to notify Rostechnadzor. Until a representative of Rostechnadzor arrives to investigate the circumstances and causes of an accident or incident, the organization ensures the safety of the entire situation of the accident (accident), if this does not pose a danger to human life and does not cause further development of the accident.

3. Instruments for measuring pressure. What are the requirements for pressure gauges?

The accuracy class of pressure gauges must be no lower than:

2.5 - at operating pressure up to 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm 2);

1.5 - at a working pressure of more than 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm 2) up to 14 MPa (140 kgf/cm 2);

1.0 - at a working pressure of more than 14 MPa (140 kgf/cm2).

The pressure gauge scale is selected so that at operating pressure the pressure gauge needle is in the middle third of the scale.

The pressure gauge scale should have a red line indicating the permissible pressure.

Instead of the red line, it is allowed to attach to the pressure gauge body a metal plate painted red and tightly adjacent to the glass of the pressure gauge.

The pressure gauge must be installed so that its readings are clearly visible to operating personnel, and its scale should be positioned vertically or tilted forward up to 30° to improve the visibility of the readings.

The nominal diameter of pressure gauges installed at a height of up to 2 m from the level of the pressure gauge observation platform must be at least 100 mm, at a height from 2 to 3 m - at least 150 mm and at a height from 3 to 5 m - at least 250 mm. When the pressure gauge is located at a height of more than 5 m, a reduced pressure gauge must be installed as a backup.

In front of each pressure gauge there should be a three-way valve or other similar device for purging, checking and disconnecting the pressure gauge. In front of a pressure gauge designed to measure steam pressure, there must be a siphon tube with a diameter of at least 10 mm.

What are the methods of non-destructive testing of pipeline welds?

The main methods of non-destructive testing of materials and welded joints are:

visual and measuring;




capillary or magnetic particle;

eddy current;


hardness measurement;

hydraulic test.

In addition, other methods (acoustic emission, etc.) can be used.

Ticket 3.

The value of test pressure during hydraulic testing of pipelines.

The minimum test pressure during hydraulic testing of pipelines, their blocks and individual elements should be 1.25 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2).

Training and certification of personnel servicing pipelines. Time limits for retesting knowledge.

Persons trained in a program agreed upon in the prescribed manner, who have a certificate for the right to service pipelines and who know the instructions may be allowed to service pipelines.

The knowledge of service personnel must be checked by the qualification commission of the organization. The participation of a representative of the Rostechnadzor body in the work of the qualification commission for certification of service personnel is optional.

Testing the knowledge of personnel servicing pipelines should be carried out at least once every 12 months, as well as when moving from one organization to another.

The results of examinations and periodic testing of the knowledge of service personnel must be documented in a protocol signed by the chairman of the commission and its members and entered in a special journal.

Persons who pass the exams are issued certificates signed by the chairman of the commission.

Which pipelines are not covered by the “Rules for the construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines”?

The rules do not apply to:

a) pipelines located within the boiler;

b) vessels included in the pipeline system and being their integral part (water separators, mud traps, etc.);

c) pipelines installed on sea and river vessels and other floating facilities, as well as on offshore mobile installations and underwater facilities;

d) pipelines installed on rolling stock of railway, automobile and tracked vehicles;

f) drain, purge and exhaust pipelines of boilers, pipelines, vessels, reduction-cooling and other devices connected to the atmosphere;

g) pipelines of nuclear power plants and installations;

h) pipelines of special installations of the military department;

i) pipelines made of non-metallic materials.

Responsibilities of personnel servicing pipelines during a shift.

Personnel charged with servicing pipelines must closely monitor the equipment assigned to them by inspecting, checking the proper operation of fittings, instrumentation and safety devices; A shift log should be maintained to record the results of inspection and testing.

Ticket 4.

1. How long does it take to check the serviceability of pressure gauges and safety valves installed on pipelines with parameters from 14 kgf/cm 2 to 40 kgf/cm 2?

Checking the proper operation of pressure gauges and safety valves should be carried out within the following periods:

a) for pipelines with operating pressure up to 1.4 MPa (14 kgf/cm2) inclusive - at least once per shift;

b) for pipelines with operating pressure over 1.4 MPa (14 kgf/cm2) up to and including 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2) - at least once a day;

c) for pipelines with operating pressure over 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2) within the time limits established by the instructions duly approved in the electric power industry.

The test results are recorded in the shift log.

Ticket 5.

Ticket 6.

1. What fittings are installed on the drainage lines of steam pipelines with pressures up to 22 kgf/cm 2 and from 22 kgf/cm 2 to 200 kgf/cm 2?

All sections of steam pipelines that can be turned off by shut-off devices must be equipped at the end points with a fitting with a valve, and at a pressure above 2.2 MPa (22 kgf/cm 2) - with a fitting and two valves located in series: shut-off and regulating. Steam lines for a pressure of 20 MPa (200 kgf/cm2) and higher must be provided with fittings with sequentially located shut-off and control valves and a throttle washer. In cases where a section of a steam pipeline is heated in both directions, blowing should be provided at both ends of the section.

Ticket 7.

Ticket 8.

Requirements for plugs installed on a disconnected section of the pipeline during its repair.

The plug must have a protruding part (shank), by which its presence is determined.

Ticket 9.

Requirements for the selection of material for pipeline fasteners.

Limits of use of steels of various grades for fasteners. Fasteners and types of mandatory control tests must comply with regulatory documentation.

Fastener materials should be selected with a linear expansion coefficient close to that of the flange material, and the difference in these coefficients should not exceed 10%. The use of steels with different coefficients of linear expansion (more than 10%) is permitted in cases justified by strength calculations or experimental studies, as well as in cases where the design temperature of the fastener does not exceed 50°C.

Fasteners made by cold deformation must be subjected to heat treatment - tempering (with the exception of parts made of carbon steel operating at temperatures up to 200°C).

Thread rolling does not require subsequent heat treatment.

Ticket 10.

Ticket 11.

Ticket 12.

Ticket 13.

Ticket 14.

Ticket 15.

Ticket 16.

Requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines. Maximum surface temperature.

All pipeline elements with an outer wall surface temperature above 55°C, located in places accessible to operating personnel, must be covered with thermal insulation, the outer surface temperature of which should not exceed 55°C.

Ticket 17.

Ticket 18.

Ticket 19.

Ticket 20.

Preparation of pipelines for repair work.

During operation, it is necessary to ensure timely repair of pipelines according to the approved schedule of preventive maintenance. Repairs must be carried out according to the technical conditions (technology) developed before the start of work.

Pipeline repairs must be carried out only in accordance with the permit issued in the prescribed manner.

The organization must maintain a repair log, in which, signed by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of pipelines, information on repair work performed that does not require an extraordinary technical inspection must be entered.

Information about repair work that necessitates an extraordinary inspection of the pipeline, about the materials used in the repair, as well as information about the quality of welding must be entered in the pipeline passport.

Before starting repair work on a pipeline, it must be separated from all other pipelines by plugs or disconnected.

If the fittings of the steam and hot water pipelines are flangeless, the pipeline must be disconnected by two shut-off devices if there is a drainage device between them with a nominal diameter of at least 32 mm, which has a direct connection to the atmosphere. The drives of gate valves, as well as valves of open drains, must be locked with a lock so that the possibility of weakening their tightness when the lock is locked is excluded. The keys to the locks must be kept by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the pipeline.

The thickness of the plugs and flanges used when disconnecting the pipeline must be determined by strength calculations. The plug must have a protruding part (shank), by which its presence is determined.

Gaskets between the flanges and the plug must be without shanks.


Steam and hot water pipelines at a thermal power plant include: network pipelines (cogeneration plant), ROU, steam pipelines from steam boilers to ROU

7.1. Heating plant.

7.1.1. Heating plant diagram.

The network water after the consumer through valve No. B-26, a mud trap, and valve No. B-27 enters the suction of the network pumps in two streams. Directly to network pumps through valves No. B-28, B-43 and through condensate coolers. After the network pumps, the water enters the pressure manifold from which it is directed through pipelines in parallel flows through the PSV, hot water boilers, where it is heated, and then into the outlet manifold through valve No. B-9 (B-8-3) to the consumer, the temperature is adjusted by increasing ( reducing) the load on water heating boilers, PSV and changing the supply of cold (return) water through the temperature regulator unit (RT, rear B-10) from the pressure manifold of network pumps to the direct network water collector. From the thermal power plant, network supply is carried out in the following directions: “Plant”, “City”; The circuit provides for separate temperature control in directions (valves B-9, B-8-3, B-8-3a).

To compensate for leaks in the heating network, a make-up unit is provided.

The make-up water pressure is maintained automatically, depending on the pressure in the return pipeline. The network water pressure in the return pipeline is maintained at 2.5 kgf/cm 2 . There is a safety relief valve on the return network water pipeline which is configured to operate at a pressure of 3.2 kgf/cm 2 .

7.1.2. Preparation for launch.

By inspection, ensure the serviceability of pipelines, flange connections, and fittings. Check the presence and serviceability of devices in the designated places.

Inspect the equipment: hot water boilers, network water heaters, ROU, condensate coolers, pumps, sump tank.

Prepare network water pumps, condensate pumps, make-up pumps and recirculation pumps for start-up according to the instructions. And check them by briefly starting them.

Assemble a diagram for filling the heating plant and the heating network and open the valves:

1. on suction and pressure network pumps No. B-14-1÷4; No. B-55, 56, 57, 58;

2. on condensate coolers No. 1,2,3 at the inlet and outlet;

3. on make-up pumps No. 1,2,3; on emergency make-up pumps No. 1,2 at suction and pressure, assemble a circuit for supplying make-up water to the return network;

4. open valves No. B-9, 10, 43, 26, 27;

5. at the water heating boiler or PSV at the inlet and outlet;

6. on emergency make-up tanks, on AVR pumps;

7. open the air vents on the return heating network, hot water boilers, PSV, direct and return pipelines of hot water boilers (10m level, site DSA No. 3,4).

All other valves on the pipelines must be closed.

7.1.3. Filling the system.

The heating plant system and heating network for operation are filled with deaerated water from deaerators No. 1, 2, for which the water supply from the deaerators is opened through the make-up unit into the return network water pipeline. Water from the deaerators flows by gravity into the network.

After the pressure in the heating network rises to 0.8÷1 kgf/cm 2, the make-up pump is switched on and the valve regulates the water flow to 10-20 t/hour; The heating network is filled until the pressure rises to 2.5-3 kgf/cm 2 and water flows through the air vents. After this, the valves on the pressure pipelines of the network pumps and valves No. B-8 on the boilers are closed. The air vents are closing. The automatic heating of the heating network is turned on (by turning the key on the control unit from the “REM” position to “AUTO”). When filling the heating network, parallel filling of network pumps and EPS, condensate coolers and a hot water boiler is allowed.

7.1.4. Turning on the system for circulation.

Turn on one of the network pumps and pump water through the system, maintaining a pressure of 2.5÷3 kgf/cm 2 with replenishment in the return pipeline and periodically bleeding air from the system. By connecting network pumps, the pressure in the direct network water pipeline is brought to working level; the rise is carried out gradually, carefully monitoring the pressure in the return network water. The pressure in the direct network water pipeline is regulated by the pressure valves of the network pumps. The system is considered full if the recharge does not exceed 10-15t/hour after 1 hour of pump operation.

After turning on the system for circulation, it is necessary to inspect all pipelines, fittings and the presence of leaks; all leaks are eliminated. The boiler unit or hot water boiler is switched on.

During the initial period of operation of the heating installation, there is a large accumulation of air in the network water, so it is necessary to periodically bleed air through the vents of the upper points of pipelines and equipment after 30-45 minutes.

Strictly monitor the replenishment, because... During this period, heating systems are filled with water.

7.1.5. Maintenance of the heating plant during operation.

During operation, the operating personnel servicing the heating plant must check the operation (walk-through and inspection) of equipment, mechanisms, instrumentation and control systems at intervals of at least 1 hour.

Operations personnel must ensure:

Temperature of direct network water and maintain according to the schedule, depending on the outside air temperature (daily average).

Deviations from the specified mode should be no more than:

1. According to the temperature of direct network water ± 3%;

2. Pressure in direct network water ± 5%;

3. By pressure in the return pipeline ± 0.2 kgf/cm 2.

The change in temperature at the exit from the thermal power plant must be uniform at a rate not exceeding 30 0 C per hour.

The temperature of the return network water should not exceed 70 o C, in order to avoid failure of the network pumps (steaming).

The water pressure in front of the network pumps must be at least 0.5 kgf/cm 2, and in normal mode 1.5-2.0 kgf/cm 2 in order to avoid air leaks into the system.

If there is a hot water supply (DHW) load, the minimum temperature in the supply pipeline must be at least 70 0 C.

7.1.6. Auxiliary equipment for heating installations. Network pumps.

Network pumps are designed to ensure water circulation in the network; the circuit includes 4 pumps operating in parallel.

Email The power supply for network pumps is provided separately, i.e. from various power sources: SEN No. 1.4 are powered from the 1st bus section (S.Sh.), SEN No. 2.3 from the 2nd S.Sh.. To ensure safer and more reliable operation of the heating installation, it is necessary to keep the pumps powered from different S.W.

The valve control circuits are equipped with interlocks.

The activation of SEN No. 2,3,4 is carried out on closed valves 57,56,65, respectively. The control circuits of pumps and valves are interlocked, i.e. When the valve is open, the pump does not turn on.

The pressure valves of network pumps No. 57,56,65 are included in the network protection system; when the operating network pump is turned off, the pressure valve closes automatically; for this it is necessary that the valve control selector (CS) be in the “remote” position.

The valve control selector has three positions:

1. disabled

2. local

3. remote

With local control, the valve is controlled by the buttons at the pump “Open”, “Close”; if it is necessary to stop the valve in an intermediate position, the “Stop” button is pressed.

When the valve control unit is installed in the “Remote” position, the valve is controlled by the “Open” and “Close” buttons on the heat shield; the valve stops in the intermediate position when the control button is released.

Technical specifications.

Network pump. Productivity 350 m 3 /hour.

No. 1 Pressure 9.0 kgf/cm2.

ZV-200 x2 Electric motor power 125 kW.

Voltage 0.4 kV.

Speed ​​1460 rpm.

Network pumps Capacity 1250 kgf/cm 2 .

No. 2,3,4. Type

D 1250-125a. Pressure 9-12.5 kgf/cm2.

Electric motor power 630 kW.

Voltage 6kV.

Speed ​​1450 rpm.

Current /max/ 72 A.

The procedure for preparing for start-up, commissioning, maintenance during operation, removal and repair of network pumps.

Network pumps must be started under the leadership of the shift supervisor, and in his absence, under the leadership of the senior boiler room operator. After completing a major or medium repair, as well as before the start of the heating season - in the presence of the boiler and electrical director. workshops

The assembly of the thermal circuit, electrical circuit and instrumentation circuit is carried out by the relevant shift specialists by order of the shift supervisor.

By external inspection, make sure the pump is working properly:

1. presence of fingers on the coupling halves;

2. reliability of fastening of the guard of the pump and electric couplings. engine;

3. availability of a supply of stuffing box packing on the pump and shut-off valves;

4. availability of serviceable pressure gauges;

5. condition of anchor bolts;

6. electrical grounding engine;

7. absence of foreign objects.

Make sure that the pump pressure valve is closed (the green light on the control panel is on).

Open the valve on the pump suction, fill the pump with water.

Set the valve control selector to the “remote” position.

Using the control key, turn the pump on, observing the pump ammeter, the starting current time should not exceed 10 seconds, if longer, then the pump must be turned off and the cause of the malfunction must be found out.

After turning on the electric pump motor, it is necessary to open the discharge valve while monitoring the pressure in the network and the electric current. engine.

Operating the pump on a closed valve, in order to avoid overheating of the water, is not allowed for more than 2-3 minutes.

During operation, monitor instrument readings, heating of oil seals and bearings; the temperature of the bearings should not be higher than the room temperature by 40-50 o C and should not exceed 70 o C. The tightening of the seals should be such that water leaks out of them continuously in rare drops.

Avoid overloading the pump by monitoring the load on the ammeter.

Sharp fluctuations of instrument needles, as well as noise and increased vibration are abnormal operation; in this case, it is necessary to stop the pump to troubleshoot.

While the pump is operating, it is strictly prohibited to: carry out any repair work on it, adjust the tightening of the seals, or leave foreign objects on the pump.

The pump is stopped by the “stop” button at each pump or by a remote control key - after slowly closing (completely) the discharge valve, except in emergency cases.

For pumps in reserve, the electrical circuits must be assembled and the suction valves must be open.

When taking it out for repairs, the pump must be turned off by water (the drain is open), and the electrics are disassembled. scheme. Signs are posted on shut-off valves and control keys. Feeding unit.

The make-up unit is designed to compensate for leaks in the heating network and maintain a given pressure in the return heating network. Chemically purified deaerated water is used as make-up water. The scheme provides for the supply of river water for replenishment; replenishment with river water is carried out only in emergency situations with the permission of the chief engineer.

The make-up scheme is as follows: water from the deaerators is supplied to make-up pumps, from where, under pressure, through a control valve, it enters the return heating pipeline, the control valve automatically maintains the required pressure (2.5 kgf/cm2). To carry out repair work, a bypass line (bypass) is provided on the valve.

Feed pumps are equipped with AVR, i.e. When the operating pump is turned off, the pump in reserve is automatically switched on; for this it is necessary that the control unit of the reserve pump be in the “reserve” position.

Technical specifications:

Make-up pumps Capacity 150m 3 /hour.

network water Pressure 5.0 kgf/cm2.

No. 1,2,3 Type K-80-50.

Electric motor power 15 kW.

Speed ​​2990 rpm. Emergency make-up unit.

For emergencies (break in heating networks, sudden increase in recharge, failure of make-up pumps), emergency make-up of the heating network is provided; it includes emergency pumps and emergency make-up tanks. The principle of operation is as follows: when there is a sharp decrease in pressure in the return heating network, the emergency feed pump automatically turns on and raises the pressure to operating pressure, after which it turns off. Emergency replenishment is made with deaerated or chemically purified water from AVR tanks. The circuit provides for the operation of AVR pumps in the mode of make-up pumps (through a control valve, with DSA). Emergency feed pump No. 3 is additionally designed to supply water from the AVR tanks to the deaerators.

To turn on pumps that are in ATS mode, it is necessary that the pump control unit is in the “reserve” position.

Technical specifications:

AVR pumps No. 1,2,3 Capacity 90m 3 /hour.

Type K-90/50.

Pressure 4.3 kgf/cm2.

Electric motor power 18.5 kW.

Speed ​​2900 rpm.

Emergency make-up tanks Useful volume 300 m 3

No. 1,2 (general)

7.1.7. Actions during emergencies. A break in heating networks (increased recharge).

If an increased recharge is detected (a break in the network), it is necessary to immediately notify the shift supervisor about this. During increased replenishment, constantly monitor the operation of the automation of the recharge unit; if the automation fails or the operating speed of the control valve is insufficient, it is necessary to transfer the valve control unit to remote control. Monitor the water level in the DSAs working to feed the heating network, and in the AVR tanks, maintaining the working level in them, inform the TOVP employees about the increased consumption of deaerated, chemically purified water. Monitor the operation of emergency feed pumps (timely switching on and off); in the event of a failure in the automation, it is necessary to switch the control of the pumps to remote control, for which the control key is switched to the “remote” position.

If the power of the make-up unit or hot water supply is not enough to compensate for the leak and there is a tendency to reduce the pressure in the return heating network, it is necessary to shut down the hot water boiler or water heating boiler that is in operation (by order of the shift supervisor) and reduce the pressure in the forward heating network to 4 -5 kgf/cm 2 (reduce pressure only when the temperature after the boiler or boiler drops to 140 0 C). With a further decrease in pressure in the return heating network pipeline, it is necessary (by order of the shift supervisor) to reduce the pressure in the forward heating network, up to turning off the network pumps, and leaving the heating network under a return heating network pressure of 2.5 kgf/cm 2 .

After eliminating faults (breaks) in the heating network and reducing the make-up to 30 t/hour, it is necessary (by order of the shift supervisor) to turn on the network pumps and restore the hydraulic operating mode, and then turn on the hot water boiler or ESV. Water hammer in heating networks.

Water hammers in heating networks can occur due to the boiling of water and the formation of a compressible phase in the pipe system of the boiler, boiler, recirculation pipelines and direct network water pipelines (i.e. in the hydraulic path); this occurs when the network water pressure decreases below the water saturation temperature. The reason is a leak in the system that exceeds the capacity of the make-up unit, as well as in cases of voltage failure on one or all operating network pumps (they stop).

Personnel actions:

In the event of a power failure on one of the operating network pumps or its protection is turned off, in order to prevent the pump from starting itself, the maintenance personnel must set the control keys to the “Off” position;

Due to a decrease in network water pressure:

1. When working on a water heating boiler below 8 kgf/cm2, the boiler will be switched off by protection.

2. When working on the PSV, the steam pressure in the PSV housing and on the PSV No. 3 and 4 will increase sharply, the PSV safety valves are activated, the operating personnel must immediately close the steam supply valves on the PSV.

When one of the network pumps is turned off, turning on or off the backup pump again is allowed if the pressure behind the boiler, boiler is more than 5.5 kgf/cm2 and the water temperature behind the boiler, boiler is less than 161 o C.

If the water pressure drops below 5.5 kgf/cm2, all network pumps must be turned off.

The pressure in the return network pipeline when the network pumps are turned off will increase to 4-4.5 kgf/cm 2 and will be further maintained at this level by the make-up unit. To prevent water from triggering through the safety valve on the return network water, it is necessary to hang an additional weight on its lever (located near safety valve, painted red with white stripes).

It must be remembered that when the network pumps are turned off, a compressible phase is formed in the presence of steam in the boiler, boiler in the recirculation pipelines and direct network water. To eliminate it, the boiler is cooled at a speed equal to the power of the make-up unit, the recirculation pumps must be in operation.

The presence of steam plugs in the boiler, boiler and pipelines through “air vents” is monitored. When water appears from the “air vents”, the latter close.

The network pump is turned on only in the absence of a compressible phase /steam/ on all “air vents” and the supply to the network is reduced to an average value or slightly higher. If the flow of make-up water has not decreased to the previous level, it is necessary to check all the vents again. Increased replenishment in the absence of steam at the vents indicates a break in the heating main. To avoid defrosting of consumer pipelines, it is necessary to turn on the network pump to circulate water.

The network pump is started with the valve closed and slowly opened at a rate of pressure rise in the direct network water pipeline equal to 0.2 kgf/cm 2 per minute.

If water hammer occurs when opening the valve for pumping the SEN, the latter must be closed, the pump should be stopped, and all “air vents” should be checked again.

After checking all air vents and removing steam, start the mains pump again. When starting the network pump, the flow rate of the network water and the temperature of the network water behind the boiler and the boiler at the exit from the thermal power plant are controlled; when the pressure in the return pipeline decreases to 3.2 kgf/cm2, the additional load must be removed from the safety valve.

When the pressure in the direct network water pipeline increases to 5.6 kgf/cm 2 , there is water circulation, there are no water hammers in the system, and when the pressure in the return network water pipeline is 2.5 kgf/cm 2 by turning on additional network pumps, bringing the hydraulic mode of the heating network to the specified level .

When the flow rate of make-up water decreases to 30t/hour, the boiler or boiler is started.

7.1.8. Instrumentation, alarm, remote control, auto-regulation.

Indicating recorders:

1. Pressure in the direct network water pipeline.

2. Pressure in the return network water pipeline before the sump tank and after the sump tank.

3. Consumption of direct and reverse network water.

4. Temperature in the direct and return pipelines to the city (from the city).

5. Temperature of supply water to the plant.

6. Temperature of network water in the return pipeline (total).

7. Water consumption for recharging the heating network.

Automatic regulation:

1. Water consumption for recharging the heating network;

To remotely control any of the parameters, the switch on the control unit of the corresponding regulator is switched to the “remote” position and the regulator is controlled using the “more” and “less” buttons; the position of the regulators is controlled by position indicators.

Remote control is carried out according to the following parameters:

1. Pressure in the pipeline of the direct heating network (rear 56,55,57).

2. Direct network water temperature regulator (RT).

Process signaling is carried out according to the following parameters:

1. Increasing the pressure of direct network water to 8.4 kgf/cm 2.

2. Reducing the pressure of direct network water to 7.6 kgf/cm 2.

3. Reducing the pressure of return network water to 2.3 kgf/cm 2.

4. Increasing the return network water pressure to 2.7 kgf/cm 2.

5. Level in PSV: decrease to –200mm,

increase up to +200mm.

The protection circuit ensures restoration of the specified parameters:

1. Switching on the AVR backup make-up pump.

2. Turning on the emergency make-up pump when the return network water pressure drops to 2.2 kgf/cm 2 ; turning off the emergency make-up pump when the return network water pressure reaches 2.1 kgf/cm 2 .

7.2. Reducing cooling units.

7.2.1. Description, technical characteristics.

ROU - reduction-cooling unit is designed to reduce the pressure of steam coming from the boilers to the boiler and to the plant workshops for technology (from ROU No. 5 steam is supplied only to the DSA) and partially reduce the temperature due to throttling. The units are equipped with automatic and remote pressure regulators, shut-off valves (valves at the live steam inlet and reduced steam outlet), safety valves, a drainage system, and pressure gauges installed at the steam inlet and outlet.

ROU-reducing Capacity 40t/hour (ROU No. 3.4)

cooling 30 t/hour (ROU No. 1)

installations 20 t/hour (ROU No. 5)

Live steam pressure 13 kgf/cm2.

Temperature up to ROU 250 o C.

Steam pressure after ROU is 2-2.5 kgf/cm2.

Temperature after ROU 180 o C.

7.2.2. Preparation for start-up, commissioning, maintenance during operation.

Before putting it into operation, it is necessary to make sure through a walk-through inspection that the steam pipelines, flange connections, fittings and supports are in good working order, check the presence of pressure gauges, and make sure that there is voltage at the valve control. With the inlet and outlet valves closed, test the operation of the control valve and then close it. Check that the valves and drains are in good condition, and then close them.

To get started you need:

Open the drainage valve in front of the inlet valve and warm up the steam line from the main steam manifold;

Slowly opening the inlet valve slightly, warm up the ROU, the pressure should not exceed 0.2 - 0.5 kgf/cm2, warm-up time is at least 20 minutes;

During warm-up, the operation of the safety valve is checked by forced detonation;

After warming up, the outlet valve opens;

The pressure is raised by the control valve, the pressure rises at a speed of 0.1-0.15 kgf/cm 2 per minute;

The drains on the high and low sides are closed.

During operation of the ROU, it is necessary to monitor steam parameters and consumption; a one-time change in load should not exceed 2-4 tons/hour. When operating a steam generator, it is necessary to remember that the steam turbine operates with back pressure (steam supply after the turbine to the steam manifold of the ROU) and when the load on it changes, in order to maintain the parameters of the steam supplied to consumers, it is necessary to change the load on the ROU accordingly. Perform periodic inspection walks during which pay attention to the serviceability of steam lines, flange connections, fittings and supports, and pressure gauges. Carry out periodic checks of the operation of safety valves (once a week, according to the schedule), by forcibly detonating them, the check is carried out in the presence of the shift supervisor or the boiler shop manager.

7.2.3. Stop, emergency stop.

When turning off the ROU from operation, you must:

Gradually reduce the load on the control valve, redistributing the load to other distribution devices;

Open the drain valve after the dispenser (before the outlet valve);

Close the inlet valve;

To stop for a long time, it is necessary to close the valve at the outlet of the ROU;

ROW must be stopped immediately in the following cases:

Steam pipeline rupture;

Malfunctions of pressure gauges and the impossibility of replacing them;

Safety valve malfunction;

In the event of a fire that threatens personnel or may lead to an accident.

7.2.4. Output for repair.

Repair of the ROU is carried out with the issuance of a work permit.

To take the ROU out for repair, it is necessary to perform the actions specified in P7.2.3. to stop it, after which it is necessary to disassemble the electric. diagrams of valve drives and hang prohibiting posters; shut-off valves must be locked (using chains). Before allowing repair personnel to carry out repairs, it is necessary to ensure that there is no pressure on the pressure gauge and that communication with the atmosphere is open.

7.3. High pressure steam pipelines, from steam boilers to ROU.

7.3.1. Description, diagram of steam pipelines.

Steam lines are designed to supply steam from steam boilers to the gas processing plant, from where it is supplied to the ROU and the steam turbine.

The pipeline structure is made of steel pipes connected by welding; The connection of fittings to pipelines is flanged and flangeless (welded). To ensure thermal expansion there are compensators. Pipelines are laid using supports and hangers. Drain and air valves installed on pipelines ensure the release of the environment during operation and when taken out for repairs. The outside of the pipelines has a heat-insulating coating. To monitor the parameters, the pipelines are equipped with instrumentation equipment (pressure gauges, thermometers).

7.3.2. Preparation for start-up, commissioning, maintenance during operation. Preparation for launch.

Includes the following:

Checking the technical condition of the pipeline and its elements by external inspection (compensators, instrumentation and automation, insulation; absence of foreign objects, obstructions);

Checking and installing (according to the diagram) the position of the valve (open, closed);

Checking the serviceability and readiness for operation of instrumentation and automation (install pressure gauges using three-way valves in the working position; before installing the thermometer, pour mineral oil into the sleeve; have the TAI electrician on duty check the connection of sensors and devices);

Checking the serviceability and readiness for operation of equipment (including backup) included in the work together with the pipeline;

Safety check (absence of foreign objects, clutter, presence of fences, insulation, safety signs); absence of repair work, unauthorized persons on the pipeline and its elements being put into operation. Putting the steam pipeline into operation.

The steam line is heated by slowly supplying steam to the steam line with open drains along the entire length of the pipeline. If the condensate remaining in the steam line is not discharged through the drains, then when steam is supplied, water hammer will certainly occur, which can lead to ruptures. The signal to close the drainage is the release of saturated (without large drops of water) steam. This is also a signal to complete the heating of a certain section of the steam pipeline. If water hammer occurs in the pipeline, immediately reduce the amount of steam supplied for heating; in some cases and stop completely, followed by checking the drainage system. The heating time of the steam pipeline depends on the length of the section; During heating, it is necessary to constantly monitor the heating of massive elements (flanges, fittings) and, accordingly, during heating, ensure control over the condition of connections, supports, compensators, and visible welds. Operation of steam pipelines.

During work, operating personnel must monitor the serviceability of pipelines, their elements (fittings, drainage lines, compensators, connections), instrumentation and automation and ensure operating parameters (according to a given schedule).

7.3.3. Stop, emergency stop. Stopping the steam line.

The pipeline is stopped together with the equipment (boiler, EPS) or independently (steam pipeline section) by slowly reducing the pressure in the pipeline and bringing it to a complete drop. After stopping the steam line, open the drain lines to remove condensate.

Emergency shutdown of the steam pipeline. Produced in cases:

Pipeline rupture;

Fire or other natural disasters that threaten personnel and equipment.

In the event of an emergency stop, immediately (together with the equipment in accordance with the operating instructions) disconnect the pipeline (closing the shut-off valves on the pipeline or its section).

7.3.4. Output for repair.

Pipeline repairs are carried out in accordance with a permit issued in the prescribed manner.

Before repairs can begin, the piping must be plugged or disconnected from the equipment and all other piping. With wafer fittings, shutdown is carried out by two shut-off devices (valve, gate valve) if there is a drainage device between them with a nominal diameter of at least 32 mm, connected to the atmosphere. Gate valve drives must be locked. The thickness of the plugs and flanges used when disconnecting is determined by calculation. The plug must have a protruding part (shank).

Gaskets between the flange and the plug must be without shanks.

Before allowing repair personnel to carry out repairs, it is necessary to ensure that there is no pressure on the pressure gauge and that communication with the atmosphere is open.

1 area of ​​use........................................................................................... 2

3. Designations and abbreviations…………………………………………………... 2

4. General provisions...…………………………………………………………… 3

5. Operation of steam and hot water boilers and water boilers.…………………... 4

5.1. Operation of steam boilers and boilers…………………………………… 4

5.1.1. Technical characteristics of the boiler K-50-14/250…………………………………………………….. 4

5.1.2. Brief description of the boiler……………………………………………………………………………….. 4

5.1.3. Preparing the boiler unit for lighting……………………………………………………… 5

5.1.4. Beginning of the boiler firing……………………………………………………………………… 7

5.1.5. Kindling order……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

5.1.6. Connecting the boiler to the common steam line……………………………………………………… 9

5.1.7. Maintenance of a running boiler………………………………………………………... 10

5.1.8. Boiler shutdown……………………………………………………………………………….. 12

5.1.9. Emergency shutdown of the boiler……………………………………………………………….. 13

5.1.10. Operation of instrumentation and automation…………………………………………………………………………………... 14

5.1.11. Bringing the boiler out for repairs………………………………………………………………………………… 17

5.1.12. Operation of boiler and auxiliary equipment……………………………… 18 Draft machines…………………………………………………………………… 18 Dust preparation system. …………………………………………………………... 19

Scraper feeder SPU 500/4060…………………………………………………… 19

Hammer mill MMA – 1300/944…………………………………………………………………. 19 Centrifugal scrubber MP-VTI……………………………………………………… 21 Supply pipelines and pumps................................................................. ................................ 23

5.2. Operation of hot water boilers and water heaters…………………...………….. 24

5.2.1. Technical characteristics of the boiler KVGM-50/150………………………………………………………. 24

5.2.2. Brief description of the boiler………………………………………………………………………………... 24

5.2.3. Preparing the boiler unit for lighting……………………………………………………………… .…. 26

5.2.4. Ignition of the boiler…………………………………………………………………………………... 28

5.2.5. Maintenance of the boiler during operation………………………………………...…. 29 of burners from gas combustion to fuel oil combustion……………………………..….. 30 Converting burners when operating on fuel oil to gas combustion…………………………….… 30

5.2.6. Boiler shutdown………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 31 a boiler running on fuel oil………………………………………………………………..….. 31 Stopping a gas-fired boiler……………………………………………………………..…. 31

5.2.7. Emergency shutdown of the boiler…………………………………………………………………………………...… 31

5.2.8. Instrumentation and automation, alarm, remote control, protection………………. 32

5.2.9. Taking the boiler unit out for repairs………………………………………………………………………………… 34

5.2.10. Operation of boiler and auxiliary equipment…………………………..….. 35 Draft machines………………………………………………………………………………...… 35 Recirculation pumps…………………………………………………………………………………...…. 35

6 .Operation of pressure vessels……………………..… 36

6.1. Operation of deaerators………………………………………………………….... 36

6.1.1. Description, technical characteristics………………………………………………..…. 36

6.1.2. Preparing for launch………………………………………………………………………………………..….. 37

6.1.3. Putting into operation………………………………………………………………………………………..… 37

6.1.4. Maintenance during operation………………………………………………………..…. 38

6.1.5. Stopping the deaerator…………………………………………………………………………………………. 38

6.1.6. DSA emergency stop…………………………………………………………………… 38

6.1.7. Instrumentation and automation, alarm system, remote control, auto-regulation……………… 39

6.1.8. Output for repairs……………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

6.2. Operation of network water heaters, boiler installations…. 40

6.2.1. Network water heater PSV-315……………………………………………………40, technical characteristics…………………………………………………………….. 40 for launch…………………………………………………………………………………... 40 Starting up………………………………………………………………………………….. 41 Starting the heater in parallel operation with the operating heater. ……… 41 Starting the heater in parallel operation with a hot water boiler…………………. 42 Stopping the heating water………………………………………………………42 Disabling a heater from parallel operation with another heater…… 42 Disabling the heater from parallel operation with a hot water boiler……….. 42 Emergency stop of the network water heater………………………………………………………... 42 Instrumentation, alarm, remote control, auto-regulation……………… 43 Output for repairs………………………………………………………………………………….. 44 Auxiliary equipment for PSV (boiler installation)………………………. 44

6.3. Operation of the p/purge separator, p/purge expander…….. 46

6.3.1.Description, technical characteristics………………………………………………………. 46

6.3.2. Preparation for start-up, start-up, maintenance during operation. ……………………………. 47

6.3.3. Stop, emergency stop……………………………………………………………… 47

6.3.4. Output for repairs………………………………………………………………………………… 48

7. Operation of steam and hot water pipelines………………………. 48