Fortune telling on coffee beans: methods and rules. Fortune telling on coffee beans and interpretation - a half-forgotten method of fortune telling Fortune telling on coffee beans love

When logic and reason cannot tell a person the correct answer, he looks for clues from his own intuition, listens to his inner voice, uses fortune telling with coffee beans, and solitaire games. Incredibly, the fate of people, cities and entire empires, for thousands of years, could depend on the location of stars, combinations of cards, in other words, on chance. So what controls the situation - the human mind or the will of chance contained in coffee or other magical attributes?

In the article:

What is the magic of coffee beans?

What does a small grain of coffee tree mean in the life of a modern person? A daily sip of vigor, a desire excited by a magical aroma, a mood caused by the hormone of happiness contained in caffeine. It contains an intimate conversation with a loved one, business negotiations with partners, and a romantic continuation of a date. Coffee is a magical catalyst for feelings, sharpening and intensifying them.

No wonder the great Turkish sultans, eastern rulers and even A Alexander the Great used fortune telling on coffee beans as a hint in difficult situations. In the homeland of coffee, these beans have always been considered sacred. Hence the incredible popularity of fortune telling with coffee grounds, a ritual that can predict the future in the smallest details.

Coffee absorbs human energy like a sponge absorbs water. Together with the warmth of the palm, the grain absorbs thoughts, emotions, hopes and experiences that fill a person. After just a couple of minutes of contact, the grain is ready to show the person its prospects, warn about danger and direct it in the right direction.

The right ritual is a reliable answer

In the East, grains for the ritual are prepared in a special way. Sixteen fresh coffee beans are placed in a cloth bag and worn in a pocket or around the neck for several days. It is believed that in this way the grain gets along with the person, his forecasts become as truthful as possible. You can use these grains only for yourself, under no circumstances passing them into the hands of another person.

For someone who wants to tell fortunes on coffee beans without taming them, it is quite enough to simply hold the coffee in your palms for ten minutes while the question is formulated in your head. After this, the grains should be thrown onto a table or other flat surface. You can find out the answer by which side the coffee lands on the table.

If all the grains lay down with the hollow down - put off the fortune-telling. Most likely, the situation does not have a concrete solution at the moment. Either the Universe does not want to answer this question, or you are not ready to accept the answer. You can repeat fortune telling on coffee beans later, the next day.

Fortune telling on coffee beans - interpretation

To decipher the results of fortune telling, you should carefully count the grains that fell with the hollow facing up, as if face down.

If only one of all, turned your face - luck is your companion for a long time. It is she who leads along the paths of life, helping to avoid sharp corners and cliffs. But this doesn't mean you can relax. Fortune favors the brave, and courage must be reasonable.

Two hollows- it is perfectly. Finally, the milestone is close, the road to which required a lot of effort and time. You can already reach with your hand until the moment when worries, worries, troubles disappear like smoke. Prosperity and tranquility are characteristics of future days.

When he looks at you three grains, you should be wary. Somewhere nearby there is a person who is sleeping and sees your fall. Lurking hatred or envy guides his actions. It is very important to find and neutralize it.

If you smile four coffee beans, it's time to wake up. Implementation of plans requires active action. If you wait and do nothing, it is unlikely that anything will happen. The one who walks will master the road!

Five cleavages, as a rule, falls out among those who are under the protection of higher powers. Either your guardian angel is leading you through life, or fate has destined you to have a smooth, cloudless path. There is no point in worrying, everything will be fine.

The incentive to take active action is a combination of six grains. Cast aside doubts and act. It is indecision that keeps you where you are.

Anxiety, fears, hassle - seven hollows, a clear sign of this. Calm down! After all, in fact, everything is fine. Your emotions are unfounded.

Eight grains appeal to your restraint. She looks like she's fast asleep. You cannot constantly explode the world around you with indignation. People who speak very quietly are heard more often.

For those who see nine grains, there is only one piece of advice - find the truth within yourself. It's time to listen to your intuition. You shouldn’t live with an eye on others, find your own path.

Ten- a sign of a person mired in temptations. All life passes in satisfying one's own egoism. But is there real joy in this? Nothing pleases more than the pleasure brought to another person.

Eleven hollows fall only to those who are gifted with the magical gift of foresight. This ability will allow you to rise to the very heights of life and realize all your desires. The inner compass will lead you to your goal. You just need to trust him.

You should think more about your words and actions - this is a recommendation twelve grains. It’s easy to offend with a word, it’s much more difficult to correct the situation. Don't incur the wrath of the universe.

Thirteen hollows will force you to collect the entire arsenal of mental abilities. Only a clear analysis of the situation and the right actions will lead to the desired goal. Think and dare - the situation is only in your hands!

A good incentive to action will be a combination of fourteen grains lying face up. If you take active action, the goal will be achieved quickly and easily. Don't miss the opportunity to solve the problem.

Fifteen- this is a balm for your wounds. Now the clouds are gathering over you, but soon everything will change. Don't give up, thunderstorms never last long, the sun will definitely come out from behind the clouds.

Seems like something to see on the table sixteen coffee beans turned upside down are simply unrealistic. Nevertheless, this also happens. This is a unique combination that falls to the darlings of fate. It predicts the best developments for today, tomorrow and all future days.

Antique Fortune telling with coffee beans online is a time-tested, reliable and simple way to look behind the veil of the future and find out how best to behave in order to avoid failures and mistakes.

Previously, this method was often used to tell fortunes on New Year's Eve or on Christmas Eve, using not only coffee beans, but also other small objects for prediction. In the modern world, with the help fortune telling on coffee beans They began to predict the future not only on holidays, but also on any other day.

To start fortune telling, you should take 16 coffee beans in your palms and close your eyes, while thinking about what you would like to know. You need to hold the coffee beans in your hands for a while, transferring them from palm to palm, and then bring them to your forehead and ask an exciting question.

After this, without opening your eyes, the coffee beans are thrown onto the table surface. The result of fortune telling is judged by the number of coffee beans that fell with the hollow facing up.

To start fortune telling on coffee beans online, click the “Fortune Fortune” button

All the grains fell out with the hollow down. This suggests that either you did not formulate the question clearly enough, or the coffee beans do not want to open the future to you. Try asking the question differently or turn to fortune telling later.

One coffee bean fell out with the hollow facing up. You are on the right path to improving your well-being. Don't relax, but work even harder.

Two coffee beans fell out with the hollow facing up. The dark streak in life is over, and now you are doing everything right. You will definitely have luck in the near future, but do not calm down, because luck can be capricious.

Three grains of coffee fell out, hollow side up. You are probably too trusting. Take a closer look at the behavior of those around you, and soon you will understand who you don’t like and who you were wrong about.

Four coffee beans fell out with the hollow facing up. Perhaps you are setting the bar too high, and your desires do not match your capabilities. You will be able to achieve your goal, but at the cost of incredible effort.

Five coffee beans lay down with their hollows facing up. Whatever you do, whatever you undertake, everything will definitely work out. Just try to think carefully about your actions so as not to overlook the bandwagon of fate.

Six coffee beans lay down in the hollow. If you feel like you are doing something wrong or wrong, calm down and listen to your intuition. Now only she will tell you the right way out.

Seven coffee beans fell out with the hollow facing up. You have already achieved a lot and done a lot. But it’s too early to rest on your laurels, Fortune is a fickle lady.

Eight coffee beans lay down with the hollow facing up. You are probably too worried about some problem, business or plans. This prevents you from achieving your goal.

Nine coffee beans fell out with the hollow facing up. You are moving in the right direction, although those around you and loved ones may think differently. But don’t pay attention to advice, listen only to your inner voice.

Ten coffee beans turned out to be hollow side up. Now it is important for you to identify the main goals, break them down into separate stages and move towards the goal consistently, step by step.

Eleven coffee beans fell out with the hollow facing up. Success comes only to the hardworking and persistent. If you add a little intuition and a sense of self-preservation to these qualities, you will achieve a lot.

Twelve coffee beans fell out in a hollow at the top. Now your problem is that you think one thing and say another. Be honest with yourself, and people will be drawn to you, and problems and troubles will go away.

Thirteen coffee beans turned out to be hollowed out. Now in any situation you need to remain calm and clear-headed. In the near future you will have to make an important decision.

Fourteen coffee beans lay with their hollows on top. You need to be more active and not be shy to show your abilities. Once you overcome shyness, your life will change for the better.

Fifteen coffee beans ended up with the hollow facing up. No matter what happens, behave with dignity in any situation, control your emotions. If you can control yourself, everything will work out.

All sixteen coffee beans fell out in a hollow upward direction. This is a very favorable and good sign. Everything in your life is going as it should, no bad events are expected.

Fortune telling on coffee beans – 4 popular methods with detailed instructions: fortune telling on 16 coffee beans + online version + 2 options for fortune telling “Does he miss me” + online fortune telling using 24 sectors.

Fortune telling using improvised objects is a method of predicting the future known since ancient times.

People endowed with magical properties everything that, from their point of view, could carry the energy of living nature - seashells, river pebbles. In warm regions where coffee has been grown since ancient times, fortune telling using coffee beans has become widespread. And with the spread of coffee throughout the world, the ritual came to us.

The general rules of such fortune telling are the same as those of other rituals designed to help look into the future. You need an absolute attitude towards your request, no distracting thoughts or factors.

The ideal option is to meditate for several minutes in the dark or by candlelight immediately before fortune telling. The process should be accompanied by silence or light music.

In addition, coffee beans need to be somehow prepared for future manipulations:

  1. hold in your palms;
  2. pour them from hand to hand;
  3. apply the grains to your forehead.

All these manipulations will allow you to establish energy exchange so that the grains can “remove” information from you as accurately as possible and, on this basis, give the most accurate forecast on your issue.

And now we can proceed directly to the description of how fortune telling occurs using coffee beans.

Fortune telling No. 1. For 16 coffee beans

The most popular method is using 16 grains. Before it starts, you need to tune in to your request by doing all the actions described above with the grains, and with a slight movement, scatter them onto a flat surface - a table, tablecloth, board.

The number of grains that fall with the groove up will be the answer to your question.

Interpretation of the result:

  • 0 – in the current circumstances there is no specific answer to your question;
  • 1 – luck itself is moving towards you, but you should act decisively;
  • 2 – difficulties will soon be left behind;
  • 3 – there is a person on your way who creates problems;
  • 4 – you should be more active;
  • 5 – you are protected by higher powers, but earthly help should also be accepted with gratitude;
  • 6 - there will be no miracle - at least until you get rid of self-doubt;
  • 7 – stop focusing on the negative, then luck will come soon;
  • 8 – be calmer and more restrained;
  • 9 – trust your intuition – it will tell you how to act;
  • 10 – you should think not only about yourself;
  • 11 – you can learn to see your future yourself;
  • 12 – less words – more action... and caution!
  • 13 – common sense and cold calculation will lead you to your goal;
  • 14 – you should rely only on yourself, and then everything will work out for you;
  • 15 – the situation is not the best for you now, but it will not last forever;
  • 16 is an ideal combination, now everything will definitely come true!

How to tell fortunes using 16 coffee beans online?

In the 21st century, an era of heyday of innovation and technology, it is not at all necessary to guess the old fashioned way by scattering real coffee beans. It is quite possible to use online services.

Quite a few sites have “digitized” just this most popular fortune telling – on 16 grains. Only here they fall down or up, not on the table, but on the display of a gadget or computer screen. All you have to do is “turn over” the virtual cup of grains.

The decoding of ordinary fortune telling and its online version are completely the same.

Fortune telling on coffee beans No. 2. “Does he miss me” - layout for 30 cells

There are rituals where you can get by with just one coffee bean. And it doesn’t matter at all which way it falls. But you will need a rectangle, lined with 30 cells (squares, circles, hearts - the geometric shape doesn’t matter either).

It is most convenient to carry out such fortune-telling online - fortunately, many services offer it. You don't have to delineate the field or look for grain. You just need to click on its electronic counterpart in the upper left corner to “throw”. The number of the cell on which the grain will “fall” will give you the answer to the question asked.

You will find fortune telling, for example, on this website:

You will find out if they miss you, how much and how. Or perhaps you'll find out that your crush has better things to do than miss you.

If for some reason you do not trust the Internet and prefer to act “in real life,” you can perform such fortune telling in the traditional way. To do this, you will need to draw an A4 sheet into 30 cells and number them as indicated in the picture (see below).

Interpretation of the results:

1 – he has no time for you now;
2 – is very worried when he thinks about your relationship;
3 – thinks only about you;
4 – regrets your separation;
5 – thinks, is jealous, is ready to get into a noose from jealousy;
6 – not bored, but everything can be fixed;
7 – finds no place for himself thinking about you;
8 – he has another;
9 – misses you and will be glad to see you;
10 – because of longing for you, he went on a drinking binge;
11 – he dedicates poems to you;
12 – he hasn’t remembered you for a long time;
13 – he wants to hear you, but stubbornly doesn’t show it;
14 - he will return, unable to bear the separation;
15 – will be at your feet;
16 – he will be glad to return, but not now;
17 – glad you parted;
18 – call and he will return;
19 – glad of your quarrel;
20 – not all;
21 – he left because he was advised to do so;
22 – misses you and even goes to fortune tellers;
23 – doesn’t think about you, because... he has been matched with another;
24 – bored and waiting for your letter;
25 – he realized his mistake and is bored;
26 – he has no time to be sad, a lot of trouble;
27 – he is happy with someone else;
28 – he is offended and angry with you;
29 – will return to you soon;
30 – he is unsuccessfully trying to forget you.

Fortune telling No. 3: “Does he miss me” - layout for 25 cells

This fortune telling is identical to the previous one. The only difference is in the numbering order of the cells - the compilers of this test arranged the numbers differently.

Please note that in both fortune telling - both for 25 and 30 grains - the numbering seems to be in a chaotic order. In fact, he is the way he was conceived by professional magicians who caught the patterns in fortune telling on coffee beans.

The interpretation of the points is identical to the results of the previous fortune telling (except that there are only 25 answers here - less than in the layout for 30 cells). In essence, this is just a shortened, but more colorfully designed version of the previous online fortune telling.

You can make a virtual layout of coffee beans into 25 cells here:

It's very easy to tell fortunes using coffee beans.

Fortune telling on coffee beans came to us from the East and has been practiced there since time immemorial, and today this ritual is quite popular. This technique is less popular than prediction on coffee grounds, however, due to its high accuracy and veracity of the information received online and for free, it has many supporters.

Coffee beans are a product with considerable magical properties.

Fortune telling on coffee beans is an ancient method of prediction, which, due to its simplicity, can be performed even by a beginner. In practice, there are many methods of fortune telling using coffee beans and will allow you to get answers to many questions - does he miss me and will we be together, how will the relationship develop, and so on.

But of the many methods of fortune telling using grains, let’s consider a ritual with 16 grains - they are placed in a canvas bag and worn for a certain time. This rule will enhance the energy potential of a magical attribute, saturate them with your energy, which will allow you to receive truthful and clear answers to questions in the future.

You should wear such a canvas bag in the chest area, for example, hanging it around your neck - the wearing period is at least 3 days, but the longer this period is, the more of your energy they will be saturated and will give a more accurate and truthful answer. However, if you don’t have time to wait and charge the coffee beans on a mental level for a long time, just hold them in your palms, warming them with the warmth of your body. It will be enough to hold them like this for 10 minutes, mentally at this very moment replaying your appeal to higher powers.

Next, prepare the working surface of the table for fortune telling - it should be flat and covered with a simple cloth. Next, you proceed to preparatory fortune-telling - just throw 1 grain on the table, and if it falls with the hollow down, then you shouldn’t guess at all today. If it fell upside down, you can guess at 16 grains, starting to interpret the results obtained.

How to tell fortunes using 16 coffee beans

You can buy coffee beans at any store

You can tell fortunes for the near future using a coffee bean through this ritual. But, of course, you will need not 1, but as many as 16 grains - an ancient method, based on the ancient practices of using beans, shells and other magical objects and attributes in fortune telling with stones.

To carry out fortune telling correctly, and to ensure that the interpretation of the answer received is truthful, you will need not only 16 grains, but also complete silence. At the very beginning, you should tune in to the right mood - calm down and relax, throw out of your head all unnecessary thoughts that do not apply to your situation, sit in complete silence, dimming the light for about 15 minutes. For the best result, light candles in the room and collect coffee beans in your palm , warm them with your warmth, transferring to them your own energy and thoughts.

It is important to understand that the correct and appropriate mood for fortune telling will not only allow you to catch a wave of communication with higher powers, but ultimately receive an accurate answer to your appeal to them. Afterwards, simply bring the coffee beans to your forehead and mentally say your question and lightly throw the coffee beans on the table. After this, simply count how many grains fell to the surface with the hollow up - the resulting figure will be the answer to your question.

After receiving the final figure, proceed to interpret the value.

  • 0 seeds indicates that you have chosen, well, just a bad day for carrying out the coffee ritual of fortune-telling, and therefore it is recommended to either rephrase your question and ask it again, or postpone the appeal to higher powers for another day.
  • 1 seed indicates that luck and fortune are coming into your hands, and therefore you should not waste time, but grab it with both hands and they will help you in the implementation of all your plans and endeavors.
  • two grains indicate complete victory over all enemies and problems, you will succeed in everything and your every desire will come true. Do not remember your failures and troubles - they will go away, and good luck will take their place.
  • 3 grains indicate that problems and obstacles await you on the way to your goal, and most likely they are created for you by someone close and dear to you, a friend or relative whom you trust.
  • 4 grains indicate that to achieve your goal you will need to make every effort on your own. And only your dedicated work and determination will be the key to success.
  • 5 grains will indicate that higher powers are favorable to you and will accompany you in any matter. But in the future they will also demand their piece of gratitude from you in return.
  • 6 grains will indicate that it is your indecision that serves as your enemy. Therefore, if you intend to change the course of your life for the better, then you should work, but do not wait for manna from heaven.
  • 7 grains symbolize your own anxieties, inner experiences, but all of them are empty and stupid, because everything is going great in your life. You shouldn’t see negativity around you - look, there is so much light and warmth around you, and in return, life will reveal its treasures and treasures to you.
  • 8 indicates that you are more likely to be perceived from the position of an unstable being, even rather explosive, which is very bad for yourself, your plans and goals. Learn to live measuredly and calmly.
  • 9 advises you to listen to your own intuition, because only in this way will you achieve considerable heights in all your endeavors.
  • 10 indicates that you should not be led by your own desires, but simply trust the advice of a loved one, because from the outside it is clearer what is best for you at the moment.
  • 11 indicates your hidden magical potential and the ability to foresee the future without the help of magical paraphernalia. Just develop your gift and you will know what and how to do to achieve your goal.
  • 12 advises you to be more careful, voice your own plans less, because this can turn your luck away.
  • 13 grains are the key to your undeniable success, which is based on your mind and the coldest and most accurate calculation, their supremacy over emotions.
  • 14 coffee beans say that you can only count on yourself, your potential and strength, and just by believing in them, you will move mountains.
  • 15 will indicate that it is important for you to remain calm in every life situation, not worry too much about failures, and stubbornly continue to pursue your goal.
  • 16 speaks of an ideal situation, the absence of obstacles on the way to achieving your goals, the fulfillment of all your dreams.

Video: Fortune telling by coffee beans

If you are tired of living in ignorance, your inner voice cannot tell you the correct answer, and your intuition is dormant, then try using fortune telling on coffee beans. Surprisingly, this half-forgotten method of fortune telling allows you to really find a way out of any situation.

Fortune telling on coffee beans - what is the magic?

It has long been known that coffee is not just a tasty drink with a captivating aroma, but also a strong magical attribute. Not only a wide variety of methods for brewing coffee, but also spells using it have survived to this day. Using the results obtained from it, you can find out the future and get answers to your questions. Did you know that you can cast a spell not only on coffee grounds, but also on coffee beans?

Adherents of this divination are confident that this is the same effective method of fortune telling as with. It is known that many eastern rulers and Turkish sultans did not disdain to use fortune telling on coffee beans. In the homeland of coffee, this product has always been sacred.

What is the uniqueness of the method? It's really simple. Coffee beans are able to accumulate human energy; every small attribute merges with the emotions, thoughts of the individual, his experiences, doubts and hopes.

After just a few minutes of such close contact, when a person runs his fingers through the coffee beans, the magical attribute is ready to give truthful and clear answers.

It is believed that although the grains themselves perfectly absorb energy, in order for the ritual to be as clear and truthful as possible, additional methods should be used. For example, in the East they believe that it is necessary to prepare the attribute in a special way. Exactly 16 grains are taken. They are placed in a small bag made of natural coarse fabric.

The person who will be doing fortune telling or who will be doing fortune telling should carry this package with him at all times for several days. It is advisable for the bag to be located on the chest. This is how the grain can merge with a person, to feel the individual and his destiny as much as possible.

If you don’t have time to tame a magical attribute, then hold all the prepared grains in your hands for 10 minutes, mentally replaying the same question. After this, throw the magic attribute onto the prepared work surface.

The answer will depend on which side the grain lands on. Remember, if they all fall flat, then today it is better not to guess at this situation at all. Because either there is no solution at the moment, or the universe does not want to give you an answer, or you are not yet ready to hear it.

To make it easier to interpret the result, remember that the grain that fell with its hollow upward “turned to face you.”

If the face is turned 1 grain, then you are really lucky. You managed to grab fortune by the tail, and no matter what you do, it will always accompany you. Remember, luck is a capricious girl, she loves only those who are brave, courageous and ready to make responsible decisions.

Two attributes turned their face - this is also a very good sign. Higher powers warn that the time when it was necessary to work tirelessly, fight troubles and enemies, is coming to an end.

You have made enough efforts to ensure yourself a comfortable, happy life. Very soon a truly white streak will begin, in which there will be no room for troubles and problems. Wait a few days and you can feel truly happy.

If your face is turned on the work surface three magical attributes, then higher powers are giving you an important sign, do not relax, be careful. This is especially true for those who are currently busy with a very important project. After all, you have a lot of strong enemies who sleep and see your collapse.

Perhaps people who are very jealous of you are even in your close circle. Unfortunately, in order to protect yourself from unpleasant situations, it is not enough just to be careful. It is necessary to find the enemy and protect yourself from communicating with him.

If they look at you 4 grains, then it’s time to wake up from sleep, start acting, you will be able to implement any idea, but for this you need to make an effort. If you just sit and wait for the weather to come from the sea, then nothing will change in life, so hurry up and get to work.

Five attributes turned your face - you are amazingly lucky, higher powers protect you, protect you from any misfortunes. You don’t have to worry, everything in your life will be smooth and calm. Perhaps untold riches will not fall on your head, but troubles will always pass by.

They also say that you should come to your senses and take action 6 grains. Now there should be no room for doubt in your life; you need to make responsible decisions quickly and clearly. A lot will depend on this.

Seven hollows They will tell you that at the moment the individual is in a very difficult psychological state. He is very afraid, the state of anxiety does not leave him, he begins to react too sharply to the little things that surround him.

Your main task today is to calm down. Everything is going great, as it should be, there is no reason to be afraid, the situation will soon change for the better.

8 grains- be more restrained. Your emotionality is the main enemy, which will lead to the collapse of many plans.

Appearance 9 grains suggests that today it is very important to turn to your intuition. Perhaps you should meditate, think about yourself, about the meaning of life, the truth is there for you, you just need to find it.

If it appears 10 hollows, then this indicates that the individual is mired in temptations. He spends too much to feed his own ego.

Still not sure whether you can become a real psychic or clairvoyant? They will tell you that the time has come to develop your amazing abilities 11 hollows. It is believed that this result occurs only to those who have truly extraordinary abilities.

He will tell you that you should think before speaking 12 grains. Higher powers recommend that you think carefully about your actions and words, because with their help you too often offend other people.

13 grains turned around - you need to gather all your strength. In order for the situation to develop the way you want, you need to resort to a clear analysis and trust in prudence.

An excellent incentive to action - 14 grains on the work surface. It is believed that as soon as you start making responsible decisions, fortune will smile on you.