Test 4 interaction of particles of matter properties of gases. Good afternoon Lesson topic: "Interaction of particles of matter" - presentation

In the figure on the right, the particles of the body are schematically depicted as ordered balls. The arrows show the repulsive forces acting on the particle from its "neighbors". If all particles were at equal distances from each other, then the repulsive forces would be mutually balanced ("green" particle).

However, according to the second position of the MKT, the particles are constantly and randomly moving. Because of this, the distances from each particle to its neighbors are constantly changing (the "red" particle). Consequently, the forces of their interaction are constantly changing and not balanced, trying to return the particle to the equilibrium position. That is, the potential energy of particles of solid and liquid bodies, always existing, is constantly changing. Compare: in gases, the potential energy of particles is practically absent, since they are far from each other (see § 7-b).

This is the force acting on body 2, exerted by a constant body of universal gravitation. the vector of the relative position of body 2 with respect to the body is a unitary vector directed from 1 to the masses of bodies 1, and when the mass of one of the bodies is very large compared to the other, the previous expression is simply converted to another.

Forces of stationary fields Main article: Field. In Newtonian mechanics, it is also possible to model some constant forces over time as force fields. For example, the force between two stationary electric charges can be adequately represented by Coulomb's law.

The emergence of elastic force. Compressing or stretching, bending or twisting the body, we bring together or remove its particles (see Fig.). Therefore, the forces of attraction-repulsion of particles change, the joint action of which is elasticity force.

The rubber particles of a bendable eraser (see also Fig. "d") we conventionally depicted as balls. When pressed with a finger, the upper particles approach each other (“green” distance is less than “red”). This leads to the appearance of repulsive forces (black arrows are directed away from the particles). Near the lower edge of the eraser, the particles move away from each other, which leads to the appearance of attractive forces between them (black arrows are directed towards the particles). As a result of the simultaneous action of repulsive forces near the upper face and attractive forces near the lower face, the eraser “wants” to straighten up. And this means that an elastic force arises in it, directed opposite to the pressure force.

This is the force exerted by load 1 on a constant load, which will depend on the system of load units. load position vector 2 with respect to load load value. Also, static magnetic fields, and those associated with static charges with more complex distributions, can be summarized in two vector functions called electric field and magnetic field, so that a particle moving relative to the static sources of these fields is determined by the Lorentz expression.

This is an electric field. This is a magnetic field. is the speed of the particle. is the total charge of the particle. However, non-constant force fields create difficulties, especially when they are created by fast moving particles, since in these cases relativistic slowdown effects can be important, and classical mechanics generates a distance action that can be inadequate if the forces change rapidly over time. This fact indicates that the current physics, expressed in the concept of fundamental forces, is reflected in the International System of Units.

Test your knowledge:

  1. The main purpose of this section is to discuss...
  2. What will we notice when compressing the ends of the cylinders?
  3. Are the cylinders firmly attached to each other?
  4. What conclusion follows from the experiment with cylinders?
  5. Under what condition does the attraction of particles of bodies and substances arise?
  6. What observation testifies to the repulsion of particles?
  7. Why do we think that particles of matter can repel each other?
  8. Under what conditions is the interaction of particles observed?
  9. How does the nature of the interaction of particles of matter change depending on the distance between them?
  10. In which case the interaction of particles of substances is absent?
  11. Why do particles of matter have potential energy?
  12. Why do particles of solid and liquid substances always have potential energy?
  13. What do the black arrows in the figure with particles of a solid symbolize?
  14. Since the particles of any body or substance are constantly moving, ...
  15. Since the distances between particles are constantly changing, ...
  16. Characterize the potential energy of particles of solids and liquids. She, ...
  17. Characterize the potential energy of gas particles.
  18. In what cases do we change the distance between the particles of the body?
  19. At the same time, the forces of attraction-repulsion of the particles of the body change, since ...
  20. The elastic force of a body is the simultaneously acting ...
  21. What happens to the particles near the top of the eraser? They...
  22. The elastic force in the eraser is due to...

The MCT is based on three principles:

Newton's International System of Units The technical system of units for kilogram force or kilopond. Caesimal system of units of the Anglo-Saxon system. Force in relativistic mechanics. In special relativity, force must only be defined as a derivative of linear momentum, since in this case force is not simply proportional to acceleration.

In fact, in general, the acceleration and force vector will not even be parallel, only in uniform circular motion and in any rectilinear motion, the force and acceleration vector will be parallel, but in general, the force modulus will depend so much on speed with acceleration. The "force" of gravity. In theory general theory relativity, the gravitational field is not considered as a field of real forces, but as an effect of the curvature of space-time. A mass particle that does not suffer any other interaction than the gravitational one will follow a geodesic trajectory of minimum curvature through spacetime, and so its equation of motion will be.

1. All bodies consist of a huge number of particles (molecules, atoms or ions), between which there are gaps.

2. Particles of matter move continuously and chaotically.

3. Particles of matter interact with each other: they are attracted at small distances and repel when these distances decrease.

Random movement of particles that supposedly make up macroscopic bodies, science calls thermal movement.

They are the position coordinates of the particle. arc parameter proportional to the proper time of the particle. they are the Christoffel symbols corresponding to the space-time metric. The apparent gravitational force comes from a term associated with Christoffel symbols. An observer in "free fall" will form a reference frame in which said Christoffel symbols are zero and will therefore not perceive any gravitational force supported by the equivalence principle that helped Einstein formulate his ideas about the gravitational field.

That is, when the particles rush about like mad, it means a high temperature. When they walk, having unhurried conversations - a small temperature.

MKT is a modern scientific understanding of the internal structure of matter. Before the advent of molecular physics, scientists believed that heat was transferred, reduced and stored through a special fluid - caloric.

Electromagnetic force The influence of an electromagnetic field on a relativistic particle is determined by the covariant expression of the Lorentz force. Where: They are the covariant components of the quad end experienced by the particle. they are components of the electromagnetic field tensor. they are components of the quadripolarity of the particle. The equation of motion of a particle in a curved space-time and under the influence of the previous force is determined as follows.

Where the previous expression has been applied to Einstein's summary convention for iterated indices, the term on the right represents the squaring and other quantities: these are the contravariant components of the electromagnetic quadrigraph on the particle. is the mass of the particle.

Let's analyze both theories from the perspective of the consumer - after all, the school forces you to study them, and regardless of whether you want to know about it or not. Naturally, we will not touch the formulas, but we will find out the "physical meaning" of the theories.

And let's try to determine which of them is really "smelly".

Consider the theories in historical order, starting with caloric, but from the standpoint of modern ideas about the order of things.

Force in quantum physics Force in quantum mechanics In quantum mechanics, it is not easy to define an explicit force equivalent for many systems. This is because, in quantum mechanics, a mechanical system is described by a wave function or state vector, which as a whole represents the entire system as a whole and cannot be divided into parts. Only for systems where the state of the system can be decomposed unambiguously in a form where each of these two parts is a part of the system can the concept of force be defined.

However, in most technes systems this decomposition is impossible. For example, if we consider the set of electrons in an atom, which is a collection of identical particles, it is impossible to define a handle representing the force between two concrete electrons, since it is impossible to write a wave function that describes two electrons separately. However, in the case of an isolated particle subjected to the action of a conservative force, one can describe the force by an external potential and introduce the concept of force. Such a situation is, for example, in the Schrödinger atomic model for the hydrogen atom, where the electron and nucleus are distinguishable from each other.

Let's start with experience: River sand is poured into a frying pan and heated over a fire.

As a result of heating the grains of sand don't start move randomly. The sand, as it was poured, still lies, at least gray, at least not gray. The same result is obtained when sand and stones are heated under the Sun in deserts - no movement occurs.

When heating gases and liquids from above, the appearance of movements is also not observed. And only when liquids and gases are heated from below, convection streams. But they are not chaotic, they are caused by gravity according to strict patterns and directions.

In this and other cases, the particle isolated in Ehrenfest's potential theorem leads to a generalization of Newton's second law in the form. Where: is the expected value of the particle's linear momentum. - the wave function of the particle and its complex conjugate. it is the potential with which "powers" can be obtained. denotes the nabla operator.

A collision, but in many cases one cannot speak of force in the classical sense of the word. fundamental forces in quantum theory fields Main article: Fundamental interactions. Explanatory table of 4 main forces. In quantum field theory, the term "force" has a slightly different meaning than in classical mechanics, due to the particular difficulty indicated in the previous section of determining the quantum equivalent of classical forces. For this reason, the term "fundamental force" in quantum field theory refers to the way in which particles or quantum fields interact, and not to a particular measure of interaction between two particles or fields.

That is, in the macrocosm in which we live and which we can actually observe, heat does not go directly into motion. To convert heat into motion, man had to invent machines.

The main producer of heat in the solar system is the sun. All space solar system filled with a moving stream of energy continuously emanating from the Sun. This flow is material. Call it caloric or energy matter, the essence will not change - energy, including thermal energy, for its existence does not need matter and the mythical chaotic movement of mythical molecules and atoms, of which it allegedly consists.

Quantum field theory attempts to describe the existing forms of interaction between different forms of matter or quantum fields that exist in the universe. Thus, the term "fundamental forces" refers to the clearly differentiated modes of interaction that we know. Each fundamental force will be described by a different theory and will postulate different interaction Lagrangizations that describe how that particular interaction mode works. When the idea of ​​a fundamental force was formulated, it was believed that there were four "fundamental forces": gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear.

A tiny part of the total "solar wind" hits the Earth and penetrates into matter, depending on its energy-scopiness. Just as, for example, water impregnates everything to varying degrees, depending on its hygroscopicity.

In the future, sooner or later, all the energy matter that hit the Earth is radiated back into space.

Mythical molecules are positioned by science as particles of matter obeying Newton's laws, therefore they, like ordinary bodies surrounding a person, also cannot receive an impulse as a result of direct contact with energy matter and go into a state of oscillatory or chaotic motion. For example, when you put a coffee maker on fire, it cannot make metal molecules move faster and reasoning like “ thermal energy of fire transforms into the kinetic energy of vibrations of metal molecules, then boils into the kinetic energy of the movement of water molecules and coffee…”, are illiterate and erroneous. From life, people know perfectly well that special heat engines are needed to convert thermal energy into motion. Gentlemen scientists, stop fooling people!

The description of the traditional "fundamental forces" is as follows. The weak nuclear force or interaction is responsible for the beta decay of neutrons; Neutrinos are sensitive only to this type of electromagnetic interaction, and its scale is even greater than that of the strong nuclear force. Classification is an operation in which the separation of a system of particles with a certain particle size distribution occurs in two fractions, one of which has a distribution dominated by larger sizes, and the other by smaller sizes.

The mythical continuous, chaotic movement of the mythical elements of matter is misleading all of you, a criminal offense against humanity.

That is, the idea of ​​caloric was based on the obvious fact of the predominantly external origin of heat on Earth, explained heating and cooling method tel.

And now let's not just read, but try to understand what scientists are trying to sell you, telling stories about the molecular-kinetic structure of matter.

This operation has a wide industrial application, and its main task is to manipulate the flow size distribution in a plant in order to optimize the behavior of other operations. In this research work we will see dry and wet classification, screening, classification equipment and variables that affect classification. When it comes to rough dimensions, the separation is produced due to the physical obstruction of the perforated surface, which retains those particles with dimensions larger than its opening; in this case, the operation is called.

So: Particles of matter interact with each other: they attract at short distances and repel when these distances decrease. (See the top of the page, item 3)

In other words, each particle is allegedly located in an energy hole or, as it were, connected by springs to its nearest neighbors - with any attempt to change the position, some “springs” will stretch, and the opposite ones will shrink, and as a result, the particle will return to its place.

When the dimensions of the distribution are relatively small, the separation is carried out using hydrodynamic principles, and the operation is called "classification". There is no particle size that represents the boundary between the application of these two principles, but rather is determined mainly by the efficiency of the equipment, the size and nature of the operation. There are a wide variety of goals that justify sizing in the mining industry, the main ones being: Prevention of fines at the downsizing stage, which avoids fines at the downsizing stages, eliminates slats, and increases the power and efficiency of the process.

It is also written that: 2. Particles of matter move continuously and chaotically.

But this is already from the series “it was smooth on paper”, but in reality there is an “interaction of molecules” (p. 3), which over and over again will have to be overcome when approaching the next molecule.

The presentation of events in such a way that the molecules endlessly and stupidly bounce off each other when they meet is not feasible, because they not only "repel when approaching", but also "attract when they move away." Molecules need not only to move apart, but also to break out of their "embrace".

Prevent thick passages to the next step, in a closed loop of size reduction operations. Prepare narrower size range material to improve the efficiency of other mineral processing operations: flotation, gravity concentration, etc. this is usually done on thick materials, losing efficiency quickly as particle size decreases. In its simplest form, the screen is a surface with many holes of a certain size. Thus, when the particle system passes over it, it will retain particles larger than the diaphragm, allowing smaller ones to pass through.

That is, kissed - get married!

Thus, paragraph 2 of the MKT can be executed only if each molecule has its own engine and a well-established fuel supply system. Otherwise, MKT is a description of a perpetual motion machine - work is done without energy consumption.

Let's do one more experience: They take a cuvette designed for observation under a microscope, fill it with water and examine it in the most powerful microscope in order to detect these same water molecules moving randomly.

These surfaces consist of parallel rods, perforated plates or wire meshes. Surfaces with small holes are inherently more expensive and have less physical resistance, also indicating a high tendency to block with retained particles. This leads to the fact that in practice the use of seat belts is limited to materials larger than 250 microns. The perforated plate is also another type of separation surface used in the industry.

These plates can be round or square hole steel and increasingly polyurethane rubber due to its greater resistance to abrasion and impact wear, less noise and lighter weight. There is experimental data showing a fivefold increase in the service life of this type of surface in relation to wire mesh. Understanding the rate of sedimentation, the relative velocity between fluid and solid, created by the action of an external force field, such as gravitational or centrifugal.

Nothing like this can be detected even with the latest electron microscopes and other advanced research methods!

I do not dispute that scientists saw somewhere, sometime, in some ingenious way, some kind of clusters and even, allegedly, individual molecules, atoms, electrons. Soon they will claim to have seen the photons themselves! But the picture that MKT describes cannot be seen according to the molecular-kinetic theory itself - the particles of a substance tremble or move (depending on the phase state of the substance) in a thermal trance quickly and over very large distances (in comparison with their sizes) and they cannot be pin to watch. And if scientists say that they have seen something, then the thermal motion of particles of matter does not exist.

We need fundamentally different devices capable of shooting movie from the life of the nano-, pico-, femto-world. Only in this case it will be possible to speak about the evidence of the existence of the MKT, chemical reactions, molecules, atoms, electrons and similar "little things".

It is bad if these guessings about the internal structure of matter continue stubbornly. This is a road to nowhere. The world is completely different than science “draws” it, and in its pure form, the substance in the Universe is no more than 1%. So appreciate the value of scientific fuss around the internal structure of matter. Fractions of a percent of the necessary and vital level of research!

But nevertheless, the belief in the existence of the movement of the molecules of matter is based on something!?

The fact is clear - on Brownian motion!

Therefore, let's return to our cuvette with water and continue experiments.

Let's remember general law of thermodynamics:

Any closed macroscopic system sooner or later passes into a state of thermal equilibrium, from which it will never be able to exit spontaneously.

In addition, molecular physics suggests that particles of matter in a state of thermal equilibrium are distributed throughout its volume with a uniform density, and the number of particles moving in each direction in it is the same.

Now let's "tint" the water in the cuvette with suspended particles. Watching them through a microscope, we will see their classical chaotic motion, which, as you know, is called Brownian motion after the name of its discoverer. Since the nature of their movement excludes the existence of water flows and no other movement is visible except for the movement of the particles themselves, then in an attempt to understand the cause of the Brownian movement, we have the right only to logical reasoning taking into account all the facts and theoretical provisions of the MKT. Statements from a flashlight like “water molecules move and push a particle” are not allowed, because the existence of water molecules and their thermal chaotic movement are not facts.

1. Brownian particle moving, and movement can only be the result of the action of a force. And force arises only as a result of regularity, but not chaos. That is, although the Brownian particle moves chaotically, the movement of water molecules, which allegedly push them, can only be purposeful, “meaningful”.

2. Since the same number of water molecules move in each direction, in order to move a Brownian particle to the right, it is necessary to have a higher temperature to the left of it than to the right. Then the left molecules will move faster than the right ones and hit harder. But the temperature difference contradicts the general principle of thermodynamics!

3. Molecules and suspensions are particles substances. Therefore, the continuous and prolonged movement of the masses inside the cuvette must inevitably lead to a decrease in the temperature in it. However, this does not happen! Perpetual motion machine? Of course no!

When studying the chaotic motion of particles suspended in liquids and gases, as well as when studying any other natural phenomenon or event, must be guided by facts. Interpretations, explanations, hypotheses, theories and other "tricks" must be removed from education and all loopholes for them to get into schools of all levels must be blocked by the law on education.

That is, in a textbook on this topic, only what is actually known about Brownian motion should be listed, and its explanation by unbalanced impacts of randomly moving molecules of matter should be removed from textbooks.

In particular, it was experimentally determined that when a liquid or gas is heated, the movement of Brownian particles accelerates, and when cooled, it slows down.

After studying the basics of mechanics, the student already knows that in nature heat does not go directly into the movement of bodies and special machines are needed to convert thermal energy into work. That is, Brownian particles, like grains of sand and other bodies, cannot begin to move when heated. Also, the particles of the substance itself will not begin to move when heated, if they really exist. Let me remind you (you can read about this on your own) that science positions molecules as particles substances. Like separate bodies, obeying Newton's laws, capable of moving and "hitting" a Brownian particle.

Convection currents, thermal expansion and other macro-events are excluded in these experiments.

Thus, with a punctual presentation of the factual material on the topic "Brownian motion" without any far-fetched interpretations and explanations, it becomes clear to each student that the chaotic movement of suspended particles is evidence, rather, absence atomic and molecular structure of a substance than its presence. Because these explanations not based on actual observation of the internal structure of matter. No one has ever seen the movement of the mythical molecules of matter. Seen and anyone can see only movement of suspended particles.

That is, one of the basic scientific paranas is the “factual proof” of the discrete structure of matter, based only on ASSUMPTION that Brownian motion is the result of the collisions of the molecules that allegedly make up matter!!

Can an assumption be evidence? No? But in science this is possible!

MKT is contrary to common sense and itself consists of internal contradictions!

Anyone can do an elementary analysis of the MKT, especially if he is a boxer or a fan of this sport. Pre-read which shocks are elastic and which are not. Keep in mind that a Brownian particle is also allegedly made up of molecules. Do not forget that the molecules allegedly not only repel each other when they meet, but also try to capture each other when they move away. Watch out for other conventions and facts.

If you make a program in which you take into account all the content and requirements of the MKT, then your computer will inevitably fail. Will break his head.

The authors of the MKT decided and decided, without having any facts for this, that the particles of the suspension move due to the movement of the molecules of the liquid, but the facts obtained as a result of the study of Brownian motion were not analyzed. For example, the fact that the intensity of Brownian motion is completely independent of the material (density) of these particles. Is there something to think about? Let this be your homework on this topic. Think!