Dream interpretation beautiful breasts. Why see breasts in a dream? Dream Interpretation from A to Z

In dreams, people are especially vulnerable and susceptible. They relax and allow themselves to see what they are afraid to even think about while awake. Then they wake up, remember their dreams and try to interpret them. Many people wonder why women dream about breasts. Does this dream foreshadow a love affair or warn of the imminent birth of a baby? Or maybe it symbolizes a thirst for attention, warmth and care? In order to correctly answer all these questions, it is worth looking into proven dream books. They contain many interesting and witty theories on this matter. We will get acquainted with some of them in this article.

Idiomatic dream book

This collection has its own opinion about what breasts mean in dreams. People have many common expressions associated with this part of the body. “Take to the chest” means to drink, “to press to the chest” - to show sympathy, “to take by the chest” - to call to account, “to stand with the chest” - to protect someone, “to warm on the chest” - to believe the deceiver. In accordance with the meaning of these words, each specific vision is interpreted in this dream book.

Women's dream book

Regarding what breasts mean in dreams, this collection contains the following information. A white and full chest portends happiness and good luck to the sleeper; dirty or shrunken breasts - to great disappointment in love and the appearance of a more successful rival. If the dreamer saw himself wounded in the chest, then trouble awaits him ahead. A girl who dreams that her admirer is stealthily glancing at her cleavage may in reality give in to his persistent advances.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about breasts, according to the famous esotericist? He believes that a woman dreams of happiness and a successful acquisition, and breasts as part of the body of any other creature (bird, animal, etc.) symbolize the future.

Dream book of the 21st century

This source says that the sight of a naked female breast foreshadows happiness and mutual love for the sleeping person. If this part of the body is hidden in a bra in a dream, it means that in reality the dreamer will soon be overcome by severe anxiety. Why do girls dream? Of course, the fulfillment of the most Naked male breasts are dreamed of by representatives of the fair sex on the eve of finding happiness, and female breasts - to realize their shortcomings. If a lady dreams that she has a large bust, then this foreshadows her respect from others. the sleeping one promises someone's hatred, the hard one promises poverty, the saggy one promises adversity, and the cut one promises treason. The interpretation of what dreams of milk from the breast means in this dream book is positive. So, this part of the body is interpreted here as a symbol of joy and well-being.

It is interesting that in this dream, those who see themselves with female breasts are promised good health and good mood. If there is milk in it, then the dreamer will certainly become rich. Breasts overgrown with thick hair dream of honor, while someone else's breasts dream of profit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The Wanderer's dream book has its own versions of what women's breasts mean in dreams. A beautiful bust dreams of fulfilling secret desires. Thin and saggy - to failure in love or business. But in general, this part of the body in a dream symbolizes the predetermination of future events, as well as strength, dignity, childish independence, sacrifice, dedication and maternal devotion. A man's chest, densely overgrown with hair, dreams of acquiring wealth, while wide and strong chests dream of a successful marriage, success in creativity and other areas. Also, a chest dreamed in a dream can represent the emotions and forgotten experiences stored in the sleeper’s heart. If the dreamer was wounded in the chest, it means that in reality happy changes, new love, heartache, creative impulses and other exciting events and sensations await him.

French dream book

The compilers of this collection answer in their own way the question of why you dream of breastfeeding or seeing how it is done from the outside. In their opinion, the bust of a nursing woman in a dream foreshadows an imminent marriage. If a sleeping person dreams of a married lady with bare breasts, it means that in reality he greatly sympathizes with her. Well, if a woman had a similar dream, then she will soon have a baby, and the birth will be extremely successful. If you dreamed of an elderly lady breastfeeding a child, then in reality unexpected wealth will fall on you. However, wounded and naked this part of the body can be seen in a dream by those who in reality face infertility or the loss of a child. If in a dream this part of the body hurts, it means that in reality he should beware of some danger.

Big dream book

This collection offers its own interpretation of what breasts mean in dreams. A woman's bust dreams of happiness or a profitable acquisition, while the wrinkles on it symbolize adultery, and the hardness of this part of the body speaks of the shortcomings of the sleeper.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller has his own conclusions about what big breasts mean in dreams. In his opinion, such a dream promises a person good luck and happiness. For a young woman in a dream, a chest wound foreshadows trouble. And to see your bust dirty or shrunken means to have many rivals in love in reality and to experience deep disappointment in your chosen one. Seeing in a dream how your acquaintance is furtively looking into your neckline - to persistent advances on his part, which you will eventually accept.

Love dream book

If a woman dreamed of her own bust, then the Love Dream Book is simply obliged to give a detailed interpretation of the dream. A representative of the fair sex dreams of getting old or dirty if she will soon have serious rivals in love. They will most likely be able to destroy the existing relationship, so a lady who has such a dream needs to be on guard all the time. However, if a woman likes her own breasts in a dream, it means that luck in love affairs will never turn away from her.

Esoteric dream book

And this source seeks to penetrate the depths of the human psyche and from this point of view draws thoughtful conclusions regarding what big breasts mean in dreams. For men, this is a sign that they are in dire need of care and affection, and are looking for a mother in all their lovers. And women who have such a dream simply dream of a larger bust, as well as eternal youth and attractiveness.

Numerological dream book

This source places great emphasis on the details of the vision. Why do you dream about naked female breasts? According to this source, such a dream means that you have lost control over the events of the last days and over the next two days you need to carefully look at people - one of them is desperately trying to pull the ground out from under your feet. It will be quite easy to identify the troublemaker - during the second day he will call you on the phone twice. To prevent this person from achieving his plans, be always one step ahead of him. A man's breasts in a dream means that one of your friends will suddenly be caught stealing, and you will unwittingly find yourself a witness to this act. Over the next two months, you will have to answer questions from investigators, but you should not break off friendly ties with the offender - soon everything will fall into place. If you happened to expose your own breasts in a dream, it means that soon (in 38 days) a stranger will visit your house. He may turn out to be a friend of your children, but there is a high probability that he is your other half’s lover or an unscrupulous robber. Beware!

Ancient Russian dream book

To the question of why a woman dreams of a woman’s breasts, one can find surprisingly predictable answers in many sources. Of course, a full and strong bust symbolizes good luck, health and the acquisition of wealth, and only an unhappy lover can dream of this part of the body being wounded. But anyone can come up with all these conclusions on their own. However, there are more interesting interpretations in the Ancient Russian Dream Book. So, a man can dream of a hairy male chest as a sign of profit (we already know about this), but for a woman it means the impending death of her husband.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This psychologist believed that female breasts are a positive image. After all, she has many attractive features for a person. Many people associate this part of the body with protection, beauty, pleasure, and care. And to a superlative degree it is a symbol of motherhood and femininity. So, when asked why milk from the breast is dreamed of, he would answer that it is the personification of the vitality and limitless possibilities of a person, which he draws from an inexhaustible source - the love of his own mother.

Maly Velesov dream book

This source interprets this dream in its own way. Large breasts symbolize health and joy. Moreover, for a man to see a naked female bust in a dream means to find good luck in reality. However, representatives of both sexes dream of too hard breasts as a sign of discord in family relationships.

Assyrian dream book

Why dream of breastfeeding according to the interpretation of this source? This is a symbol of satiation with food in both a psychological and physiological sense. Perhaps your friends or acquaintances are using you to achieve some goal, or you yourself are striving to help someone at all costs. Breasts are a symbol of motherhood, sacrifice and dedication. However, for men, this dream can have a sexual connotation, symbolizing attraction to members of the opposite sex. A still bare chest may indicate that the sleeper is open to new achievements and adventures.

Erotic dream book

Having studied this source, we can come to the conclusion that breasts in a dream can symbolize a whole range of feelings and experiences of the sleeper. For example, why dream of breastfeeding a baby? This may mean that he dreams of having a child and taking care of him in every possible way, but this is not the only interpretation. Perhaps the dreamer misses him and dreams of holding him to his chest, or the baby represents in a dream his soulmate, with whom he had to part unexpectedly and for a long time. Breasts are certainly a symbol of motherhood, but it manifests itself differently in each person. And this is clearly demonstrated by the dreams that visit us from time to time. For one, a woman's breasts are a symbol of home, peace and comfort, and for another, they are the personification of an irresistible desire, not necessarily sexual. Each person is individual, and his dreams should be interpreted through the prism of his psychological perception of the world.


So, in this article we looked at all sorts of interpretations of what breasts mean in dreams. It's nice that for men it means health, wealth and prosperity. For women, everything is far from so rosy, but for them this dream is quite positive. In some sources, however, you can find information that for a young girl, the interpretation of what dreams of breastfeeding leaves much to be desired. In ancient times, such a vision did not promise anything good to an unmarried woman and warned her against insidious seducers. But these days, all dream interpreters agree that a mother feeding her child is one of the most touching symbols of love, affection and care. And many of them believe that not all dreams are prophetic. Whether this is true or not - decide for yourself.

Dream Interpretation Breast

It’s quite simple to understand why you dream about breasts. If it was a vision of a part of the body of a man or an animal, this is a symbol of the future destined by fate. Seeing a woman's full or naked breasts, with erotic overtones, has a slightly different interpretation and requires a more in-depth analysis.

The symbolism of such dreams indicates upcoming events in life or relationships with the opposite sex. A man who sees a woman's naked breasts in a dream will be successful both in business and in love.

Seeing male breasts in a dream, hard, like an obstacle, is not a very good sign. The business that has been started will stall and will not progress for a long time. Especially if you need to move, but someone blocks the path and won’t let you go further.

If you dreamed about male breasts

Avoiding such an obstacle means giving a second life to an almost dead and unpromising business. To be injured in this way means that only fiction and the natural creativity of the dreamer can help.

For a girl, leaning against a reliable and firm man in a dream means the appearance of a patron who can then become her husband. The image of the father has some archetypal influence on such dreams.

It was he who showed the girl how healing a man’s strong hugs can be. Perhaps some gentlemen ended up in the trash because they could not awaken in the girl such a feeling of warmth and protection?

What do male breasts mean from a dream?

In any case, strong male breasts are a positive symbol. This is support, honor, success and prosperity. To see such a dream means to be involved in independently building your own destiny, your own happiness. The vision simply shows that everything necessary for rapid development is already there, and you just need to move forward.

In general, this is an image of the fact that life has given a man everything he needs to develop his worldview and his abilities for active actions in society. And only your own laziness can lead you astray from the previously planned path. You shouldn’t chase illusory ideals - they simply don’t exist. The truth is not in wine, but is inherent in oneself from birth - you just need to be able to understand it.

A man dreams about a man's body

If you dreamed about your own, but hairy

If a man sees his breasts in a dream, it means his fate is in his own hands. Now events are shaping up for him in the best possible way, and you need to have amazing abilities in order to destroy it all.

  • a man sees his chest in the mirror - unique opportunities that will help him achieve significant success;
  • seeing your own, but too hairy - a high position in society;
  • milk flows from male nipples - quick wealth, perhaps receiving an unexpected inheritance (according to Miller's interpretation);
  • wounded - sad news that will give a strong impetus to creativity;
  • to see yourself shrunken and sunken - a sharp decline in vital potential, illness, long-term treatment. Perhaps loneliness.

A woman dreams of a man's breasts

For a woman, seeing a man's chest is also a good sign. This is support, protection and patronage. For a young unmarried woman, a male body from a dream may portend an imminent marriage to a worthy young man.

The importance of this image cannot be overestimated. This is not just a path destined by fate, it is an understanding of one’s own future and its unconditional acceptance. For some, this is even more complicated than just a neutral attitude to reality.

If you pressed yourself against a man's chest

While growing up, a little girl strives to fly away from her father, and when she does not receive full protection from a young man, she realizes that she can be left completely alone. This frightens and throws you out of the natural sequence of events. Therefore, such dreams are symbolic, giving the young woman a feeling of warmth and protection.

  • lean against a hard, warm chest - symbolizes paternal protection, says Miller’s dream book;
  • very hairy - marriage to a man who is significantly higher than her in social status;
  • a naked beautiful man with a slender body is a new interesting acquaintance that can develop into a whirlwind romance;
  • to see her plump, like a woman’s, is intimacy with a pleasant young man;
  • lament over a severe injury - you will have to create peace and comfort in the house of a man who will need to devote a lot of time to work.

Women's breasts from a dream symbolize maternal nutrition

Symbol of motherhood

Almost every dream book identifies breasts with motherhood and the possibility of having children. On the one hand, this archetype is very strong and can influence the interpretation of such visions. But on the other hand, such symbols from a dream can be caused by one’s own desire to fulfill a gender role.

For men, this means sexual fulfillment with the woman they like. And for women, such dreams promise good health and a happy marriage.

Women's charms in men's dreams

Almost always, female bulges in a dream symbolize good things. Miller's dream book explains why breasts are dreamed of: it is a symbol of motherhood, nutrition, prosperity, and fertility. Even if a man sees such a symbol from a dream.

There is some focus of dreams on the mother if a young man dreams of this part of the body. Perhaps the mother is bored and waiting for your visit. But more often, it is a symbol of prosperity and success. For entrepreneurs, such a dream means a rapid rise in the commercial field.

  • a man sees naked female breasts - to success in any endeavor;
  • large, full of milk - extraordinary luck, profit in all areas;
  • a man kisses a girl’s open neckline - a strong emotional connection, a completely happy marriage is possible;
  • a woman with one breast is treason;
  • sunken, shrunken and wrinkled - a serious illness of the mother.

Why does a woman dream about breasts?

For pregnancy

For a woman, such dreams are a reflection of her self, her femininity, the ability to conceive, bear and give birth. This means realizing oneself as a mother and a woman.

For a very young girl, such dreams may indicate the beginning of maturation. For a mature woman it can mean marriage and the birth of children.

For a married woman, such dreams predict an early pregnancy. And for those who, due to age, are no longer planning to expand their family, a second honeymoon with their husband.

  • if a woman dreams of breasts, this indicates her good sexual health;
  • to see your full, more than usual - your current occupation will bring profit;
  • filled with milk, it flows from the nipples - receiving an inheritance, a new profitable business that her husband will engage in;
  • covered with thick hair - marriage to a very rich man;
  • a man glances at the neckline - yield to persistent advances;
  • saggy and wrinkled - a disease in the genital area, long-term treatment, problems with conception;
  • a man openly admires the beauty of a woman’s décolleté – a new relationship;
  • one is deleted - a break in the relationship.

Experienced emotions: beauty will save the world

The natural emotions that a naked beautiful body evokes are normal for this type of dream. They are warm, homely, but at the same time deeply intimate.

Admiring how beautiful someone else’s breasts are means for a woman a successful marriage and the imminent birth of children. It is important that in this dream, the woman does not see the woman completely naked, but only observes the breasts. Nudity is a symbol of illness.

To be surprised by the thick hair on both male and female breasts means that any business you start will bring significant profit without much effort. This interpretation applies to both men and women.

Being afraid of wounds in this part of the body is a moral injury, but it will also be useful because it will be a good impetus for the implementation of creative projects.

For a girl to lament that her breasts are small means immature decisions and hasty conclusions. Only close communication with an older woman will prevent you from making mistakes.

Feeling dislike for your old and decrepit body means failure, completing a task, counting losses, and perhaps a protracted illness will soon overtake you.

What doesn’t appear to us in dreams - sometimes you even wonder where thoughts and images, pictures and stories that are projected into dreams come from in the subconscious!

One should not be surprised - after all, the mysterious world of our nightly dreams is endless and vast, it is impossible not only to know and study it, but also to somehow control or predict it.

When we go to bed, we can never guess what a dream will send us - and sometimes we see something that surprises, discourages and makes us think. The dream book will tell you what this means - after all, any signs and symbols always have a meaning.

You may dream of breasts as a separate symbol, seen from the outside, and there are dreams in which you could see your own breasts in an unusual state.

The dreamer could feed the baby with her in his dreams, or maybe she was very big, or, on the contrary, old and saggy, turned out to be naked or even hairy! Don't be surprised or scared.

It turns out that female breasts are an interesting and important symbol. Most often it is associated with heartfelt, spiritual experiences - selfless love, devotion and affection, fidelity, honor.

Sometimes a woman’s breasts can serve as a symbol of motherhood, feeding, and care - this is especially obvious if in a dream the dreamer happened to feed a baby. The dream book will help you figure out what exactly a dream with such a symbol means - breasts in your dreams can foreshadow important events and changes in reality.

The scenarios and options for such dreams are as follows:

  • We saw a man's torso in our dreams.
  • Hairy chest seen in a dream.
  • I saw a woman's breasts in a bra.
  • Or she was naked and beautiful.
  • Large breasts seen in dreams.
  • Seeing breastfeeding.
  • In a dream, have a masculine, wide and strong chest.
  • You were wounded in the chest in your dreams.
  • There was a hole in it in the dream; you climbed into it with your hand.
  • Your chest is hairy in the dream.
  • Walk around in your dreams with your top off.
  • Feeding a baby in a dream.
  • Having a very large bust in a dream.
  • Have saggy, unsightly breasts.
  • In a dream, someone is looking at your body.
  • Snuggle into someone's chest in your dreams.

Of course, not every such dream with visions of breasts - whatever it may be - indicates the same meanings. All these dreams are unique, foreshadowing something of their own, important - something that is worth learning and analyzing. Be careful when asking an interpreter!

If the owner of the bust was not you

The dreamed breast did not necessarily belong to the dreamer himself - there are dreams in which this part of the body appears from the outside, and is an important phenomenon, symbolic and vivid.

The interpretation depends on how it looked, who it belonged to, and what emotions it evoked.

1. As the dream book says, a man’s chest, wide, seen in dreams from the outside, promises a lot of work and some difficulties in work. However, such a dream calls on you to show courage and strength of character, so as not to be afraid of obstacles and move boldly forward.

Difficulties are given in order to act, and not to become despondent. Show firmness, and the results of your work will be amazing!

2. A hairy torso seen in a dream is a wonderful sign - even if it was not very attractive, know for sure that after such dreams great happiness in marriage awaits you.

If you are free from the ties of marriage, then a happy wedding is just around the corner. And if you already have a family, then there will be happiness, peace and harmony in it!

3. Such a dream, in which you saw a woman’s breasts in a bra, foreshadows some anxiety - most likely, without any good reason. Try to calm down, don’t let unreasonable anxiety take over your thoughts, be objective and focus on the good.

4. As the dream book indicates, naked, attractive and aesthetic breasts in dreams, seen from the outside, portend you great happiness in love, pure heartfelt experiences, deep affection and complete reciprocity.

Only the best things related to amorous affairs await you in the near future!

5. A dream in which you dreamed of very large breasts is a good sign - obviously some rare and valuable offer awaits you in reality. This is a good chance, an opportunity to take a completely new position in society.

6. If in your dreams you notice how someone is feeding a baby with breast milk, the interpreter offers two options.

  • The first is great happiness, peace and harmony in the soul, ease in business and, in general, a bright streak in life.
  • The second option is no less interesting - the interpreter hints at a possible pregnancy and happy motherhood.

Your bust... But which one?

Of course, the interpreter does not exclude such unusual dreams in which the breasts were yours, but at the same time they could be anything. She could even surprise or frighten you with her appearance or condition.

There is no need to be afraid, because dreams sometimes show us strange things just to point out something!

1. A dream in which your breasts turned out to be male, wide, strong - this is something you should be happy about, and not scared. Profits and even a life of luxury await you!

2. If in a dream you were wounded in the chest, do not be afraid - such a dream promises happiness in the love sphere, a new feeling or the blossoming of love in marriage!

3. A warning dream in which your chest was narrow, weak, sunken or painful. Nothing terrible awaits you, but you will probably experience a lack of something.

The dream book advises to show wisdom and patience, not to complain about fate, but to appreciate what you have. And try to find a reasonable way out.

4. A very strange dream, but it happens - in your dreams there was a hole in your chest, and you reached into it with your hands, perhaps squeezed something, or something else.

This is not a terrible dream, but, on the contrary, a very successful and rare one - it foretells great inspiration for the dreamer, which will remain for a long time. You are about to experience an incredible surge of creativity and inspiration!

5. If your own chest was hairy in your dreams, don’t be alarmed! This portends you great passion, sensuality, immersion in a new, vibrant experience in love.

6. If in your dreams you walked around with a naked bust, be careful - your secret feelings and all the secrets related to the love sphere may be revealed. Or maybe this dream just hints at futile secrecy, maybe you should open up so that your dreams come true?

7. Breastfeeding a baby in a dream with your own milk is a multifaceted dream and in all cases good. If you happen to breastfeed, happiness, peace and tranquility await you in reality.

8. If you were the owner of large breasts in a dream, great honor, an enviable position in society, recognition and an excellent reputation await you.

9. If your bust in a dream, on the contrary, was saggy and ugly, you probably risk being disappointed in love. To avoid this disappointment, be objective and don’t build castles in the air!

10. Know that if in your dreams someone persistently looked at your bust, in reality you will experience the persistent and romantic courtship of a lover in love. Moreover, the interpreter assures that you will not be able to resist for long and will surrender to love!

11. A very good dream if you were cuddling someone's chest in it. This indicates that in reality you have very reliable and loving friends, support and help.

How much good and joyful this unusual and significant symbol portends! Believe in the best and don’t be afraid of fate - and it will give you long-awaited happiness!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Breasts in a dream according to 39 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Breast” symbol from 39 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Breasts in a dream according to the dream book?

A woman seeing unclean or sagging breasts- portends a great disappointment in love and many rivals.

If the breasts are young and beautiful- wait for good luck.

If a young woman dreams that her lover is looking at her breasts- she will be ready to give him her love.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that your loved one was looking at your breasts- rest assured that very soon you will agree to a closer relationship.

Idiomatic dream book

"Take on the chest"- drink up; "press to chest"- sympathy, help, empathy; "take by the breasts"- call a person to account, resolutely get down to business; “stand up with your chest” - determination, perseverance, protection of someone, something; "warm on the chest"- the expression has a connotation of deceit, deception by the person whom we trusted and helped (“warmed”).

Islamic dream book

The one who sees himself in a dream with a sore chest- he will spend his money wastefully, which will not deserve the satisfaction of the Almighty and for which he will be punished.

Italian dream book

Women's breasts are always a positive image.

Female breasts have many attractive properties for humans (warmth, food, protection, pleasure, beauty). A superlative symbol of femininity and motherhood.

Lunar dream book

See women's breasts- a lot of happiness and love, many children.

Love dream book

If in a dream you see that your breasts have aged, sagged or for some reason look dirty- life will throw you several stubborn rivals who will ultimately destroy your relationship with your loved one.

However, if you like your breasts because their skin is almost perfect- she is very young and beautiful, then luck will not turn away from you.

Maly Velesov dream book

Breasts - joy, health; women's see men- happiness, acquisition; solid - loss, poverty; wide - profit; narrow - loss; wounded - love passions / sad news; one is cut off - treason; in the hair- profit (men) / widowhood (women); breastless woman- discord in the family.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about Breasts?

Swollen breasts - a disease of the mammary glands.

New dream book 1918

Women's breasts - happiness, acquisition; breast (as part of the body of a person, bird, animal)- future ; hard breasts are a disadvantage; one of the breasts cut off- treason; wrinkled - marital fidelity;.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Seeing naked female breasts in a dream- means that the events of recent days have fallen out of your control. Over the next two days, take a closer look at people: the person who calls you twice during the second day is the main troublemaker and is trying to pull the solid ground from under your feet. Don't let him do this, get ahead of him.

If you dream about male breasts- from now on and for two months you will have to answer numerous questions from investigators, since someone from your circle will be caught stealing. The main thing is not to lose your head and do not break off friendly ties with the offender.

If in a dream you bare your breasts- wait for a stranger to appear in your house: maybe it will be a friend of your children who has come to visit them, or maybe a lover or mistress of your lawful half or a robber.

Family dream book

If a young woman dreams of her breasts being white and full- good luck and happiness await her soon.

Women's breasts are a manifestation of a feeling of defenselessness, a desire to become small and receive maternal protection.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Breasts in a dream?

Seeing naked female breasts in a dream- to happiness and mutual love, in a bra- to anxiety, girl has beautiful breasts- to fulfill desires.

For a woman to see a man's bare chest in a dream- fortunately, seeing someone else's naked breasts- means to know your shortcomings, have big breasts- to honor, small ones - to hatred, elastic or with milk- to joy and wealth, hard - to poverty, saggy - to troubles, cut off - to treason.

For a man to have milk in his breast- to wealth, have a woman's breasts- to good health and joy, overgrown with thick hair- to honor, see someone else's breasts- to profit.

Dream book for lovers

If a woman dreams that her breasts are dirty- this means the appearance of a rival and failure in love. It is likely that she will be disappointed in her chosen one.

White full breasts- dreams of luck and love.

If a woman dreams that her lover is furtively looking at her breasts- this foreshadows her compliance in response to persistent advances.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Have a wide, heroic chest- wealth, profit, life in luxury, happiness in marriage.

Have narrow, sunken, weak breasts- lack of everything.

A man should have furry breasts- honor.

A woman's naked beautiful breasts for a man to see- happiness.

Being wounded in the chest- happiness in love / changes in business, most likely for the better / a sudden insight to experience / a discovery to be made.

To have a chest open with a wound, to climb there with your hand- constancy, inspiration, excess of creative forces.

A man has milk in his chest- wealth.

If you feel your chest expanding during sleep and if this gives you pleasure- such a dream is a sign of a surge of strength. In the near future, things will work out for you easily and without extra effort.

Pleasant feeling in the chest- a harbinger of a joyful meeting or event.

Being wounded in the chest yourself or seeing someone wounded in the chest from the side- means that internally you anticipate a test that can hurt your feelings.

Seeing your chest drooping or sunken- a sign of impending depression. After such a dream, try to bring a fresh air into your life or just give yourself a good rest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See swollen breasts- to impending disaster.

Sagging breasts - a disease of the lungs or respiratory system.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing breasts swollen with milk- to mastitis.

Sagging breasts mean aging.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Milk-filled, swollen breasts- to feeding the child.

The sagging breasts you see in the mirror- to poor lactation for a nursing woman.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming that she was wounded in the chest- portends that some kind of trouble threatens her.

This means a huge disappointment in love, many rivals.

If the breasts are white and full- Good luck and happiness await you soon.

Dreaming of a suitor stealing glances at her breasts- for a woman, foreshadows a concession to persistent advances.

Chinese dream book

Sucking someone's breast- a noble relative will come.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Breasts in a dream?

If you dream of a man with bare chest- this suggests that you need another sexual partner. If your chest is hairy- in reality you will have to prove your non-involvement in a matter to which you are indirectly related; bare chest - speaks of your caring attitude towards one of your colleagues; you must carefully protect your reputation and not give reason to suspect you of this.

Seeing a chest with a gaping wound in a dream- portends that some kind of trouble threatens you.

See your breasts- in reality you will be disappointed in love because of many rivals.

If the breasts are white and full- luck and happiness will soon visit you.

Firm female breasts- to a disadvantage, shrunken and wrinkled- a sign of marital fidelity.

Seeing in a dream a woman whose one of her breasts is cut off- to treason; no breasts at all- to quarrels with your husband.

Bare your breasts in front of a man in a dream- portends a concession to persistent courtship.

If in a dream a man caresses your breasts- in reality, commit an immoral act.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you dream that you have white, full breasts- Expect good luck and happiness soon.

Seeing your breasts dirty or shrunken- to strong disappointment in love, more successful rivals.

A chest wound portends trouble.

If your admirer steals glances at your breasts in his sleep- perhaps you will give in to his persistent advances.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Breasts according to the dream book?

Breasts in general are an aspect of fate (a future event that is given according to fate); dignity, strength; childhood addiction; maternal feelings of dedication, femininity.

Male, hairy- wealth; successful marriage.

Men's, wide, heroic- a profitable, happy marriage for a woman and complete success in creativity and other matters for a man.

Beautiful female- fulfillment of secret desires; luck.

Bad, thin - for a woman, failure in love, for a man - in business. To be without wives.

Breasts are betrayal, misfortune with children for a woman.

Whole chest- stored emotions, forgotten experiences, pride and strength of those sleeping.

A wound to the chest - love, happy changes, creative forces or heart troubles, experiences.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of naked large female breasts- there is an honorable position ahead.

We saw naked small female breasts in a dream- you will be able to get a good job.

You dreamed of naked, saggy female breasts- you will be able to earn some money.

Full naked female breasts- dream of going to a profitable place.

Nude woman without breasts- means that your life will not change at all.

A dream in which you saw a woman breastfeeding her baby- predicts solid earnings.

Freud's Dream Book

Breasts for men- is a symbol of his strong, but not entirely clear sexual desires and fantasies.

Old, lethargic - symbolizes possible diseases of the genital organs or impotence.

For woman breasts- symbolizes her desire for pure and mutual love.

Old or flabby breasts- symbolizes the collapse of her hopes.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Women's breasts - happiness, acquisition; breast (as part of the body of a person, animal, bird) - the future.

French dream book

Seeing the breasts of a nursing mother in a dream- portends an imminent marriage.

Seeing a married woman with bare breasts in a dream- to her successful birth.

Elderly woman breastfeeding- this is a sign of unexpected wealth that you will receive in reality.

If you dream of a naked, bloody chest- a dream predicts the loss of a child or infertility.

If your chest hurts in a dream- in reality, beware of some danger.

Ukrainian dream book

Breast as part of the human body- future, women's - happiness.

Gypsy dream book

Well developed, firm and beautiful breasts- wealth and comfort await you.

Old and wrinkled breasts- to sadness or possibly illness.

Esoteric dream book

Women's breasts for men- an unsatisfied need for maternal affection, the dream warns that you are looking for a mother in your beloved.

Women's women- desire to be sexually attractive.

Erotic dream book

Female breasts seen in a dream- represents a whole spectrum of meanings, which are quite difficult to cover even for a professional psychoanalyst, since the formation of human individuality takes place precisely under the sign of motherhood. Despite the fact that most often it symbolizes motherhood, the appearance of breasts in a dream can indicate many things, in particular that you are cut off from people near and dear to your heart. The dream may indicate that you have not seen your mother for a long time, and you, despite some disagreements that arose between you, miss her terribly. It is possible that shortly before the dream you lost a dear person - a friend or relative, with whom you went through many trials. Sleep somewhat compensates for the longing for the lost connection with family, but its therapeutic effect is limited, so a lot depends on your actions and willpower. If you are far from home and family, you experience nostalgia and longing for such a familiar atmosphere of comfort and peace. Letters and phone calls cannot calm the mind: there remains a feeling of restlessness and anxiety caused by the fact that your loved ones are missing you. The only way to calm your soul is to return home soon, which will restore the broken harmony between consciousness and the unconscious.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Breasts according to the dream book?

If you dreamed of a naked lady's bust- your personal life will turn out very well.

More interpretations

If she's very attractive- your dreams will come true.

The girl dreamed that her boyfriend was admiring her breasts- she will reciprocate his feelings.

For a lady a full bust- portends universal respect, too elastic - lack of money, and one that has lost its elasticity - problems.

Seeing breasts dressed in beautiful lingerie in a dream- be worried.

If it is withered or smeared with something- you will experience grief in your personal life.

If you dreamed about breastfeeding- you lack warmth and care, or someone is expecting it from you.

Snuggle up to her- you don’t need to worry, there is someone next to you who will always support and protect you.

Show it to someone- can't resist someone's advances.

If a man dreams that he has become the owner of a woman's breasts- prosperity awaits him in everything.

I dreamed that my breasts grew- a new relationship with a caring lover who will blow away the dust from you.

Get a bullet in her- expect big troubles.

Seeing a powerful chest in a dream- fortunately, material well-being, narrow and painful - you will miss everything.

Dreaming of caressing breasts- fall in love with a decent person who will idolize you and support you. Or in life you will have to do things you have done before.

Female breasts - the appearance of a child. Sincere, true love, serious relationship.

Large breasts - enemies may, wittingly or unwittingly, provide you with support that you did not expect at all.

Dreaming that the child begins to suckle at the breast- a slight malaise, which, nevertheless, will unsettle you.

Hairy chest - a bad feeling may come true; negative predictions at this time come true.

Kissing the breast - you will be able to achieve what you need in the first place. Your deepest desire will be fulfilled.

A dream in which naked breasts appear- some important details went unnoticed, which you either did not pay attention to or did not want to give them due importance.

Touching breasts means falling head over heels in love with the person who has been caring for you for a long time.

Blood from the chest - experiencing some kind of shock, emotional trauma. Or face trouble that will greatly agitate you.

Small breasts - everything can work out just fine at the moment. Make every effort to achieve your goal.

Male breasts - unfavorable times are coming for your environment, loved ones will need support and your participation.

Sore breasts - changes for the better. Things are looking up, problems are receding, hope for a bright future is returning.

Video: Why do you dream about Breasts?

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Did you dream about Breasts, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Breasts in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I see myself in a dream and just above my chest, a small budgie is sitting on me, pecking and pinching, but there are no traces left. I took it off and put it on the table, and it turns from a parrot into some kind of living creature before our eyes, it seems like a little dragon becomes .

  • in a dream I saw a drop of milk appear from the nipple, I tasted it, it was very tasty and sweet, and my breasts were full, white and beautiful, then I began to feed the baby in a bundle, supposedly my son, in fact we don’t have children yet, and such I haven’t seen dreams before, what this is for, thank you.

    Hello! I dreamed that my friend was pinching my left breast. Then I look at my chest, begin to feel it and feel that there is a hard, oblong-shaped foreign body in my chest (like a nail). I got scared and ran to the monologue. I didn’t have time to undergo the examination, because... awoke.

    I go to the mirror, undressing and admiring my beautiful big breasts, turning my back, and there is the same picture, breasts on my back... I walk and think what to do with them... It’s not normal to have breasts on your back, but they are beautiful and it’s a pity to get rid of them, but my mother-in-law is running around and screaming that I have cancer and I need to have an operation, and I’m trying to persuade her in a whisper not to tell anyone, and she keeps screaming at the top of her lungs... it’s not all that incomprehensible, but I’d still like to know what that means ..Thank you!

    Today, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, I had an amazing dream. I kissed the friend of the girl I love. First he kissed her lips, then sucked her breasts. Her breasts were not exposed, so a wet mark remained on her clothes. This is where the dream ended. What could this mean?

    I saw a lot of boxes at home. and in these boxes there is butter. Then they offered me to try on a fur coat. and I take off my clothes, stay in my slip and put on a fur coat. and the back of the fur coat is open. then I take it off and see my bra on the floor and my breasts in it. then I look at my body, my breasts seem to be in place. please tell me what kind of dream this is?

    Hello. I had a dream that I was being pursued and I had to hide. I ran into the cemetery (it’s strange, instead of graves there are box houses without windows and doors), I find the grave of my mother (she is alive, she is 71 years old), I climb into this box grave through a small round the hole, which before that I raked a little with my hands because I was afraid that I wouldn’t fit in. My 2 sisters were standing inside, my mother was lying next to her, without a coffin, she looked about 35-40 years old, with her sky-blue eyes open. I told one of the sisters : Look how white and beautiful mom’s skin is. I woke up, but there was no particularly unpleasant feeling, I just constantly see before my eyes her young beautiful face and sky-blue eyes.

    Hello. I had a dream in which it seemed as if I accidentally touched my left breast with my elbow and blood started coming out of it... and there were two in my chest
    large tumors, dense as stone... then I dreamed that I had two men at home, one was the organizer of rearranging the furniture in my house and he offered me his help and an offer to be my companion, assured me that he could be trusted, and the second man was his friend who helped in rearranging the apartment. please tell me this dream means something or should we not pay attention to it?

    Please help me interpret the dream: I dreamed of a small white kitten that I tried to give water to, but then I realized that he didn’t want to, then I saw my breast close-up, I tried to press and milk started pouring out, I gave it to him, but he got out. P.s.: we’ve been trying to get pregnant for a long time, less than a month ago we had a miscarriage, we had a lot of problems at work, which seem to be ending.
    Thank you.

    I somehow hit the thick glass and a large piece of glass pierced my chest. And then my wife came and pulled out this large piece of glass about 5-6 cm deep, but at the same time my heart and lungs were not damaged, a little blood on my chest and a cut and pain, thank you!

    I dreamed that I went into the bathroom for some thing, knowing that my sister was bathing in the bathroom, of course I walked with my back so as not to look, as soon as I approached the exit, she called out to me, I turned around and she rose naked from under the water with a satisfied grin... I woke up. I dreamed about this from Friday to Saturday.

    I dreamed that my breasts began to grow. Besides the one I already have! One nipple began to appear on the left, and two on the right, closer to the armpits. I never dreamed of such a thing. She showed it to her mother in a dream, smiled and said. that's no big deal. I wanted to remove it. And then someone else called me to the bathhouse)

    I dreamed that my deceased father showed me the room where he repaired the lock and walked me into it, and closed the door behind me, and he remained on the other side, and my chest was wet, I looked, and milk and crust were running out of it formed around me, I took it (I didn’t understand how this was possible)))) but I tried my breast myself, and the milk turned out to be sweet, so I ate it))) It was very tasty))))

    Hello!!! Today I dreamed: I was cooking potatoes in the kitchen (the kitchen was very dirty), then a young man came up (I know him, but now I’m with someone else) and began to hug and kiss us, they caught us and promised to tell everyone.

    I dreamed that a kitten was sucking my breast, then the apartment that we sold and its tenants were renovating the bathroom, and we would live with them, then a small dog was sleeping in their apartment in one of the rooms on a very high bed, then I was removed from my position and I cried a lot in my sleep and refused to celebrate the anniversary with one of our employees and destroyed the entire script. And all this in one night. straight up horror.

    I dreamed that I was talking to my boss. Suddenly he shows me with his eyes that I am not dressed. I look at myself and see my breasts naked, for some reason they are larger than they really are. I apologize and get up to get dressed, while getting dressed I see that I’m completely naked. On the one hand, it’s a shame, on the other hand, for some reason no one pays more attention to this. I put on my dress and the meeting continues. no one laughs, I wonder why no one is embarrassed by this

    there were two babies lying on the bed, twins, in diapers, they were mine and they were ugly and I tried to feed them with breast milk, one first took to the breast and then both refused, but I had a lot of milk

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! Over the last 2-3 weeks (interval) I saw 2 dreams. In the first, in the left bare chest there is a cavity without blood and pain (like robots in films) and in it there is a white capsule, similar to medicine. She almost fell out. Second: on the same chest, in the same place, under absolutely intact skin, there is a white hard patch, like crushed chewing gum. I felt this place. There was no pain. I'm afraid it will lead to illness. But I can’t get sick and die right now. I am 58 years old, I work as a doctor. My husband is at home with cancer. They gave 6 months. And it’s already been 4.

    I see that I have one breast smaller than the other, wrinkled and half cut off by surgery, and in my dream I am very worried about my breasts and I understand that I have a bad diagnosis because of this they cut off and it seems to me that my husband will see me and know what happened.

    I dreamed that I was swimming in a pond in a swimsuit. and when I get out of the water, I see that my swimsuit bra has come off and my breasts are exposed. Other people noticed this, but I noticed that the breasts are not the same as in reality, in a dream they are more lush and elastic, although they are the same size. but in reality the breasts (after feeding) are no longer so beautiful

    I dreamed that I had large beautiful breasts (although in life they were size 1), I was wearing a beautiful lace bra. I put it on, then put on my panties, the panties were lace and not beautiful, I changed them to more beautiful ones. Next, I put on beautiful clothes that made me feel attractive.

    Hello! The man I like today I dreamed like this: I’m at my workplace at the computer, he came up to my desk, talked to me about something about work, lowered his hand on the table next to my hand and is about to go, and I gently cover his hand with my own hand and say: Timur, please don’t go! To which he, without thinking twice, takes his other hand and rather brazenly puts it into my blouse and grabs my beautiful breasts, I was taken aback, but I am pleased and in response I reach out to him and we gently touch each other’s faces, kiss, looking, so that no one comes and catches us, and then suddenly he stops doing all this, moves away and we start doing something for work, though it’s not at all what we usually do, he climbs onto the ladder and starts nailing some kind of either a map or a poster, I didn’t understand what it was, but I noticed that a lot of things were drawn there, like a plan of some territory, and nice colors - green, light brown, yellow... he says to me: “help me , hold” I support this poster from below, watching him upstairs, standing on the stairs, nailing it to the wall with stationery nails of bright colors... something doesn’t work out, but he does it anyway, redoes it, and I stand patiently, helping to hold it poster, and I watch with pleasure how he does it, then in the hectic work we disperse sharply, and I’m sorry that it all ended so quickly. That's it, the dream ended.

    I dreamed of a friend, she was standing naked, she had an hourglass figure, a narrow waist and a large butt and breasts. some men admired her. And then I was driving a car with my colleagues on the ice, it was slippery. But then I met my husband, and he got behind the wheel and we began to drive calmly.

    I dreamed about my breasts. she was elastic, seemed larger than usual, and one breast was a little larger. I touched her, and stood naked among people. it wasn’t my family and relatives, but I don’t remember who it was.

    I dreamed of a trip to some concert or seminar with a large group in which I periodically appeared among dressed people, naked to the waist, while no one laughed, and many people liked it; my figure was beautiful, and my breasts were larger than in reality, while I was still I was surprised at her size

    Hello! I have never dreamed about breasts, today I dreamed about them for the first time.
    I dreamed that my left breast had increased in volume, not by much, however,
    became as if elastic, but tender, and the right one did not change at all

    I was lying on the operating table and knew that I needed to have this operation, they gave me an injection in my arm and I passed out. Then I saw my breasts more elastic, I liked them and as if they had put something in them. But the operation is not for breast enlargement. And also on the left breast I saw that it looked like it had been darned with thread.


    I dreamed I was driving with some guy.. I don’t remember his face well.. but I remembered one thing that the color of his hair was dark.. we were sitting in the back seat of the car, I decided to look at my chest and saw that it was naked, and this young man sits and looks at her, I felt ashamed and I started hiding her.. and woke up..

    I remember the dream very dimly, I don’t remember where I was and what I was sitting on. But I remember that I started changing clothes and took off my white blouse. And at this time my friend (whom I like) appears. He saw my breasts and was confused. I immediately covered myself with my hands. I don't remember anymore

    a second moment of my dream. I saw a child at the crossroads of two roads, this boy was walking slowly and looking at me intently. On his chest there were many different tattoos similar to the Egyptian monoscript. On both shoulders there were black and white expressive eyes that looked at me . he walked past and I woke up as if I hadn’t even slept, it was one second.

    Good morning! The dream was very strange, I have never seen anything like it. In the dream, people I didn’t know appeared, whose company I didn’t really enjoy, but they were too intrusive, they had nowhere to go, and I offered to warm up in my spare apartment. I this evening I I was waiting for an important call, and because of their noise I missed 3, I wanted to call back to explain, but he called himself... I paid attention to my chest, it was covered with thick black hair, I tried to pluck it, and the more I did it, the thicker it became, I decided to singe them, there were no burns left, but I couldn’t completely remove the hair... I don’t remember further. There was a slight upset, but nothing more. Help me figure it out, I will be very grateful and appreciative. Thank you

    I dreamed that I had my own breasts, and on the side right under mine there was another one. In the dream, I wanted to go to the doctor, and my husband asked me to leave them, he seemed to like them, but on the way I went to the store and bought a lot of sweets for tea, a full bag and brought it home. Thanks in advance. Thank you very much!

    I dreamed that my chest was very hairy, like a man’s, the hair was curly and blond... I’ve had dreams of this nature before. Why is this dream?
    And also…..I recently dreamed of two medium-sized live fish, similar to carp, I caught them from the bathtub)))) What could this dream mean?

    I dreamed of a work colleague (she was on maternity leave) who was being convinced by another colleague to come to work. On the contrary (I’m also on maternity leave, but my child is older) I say that you don’t have to go to work until your child is one year old (although her child is already a year old). At the same time, I look at myself in the mirror and see that I am naked to the waist and have nursing breasts, but when I looked at myself from above, I saw that my breasts were flabby and hanging

    I dreamed that I had two nipples on my left breast, and a small amount of liquid oozed from my right breast when I pressed on the nipple, and then I told everyone that I had cancer, including my grandmother, who died a long time ago .

    A friend came to visit, naked to the waist, she had large beautiful breasts. And she goes to the kitchen where my husband is sitting, and he says to her: “Why did you decide to show me your breasts?” I took her and pushed her out the door

    I saw myself naked in a dream and I had 4 breasts (2 as usual, and 2 below them. and they were all a little larger than my real and best form) I looked good and liked myself, only the 2 lower ones were embarrassing breasts (it was not clear where they came from and why)

    Hello! I would like to interpret my dream. I’m not married, I don’t have a permanent partner, and therefore I don’t have children either. Today I dreamed about my bare breasts, my lower body was in tights. I lay down on the bed, closed my eyes, when I opened it I saw that a boy of about 10 months was sitting on me, looking away from me, I know that this is my child, but there was no birth process in the dream, later I dreamed that I started breastfeeding this baby, but there was no milk was

    I dreamed of my husband’s sister, who died half a year ago, she was stripped to the waist and showed off her large and beautiful breasts in front of my father and husband, we were surprised, but she was pleased.
    During her life, her breasts were small.

    I was sitting in the office and my former classmate’s jacket was unbuttoned so that her breasts were visible (in full) and I reprimanded her, she did not hesitate to button it up and moved. Next to me sat another former classmate whose jacket was buttoned up, but my gaze stubbornly looked at the cut of her sweater.

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that my husband cut off both my breasts because I had mastopathy, I took it calmly. He carried his breasts with him in a bag, and I lifted my jacket and saw stumps instead of breasts and I thought, why didn’t they bandage them for me? I woke up in a cold sweat and immediately touched my breasts to see if they were in the right place...

    Hello! I dreamed of a white dress and that I was getting married. And I was scared, as if I was rushing here and there and my best friend was calming me down. I was scared to go out to the guests and it wasn’t from excitement, I was just scared. Thanks for the answer!

    I was walking along the streets of the city and half the way I didn’t notice that I was walking without a T-shirt and bra, only after some time I saw an ex-boyfriend for whom I had feelings, I understood everything and put on a T-shirt .. then I was a guy and his friend were lying on the same couch, but the guy was indifferent to me

    I see my breasts (I have a third size) which look like a second size, I touch them, they are very elastic, but smaller than I am used to. I tell my husband, look, my chest is drying out, but he doesn’t seem to notice, I’m running to the doctor (I mean running). There’s a huge line outside the doctor’s office, but they just sit under the office and eavesdrop on what they’re saying. I try to ask where the end of the line is, but the people look at each other and don’t answer. I open the office, a doctor comes out, I tell her, please examine me, my breasts are drying out, and I also see that there is a tumor on my right breast that is starting to hurt. The doctor looks at me and laughs loudly. I ask her, don’t laugh, look, I have cancer, my mother died of cancer. She laughs and doesn't stop. I beg her, look at me, then if everything is fine, we’ll laugh together, and I wake up….

    I’m standing on the street with someone, I don’t see anyone, but I know for sure that it’s a girl and I know her, we look out of some window and see the shadow of a girl and I say that yes, she’s at home, then we use something to go up to this window and from there a girl looks out that I seem to know and then we started talking to her but I don’t remember what about and then this girl asked me how are my breasts still nothing? TO WHICH I ANSWERED IT STILL NORMAL. And I understood in a dream that this was my husband’s ex-lover

    Good afternoon! Today I dreamed that I had breast augmentation surgery. And what’s strange is that I felt everything and I was in absolutely no pain and felt anesthesia... after anesthesia, when I woke up, I realized that there was no scar at the site of the breast augmentation and they inserted an implant only into the bottom of my chest... for the rest of my sleep I walked around and insisted on repeat surgery to return the previous small shape of my breasts.

    In a dream, I cut off part of my breast with a knife, but I had to go to the doctor, I needed an operation. I walked around with my chest exposed, one breast was partially cut off without blood, it hurt slightly and I was waiting for the doctor. The breasts were not decrepit, they were the same as in life. In the dream there was an idea to reduce the size.

    I dream about my naked breasts in the mirror, lush, beautiful and white. I stroke her and sometimes try to suck her nipples. in the other room I see my mother in warm clothes, I see her but she doesn’t notice me. Why am I dreaming about this?

    my ex-lover sat with her bare tits, small and flat, sticking them out and grinning, and I looked and didn’t understand why she was doing this and compared it with mine, I had more and it was as if I was doing it in front of her
    I don't remember exactly everything

    I dreamed that a dentist was sucking my left breast (I had breast cancer surgery a year ago), he came to my house to fill a tooth, then he started flirting with me. And another dream that I came to the barber shop to pick up my nephews (they were getting their hair cut there), I went there at the entrance and woke up, and turned back and couldn’t recognize my shoes and went home barefoot

    I dreamed that I was breastfeeding a baby boy (a woman I know, we live in the same house and I very often babysit him and am very emotionally attached to him, I have three children of my own) In the dream, I understand that the milk I can’t have it, since I haven’t been breastfeeding for a long time, but the baby was hungry and latched on to the nipple so much that I felt the milk arrive and it was clear that he was swallowing the milk. I didn't see the milk itself. Then a girl, my ex-boyfriend, came (we broke up stupidly, which I am very happy about) and lay down opposite me and began to feed her daughter, we talked very nicely, discussed our friends in a kind way. I saw her breasts and milk on the nipple, but her daughter did not see it. My breast in the dream was a little larger than usual, but for some reason less milk came from the right breast than from the left.

    I left for some city. In this city I went somewhere by bus (I remember bus number 6). When I got off the bus I went to some store, then to the bus stop, I had to get to the hospital at 6. But I missed the bus and asked a passerby which buses I could take to get there and approximately how long it would take to arrive. The escort replied that it was only at 6 and would arrive in 20 minutes. Then she approached the girl sitting in the convertible and asked for a ride, but the girl rudely refused. Then I met my friend Lina (she studies in Moscow and comes during the holidays), she and that passer-by sat on a bench. I was talking about something with a passer-by, and Lina pulled off the straps of her dress (the dress was floral) and exposed her breasts. She probably wanted to get my attention. I turned my head away as if I didn’t see anything. She pulled the straps back on. A passerby went to a store or restaurant, and I sat down next to Lina, she smiled, looking at me, then we talked and the dream ended.

    I walked to the entrance of the plant and found that my nipple was wrapped in tape, I removed it and went to the entrance, I was naked to the waist, the watchmen did not let me through, because I did not have a pass, I entered the territory of the plant in a car and when the watchmen left I ran away

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I saw my breasts full, swollen and elastic, but with large dark and strange nipples that looked like asters. In a dream, my husband came up to me, took one breast in his hand and said that they were very beautiful. What could this mean? The dream was very vivid.

    I’m 10 years old and my breasts just started to grow, I dreamed that everything was very blurry and I don’t remember much, how my mother congratulated me and my dad said that this was bad and then I don’t remember, please help

    I’m worried that I have ugly breasts, and today I dreamed that I had very beautiful breasts, just the way I like them. that's all I remember.
    2 weeks ago I had a very colorful dream that I gave birth to a child. and this was unexpected for me. I realized that it was a girl when my boyfriend held the child wrapped in a pink diaper. Afterwards he chose a portable stroller, and I swore that the child would be cold in it. I was also afraid to go home and tell my mother that she had become a grandmother. the next day I dreamed of a child again, but he was already 10-12 years old. he had dark curly hair, his hair was long but stood up. and he looked at me. what could all this mean?

    Hello. I dreamed that by pressing on my left breast I squeezed out a liquid with white specks, similar to semolina. and the woman sitting next to me. She screamed that I had heart problems, laid me down and gave me a pill.

    I dreamed of two women as if on TV. Both have huge breasts. At first she exposed her breasts; they were large, but not very beautiful. As if the chest were sticking out. Then she was replaced by another. She was thin, but her breasts were very large, well-shaped and with large nipples. Then the TV turned off.

    I dreamed that something in the form of a pimple popped up on my chest, and I began to squeeze it and some kind of liquid began to come out, but along with this liquid came out, something incomprehensible and black in color with yellow spots, and after that my mother was very I was scared when I noticed that my breasts had become simply terrible. The dream was very terrible and I don’t know how to understand it correctly.

    I dreamed of a mass event with a large crowd of people. With the participation of a high-ranking leader, I came to this event by chance, first I went into the building of the institution, but there was no one there, there was a cash register, there were large paper money in it - euros. then this building began to fill with people, everyone began to do their business and wait for the arrival of the big boss. I ended up with my colleague, we wanted to go out so as not to meet with the boss, but it turned out that I was naked to the waist, I had such beautiful full breasts (like a model). I felt ashamed that they would see me naked, I asked my colleague so that she would hide me in some small room, similar to a toilet, so that no one would see me. I don’t remember further

    I had a dream that I met a girl who was a close friend of mine, I didn’t think about her, but suddenly I saw her in a dream where she was with her friend. My friend was a little older, but suddenly when she looked at me she came up to the room and I remembered her and we had a burning desire to get closer after so much time apart and I began to gently undress her and kiss her chest, she was all bent over and was so hot that I was drawn to with her soul and heart, and then my cousin came up. I don’t know where he came from there, but suddenly he asked me to sleep with her and I told him that I was not going to leave her and covered her with my tender kisses and love and began to lick her from her feet to her breasts and I was so pleased that I didn’t I wanted to pay attention to what he told me and I continued to have sex with her, but when I lowered myself to kiss her vagina, she began to bend over and wanted me more and more and then I suddenly felt that I was scratching my left thigh and my sleep was interrupted by this most interesting place, but after that I only had good feelings and I then continued to sleep and I began to think about this dream and about this girl and I began to guess who she could be

    I saw in a dream how I was enlarging my breasts, they were very lush and beautiful, but then I decided to get my old breasts, when I did this, my right breast received a deep wound. I didn’t fuss, I took it, processed it and stuck it with a band-aid

    I dreamed of my breasts, they seemed to have become big and full, but the tips of the nipples on them dried out and fell off, I was happy about this, as if now the nipples had become more beautiful. Then I saw that it was splitting into two, as if more breasts and nipples appeared from the chest.

    I swam in clear water.. the bottom is sand. The beach is sand.. I plunged my face into the water, a lot of sand got into my eye in the fall, it really covered half my face!.. I went ashore, my swimsuit bra fell off. I sat down on a towel, which for some reason ended up in the trash , discovered that her breasts were bare...she began to pull on her bra...then cleared her eye. clogged with yellow sand

    Hello, I dreamed that I started touching a girl by her large, but not naked, breasts. She was wearing a black and green striped T-shirt, the stripes running horizontally. She herself was a brunette, with lips painted black. Judging by the expression on her face, at first she was not very happy, but then she smiled pleasantly. I felt pleasure from the process.


    Good afternoon.
    Today I had 2 dreams: in the first dream, my husband and 2 other girls (all three were strangers to me) and the guy with them went to bed, but as if in different beds under different blankets. My husband and I hugged and covered ourselves with a blanket, and the three of them were one couple, one girl by herself. I saw that we were without tops of clothes, naked tops, everyone was underneath the blanket - I don’t know how we were dressed there or not.
    So the second couple also hugged and covered themselves with a blanket, and the third girl began to crawl under the blanket with them and hug the man. To which I turned to them and saw that my husband was stroking the breasts of this third girl under the blanket. and it's all in jest. and I jokingly (but with resentment towards my husband) turned to a strange man and began stroking his penis. to which my husband was offended and turned away.
    And in the second dream I went to a friend for something I don’t know. I went with my 3-year-old daughter. The house is very tall and stylish (modern style, but all carved, whitewashed and with gilding of individual elements.)
    We wanted to take the elevator first, but the elevator is not an ordinary one, but with chairs or benches, but everything is very beautiful.
    But the elevator did not move past us; people were still entering the elevator. We were never able to take the elevator, my daughter and I got out and began to climb the stairs, but there was no light and she was climbing, and in some places she helped her daughter climb the steps, because... for her they were very high. We probably climbed 2 flights - not a long time - and suddenly I stopped and realized that she was not at home and we did not need to go there. (or I just got lazy). I didn’t understand what happened, but I woke up. Thank you very much for your help in solving dreams. It is difficult to understand them by leafing through dream books in fragments.

    Hello, today I saw myself in a dream. he would be so real. in my dream my breasts became very swollen, like in pregnant women they became larger. and it was all true. I recognized that I was kind of pregnant and cried and didn’t know what to do. this is such a dream.

    we had a combined physical education lesson, girls and boys were changing clothes in the same locker room, a girl I like sat in front of me, took off her sweater and bent over, the white bra fell off a little and I saw her breasts

    Hello! I dreamed that I had my breasts enlarged. At the same time, the person who did this made an incision on top of my left breast, then, apparently, filled it with something (I did not see this) and began to sew it up. There was no anesthesia, I stood, he stitched it up. After that, I walked around wrapping my breasts, waiting for the stitches to tighten and heal. The dream began with him stitching her up.

    Hello Tatyana! Today I dreamed that I had something on my chest, on my neck. In short, a network of veins is completely visible in the chest area. And at the same time I think (or say) that I am pregnant. Why is this???maybe I’m really pregnant???????

    I dreamed that I was sitting at the table with my boyfriend, with whom we are in a quarrel in real life, and as if he was telling me something is wrong with your breasts, show me, I take off my white blouse and show it, I notice that my breasts have become larger, in the dream she was so beautiful and good, and before that I had a dream that a guy came with flowers, even in the entrance there were 6 bouquets... why is that?

    I went into the store with an employee - she wanted to buy a bra for herself. She quickly bought it and left, and I decided to return to get a discount card and then buy myself a bust. There were two men behind the counter. I bought a small white bra for someone, but I couldn’t find one for myself. One of the salespeople offered me a pink lace bra and then began to openly harass me. He asked why my nipples were aroused. I wanted to touch it. I refused him - he tore my bra. I left and saw an employee behind the door who could hear everything.

    Hello, my name is Simone) I dreamed of two friends who had to take off their sweaters at a party... well, they took them off and everyone almost fainted! They were not fat, but fat, there was just a lot of fat, and on top of that they were very small breasts, like those of 10 year olds, just nipples on the skin and that’s it)))

    First we were walking with my girlfriend, then we came to some incomprehensible room and she began to undress from the waist down, then there was a conversation about her breasts, and she showed her breasts, then we started kissing and they woke me up.

    I dreamed of a middle-aged woman with bare breasts, I didn’t understand at first, but when I looked at her I saw a large hole in her chest just below the nipple, there was emptiness there. I got very scared and woke up

    I was at my good friend’s house, and I don’t know why, but I stood in front of him in my underwear and asked for a long T-shirt, he gave me a T-shirt, I put it on, but then he started pestering me, and I didn’t resist, then I woke up, but in real life I recently quarreled with this friend, and he has a girlfriend, my best friend

    I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were standing at a bus stop and his acquaintance drove up to us and two girls were sitting there and showing their breasts, he flirted with them and touched the breasts of one of them... and before I had this dream, we My boyfriend had a big fight... tell me why I dreamed about it

    In a dream, I had breast augmentation surgery... Then I came home and I had a blue mark on my skin around my chest area that hurt... when I refused the guy he started freaking out why did I have to do this and left

    I dream that I discover that my breasts have become large, one looks up, the other looks down, but both are very large and elastic. In real life I have small breasts, but I am happy with the size, as is my husband. It’s unusual for me to see my breasts so big and I want to get my size like before, and I start pressing on my breasts to make them smaller, water comes out through the nipple of one breast, water comes out of the other, milk and then a little bit of blood, then water again , milk. And then my breasts acquire their initial shape and size, that is, as in real life, which I am ultimately happy with.
    What does this dream of the day mean to me?

    I was standing in the kitchen at home and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest, it swelled and milk ran straight through my body. I asked my husband to drink it and he sucked on my chest. I felt such satisfaction and calmness.

    I dreamed of my own chest with bluish veins bursting like bruises. I also saw the heavy water into which I and my ex-husband entered. But the water disappeared. I walked on the floor barefoot. I saw a dirty baby being lowered into a bucket for some strange creature. I dreamed of strange creatures instead of people.


    I was waiting for a man, came down the stairs, and my deceased mother hugged me and began to suck on one breast, a feeling of warmth and shame. I tried to tear myself away from her. I pulled away and she let me go without pain. A feeling of warmth and shame, but more shame, because this is a mother and she shouldn’t do this.

    I spent the night that night
    from my mother and I clearly remember how in a dream I saw my mother with one cut off breast, a rough suture was applied, the muscle tissue was visible, there was a little gray deposit and there was no bleeding, the sutures were rare, I know for sure that it was my mother, but I didn’t see her face there, I dreamed about Monday to Tuesday before leaving home I had to drive 1000 km the dream was clear but short in the dream I didn’t do anything just watched

    I dreamed about my chest, or rather my hairy chest. incl. and chest. And I started shaving my hair. I thought what happened, why she became hairy and decided to go to the gynecologist and donate blood for hormones (these are my thoughts in a dream). there was someone nearby. like a husband and I was ashamed because I had a hairy chest.

    I dreamed that at work I went to one of the managers (he likes me as a woman, I feel it) with my breasts naked, he had his back turned, but saw everything, then the general called me and told me to write an explanatory note, I dreamed of a baby rattle that then it turned into a seal - a squirrel seal))) No one saw me naked again in the dream.

    I dreamed that I had grown a third breast and milk was oozing from it. The breasts were not beautiful. but in a dream it bothered me a lot and I looked for a good mamologist. I cried and was very worried about this. and my husband took it calmly, even well.

    In a dream, I saw that while feeding my child, blood with clots appeared on the left breast. I started to feel, and there were also 2 lumps. I tried to hide my breasts, staining my white T-shirt and robe with bright scarlet blood. While on the chest itself the blood was dark and with a large clot. In a dream, I really wanted to show this to my husband, so that he would take pity, help, hug, and give me a break from household chores. But I didn’t dare and hid the bloody mammary gland all the time. And when I finally decided to show him, he was distracted and didn’t notice, and I hid it again. In a dream I was feeding my daughter.

    I was walking home from work in a long black dress with straps, I had a rounded tummy (pregnancy), the strap of the dress fell off my shoulder, and my breasts (white, elastic, plump) were exposed, when I adjusted the strap to hide it, I the second breast opened.

    My beloved man stabbed me in the chest (heart) area with a knife, in some fit of anger, I didn’t feel pain, then they noticed blood. He was very scared and began to stop the bleeding, but I didn’t see the color of the blood itself, I just knew it was blood. He began to ask for forgiveness and console me. And I woke up!))

    I dreamed that my breasts hurt, like those of breastfeeding women, then I noticed that my T-shirt was wet as if the milk was running, looking closely it was not white but red, I took a glass and started to drink and from my breast it was not clear milk but a red transparent color

    I dreamed that I was telling my classmate a dream, and at that moment the guy I like pressed his back to my chest. (at the moment we had a very strong quarrel with him and do not communicate)

    Hello! I saw that my daughter (she is 17 years old) has bare breasts. On the 1st day I saw just bare breasts, on the 2nd day I saw that her right breast was much larger than the 2nd and like there were 2 nipples on the udder of a goat... what could this be? Thank you in advance

    I had a dream and I look at the mirror, my right breast is larger than the left, I am not yet married and have no child. and another such dream in a night, three dreams, I remember everyone very well, how the guys pestered me, I was clearly running away from them and for some reason my boyfriend didn’t help, he was somewhere in the vicinity, I felt him but didn’t see him and expected help from him

    I remember only part of the dream. In a dream, I felt something strange in my right breast, I looked and another small nipple appeared on the edge. Otherwise the breasts are normal and beautiful. There was no fear, no pain, no discomfort, only surprise.

    I dreamed that I saw a girl I didn’t know standing and whom she was breastfeeding, but who I didn’t see, then I looked at myself and I was holding something small in my hands and it was sucking on my breast, and that girl was already buttoning her blouse. I carefully take it and pull it away from my chest, I see it, it’s a little devil and I strangled it.

    In the dream, the room had a double bed with white bed linen. My lover came up to me to hug me, and a round hole began to form at the top of his body (emptiness, as if I was looking through his body), but it was warm in color (light, yellow). My grandmother was in the same room with her aunt (with whom I don’t really communicate due to conflict), and my grandmother decided to give me a bright orange orange.

    Hello. I had a dream that I was somewhere at someone’s house with some of my close friends. I dreamed that my chest was just for me with sores. and the others saw that everything was fine with her. I opened my chest for the first time, there were huge moles on the moles, and then when I closed and opened these strange and terrible moles, there were no more. And the second time, after a while, I opened it again to look at my chest and saw black simple ones there the threads that were inside the chest but the heads came out and when I pulled them they came out of medium length and immediately after that I showed it to my best friend screaming, he said that there was nothing except the chest, but I saw these threads. Afterwards, I ran out hysterically and sat on the stairs of the house and cried hysterically, but some women and my friends told me to calm down and this mental disorder would soon go away. But soon I remembered that this could be a dream and counted my fingers, because in a dream they are always either more in number or less in number, and it turned out to be a dream. But I didn’t wake up in a dream, but soon woke up in reality. After this dream, I got goosebumps.

    I dreamed that I was changing clothes in the room and my breasts were naked. My breasts were beautiful and young
    and I see myself as if from top to bottom. My ex-husband enters the room where I am changing clothes.
    I cover my chest from him with some thing, he tries to hug me from the back around the waist, but his touches are not pleasant to me, and I throw off his hands

    I had such a dream. from Tuesday to Wednesday. I only dreamed about my breasts. and I look at her, and she is pink and swollen, very much. I look at the second breast, it is also like that and the nipples are dark. I looked in the dream book and it doesn’t say anything like that. I dreamed that I was just looking at my breasts and they were pink and swollen. it’s just like a wasp bit me... thank you very much if you answer... my e-mail

Numerological Dream Book

Seeing naked female breasts in a dream- means that the events of recent days have fallen out of your control. Over the next two days, take a closer look at people: the person who calls you twice during the second day is the main troublemaker and is trying to pull the solid ground from under your feet. Don't let him do this, get ahead of him.

If you dream about male breasts- from now on and for two months you will have to answer numerous questions from investigators, since someone from your circle will be caught stealing. The main thing is not to lose your head and do not break off friendly ties with the offender.

If in a dream you bare your breasts- expect a stranger to appear in your house: maybe it will be a friend of your children who has come to visit them, or maybe a lover or mistress of your lawful half or a robber.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming that she was wounded in the chest- portends that some kind of trouble threatens her.

Seeing your breasts dirty or shrunken- this means a huge disappointment in love, many rivals.

If the breasts are white and full- Good luck and happiness await you soon.

Saggy breasts- indicate the fading of some deep feeling.

Chest wound- love, happy changes, creative forces or heartfelt emotions, experiences.

Dream book of a gypsy

Well developed, firm and beautiful breasts- wealth and comfort await you.

Old and wrinkled breasts- to sadness or possibly illness.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Have a wide, heroic chest- wealth, profit, life in luxury, happiness in marriage.

Have narrow, sunken, weak breasts- lack of everything.

A man should have furry breasts- honor.

A woman's naked beautiful breasts for a man to see- happiness.

Being wounded in the chest- happiness in love / changes in business, most likely for the better / a sudden insight to experience / a discovery to be made.

To have a chest open with a wound, to climb there with your hand- constancy, inspiration, excess of creative forces.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Female breasts seen in a dream- represents a whole spectrum of meanings, which are quite difficult to cover even for a professional psychoanalyst, since the formation of human individuality takes place precisely under the sign of motherhood. Despite the fact that most often it symbolizes motherhood, the appearance of breasts in a dream can indicate many things, in particular that you are cut off from people near and dear to your heart. The dream may indicate that you have not seen your mother for a long time, and you, despite some disagreements that arose between you, miss her terribly. It is possible that shortly before the dream you lost a dear person - a friend or relative, with whom you went through many trials. Sleep somewhat compensates for the longing for the lost connection with family, but its therapeutic effect is limited, so a lot depends on your actions and willpower. If you are far from home and family, you experience nostalgia and longing for such a familiar atmosphere of comfort and peace. Letters and phone calls cannot calm the mind: there remains a feeling of restlessness and anxiety caused by the fact that your loved ones are missing you. The only way to calm your soul is to return home soon, which will restore the broken harmony between consciousness and the unconscious.

Esoteric dream book

Women's breasts for men- an unsatisfied need for maternal affection, the dream warns that you are looking for a mother in your beloved.

Women's women- desire to be sexually attractive.

Ukrainian dream book

Breast as part of the human body- future, women's- happiness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Female breast- happiness, acquisition; breast (as part of the body of a person, animal, bird) - the future.

Collection of dream books

Female breast- happiness, acquisition; breast (as part of the human, bird, animal body)- future; hard breasts- flaw; one of the breasts cut off- treason; wrinkled- marital fidelity;

Seeing the breasts of a nursing mother in a dream- portends an imminent marriage.

Seeing a married woman with bare breasts in a dream- to her successful birth.
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.