How to open the second chakra in women. Other ways to pump up chakra energy

The Swadhisthana chakra, or, as it is also called, “the abode of the self,” concentrates all a person’s sexual energy. Unlike Muladhara (basic chakra), which is responsible for the instinct of procreation, it is associated with our libido, receiving true pleasure from intimacy. Under her direct guidance, we accept and show the world our masculinity or femininity, feel sexual desire, choose partners and experience a whole range of different emotions during lovemaking. Also, the second chakra awakens creativity and the desire to express one’s individuality. This same energy brings a wind of change into our lives, causing a natural need to learn something new, to try the unknown. Svadhisthana activates a person’s inner strengths and helps make even the wildest dreams come true. And of course, the sexual chakra is responsible for the birth of a new life.

Swadhisthana: briefly about the main thing

Where is the genital chakra located? in the pelvic area, above the pubic bone, 3-4 centimeters below the navel. In women it coincides with the position of the uterus.

Dominant shade: orange.

Additional colors: bright yellow, blue.

Element: water

Symbolism: lotus with six petals, on which Sanskrit letters-syllables are depicted. Bam corresponds to the meridians of the stomach, gallbladder and bladder.

  • Bham - with the meridians of the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas. Mam is connected to the meridians of the intestines and the three parts of the torso (upper, middle and lower).
  • Yam is in close connection with the meridians of the heart, pericardium and lungs.
  • Ram interacts with the solar plexus chakra (Manipura).
  • Lam corresponds to the main chakra (Muladhara).

Sound vibrations: mantra for YOU. You can pronounce the sacred sound any number of times, divisible by 9, but Buddhists recommend 108 repetitions.

Meditation day: Tuesday.

What chakra 2 is responsible for: sexuality, change, creativity, artistry, vitality and energy, confidence, empathy.

Internal motivations: sensuality, emotionality, sexual pleasure. Type of energy: creative, predominantly female.

Patronizing planet: Mercury (according to other sources - Jupiter)

Development period: 3-8 years. The center reaches its maximum blossoming by 12-15 years.

Sense organs: language

Associated smell and taste sensation: tart, complex and ambiguous aroma of chamomile; astringent taste, like unripe persimmon.

Aromatherapy oils: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rose (harmonize, charge with positive energy), rosemary, juniper (restore the human body after a negative impact), jasmine, rosewood (establish mutual understanding between a man and a woman, create a feeling of warmth and comfort).

Biostimulant stones: moonstone, amber, carnelian, fire opal, agate, orange sapphire, aventurine and other minerals of apricot and yellow shades.

Organs affected by Svadhisthana: genitourinary and digestive systems. Diseases associated with chakra imbalance: stress, depression, psychosis, emotional breakdowns, hormonal disorders, diseases of the biliary tract and genital organs, various sexual disorders.

Main characteristics of Svadhisthana

Harmony in intimate relationships, interest in the opposite sex, sexual magnetism, vital energy - the sex chakra is responsible for all this. Of course, if its development is at a sufficiently high level. It is especially important to maintain the normal functioning of the chakra for representatives of the fair sex. Nature generously endowed women with this energy so that they could become its source for their men. Our success in life and relationships depends on how feminine, sexy and positive we are.

A person with a balanced sex chakra has a vibrant personality. He has well-developed empathy and easily comes into contact with other people. A man or woman with healthy sexual energy would not think of using their beauty and sensuality for selfish purposes - they “put them to use” only for unity with their loved ones. Passion for these people is the main motivation in life, an inexhaustible source of good mood and well-being.

Another important function of the sex chakra is to provide confidence with which a person perceives the reality around him. When we feel like an independent, integral person, we are attentive to other people and take into account their feelings. This ability is formed in early childhood and depends on how parents and other relatives treat the child. If there is love, understanding and mutual respect in the family, the chakra develops harmoniously. But when a baby lacks affection and care from mom or dad, problems can arise. Growing up, such a person, as a rule, is fixated on himself and his feelings, does not take into account the feelings of others, thereby causing them pain.

When the work of Svadhisthana is established, a person is not afraid of changes, but perceives them with curiosity and anticipation of something good. He understands: any change is a chance to improve his life. Such a subject not only does not succumb to the negative influence of other people, but also does not seek to exert it. As a rule, those around him feel his love, care and support.

Failure of Swadhisthana

An imbalance in the 2nd chakra occurs when a person does not know how to control his sexual energy or suppresses it. Failure to realize your own desires leads to consequences such as:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of inspiration;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • promiscuity;
  • constant feeling of anxiety and restlessness;
  • dissatisfaction with intimacy;
  • frigidity and asexuality, etc.

Often the reasons for a malfunction of a chakra lie in childhood or adolescence, when its energy center goes through a period of formation. Uncertainty about one’s own attractiveness, lack of support from parents and teachers, a ban on displays of sensuality in a conservative society and many other factors, acting for a long time, affect a person’s ability to love, express one’s individuality, show feelings and emotions. This can develop into complexes, indecisiveness, or, conversely, ostentatious bravado and philandering.

Svadhisthana (translated from Sanskrit as “own dwelling”), the second of the seven chakras, is located 3-4 centimeters below the navel. First of all, her “work” is reflected in the sexual sphere and the sphere of creativity. In addition, she is responsible for honesty, the ability to understand others, self-confidence and inner strength.

In the zone of influence of the chakra are the genitals, gall bladder, kidneys and all body fluids. With developed Svadhisthana, a person strives for creativity and harmonious relationships. He is sexy, outgoing, confident, cheerful, loves to dance and rarely feels guilty. A woman with harmoniously developed Svadhisthana has a special magnetism, enjoys the attention of men and, as a rule, is happy in marriage.

If there are malfunctions in the “work” of the chakra, the person is indiscriminate in food and partners. He is characterized by demonstrative behavior and shocking behavior, his appearance is most often provocative. But indulging his desires, he, as a rule, does not feel satisfied. Another “scenario” for the inharmonious functioning of the chakra is that a person withdraws into himself, becomes conservative in food and clothing, does not like increased attention, does not allow himself to relax and suppresses many desires. With a closed chakra, a person feels insecure and often criticizes his appearance. In public, he wears a mask of arrogance or pretends that everything that happens around him does not interest him. Prefers to dress discreetly: voluminous sweaters, long skirts, a minimum of bright details in clothes.

How to awaken the Swadhisthana chakra

“I’m ugly”, “I’m not given this”, “I don’t deserve this”, “I don’t need anything” - how often do we say these phrases or at least think in this way? Meanwhile, it is precisely these beliefs that gradually move us away from harmony with ourselves, destroying the Svadhisthana chakra. The chakra also suffers from the fact that we neglect rest, do not play sports, experience a lack of positive emotions and do not fully enjoy pleasant moments, do not notice them in the bustle of life. We offer you several ways that will help awaken the Svadhisthana chakra and prevent it from fading.

Food. Less meat means more plant foods in the diet. Particular preference should be given to oranges and tangerines: they are practically a “living portrait” of Svadhisthana (the chakra is symbolized by an orange circle surrounded by 5-6 lotus petals). You also need to drink more clean water, since its energy is in tune with the vibrations of the chakra.

Cloth. Wear clothes that accentuate your waist; skirts, dresses, sexy underwear - anything that can increase confidence in your own attractiveness. It’s good if you have a couple of orange items in your wardrobe, or at least accessories of this shade. It is better to perform exercises for opening the chakra in clothes of blue and light blue tones - these are the colors of water, which means that Svadhisthana will also “like” them.

Fragrances. To reveal Svadhisthana, arrange aromatherapy sessions at least 2 times a week. Give preference to candles with the scent of ylang-ylang (it restores serenity, has a relaxing effect, calms) and sandalwood (activates sexual energy, brings the joy of creativity, develops imagination).

Exercises for every day

  • Lie down, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Take a deep breath. As you exhale slowly, lift your pelvis as high as possible and imagine squeezing your breath between your legs. After this, return to the starting position. Do the exercise for 5 minutes.
  • Sit on the floor. Take a lotus position with your palms folded in front of you and your elbows slightly apart. Inhale and exhale slowly, concentrating your attention in the navel area, where Svadhisthana is located. Imagine it warm, orange, pulsating. Do the exercise for at least 10 minutes.
  • Lie on the floor, take a comfortable position, but do not bend your legs. Place your palms on your navel. Relax as much as possible and imagine that your palms are heating up and starting to emit yellow-orange light, brighter and brighter. This light turns into a pulsating ball inside your body. Try to see how this ball grows, and warmth and light fill you completely. Feel the joy of peace and strength. Do the exercise for 5 minutes. After some time, you will feel warmth, tingling, a slight burning sensation in your stomach - this means the chakra is awakening!

Often people allow various factors to influence their mature choices due to the need to be part of society and the fear of being ostracized.

When a person is well aware of his inner strength, when he has high self-esteem and a high degree of self-satisfaction, he does not allow this type of manipulation and does not sacrifice his individuality for social approval.

A state of imbalance in the Svadhishthana Chakra can seriously affect a person's ability to stand up for himself and without hesitation to follow his personal path that leads to self-realization.

Svadhisthana chakra - center of will

The second chakra is the place of origin of the soul, the sacral chakra. Skt. स्वाधिष्ठान svādhiṣṭhāna: sva- own; adhiṣṭhāna- housing; literally - “own housing.” This chakra is also called jalamandala (jala- water; svadhisthana is associated with this element) or medhradhara (medhra- penis). Hence the second common name for Svadhishthana - the sexual chakra.

The sexual chakra is also called the sacral chakra. It is located in the pelvic area, located approximately between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel (in the Chinese tradition it corresponds to the lower dantian, or xia dantian) - its petals are approximately two finger widths below the navel. Its stem is connected to the area of ​​the sacrum and its nerve plexus.

The chakra color is orange. The element is water. The Svadhisthana Yantra is depicted as a lotus with six petals of light orange color. Sanskrit letters are inscribed in the lotus baṃ, bhaṃ, maṃ, yaṃ, raṃ And laṃ. In the middle of the lotus is a white crescent, mystically associated with Varuna and the element of water. Varuna is depicted riding the white crocodile Makara. Bija (seed) mantra of this chakra - vaṃ. On some yantras you can also see the god Vishnu in an embrace with the fierce Chakini Shakti.

This chakra is associated with motives for receiving sensual pleasures such as food, sex, alcohol and the like. While at the level of the Muladhara chakra a person is concerned about his safety in the world, creating the basic comfort of existence, at the level of Svadhisthana the world and all things in it are considered by it as a source of certain material pleasures. The level of Svadhisthana is also correlated with activation samskar, subconscious and unconscious desires.

Svadhishthana is responsible for cheerfulness. The feeling of guilt blocks the Kundalini energy at the level of this chakra, which prevents a person from using higher centers of consciousness, in particular the Manipura chakra for expression of will. Awareness of guilt and acceptance of the consequences of unkind actions allows a person to release the clamps of the second chakra, which contributes to the activation of Kundalini in Manipur.

To develop Svadhishthana, it is necessary to develop in oneself such qualities as modesty, moderation in physical pleasures, abstinence, hygiene of the physical body, laconicism.

According to other sources, Svadhishthana is a center through which flows of sexual energy flow. But in addition to sexual function, this chakra is focused on creative self-realization, on processing sexual energy into the energy of creativity.

In the physical body, it is responsible for the speed of metabolic processes and the movement of “fluids”.

  • Organs: genitals, celiac plexus, appendix.
  • Endocrine system: gonads.
  • Orange color .
  • Crystals: carnelian, amber.

Other names

  • In Tantras: Adhisthana, Bhima, Shatpatra, Skaddalapadma, Svadhishthana, Vari
  • In the Upanishads: Medhra, Svadhishthana
  • In the Puranas: Svadhishthana

The second chakra is the chakra that allows our inner abilities to come out and activates our inner power, which manifests itself in the ability to turn ideas into reality, activate the original potential and turn it into something concrete.

Desires arise at this chakra. Svadhiskhana is the desire to achieve a goal; it is the engine of passion. Strong Svadhiskhana is, first of all, the ability to achieve one’s own goal; past life traumas and negative experiences received from birth to 20 years are stored there. Especially those problems that tormented you from 8 to 10 years old.
When this chakra is blocked, all repressed negative emotions such as anger, guilt, shame, resentment, envy are stored there and cause you to make mistakes. This has a bad effect on your health, affecting the liver, pancreas and all the glands that affect our metabolism, digestion and immunity.

The second chakra is connected to the pituitary gland, which is controlled by the sixth chakra. If you stimulate the second chakra correctly, you can use your sexuality to express your spirituality, a merging of the sublime and the infinite, a merging of body and spirit.

The combination of creativity and passion, which are located in the second chakra, gives the creative person his temperament. In addition, our relationship with money is connected with the second chakra; if the chakra is balanced, money comes easily.
When the chakra is blocked or unbalanced it can lead to sexual deviance, instability in relationships, lack of acceptance of one's body and sexuality, impotence and frigidity, and problems with urination and back pain.
When it is unblocked and balanced, a person lives a full sex life, he has a serious relationship with a partner, he is creative, passionate about life, ready to share, he is calm, positive and relaxed about sex. Warm-up - 5 Tibetans, you will feel a surge of energy and stretch your whole body.

Today, together with Maya Fiennes, we open the second chakra - Svadhiskhana

Warm-up - 5 Tibetans ,
you will feel a surge of energy and stretch your whole body.

1st Tibetan.
Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Fingers together, palms open and facing down. Without changing the position of your hands, start spinning, make a full turn clockwise (i.e. to the right). Rotate, make 21 turns, increasing speed. Then place your hands on your waist, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth 3 times.
2nd Tibetan
Lie on your back on a mat or mat. Legs are fully extended, ankles touching each other. Arms are extended along the body, palms on the floor. Inhale through your nose, begin to raise your legs at a 90 angle.

Immediately following your legs, raise your head, pressing your chin to your chest. The shoulder blades and pelvis do not come off the floor. As you exhale, lower your legs and head back down. As a result, the legs and head will rise at the same time. Breathing should be smooth, strong and continuous. 21 times. Then stand up, put your hands on your waist, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth 3 times.

3rd Tibetan

Get on your knees with the balls of your toes touching the floor. The knees are separated by about 10 cm. The palms are on the back of the thighs, just under the buttocks. The back and hips form one straight vertical line. While doing this, make sure that your pelvis does not sway back and forth and do not bend at the lower back. Only the thoracic region bends.

Execution: as you exhale, lower your head down “all the way.” As you inhale, lift it up and tilt it back as far as you can, opening your chest. Breathing should be long and continuous. 21 times. Then stand up, put your hands on your waist, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth 3 times
4th Tibetan

Sit up straight with your legs extended in front of you. Palms flat on the ground near your hips. The position of the hands is very important; the palms should be directed exactly along the hips. The chin touches the chest.

Execution: Start inhaling through your nose, raise your hips, bend your knees and stand flat on your feet. You will find yourself in a position where your torso is parallel to the ground, your arms and legs are perpendicular, your head is thrown back. The inhalation is over. Point pause. Start exhaling through your nose, returning to the starting position, chin to chest. Make sure that the soles of your feet do not slip. The feet should remain in the same position until the end of the exercise. The arms should also not bend; the movement is made through the shoulders. Watch your breathing. 21 times in a smooth motion. Then stand up, put your hands on your waist, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth 3 times.
5th Tibetan
Lying on your stomach, place your palms and toes on the floor. Palms at chest level, legs straight, legs and arms shoulder-width apart, arch your back. Go into Cobra pose. Then lift your buttocks and move into Downward-Facing Dog Pose, returning to Cobra Pose. 21 times. Then stand up, put your hands on your waist, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth 4 times.


The sixth action is “used” when necessary. Namely, when you feel an excess of energy, which is called sexual. This energy is simply redistributed from bottom to top, changing qualitatively at the same time.

Stand straight, hands on your hips, feet about 10 cm wide. In this position, take a full, deep, long breath through your nose. Then exhale through your mouth, making an “O” shape with your lips. Exhaling, bend forward, resting your hands on your knees.
In this inclined position, push out the remaining air from yourself so that the lower abdomen retracts. Holding your breath as you exhale and drawing in your stomach, rise to the starting position, placing your hands on your hips. Don't inhale for a few more seconds. Then take a short breath, and a light, free, long breath.
Maximum number of repetitions for this exercise

Relax in Child's pose. Then relax in a simple pose, hands in Gyan Mudra. Mantra Sat Nam, hands in prayer.

Main complex

1. Bridge pose with mulabandha. Arms and legs perpendicular to the floor, back parallel, head thrown back, fingers pointing back. Deep slow breathing for 1-3 minutes. Rest.

2. Lie on your stomach. Place your hands behind your back in a Venus lock. Forehead on the floor, lift your legs off the floor, keep your knees straight. Raise your hands and begin to perform Breath of Fire for 1-3 minutes.

Rest on your stomach.

3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms up, palms together. We bend towards the feet, knees straight, touching the feet with folded palms. Straighten up and bend back with your arms up. Inhale at the top, exhale at the bottom. 1-3 min.
4. Lotus Kundalini with breath of fire.1-3 min.
5. Cow Pose. Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor. Inhale, head slightly tilted back, lift your right leg up, straighten your knee as much as possible. Exhale, lower your head to your chest and pull your knee towards your head, then inhale and return to the starting position. Continue, breathing rhythmically and actively. Repeat with the other leg. 1-2 on each leg.

6. Shavasana, Then in a simple pose, hands in Gyan Mudra. Mantra Sat Nam, hands in prayer.


Meditation with the sound HAR is the creative aspect of eternity, it is associated with deep vibration. This is a sacred Sanskrit word meaning liberation. This meditation has a positive effect on the digestive system. When pronouncing R in the sound HAR, curl your tongue as much as possible, this stimulates certain points in the mouth, as well as the hypothalamus, which gives the command to relax the body and clear the mind, you enter a meditative state

Simple pose. Bend your elbows 90so that your hands are at heart level. Keep your elbows in this position and breathe, spread your fingers, palms forward, bring your hands together in the solar plexus area, as if you were clapping, but stop abruptly before your palms touch each other. Say HAR loudly as your hands tend to clap. 2.5 min
Inhale. Delay. Exhalation.

Make a mudra - press your little finger and ring finger with your thumb. Inhale and raise your arms up, index and middle finger pointing to the sky
. Exhale with tension, lowering your hands to the ground, abruptly stopping them until they touch the floor. Say HAR as your hands move towards the ground. 2.5 minutes.
Inhale, relax.
With your eyes closed, focus on the third eye, form fists and raise them to heart level. Begin to quickly rotate your arms while mentally saying HAR. 2.5 minutes
Then raise your arms and hug your elbows above your head, begin to bend forward with your arms also bent at the elbows above your head. Mentally say HAR. Inhale at the top, exhale at the bottom. 2.5 minutes.
Raise your arms straight up, palms together, thumbs crossed. Start rocking from side to side until you feel tension in your lower chest. Mentally say HAR. 2.5 minutes.

Relax in a simple pose, hands in Gyan Mudra. Look at the third eye point, listen to your breath, become that breath.
Mantra Sat Nam, hands in prayer

The sexual chakra is the center of raw emotions, sexual energies and creativity. It symbolizes change and individuality through understanding the uniqueness of another.

This chakra is also associated with how we accept and evaluate ourselves as men and women, taking into account age characteristics and periods of life. The sexual chakra is responsible for the awareness of sexuality, the choice of sexual partners, for a lot of emotions and associations associated with sex.

The ability for creativity, creation, birth - the creation of something new, individual - is rooted in the sexual chakra. It is the root of change coupled with curiosity, the spirit of adventure and innovation.

The second chakra allows our inner abilities to come out and activates our inner power, which manifests itself in the ability to turn ideas into reality, activate the original potential and turn it into something concrete.

The meaning of inner strength is the ability to express our uniqueness, realize our potential without fear of other people's reactions, without asking permission or approval, and fearlessly using our talents.

If the sexual chakra works harmoniously, a person feels his individuality, distinguishes himself, but at the same time, he is open to the feelings of others and accepts them, having the ability to easily establish contact with them. He easily meets members of the opposite sex naturally and behaves freely with them. Such a person has a healthy, logical attitude towards sex.

The sexual chakra is the source of joy, healthy adventurism, and the ability to view life as one continuous adventure full of surprises.

There is also such a “reading” of this chakra: the color of energy is pink.
This chakra nourishes the emotional plane, the human hormonal system. The energy of the second chakra is the basic vital energy of a person, the driving factor, sexual energy. The energy responsible for communication in society, sex and money. Qualities and properties: beauty, sexuality, wealth, sociability, energy, self-sufficiency and so on... This energy is fundamental for a woman. In a woman, the second Chakra is tied to the female organs (uterus, ovaries), while in a man it is designated virtually. Therefore, it is a woman who is a source of vital energy and the main motivation for a man, one might say the meaning of life, and he is a fulcrum for her. From these simple facts it is clear that the full, harmonious existence of a man without a woman and a woman without a man is impossible.

For women - emotionality, beauty, femininity, sexuality...

For men - self-sufficiency, wealth, sociability, energy...

And such - hysteria, incontinence, isolation, obsession, poverty, aggressiveness, capriciousness...

In terms of health, almost all stress and mental illness are associated with an imbalance, improper distribution of the energy of the second chakra, sexual energy. These are also metabolic processes, the hormonal system, diseases associated with improper functioning of the endocrine system.

Symptoms of a weakened second chakra: diabetes, heart disease and related problems, difficulty in meditation, irritability. Interest in spiritualism and occult practices also has a detrimental effect on this center.

Responsible for: feelings of pleasure, emotions, self-esteem and relationships with other people, sexuality, attractiveness, flexibility (psychological and physical), physical sensations. This is the chakra of pleasure and interpersonal relationships.

Controls the health and functioning of the lower spine and intestines, ovaries.

Signs of a harmonious chakra: harmonious relationships with people, attractiveness, sexuality, energy, good self-esteem, self-respect, love for your body, developed taste.

Signs of a blocked chakra: sexual problems, low self-esteem, problems in relationships with people, in the family, jealousy, a sense of possessiveness, frequent feelings of guilt, irritability, despondency, resentment, indulgence in bad habits, voluptuousness, diseases of the reproductive organs.

Symptoms of Swadhisthana imbalance:

Is your social life stagnant? Do you forget to make time for joy and pleasure? Do you no longer remember when guests, friends, and relatives came to your house? Are you tired of stewing in your own juice and want some company? Has your sexual relationship with your partner lost its color?

Medicine for Svadhisthana:

Oranges. Eat them more often. Place orange scented lamps everywhere. Spray orange-scented perfume. Wear orange clothes. Add more orange details to the interior of your home. Wear or simply carry orange calcite with you (you can even hang it on your belt so that it goes down to the second chakra).

Good luck!

Svadhisthana chakra (sexual)
where is it, location

Location. Where is:

2, the second chakra (svadhisthana) is located above the pubic region, 3-4 cm below the navel. The base of the chakra is an oval, which can vary in diameter from 5-7 mm to 10-15 cm.

The second chakra is also called the sexual chakra or the sex chakra, sometimes the orange chakra according to its color. You can also sometimes find the name of this chakra spelled with an additional letter “x” - svadhisthana.

Meaning. What he is responsible for:

  • 2nd chakra - svadhisthana - is responsible for human sexual energy, for the search for pleasure, sensual and sexual activity. From this energy center we send and receive sexual sensations - sexual desire, sexuality. By the ages of 12–15, the center reaches its maximum development.
  • Chakra 2 (sexual, gender) is responsible for contact with the opposite sex, sexual attractiveness, personal magnetism, energy, sociability and a positive attitude, as well as sex and money.
  • The svadhisthana chakra gives energy to the entire physical body; the basic vital energy of a person is born here, which then feeds all human organs and systems through a distributed energy network
  • Svadhisthana chakra is most susceptible to damage and the evil eye. Psychological problems in the family greatly affect the activities of this center.

The energy of the second chakra (sexual, gender) corresponds to the element of Water, therefore it is most actively expressed in women, as natural representatives of this element. Nature has endowed a woman with this energy to a greater extent so that she can become a source of this energy for a man, who in turn is a source of support and stability (the energy of the first chakra) for a woman. Her success in life, her ability to build harmonious relationships with men and create a prosperous family depend on how sexy, feminine and positively emotional a woman is. In accordance with the described natural energy distribution, a woman in a relationship, as a rule, is a source of “energy nutrition” for a man, receiving from him in return another resource - stability.

Svadhisthana chakra.
Orange color

Description and main characteristics of the svadhisthana chakra:

Orange color

Note – RE

Element – ​​Water

Number of petals – 6

A petal is a self-oscillation that occurs in an oscillatory circuit,
if we consider the electromagnetic analogy of chakra activity.

Taste – astringent (analogous to unripe persimmon)

Smell – ylang-ylang

Crystals and minerals – amber, carnelian, fire agate, moonstone, fire opal

Translation from Sanskrit - “own housing”, “receptacle of energy”

Correspondence of the 2nd chakra to the organs and systems of the body:

Body systems: reproductive and excretory systems, coordination and coordinated work of all internal organs, intestinal motility.


  • Liver
  • Right kidney
  • Intestines
  • Reproductive organs

Levels of development of the svadhisthana chakra (sexual):

With low Spiritual development of the sexual (gender) chakra: lust, insatiable desire for sex, drugs, alcohol, food and other stimulating sensations, limited consciousness, lack of compassion, desire for destruction, aggressiveness, incontinence, hysteria, capriciousness, poverty, contempt, suspicion.

Second chakra and emotions:

Fears: fear of a person of the opposite sex, his activity, relationships, fear of his Nature, fear of his sexual activity.

Norm: pleasure from the Natural, bodily, sexual form of communication, taking into account the interests of the incarnate Spirit in sex, soft, balanced sensual enjoyment of life.

Passions: intolerance of gender, intolerance of genetic kind.

Polarization of the svadhisthana chakra in men and women. The problem of cheating:

Differences in polarization of the sexual chakra (2nd chakra) in men and women

In men 2, the second chakra (sexual, gender) is omnidirectional, that is, it does not have a vector of preferential orientation. A similar energy-information structure of the svadhisthana chakra in men determines their natural polygamy in matters of relationships and sexual interactions. Being omnidirectional, a man's second chakra can easily change from one woman to another without any inertia. Sex for a man is, first of all, a source of energy nutrition - an energy “refueling” and may well occur without a feeling of love for the object of sexual pleasure.

In a woman, the second chakra is polarized. The orientation vector of the svadhisthana chakra in a woman is always directed towards the last sexual partner or the genetic father (until the moment of the first sexual relationship with a man). The “reversal” of the orientation of a woman’s sexual chakra (gender) towards a specific man occurs only after the woman’s sixth (intellectual) and fourth (emotional) chakras have oriented towards him. This is why for most women, sex without a feeling of love (4th chakra) and without interest in the personality of your partner (6th chakra) is unacceptable. For most men, sex is only an act of physical pleasure and energy nutrition, which does not require a mandatory feeling of love and interest in the personality of their partner in order to engage in it, although the presence of these components is also valued by men, but only when building a serious relationship.

The different energy-information structure of the sexual chakra (second chakra) in men and women largely explains the problem of infidelity, namely the different attitude towards male and female infidelity from the point of view of the physics of polarization and reconfiguration of chakras.

You can learn more about the energy-informational aspects of relationships between men and women

Amplitude-frequency characteristic of the second chakra (svadhisthana):

This characteristic reflects the dynamic state of the levels of absorption and emission of energy 2 by the second chakra (sexual, gender) of the person being diagnosed.

You can learn more about this method of energy-information scanning of human chakras (removing the amplitude-frequency response - frequency response)

Offset to "+" area
A shift to the right of the 2nd chakra indicates an excess of sexual energy.

This can lead to hysteria and rapid aging in women, as well as “spermatotoxicosis” in men. Also, a consequence of such a long-term displacement of the sex chakra in the “+” area is ovarian cystosis, premature ejaculation, diarrhea, and hypertension.

Offset to "-" area
A shift in the svadhistana of the chakra “to the minus” indicates a destructive state of the chakra and a lack of sexual energy.

The second chakra is the center of fusion of the energy of the Earth and the energy of the Cosmos in the human body. Therefore, without the normal functioning of the second chakra there is no health. Failures are inherited or appear as a result of stress, primarily sexually motivated, during sex with an energy-insufficient partner, or during multiple sexual relationships. The technique of separation from former sexual partners is presented

A long-term shift in the characteristics of the sex chakra to a negative area causes obstruction of the fallopian tubes and uterine tumors. Varicocele, phimosis, infertility, painful periods, impotence, frigidity. Chlamydia, thrush, genital herpes, constipation, hypotension.

Energy centers – this is how chakras are briefly described. According to the teachings of Indian yogis, their number is seven. Power concentration points are colored in the colors of the solar spectrum. If they are healthy and work properly, a person feels harmony with the world around him.

In this article

What is he responsible for?

In Hindu concept, counting starts from below. Svadhisthana is the second after Muladhara. Diagrams clearly showing the structure of the body show that it is located between the pelvic bones. The petals of energy are located below the navel. The stem of the flower reaches towards the sacrum.

Diagram of the location of chakras on the human body

It is responsible for the senses: taste and touch. The color of Svadhisthana is orange or bright yellow, the element is water. All shades of this range are allowed, except dark and brown. Their appearance in the field indicates serious disruptions in energy flows.

Educational film about awakening the Swadhisthana and Muladhara chakras:

Physiology of chakra

Controls the lymphatic and genitourinary systems:

  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • right kidney

Diseases of the digestive tract, bladder and cystitis appear due to malfunctions of the energy channel.

The chakra is often called sexual or sacral. But this is not entirely accurate: Muladhara is also responsible for the same sphere. And if the first one works fine, then there will be no problems with the second one.

Muladhara controls the instinct of procreation, the desire to leave offspring. Svadhisthana is responsible for pleasure in the intimate sphere, libido and conception.

A failure signals an immediate lymph check.

Hormonal system

Difficulties with reproduction due to excess or lack of hormones. The formation of the structure occurs during puberty. At this moment, pay attention to the physical and emotional state of the children. Irritation, anger, misunderstanding on the part of elders lead to the yellow energy being disrupted.

Sensuality and erotic emotions

Transgender people who do not accept their sex assigned at birth suffer due to the malfunction of the second channel.

A riot of hormones is stress: the body breaks down.

The next stage of restructuring falls during the period of withering. Hormones fade and the orange light weakens. On the one hand, you need to visit doctors on time, on the other hand, you need to develop and improve the energy of sensuality.

Intimate sphere

Loving yourself, getting joy from communication - this is what the work of the positive color funnel is aimed at. What else does Swadhisthana influence:

  1. Gender.
  2. Selection of partners.
  3. Getting pleasure and positive emotions from sex.
  4. Norms of relationships in the intimate sphere, concepts of sin or taboos on certain actions.

Any deviations from the norm are considered unacceptable. Stereotypes, prohibitions, false truths associated with the sensual side negatively affect the subtle plane. Dark thoughts come: depression and suicidal tendencies appear.

Harmony of sexual life

Esotericists say that special exercises contribute to liberation.

Activation of the Svadhisthana chakra by exposing it to music and rhythms with a frequency of 417 Hz, related to the Solfeggio of Ascension.

Vivid sensual desires help realize creative plans. Geniuses with talent for painting or music have a strong 2nd chakra. Activating it means revealing abilities. The brighter the glow, the more charismatic the owner. The great creators and creators of history possessed stormy energy emanating from the channel of Swadhisthana.

Unremarkable in appearance, they charmed those around them. Examples: Napoleon, Hitler, Mata Hari, Lenin.

Signs of disharmony

A failure at any level inevitably affects the others. The body crumbles like a house of cards. Everyone has thought about their attractiveness at least once. This is fine. But if a child or adult is constantly looking for flaws, sound the alarm.

Harmony of body and soul is a prerequisite for a happy life

  1. Dissatisfaction with appearance. Girls undergo plastic surgery and torture their bodies with diets. Or, on the contrary, they join the ranks of followers of the “body positive” movement and gain monstrous weight.
  2. Low self-esteem and inability to find a common language with the opposite sex.
  3. Men with weak Svadhisthana cannot free themselves from the care of their mother for a long time.
  4. Complexes and psychological pressures. Misconception about the sensual sphere, inability and unwillingness to give pleasure to a partner. Repressed sexuality.

Parapsychologists believe that maniacs, rapists and serial killers have serious problems not only with the psyche. Their perverted idea of ​​pleasure indicates a malfunction in the energy space.

Degrees of development

When something doesn’t go according to the rules on the physical plane, energy flows are disrupted. Suppressed desires do not evaporate, but become the cause of psychosomatic diseases, obsessive states and phantom pains of unknown origin. A damaged psyche is expressed in bodily sensations.

Lotus - chakra symbol

An imbalance in Swadhisthana leads to insoluble conflicts. On the surface, a person looks successful and liberated, but inside he is torn apart by contradictions and doubts.

An example is the tragic fate of Marilyn Monroe. The bright, confident actress was vulnerable and complex. Unsuccessful marriages, the inability to have children - all this indicates problems at the second energy level.

The darker the colors of the biofield in the pubic area, the gloomier the person, the more acutely and painfully he reacts to any, even positive, changes. Such people condemn other people's actions, gossip and reproach the world for its imperfections, do not know how to rejoice and do not allow others to do so. They impose their model of behavior on others, considering it the only correct one.

Followers of the doctrine of the seven components of the etheric and bodily shell say that we must not forget about the Spirit. Without it, the owner of the active second chakra loses control over emotions. Alcohol and drugs are used.

The famous seducers of the past, Casanova and Don Juan, had a developed sex chakra. But carnal pleasures were an end in themselves, new victories added intrigue and charm. Despite the bright glow, the hero-lovers are primitive.

How does healthy Svadhisthana manifest itself?

Signs of health:

  1. Active emotional and sexual life.
  2. A sense of self-worth and need for society.
  3. Curiosity, the desire to know reality.
  4. Compassion and tolerance towards others.
  5. Natural and relaxed behavior.
  6. A strong emotional sphere does not allow manipulators to invade consciousness.

When there are no blocks and clamps, people are easy and pleasant to communicate with. They do not judge others in vain and do not allow themselves to be offended. The ability to balance on the brink of public and personal interests is a striking feature of a healthy consciousness.

Most often, those who have problems with the sacred point come out with condemnations against representatives of non-traditional orientations. Puritanism and bigotry go hand in hand with disharmony in the sexual sphere.

Music for the second chakra:

The inability to express oneself leaves a negative imprint on communication. The stronger the channel of love, the easier we interact with each other. We do not indulge in sad reflections about the imperfections of the world, but change it. A healthy chakra prevents an unsuccessful acquaintance from turning into a tragedy on a universal scale.

First of all, get rid of blocks and prohibitions. Learning to love your body is the first step towards happiness and harmony. Systematic and daily work will help you unlock your inner potential.

  1. Proper lifestyle and maintaining physical fitness. It was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks said that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.
  2. Communicating with nature will diversify your leisure time and provide opportunities for new acquaintances.
  3. Attention to the inner world and broadening your horizons will help you become an interesting interlocutor in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  4. Generosity of soul and the ability to forgive are qualities that attract friends.
  5. Internal discipline and self-control will help you not give up what you started.
  6. The search for a soul mate, and not random carnal pleasures, is the key to full development.

Orange is the color of life

Due to cultural and behavioral traditions, Europeans and Americans are more liberated than residents of Russia. The phrase “We don’t have sex,” which has gone down in history, characterizes the problems in the sexual sphere among the majority of compatriots. The tightness and complexes have been developing over the years.

Methods and ways to develop chakra: from simple to complex

Today information is freely available. The neophyte faces the difficult task of choosing a useful and reliable source.

There are 3 effective and time-tested methods:

  1. Aromatherapy.
  2. Reading mantras.
  3. Meditation.


Using scents, create an atmosphere of pleasure, love and peace around you. Aromas harmonize the space and saturate the brain with endorphins.

Aromatherapy is an affordable and simple way

In Eastern philosophy, the sex chakra corresponds to smells:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • juniper;
  • jasmine;
  • sandalwood

Apply incense to your skin and light up the house using an aroma lamp. Essential oils are added to creams and body masks.


Reading reveals inner potential. But there is one point: they work comprehensively. Healing sounds should be applied to all points of the body. The chakras are interconnected, and while harmonizing one, pay attention to the other six. The selection of a mantra is individual, and it is better to coordinate it with a competent Teacher.

In this video, activation and balancing of the sacral chakra with the mantra YOU:

Special meditation

Experienced and wise teachers of the East believe that this is the best way to reveal yourself. In a state of trance, we realize the second “I”, comprehend the secrets of the Universe and merge with the Cosmos.

Breathing exercises help normalize the functioning of the system

The most accessible practice is based on breathing and consists of several steps:

  1. Sit down. Take a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  2. Focus on your breathing.
  3. Take deep breaths and exhales. Imagine that the endless energy of bright gold or orange color fills you unhindered, enveloping you in radiance.
  4. As you exhale, imagine that the negativity accumulated in your soul and body is leaving. Gives way to a feeling of joy and happiness.
  5. With every breath, take a sip of golden radiance. Imagine a lotus flower blooming in the zone of sensual pleasure.
  6. Once you have completely cleared the dark matter from your consciousness, visualize a lotus flower, rotating it clockwise. With each breath he will sway and turn faster.

This video will help you further tune the second chakra:

Development with food

A healthy lifestyle and thoughts also include proper nutrition. Heavy food brings you down, say the Teachers. Unhealthy food creates an imbalance in the body. Give up harmful taste preferences and alcohol. Purification will occur both on the physical and energetic levels.

Use food aphrodisiacs

Alcohol causes short-term vasodilation. Drinking alcohol creates a false sense of freedom and attractiveness.

It is a mistake to believe that “one hundred grams” increases sexual activity. Chemical processes in the brain after drinking strong drinks inhibit the reaction and slow down the onset of orgasm, leading to an inexpressive and dull ending.

Traditionally, aphrodisiacs in food are:

  1. Oysters, mussels, shrimp, squid.
  2. Nuts, dried fruits and honey are beyond competition. They enhance potency.
  3. Pomegranate and red fruits. Bananas and avocados are on the same list.
  4. Among vegetables, it is recommended to eat artichoke, asparagus and celery.
  5. Warming ginger root will help light a fire at a sacred point.

How to bring your chakra back to normal and get rid of diseases

Disappointments in love, negative experiences in relationships - these factors negatively affect Svadhisthana. Diabetes mellitus, infertility, impotence - these diseases indicate a blocked center of pleasure and sexuality. The body immediately reacts to an energy information failure.

Harmony in nature and consciousness

But you can get rid of problems if you receive comprehensive treatment: follow the doctor’s orders and heal the soul. Even in medicine, not all prescriptions are equally effective for patients. Mastering the bright path to harmony is no less difficult.

Tibetan bowls Vibrations for the Svadhisthana chakra. Singing bowls (also known as Himalayan bowls; in Japan they are called Rin or Suzu) are a type of bell as a musical instrument.

  1. Before cleansing the biofield, one must firmly realize that without getting rid of the burden of mistakes and sadness, a favorable outcome is impossible.
  2. Eliminate negative thoughts and set your mind to the positive.
  3. Try not to accept experiences, consider failures not as a defeat, but as a lesson.
  4. Don't communicate with those who try to lower your self-esteem.
  5. Love yourself. Do not follow imaginary canons of beauty and standards of appearance.
  6. Don’t copy other people’s lives, don’t imitate your friends and acquaintances.
  7. Don’t listen to those who say banal phrases: “it’s time to get married”; “when you give birth to a child”; “when you get married,” etc. This has a destructive effect on energy metabolism. Attempts to conform to generally accepted opinion end badly for the psyche and biofield.

Each one is unique and inimitable. People are given the opportunity to change and correct mistakes. You need to enjoy life and the joy of sex. There is nothing shameful or forbidden about this. Realizing and accepting your nature means avoiding health problems and feeling happy.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!