Interpretation of cards by Doreen Verche. Fortune telling by cards Doreen Verce

Angels (messengers) are heavenly entities to whom you can and should turn for help. Perhaps for some this is just a beautiful fairy tale, but for many it is hope for support and wise advice in a difficult situation. So, one of the ways to get help is angelic fortune telling. Doreen Virtue is a woman who managed to penetrate the secret of communicating with angels. Based on her methodological recommendations, many different fortune tellings have been created. In this article we will learn how to correctly ask for help from messengers and get an answer.

The Task and Work of God's Messengers

Before using angelic fortune telling, you need to know who the messengers are and what their main meaning of existence is. So, their task is to serve God, but their job is to help people. It should be understood that angels exist on a spiritual level. In her books, Doreen Virtue writes that communicating with angels can help in self-development and the discovery of telepathic communication. In her works you can also find many different meditations and exercises for spiritual practices. The author of the books also claims that the entire writing process was guided by angels. She seemed to fall into a trance and type without fully understanding the essence of the text.

Angels are called upon to help people and answer their requests. They are conductors between God and people. Since messengers are spiritual beings, they know about all the thoughts of a person, his secret desires and sincere intentions. So, there is no point in asking for help if you are being disingenuous. In addition, good angels are tuned only to positive energy. It is very difficult for them to help people with bad intentions and evil thoughts. Therefore, be sure to let go of all resentment and anger before starting fortune telling.

Evil Angels

Of course, “yin” and “yang” always go together. So, among all heavenly beings there are also evil angels (spirits, demons). For example, in fortune telling they indicate negative events or warn of danger. Of course, you should not get in touch with them and ask them for help. It must be taken into account that each messenger has a special character. Like people, they are all individual. From the very beginning, it is very difficult to determine which angel made contact with you. But if a person practices and uses angelic fortune telling often enough, then he will soon learn to distinguish between them. In the presence of an evil spirit, he will feel depressed and very unhappy. In this case, it is necessary to read a prayer from demons:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish on behalf of those who love God and are marked with the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away Let the demons come with power upon you, our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled underfoot his power. the devil, and who gave us Your Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. Oh, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

There is also a short form:

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.

Communication rituals

Communication with higher powers is not always as simple as it seems. People who have well-developed psychic and telepathic abilities can do this without the help of cards. Another option is to use prayers. Each messenger is responsible for certain areas of life. For example, it protects from spiritual and physical dangers, and Gabriel instructs on the true path and reveals the purpose of life. There are special prayers for each of the messengers.

But angels belong to the spiritual world, so they give advice through thoughts or dreams. It is very difficult for people who are just mastering the technique of communicating with messengers to hear and correctly understand such help. This is why they can use angelic divination. This way you can ask a question and get an accurate answer. The only skill you should learn is card interpretation, but more on that later.

Unique predictive system

In fact, there are many different fortune telling on angel cards. But one of the most effective is the oracle of Doreen Virtue “Angel Therapy”. This is a predictive system that helps you know yourself and find out the answers to many questions of interest.

In general, the oracle was created specifically for self-development and self-knowledge. Many people have spiritual questions to which they cannot find answers. Doreen Virtue (as a psychic was able to help such people. Based on books and knowledge received from messengers, she created a unique deck of 44 cards. They contain advice and recommendations of approximately the following nature:

Discernment - Trust that your imagination, like your physical vision, will assist you in healing, learning and understanding the guidance you receive.

Liberation is about working with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your life purpose.

Indigo - "Indigo" means high innate sensitivity and leadership qualities.

Books - Your life's purpose includes the gift of literature, reading, editing or even selling books of a spiritual direction.

Shield - Protect yourself from harsh or fear-based energies by visualizing a cocoon of healing light surrounding you.

Power of the Beast - the spirit of the animal protects you and helps you in this situation.

If you are nervous, focus on service—focus your intention on answering the question, “How can I make the world a better place?” And the law of attraction will automatically begin to take care of your needs.

So, each of the predictions gives advice or warning. As a rule, a special book is offered with the cards. It is there that the meaning of each of the cards is described in detail. In addition, on store shelves you can find different deck designs. In fact, it does not affect the fortune-telling process itself, but it is very important that a person likes the type of kmrt. You need to understand that he will have constant cooperation with the deck. Sometimes the energy of the cards does not suit people. They feel discomfort, they begin to hurt and feel dizzy. In this case, working with a specific deck is strictly prohibited.

Preparing for fortune telling

To get help or advice, you need to ask the right questions. There are certain rituals that precede the process of fortune telling. First, you should read the Lord's Prayer. It will protect you from evil entities that may interfere with your work. In addition, you need to light a church candle and concentrate.

You need to completely clear your mind of negative thoughts and emotions. If at the moment you are overwhelmed with a feeling of anger or joy, then you should postpone fortune-telling on angelic runes and put your thoughts and feelings in order. There should be peace and quiet within you. It is very important not to have thoughts that distract you. Only the question that interests you at the moment should be heard in your head.

If a deck of cards is new, then you need to feel it. You must become one with it. It should be saturated with your energy. So, you should take a new deck and look at each card, hold it in your hands and delve into its meaning.


Different layouts should be used for different questions. There are quite a lot of them in angelic fortune telling. But there are basic ones that are most popular because of their ease of interpretation. Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy cards have one significant advantage. In addition to the name and picture, they also contain a brief explanation. Thus, the process of interpreting angelic fortune telling by the clock (time) is significantly reduced.

Layouts by number of cards

So, the first layout is “One card”. He will help answer any simple question and give advice. It is also called "fairy divination". To do this, just focus on the question and draw one card. Its meaning will be the answer to your request. If the interpretation of the card is not entirely clear or has a double meaning, then it is necessary to draw two more. Place them on different sides of the main one. Let's call them additional cards. Now, given their significance, the answer to the question will be quite detailed and accurate.

Schedules for time

Sometimes people are interested in questions related to a certain period of time (half a year, a week, 2 months, etc.). In this case, the number of cards will correspond to days, months, weeks. For example, six months - 6 cards, a week - 7, a month - 31. Of course, it is advisable to take small periods of time. So, for example, on every Monday you can make a schedule for the week. You can also divide the day into three segments: morning, afternoon, evening. This way you can make a more detailed schedule for the day.

Layouts depending on the situation

The widest selection of layouts is present in this category, since questions can be on a variety of topics. Let's highlight the most important ones:

  • love relationship;
  • spiritual development;
  • work and professional sphere;
  • financial situation.

For such situations, angelic fortune telling is performed as follows.

5 cards are drawn from the deck one by one. The first is placed in the middle, the second on the left, the third on the right, the fourth on top and the fifth on the bottom. Of course, the location of the cards is not accidental:

  1. The essence of the situation or issue.
  2. Past events that are relevant to the present.
  3. Near future.
  4. Summary of the situation.

Thus, by interpreting each of the cards, you can find out the answers to all your questions. You only need to ask about yourself, since angels prefer to be addressed personally.

It is important to note that there are practically no negative meanings in the cards, but in life not everything always goes smoothly. According to many psychologists, these cards not only predict the future, but also significantly influence a person’s inner mood. He begins to see positive things in different situations and fortune telling helps him with this. Doreen Virtue's angelic tarot improves mood and also gives strength and confidence to the fortuneteller.

At the end of any of the layouts, you must thank the cards for their help and put them in a secluded place. Never give your fortune telling cards to anyone. Only your energy should be on them. So, by correctly asking the angels for help, you will always receive an answer to your question.

Dear friends!

Doreen Virtue - Who is this or could it be - What is this? Doreen Virtue is both the Who and the What in one bottle. This is a woman of mystery, a woman of mystery, this is a miracle person who knows how to communicate with angelic beings. Since childhood, she saw more than the average person sees, she felt differently than many, she knew how to see the essence where everyone passed by. They didn’t understand her, they twisted their finger at her temple, they said that she was not like that, that she was very strange, that “not everything was at home” with her. For some time she had to isolate herself, close herself in, hide. But the entities still came and communicated with her.

In those difficult times, they became her friends, her faithful companions who accompany her throughout her life. Only now everything has changed, now there is no need to hide your own abilities and capabilities. Today the whole world, the whole planet knows about Doreen. After all, her books have been published in many languages, they are published in thousands of copies, and the face of Virtue herself has become recognizable. And today it’s hard to believe that just ten years later everything was different. Today many people know and use her decks of cards. After all, she is the author of both this diva and this miracle!

Doreen Virtue's cards are truly something wonderful! There are several decks. And you can talk and talk and talk about each of them. And still this will not be enough! But we decided to go a different route: it’s not for nothing that they say that it’s better to see everything with your own eyes once. And it is true! We invite you to familiarize yourself with one of the decks, authored by Doreen. In fact, there are many decks, everyone can choose the one that suits them. Here you need to listen to yourself and your own heart. If you don’t yet have the opportunity to purchase at least one of the large number of decks, don’t worry.

You can use the information presented on our website. Each of the cards is described in as much detail as possible and contains a deep philosophical meaning. If you find yourself in a difficult life situation, if you need help and support, if you lack faith in yourself or your loved ones, if nothing in life makes you happy, if you have given up for a long time, if you have no faith in anything, if everything is boring, if you want only one thing - to be left alone by everyone and everything - which means you need Doreen Virtue and her deck of cards. She is the one who will help you wake up, spread your wings, take a deep breath and boldly move on!

Information about the clairvoyant Doreen Virtue, who communicates directly with angelic beings and receives advice from them. Doreen Virtue's cards as the key to understanding your own problems and expanding your consciousness.

Advice from angelic beings: according to the method of esotericist Doreen Virtue.

In our lives, situations often arise when we are in search of the right solution and are lost in doubt. In such cases, many people turn to esoteric help - for example, to psychics or fortune-tellers, while others look for online fortune-telling on the Internet in the hope that they will help solve a pressing issue. One of these ways to find out the future is Doreen Virtue’s cards, which we will tell you about in this article.

Who is Doreen Virtue?

Doreen Virtue is the author of numerous books about angels, as well as a practicing psychotherapist, spiritual consultant, and holds a Ph.D. Doreen Virtue has written a large number of books about angels, created a series of oracle cards with images of angelic beings, fairies, unicorns, and also constantly organizes seminars and records audio meditations on this topic.

The works of this woman have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and are sold in many countries. In addition, she was actively involved in research on Indigo children, who have impressive paranormal abilities. Reading Doreen's books, we are immersed in a magical world that opens up various opportunities for us to change our lives for the better.

While still a child, Doreen began to hear and even see angelic beings. For this, she was regularly subjected to ridicule and bullying from her peers and acquaintances, who refused to believe her and considered her crazy. Realizing that she would not find support and understanding, the girl decided to keep silent about her little secret and her unique abilities were deeply hidden for many years. For a very long time Doreen tried not to pay attention to the angels' promptings, but everything changed on July 15, 1995. This day became significant in her life, because then her life turned upside down.

Doreen Virtue is a practicing psychotherapist.

On July 15, 1995, Doreen Virtue received a warning from her guardian angel that her car would be stolen. The woman, who tried to ignore the signs from above, decided to ignore him. But the angel did not leave Doreen in trouble and when two robbers in the parking lot attempted to steal her car, he ordered her to scream as loud as possible. This saved the woman - passers-by came running to the scream, which scared off the robbers.

After this incident, she thought seriously and began developing her psychic abilities, deciphering the divine messages that kept coming to her. To help other people in difficult life situations, as well as those who have a similar gift, the woman began to write books that reveal many of the secrets of the Universe.

Today, Virtue constantly participates in various programs and shows dedicated to this topic. She is also the organizer of symposiums and seminars where she tells people how to correctly use Doreen Virtue’s angel cards and how not to close themselves off from messages from above.

The woman was married twice; she is currently engaged to Michael Robinson and lives in the Hawaiian Islands. From her first marriage, Doreen has two sons, Grant and Charles.

What types of Doreen Virtue cards are there?

Since Doreen is not only a person with psychic abilities, but also a successful writer, she came up with the idea of ​​attaching corresponding decks of cards to her books that are most suitable for the main theme of the work. And the list of publications written by this woman is very extensive!

We can highlight the following most popular books by Doreen Virtue related to angelic themes:

  • "Angel Therapy";
  • "Ascended Masters";
  • “Magical Messages of Fate” and many other similar publications.

Doreen Virtue's cards are called "The Magical Power of Your Guardian Angel." The deck contains 44 large cards with various designs (mostly images of angels) and signatures in Russian.

Each card has its own name, for example, Candor, Magic, Relaxation, Soul Mates, Archangel Michael, Abundance, Signs, Miracles, Guardian Angel and the like. The name represents the response of angelic beings to a situation that a person was asking about.

Note: in Doreen Virtue's deck of cards you won't find negative names like Illness, Depression or anything like that. Absolutely all cards carry only positive meanings.

Fortune telling methods

Doreen herself is not a supporter of any specific layouts; she believes that every person should work with the deck as they feel intuitively. You can still highlight several options for fortune telling.

Three card spread. The first in this case will mean the situation that the person is asking about. The second is advice from divine entities (depending on the oracle, these can be angels, archangels, as well as ascended masters, fairies, Archangel Michael and other higher patrons). The third card shows the outcome of the situation, but only under the condition that the questioner takes advantage of the recommendation of the Light Forces.

The second way of the same layout is as follows: the first card indicates what has passed, the second indicates the present, and the third foretells the future. This layout is notable for the fact that in the third position you can choose not one, but three cards at once. The first will then reveal future events 3 months in advance, the second - six months in advance, and the third - a year in advance.

In addition to these methods of fortune telling, you can lay out cards for each month of the year, or you can simply ask a question that interests you and draw one card - choose the method that intuitively seems more “pretty” to you.

Fortune telling by cards by Doreen Virtue is more like an ordinary conversation between a person and his heavenly patrons, in which the latter give advice on how to cope with difficulties and what is the right thing to do in a given situation. Angel cards not only lift the veil of the future, but help a person understand himself, and also teach him to notice divine messages.

Please note that you cannot 100% trust the results of any fortune-telling, because the future always remains multivariate and it depends only on ourselves which of the proposed paths we will choose.

What questions will the cards answer?

Angel cards very readily “suggest” what personal qualities a person lacks in order to get what he wants. If you do not have global questions regarding the future or present, you can simply choose one card from the deck every day and listen to the advice you received from the angels.

The cards work very well with the energies of Healing Rays and Reiki.

Usually people do not have any difficulties with the symbolism of cards - sometimes it is enough just to look at the card and you will already understand its meaning, even without reading the interpretation given in the book. Additional information about the cards is given by their colors.

Note: Now, thanks to the power of the Internet, you do not need to buy a deck of cards, because you can always find Doreen Virtue cards online and ask them for advice.

According to the results of using Doreen Virtue's cards, it can be noted that they certainly bring benefits, but they act more as an oracle-adviser than a mantic tool. They give good recommendations regarding the correct tactics of behavior in various life situations, suggest how to get rid of negativity (the evil eye or damage), and also simply bring your physical body and soul back to normal.

When working with angel cards, you need to remember that their concept is not so much self-improvement (learning new things), but relaxation, harmony, communication with higher beings and a feeling of divine support. Therefore, they are not suitable for all people; in particular, they certainly will not appeal to those who are indifferent to inner work and seek to find a solution to the problem exclusively in the material world.

For those people who are interested in philosophy, esotericism, and Reiki practices, communication with Doreen Virtue’s cards should bring benefits in life. It should be noted that the cards combine very well with the energies of Healing Rays and Reiki. They, like a ray of light, will help dispel your negative thoughts and moods, instill hope in your heart and fill you with peace.

Of course, first of all, fans of Doreen Virtue’s works who enthusiastically read her books and listen to programs with the author’s participation should try working with cards. For the cards to help you, you need to be on the same page with Doreen, because if you take all this lightly and guess for fun, it is unlikely that such an undertaking will be crowned with success.

This fortune telling has recently become increasingly popular. This version uses angel cards.

The creator of the cards was Diane Harris. There are only thirty cards in Doreen Virtue's deck that will help reveal the essence of the situation, talk about the urgent and painful, and also help with advice.

Doreen Virtue's cards themselves - signs of angels - are not so widespread yet. But at the same time, online fortune telling is used, which is carried out free of charge. The only “but” in this type of prediction is the lack of interaction between the cards and the one who asks.

As a result, a simple online program gives you a layout that is completely decipherable, but it can only be called reliable.

It is also worth understanding that spirits will not start talking to you through inanimate electronic pictures of Doreen Virtue’s angels online. That is why it is recommended to pay attention to the process of fortune telling in reality without the participation of programs that have no connection with the subtle worlds.

Three Cards Layout

This layout is as simplified as possible and can be done independently or online if you just want to have fun. As a result, you will receive not so much answers to questions as advice from the divine principle, your angels.

You need to think about the situation, the question, the person you are interested in and lay out three cards or click on the “online” button. Now look at the resulting layout:

  • The first card will tell you about the subject of fortune-telling, a matter, a person.
  • The second card is what you should know about the situation or person.
  • The third card is what should be done.

Heart layout

There are five cards involved in this layout:

  • The first one in the middle means the root of the situation, its basis.
  • The second one from the top will tell you about the obstacle that prevents you from achieving your goal.
  • The third from the bottom are unknown factors that you have no idea about, but they continue to influence the situation.
  • The fourth one from the left is what a fortuneteller needs to do so that everything goes as it should.
  • Fifth from the right - events that will happen in the near future. They will serve as a signal to you whether you are doing everything right.

As a result, you have a rhombus. The origin of the name remains a mystery, but fortune telling gives amazing results, as you will see for yourself.

"Cross of the Way" layout

This fortune telling of angel cards will be somewhat more complicated than the previous two. Its shape is more like an airplane. In terms of location, the main row looks something like this: 7 6 5 1 8 9 10. The second card is located above the first, and the third below the first. The fourth angelic picture lies under the third, and the eleventh above the tenth.

Now let's write down what each card means:

  1. What is now at the center of your life, aspirations, desires, goals.
  2. The necessary actions are here and now on your part.
  3. The basis of the situation.
  4. What you need to know about this set of circumstances.
  5. Present and passing influences that affect not only the environment, but also you.
  6. Emotional condition. The way you react to events.
  7. Spiritual advice from above.
  8. How events will develop.
  9. Which will complete the cycle of events and end the matter.
  10. How best to act in the current situation. Not to be confused with spiritual advice. These are different cards that will tell you in the first case what you need to do to fit comfortably into the situation, and what you should change specifically in yourself.
  11. Summary and possible advice.

The layout of the angel cards may seem initially complex, but it will be able to tell you about all the sides that you might not have seen before. At first glance, it may seem complicated, although online this arrangement has been simplified to the point of impossibility, denying the essence of intuition and the subconscious.

That’s why it’s better to carry out the entire process yourself from start to finish. It will be enough to listen to the advice that the angels give you, and life will begin to improve. Author: Valeria Kalchenko

It is common for every person to be interested in their future. All people, regardless of age, gender and beliefs, strive to lift the veil of secrecy and find out the truth about their fate.

A little history

Fortune telling with cards is one of the most ancient and popular techniques that allows you to look into the future.

Now there are a lot of different ways to find out the future using maps. Moreover, they tell fortunes both on special cards and on simple playing cards. Fortune telling is most often done on the eve of major holidays and on birthdays.

Fortune telling rules

Professional fortune tellers have various signs and rituals that must be followed if you want to get an accurate prediction:

  • You definitely need to sit on the new deck.
  • It is prohibited to give your deck into the wrong hands.
  • Before you start fortune telling with cards, you should clearly formulate the question.
  • One of the best days for making predictions is your birthday.

Fortune telling by Doreen Virtue

Renowned clairvoyant and Ph.D. Doreen Virtue is considered an expert in communicating with angels. She published many books dedicated to heavenly patrons and developed her own “angel therapy” cards.

Fortune telling on angel cards is more like a conversation in which heavenly patrons tell you how to overcome difficulties and avoid unpleasant changes in the future.

Doreen Virtue's cards will not only help you look into the future, but will reveal your inner world, help you understand yourself, and make the right decisions in difficult situations.

In order to get an answer from Doreen Virtue's cards, it is not at all necessary to make a complex layout. It is enough to simply pull out one card from the deck, which will help you understand what you should pay attention to at the moment.

How our grandmothers used to tell fortunes

Our grandmothers and even great-grandmothers also loved to tell fortunes. The old grandmother's layout is still relevant in our time. For such a prediction, an ordinary deck is required, the only condition is that it must be new.

Grandmother's layout is most often used in so-called love fortune-telling. Before making a prediction, it is advisable to undergo a cleansing ritual - take a shower or simply wash your face and hands, and run the fire from a candle over your palms.

The Grandmother's spread is ideal for beginners as it is quite simple. Before proceeding directly to the prediction, you should identify a card that will symbolize the person you will be fortune-telling about. For unmarried people, this is the king and queen of the suit of diamonds, and for those who are married, they are the same, only of the suit of hearts.


It is best to conduct fortune telling with cards in complete silence, so that nothing distracts you from the question you want to ask the cards. The grandmother's layout begins with a search for the main card, for which the entire deck is laid out in four rows of three cards.

If the desired card is in the first table, this means that a person lives with thoughts about the past, which prevents him from finding love in the present. If the card is in the central pillar and is surrounded by fans (kings or queens), this means that the person lives one day at a time and does not need a serious relationship right now. The third column means that a person only cares about his future, and what is happening in the present does not bother him

Cards that are on the same row as the main one symbolize the events that are happening in life at the moment and the people who are nearby.

Fortune telling by Madame Recamier

Madame Recamier is one of the most famous women of the Napoleonic era, who was well versed in magic and predictions and developed a unique method of fortune telling. Recamier came up with 25 cards that are played out like solitaire. These cards depict objects, but not entirely, but in parts.

Having formulated the question, you can begin to tell fortunes to Madame Recamier. The cards are laid out in five rows, and if the two halves of the picture are combined into a complete picture, then they are checked against the list of symbols also developed by Madame Recamier, which contains the answers to the questions of interest.

Madame Recamier argued that it was the last matching picture that indicated the most important moment in a person’s life.

Fortune telling from the book of changes

Fortune telling from the book of changes is one of the oldest and most complex methods of prediction, which came to us from China. Previously, special coins were used for this type of fortune telling. Now you can use any three kopecks to make predictions from the Book of Changes.

The Book of Changes consists of 64 hexagrams, which represent six continuous or broken lines. Having formulated your question, you should toss each of the three coins in turn, and if three or two coins land on heads, you should draw a solid line, and if they land on tails, a broken line. Thus, the coins will need to be tossed 6 times.

Each hexagram in the Book of Changes has a corresponding interpretation. Don’t be upset if you don’t get a particularly pleasant combination; you should carefully consider the recommendations contained in the interpretation.

Birthday fortune telling

There is an opinion that cards give the most truthful information on a person’s birthday, since all the invisible forces on this day are most favorable to a person.

The easiest way to tell fortunes on your birthday is as follows. From a regular deck, the birthday boy, having previously made a wish, pulls out seven cards. After this, each card is interpreted separately, but attention is also paid to nearby cards.