How to cleanse your biofield. method: getting rid of foreign energy

Home is our fortress; there should be nothing in it except positive energy, which helps to restore strength and completely relax.

But what to do if negative energy has nevertheless penetrated into your home and how to clean the aura in the apartment yourself in order to get rid of it forever? We will answer this and some other questions in this article, and also consider some ways of energy protection for housing.

Aura of the home

Before we start talking about how to clean the aura in an apartment, we should decide what it is. Our entire world consists of energy flows, some of them have great speed and power, others are slow and weak so much that even prolonged exposure to them remains unnoticeable. And, of course, these energy channels also differ in the effect they produce.

Positive energy is the power of goodness, the joy of love and all the brightest things; it is this energy that can breathe happiness into the soul of any person or miraculously heal a sick person. Negative energy has a radically opposite effect and carries only pain, grief, illness, etc.

In the surrounding world there is an equal amount of both types of energy, thanks to this the natural balance of forces that is inherent in everything in our universe is maintained.

Every object, every living creature also has its own energy. In addition, a person is capable of not only receiving this force, but also emitting it. Thanks to this, our home becomes a kind of battery into which we place positive and negative energy layer by layer. The total aura in the apartment, which is the sum of all this energy, depends on the number of these same layers and their charge.

If the general energy background of a home is positive, then this has an extremely beneficial effect on its inhabitants. Conflict situations rarely occur, illnesses seem to bypass the entire family, and children, if there are any, are calm. In such an environment, any family member easily regains strength after a hard day at work and successfully copes with the negativity that he received outside the apartment.

Everything changes if we are talking about a house dominated by negative energy. In such rooms, you usually immediately feel something bad and oppressive. People living in such apartments often get sick, and conflicts arise, seemingly out of the blue. But the most important thing that happens when living in these dwellings is that the energy of the person himself changes. It acts like a poison in small quantities, which slowly erodes the health and strength of people.

There are many reasons why the aura in a home can deteriorate. The main and most dangerous thing is being in the room of a person who was dying slowly and painfully. Such a process is always associated with a strong infection of this room, after which this energy spreads throughout the house and infects it after itself.

Another of the most common reasons is frequent conflicts. The fact is that any negative surge is immediately deposited in a separate layer on the walls, floor and ceiling of your house, which is why it is better to avoid such situations altogether or reduce them to a minimum, and after they have occurred, you should clean the apartment as much as possible quicker.

This rule applies to everything related to bioenergy and negativity; it is easiest to remove any negative phenomenon when it is still fresh; over time, the situation usually worsens and the negativity attracts even more of its kind. Because of this, problems grow like a snowball, which is why experienced specialists recommend never delaying cleaning both your apartment and your energy. Therefore, this advice is suitable not only for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to cleanse the aura in an apartment, but also for those who want to get rid of negativity in themselves.

In cases where, in your opinion, nothing bad happened either to you or to the previous residents, but failures or illnesses continue to haunt your family, then you should make sure that this is connected specifically with the aura of the apartment. This is done in order to exclude the option when adversity is caused by some kind of curse or simply negativity, which is aimed purely at people, and not at the premises itself; in this case, you should first install protection, and only then get rid of the energy damage that was inflicted on you.

How to make sure that the aura in your home is negative

Anxious behavior in pets

Animals sense any bad energy several times better, especially cats. As soon as you notice the strange behavior of the animal, observe exactly what place it is trying to avoid; perhaps that is where the epicenter of negativity is located and special attention should be paid to it.

Also, when cleaning, clean this area most thoroughly.

Wilting plants

If changing the watering schedule, as well as moving to a sunnier part of the apartment does not produce any results, then with a high degree of probability the death of flowers is an alarming sign. Plants have a simpler energy shell, so even a slight negative can kill them.

In those cases when the power of such energy is great, death occurs within a couple of days or even less.


Their use is both a detector of negativity and a way to clean the aura at home yourself. It is very simple: with a lit candle you should walk through all the rooms in the house. In those places where the flame begins to behave strangely, for example, it trembles strongly, goes out sharply or crackles, and at the same time there are no drafts in this area, there is a negative territory.

The cleaning method is similar to the search method, but has a number of subtleties, which we will talk about in the corresponding section below.

How to cleanse the aura in the house with your own hands: methods

Of course, there is always the opportunity to invite a priest or an esoteric specialist to your home, who will professionally and quickly clean all the rooms in your house. But as practice shows, not all clergy are eager to do this, and the search for a suitable option can take a long time, which is very valuable in this case.

In the case of specialists in the field of bioenergy, there is a high chance of stumbling upon an outright charlatan who, hiding behind the loud name of the doctrine, will do absolutely nothing, unless he does even more harm. For this reason, if you do not know a priest who will gladly help you, or if the problem does not require such drastic intervention, it is recommended to limit yourself to your own efforts.


The first thing that is recommended to be done, regardless of how you are going to clean the aura in the house and which of the methods listed below was chosen, is to carry out a thorough and complete cleaning of the entire home. The fact is that the principle of dualism works not only in relation to a person, the aura of your home is inextricably linked with its physical state.

It is for this reason that you may have noticed that even a small renovation can make it much easier to breathe in the apartment. Let alone a major overhaul, but it’s only worth upgrading an apartment this much if we want to move into a home with crystal-clear energy.

Thorough cleaning not only clears everything of physical dust, but also does the same with energetic dirt.

Of course, this will not create a positive aura for the apartment, but this step is simply necessary and is a kind of preparatory stage that will help us carry out better cleaning in the future. Another positive aspect of cleaning is the search for foreign objects.

Not all of our acquaintances are always friendly people; moreover, there is always a fairly high chance that it is in our close circle that we have the most terrible enemies. Such people often do not disdain a wide variety of methods that can greatly harm not only the energy inside the house, but also the health of you and your loved ones.

When cleaning, look for foreign objects, these could be bags, needles or pins.

Most often, they are located in inconspicuous places where you most likely do not look during standard cleaning. If you find a strange object, try to reach it without touching it directly, for example, through gloves. Then put it all in a bag and throw it away. After this, you should use one of the cleaning methods. It would also be a good idea to take a closer look at your surroundings to avoid something like this happening again.


First of all, I would like to point out one of the simplest methods that does not require much effort. It, as you already understood, involves candles. Ideally, this could be a church candle, but an ordinary one can also be used.

The main condition is that this candle should be as simple as possible, that is, no decorations, colors or shapes, only wax and wick. You should go to the front door and light a candle; you can say a prayer to yourself, if you know it.

You should adhere to the rule that allows you to get out of any labyrinth - walk along the left or right wall and under no circumstances turn off the path, this way you will go through absolutely all areas of your apartment and not miss anything.

In those places where you detect any changes in the behavior of the flame, you should linger and wait for it to completely calm down. If one candle is not enough and it goes out, then this means that the negative energy is too strong, then light several more candles at the same time and let them do the job together.

In places where you have mirrors or reflective surfaces, you should linger a little. These areas are somewhat deeper energetically and the candle takes time to clear them. Just remember that it must be reflected inside the mirror, otherwise it will not have any effect.


How to cleanse the aura at home using salt? There are several options, the first involves the use of its dry variety, the second - a solution, and the third - combines dry salt and a candle.

The easiest option is to pour salt into saucers and place it around the apartment, preferably higher. In this case, the salt will act as a kind of repellent, only instead of insects there will be negative energy. As in the case of insect repellent, salt also requires replacement, usually it lasts from a month to two, then it is replaced with a new one.

If you are interested in the option of using a solution, then you should dilute a little salt in warm water, usually the proportion is 1 tablespoon per one to one and a half liters of water. The floors throughout the house are washed with this solution.

The combined method is as follows: pour a little salt into a small bowl and place a lit candle on top of it. This device is placed in the place where the strongest negative energy is observed. Then the entire structure is thrown away, having previously been wrapped in a tight bag. Melted wax perfectly absorbs all the negativity, then it is mixed with salt and the negative energy is completely destroyed.

Tibetan cleansing bowls

The modern market for energy purification products in the home is rich in things that make high-pitched sounds. The fact is that vibrations of such high frequencies are detrimental to any manifestations of negative energy. This explains why such objects are found in almost all cultures and have approximately the same meaning.

I would especially like to highlight Tibetan bowls, which are not only a wonderful weapon in the fight against negative energy, but also have an extremely positive effect on the harmonization of internal flows and the person himself.

Experts recommend going around room by room with this bowl and holding a short session of playing on it in each one. As soon as the room is cleaned, you will feel it, so you should go around absolutely all the rooms in the house, and end the session with the corridor.

St. John's wort and incense

How to cleanse the aura at home using herbs? St. John's wort copes well with this task. It was not for nothing that our ancestors considered this herb the main remedy against all kinds of evil spirits and dark forces. In order to conduct a cleaning session, you should set a small branch on fire and slowly walk through all the rooms in the apartment so that the aroma fills them completely.

You can also use various aromatic oils and Chinese sticks, which are also great at fighting negativity in any form.

Mantras for cleaning the biofield and indoor space

Another Tibetan remedy that is also based on sound. These very ancient chant texts were written several thousand years ago and still do their job admirably.

In addition, mantras can cleanse not only your home, but also you. In general, most people who are interested in this type of protection from negativity, as well as Tibetan culture, believe that those rooms in which mantras are regularly heard are always filled with purely positive energy.

Specifically, the mantra of Gayatri and Vajrasattva copes well with the task of expelling and destroying negativity.

We consolidate the result

So, we figured out how to cleanse the aura in the room and home in general, but how to make sure that negativity never returns to your home? All kinds of amulets and remedies that are present in many cultures will help you with this.

Feng Shui copes excellently with the task of protecting a home from any manifestations of negative energy. In this teaching, there is a whole mass of various means that allow you to simply not allow any, even very powerful, negative force into your home at the energetic level.

Also try to ensure that the house is always clean, which we so strived for at the initial stage of cleaning the house from negativity. Remember that this is one of the fundamental requirements, which not only helps to harmonize the energy in the house, but also adds comfort. In a clean room you can always breathe a little more freely.

Do not store various rubbish in your home; these items often do not carry the same energy that you would like to see next to you. Get rid of things if their service life has expired; there is no point in grasping at the past, it never leads to anything good.

The main thing to remember is not how to clean the aura in the apartment yourself, but that basically only we are its creators and only in our power to make it such that it brings purely bright emotions and acts only for the benefit of us and our family . Therefore, try to leave all the negativity outside the threshold of your home, let it be where it came from, and then your home will become a truly impregnable fortress.

But there are also more subtle layers of energy that we can also influence with the help of harmonious thoughts, yoga, and meditation. I’ll tell you about simpler techniques :)…

The aura is a continuation of the physical shell of each of us. It protects us from stress, anxiety and exhaustion, discarding all potentially harmful influences on our psychological health. Many ancient cultures unanimously say that any disease begins with the weakness of our auric field. When the aura is damaged, its protective properties become very fragile and weakened, affecting our emotional and physical health, making us more susceptible to external stimuli and dangers.

General health maintenance is inextricably linked with maintaining the integrity of the aura, so it is important to cleanse, nourish and strengthen it from time to time. Surely everyone has their own secrets to stay securely protected, but you can also try to strengthen your aura in one of the following ways:

Yogic cleansing bath

Take this bath every day for 20 minutes for a week. It will help cleanse your body of toxins and waste and remove negativity from your aura. To make water purifying, add 0.5 kg of baking soda and 1 cup of sea salt to it. If you suddenly feel unwell while taking a bath, stop the procedure for today and return to it tomorrow.

burning sage

The smoke from burning white sage, according to the Indians, is very cleansing. In addition to the amazing smell, it also emits negative ions that have a positive effect on our aura. Exactly the same ones are present in the air after a thunderstorm or near the ocean. That is why this air is so pleasant, light and refreshing.

If you want to get rid of negative vibrations, simply light a sage incense stick and immerse yourself in its smoke, enjoying the pleasant aroma.

Energy of sun

If you love spending time outdoors, great! – after all, the sun’s rays nourish and expand our aura. The sun gives us energy, optimism and vitamin D, and being in nature makes us healthier physically, mentally and spiritually, nourishes our emotions and is wonderfully grounding.

Sea salt

If you live far from the ocean and cannot swim in the healing cleansing water, if you cannot take a bath and lie in salt water for a while, getting rid of stress, just make yourself a sea salt scrub before taking a shower. This will cleanse your skin of dead cells, refresh your aura and help remove toxins.

Cold shower

Cold water can cleanse our aura of negativity, it flushes out toxins and relieves tension, and also improves blood circulation. The shower does not have to be freezing cold, first make it cool and pleasant for the body, later you can gradually lower the temperature of the water as much as you feel comfortable. After some time, you will feel clarity in your thoughts and lightness in your body, you will be full of energy and will become less susceptible to all sorts of negativity.

Sound healing

Many ancient cultures believe that sounds have a special healing ability. Often meditation is accompanied by a drawn-out “Ommm,” and this is not without reason. In this way, you can quickly and effectively get rid of the negative energy accumulated in the body and aura.


Crystals are a very effective means for cleansing and strengthening the aura; labradorite, which is called a “healing stone,” deserves special attention. He is a frequent companion of teachers, nannies, health workers and looks great in jewelry. After holding it in your hands for just 20 minutes, you will feel its influence and benefits for another 12 hours.

Less electronics

Radiation from electrical appliances has a negative impact on overall well-being, and the frequencies they create accumulate in our aura and disable it. Try to at least protect your bedroom from gadgets and keep them away from your head. In addition, pay attention to the miraculous crystal lepidolite, which serves as a kind of energetic protection between you and electrical appliances, absorbing radiation. Place a small stone near your bed and gadgets in your room, and you will notice how the stone becomes thinner as it absorbs radiation.

Vetiver essential oil

Vetiver is a tropical plant of the cereal family, the essential oil of which is excellently soothing and grounding, helping to bring balance after a busy day. Try applying a few drops of this woody-smelling oil to your belly before bed to help you counter negativity from other people the next day.

Black tourmaline

This beautiful stone is able to protect against harmful radiation and remove negative energy from the aura, protect you and set you up for positive thinking.

In general, crystals have long been used for healing and protection. For example, smoky quartz helps to resist stress and negativity from others, amber strengthens the aura, kunzite copes with bad thoughts, and the amethyst and citrine duet heal holes in the auric field that arise, for example, after surgery, childbirth or severe stress.

Flower essences

Violet and angel flower essences help restore damaged auric fields. They can be taken orally in approximately 7 drops, or a little essence can be applied to the solar plexus before bed.

Choose places and people

Pay attention to what places, events and people cause damage to your aura and keep you in tension. Try to visit such places less often, avoid stressful situations and limit communication with unpleasant people. For additional protection, carry some kind of crystal with you, you can start with labradorite.

Beauty and Radiance to everyone!

Negative energy has a destructive effect on our biofield, which leads to personal problems, illnesses and turns life into a series of failures. Three effective ways will help you get out of this state.

Today there is a huge amount of information around us, most of which, unfortunately, is negative. A person, like a sponge, absorbs all the energy waves with which he interacts during the day. It is necessary to combat negative energy influences. Positive thinking and three effective ways to cleanse the biofield will help you with this.

Information filtering

Each person creates the world around him: our thoughts, words, actions and desires determine our future destiny. The key to personal happiness and prosperity is strong and healthy energy. If it is positive, only positive events surround you. But if the biofield is clogged with negativity, then the person is haunted by misfortune, suffering and danger.

In this world, everything is interconnected and nothing happens for nothing. Some people are overtaken by karma, others achieve everything with their own hands. But we are all masters of our own lives, and, as in any responsible matter, in designing our destiny it is necessary to observe order and certain rules.

Like attracts like. All received information is distributed to every cell of the body. In other words, any energy affects our DNA, modifying it at the physical level. Hence the diseases that appear as if out of nowhere, and a series of failures, and an unhappy life. Did you know that swearing acts on our body like radioactive radiation? Mat launches a program to self-destruct, even if we just hear it.

All the negativity you receive and see will sooner or later affect your luck and physical condition. That’s why it’s so important to filter information, get rid of communication with bad people, and get as many positive emotions as possible. But in addition to the negative influence that you can draw from the world on your own, a person is also subject to bad influence from the outside. Evil eyes, damage and other magical actions are aimed at destroying your life through energy. Three effective and proven methods will help you get rid of energy dirt.

Method 1: eliminating energy holes in the biofield

Place your hands with the backs of your palms facing each other. Imagine that there is a clot of negative energy between your palms. Take a deep breath and feel the Divine energy filling you. With exhalation, pure energy should come out through the hands and positively charge all the collected negativity. It is necessary to repeat the exercise several times.

This technique should be used every morning. With its help, you will not only cleanse yourself of negativity, but also strengthen your biofield. The generated positive energy will help you remove barriers and layers of negative influence. If you expect quick results, then at the beginning of your course you should make as much effort as possible and do this exercise several times a day.

Method 2: getting rid of foreign energy

If you feel discomfort in your body, are haunted by obsessive thoughts and failures, as well as noticeably negative influences, this method will help you.

Imagine a river full of fire, and visually place yourself above it. You should mentally throw yourself into the fiery water. Thus, all your fears and negative energy will burn in flames, and your phantom, like a phoenix, will rise from the ashes. Imagine that you have been reborn and everything around you is shining with white light. This is pure energy.

Now in real time you need to feel how the white energy spreads throughout your body, starting from your feet. In the end, it should entangle you like a cocoon, creating a shield from other people’s influences and sorrows.

Method 3: energy cleansing at the cellular level

Close your eyes and imagine that you are currently at sea, relaxing on the shore, you don’t care about anything, you are happy and calm. You feel the waves caressing your feet. Look at yourself from the outside. You should see dirty spots in areas that cause physical or emotional pain. Take a deep breath and feel the cool sea water wash over you. As you exhale, feel the water recede, washing away some of the stains. Continue this until the dirt is completely removed from your body. Usually purification occurs after ten times.

These are just some practices for cleansing negative energy. Their impact occurs at the mental level, which helps to saturate yourself with positive energy, release negativity and strengthen the biofield. We wish you success, happiness, and don't forget to press the buttons and

What is a person's aura? The aura is an energy field around a person, with the help of which you can learn about a person’s character, his mood and state of health. By the intangible shell we have the opportunity to find out its physical, spiritual and mental values. Each person has his own aura, which others feel on an intuitive level. This is also called energetics. Think about why some people attract you, while others, on the contrary, repel? Because our thoughts form a cloud around us that is invisible to the eye, and if these thoughts are good and bright, then they hover like a golden cloud. And if a person, moreover, sincerely loves all living things, then the cloud glows pink. But if there is a red-green glow above his head, then it is better to stay away from such a person in order to avoid problems and troubles. Think about how often we come across such inexplicable phenomena that we ourselves cannot understand or explain. We immediately feel sympathy for some people, while others are simply repulsed. This is called an aura.

How to sense a person's aura?

To learn to see the human aura, you need some training. There are several ways, but first you should experiment on objects, focusing on a single fragment. For example, find a tree and stare at the trunk for a while, and then try to see through it what is behind the trunk. The main thing is to try to focus your gaze slightly to the side beyond the edges of the object, and look with peripheral vision, because it is this that is capable of catching subtle energy. The same can be done with window glass: first look directly at it, and then unfocus your gaze on what is outside the window, for example, a raindrop, a twig or a snowflake. And so several times, so that it happens immediately and “playfully”. After this, you can begin training on humans. Place it against a white wall at a distance of two to three meters from you, the lighting should be moderate, daylight is best, but without sunlight. Ask your opponent to relax and sway a little, while your gaze should look at the wall as if through the person’s head. If you did everything correctly, you will soon notice a slight glow, a halo around your opponent's figure. This is the aura of a person. After several trainings, you will be able to see it in any person in 10 minutes.

How to recognize aura colors?

Most often, the human aura has a different composition, and therefore its colors are varied. They mean an emotional characteristic and help reveal the essence of a person. How to recognize them and what do they mean? White color indicates that the owner of this aura is endowed with spirituality and good intuition. Black color, on the contrary, indicates a person who is unspiritual, evil and aggressive. The color yellow signifies health, openness, friendliness, optimism and well-being. An orange aura speaks of activity, confidence, respect and self-disposition. Pink is the color of soulfulness, suspiciousness and touchiness. Red color is love and energy, cheerfulness and ambition. Green indicates caring, kind-hearted, sentimental and reasonable. A blue aura means a good mood, peacefulness, gentle character, devotion and refined taste. Blue color will tell us about wisdom, inspiration, peace and harmony with ourselves. And purple is the color of everything mystical and religious; its owner constantly strives for power and self-improvement. Thus, by seeing the color of the aura and correctly interpreting it, you can not only understand a person better, but also help him deal with problems and establish contact with him.

How to influence the aura?

In order to enter into an energetic duel with the astral body, that is, to influence our aura, we must learn, first of all, not to expose it to attacks from the material world. That is, follow simple rules and try to adhere to them. You should start with your lifestyle, and, if possible, eliminate bad habits such as alcohol and smoking - this is a strong feed for entities that take away our energy and interfere with the process of beneficial effects. In the morning you should do energy exercises, for example, yoga. And be sure to wear amulets and amulets. It is recommended to wear clothes exclusively from natural fabrics, excluding any synthetics - they negatively affect the aura. And do not forget to tune in to a positive mood and harmony every day, eliminating all kinds of mental discomfort. And engage in self-analysis and self-improvement more often.

How to cleanse the aura at home?

Often people do not understand why their life suddenly turned off the right path and went awry, and they attribute it to bad luck or a bad streak. In fact, their aura simply needs to be cleansed, because a person becomes a hostage to his own contradictions, which blocks the channels through which energy flows. Therefore, the situation urgently needs to be corrected by cleaning your aura. Not everyone has the opportunity to turn to healers for help, but do not despair - you can cleanse the aura yourself at home.

There are several such methods:

1) Purification by prayer. An appeal to God can be anything, even a church prayer, even an arbitrary one - the main thing is that it is truly sincere. After all, the essence of any prayer is in cleansing words; when turning to God, negative energy is rejected, and pure energy fills us. It can be compared to a blood transfusion; prayer has truly magical powers.

2) Salt cleansing. After all, salt is very strong energetically and is capable, like a sponge, of absorbing negativity. The cleaning process is very simple: take a glass of salt, dilute it a little with water, and with this strong salt solution you need to wipe yourself from head to toe.

3) Egg cleansing. This is an ancient folk remedy against damage and the evil eye. Just move the egg clockwise throughout your body and it will take away all the negative energy. After this, the entire egg should be buried in the ground.

4) Very effective cleansing the aura with a candle. You need to stand on a newspaper, light a candle and make circles with it in areas of the body - around the neck, heart, head, stomach, etc. Continue until the candle stops smoking and crackling. Then put it in the room until it burns completely, and take the newspaper out of the house and bury it. As you can see, all the methods are quite simple, and anyone can easily cleanse their aura.

Just as no one has ever seen a person’s soul, no one knows what his aura really looks like. In the world, of course, there are masters who are able to look beyond the boundaries of the material, but meetings with them are quite rare. How to determine that a person’s aura is pierced by negative influences?

In this article

Signs of breakdown

The first sign A breakdown of a person’s subtle body can be considered increased fatigue. If you get enough sleep, eat right and lead an active life, but you still don’t have enough energy, then perhaps your biofield has holes and breakdowns through which precious energy leaks.

The second sign can be attributed to troubles that suddenly befall a person. If you are fatally unlucky in literally everything, and life looks like an obstacle course, then you should think about the integrity of your energy. This also includes minimal results with a lot of effort expended. It happens that a person does a lot to achieve a goal, but cannot get what he wants.

To the third sign include more severe conditions. For example, obsessive thoughts that may arise in the head, causeless aggression, inappropriate behavior, fluctuations in body temperature, diseases that medicine cannot explain. Here we are not talking about a simple hole in the energy sector, but about the presence of an energetic essence being subsumed.

Demon, spirit, larva

Such an entity can be a spirit sent with corruption, a demon, or a larva created by human thought forms. All these entities are invisible to the human eye, but they cope with their task of pumping out energy masterfully. Sometimes such settlers can incline their victim to suicide or illegal actions.

Did you find one sign or several at once? Then it’s worth thinking about how to correct the situation.

Strengthening the biofield and aura

In mild conditions, a person can cope with holes in the aura on his own. But if we are talking about settling, then it is necessary to carry out certain rituals to expel the entity.

Important! In case of severe physical conditions, do not try to deal with the resident on your own; contact a trusted specialist.


You can increase the energy level of the physical body through breathing exercises. Beginners can use the following training scheme:

  1. Stand up, relax, take a deep breath and exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Inhale into your belly, then forcefully push the air out by squeezing your pectoral muscles.
  3. Breathe frequently and intermittently, gradually calming your breathing to a normal frequency.

Try also using the technique from this video:

These simple techniques help normalize the flow of energy around the body. With small breakdowns, the aura recovers on its own in 2–3 days. Increased energy circulation helps the recovery process.


Another effective way to recover is meditation. It is better to meditate in silence and complete solitude. If it is difficult to get into the lotus position on the floor, you can simply sit on a chair, close your eyes and relax.

After listening to the silence for a while, you need to imagine a pillar of light coming out of space and flowing straight into the top of your head. Then you need to distribute the radiance throughout your body, wrapping yourself in it like a veil. People with powers can see black holes around them. They also need to be patched with light.

And the practice from this video will give you energy for the whole day:

If during meditation an entity appears on the inner screen, try to throw it away from you, mentally strengthen the glow so that it cannot get close again.

Working with crystals

Ordinary crystals also help in the fight against negativity. Stones with a crystalline structure perfectly accumulate and also conduct energy. There are several ways to patch the aura with their help:

  • using real stones;
  • visualizing the crystal.

Through a real crystal, a person is recharged by simply carrying it with him. You should choose a stone in accordance with your zodiac sign and personal preferences.

Gems according to zodiac signs

By visualizing the crystal, you can use it as a source of power. To receive a personal energy stone, simply imagine its shape and color. Then you can imagine that rays shoot out from its faces, patching holes in the biofield.

Closing the holes

The aura can suffer not only from everyday negativity. It is the natural shell of a person, therefore it is the first to be damaged when the evil eye and damage are cast.

From the evil eye

A person can survive a simple evil eye without major consequences. Since the body has the ability to recover.

Very powerful and effective cleaning on a subtle level:

If the blow has passed, but the holes in the biofield remain, you can imagine an aura around you in the form of a cocoon and mentally close the holes with your palms.

From damage

Real damage often comes with its own resident. Without getting rid of the uninvited guest, negativity cannot be removed from a person’s fields.

Just listen to this mantra:

Believers can expel an entity with prayers and mantras, energy agents can expel them by increasing the level of energy that is unpalatable to the “guest,” ordinary people can use ready-made rituals and ceremonies for expulsion.

From the curse

A severe case is considered to be an induced curse. Due to the strong impact, a person may begin to think about suicide or lose the most precious thing in life.

At home, you can perform the following ritual:

First, get the message cleared by a specialist, and then close the holes in the aura using any of the methods listed above.

Protecting your aura from attacks

When the essence is detached from a person, in order not to attract new negativity, you need to cover up the holes in the aura with the help of energy practices, then put protection on your biofield.


Special mantras have always helped people protect themselves from the evil around them. Mantras are certain sounds that are chanted sequentially and with the correct intonation. These sounds create unique vibrations in space that can contain both healing and protective properties. To protect the aura, a person can use the following mantras.

Five-syllable prayer to GodShiva. To achieve a protective effect, it is sung in the morning and evening, imagining the face of God before oneself.


Universal protective mantra, which can be pronounced as needed the desired number of times.


Thought forms

In addition to mantras, a person can protect himself from negative messages with thought forms.

Non-standard interview with Sergei Mader:

There are often cases when an attack on a person is carried out in a crowded place. Did grandma yell in line? Did another passenger on the transport look unkindly?

During a negative incident, simply imagine your offender in a comical pose or imagine a pipe that goes from him to you, going around you, and loops around him.

These methods of protection are effective if applied in a timely manner.


Another powerful means of protection is prayer. The power of the prayer word helped people win wars, and will help you receive protection from damage and the evil eye.

Prayer “Cry to the Mother of God”

Prayers to the Mother of God can simply be written down on paper, sewn into a bag and carried with you; other appeals to God can be simply read in the morning and evening.

Material protective items

Symbols of faith are the best items to protect against negativity. Without a deep immersion in religion, they are useless, but for believers they are considered a real support in the fight against evil.

Amulets, talismans and amulets

You can also protect yourself from evil with the help of amulets or talismans. Any natural material on which a protective spell can be recited can act as a talisman. Jewelry made from precious metals that suit a person's zodiac sign is also considered protective.

Mental projections

They are considered as the ability to project one’s subtle body in any other place in the non-material world. Some researchers believe that the souls of people live in the space where the mentality reigns.

During an energy attack, an experienced person can imagine how he leaves his body and redirects the message to the aggressor. But mastering the technique of mental projections takes time.


After receiving a breakdown in the aura, it is necessary not only to patch the energy hole, but also to replenish the previous level of energy. To replenish the energy of the physical body, we have selected 12 techniques and methods.

golden skeleton

The exercise begins by imagining golden energy swirling in space. After a clear mental picture appears, it is worth imagining how this pure energy penetrates the feet and bones.

golden brain

The exercise covers only the human head area. Golden energy is directed into the gray matter and other parts of the brain. The energy enters through the point between the eyebrows, from there it is mentally directed to the pituitary gland and white matter.

Through the endocrine system

The exercise consists of the following steps:

  • golden energy is directed to the thyroid gland and is concentrated there as much as possible;
  • then the energy flow is sent to the thymus gland, located above the heart;
  • after an effort of will, the heart itself is nourished with golden energy;
  • the pancreas and mid-back are an intermediate stage of energy direction;
  • in the final part of the exercise, the energy descends to the genitals, then moves to the feet.

When performing, you need to concentrate as much as possible. But the physical body must be relaxed.

Grounding as a separate practice

The easiest way to physically ground yourself is to simply walk barefoot. The energy exercise of grounding involves directing golden energy into the earth, after this step the person imagines how the returned energy flows through him and out of the crown into space.

This practice helps cleanse the biofield.

Life Center

The aura can also be qualitatively restored through a person’s existing energy centers. The vital center is in his spine. This is where the energy is directed to restore the aura.

Creative-sexual center

Its location is the area between the navel and genitals.

The center color is orange. When restored, the orange color is mentally changed to gold, saturating the center with energy.

Solar plexus area

At the energy level it is indicated in yellow. It is also pumped with gold so that all internal organs work harmoniously.

Heart area

The green center is the area of ​​the heart and the thymus gland nearby. There is also a change to a golden color here. Thanks to this, a person becomes calmer and more resilient.

Throat area

Labeled as blue center. For strong speakers, this area is colored blue. But changing colors to gold has a beneficial effect on the ability to persuade others.

Third Eye

Located between the eyebrows on the forehead. Its color designation is indigo.

Pumping this area with golden energy helps develop intuition, clairvoyance, and extrasensory abilities. Makes a person perspicacious and wise.

Crown area

It is worth working especially hard on the crown of the head with the help of golden energy. When removing the golden ray from the body, it is necessary to mentally transform it into a halo above the head.

This way your energy will be looped until the next exercise.

Delay and stuffing

The exercise begins with a deep breath through the nose. As you inhale, you need to imagine how the halo above your head swells with energy. As you exhale during the exercise, visualize a fountain of energy that comes out through the mouth. Such energy must certainly envelop the body and restore the aura.

Advice. People who perform such exercises every day eventually become inaccessible to any energetic negativity, as their aura thickens and strengthens, like muscles during sports.

Seemingly simple, these techniques have amazing restorative effects, but only when a person performs them conscientiously and persistently. During meditation and visualization, all attention should be directed to the action that is happening in the head. You should not be distracted by extraneous noises and sounds, so as not to start the exercise again.

Energy vampirism

Not only a negative message or damage can damage a person’s biofield; there are often cases of breakdowns in the aura due to attacks by energy vampires.

Energetic vampire- this is a person who, for some reason, does not know how to take energy from the Universe and from his environment. And in order to replenish life reserves, he brings out the emotions of other people.

Impact on the biofield

Energy vampires often cause scandals, insult others, complain a lot, and lament their fate. And when their victim begins to feel compassion or anger, the vampire gets the opportunity to feed on her energy.

Opinion of clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova:

Sometimes such pumping can be quite harsh. After an attack, a person may feel like a squeezed lemon. Not all vampires look young and strong; due to lack of energy, older people and small children become vampires.

Methods of protection

The first way is balance. Of course, when a friend has troubles at work, you want to support her, but it is better to provide support through action than to start suffering with her.

The second method closely resembles the above practices. Breaking through a strong and dense biofield for a vampire is not as easy as it might seem. In addition, when involved in a negative situation, it is enough to imagine an invisible wall between yourself and your interlocutor. And it will become several times more difficult for him to connect to you.

It works on the same principle protection "Mirror", when a mirror surface is mentally directed at a screaming person so that he is virtually reflected in it. As a rule, a vampire receives a portion of his own negativity and hastens to retreat in order to find a new victim for himself. After all, he remained hungry.

In this video, Evgeny Green explains how to properly protect yourself from energy vampires:

Today, common hygiene extends beyond the physical world. People are increasingly concerned about the purity of the energies that surround them. Even atheists use energy exercises to help them stay fit. Try to do the same.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!