Methods for rolling cans. How to seam cans with a seamer? Sterilization of rolled cans

Season seams occurs as soon as vegetables and fruits ripen. Some use nylon lids, while others use iron lids that are rolled up with a machine. Such products last much longer, and most importantly, they delight their households with delicacies all year round. You need to be able to roll up jars correctly, and today we will tell you a lot of interesting things about it.

The main thing in the article

How to use a can seamer?

Many people remember from childhood how the process took place. Many people associate this with bustle and steam, when everything is boiling, sterilizing and spinning. But in reality everything is very simple.

  1. The first step is to clean all the tools and prepare them for work.
  2. Afterwards, transfer the products into a jar and cover with a sterilized lid.
  3. Roll up using special equipment.
  4. Sealing is done using a cap that fits onto the lid of the jar and a handle that rotates in a certain direction to compress the lid and secure it to the vessel.

How to prepare jars for machine sealing?

Preparing jars begins with what you need:

How to roll up jars with iron lids using a machine?

  • The lid must be disinfected.
  • Fit tightly to the glass container.
  • The device must be lightly pressed against the lid.
  • You need to tighten the machine a little after each revolution.
  • If waves have formed, walk the handle over this area several times.
  • When the edges of the lid fit snugly against the outside of the neck of the vessel, then the jar will be completely preserved.

What types of seaming machines are there?

Since the time of our great-grandmothers, seaming keys have been modernized, some were made individually, in a single copy. Today we can see several main types of seaming keys:

The key coating is also important, which should be galvanized stainless steel. This is necessary so that during the procedures no oxide forms on the surface, which in turn can get inside the jar and spoil the product.

How to roll cans with a manual machine?

  1. Prepare your materials.
  2. Cover with a sanitized lid.
  3. Lightly press the key cap onto the container.
  4. Rotate the key handle in the direction of the clamp.
  5. Each full revolution reduce the distance between the edge of the cover and the break-in roller.
  6. When the edge is completely adjacent to the neck on all sides, turn the handle in the opposite direction a few turns and remove.

How to seam cans with a seaming machine: step-by-step instructions with photos

How to seam cans with a snail seamer?

  1. Prepare all the components for work.
  2. Carry out the disinfection procedure.
  3. Place the food inside the container.
  4. Cover with a lid and press down on top with a seaming wrench.
  5. Do not press hard, but lightly.
  6. Turn the key in the direction of seaming.
  7. As soon as the edge of the lid is completely adjacent to the neck, turn the handle in the opposite direction and remove the machine.

How to seal cans with an automatic seamer?

  1. Prepare the necessary materials and tools.
  2. Carry out the disinfection process.
  3. Fill the containers with food to be preserved.
  4. Place a lid on top of the vessel.
  5. Press it lightly with the machine.
  6. At the same time, lower the levers down until they are parallel to the surface on which the vessel is located.
  7. If there is only one active lever, then, therefore, hold one and lower the other.
  8. Then return the levers to their original position and remove the machine.

How to roll up cans with a semi-automatic machine?

  1. Prepare everything you need for work.
  2. Carry out the disinfection procedure.
  3. Place the food to be preserved inside the vessel.
  4. Cover the top of the vessel with a lid and press it with a seaming key.
  5. Using light pressure, turn the handle in the direction of the arrow 3 to 8 times. The quantity depends on the size of the neck. You can check along the edge, which should completely envelop the neck of the vessel.
  6. Then turn the handle in the opposite direction and remove it from the can.

How to seam cans without a seamer?

To carry out conservation work, you can use not only a seaming wrench, but also other means, including:

  • Vacuum pump with special covers- removes air from the vessel and seals it.
  • Screw caps- turn until it clicks completely.

How to check the tightness of a can after sealing?

  • Move the rolled containers to a place at room temperature.
  • They should stand on the lid, upside down.
  • To protect the surface, you can put a blanket, blanket or some other fabric.
  • In this position, the banks should stand for 2 days.
  • If the surface is clean, then there were no leaks, then the lids are sealed.
  • You can also check the tightness by checking the swelling of the lid; if there is no swelling, then it was rolled up well.
  • It is important to check for cracks and chips; if there are any, then you need to get rid of the vessels to avoid unpleasant consequences.

How to seam cans with a seaming machine: video

Delicious foods can be eaten not only in summer, but also in winter. The main thing is to properly preserve the components. And if you know the basics of canning, you can stock up on goodies for the whole winter for future use. Our magazine, in turn, will help you cope with any situation with tips and recipes.

The age of technological progress leaves its mark on society. More and more housewives are looking for optimized household items, be it multicookers, electric kettles or blenders. Products of this kind include screw caps that make life much easier. Of course, seaming machines are not a thing of the past; many people still use them to seal pickles. However, more modern housewives prefer not to bother. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

How screw caps work

Today, screw caps are widely used in America and Europe. Products of this kind are called “Twist-Off”; their operating principle is quite transparent.

The inside of the lid has a slippery polymer coating that serves as a gasket. As a result of exposure to high temperatures, this element swells, significantly increasing in thickness. This move allows you to press the lid to the neck of the jar as tightly as possible, preventing air from entering and, as a result, spoilage of the final product.

Thanks to their powerful sealing, screw caps are suitable for preserving jams, pickles, canned goods, etc. When the temperature drops, the gasket shrinks, which is accompanied by a click. The lid sags deep into the jar, this move creates a vacuum effect. Before rolling up pickles using lids like these, they need to be well heated.

Technology for sealing jars with screw caps

Any housewife wants to get the correct answer to the question: “How to properly close jars with Twist-Off lids?” In this case, the process is not very difficult. However, like any other business, it includes certain features that must be taken into account. Twisting will not take much time.

  1. First of all, inspect each cover for the presence, or rather the absence, of all kinds of defects. The surface of the cover should not have rust “bugs”, strong dents (if possible, exclude such specimens altogether), small and large scratches.
  2. After you have inspected the lids, they need to be sterilized. The procedure is carried out through thermal treatment. Pour running, or preferably filtered, water into an enamel pan, place it on the stove, and bring to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, place the lids in the container, reduce the heat to medium, and cook household items for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After the specified period has passed, spread a cotton towel on a flat surface, remove the lids with kitchen tweezers, and leave until completely dry. Sterilization should be carried out immediately before preservation.
  4. After cleaning the lids, proceed to tighten them. Pour the desired contents into the jars, place the lid on top of the neck, and screw it on. To check the tightness of the rolled container, turn the hot jar upside down, cover with a towel and leave until it cools completely.
  5. If the rim does not become wet, it means the preservation was successful. In this case, the jars must be taken to a cellar or basement for long-term storage.

How to Store Screw-Lid Jars

  1. Jars sealed with screw caps should be stored in a room with optimal humidity (up to 40%) and a stable temperature. An ideal option would be a ventilated pantry, a dry basement or a glazed loggia. Give preference to rooms or areas that are well ventilated. This move will prevent the formation of mold that appears due to condensation. Important! Do not store jars with screw caps in the cellar, as the humidity in such a room is too high. You should also not keep containers on an open balcony, where the temperature often fluctuates.
  2. If jars of homemade twists are small (canned food, jam, etc.), store them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar. This category refers to compounds prone to rapid fermentation, so the room should be cool.
  3. Do not rush to send jars with seaming for long-term storage immediately after conservation. First you need to place them with the neck down, wrap them in a warm cloth and cool to room temperature. After performing the leak test, check that the cap is not bulging. If everything is in order, the containers can be moved. Homemade pickles are stored in jars with such lids for six months or longer.
  4. The service life of screw caps is quite long provided all operating conditions are met. If you do not find rust, dents, or large scratches on the product, the lids are reusable. If you clean the varnish coating with a hard sponge, the product will quickly become unusable. As a rule, the duration of service varies from 3 to 5 years.

How to open a screw top jar

There are often cases when even the most experienced housewives complain that they cannot open a jar with a screw-on lid.

The difficulty lies in the impossibility of asking a representative of the strong half of humanity, who is not always nearby. At the same time, you also don’t want to spoil the product by making a hole in the surface with a knife to let out excess air.

To simplify the procedure, turn the container upside down and hit the bottom with your palm several times. After this, try unscrewing the cap and repeat the procedure if necessary.

It is not difficult to roll up jars with screw caps if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the available technology. First, sterilize the lids, pour the contents into containers, and immediately screw them on. Store in a temperature-stable room where humidity fluctuates within acceptable limits.

Video: choosing jars and lids to prevent food from exploding

Natalia Golubkova |

10/14/2014 | 19151

Natalia Golubkova 10/14/2014 19151

We are looking for the best equipment for home canning.

Homemade preparations require time and patience, so it is understandable that housewives want to protect jars from “explosions” and prevent fruits and vegetables from spoiling in them. Success depends not only on strict adherence to recipes, but also on the choice of seaming machine and lids.

Many people still successfully use this machine, but we do not recommend buying it specifically. Firstly, when rolling you will have to put a lot of effort, and secondly, the screw mechanism does not guarantee complete tightness, which is fraught with “explosions”.

Machine with semi-automatic system

This seamer ensures a tight seal. This key does not need to be rotated: just turn it in one direction several times - the roller itself will gradually press the lid and then move back.

The position of the roller can be adjusted to the desired neck - this is a definite plus. But there is also the other side of the coin: if you do not calculate the force, the can may burst.

Seaming machine Snail

The champion among roller seamers is the so-called “snail”.

Thanks to the spiral grooves along which the roller moves, the edges of the lid are pressed equally, and the seam is obtained without folds or tears.

The snail key is considered the ideal combination of simplicity and reliability. When choosing a “snail”, give preference to models made of stainless steel with galvanic coating. Mechanisms made from other metals emit oxides that can penetrate canned food and also damage the paint on the lid, leading to rust.

Automatic Seaming Machine

If with a classic key it takes one or two minutes to roll up one cap, then a crimping (automatic) machine will do it in just 30-40 seconds.

Due to the fact that instead of a roller it uses levers and a stiff spring, it is enough to install such a machine on the lid and lower the levers down. The spring will compress the edges of the lid as evenly as possible. At the same time, no matter how sharply and forcefully you press the levers, the limiting stop completely eliminates the occurrence of chips and scratches.

The machines come with two working handles and one (the second is fixed). The latter are more reliable.

Useful tips when buying a seaming machine

When purchasing a manual seaming machine, pay attention to the shape of the guide beak (protruding part) of the handle.

A cylindrical beak wears off on the grooves faster, a triangular beak lasts much longer.

The service life is also directly proportional to the diameter of the roller: the larger it is, the lower the risk of the mechanism jamming.

How to choose the right lids for sealing jars?

Ideal sealing caps should have the following properties:

  • be made of food grade metal. In appearance, tin and aluminum lids are almost indistinguishable, but the latter spring when pressed with your hand;
  • be coated with acid-resistant varnish. Preferably on both sides, but on the inside - definitely! Otherwise, the metal will rust and ruin the workpiece;
  • have a rubber ring that fits tightly around the circumference of the lid in the groove.

Selecting lids by color

Yellow tin lids resist oxidative processes.

White, unvarnished, tinned, are only suitable for covering products with low acidity (jam, compotes, jam) and are not suitable for preserving brightly colored fruits and berries.

Aluminum lids are used for all types of canned food.

1. If you don't remember when you purchased the lids, stretch the rubber seal on one of them. If it has retained its firmness and elasticity, the lids are ready to use. If not, throw it away: changes in temperature and humidity during storage have done their dirty work.

2. The method of sterilizing jars depends on the lids. When using metal ones, the jars are filled with the product and, covered with lids, placed in water. It should cover the jars up to the shoulders and not get inside. The sterilized jar is sealed and cooled.

3. Jars with glass lids and metal clips are immediately sealed and placed in a saucepan, immersing the “head” in water. This sterilization is more effective because the jars are completely immersed in boiling water during the entire process. In addition, only glass lids are suitable for sterilization in a pressure cooker.

4. Despite the fact that metal seaming lids are disposable, some housewives manage to reuse them. There are even tools designed to remove the covers with minimal damage. And yet, giving them a “second life” is undesirable for hygienic reasons.

One of the most practical and widely known seaming devices is a hand-operated wrench. The standard version of this device consists of one handle and a rotating circle, without a spring. But later versions can already be found even with two handles, a spring and reverse. If the mechanism is really high quality and adjusted, it is a pleasure to use. We place the jar of preserved food on a flat surface; for stability, you can place a kitchen towel under it; put a metal lid on the neck. It is important that the lid lies flat, otherwise it will slip and bend during the screwing process.

Snail key for sealing cans

We install the key disk on top of the cover, with our left hand we tightly hold the groove of the machine and press it down, and with our right hand we turn the handle around its axis. At this moment, the roller begins to move closer to the edge of the lid. It will be necessary to do this several times until the edge of the lid with the sealing ring is well pressed against the outside of the container. The main thing is not to overdo it. Remember, the roller must pass strictly along the edge of the lid, without touching the glass, otherwise chips and cracks cannot be avoided. If everything is done correctly, the rubber seal will not stick out from under the lid. Otherwise, the cover was initially installed incorrectly, or the roller on the key handle was not adjusted sufficiently. All this can be easily fixed; the seaming machine must be removed and the roller stroke adjusted, and the cover itself must also be removed and a new one installed.

The final stage is to turn the key in the opposite direction and remove the disc with a slight movement.

An improved version of a manual typewriter is a snail key. In addition to the same features as its predecessor, it also features a special spiral chute. It is thanks to him that the roller evenly presses the lid of the jar to the base of the neck. The seaming process itself is also much simpler. There is no need to tighten the roller after each revolution, which significantly saves time. The stop signal is the moment the roller reaches the end point of the spiral. But as for removing the disk, the mechanism of action remains unchanged. The handle of the machine still needs to be turned in the opposite direction.

The further progress moves, the more housewives give preference to modern models of seaming machines. We are talking about keys with semi-automatic and automatic operating systems. How to use these devices? Let's start rolling up the semi-automatic machine with the key. Outwardly, it is very similar to a manual snail machine, but without a spiral groove, and is even easier to use. To seal a jar correctly with this seaming wrench, place the disk on top of the lid and, holding the plastic groove with one hand, begin to turn the handle clockwise. To do this you will need to make 6-8 such revolutions, it all depends on the model.

Semi-automatic seaming machine

Afterwards, the stopper is activated, and the movement of the handle automatically stops, which significantly saves time, effort and reliably protects the owner from the possibility of squeezing the jar and getting burned. To remove the semi-automatic device, you will need to turn the handle the same number of times in the opposite direction. Only an automatic machine can compete with an incredibly easy-to-use seamer. Thanks to the presence of a special crimping mechanism, you do not need to scroll the handle several times in one direction and then in the other. Everything is much simpler.

We install an automatic seaming key on top of the lid, press two levers down at the same time and easily remove the machine. A special spring in the key body securely compresses the lid around the base of the neck, preventing air from entering the preservation. It takes a little getting used to after using a standard machine for a long time. If you are just starting to use an automatic seamer, it is better to purchase a mechanism with one working handle. This will allow you to hold the lid with one hand to prevent it from slipping off the jar, and press it firmly with the other. Do not make sudden movements, all manipulations must be confident and smooth, otherwise damage and scratches cannot be avoided.

The method of vacuuming products was developed many years ago at the Samara enterprise Istok. Later the method became popular in Europe and China. However, the vacuum sealed set for storing canned and fresh foods is still Wax domestic production is very popular both in Russia and abroad. Moreover, its quality is no worse than its European and Chinese counterparts, and it costs several times less.

Jars under KVK lids

The vacuum food storage system has recently been gaining momentum, leaving behind traditional sealing keys. What does this unique set consist of? Its kit includes a plastic hand pump and KVK covers. Moreover, the lids of the KVK 82 model are ideal for the neck of any standard jar with a screw thread with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters. For five-liter containers, the developers have created special lids - KVK 100, and for small containers with a small neck - KVK 70. The use of Vax vacuum lids allows you to preserve fresh, pickled, pickled, salted, boiled, smoked, fried and dried products in their original form for many months.

Moreover, unlike the usual tin lids for preservation, intended for one-time use, the vacuum analogue is multi-turn, and with careful use will serve you for many years. The method of long-term storage of products when using the Vax system is ensured by creating that same vacuum, that is, an airless space with a complete absence of bacteria. Unfortunately, this effect cannot be achieved with conventional preservation, so over time the products may begin to rot and deteriorate. The vacuum system is easy to use. It is enough to put the KVK lid on the neck of the sterilized jar with the workpiece and, by inserting a special pump into the valve hole, pump out all the air from it.

This process takes less than a minute. After rolling, the lid fits tightly to the base of the neck and does not open or leak. You can put the preserves in the cellar or refrigerator. The beauty of this method is also that you do not need to rush to eat other vegetables and fruits after opening, so that it does not disappear, as is usually the case. In this case, you can carefully open the jar using a non-sharp object so as not to damage the lid, eat the amount of the product you need, cover it and pump out all the air back using a hand pump. The contents will not deteriorate and will be stored for a long time.

If the seaming work was carried out in compliance with all technologies, then, of course, the possibility of leakage should be completely excluded. Only in this case can we assume that the container was hermetically sealed and will most likely last until winter. Carry out this test carefully. Turn the jar upside down, holding it with one hand, and place it on a flat surface, having previously placed a light cloth or napkin under it. If even a drop of brine or syrup is detected, the lid must be immediately removed and the entire screwing process must be repeated from the very beginning.

Cans for seaming

And if the napkin remains completely dry, congratulations, you did everything right. In addition, check the rim of the lid. It should be smooth, without the slightest dents, protrusions or chips. Evaluate the tightness of the lid. To do this, hold the twisted jar with one hand and try to turn the lid with the other. If it does not shift, then everything is correct and there is no need to worry. In this case, all that remains is to turn the jar over and leave it in this state until it cools completely, and then transfer it to a cool place.

- a useful invention, since its use when storing seasonal gifts of nature for the winter makes it possible to maintain the freshness of the product for a long time, and containers can be stored directly in the apartment without creating additional temperature conditions. Also, a hermetically sealed jar with a preservation key allows you to transport or move containers without fear of losing its contents. What types of canning keys are there? How to choose them correctly?

Types of rolling machines

There are three types of conservation keys, each of which has its own pros and cons, as well as rules for selection and use.

Manual Seaming Wrenches

How it works:

  1. The handle of the accessory must be rotated several times around its axis. Thanks to such manipulations, the roller is activated, which presses the lid to the neck of the jar and tucks the edges of the metal, ensuring a tight seal in the workpiece.
  2. When the lid tightly grips the jar on all sides, the roller needs to be released. To do this, turn the handle in the opposite direction and then remove the cover.

One of the disadvantages of using such a key is the difficulty in determining when the can is securely closed. It is worth remembering that you cannot twist the jar either, as the lid may simply cut through.

Manual canning machines with two rollers are a more reliable option. In appearance they are similar to the previous version, but are supplemented with a second handle and a second pressing roller. Such a key presses the lid to the neck, and then presses its edges along the diameter of the container. The seaming device looks quite bulky and inconvenient to use, but it provides high-quality preservation.

The snail key is characterized by the presence of spiral grooves, which are located on a metal plate. Thanks to this system, there is no need to gradually manually tighten the roller. The machine itself moves it closer to the neck due to the rotational movements of the handle. Here the readiness of the rolled up cans is very easy to determine. To do this, pay attention to the leg of the device, which moves along the gutters towards the center. When it is near the handle of the escutcheon, you can be sure that the container is hermetically sealed. After this, the handle should be turned in the opposite direction, and when the roller moves away from the lid, the machine can be easily removed.

Semi-automatic keys

Externally, such seaming accessories look like a snail key.

Semi-automatic models do not have grooves on the trim, but the handle must also be rotated around the glass neck. Semi-automatic machines are equipped with a stopper that makes a characteristic click when the can is completely closed. Usually 6-8 revolutions around its axis are enough for this. There are different semi-automatic models, some of which can be removed immediately after the lock is clicked, while others need to be turned in the opposite direction a couple of times.

Automatic seaming machine

Such keys are a metal plate of a traditional round shape, which is equipped with a pair of elongated metal handles.

To roll up a jar, you need to place the lid on the lid and lower the handles down. This action activates a mechanism that automatically clamps the edges of the cap around the neck.

Due to this principle of operation, such keys are called crimp keys.

Rules for selecting a key for canning

First you need to clearly decide which type of machine is right for you. It depends on the housewife's conservation skills. For beginners, automatic and semi-automatic models are the best option. And for experienced housewives, almost any type of accessory for rolling up cans is suitable.

After this, you need to pay attention to a few details:

  1. A high-quality device is characterized by tightly fitting handles that do not rotate or wobble relative to their metal base.
  2. Durable models are distinguished by a round mushroom-shaped handle with a threaded fastening.
  3. Only high-quality metal of the entire device will allow the glass containers to be hermetically sealed for the winter, and will also increase the durability of the device. Stainless steel is the best option for a seaming wrench. At least a pressure roller should be made of such material so that it does not wear off or rust. Otherwise, rust will get into the workpiece and spoil the products.
  4. When selecting an automatic model, you must carefully inspect the levers. This preservation accessory with aluminum handles will serve the owner for no more than one season. Usually they are deformed after processing 4 workpieces.
  5. If it is possible to test the device in practice, it is necessary to evaluate the smoothness of movement of the handle in different directions, as well as the quality characteristics of screwing the lid. To ensure a tight seal, try to remove the lid by hand and then twist it around the neck. If the cover has been removed or rotated, you should not buy such a device. If it is pressed tightly against the can, you should evaluate the quality of the clamped edges: there should be no seams, folds or gaps on them.
  6. Also, the machine should fit comfortably in your hands.

How to use

One of the popular models is the semi-automatic Kredmash machine, which requires a certain sequence of actions to ensure a tight twist.

  1. Filled glass containers are immediately covered with hot, sterilized metal lids.
  2. Next, the lid is carefully closed with a twist.
  3. The handles are then rotated clockwise around the neck of the jar. Usually it is necessary to make 7-8 revolutions.
  4. After the machine has stopped, make sure that the container is closed.
  5. To do this, you need to turn the handles in the opposite position and remove the device.
  6. To check the tightness of the twist, the filled container must be turned over: the rubber band should not stick out anywhere, and the contents of the jar should not leak.

Even novice housewives can use this machine, as it is easy to use and provides high-quality twisting with minimal effort.

About the Kredmash key

Numerous reviews posted on the Internet highlight several advantages of the Kredmash canning accessory.

Among them the most frequently mentioned are:

  • speed and quality of the conservation process;
  • ease of use of the key;
  • the accessory is very comfortable to hold in a woman’s hand;
  • The device weighs a little, which makes the screwing process easier;
  • there are no unnecessary unnecessary details that confuse new housewives;
  • the product is made of carbon steel with a protective coating;
  • the handles are covered with durable plastic, black in color - this material protects the skin of the hands from the appearance of calluses;
  • the plastic covering the handles does not rotate or wobble;
  • 8 turns are enough for a hermetically sealed seam;
  • the key is very easily removed from the neck;
  • The seams are smooth, no waves or other errors are formed;
  • Time-tested machines are distinguished by the absence of rust and other factors that destroy metal.

Test drive of seaming machines (video)

When purchasing a seaming machine, each housewife must accurately determine her requirements for the device. On their basis, the choice of product is usually made. For novice housewives, automatic and semi-automatic keys are especially recommended, which facilitate the rolling process. The best option for a key, which has been tested by time, is a device from Kredmash, which allows both beginners and experienced housewives to prepare for winter.