Guessing which business is right for me. Business fortune telling

Online business fortune telling is one of the most popular; in this case, you can find out the future of not only your business, but also your competitors (more on this below). The business layout is designed for businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Have a nice session!

1. Current business situation: 2. Demand and sales market: 3. Competitiveness: 4. Income level: 5. Expense level: 6. Formalities and obligations: 7. Partners and cooperation: 8. Development prospects:

  • Current business situation.
  • Demand and sales market.
  • Competitiveness.
  • Income level.
  • Expense level.
  • Formalities and obligations.
  • Partners and cooperation.
  • Development prospects.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

How to guess and read the layout

  • Fortune telling for a certain period of time gives a greater effect: a week, a month, a quarter, six months, a year. As practice has shown, it is better to think about the optimal period of time for your business: if it is retail sales, it can be a week, or even a day; if you have a store, it can be a month, a quarter, etc.

  • Before fortune telling, familiarize yourself with the structure of the layout. There are points there that may be more important to you. For example, if you simply ask, “What’s wrong with my business?” - this is a universal question. “Will I receive business income this month, and what will it be? - a more specific question. Or “how do my competitors feel about me?” differs from “how formalities with the authorities will be resolved.”

If your request is general, carefully read all the cards drawn in all positions - this will be a free style interpretation of the layout. If you are interested in only one detail about the business, for example, “the level of income and expenses in this quarter”, it is clear that points 4-5 are primarily subject to your attention, but at the same time you check the overall picture.

After all, when a negative Tarot Arcana falls on your product or service in the area of ​​demand and sales markets, then the reason may be here. Give yourself a thorough analysis of the position of the layout where negative cards fell - this may be a hint on how to improve your affairs. This fortune telling does not only have a predictive purpose, but also provides material for thought and action.

Point 1 will tell you what is happening here and now, show how your business is going at the current moment in time. This can also often be the reason for your fortune telling.

The eighth position is the prospects for the development of the business in the future. This is a kind of result of fortune telling.

Points 2,3,4,5,6,7 scan your business: what is the demand for your business, how competitive are you, your income and expenses, partners and relationships with them, formalities (documentation, legality, etc.). These positions provide food for thought and are created so that you can assess the situation in your business from the other (irrational) side and, if desired, make changes when they are necessary.

If you decide to tell your fortune about another person’s business and check how he is doing, remember the ethics of your action. In principle, it is advisable to do this only if you check the words and promises of someone who does business with you, but has lost your trust, or a candidate who causes your doubts and concerns, and also poses a threat to your business.

  • The layout deliberately omitted points of internal and external influences: emotions, circumstances, the human factor. It is presented from the technical side.

  • You can read the layout by card suits. If a large number of cards with swords appear: they signal struggle, obstacles, destruction, difficulties, which is called grief from the mind. Problems are in your head.
    • If a large number of cards with wands (staffs) appear, this indicates development, activity, healthy competition, growth, and entrepreneurial spirit.

    • A large number of cards with cups (bowls) fall out - this speaks of emotionality, passivity, in the low sense of relaxation, laziness.

    • In the layout there are many cards with coins (pentacles) - about stability, productivity, profitability, in the negative - losses, inertia, stagnation.
  • Pay attention to the proportions of the cards. Which of them are greater, which are not present at all – the reason usually lies here.

Online business fortune telling does not have to tell you money, abundance and rapid growth, the collapse of competitors, the love of the tax authorities - for one simple reason: it is just a tool, the same tool as your business, which means that everything is in your hands. Success and achievements!!!

It is very convenient to guess in real time - you ask a question, and the electronic system describes the drawn cards in the most detailed way. True business fortune telling online using Tarot cards is one of the most popular among people belonging to the business world.

Reliable fortune telling for business - what the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot predict

With the help of virtual business card fortune telling, you can find out the future of your commercial project. This is especially true for those who are just starting their trading business. Moreover, you can tell fortunes about your competitors and find out what prospects they have and how your business rivalry will develop.

Online fortune telling for business - only for business people!

This online business fortune telling is designed for people who have their own business or are just thinking about how to start their own business and whether it is necessary, or want to assess their capabilities and prospects. Thus, this online fortune telling for business has not only the goal of giving the questioner a forecast for the near or distant future. This is good material for thought and action.

I would call this layout universal. Tarot cards will show what is happening with your business at the moment, reveal all its pros and cons, as well as prospects for the near future. If you want to know more details, then ask clear questions about specific situations.

It is better if free online business fortune telling has a certain time frame: a week, a month, a quarter, six months, a year. Then you will be able to see the whole situation more fully. They say: “If you knew where you would fall, you would have laid out straws.” So, such knowledge can provide simple and free electronic fortune telling on cards for business. By knowing where and when difficulties may arise, you will be able to prepare for them.

Simple fortune telling for business - analysis of card layout positions

When performing financial fortune-telling, you can ask general questions such as “what’s wrong with my business?” In this case, business fortune telling will also give a general picture of what is happening.

To get a clearer picture, you need to ask: “What will my income be this month?”, “How will my competitors treat me?” etc.

Having made the layout of the magical Tarot cards, carefully read all the meanings of the dropped cards in all positions. If you get a negative Tarot Arcana, you can find the reason in the layout itself. A detailed analysis of each position of the layout where negative cards fell may contain a hint on what to do and what exactly to do to improve your business and your financial affairs.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Some people simply need to believe in the supernatural. Contrary to all the laws of logic and common sense, a certain percentage of the population is still firmly convinced that brownies live in houses, magic exists, psychics can cure diseases through TV and solve crimes through the astral plane, and Tarot cards really show the future. Thanks to the blind faith of too many people in something mystical, “hereditary witchers”, “fortune tellers” and other charlatan “evil spirits” have been alive and well for centuries. Moreover, there are those for whom such a business is naturally family, hereditary (i.e., their great-grandmother began to deceive people, and then taught her offspring to do this), and those who are independently trying to break into this market. However, why blame them if they simply make money off other people’s stupidity? The man himself wanted to be deceived.

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Tarot cards, however, are not only a tool of quackery and deception. Undoubtedly, this is just a set of plastic or cardboard cards with drawings, but they can be compared with an ordinary playing deck of cards, which is sometimes also used for fortune telling. Thus, fortune telling with Tarot cards is also a kind of entertaining process, it’s just a way to relax and get a little distraction.

A rational person will never live according to the instructions of Tarot cards (how can you even trust pieces of cardboard?), but even such people sometimes want to at least jokingly try to find out their future. For a tarot reader, these are not very profitable clients, because they will not use the services too often. For a charlatan this is an absolute minus, but for an honest entrepreneur, even in this situation there is an opportunity to earn money while remaining honest with clients.

In this type of business, as elsewhere, there is also competition, and charlatans are especially good at attracting clients, because they do not shun the most dishonest methods. Therefore, if you do not want to pose as a fifth-generation healer or a great sorcerer, you will have to attract clients in some other way. In this case, first of all, they go to a supposedly real magician for fortune telling. However, Tarot is a whole science, and therefore even a person who does not have spiritualist abilities can, having studied the entire question, begin to offer people correct fortune telling with the correct interpretation of the cards that have fallen.

It is a mistake to believe that Tarot is for the elite, and only sorcerers (who do not exist) can engage in them; any person with sufficient patience and an interest in this issue can “tell fortunes” on the cards just as well as a sorcerer. Because all fortune telling comes down to the interpretation of cards and the correct psychological game with the client.

To start your own business, you must register as a business entity. In this case, you can register as an individual entrepreneur or even a legal entity. It is much more convenient to register an individual entrepreneur, because an entrepreneur can really cope with all the work alone, and registering a legal entity will become too long and a process. As an individual entrepreneur, you can use a simplified taxation system and pay only 6% (of income) or 15% (of operating profit) taxes.

The activity code can be specified (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation. However, in this case, the code (OKPD 2) 96.09 Other personal services not included in other groups may be better suited, because usually, from a legal point of view, fortune telling refers specifically to personal services. Registration will require approximately 20 thousand rubles to pay state fees and other minor expenses, as well as about a month to complete all bureaucratic procedures.

You will need a room to work, and many Tarot card readers conduct their work directly from home. Moreover, offering to see the future, for this purpose indicating the need to visit the office, is, to put it mildly, illogical and does not correspond with the understanding of the principle of Tarot, which has always assumed a certain mysticism, mystery and communication with the other world. In general, the main thing in organizing a workspace is not the size of the room or the location of the house in the city, but the ambience of the room itself. In order for clients to be in the right mood, many tarot readers use interior design in accordance with generally accepted concepts from the occult, astrology and even alchemy. To do this, it is enough to allocate just one room, but you will have to decorate it, perhaps, in such a way that later you will not be able to live in it - after all, twilight should reign there. In order to start your own business, you need to spend a little money on furnishing your room. The exact amount depends on the imagination of the tarot reader and the available funds.

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It is important to understand that business is fundamentally different from quackery. All those who try to convince their clients of their supposed magical powers and pass off drawn cards as a clear picture of events are simple deceivers who play on the stupidity and gullibility of the population. By the way, few of them are registered as entrepreneurs, but they are definitely members of some sect of the association of tarot readers, the purpose of which is a larger scam. Which is not surprising - according to the law, such activity is not illegal, so anyone can declare themselves a sorcerer.

Then what is the difference between an honest entrepreneur and a pseudo-shaman? The fact that he provides information, but does not try to convince the client of something supernatural. This can even be an advantage in a situation where the layout does not show a very good picture. In this case, you can refer to the fact that cards can show what is worth fearing, but they do not have to be believed. The sorcerer cannot refuse the fact that the Tarot is covered in magic, and unprecedented forces speak about fate.

Ready ideas for your business

In general, Tarot is not only something occult, a deck of these cards is an interesting system that can be interpreted completely differently depending on which cards fell together. That is, the final result is determined not by a simple sum of values, but by their totality, which complement and change each other. This opens up a huge number of opportunities for a psychologist who can skillfully manipulate the consciousness of his clients. After all, the same pictures can be interpreted in different ways, choosing the most optimal, neutral or good meaning, which cannot but please the client. However, a visitor whose picture is not very good will certainly pester the tarot reader with the question “what to do?”, and here the latter has the opportunity to make money. If he is not clean at hand. Things can reach the point of absurdity when a visitor is offered to buy tinctures of mandrake roots, snake liver... Yes, people willingly believe in medieval nonsense, although any problem is easily solved with the help of psychological influence.

As already noted, the alignment can be interpreted as conveniently in one case or another, and also, if we initially say that the resulting alignment is not the ultimate truth, then we can encourage the visitor to take some action that is useful for him. A competent psychoanalyst, with the help of cards, can even improve the life of his client - self-hypnosis, imaginary fear and even placebos can greatly change consciousness.

But such work should not be destructive. What distinguishes an entrepreneur is that he meets his consumer halfway, giving him the opportunity to enjoy the work of an interesting system that has been developed, refined and improved over many centuries. It is more of a psychological test, a game, communication with a mystical connotation that is useful for mental activity, a way of introspection and finding solutions to the problems of your life.

A psychologist who lays out Tarot cards in front of a trusting client (and in fact, anyone who comes to a session is trusting), but before that, unobtrusively finds out what worries the client and what problems he wants to deal with. The drawn cards are interpreted in a favorable light, but within the framework of the rules, it is still impossible to insult such an ancient system with ignorance. As a result, the visitor may leave as a completely different person, not knowing that a psychologist and not a magician worked with him. But unlike magicians, psychologists at least exist.

Ready ideas for your business

It turns out that Tarot can even be a socially beneficial social endeavor. However, one can neither be a psychologist nor a charlatan, but simply lay out a deck in front of a believer and draw the resulting picture according to the established rules. In this case, the tarot reader is an impartial performer who “shows the fate” with which the client will continue to live. At the same time, it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide any additional list of services, because fortune-telling usually offers the removal of damage, love spells and other communications with the dead, but there are also some pseudosciences that can also be of entertaining and even slightly educational interest. This, for example, is palmistry, which is also connected with a person’s fate in no way, but may be interesting for some people. This also includes fortune telling on other cards.

To attract customers, you need to conduct a small advertising campaign, and in this case even newspaper ads will be good. If you have the funds, you can order the creation and promotion of your own website, on which you can post your own information about services and prices, and advertising materials. The site can also be used as an online fortune telling, which, of course, does not have such a mystical atmosphere and will not be an interesting experience, but it allows you to satisfy the interests of the simplest consumers who will never go to a tarot reader and will not spend money on it. On a site of this kind, you can make money either from advertising or from providing paid fortune-telling, but the latter option is actually not widespread due to the relative complexity of payment and the general lack of interest of people. Those who are enthusiastic go to the “shaman”, but those who are not enthusiastic are not interested at all.

Interestingly, in this business the gender of the tarot reader plays a significant role. And, especially, age. It is so customary that a witch must be old, red-haired and brew potions using fly agarics. Therefore, an advertisement about fortune telling with Tarot cards, given by a granny in a dark, mysterious scarf, will attract potential clients better than exactly the same one, but given by a young guy. Moreover, hardly anyone will go to the latter. And here it will be quite difficult to break the existing stereotypes, and the entrepreneur will have to adjust his image to the image of an inhabitant (and even a regular) of the astral plane. A person in an ironed shirt will not be noticed by clients, but in a black raincoat or simply looking extraordinary, at least for this reason, he will attract attention. Before you earn a name for yourself, you will probably have to play clownery, but even a quiet, albeit slightly extravagant, calm image can remain forever, this will become a “trick” of the tarot reader. Let's not forget that people love the show.

Women will have a slightly easier time conquering this market than men, just as older people have an advantage over younger people. Although usually it is those who are seriously interested in Tarot themselves who choose this type of income, at least simply as art and entertainment. There are few such people among young people. For a large number of entrepreneurs, this will probably just become a small additional source of income, although for hereditary witches, fortune telling and getting rid of the evil eye are a good addition to their pension.

However, the entrepreneur does not pretend to be someone he is not and does not try to convince either himself or others of this. And although it is not necessary to focus on rationalists in this type of business, it is still worth offering clients some kind of “alternative” Tarot. Tarot as an art, as psychological training, as an easy game (by the way, there is a full-fledged Tarot card game - “jeu de tarot”). This will certainly find its consumer. Not as many as “real” specialists, but in this case you can even count on those who are afraid of spirits or are truly a weak skeptic. Neither one nor the other will go to standard tarot readers.

Different segments of the population turn to fortune telling. You shouldn’t think that only women go to their grandmothers for fortune telling. Many men are also interested in this type of service, especially for businessmen. Superstition is inherent in many even modern people, including businessmen, especially of the old school, who began building their businesses back in the nineties. Their interest in the Tarot is genuine; the rest are a little more restrained in their faith. Today, fortune telling for the success of starting a business is even one of the most popular types of services, because people turn specifically for information about the undertaking. Undoubtedly, many aspiring entrepreneurs doubt whether they should open their own business, and among such people there are many who are far from economics (and even higher education), who do not have entrepreneurial talent, and who simply want to, but are not going to do anything. In their doubts, such under-businessmen often wander into charlatans of various stripes.

In Tarot fortune telling, you must definitely mention the deck itself. It consists of 78 cards, which are divided into two unequal groups: the minor arcana (56 cards) and the major arcana (22 cards). So, each deck has its own design, execution, theme and style of drawings. In your work, you can use a standard deck; “real hereditary magicians” use a worn out old deck (inspires awe in the client, although a new deck can simply be artificially aged) or you can make a deck to order.

The cost of one session with a tarot reader is determined directly by the entrepreneur himself. Some guess even for 300 rubles, and some won’t take less than a thousand. More famous fortune tellers charge several thousand, sometimes setting a price tag much higher than 10 thousand rubles per session. It is impossible to determine the real cost of fortune telling - it simply does not exist, and here every entrepreneur engages in pricing in a way that is beneficial to him.

Matthias Laudanum

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