How to grow zinnias from seeds at home. How to grow zinnia from seeds when to plant seedlings Zinnia seeds

A very elegant plant - zinnia, which has another name - major, has long been loved by gardeners and summer residents.

I’ll share my experience and tell you how you can easily decorate a plot of zinnia - even the most inexperienced gardeners can grow it from seeds. This method is practically the only one, but it is very simple and always effective.

The beautiful zinnia can bloom all summer, right up to autumn frosts, which makes it very attractive to all lovers of bright flower arrangements in any style.

First, it’s worth briefly familiarizing yourself with some of the characteristics of an interesting flower. Firstly, zinnia is an annual plant, sometimes very tall, almost up to a meter, although there are also low-growing species. As for colors, there is a lot of variety here: almost all shades of red, yellow, white.

Secondly, frosts are destructive for zinnia; it loves warmth. For this reason, in more northern latitudes, where there may be frosts even in the first month of summer, it is better to grow it in seedlings.

It should be taken into account that it begins to bloom 2.5 months after sowing. Seeds usually always germinate well and well.

Growing seedlings

To get truly beautiful flowers, you need to try at every stage of their cultivation. Find out how to select and prepare seed material, when to start sowing, what seedlings and grown plants need.

Boarding time

There is always a desire for a flower to bloom as quickly as possible, but there is no need to rush with zinnia.

The most suitable time for the exciting moment of sowing seeds for seedlings is the second half of April; March seedlings will certainly outgrow and will take root worse when planted in the ground. In addition, there is a greater chance of damaging the young plant.

How to plant zinnia seeds

You need to get a box in advance, about 10 cm deep or more. After pouring earth into it, you should make small depressions (1 cm) and drop a seed into them.

It is desirable that the distance between the holes be within 2-3 cm. In this situation, small zinnias will develop freely before picking.

After sowing, the soil is thoroughly moistened. The box itself is covered with plastic film, which is removed after germination.


For the normal development of zinnias, its seedlings, when they grow to 10 cm, are best planted in different pots or cups. The deepening should be up to the cotyledons, this will strengthen the plant. It would be a good idea to trim the main root a couple of centimeters before transplanting it into a separate container.

To prevent young seedlings from freezing, they begin to be hardened 14 days before moving to a permanent place. An open window or taking it out onto the balcony is suitable for this purpose. At first, it is better to avoid direct rays and gusts of wind.

Planting zinnia seedlings in open ground

At the age of 30-45 days, the flower can be placed in the ground. Ideally, within a month you will be able to admire the beautiful blooms. The distance between plants is directly dependent on their variety. If they are tall, then leave up to 50 cm between them; if they are small, then 20 cm is enough.

There is a little trick that will help you get a lush bush. You just need to cut off the top when the zinnia is well rooted.

Planting zinnia seeds in open ground

Some gardeners, not wanting unnecessary fuss with seedlings, sow zinnia seeds immediately in a permanent place. In this case, they act when the threat of frost has passed. In most regions, zinnia seeds are planted in May.

Late sowing also leads to later flowering. You will have to admire the lush splendor of the garden beauty only starting from the second half of August.

If such deadlines do not frighten you, then the seeds are deepened into the ground 5 cm, and the distance is chosen based on the height of the future flower, usually indicated on the bag, where there are recommendations for row spacing.

When planting several grains in one hole, the same number of seedlings will appear, which should be carefully pulled out, leaving the strongest one. The resulting sprouts are also planted around the site.

  • This flower loves the sun and thrives in the shade, so the area for these flowers should always be in the sun and preferably protected from strong winds.
  • The soil selected is fertile, light, without stagnant water. This can be facilitated by adding sand to the soil.
  • For the first time after sowing or planting, zinnias are protected from the cold.
  • Flowering will amaze with its splendor if you use complex fertilizers. Any universal ones are suitable.
  • It is better to water flower beds in the evening. The water should not be cold, it is better if it has settled for a day.

Seed collection

Having identified the most beautiful bushes, you need to remove the side shoots, and when the caps fade, become dark and dry, they are cut off, dried and the seeds are selected.

For storage, select a dry and temperature-stable place, in a paper bag or ventilated box. Considering that the viability of zinnia seeds lasts up to 4 years, you won’t have to bother with annual harvesting.

If you follow these simple rules, the undemanding zinnia will bestow its magnificent beauty on everyone. It can be planted in combination with other annuals, but it will also look great as a single plant.

Surely each of you paid attention to the bright beautiful flowers of zinnia. And even if you don’t know the name of this plant, you have seen it more than once in city flower beds or your friends’ country plots.

Zinnias are annual flowers belonging to the Asteraceae family. They bloom in white, red, lilac, yellow and orange, making it an excellent option for landscaping flowerbeds and areas. They are drought-resistant and do not require careful care. But they delight the eye with their beauty not only in summer, but also in late autumn. Many gardeners underestimate zinnia, believing that it is inconspicuous and completely unnoticeable. Perhaps this is so, if we talk about only 1 individual flower. But densely planted and blooming, they are simply magnificent.

In order for flower beds with plantings to delight you for many years, you need to collect zinnia seeds in advance and then plant them. Essentially, the rules here are the same as in the case of many other plantings, but some nuances can be highlighted.

The seeds ripen no later than 65 days after the plant begins to bloom. Experienced gardeners advise starting to collect them in early autumn. And so that the seeds have time to ripen, leave 5-6 inflorescences on the testes, which you will use in the future.

Of all the types of zinnias that grow in your area, choose the one you like. That's it, you can start collecting. So how do you collect zinnia seeds?

Zinnias: how to collect seeds correctly?

When planting the collected seeds in the future, you should not expect any amazing results. An absolutely “pure” individual can only be obtained in specialized horticultural farms. On an ordinary suburban plot under standard conditions, where there is a mass of a wide variety of plantings and cross-pollination constantly occurs, you can see a completely different result than was expected at the beginning.

If you are just puzzled by the question of how to collect zinnia seeds, proceed as follows:

  • Pick off the dried heads.
  • Carefully remove all fruiting material from them.
  • Place them in small paper bags, label the type and variety.

Having picked the dried heads from the stem, you will certainly see that the seeds will have 3 varieties:

  • Similar to flat shields. They have a brownish tint, uneven edges and small notches at the very top. Upon further planting, you will receive the most ordinary non-double zinnias.
  • Similar to spears. Darker in color, elongated in shape, tapering towards the very base. From only a small part of them you will get semi-double and double zinnias.

To be fair, we note that even non-double zinnias are beautiful during the flowering period, are easy to care for and have a rather pleasant aroma. It doesn’t matter if, instead of the desired double zinnias, you grow flowers with simple baskets.

How to store zinnia seeds

We figured out how to collect zinnia seeds. But how to store them?

Store the seeds collected and placed in paper bags in a cool, dark place. For example, the lower section of the refrigerator can be perfect for this - the optimal temperature for this is created here. Seeds can lie waiting for sowing for up to 4 years.


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Zinnia is an unpretentious plant that can grow in any region, although its homeland is Central and South America. The ancient Aztecs first started growing zinnia in the 15th century, but the flower appeared in Europe only in the 18th century. Breeders have developed many varieties with a wide variety of bud colors. With the help of these shades, you can add brightness to any flower bed by planting tall and low-growing varieties that grow from 20 to 100 centimeters. Growing zinnia from seeds- the task is not difficult. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be an experienced gardener or have special knowledge.

Growing zinnia from seeds

The Zinnia flower is distinguished by its shape, the size of its buds and the surface of its leaves, which can be double or smooth. Zinnias easily combine with any plants, so some gardeners use the plant to create an original and aesthetic flower bed. Gardeners most often plant the following varieties of zinnia: graceful, dahlia, pompom, chrysanthemum. They are less whimsical, do not require complex care and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Zinnia blossom

What is the best way to plant zinnia? It all depends on where you live. For example, if you live in an area with a warm climate, then planting a flower can be done directly into the soil itself. But if the climate in your area is unstable and severe frost may suddenly fall at night, then it is recommended to grow seedlings from seeds. How to do it?

Sowing seeds: what not to forget?

  • Selection of planting material. Where do you buy zinnia seeds? Experts advise not to give preference to spontaneous markets and grandmothers who “guarantee” high-quality goods. It is better to trust specialized stores and nurseries for breeding planting material.
  • Preparing containers. What container is suitable for growing zinnia seedlings? Deep. The main feature of plant seedlings is the presence of a long, well-developed root system. Therefore, containers must have a depth of at least 10 centimeters.
  • The soil.

    Zinnia: growing from seeds when to plant

    The soil mixture for sowing seeds should consist of turf soil, humus and peat, taken in equal proportions. If you cannot mix all the ingredients yourself, then immediately purchase a ready-made soil mixture in the store.

  • Disinfection. Before sowing, the seeds need to be soaked using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Those that float are not suitable for planting, and the rest are placed on a damp cloth for germination. The first shoots most often appear on the second day, which indicates good seed germination. If the seeds are old, they may hatch in 5–7 days.

At what distance are the seeds placed? Zinnia planting material is placed at a distance of up to 3 centimeters from each other, deepening them no more than 1 centimeter. After sowing, the soil must be moistened with a sprayer. You can sow seedlings in a common container, individual cups or peat tablets. Individual containers are preferable, because when transplanted into open ground, seedlings are not injured and adapt more easily. Seeds are planted no earlier than April, so that the seedlings do not have time to start setting buds, otherwise, when transplanted into open ground, zinnia may drop them. If you sowed the seeds in May, then the first flowering can be expected in early July.

Immediately after planting the seeds, the container is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.

You can make several small holes in the shelter for air exchange. In order for seed growth to continue actively, it is important to maintain a certain level of soil moisture by periodically adding water to the tray with a container. After the sprouts appear, the film can be removed.

Caring for zinnia seedlings at home

As soon as you see the first leaves, immediately start adding light fertilizing. Do not immediately flood the flower with a large amount of mineral fertilizers. At first, you can try adding a small amount of fertilizer, heavily diluted with water. The first serious feeding is done after four true leaves appear, and then fertilized weekly. Root and foliar feeding should be alternated with complex mineral fertilizers diluted in water for irrigation. But, the solution should not get on the leaves of the seedlings, so as not to cause burns. But that is not all.

Seedling care consists of:

  • Transplants. If the planting was carried out in a common container, then when the seedlings reach a height of 8–10 centimeters, they need to be transplanted into individual containers, deepening the seedlings to a depth of two centimeters. This will promote their rapid growth and protect against the spread of infections.
  • Hilling up. When they reach 10 centimeters, the seedlings should be hilled (create a small earthen hill at the root), which will promote the appearance of adventitious shoots.
  • Pinching. At the same time, you need to pinch, removing shoots at the base of the root, at a height of two centimeters.
  • Hardening.Do you want to grow healthy seedlings? Then, 10 to 14 days in advance, begin to harden it, taking it out onto the loggia for several hours.

Many summer residents are delighted with zinnia. Why? The flower has pointed, ovoid leaves, and graceful basket-shaped buds, the diameter of which is from 3 to 16 centimeters. Only one flower blooms on each stem and the plant blooms almost all summer, starting in June. From mid-May, if the frosts have passed, zinnia can be planted in open ground. To do this, you should choose a well-lit place with fertile soil. You should not plant zinnia in lowlands where large amounts of moisture collect. The root system of the flower does not tolerate stagnation of water, so the result of such a transplant can be disastrous.

Zinnia can tolerate various vagaries of weather, even cold down to -4 degrees below zero. But it is better to take care of young seedlings and, if necessary, cover them at night. Zinnias look good in bouquets. They need to be cut off when the bud has opened a little more than half. In order for the bouquet to last longer, it is recommended to burn the cut areas and place the flowers in warm water. So, now you know how to grow zinnia at home. Bloom This beautiful plant will not leave anyone indifferent and will make your summer cottage the most attractive.

How to collect zinnia seeds?

A beautiful, bright flower garden is a real pride for its owner. Alas, the advantages of annuals - the possibility of annual renewal of the flowerbed and its variability - also turn into disadvantages. Namely, the need to re-buy the seeds of the plants you like every year.

Zinnia: planting and care in open ground

Fortunately, most garden flowers produce high-quality seeds, which a skilled gardener can easily collect on his own, thus obtaining the desired seed material, and at the same time saving time on searching and money on purchasing the necessary plants.

In this article we will tell you how to properly collect and sort zinnia flower seeds.

Collecting zinnia seeds

Collecting zinnia seeds is not difficult - to do this, you just need to choose a beautiful flower and, after waiting for it to fully ripen (bloom) and dry, cut it. Please note that it will take a long time for the seeds to fully ripen - about 55-65 days, so for these purposes it is better to leave the first flowers in the flowerbed. By the way, it is the flowers that bloom first that are most often the largest and brightest, so by acting in this way, you also carry out selection work - every year you select the earliest, largest and most beautiful specimens for propagation.

A dried flower with a brown seed head can be further dried after cutting. After this, you need to carefully pull the petals and select the seeds from the center of the basket at the base of the flower. The seeds are sorted, dried again and placed in paper bags for storage. Sorting is important in cases where you are determined to propagate only one type of zinnia on your site - simple or double. They, like all other annual flower seeds, should be stored in a dry, cool, dark place to prevent the formation of mold or fungal diseases.

What do zinnia seeds look like?

Having selected the seeds, you may notice that several types are placed in one seed basket: shield-shaped flat ones, sharp spear-shaped triangular ones and elongated seeds with a sharp awl-shaped tail. These varieties often produce different types of zinnias, so it's best to sort each type separately.

Simple zinnias (not double ones) grow from shield seeds with indentations on the edge, even if the parent plant was double. Most spear seeds also germinate into single or semi-double flowers.

But the third type - highly elongated seeds with a gray awl-shaped tongue - turns into magnificent lush terry zinnias. Typically, these seeds are located in the outer rows of the seed head.

Of course, double zinnia inflorescences are more spectacular, but remember that they become so only with careful and proper care. If you don’t have enough time or hard work to constantly monitor the condition of the flower garden, opt for semi-double or simple zinnias - they are more resistant to diseases, the vagaries of the weather and the mistakes of novice gardeners.

Home » Fertilizers » Zinnia graceful growing from seeds

Zinnia graceful growing from seeds

Dahlia zinnia

Refers to tall plants. A bush up to 90 cm high, with large leaves, with large hemispherical flowers.—- The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 10-12 cm, with rows of shiny petals tightly adjacent to each other, advancing on each other, like rows of tiles.

Can be with double or semi-double flowers. Examples of varieties of dahlia-flowered zinnias: Dahlia-flowered - Violet This is a plant with a spreading bush up to 75 cm high, with double inflorescences, very dense, 9-12 cm in diameter, a beautiful purple color of different shades, blooms for a very long time and profusely until frost.

Dahlia - Crimson Monarch

Spreading bush up to 70 cm, flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, dark red in color, also blooms for a very long time.

Dahlia - Dream

This is a variety of annual tall zinnia up to a meter high. The flowers are double, pink, up to 15 cm in diameter, very heat-loving, does not tolerate frost.

The plant is drought-resistant, but requires regular watering. Dahlia - Polar Bear This type of zinnia reaches 80 cm, the inflorescences are double, bright white, up to 11-14 cm in diameter, looks very beautiful in a bouquet. The stem is strong and does not need garter. Zinnias look very good in flower beds, borders, borders, and in groups with other flowers. Low-growing varieties - pompons - are planted on balconies and rocky hills.

Landing conditions

Zinnia is a flower that requires sunny, windless areas and moist soil. Reproduction occurs by seeds.

But the main conditions for zinnia are warmth and sufficient light at the planting site. She absolutely cannot tolerate frost.

Flowers like soil that is drained, with lime, and saturated with mineral fertilizers. Zinnia flowers grow well in fertile soils, in well-lit areas of the garden, and they are drought-resistant. To ensure abundant flowering, humus or compost along with mineral fertilizers are added to the soil (it is better to fertilize in the fall).


You can grow zinnia by planting seeds as seedlings. Seeds are sown in special boxes at the end of March. Approximately on the sixth day, shoots appear.

In order not to damage the roots when picking, it is best to plant the seeds immediately in a separate pot. Grown seedlings should be pinched above the third or fourth pair of leaves to make the plants bush better.

It is better to harden the seedlings - take them to a cool balcony, if possible - outside for several hours

Seedlings planted in a permanent location require regular watering and fertilizing. It is also possible to sow zinnia seeds directly into open ground, but flowering will begin much later.

Planting seeds in the ground

You can plant seeds in the ground only after the spring frosts have passed. Plant in groups of several pieces no deeper than 5 cm. After a week, the first shoots will appear.

When the sprouts grow to ten centimeters, they can be thinned out so that the sprouts are 20-30 cm apart from each other. In the southern regions, seeds are planted in the ground in May, several per nest. But in other areas of the country, it is better to plant seedlings, so flowering will come faster.

To protect the shoots from frost, they should be covered with a special covering material. Flowering usually begins at the end of July. And it continues until frost.


Zinnia does not tolerate heavy watering, so watering should be moderate. When watering, it is not advisable to allow water to fall on the leaves of the plant, otherwise it may get burned. Do not allow the soil to dry out.

This leads to the fact that the flowers begin to become smaller, and the plant itself may die.

Fertilizers, fertilizing

Regular feeding is required three times a season: after planting shoots, during budding, and also after flowering. Zinnias behave well after cutting. They stand in a vase for a long time and delight all the inhabitants of the house with their presence for a long time.

But for this you will need to choose flowers that are only three-quarters open. The cut of the flower should be immersed in hot water, not cold, as is customary, and only then placed in a vase with warm water.

This procedure can be repeated several times, provided that the flowers begin to fade. After cutting, the flowers last for more than a week and retain their fresh appearance well. A bouquet of garden flowers such as zinnias, fragrant tobacco, and lilies will bring joy and pleasure.

Petunia, we grow without errors. Part5

Description of the plant

Zinnia is famous for its advantages - long flowering (for one flower - about 35 days), as well as longevity when cut. For example, you can use zinnia not only as a spectacular and long-flowering element of flower arrangements, but also as beautiful plants for a bouquet.

When cut, zinnia can decorate a room for 1 to 2 weeks. Zinnia is an annual plant grown from seeds. Thanks to their rapid growth, with the help of zinnias you can add more brightness to the garden from the beginning of summer until the arrival of autumn. The seeds of this flower crop are quite large.

Therefore, growing charming zinnia from seeds will turn into a fascinating process, because working with it is very simple. From the date of planting the seedlings, only 2-2.5 months will pass when the buds open and the plants bloom.

You can find out more about how you can achieve these results below. We offer photos of flowers and a step-by-step description of the planting and cultivation process. Magnificent zinnia can grow to gigantic sizes (for example, like the California Giant variety), or can be dwarf bushes, representatives of the Lilliput form (pictured).

It is possible to grow such beauty by sowing seeds for seedlings at home. Another method is also practiced - planting zinnia seedlings directly in the garden bed. But both the first and second options require preliminary preparation of the site.

Choosing a place for plants

Zinnia is a heat- and light-loving plant. Therefore, its cultivation on the site should be carried out in a place that is abundantly illuminated by the sun and not at all shaded.

In this case, it is better to exclude places where there are drafts so that wind currents cannot damage the stems of the bushes. In terms of soil, fertile and loose soil is suitable for growing zinnia in a personal plot. An important quality that soil must have is drainage. Since zinnia does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, you can add sand when planting. In this way, it will be possible to “dilute” the soil and avoid stagnation of water after watering or rain. You can grow zinnia on the site using seeds in one of the following ways:

  • sowing seeds at home for seedlings; sowing seedlings directly into a garden bed under the open sky.

Sowing to obtain seedlings

Zinnia seeds can be planted for seedlings when the second half of April arrives. It is not recommended to plant seedlings earlier due to the fact that zinnia grows very quickly, as mentioned earlier.

This can significantly complicate the transportation of seedlings and transplanting them into open ground. Even early planting of seeds to obtain zinnia seedlings is fraught with excessive elongation of seedlings, which, in turn, will affect the condition and development of flowers. For planting seedlings, you can use individual deep pots, which are filled with a light and loose substrate. The seedlings of this flower crop are quite large in size.

Therefore, they must be buried in the soil to a depth of approximately 1 cm. At the same time, additional covering of the containers with film is not required to create a greenhouse effect. You will be able to see the first shoots in about 5-7 days.

They will be the same as in the photo. If the seedlings were planted in a box, then the seedlings will need to be picked in separate vessels.

You can plant only 2-3 sprouts in one pot. Then caring for the sprouts is not difficult.

It will be enough for the seedlings to fertilize with fertilizers a couple of times. Also, before transplanting zinnia sprouts to the garden bed, they need to be hardened off, periodically taking them out into the fresh air, gradually increasing the intervals. Grown sprouts need to be pinched at the tops.

This way you can achieve the formation of a more beautiful bush. Zinnia is not a frost-resistant plant, and therefore, seedlings grown at home from seeds can only be planted when the ground has warmed up sufficiently. As a rule, seedlings can be transplanted into the garden bed at the end of May. Scheme for planting seedlings: 30-35 cm between plants and about the same in row spacing.

Sowing directly into the garden

Growing zinnia in a personal plot from seeds can be done by sowing them directly into open ground. Seedlings can be planted when the severe cold weather has passed. Holes for seeds are prepared with a depth of 5 cm. You can place several seedlings in one hole.

If the planting time is correctly chosen, the first shoots will appear on the soil surface after a week. If necessary, it will be possible to thin out the sprouts, leaving about 30 cm between them in order to grow full-fledged flowers.

It is recommended to cover the seedlings with special material so that possible frosts do not damage the crops. Caring for seedlings growing in the garden bed is also not difficult. The main thing is to water the soil moderately and feed the plants using complex fertilizers. Often, gardeners use this particular option for planting zinnia seeds, since growing it in this way is much easier than with the seedling method. Even though the seedlings in the garden begin to bloom significantly later than the planted seedlings. So, for example, when planting seedlings at the end of May, zinnia flowers will bloom in June, and seedlings planted in a flowerbed in May will bloom at the end of July. You can watch the video to see the process describing the cultivation of zinnia.

How to collect planting material

It is quite possible to collect the seeds of zinnia growing in the garden yourself. It is necessary to wait until the seed pods in the inflorescences are fully ripe.

This will be indicated by a change in their color to brown. The seed pods should be carefully cut from the stem using sharp scissors. Dry seeds need to be removed onto a sheet of paper, which can later be used as an envelope for storing seeds until next spring.

Zinnia is one of the most popular annuals.

ZINNIA(lat. Zinnia) is a genus of annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs of the Asteraceae family.

Bright spots of zinnia, reminiscent of lights, came to us from Mexico. Along with hybrid petunia, it is considered one of the most popular flower crops; entered the top ten most common garden annuals. This plant will give the garden rich shades and will delight all summer, right up to the autumn frosts, and caring for zinnia will bring us only joy, especially since it is very easy to grow. The name zinnia plants was given in 1759 by Carl Linnaeus, in honor of a professor of medicine , Johann Gottfried Zinn (1727-1759), as well as the director of the botanical garden from Göttingen (Germany), who at one time provided Linnaeus with herbarium material for work.

Main types of solar zinnia

Most often in the garden you can find two annual species of zinnia, the most popular of which are Zinnia elegans (graceful zinnia) and Zinnia angmtifolia (Xare, or narrow-leaved zinnia), which gave rise to numerous colorful varieties of garden zinnias, which are very diverse in their decorative qualities. Zinnia graceful(Zinnia elegans) It has a strong stem, large leaves and inflorescences with dense tongues, the diameter of which can reach up to 12 cm.

Various varieties of graceful zinnia can be tall (60-90 cm), medium (35-50 cm), dwarf (15-35 cm). Tall varieties are used mainly for cutting, while medium and dwarf varieties are perfect for decorating flower beds, borders, even flowerpots and containers. According to the structure of inflorescences, zinnias are chrysanthemum-flowered, scabiosaflowered, gaillardiaflowered, dahlia-flowered, pompon, with the last two varieties being the most popular.

Zinnia flowers come in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, red, yellow, orange, burgundy, cream, lilac. Zinnia Xare, or narrow-leaved(Z. angmtifolia) Is another common species.

How to grow zinnia

Its semi-double inflorescences, predominantly yellow in color, may have brick-colored inclusions. The most popular variety of this zinnia is the “Persian Carpet” mixture with inflorescences in yellow, orange and red shades.

How to care for zinnia?

Zinnia is not particularly capricious in care, but its heat and light-loving qualities should be taken into account. Its location should be sufficiently sunny and protected from winds. In addition, this plant does not tolerate frost.

Any garden soil is suitable for zinnia, although it grows and blooms better on fertile and fertilized soil. This plant does not tolerate drought, prolonged waterlogging and stagnation of water, so it is better to water it less often, but abundantly.

When watering, you should avoid getting water on the leaves, otherwise the plant may get burned. To make the flowers even more pleasing to the eye, after digging, you should add compost or humus to the place where it grows, and use 1 tbsp of mineral fertilizers. l. potassium sulfate, superphosphate and nitrophoska per 1 sq. meter. For abundant flowering throughout the season, you can feed zinnias with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants.

Zinnia growing from seeds

Zinnia reproduces mainly by seeds, maintaining germination up to 3 years. Sowing in the ground is carried out in May, the recommended distance is 2-3 seeds every 20-35 cm. Shoots appear within a week.

If the seeds are stale, it is better to soak them and then sow only the hatched specimens. To make zinnia bloom earlier, you can grow it through seedlings. To do this, in March or April, the seeds should be sown 2-3 seeds in small pots with a diameter of 4-6 cm. After the cessation of spring frosts, in May or early June, zinnia can be planted in a permanent place by transshipment, since this plant does not tolerate transplantation and damage well roots.

Using zinnia in design and cutting

Zinnia will be a wonderful decoration for a flower bed, border or alpine hill in a sunny area, adding bright colors to the flower arrangement. In addition, these flowers behave well after cutting and will last for more than a week in a vase without losing their fresh appearance.

In order for zinnia to please all the inhabitants of the house, you should choose flowers that are three-quarters open. You need to immerse the cut of the flower in hot, not cold water. Only after this can you put the bouquet in a vase with warm water.

If the flowers begin to fade, the procedure can be repeated several more times. Beautiful bouquets of garden flowers can be obtained if you add peonies, lilies and other plants to zinnia, creating an advantageous contrast with zinnia...

Additional Information

First meeting

The plant shown in the photo belongs to annual flowers. It grows fantastically fast. From the moment of sowing until the appearance of the first flowers, no more than 2.5 months pass. But the flowering process itself lasts from the end of June until late autumn.

It’s hard to believe, but growing zinnia from seeds, both seedlings and in open ground, is a fascinating process that consists only of pleasant moments.

The seeds of the plant are large, making them incredibly easy to work with. However, the seedlings themselves do not stay in the ground for a long time. They not only grow quickly, but also take root in flower beds at the same pace.

In the latter case, they are sown directly in open ground in the second half of May, closer to the middle of the month, just as seedlings are planted, but first things first.

Choosing a landing site

Since the zinnia, which is shown in the photo, loves warmth and light, the optimal place for planting it would be an open and unshaded area, which is abundantly endowed with sunlight, which is clearly visible in numerous videos. This plant requires loose and fertilized soil from the gardener.

Quite often this flower is grown in flower beds where drainage is well organized. After all, zinnias cannot tolerate stagnant water.

Growing for seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown no earlier than mid-April. Experienced gardeners do not recommend starting to grow this flower from seeds in March because the seedlings quickly gain height.

In the majority of cases, each plant already has time to acquire buds, which greatly complicates their transportation to the planting site. After all, as a rule, all seedlings are kept at home in order to be able to control the growth process and properly care for the seedlings (see photo). In addition, such large seedlings take root very poorly and painfully in a new place. So, growing this flower from seeds will require a large container, the depth of which reaches at least 10 cm.

Based on the fact that the seedlings will not be small, the seeds must be placed at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and to a depth not exceeding 1 cm. After completing the procedure, the soil must be moistened and the container covered with film to create a greenhouse effect .

This procedure is perfectly shown in many videos posted on the Internet. As you can see, growing this plant from seeds is not difficult. After the first green sprouts appear, you must immediately remove the lid from the container.

Now the main thing is that watering is optimal.

How to grow zinnia from seeds?

Please note that the soil at the base of the small flower should be slightly moist, but under no circumstances should it be swampy.

After the sprouts reach a height of about 10 cm, the seedlings must be planted in separate pots. Nothing bad will happen if you deepen each seedling to the level of its cotyledon. In this case, its green leg will be overgrown with adventitious roots that will go deeper into the soil.

In the process of growing zinnia, you can use one trick:

  • We pinch the main root a little at a level of 1-2 cm for better branching of the root system; after that we immediately immerse it in the ground.

In order for the plant to get used to environmental conditions and harden, it is necessary to accustom it to the street. For this purpose, at least 14 days before planting the flower, the seedlings must be taken out to the balcony, but only in good weather.

After 4-6 weeks, the seedlings are ready to go to the country. Please note that tall varieties are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, and low-growing ones will require space within a radius of 20 cm. After successful acclimatization, the flowerbed needs to take care of their branching. To do this, the crown of the plant is pinched. Many gardeners perform this operation on seedlings above the fifth level of leaves.

Growing zinnia in a flower bed from seeds

It is also possible to grow this flower from seeds directly in the flowerbed. Here there will be much less hassle of care. By planting seeds in open ground, you can also obtain excellent germination.

So, you can plant zinnia when the threat of spring frosts has passed. You can navigate by the 15th of May. On a designated part of the plot, make small beds: circular or in a checkerboard pattern, according to your idea.

Plant the seeds, as we said in the previous section, maintaining a depth of up to 1 cm. You can also maintain an average optimal distance of 10 cm between each seed. After 4-5 leaves appear on the plants, thin out the planting.

Do not throw away the removed plants, but plant them in another place.

The two methods suggested to you are used to plant Lilliputian and Graceful zinnia, as well as any other species of this plant.

How to properly care for zinnia

Achieving excellent flowering or growing healthy seedlings, as in the photo, is possible only when everything is done correctly. However, in order for zinnia, including Graceful, to bloom profusely and develop well, it is necessary to provide it with regular but moderate care and fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Zinnia will also require the gardener to loosen the soil within each individual bush. This will allow her to breathe well. Dried zinnia flowers are removed to allow new ones to bloom.

That’s actually all that Zinnia Graceful or any other type of zinnia will require from the owner.

Bright Zinnia is a favorite of gardeners.

Perennial zinnia is an excellent choice for decorating any area. There are many reasons for this. First of all, it is impossible to remain indifferent when looking at large double and non-double inflorescences-baskets of all sorts of bright colors. Secondly, gardeners are attracted by the long flowering period. Zinnia begins to bloom in July and blooms until late autumn, until frost hits. The third reason why gardeners prefer to grow zinnia in their garden is its drought resistance. Rather, on the contrary, it can die if overwatered, but it can withstand the driest summers well. So let's look at some of the features of breeding and caring for this bright representative of the Asteraceae family.

Red zinnia photo

Zinnia Peppermint Styx photo

How and when to plant zinnia

Despite the fact that perennial zinnia is a fairly hardy plant, there are several features that you will have to pay attention to. After all, only if all the necessary conditions are met, this beauty, which came from distant America, will delight you with rich blooms.

Choosing a landing site. A sunny place that is protected from the wind is ideal. For example, it could be a small lowland with gentle slopes. The selected place for zinnia must be dug up and, if necessary, organic fertilizers must be added.

Paying attention to the soil. It should be neutral or slightly acidic, fertile and sufficiently moist. You will have to especially worry about good drainage. This is very important, because at the slightest stagnation of moisture, the plant begins to rot and can die in a matter of days. Zinnia seeds are planted in early spring in fertile soil. Covering the container with a dark film can speed up the emergence of seedlings. As soon as the shoots appear, the film is removed, and the box with seedlings is placed on the windowsill. Plants dive after the appearance of the second leaf. The time of planting in the ground is determined by a single factor - the possibility of frost. Experts recommend not even trying to plant zinnia in open ground until the weather warms up and there are no more frosts. Otherwise, all plantings will die.

Zinnia: description and care at home

The seedlings are planted at a distance of 15 to 30 cm from each other. It all depends on the type of zinnia. If you decide to grow zinnia not from seedlings, but directly from seeds, do not forget to germinate them in a damp cloth. In a week or a little later, the seeds will hatch. All this time you will have to ensure that the fabric does not dry out. But a napkin that is too wet will not work either. In this case, the seeds will simply rot. The last condition for successful germination will be temperature. It should be 20˚С, no higher and no lower. If the zinnia plantings are thickened, it is better to replant the plants. To transplant zinnias, it is advisable to move them to a new place so that there is a fairly large lump of earth on the roots.

Caring for a Zinnia flower garden

Finally, the zinnias were safely planted in their favorite area. How to care for them throughout the summer? The whole complex of care measures consists of three words: watering, loosening, fertilizing.

  1. Let's start with watering. Despite the fact that zinnia is a drought-resistant plant, in the absence of watering it loses all its decorative value. Zinnia should be watered rarely, but abundantly.
  2. After planting seedlings in open ground, zinnia should be fed with liquid manure once. Remember that fertilizing must be done before flowering begins.
  3. The soil in a flower bed with zinnias must be loosened after each watering.

Zinnia flowers can last quite a long time in a vase. The bouquet will not wither for about two weeks. In addition, these flowers are completely odorless. This means that a bouquet of them will not give anyone any unpleasant sensations in the form of a headache. So grow zinnias and enjoy the riot of color that they are sure to provide.

Zinnia photo

Orange zinnia photo

Zinnia Starlight Rose photo

Zinnia graceful photo

Zinnia Peppermint Stix photo

Zinnia (Latin name - Zinnia)a genus of perennial and annual herbs and subshrubs of the Asteraceae family. The plant is named after the German doctor and botanist Johann Gottfried Zinn, and Southern Mexico is considered its homeland.

Did you know? The Aztecs cultivated zinnia as early as 1500, and it came to Europe in the 18th century and almost immediately became a favorite decoration for gardens and noble receptions. In the twentieth century, zinnia was already cultivated on all continents, and was even a symbol of one of the states of America - Indiana.

Sowing zinnia seeds in open ground

Zinnias, known by the usual name majors and in their diversity, are loved by many gardeners and lovers of ornamental plants. It is impossible to find a garden in which this crop does not grow. Zinnia does not require special care, and growing it from seeds is a very simple process that many gardeners enjoy. Growing zinnia is a fascinating process: the seeds are round and quite easy to work with. However, planting and caring for flowers still has certain features.

Time for sowing

Of course, if you want flowers to please you with their beauty as soon as possible, you need to choose the right method and determine the timing of planting. There are several ways to grow zinnia on your site:

  • sow seeds at home (seedling method);
  • sow the seeds outdoors (directly in the garden bed).
To the question “When to sow majors in open ground?” There is only one answer - after the severe cold has passed and there is no threat of night frosts. Usually this is the end of May or the beginning of June.

In order to determine which zinnia seeds are viable, before planting they are wrapped in gauze or a cloth soaked in epin. Fresh seeds hatch within a couple of days, but old ones may take a week.

Place for zinnias on the site

Since zinnia is a heat- and light-loving plant, its cultivation should be done in a place that is not shaded and abundantly illuminated by the sun.

Important! It is advisable to exclude drafts so that the wind does not damage the stems.

Loose fertile soil is suitable as soil, and before planting the area must be cleared of weeds. Due to the fact that zinnia reacts negatively to stagnant moisture in the soil, you can add a little sand or turf soil when planting. This way you will dilute the soil and prevent water stagnation.

Scheme of sowing seeds in a garden bed

Before directly planting seeds in open ground, the area should be covered with insulating synthetic fabric. This will create a greenhouse effect and slightly retain moisture in the soil.

You can plant zinnias in a flowerbed in any geometric pattern: in a circle, in a checkerboard pattern or along the perimeter. The main thing is to take into account the varieties so that the flowerbed looks harmonious.

The depth of the holes should be about 5 cm, and several seeds can be placed in one hole. The distance between the holes should be about 10 cm.

Important!If the time for planting is chosen correctly, the first shoots will appear within a week.

To grow full-fledged flowers, after germination the bushes should be thinned, leaving a distance of 30 cm between them, and for low-growing plants - 20 cm.

Sheltering the first zinnia shoots

To prevent possible frosts from damaging the seedlings, it is recommended to cover them with special material.

Basics of caring for majors

Caring for ascended zinnia does not depend on how the planting took place. The main thing is to provide the flowers with sufficient watering (at the root), fertilizing, regular loosening, weeding, as well as getting rid of pests and treatment. That is, there is a special agricultural technology for growing zinnia.

Did you know?The flower life is 35 days, and picked zinnias can last 2 weeks in a vase.

Pinching the top

Beginning gardeners often have the question “How to pinch zinnias and is it necessary to do this?” In order for the plant to bush, this procedure really needs to be carried out.

As soon as the flowers take root and grow, they need to pinch the crown, as a result of which the bushes will become more branched and lush. This is done over the third or fourth pair of leaves. However, if you want to grow elegant zinnias on long stalks, pinching is not necessary.

Watering and loosening the soil

When watering, zinnia requires a special approach because it does not tolerate excess moisture, which can cause root rot. Lack of moisture, in turn, will have little effect on the plant, since it is a drought-resistant species.

For majors, rare but abundant watering is suitable, the regime of which depends on the climatic conditions of the region in which they are grown.

Important!When watering, you must ensure that no water gets on the peduncle, as this can cause the flower to rot.

After rainy days, it is necessary to remove faded inflorescences so that flowering is more abundant and lasts longer.

Plant nutrition

The soil in the place where you plan to grow zinnia can be anything. However, the flower grows much better in fertile soils. The soil can be fertilized before directly sowing majors in open ground. To do this, dig up the area and add compost (humus, peat) at the rate of 8-10 kg per 1 m², thoroughly mixing and then loosening the soil.

You can use mineral fertilizers. In this case, per 1 m² you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska.
During the flowering period, moyors must be fed before and at the beginning of budding. In this case, liquid fertilizers are used for flowering plants.

Collection and storage of seeds

Zinnia seeds ripen within two months after the start of flowering. Therefore, it is not surprising that many gardeners are interested in how to collect zinnia seeds themselves? First of all, you should wait until the seed pods are completely ripe and their color turns brown.

Important!Shoots of the first order have better seeds, so all side shoots must be removed from pre-selected specimens.

The boxes are carefully cut from the stem with sharp scissors and dried. Dry seeds are removed onto a piece of paper, which can then be used as an envelope for storage, and cleaned of dry flower residues. Should be stored in a dry place at a constant temperature. Seed germination lasts 3-4 years.

Forcing zinnia

Seeds are planted for seedlings in mid-April. The plant quickly gains height, therefore, if planted earlier, then by the time it is planted in the ground, zinnia may acquire buds, which can be damaged during transportation. In addition, an adult plant is less able to adapt to a new location.

For seedlings you need to take a large container (depth - at least 10 cm) and since the seedlings will be large, they are placed in the ground at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, the sowing depth is no more than 1 cm. The ground must be well moistened and covered with film .

After 3-4 days, shoots will appear and the film can be removed. Do not overwater the zinnias - the soil should be slightly moist and The optimal temperature for zinnia germination is +22+24 ºC. After the plants grow to 10 cm, they need to be planted in separate pots. In order for the root system to branch well, the main root is pinched 1-2 cm. 2 weeks before planting in the ground, you need to start “walking” the plant, taking it out to the balcony in warm weather. This way the sprouts will harden and become stronger.