Interpretation of sleep rocket in dream books. What did the rocket dream about What did the launch of a space rocket dream about

If you fall from a tall building or into an abyss, this is a symbolic warning that evil fate can play a dangerous trick on you. You will lose status, fortune, honor.

Falling from a height is a failure, exposing your secret.

Falling into a pit is a disease, a deterioration in social status.

Awakening during a fall, horror is a neurotic anxiety, a crisis, a transition to recovery.

Falls in a dream usually reflect the dreamer's inner insecurity in some area.

But sometimes a fall, for example, into an abyss turns into a flight. This is a very auspicious development of the plot.

But more often when we fall, we wake up from fear.

A fall in a dream is often a reminder of a symbolic "fall" in life.

But in my practice, there were practically no stories about dreams with a fall in people who had already “fallen” in life.

An unemployed, poor, seriously ill person is no longer afraid to fall. But people in a period of relative prosperity often see themselves in a dream falling into an abyss, from the window of a high-rise building.

Some dreams with a fall are not subject to interpretation at all, as they are associated with physiological causes, a sharp change in the heart rhythm. This happens in sick people, adolescents and in menopause life.

Sometimes the dreamer's deep intuition actually portends a bad situation for the one he sees falling. But often falling people symbolize the disappearance of the dreamer's individual qualities that were previously inherent in him.

Often such dreams are found in adolescents, whose character changes in a short period of time.

Although dreams with falls are not pleasant, and one can benefit from them. Especially if the dreamer manages to get rid of fear. Then the fall can turn into a pleasant flight.

Flying in a dream often reflects sexuality or a desire for emancipation. Most often, such dreams are dreamed of by young people.

At an older age, dreams about flights can be dreamed of during a period of creative upsurge or in cases where reality does not allow a person to realize his creative potential.

In addition, some symbols of limitation are often present in the flights of an older dreamer.

Not only falls, but also flights can serve as a warning against excessive carelessness.

And yet, flying in a dream is a source of joy and good mood, and therefore, fly to your health!

Flying in a dream portends joy and good mood.

Falling is a sign of warning.

Think about it: is everything in order in your life? Are you walking on the edge of an abyss?

The main meaning of sleep with flights is associated with the liberation of a person from shackles and burdens. The roots of this interpretation go deep into the centuries, when a person, in principle, before the invention of an airplane, could not rise into the air, overcome the earth's gravity.

Flights begin to be dreamed of in childhood, when the child is simply entangled in a web of all sorts of “no” things.

Flying in adults reflects the ways in which a person copes with the difficulties of life:

1. Release from external prohibition.

2. Overcoming inner uncertainty.

3. Departure from reality with the help of fantasies, alcohol.
4. Release from external prohibition

By the nature of dreams with flights, one can also make prophecies for the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from

A ballistic missile taking off from the cosmodrome dreams of the sudden appearance of a large and noisy company of guests.

A flare is a sign of a happy marriage.

If you see it fall and go out, there is no agreement in your marriage.

Multi-colored firework rockets scattered in the air symbolize false information.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

What does the rocket dream mean?

The rocket is a dream come true. News. Can't get off the ground or fall apart - vain expectations; there are not many of your lights.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

See a Rocket in a dream

Rocket - Rapidly unfolding events. You are in a rocket - you will be a direct participant in these events. Exploding rocket - turbulent events in public life; if the explosion affected you, then the events will touch or affect you. A launch rocket is a drastic change in life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What do Rocket dreams mean?

A rocket flying up in a dream - you are dreaming about something in vain.

Why in vain? Suddenly Martians exist and they are not the same as those of the river. Bradbury and Mr. Wells, but real "brothers in mind"!

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Girls

What does it mean in a dream Rocket

The speed of the course of the event, incident; a fleeting acquaintance that leaves a mark; stunning news; male energy, sexuality. To fly in it is a quick achievement of fame, complete success, a dizzying career, if there was no crash.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The meaning of dreams Rocket

If you dream that you are present at the launch of a rocket, the dream portends a party that will bring you happiness in your personal life. You will meet a person who will win you over with his charm. You will be crazy about his or her sexuality and desire to win your heart. If you dream that a rocket that has just launched is falling, beware of new acquaintances that can discourage you from loving and being loved.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

What does a rocket mean in a dream

A launching rocket is a swift unexpected success, a successful matchmaking or meeting a wonderful person;
a falling rocket is an unsuccessful marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Rocket

Symbolizes energy and purposefulness.

Seeing a successful rocket launch is a sign of success in achieving lofty goals.

Unsuccessful launch: suggests that you may not have enough strength and energy to implement one or another grandiose idea.

Rocket explosion in a dream: speaks of a strong nervous strain. it seems that your emotions are ready to get out of control at any moment, which can ruin your plans.

You can avoid this if you find a way to remove the accumulated nervous tension and find a safe outlet for your emotions. The best thing to do in this situation is to use a sense of humor.

Interpretation of dreams from

I am at the edge of the field near the leafy green trees. Behind the trees I see a high iron tower (similar to the Eiffel Tower), and above it a white space rocket (similar to Soviet spaceships). It smoothly docks to the tower with its nose up. Then she rises a little and sits somewhere behind the trees, not very far away.
I tell someone that I can fly and smoothly rise above the ground to the level of the tops of the trees. I feel amazing lightness. This someone answers me that there is no use in such my ability. If only the buckets could be counted. Then I fly backwards to the middle of the field, climb a little higher and start counting the buckets. I count five buckets in different places in the field. And in the place where I took off, I see a black ashtray, commensurate with the size of buckets (although from my height, objects are seen quite small).
Then I begin to move forward to the place where the rocket landed, flying right over the trees, almost catching them with my legs. From above, the tops of the trees are even, as if trimmed. I slightly increase the speed, and a pleasant breeze begins to blow in my face. After flying a little over the trees, I saw a clearing. The rocket is nowhere to be found, but I'm sure it was here. I go down and see a shallow round hole several meters in diameter. It is noteworthy that there is no grass in the clearing - just bare ground. In the distance, I notice a group of people dressed as tourists looking for something on the ground. I decide they are also looking for a landing site, and I get up and fly back to the field.
Flying up, I see several groups of people in different parts of the field. Pulling my hands to my chest and bending my knees, I begin to dive first on one group, then on another. I like it. To one group I fly low enough, because I see a face (unfamiliar) in front of me. On it, first caution, surprise, and then interest, without any fear from my unusual behavior. I get fun. I rise and return to the trees, rushing over them and suddenly, at the end, a female head (the size of me) pops up with an open mouth. The face of a former secretary at the company where I work, but with a slightly different hairstyle (reddish hair, short haircut). She sticks out her tongue at me and quickly hides it without closing her mouth. I do not feel fear, but my cheerful mood instantly disappears from surprise.


I live in an apartment with my parents. We saw some program on TV with the letter "x" in the title. From there, an agent came to us, told something. If you look out the window at night, you can sometimes see a delightful patterned glow of green. Then the radiance did not appear; instead, patterns of small yellow rings appeared. These patterns are mysterious and very mesmerizing. We silently admire them, then I go to my room. I look out the window, I see other patterns: this time they are multi-colored, from different geometric shapes. These patterns have a very simple structure, but they are very attractive. Figures are changing, the grid is changing, finally, I break away from them, I go to inform my ancestors about this so that they also admire. We look out the window together, but other actions are already taking place there. Some colorful flashes. They are very beautiful, but they are alarming aggression. Airplanes are flying low, the feeling of danger is growing. A rocket is fired. Is she flying to our house? No, it's passing by. Through another window, you can see that she is returning, flying by again, turning around and flying into the window. Somehow, without breaking it, she finds herself in a room, falling. It is a cubit long, painted in transverse white and pale lilac stripes, it looks like a small TV tower. She's about to explode! I grab her, shout to my mother to break the mesh on the window. She breaks the net, I throw the rocket out the window. But it turns out that there is a wire behind the rocket, which means it is still close. I jump up on a chair under the window, tear this wire with my bare hands, and again throw the rocket out the window. Again, failure, the wire somehow caught on the window! I understand that I will not be able to break it a second time. I scream for scissors, I get them, I cut them, I throw them away ... I wake up ...


I am at home. It was morning. I look out the window. Two red objects are flying and another in the form of a rocket or something similar to an airplane and I hear that there is such a strange silence on the street, I call my husband and describe what objects are flying over my head and he tells me that this is a war and they are flying atomic bombs and the connection was interrupted. It's strange, but there was another window in the apartment with access to the other side of the street and I saw how the atomic bombs fell. There was a bright flash, I closed my eyes, my child was also at home with me, then I looked out the window a few minutes later and saw a large wave from the explosion approaching me. I was very scared, I didn’t know where to run, most of all I was scared for the child. When I looked around me, I realized that I was no longer at home, but I was in some big old building, some man defended us like from some kind of action movie: brave, courageous. I understand that it started a war with China. The man who was with me shot at the Chinese, gave me a gun too, said shoot if you want to survive. Then he was killed, the child and I were able to escape into the street, I had a gas mask on my head, I don’t remember how, and it was very difficult to breathe through it. We ran for a long time, I tried to hide in the forest, while I ran I saw mud under my feet, it was very slippery, we fell and were taken prisoner. I don’t remember how, but I escaped from captivity, and the child remained with them, I was still in a gas mask, there were gunfights on the street. There were many Chinese, almost all of ours were in captivity, when I tried to take off the gas mask, my eyes immediately stung, all my skin had some kind of chemical smell. Then I hid from them in the water, I felt that the water was infected, my whole body tingled, I hid somewhere under the bridge. Then I waited for the moment when they would release the boat, then I sat outside, there were still our Russian prisoners, I released them and asked where they hide the captive children, they told me and we swam to this building, I found a doctor there who treated children who were abused by the Chinese (the Chinese were killed). I saw only two mutilated surviving boys, whom she bandaged, I asked where my child was, she said: They killed me ... and everything turned upside down inside me, I just couldn’t imagine my life without him and I couldn’t imagine how I would tell my husband, my husband loves the child very much, this is the worst thing that could happen to us, I asked the nurse for details of the child’s death, it was terrible, I asked to take one boy who was saved ... then we boarded a boat with the released , the Chinese tried to catch up with us, we swam across the river into the sea - and this was our salvation, then I ended up in the village where I was born.

I dreamed of a friend with whom we were going to visit, she called my ex boyfriend, who cheated on me so that he would take us, he agreed and came for us, I sat in my usual place in the car, in front with the former, we went to visit, my friend fell asleep in the car and my ex took my hand and we ran somewhere, it was warm outside, but the snow was still lying, we were furious, went crazy, played, then we fell, he was above me, we started spinning and I noticed the girl with whom he cheated on me, she noticed us, and under walked towards us, starting to scream at my ex, why is he with me at all, I decided that I didn’t want to listen to this, and decided to leave, because I still love him, after a while he followed me, after which he told me I’m sorry, we went on with him and I abruptly lost him, after that I didn’t see him, then I fell because I was running in search of my ex and woke up

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a rocket in a dream is a harbinger of an accident that you cannot avoid.

Dream interpretation online - Rocket

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Often we turn a simple idea or project into a difficult task - perhaps the dream says that we should not complicate things so much? If you dream that you are in a rocket and are about to take off, it means that a period begins in your life ...

How to interpret the dream "Rocket"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A rocket in a dream portends some changes in life that will happen at lightning speed. If you dream of a rocket taking off, this is a sign of an unexpected and rapid rise, successful matchmaking and fidelity to the marital vow. If you see a falling rocket in a dream, it means ...

I had a dream "Rocket"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A signal rocket, scattering into thousands of sparks above your head, portends an unexpected and very noisy arrival of guests. They saw a festive rocket taking off - to the good news, which may turn out to be fiction, as well as to the news of pregnancy. Launch a rocket - you can ...

The meaning of the dream about the Rocket

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The speed of the course of an event. A fleeting acquaintance that leaves a mark. Stunning news. Male energy, sexuality. Flying in it is a quick achievement of fame, complete success, a dizzying career, if there was no crash.

Dream Interpretation: what the Rocket is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The speed of the course of the event, incident; a fleeting acquaintance that leaves a trace; stunning news; male energy, sexuality. Flying in it is a quick achievement of fame, complete success, a dizzying career, if there was no crash.

Dreaming of a Rocket - interpretation in a dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A ballistic missile taking off from the cosmodrome dreams of the sudden appearance of a large and noisy company of guests. A flare is a sign of a happy marriage. If you see it fall and go out, there is no agreement in your marriage. Multi-colored firework rockets, scattered in the air, ...

Dreaming of "Space Rocket" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing the launch of a space rocket - you will witness an important event. Building a rocket - your plans have grandiose prospects. How to improve the value of sleep? Imagine how the rocket flies into the bottomless space and is lost in the light of the stars.

Dream Interpretation: what the Rocket is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A rocket flying up in a dream - you are dreaming about something in vain. Why in vain? Suddenly Martians exist and they are not the same as those of the river. Bradbury and Mr. Wells, but real "brothers in mind"!

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Rocket

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A ballistic missile taking off from the cosmodrome dreams of the sudden appearance of a large and noisier company of guests. A flare is a sign of a happy marriage. If you see it fall and go out, there is no agreement in your marriage. Multi-colored firework rockets, scattered in the air, ...

If you dream of a Rocket, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A launching rocket is a swift unexpected success, a successful matchmaking or meeting a wonderful person. A falling rocket is an unsuccessful marriage.

Rocket (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dreamed that you were present at the cosmodrome when a rocket was launched, then in reality you will witness some important event. However, it is possible that this will not bring you joy. To go into space on a rocket yourself - far. Without expecting it...

Rocket - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This sign can symbolize the highest rise of the spirit. You have unlimited potential and power. Some psychologists (mostly men) consider the rocket to be a phallic symbol because of its shape and swift power.

Dream Interpretation: what the Rocket is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This is an unconditional sacrifice. Do you feel that someone is trying to crucify you in emotionally? Do you allow yourself to be crucified? Do you need suffering to grow and develop? Step over the situation and look at it from a different angle. Denise Lynn

Dream - Rocket - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Festive rocket launched during fireworks - you are in danger of financial collapse. Launch rockets - take part in the holiday. Space rocket - wait for the visit of old friends.

Interpretation of sleep Rocket

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing missiles is a threat. Let - take part in the holiday.