Fuchsia - growing and care at home. Secrets of growing gypsy earrings Fuchsia flower meaning according to Feng Shui

Set "indoor flowers" 1) albias Pompadur 3pcs, 2) ardisia (PS) city -tank 3pcs, 3) begonia Eternally flowering queen (Terry) 4pcs, 4) Cassia Phoenix (Javanese) 3pcs, 5) Cross -Road Tropic (red) 3pcs, 6) PELARGONIA (U) COLORAMA 0.03g, 7) CYCLAMEN (PS) LARGE-FLOORED (mixture) 3 pcs, COST OF THE SET 470 RUB ALBITIA POMPADOUR - Flowers in large paniculate inflorescences are very attractive due to the long, numerous stamens collected in a fluffy cap. Blooms all summer. In autumn, fruits are formed - flat multi-seeded beans. In home culture it grows in the form of a standard tree ARDIZIA CAPITAL-ROOM PERENNIAL An extremely attractive and interesting plant. It is especially valued for its contrasting combination of decorative leathery dark green leaves with a wavy edge and bright coral red berries. Bright berries will decorate ardisia for more than a year. BEGONIA EVERBLOOMING QUEEN (double) - A very elegant mixture with neat double flowers of white, pink and red colors on compact bushes of the same size, 20 cm high and 30 cm in diameter. Hybrids of the “F1 Queen” series are the first double ever-blooming begonias from seeds. The advantage of this group of hybrids is their resistance to adverse conditions and the ability to “self-clean” (there is no need to cut off faded flowers, new ones grow in their place). They bloom profusely throughout the season until frost. The most effective way to propagate begonia is by seed. CASSIA PHOENIX (Javanese) is a wonderful flowering plant for the home! Magnificent flowers collected in groups will attract attention with petals that vary in color from pale red to dark red. This tree blooms for more than 3 months. CROSSANDRA TROPIC (red) - A spectacular indoor perennial plant of the Acanthus family. Forms a neat bush with a diameter of up to 20 cm. Stems are erect, branched. The leaves are 7-12 cm long, smooth, as if varnished, opposite or whorled. The flowers are red-orange, two-lipped, collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences up to 15 cm long. It blooms for a long time, from spring to autumn. PELARGONIUM COLORAMA - A popular perennial indoor plant from the Geraniaceae family. Forms a voluminous and compact bush 35 cm high, 25 cm in diameter. The leaves are green, with a characteristic dark pattern. Flowers of various shades form large, spherical inflorescences. With careful care it can bloom all year round. CYCLAMEN LARGE-FLOORED (mixture)-INDOORS PERENNIAL One of the most beautiful potted crops with a winter flowering period for growing indoors. A spectacular mixture with large classically shaped inflorescences of various colors. The flowers are large, shaped like butterflies fluttering over the plant. The petals are wide, slightly wavy along the edge, bent back. Used to decorate interior spaces and winter gardens.


Each plant has its own legend. For example, once you plant saxifrage, there is no end to suitors.

The most famous family provocateur can be called ivy.

This plant causes discord between husband and wife, and the reason will be nonsense. There is an opinion that any vine is capable of sucking the energy of health and love out of a person, so it is not recommended to place climbing representatives of the flora in the house. Even the most attractive ones, such as hoya.

There is a version that the most famous of flowering vines can not only quarrel between lovers, but even drive a man away from the world.
Violet and Sudanese rose are considered companions of loneliness. Violets do not even allow them to meet men, thwarting all attempts of their mistresses to find their soul mate.

The Sudanese rose is more insidious. She begins to act only if the relationship develops, expelling the man from the house. No matter how many novels you have, they will all end in disappointment. Rumor attributes this outcome to the harmful influence of hibiscus.

Monstera can be called the queen of discord.

This plant feeds on negative energy, and it itself has negative energy. In its presence, people often feel uncomfortable and experience severe fatigue and drowsiness. And in order to get food for itself in the form of negative emotions, the monstera awakens irritability in a person, which sooner or later results in a quarrel. The worse the atmosphere in the house, the more luxurious the monstera looks.

Fuchsia can rightfully be called one of the most popular and beautiful crops among indoor plant lovers. Fuchsia has long been considered a magical plant.

This beauty will be the best decoration in the house. Pink-violet flowers that look like elegant earrings and small bells involuntarily attract the glances of passers-by and guests in the house.

There are several theories about who the discoverer of this beautiful plant is and who brought it to us. Be that as it may, this plant immediately gained enormous popularity and they began to actively propagate it, and botanists began to develop more and more new varieties of fuchsias. If fuchsia was about to bloom, it was hidden from “evil” eyes, and displayed only on the most solemn occasions.

Fuchsia is not a particularly picky plant, but it needs proper care. It is necessary to water frequently so that the soil is always moist, but not wet, like a “swamp”. However, you should not overdo it with watering, as this can have a detrimental effect on the life of the plant. Also, overdrying fuchsia is fraught with drying out and shedding of leaves and flowers. Here are some tips for caring for fuchsia:

  • If you notice brownish-yellowish spots on the leaves, it means that you urgently need to stop watering and wait until the soil dries out, and then regulate the watering of the plant.
  • If the fuchsia is a little wilted, but the soil is moist, then you should simply spray the fuchsia and move it from the sunny side to the shade.
  • It is better to water the plant in summer early in the morning or in the evening after the heat subsides.
  • Give your pet baths periodically. She loves it very much. Water it from the shower or spray it.

In addition to its external beauty, fuchsia has its own magical powers. Fuchsia is ideal for creative people. With its help, intuition can develop, the energy of space is harmonized, passivity recedes, and is replaced by an increase in energy and vitality. Also, in a house where there is fuchsia, people will be able to quickly find non-standard ways out of existing problems, and most importantly, effectively eliminate them. Fuchsia radiates creative energy, therefore it can turn a conservative into an innovator, make a person think completely differently, but in a new, creative way.

In a house where there are children, fuchsia will help quickly find a common language between parents and children and help find mutual understanding between them.

It is also believed that by loving and caring for your beauty, you will receive love in return, multiplied several times, which can fill you with charm and charm.

For those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract, fuchsia will be an indispensable energy source of health. By placing fuchsia in your home, you reduce the risk of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the mammary and thyroid glands.

Despite its positive qualities, fuchsia is considered the flower of a lonely woman (widow). And whether to buy it and put it in your home or admire it from your neighbors is up to you to decide.

Jan 31 2017

Fuchsia - growing and care at home

Fuchsia is a houseplant that is sometimes called the "Elf Flower". For almost 300 years, these indoor flowers have been decorating the home and office spaces of flower gardeners around the world. In this article you will read about growing fuchsia and caring for it at home. The variety of color shades is simply mesmerizing. In everyday life, fuchsia is not capricious; even a novice gardener can grow it at home.

Fuchsia has a huge number of hybrid forms with straight and pyramidal stems; there are ampelous and spreading varieties, hanging, climbing, in the form of bushes and bonsai. Fuchsia blooms profusely and for a long time with beautiful lantern flowers. We'll tell you how to care for indoor fuchsia at home:


Comfortable temperature for growing fuchsia at home is 18 – 22 °C in summer and not higher than 18 °C in winter. If the temperature is above or below these limits for a long time, the decorative properties of fuchsia may suffer. The buds will begin to fall off, the leaves will become smaller and lighter. The plant will slow down its development. There will be a risk of infection by diseases and pests.

If the temperature during the active growing season of fuchsia drops below comfortable, the same effect will occur. The plant orients itself based on the ambient temperature. When it is warm and light, the flower actively develops and blooms profusely, usually from spring to autumn. At the end of autumn and winter, when it becomes cooler and there is less sunlight, the development of the fuchsia flower stops, buds stop forming - the fuchsia is preparing to rest.


It is better to place flowerpots with fuchsia on the windowsills of the eastern and northern sides of the room. Even here, the flower must be protected, if necessary, from direct sunlight with the help of blinds or curtains. On north-facing windows in the spring, fuchsia may not have enough lighting. You will have to provide the bushes with illumination using a phyto lamp or a fluorescent lamp for up to 12 hours a day.

On southern windows, especially in the summer, fuchsia will be too hot. It is better at this time to take the flowerpot with a flower into the garden under the trees or onto the balcony, where the sun's rays will illuminate the fuchsia only early in the morning. At noon and until evening, fuchsia feels best in partial shade. During flowering, it is advisable not to move the flower from place to place and not to turn different sides towards the light. Fuchsia doesn't like this, and can simply drop all its buds.


Proper watering is the most important component of caring for blooming fuchsias. Many factors influence the frequency and quantity of watering a flower:

  • Pot location
  • Fuchsia variety
  • Her growth stage
  • Soil composition
  • Pot size and type
  • Weather

Without additional nutrition, fuchsia can survive for quite a long time, but without water it cannot. Fuchsia needs to be watered regularly. Make sure that the soil is well saturated with moisture each time. The next watering should be no earlier than the top layer of soil from the previous watering has dried out. Excess water from the pan must be drained to prevent moisture stagnation in the roots of the plant.

A flowering plant has a great need for moisture. In the summer, you will have to water frequently and regularly - every 3-4 days, and sometimes more often.

If the fuchsia looks drooping and the soil in the pot is wet, the problem is not watering. Perhaps your beauty has overheated.

In autumn, watering is gradually reduced to once a week, and in winter, watering is done no more than once or twice a month.


Fuchsia needs to be fed regularly, once every two weeks. This is especially important during the active growing season, from April until autumn. For feeding, complex fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants are used. Watering with liquid fertilizers must be done on moist soil. Fertilizing helps fuchsia grow green mass and form countless buds. You can also use foliar feeding of fuchsia on the back of the leaves.

During winter dormancy, fuchsia is not fed.

Young, newly planted fuchsia bushes do not need to be fed, as they are planted in well-prepared soil filled with all the necessary microelements and organic matter. The same rule applies when transplanting a plant into a larger pot with new nutrient soil. Feeding should be resumed about a month after transplantation.

Humidity and spraying

For fuchsia, air humidity is comfortable within the range of 50 – 60%. Too dry indoor air will cause fuchsia leaves and buds to yellow and wilt. You can increase the humidity of the surrounding air using wide containers of water placed next to the fuchsia. You can also place the flower pot in a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

On hot summer days, fuchsia will be saved from the heat by regular spraying with settled water at room temperature in the morning and evening hours. It would be good to take the fuchsia out into the fresh air in the garden, in the shade under the trees, or at least on the balcony, where the sun's rays reach only in the morning. But we must remember that this must be done carefully - after all, fuchsia does not like being moved from one place to another during flowering.

When spraying, try not to get the spray on the flowers.


It is impossible to plant fuchsia or, especially, a cutting immediately into a large pot. It is necessary to increase the size of the pot gradually. At first, the pot should not be more than 9 cm in diameter. As the roots entwine the entire lump of earth and the need arises to replant the plant, you can prepare a slightly larger pot. Place a good layer of expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom. Add a layer of soil and plant the prepared bush or cutting.

The pot must be well filled with soil to prevent voids between the roots and the walls of the pot. To do this, gently shake the pot and tap on its walls, but under no circumstances compact it with your hands. For fuchsia to grow, porous soil is as important as good drainage.


Taking fuchsia out of an old pot

Fuchsia is a fast-growing plant. Therefore, it must be regularly replanted into a pot of suitable size, which is 3–4 cm larger than before. It is better to do this every spring, when the flower begins to awaken and grow.

It’s better to take a ceramic pot so that it protects the plant’s root system from overheating in the summer heat. Don't forget about drainage. 2 - 3 cm of expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the pot will protect the roots of the plant from rotting. As a substrate, it is better to take a purchased soil mixture for flowering indoor plants.

You can also prepare the soil for replanting fuchsia yourself. To do this, mix leaf soil, turf soil, humus, peat and coarse river sand in equal parts. Replant using the transfer method: pour a little prepared soil into the pot on the drainage layer, then carefully remove the fuchsia from the old pot and place it in a new pot together with a lump of earth. Fill the voids on the sides with soil mixture.

After transplanting, place the fuchsia on a shelf with diffused lighting. Trim its stems to one-third of the length. Spray the leaves and water the substrate with settled water until excess water appears in the pan. After a few minutes, drain excess moisture from the pan.

After transplantation, no additional feeding is needed for a month!

Now wait a couple of months - abundant fuchsia blooms are guaranteed!

Trimming and pinching

Fuchsia flowers appear on young shoots. To increase the number of such shoots, the plant should be regularly pruned, and young shoots should be pinched. Pinching is a very effective method of making fuchsia bloom more abundantly. Using pinches, the desired shape is formed, giving the crown the appearance of a ball, bush or miniature bonsai tree.

Fuchsia, depending on the variety, grows to a height of three meters or more. It is difficult and impractical to grow such a giant indoors. If you pinch the plant in time, it will form into a strong and beautiful bush.

Indoor fuchsia should be trimmed twice a year: in the fall, at the end of the mass flowering of the flower (October), and in the winter (early January).

Fuchsia in the form of a tree

During the first, autumn, pruning, you will remove all faded fuchsia branches at a height of 2 cm from the dormant buds. Carefully inspect each branch for pests, remove excess seed pods and outdated flower stalks. If insect pests are found, cut off severely damaged parts of the flower and treat the entire plant with an insecticide.

Do the second pruning in early January to finalize the crown of the plant. If the fuchsia overwintered in the basement or garage, the plant has already been pruned in the fall. In spring, all that remains is to remove dry shoots and leaves from it.

If the plant has been in the room all winter, it must be trimmed. Use clean pruning shears or garden shears to remove any long, thin shoots as they will be of little use. They will not bloom luxuriantly, and your bush will not become more beautiful from them.

Fuchsia bonsai

If the plant is periodically pruned, it will grow in width instead of height. It is also better to cut off woody old shoots, since they consume nutrients and have almost no flowers. All flowers bloom only on young shoots. A strong and beautiful bush will soon form.

If you decide to form a bonsai from fuchsia, then leave only one shoot or, conversely, several such shoots that can be twisted together so that they act as the trunk of your tree. The tops must be pinched to form a lush crown of the bonsai.

What is the best way to pinch fuchsia so as not to harm its beauty and decorativeness?

If you want to form a tree from fuchsia, pinching should be done in winter, when the life processes of the plant slow down. Remove excess shoots, leave a few on the central stem. Look what happened in the spring. If the crown of the flower is not yet formed as you would like, prune it again in the spring.

You can trim the plant right to the stump. In this case, the fuchsia will sleep longer and bloom later, but a wide bush will form.

Fuchsia in bush form

If the shoots are cut back by only a third, the fuchsia will turn into a tree and can take up a lot of space.

The shoots that grow in place of the old branches are pinched a couple of times as they grow. Fuchsia will then turn into a lush beauty and will delight you with abundant flowering.

If young branches are pinched above the third pair of leaves, tillering will increase. To enhance the effect of tillering, the regrown branches need to be pinched again, but now near the second pair of leaves.

You decide for yourself what you will grow from fuchsia - a bush or a tree!

Keep in mind that before fuchsia blooms, two months pass for the formation and development of buds. Fuchsias with small simple flowers bloom earlier than plants with giant inflorescences and large double flowers.

Care for fuchsia in winter

Fuchsia is a perennial plant. It cannot grow and bloom from year to year without interruption. To replenish vitality, she needs rest - wintering. But home care in winter is just as necessary as in other seasons. Usually in winter, fuchsia is at rest. From a warm, bright room it must be moved to a dark and cool one. For example, in a basement or garage with a temperature of 5 to 15°C. Fuchsia does not need lighting in winter. The indoor flower should be watered a couple of times a month - it does not like very dry soil even during hibernation. Let him stay there until the end of January. Don't worry about the leaves falling off - you will still remove almost all the shoots. By spring, new, young ones will grow.

If you have a glazed and insulated balcony, where the temperature does not drop to sub-zero levels, a fuchsia pot can overwinter on the balcony. Only here she will not be able to fully rest, since the processes of her development will continue in the light. The flower will need to be looked after and watered regularly, but not abundantly. Dry leaves and shoots need to be cut off so as not to provoke the development of diseases. In winter, a weakened plant may attract the attention of insect pests. It should be treated with an insecticide at least once during the autumn-winter season.

If your fuchsia is kept indoors in winter, it will survive, but by the end of winter it will lose all its attractiveness and take on a deplorable appearance. In this case, cut the plant to 2/3 of its length and remove all dried branches. Move the flower away from heating appliances - on a table or shelf. Monitor the humidity of the surrounding air. If necessary, and in winter it is definitely necessary, increase the humidity in the room by spraying the plant with warm water. Ventilate the room as often as possible. Place wide containers filled with water next to the flower. Regularly, but not too much, water the soil with settled water, sometimes adding potassium permanganate. Once a month, feed the flower with complex fertilizer for flowering plants. If these conditions are met, your fuchsia will come to life and new shoots will appear. It can even bloom in winter. But don’t expect that in the spring it will quickly restore its shape and delight you with unprecedented flowering.

Propagation by cuttings

Rooting cuttings in water is the main and most successful way to propagate fuchsia. The best time for cuttings is spring. Choose a young shoot from a fuchsia bush. The length of the cutting depends directly on the fuchsia variety. Usually they take from 10 to 20 cm. The point is that over time, the fuchsia shoots harden a little. If you take an old shoot for propagation, it will also take root, but this process will take longer. The young shoot will take root faster and will grow more actively in the future. Remove the leaves at the bottom of the shoot so that none of them comes into contact with the liquid in the container prepared for rooting. Also cut off large leaves completely or in half. The cutting does not yet have its own roots, and the leaves will draw all the moisture from it, preventing the root system from forming. Place the cutting in a jar of settled water and cover the top with a thick translucent bag. In 5 to 10 days, roots should appear. After a couple of weeks, the cutting can be planted in a prepared (preferably ceramic) pot with a nutrient mixture and drainage at the bottom. The size of the pot should be no more than 9 cm in height.

Rooting cuttings in water

If you decide to propagate fuchsia in the summer, keep in mind that it loves coolness and humidity. At high temperatures, a cutting placed in water may rot without ever sprouting roots. We advise you to root the cuttings in a room with air conditioning or a split system.

In autumn, fuchsia prepares for a dormant period. All life support processes of the plant slow down. So from September to January it is better not to propagate using cuttings.

The second method involves planting the cuttings immediately in a prepared substrate - in perlite, vermiculite or sphagnum. Be sure to place the planting material in a greenhouse or container with a lid to create a greenhouse effect, since such rooting requires high air humidity. As soon as the shoots take root, the greenhouse is opened slightly and the seedling is gradually accustomed to indoor conditions.

A sudden change in climate can cause the shoot to lose its leaves and die.

Autumn harvesting of cuttings

Autumn harvesting of cuttings is the best way to preserve fuchsia during the winter. In early autumn, take several cuttings from an adult healthy bush. They are suitable for propagating fuchsia. We take several cuttings as a safety net in case some of them do not survive the winter.

Cuttings need to be taken 15 - 20 cm in length, depending on the variety. They are stored in pots with soil in cool places, such as garages and basements. You can also save fuchsia cuttings on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, in a bag of sawdust. Closer to spring, they are taken out, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and placed in water for rooting. (see above)

Propagation by leaves

If it is not possible to cut a cutting suitable for propagation from a fuchsia bush, you can use fuchsia leaves for this purpose. Cut off a large healthy leaf along with the cutting and bury it a centimeter into wet perlite. In greenhouse conditions, with daily spraying, high humidity and constant temperature, a miniature rosette of leaves will begin to develop at the base of the petiole. When it is strong enough, separate it from the leaf and plant it in a separate pot with a nutrient mixture (any soil mixture for flowering plants will do).

Propagation by seeds

Growing from seeds at home is rarely used in the case of fuchsia. Only experienced flower growers or breeders can do this. Sometimes, for the sake of experiment, amateur flower growers also try to collect seeds from a plant and grow their own fuchsia specimen from them. If you want to try it too, we'll tell you how to do it.

The procedure for obtaining fuchsia seeds is quite labor-intensive, but interesting.

To begin with, exclude the possibility of the plant self-pollinating or pollinating it by random insects. To do this, remove the anthers from a selected flower that has not yet bloomed. Then, on the stigma of the pistil, on the stamens, apply pollen from the variety of fuchsia that you want to grow. Now carefully put a fabric cover on the bud or wrap it with a piece of gauze and secure it with thread. In this form, the flower will stand for several weeks until the fruit ripens.

In order not to spoil your work, it is better not to touch the flower while the fruit is ripening!

When the fruit is ready, remove it from the stem with tweezers. Carefully cut and remove the seeds. Dry the seeds for several days before planting them in the ground or storing them. It is better to plant seeds in tall containers with a lid. You need to sow seeds on a damp surface of the substrate (peat plus coarse sand). Don't cover the seeds, just press them down a little with your fingers. Close the lid and place the container in a well-lit, warm place for germination. But not in direct sunlight! It is advisable to sow fuchsia in early spring. The lack of lighting must be compensated with the help of additional lighting with fluorescent lamps. The seed germination temperature should be maintained between 18 – 22 °C. Don't forget to ventilate your greenhouse. If necessary, moisten the soil in the container with settled water using a fine spray bottle. Shoots will appear in a couple of weeks. Now the lid can be opened more often and for longer - let the young bushes get used to indoor conditions. Make sure that the substrate does not dry out, the lighting is diffused and for at least 12 hours. per day, the temperature should be comfortable.

After one and a half to two months, young fuchsia bushes need to be pruned. Before replanting the plants, the substrate in the container is well watered. The seedlings are taken out along with the soil from the root system, one at a time, and planted in a separate pot. Water generously. The soil can be used purchased for flowering plants, or you can prepare it yourself from equal parts of turf and leaf soil, humus, peat and coarse sand. Remove the pots with young plants from sunlight and into the shade - let them gradually get used to the new conditions. After a couple of weeks, pots with young fuchsias can be placed in a permanent place prepared for them. Further care consists of regular watering, good lighting, and a comfortable temperature. After a month, not earlier, you can begin to gradually feed them with complex fertilizers for flowering plants. No more than once every 2 weeks. Don't forget to shape the crown of your flower. If you want it to be full, strong and not too tall, pinch off the top.


Fuchsia is rarely affected by diseases and insect pests. The main problems arise from careless plant care. Let us introduce you to some of the problems that arise when growing fuchsia at home.

Fuchsia has dropped its buds. Probable reasons:

  • insufficient or excessive watering;
  • moving a pot with a flowering plant to a new place;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • air temperature is too high;
  • lack of nutrition in the soil.

Why does fuchsia shed its leaves? Probable reasons:

  • indoor air is too dry;
  • high air temperature;
  • lack of moisture in the soil;
  • lack of nutrition in the soil.

The fuchsia leaves have turned yellow. Probable reasons:

  • overmoistening of the soil (water the flower correctly, excess water from the pan must be drained. During the dormant period, reduce watering to a minimum).

Dark spots and small drops of dew appeared on the fuchsia leaves. Probable reasons:

  • The air humidity in the room is too high (it is necessary to reduce the humidity, ventilate the room more often, spray the fuchsia with special preparations).

Fuchsia does not bloom. The reasons may be the following:

  • unfavorable conditions during hibernation;
  • late circumcision or untimely pinching of fuchsia;
  • the plant is in direct sunlight;
  • little light (the shoots will stretch out, will be thin and frail, the buds will be weak or not formed at all).
  • the pot is too large for the flower (fuchsia will bloom when its roots completely entwine the entire soil in the pot. If the flower is still small and the pot is too large, most likely you will not see flowers this year);
  • the soil in the pot is poor and too light (such soil quickly becomes compacted from watering, there are few useful elements in it. The root system is located at the edges of the pot, cannot weave the entire earthen ball in the center and suffers greatly from this);
  • the soil is too heavy, the roots develop poorly or stop developing altogether (the plant does not receive moisture and nutrition, the soil turns sour, the roots rot);
  • the flower was overfed with nitrogen fertilizers (the green mass will begin to increase to the detriment of flowering. Until the fuchsia uses up the entire excess supply of nitrogen fertilizers, it will not bloom).



If this problem arises, you will have to solve it with the help of folk remedies or chemicals and insecticides. It is necessary to spray the affected plants several times, at intervals of 5–7 days, until the fuchsia is completely free of sucking insects.

Monitor your plants, regularly inspect them for diseases and pests, and take action in a timely manner.

Video: caring for fuchsia


Bright, varied and multi-colored indoor fuchsias are precious exhibits in the collection of any amateur gardener. If you have not yet purchased this flower and doubt your abilities as a gardener, then it is in vain. Even a novice gardener can grow fuchsia. Your time, knowledge and expenses for caring for her at home will not be in vain. Fuchsia will thank you with fabulous blooms for many years!

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Do you know that flowers bring more than just beauty to your home? I also didn’t know before that they can greatly influence a person’s life, change it, until I was convinced of this from my own experience. And today I will tell you how fuchsia affects your life, how it helps solve some of a person’s problems, and how it changes his character. Once upon a time, I also grew flowers just because they create a cozy atmosphere in the house, but one day amazing changes happened to my son. But I’ll tell you about this some other time, but for now we’ll talk about fuchsia.

Growing fuchsia.

I love indoor fuchsia for its beauty, tenderness, because just looking at it lifts my spirits. And a good mood, as many people know, is the key to good health.

Indoor fuchsia, like other indoor flowers, has useful, healing, and magical properties. A flower affects the aura of our home like cement, or rather strengthens it. Therefore, if you just got married or are moving to a new apartment, urgently take the plant with you. Well, if there is chaos in your home and you are tired of the mess, fuchsia will help you deal with it like no other.

For example, after moving to a new place of residence, you suddenly notice that more quarrels have begun to occur in your family. Although you used to be a very friendly family. That is why, before moving to a new place, you need to establish your own microclimate in the new apartment and strengthen your own energies. More precisely, your energies should connect with each other and form a new energy circuit.

After all, each person has his own energy layer, and the connection of these layers creates the aura of your home. And to create a new, favorable aura from your energies, fuchsia is perfect for you. Indoor fuchsia strengthens your energies and does not allow extraneous energies to penetrate the aura of your home. Have several fuchsias in your home, but place one plant in the living room, or in the room where the whole family gathers most often.

In a young family, the aura is just beginning to form, so it is not yet strong enough. Such an aura is easy to influence from the outside. And to prevent this from happening (after all, the influence of third-party energies is not always favorable), you need to get indoor fuchsia. The plant will help a young family to form their own powerful aura, thanks to which they can avoid various troubles and difficulties. The rubbing-in of energy between two people also softens. After all, young people have their own feelings, thoughts, opinions. So, the indoor fuchsia flower helps to connect all these energies, and young people can easily find a middle ground.

Fuchsia blossom. The illustration for the article is used under a standard license ©site

The plant is also able to cleanse the space of the apartment from stagnant negative energy. If you feel that there is not enough air in your home, as if everything is standing in one place, it means that there is not enough influx of new energy in your apartment.

You are somehow blocking your energy, not allowing anything new to come into your home. And when energy is not renewed, real chaos ensues. You and your loved ones begin to get sick, quarrel, and also begin to be plagued by financial difficulties and others.

The first sign of the beginning of chaos is a banal mess in the rooms; you rarely wipe off the dust, do not wash the floors and dishes. As a result, energy begins to stagnate. Indoor fuchsia will not allow this to happen, helping to get rid of it. Fuchsia will connect your energies, which will destroy all the negative energies you have created. But, despite the efforts of fuchsia, it is up to you whether you can continue to maintain the renewal of energies.