How to grow peanuts in the country - important conditions for a good harvest. Growing peanuts on your own: rules for sowing, care, harvesting How to grow ground peanuts in the country

Aerobatics among summer residents is considered to be the cultivation of some exotic crop that is "non-native". For example, peanuts in Siberia. In addition, it is not just a capricious plant, but also very thermophilic. It would seem that such an idea is simply doomed to failure, however, local summer residents prove the opposite in practice, and in addition, they willingly share their experience with others.

Plant specifics

Before embarking on such an adventure, you need to know that there are two types of peanuts - bush and creeping. For a steep Siberian climate, it is better to use a bush variety. The reason for this is the unusual type of flowering. After the culture has been fertilized, the ovary grows quite actively. On it, in turn, a small stem is formed - gynophore. It gradually grows towards the ground and slowly sinks into it, where, in fact, the formation of fruits occurs.

When planting a crop in Siberia, it is necessary to pay attention to the peanut variety. In this climatic zone, it is better to grow early species. Their vegetation period is about 120 days. And at the same time, it should be borne in mind that it will not work to collect a huge harvest. On average, about 10 pods will grow on one bush.

Note to summer resident

Also, when growing peanuts in Siberia, it is necessary to take into account such moments.

Particular attention must be paid to the formation of beds. Its recommended width should be about 45 cm. But the length can be arbitrary. After the bed has been formed, it is necessary to thoroughly fertilize it with microelements. For this purpose, it is necessary to combine about 5 kg of alabaster with 40 g of boric acid. In the event that the soil used is acidic, the alabaster is replaced with lime. Its quantity must be identical.

When choosing a place for the formation of beds, it should be noted that the site should be as much as possible illuminated by the sun. As for the type of soil itself, light, loose soil is ideal in this case. A prerequisite is the addition of fertilizers. If this soil is not fertile enough, such an important part of the culture as the gynophore will simply dry out and remain on the very root. Recognizing this phenomenon is quite simple. The plant will visually resemble thinned and diseased hairs. The harvest will still be in this case, but it will be minimal, which cannot be said if such a recommendation for growing peanuts in Siberia is not ignored.

Another secret to success is seed germination. This stage will take only 10 days. But the result will be simply colossal. A similar stage can be replaced by growing two-week-old seedlings. For planting, it is best to use peanuts in beans. It is less capricious to various natural factors.

Taking into account the structure and formation of the ovary, one should concentrate as much as possible on the planting itself. To this end, it is necessary to make a couple of grooves along sufficiently high dirt sides. The depth of the furrow should be about 10 cm. Seeds are laid out in them, and sprinkled with a small amount of soil on top. It is very important to respect the distance between the cultures themselves. Approximately, it should be about 20 cm. After the manipulations, the seedlings must be covered with a shelter in the form of an arc. It is recommended to remove it only if stable warm weather is established outside.

Caring for peanuts in harsh Siberian conditions is quite simple. Culture regularly needs to be loosened, weeded, hilled. As for watering, you should not abuse it. It is enough 8 times during the growing season. Please note that the last time it must be carried out 20 days before harvest.

Today it's time to talk about one of my experiments from last year! I think this will be interesting for many of you, especially since the experiment was a success and it’s a sin not to brag about it)))

And it all started with the fact that one day, passing by a tent where they sell various nuts and dried fruits, an interesting thought occurred to me: "What if I try to grow a peanut, i.e. peanuts?" The fact is that her husband loves him very much, but he constantly buys him, because for some reason they themselves have not yet tried to grow him?!

And then I buy 1 kg of unpeeled peanuts and run home! The time was in the spring - somewhere in the beginning of March! Read on for what happened next...

I chose the largest nuts, about 10 pieces, and soaked them in a cloth, in the hope that they would sprout. And they have grown! Literally on the third day, sprouts appeared, similar to bean sprouts.

I looked for information in the literature, and found out that peanuts grow in the south, and we are far from the south ... BUT! I know, that THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE IN NATURAL AGRICULTURE! Therefore, I boldly prepared 0.5 liter pots and planted germinated seeds!

As a result, last year I received 0.5 kg of peeled nuts from each bush, there were 10 of them, that is, 5 kg of peanuts!

It's great that, thanks to the agricultural technology of Natural Farming, we can grow seemingly exotic plants in any region!... We can arrange India in our garden))) well, or any other southern country...

Growing Peanuts from A to Z!

First you need to purchase seeds. They are not sold in gardening stores in our city, but you can find and buy them on the Internet. I didn’t take a steam bath, but bought this year again at the market from a tent, since the one grown last year pleased us with both the harvest and the taste, so we didn’t complicate it.

So the seeds need to germinate. In general, the growing season for peanuts is 110 to 150 days! It is clear that it can be grown both without seedlings and seedlings. Peanuts are a southern plant, so in our case, the seedling method is suitable.

Ideally, 45 day old seedlings should be planted already in the ground. But from the experience of last year, I can say this: in the first days of March, I planted germinated seeds, planted part of it in the greenhouse at the end of April, and the second part in open ground at the beginning of June, after return frosts.

But the part that I left for open ground, I transferred into boxes of 5 liters, because they had already begun to bloom at home. I did the transshipment very carefully so as not to damage the roots. And the root system of peanuts is pivotal, with numerous lateral branches. Therefore, the holes were made both in depth and in width of 20 cm. At a distance of 25 - 30 cm from each other, in a checkerboard pattern.

So, I'll start in order. The seeds were soaked, they germinated (temperature 18-22 is optimal - they germinate on the second day). Do not keep them in water, otherwise they will rot ... Use a plate, put a rag on the bottom, lay out the seeds, cover with a rag on top and moisten with a spray, cover with a lid and on the refrigerator.

Every day, air and spray with water. As soon as the seeds have hatched, choose the strongest sprouts and plant them, I carefully remove the red film from them. A sprout sprouted down! Then the nut itself opens and a leaf appears from it.

To do this, choose pots of at least 0.5 liters in volume. The soil must be good, I have my own biohumus! If possible, then add ash to it, if there is no ash yet, then it must be added when transplanting!

We fill the pot with soil to the top, leaving 2 cm, we plant the seeds to a depth of two seed heights (2-3 cm). Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but it’s not worth watering every day either ... I mulch chopped straw from above (after germination!) And the soil remains moist for a long time under our apartment conditions ...

We provide lighting from morning until 4 pm, after which you can turn off the lamp. If the sun on the window is too bright, then shade a little after 4 pm ...

Choosing a place to plant peanuts!

Peanuts love heat and light! But many people love it too: the bear (if you have one), and May larvae, and rodents, and birds, and mice ... So how and where to plant it?

I recommend that those who have mice in the area stretch the net around the edges of the hole, dig it right around the perimeter of the hole! But no one ate from me, although there were a couple of gnawed fruits ... You can safely plant them in a greenhouse with tomatoes, it is both warm and light there.

The main thing is that the soil is not acidic and not clayey, permeable and breathable. If your soil is heavy, then you should add sand when planting. The soil must be loose! And the place is sunny! At least the first part of the day! And yet, I recommend planting peanuts in raised ridges if the soil is heavy, and if the soil is sandy, then vice versa!

Another moment - predecessors! Peanuts belong to the legume family, so any non-legume crops can be precursors! On the root branches of peanuts, like all legumes, nodule nitrogen-fixing bacteria are formed, so it is good to plant it in mixed plantings with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. With those who need nitrogen! Peanuts are great for this!

I had thick peanut bushes up to 50 cm in height, strongly leafy, which can serve as protection from the sun for those who do not need much, for example, cabbage. But the peanut itself cannot stand the wind! Therefore, he needs to create protection from the wind, it can be the same scenes of corn or sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke ...

So we chose a place, we make holes and plant our peanuts. The soil should warm up to + 19-20 degrees by this time! Yes, I almost forgot - peanuts do not need a large amount of nitrogen at all - they allocate it themselves, but the need for calcium is great. Therefore, I recommend adding finely crushed egg shells and ash to the hole! But in no case do not use manure or unripe compost - this will slow down the growth of peanuts.

Watering when transplanting is also not necessary! You shed seedlings before transplanting - this is enough for him. In general, peanuts need moderate but constant soil moisture. It also tolerates drought, but not during flowering!

As soon as it begins to bloom, and its flowers are yellow-orange, beautiful, shaped like many legumes, then it needs to be watered every morning with warm water, but in no case should the water stagnate! If it's raining, don't water at all!

Here the whole concern comes down to the fact that after transplanting into the ground it is necessary to mulch, but again, do not use freshly cut grass as mulch! Something stale, but light, such as straw, or good rotted compost, sawdust is also not suitable, I will explain why ...

Features of fruiting peanuts!

This is where my amazement was when I realized how peanuts grow! For some reason, I thought that once a nut is called earthen, it means that the fruits are tied on the roots, approximately like on a potato ... But no!

I liked the peanut so much, firstly, for its unusual development, and secondly, also for the fact that it is a self-pollinating crop! Yes, yes, he does not need pollinators! Although the bees flew around him willingly!

Peanuts are interesting in that they unusually set fruits! So, the peanut has blossomed, we water it if there is no rain! Make sure there are no weeds around it! Well, if you mulched, then everything is fine!

Its flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves. But it is interesting that the flower blooms only half a day. After dinner, he fades! Then it falls off, and its pedicel continues to grow for several days!

How would a kind of mustache be formed! And it is very similar to strawberries in some way ... Only at the tip of the peanut tendril you can see the fruit that has begun to grow, which he is rapidly trying to plunge into the dungeon! How is it, you ask? And like this: after a few days, this mustache sharply bends itself to the bottom, that is, it changes its direction: it no longer looks up, but down!

And quickly begins to reach for the ground! Deepens into the soil and a nut begins to form on it! The size of which can vary from 1 to 6 cm! But another feature of the peanut is that such a mustache does not grow from the entire stem, but only in its lower part. And the top flowers just fade and that's it, they are barren. And nothing grows in their place.

So many of these mustaches are formed, they tend to the ground like tentacles, which arouses interest in peanuts and I watched him every day without stopping, really - very interesting!

Then, we continue to observe, when we already see that nothing else is happening, the whiskers do not appear, the bush seems to have stopped! Take your time to worry, but keep watching.

Protection of peanuts from pests and weather conditions!

this is what a peanut tree looks like

It is important to protect the plant from pests, it can be a tick, aphid, but many people love it ... Just sprinkle with red pepper or ash if you notice an attempt on peanuts by enemies! Do not try to use pesticides - then you will eat its fruits!

Grow peanuts in a greenhouse if you can't be in the garden every day. At least it is warm there and it is most protected from possible weather changes.

Last summer was not very good, but despite this I got a good harvest. At what special efforts for this purpose did not come from me. I just really wanted to grow it! I was curious, so I didn't take my eyes off him)))

And if there were cold snaps, and they naturally were, then I covered it with covering No. 30 in the open field, the mulch did not allow the soil to cool, I fed it several times with herbal infusion and a couple of times with biohumus! She laid a fresh layer of mulch, as if hemming it up, like potatoes under straw, and made sure that weeds or pests did not hurt. But I managed to find a common language with them for a long time, so they did not annoy me!

Peanut harvest!

How do you know when peanuts are ripe? Everything is very simple, he will show you himself - the foliage will begin to turn yellow - this means that the peanuts are ripe!

Dig it with a pitchfork, swinging them slightly. Nuts are in their shells, below the surface of the soil. Easily pull out the bush, after it has turned yellow and began to fade, but do not let the peanuts fall under the frost! He is afraid of them!

After the bush is pulled out, rinse it under running water, tie it into a bundle and hang it in a barn or on the roof to dry. That is, it still absorbs all the useful substances from the tops and ripens! The room should be ventilated, dry, but not exposed to the sun. So let's hang it for a couple of weeks!

When the shell becomes dry to the touch and cracks easily when pressed, then you can remove it. Separate the nuts from the bush with your hands, dry them for a couple of weeks and you can put them away for storage. Here, as you wish, you can immediately peel and eat peanuts, you can store it and eat it gradually.

So I learned how to grow peanuts and now I hope you can repeat my experience! In fact, I am delighted with this experience, and now peanuts will become an integral part of my garden!

By the way, rabbits willingly ate the tops and shells, they are also rich in protein! I remember how neighbors and friends were surprised when they saw watermelons and melons on my site 7 years ago, and last year I was able to surprise them again, showing how peanuts grow! And this year I will grow a lot more peanuts! Try it too!

Your help will greatly help us speed up the implementation of the global project we have conceived, from which you will directly benefit in the future!

Peanut or peanut- a favorite delicacy of children and adults, tasty and healthy, it can be easily grown on a personal plot. Caring for peanuts during cultivation is similar to caring for potatoes.

Let's take a closer look: technology of growing and caring for peanuts, harvesting, pest and disease control.

Peanuts belong to the legume family and are native to South America. Today, peanuts are grown in regions with a warm climate - this is the middle zone of Ukraine, Transcaucasia and others.

Ground peanut description

Peanut- an annual plant of the legume family up to 60 cm high. The root system of the plant is up to 1 meter in diameter, which causes high resistance to drought.

Peanuts bloom with whitish or yellow-red flowers from the end of June. One flower blooms for only 1 day and then fades. The fruits are oval beans up to 6 cm long. When ripe, they sink into the ground and ripen there.

Types and varieties of peanuts

Conventionally, all cultivars of peanuts can be divided into 4 groups.

Spanish group- small peanuts with a high oil content. Kernels in a pink-brown shell. This species is used for the production of peanut butter, salted and candied nuts.

Valencia Group- varieties with large kernels. Plants are tall with smooth fruits with 3 seeds each.

Group Runner- varieties of this group are superior to Spanish varieties in taste, and also give high yields. This peanut is used for the production of peanut butter, salted nuts for beer.

Virginia Group- large, selected peanuts that are used for confectionery.

Peanut growing technology

The area for growing peanuts should be well lit, without shading and with good ventilation. The soil is light, black earth or neutral with a high content of potassium, magnesium, humus. Peanuts do not tolerate soil salinity.

Planting peanuts produced in warm soil. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 12-14 degrees, 25-30 degrees is considered ideal.

Be sure to wait for settled warm weather, peanuts do not tolerate frost. Usually, peanuts are planted in mid-May, after sowing melons.

The best peanut precursors on the plot are − cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes.

Do not plant this crop after legumes.

In the spring, prepare the soil before planting - apply nitrophoska 50 g per 1 m2. If you prepare the soil in the fall, then you can add humus for digging to a depth of 25-30 cm at the rate of 1-3 kg per m 2.

For sowing, seeds can be purchased at the market, only raw peanuts- not fried or salted.

It is better to clean seeds before sowing, so germination is better, choose large seeds. Although you can sow whole beans.

watering peanuts carried out in different ways - drip or furrow irrigation. In hot and dry weather, watering is carried out every 10-15 days, while the water should be warm.

Peanut requires high soil moisture, especially during flowering and pod formation. In September, when the harvest time comes, watering is reduced so that the seeds ripen.

sowing peanuts on the site it is better to do in a square-nesting way 60x60 or 70x70 cm, 5-6 plants per nest.

There is also a wide-row method of sowing peanuts - between rows 60-70 cm, between plants 15-20 cm and a planting depth of 6-8 cm.

Sowing of peanuts is also carried out in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of 25-30 cm between rows, 50 cm between plants and a bean planting depth of 10 cm.

Place 1-3 large seeds in each hole and cover with soil. After embedding, water the bed generously with a shower head to prevent soil erosion.

Growing peanuts in the garden and care

The main care for peanuts during cultivation is watering, weeding, hilling, loosening the soil and fertilizing.

Needed on time remove weeds, protecting the young shoots of peanuts. Weeding weeds and loosening the soil.

Peanuts are starting to bloom in June and ends at the end of July. At the end of flowering, the formed ovaries begin to descend to the ground, where they germinate and then ripen peanuts.

At this point, it is necessary to hilling plants loose, moist soil (like potatoes). As an option, you can add a layer of mulch from sawdust, humus, peat about 5 cm thick. After 10 days, add more soil around the plants.

Under each bush, an average of 30-50 beans ripen.

watering peanuts carried out as the topsoil dries. Peanuts need abundant watering during flowering - 1-2 times a week in the morning. After flowering, peanuts need frequent spraying in the evening - 1 time in 2 days or 1 time in 3 days.

During the ripening period, watering is reduced to a minimum so that the beans ripen. If it rains during this period, it is necessary to cover the bed with polyethylene.

In total, 4-5 waterings of peanuts are carried out per season.

Peanut nutrition held 2 times per season. The first time, when the plants reach a height of 10 cm, a solution is added: 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 45 g of potassium salt, 70 g of superphosphate dissolved in 10 liters of water.

The second time to carry out a similar top dressing at the beginning of the formation of fruits.

Video - Growing peanuts at home

Diseases and pests of peanuts

Peanuts get infected Alternaria, powdery mildew, gray mold, Fusarium wilt.

powdery mildew- the appearance of single spots of white plaque on both sides of the leaf, which increase with time and the leaves dry out.

The disease can affect stems, and even fruit set. Plants with severe infection are treated with fungicides - Quadris, Topaz, Ridomil, Switch, Horus.

Alternaria (black leaf spot) - more often manifested at the end of the growing season in wet and warm weather. There is the formation of black spots that grow over time, the leaves die off. To prevent the occurrence of the disease, observe the agricultural technique of the species.

Fusarium wilt - manifestations in the form of root rot, the growth and development of plants stops, the ground part is yellower, rapid death occurs.

Follow agricultural practices and harvest in a timely manner.

Gray rot- occurs at the end of peanut flowering. Rusty-brown spots appear, they pass from the leaves to the petioles, then to the stems. The plant withers and dies. The fruits that have managed to form are deformed. The disease manifests itself during wet and warm weather in late summer.

Pests capable of harming peanuts - aphids, thrips, caterpillars. If you find aphids and caterpillars in the area, you need to sprinkle the bed with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash.

To fight thrips use insecticides.

Doing the most damage wireworms, whose larvae live in the ground. They easily gnaw bean shells and feed on peanut seeds.

To destroy the wireworm, pit traps are arranged in the ground. Pieces of carrots, beets, potatoes are placed in such traps, covered with a board, a piece of slate, and after a while they open and destroy the wireworm larvae that have crawled to eat vegetables.

To prevent the appearance of pests and diseases in the beds with peanuts, always follow the agrotechnics of the species and crop rotation, remove weeds in the garden in time.

Harvesting and storing peanuts

After the leaves turn yellow on the plants, dig up a couple of beans and if the seeds are easy to get, it's time to harvest.

By the time of harvest, the temperature is stable around +10 degrees. But it’s also impossible to delay the cleaning, when it gets cold, the peanuts gain bitterness and become unfit for food.

Harvesting peanuts produce with a pitchfork, digging up bushes. The beans are separated from the stems and dried in the shade in the open air.

After drying, the beans are placed in a cloth bag and stored in a dry room with ventilation and a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees.

Useful properties and harm of peanuts

Peanuts are very useful. The composition includes linoleic, pantothenic, folic acids, vegetable fats, easily digestible proteins, glutenins, starch, vitamins and macronutrients. The antioxidants in peanuts make them an effective way to prevent heart disease.

Squirrels perfectly absorbed by the human body due to the optimal ratio of amino acids.

Folic acid promotes the renewal of body cells, and fats have a mild choleretic effect.

Peanuts have a calming effect on people with increased excitability, help restore strength, improve memory, increase potency, and eliminate insomnia.

A large amount of protein enhances the feeling of satiety. Peanuts do not contain cholesterol.

Harm of peanut

Even such a product cannot be used in unlimited quantities, especially for those who suffer from excess weight.

When eating peanuts together with skins containing strong allergens, people prone to allergies suffer.

moldy peanuts may lead to poisoning.

Video - Peanuts in the country the full process from planting to harvest

HOW TO GROW PEANUTS IN THE COTTAGE Peanuts are an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family. Growing peanuts in the country is not difficult, you just need to remember a few rules. Welcome to the group Country Tricks from A to Z It is best to grow zoned varieties of peanuts. It is better to buy seeds in specialized departments - those bought on the market can be imported from another climatic zone, and they are not always suitable for growing in a given area. The growing season of the crop falls on the spring-summer period, so it can be cultivated in moderately cold regions. However, in order to obtain a guaranteed harvest, in areas with cool summers, peanuts are often grown in seedlings. An open sunny area is allocated under it, protected from cold winds. The soil for cultivation is suitable loamy, black earth and sandy loam. During deep digging in autumn, organic fertilizers are applied under peanuts, and humus and sand are added to heavy black soil. In the spring, before sowing seeds, the soil is cultivated, clearing it of weed roots, harrowed and furrowed. Peanuts are often referred to as peanuts, since the development of their beans occurs at a depth of about 10 centimeters underground. The growth process itself is quite entertaining: after fertilization, the peanut ovary grows, a pedicel begins to sprout into the soil, which leans towards the ground. Peanut seeds should be sown when the soil warms up to 12 degrees Celsius. The plot for it begins to be prepared in the fall, and in the spring it is leveled and the rows are marked. In a row, the distance between plants is maintained at about 25-30 cm, and between rows at least 70 cm. Before planting, the nuts are cleaned and at the end of April - at the beginning of May they are planted two or three nuts in each hole. You can also grow peanuts in seedlings, for this, seeds are laid out in peat pots with a nutrient mixture and sprinkled with earth. Seedlings are planted on the beds at 25-30 days of age, together with a peat pot, or they are planted in those places where the culture did not sprout for some reason. The planting depth is no more than 5-8 cm. The plantings are not watered until they sprout, since the May soil is quite wet. Immediately after germination, peanuts begin to bloom with yellow flowers. Hilling is done 20 days after flowering, at which time the formation of beans begins. At the same time, peanuts are fed with a complex fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. The peanut itself, like all legumes, enriches the soil with nitrogen. Plants are weeded only until the leaves close, then they themselves suppress weeds. Walnut peanut bushes are dug up in early October, in dry weather, and a shovel should be used as a tool. Spread the bush should be roots up, so that the last one has enough time to dry. The processing of the beans themselves can be carried out when the stem is completely dry. Dug bushes should be laid out in a well-ventilated place to dry for 2-3 days. The processing of the beans themselves can be carried out when the stem is completely dry. Welcome to the group Summer tricks from A to Z

Experiments with planting the most unexpected crops for backyard cultivation can be safely called the favorite pastime of modern summer residents. And the results are sometimes really impressive! Peanut lovers will be surprised to learn that their favorite peanut, which is actually a legume, is perfect for growing in the garden next to other vegetables. Gardeners note the unpretentiousness of peanuts and high yields.

Landing dates

Sowing peanut seeds in the soil is carried out in mid-May, when the external temperature reaches +18–20 ° C, and the soil warms up to +15 ° C. In case of insufficient warming of the soil, the seeds will rot.

Sowing for seedlings is carried out in early April, and at the age of 35–40 days the seedlings are ready to be transferred to the garden. In the middle lane with its unstable climate, it is recommended to provide a removable film cover for a peanut bed to protect it from a sudden cold snap.


Since the ripening of nut beans takes place in the ground, the preparation of the planting site should be approached with great care. The best place to grow peanuts will be an open, sunny, well-ventilated area located on fertile, very loose soils. Light short-term penumbra is allowed. In accordance with the norms of cultural substitution, the best predecessors for peanuts are cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, the worst are all legumes. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that participation in the crop rotation of Cabbage family crops significantly reduces the likelihood of Fusarium wilt of peanuts. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, pumpkins, eggplants are suitable as neighbors for walnut bushes.

The primary processing of the site is carried out in the fall: the soil is cleared of weeds and dug up with the introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Like any representative of legumes, peanuts do not welcome top dressing with active organic matter, so the use of manure, bird droppings and their derivatives is excluded. In the spring, after the snow melts, the treated area is re-digged up or intensively fluffed with a garden pitchfork. Ultimately, the soil for planting peanuts should be soft, permeable and well aerated.

Landing methods

In the favorable climatic conditions of the southern regions, peanut beans are sown dry in the ground, without prior preparation. In middle latitudes, it is advisable to germinate seeds before planting or plant peanuts on a bed of pre-grown seedlings. The latter method allows you to get a crop 2-3 weeks earlier.

Selection of planting material

For the first experiment, a handful or two of peanuts from the last harvest purchased at the nearest market can serve as planting material. When buying, you should give preference to strong high-quality nuts without cracks, stains and mold. The mesh pattern on the shell of the selected specimens should be clear and textured.

Subsequently, if the experiment brings the desired results, not only market nuts, but also seeds of varietal peanuts can be used to sow the plantation. In backyard cultivation, such peanut varieties as Valencia 433, Valencia Ukrainian, Stepnyak, Krasnodarets 13, Krasnodarets 14 have proven themselves well. Quite good results were shown by the Klinskaya variety, zoned for the steppe regions of Ukraine.

seed germination

High-quality seed preparation is one of the most important conditions for their germination and full development. It is carried out in several stages:

  • Peanut kernels of pink or raspberry color are removed from the shell.
  • The extracted seeds are placed in a microfiber cloth, well moistened with warm water, and placed on a flat plate. The napkin can be replaced with any natural cloth or gauze folded in 3-4 layers. To speed up the process, a growth stimulator can be added to the soaking water.
  • As necessary, the napkin is systematically moistened, preventing it from drying out.
  • The first roots will appear in 5-6 days, and as soon as their length is 1-1.5 cm, you can start sowing in the ground.

The seeds germinated in this way can be sown in separate containers for seedlings or immediately to a permanent place of growth according to the scheme: a planting step of about 20 cm with a row spacing of 60–70 cm. A pretty garden scarecrow, frightening with its appearance of winged robbers, will not be superfluous.

The specifics of the seedling method

Peat pots (tablets) familiar to any gardener or ordinary food-grade plastic cups can serve as dishes for growing peanut seedlings. The soil can be used purchased, but it is advisable to mix it with a small amount of sand (3: 1) before planting. Sowing is carried out as follows:

  • The containers are filled with moist nutrient substrate.
  • Sprouted seeds are sown singly in the center of each pot to a depth of 2–2.5 cm.
  • Cups with crops are placed in a common pan, covered with cling film and left in a warm place. The greenhouse is opened as necessary for watering, ventilation and removal of condensate.
  • With the advent of the first leaflet, the seedlings are freed from shelter and put on a warm, well-lit windowsill, where the "youth" actively develops before being transferred to the garden.

The grown seedlings are planted in the garden on a cloudy cool day. The planting pattern is the same as for sowing.

Features of care

Peanut development is most comfortable at temperatures from + 25 ° C to + 28 ° C. Too low (below + 15 ° C), as well as too high (above + 30 ° C), temperatures are detrimental to it. After 40-50 days from the moment of planting, the peanut blooms. The process of flowering and pollination takes only one day, after which gynophores are formed in place of the yellow-orange inflorescences - outgrowths in which future fruits are formed. The stems droop to the ground, gynophores burrow into the ground, where peanut beans ripen at a depth of 8–10 cm. Outgrowths that do not have time to reach the ground die, therefore, under the gynophores located on the upper branches, it is recommended to pour a hill of soil.

Harvest and storage

Peanuts ripen after about 4 months from the time of planting, the signal for harvesting is the drying and lodging of the tops. The bushes are dug up and pulled out of the ground, after which they are laid out in the sun to dry. Raw beans should not be torn off the tops, this will lead to a violation of the shell and a deterioration in the taste of the kernels. After 10–12 days, the nuts can be cleaned of roots and leaves, peeled and used for their intended purpose or stored.

By following the algorithm of actions, you can get a solid harvest from a handful of planted nuts and provide a good supply of tasty and nutritious nuts for the winter.