Gennady Zaitsev: “Alpha Group is always in a state of combat readiness. Biography Reaping the benefits of the achievements of the Soviet Union

Interview with Hero of the Soviet Union, former commander of the legendary group "A"

Is there a panacea for terrorism? How is selection for the legendary group carried out? Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev, answers the questions of the Century correspondent. Of all the commanders of the Alpha group, he is the only one who had the opportunity to lead this special unit both in the USSR (from 1977 to 1988) and in the Russian Federation (from 1992 to 1995). On September 12, Gennady Nikolaevich turns 74 years old. The editors of "Century" congratulate the Hero of the Soviet Union on his birthday!

Gennady Nikolaevich, you teach at the FSB Academy “Tactics of negotiating with terrorists who have taken hostages.” What basic rules do you teach your audience? How to overcome fear in a moment of real danger?

Answering this kind of question means, to some extent, giving an educational program to those who are plotting a crime. I can only say that when conducting a military operation to free hostages, it is necessary to negotiate with terrorists. This often reduces the level of attacker aggression.

- How is selection for Alpha carried out?

- “Alpha” are top-class specialists who are capable of completing the assigned task regardless of the degree of risk and level of counteraction. The main condition for enrollment in Alpha has always been and will be a clear understanding by the candidate of the nature of the upcoming work in the unit. Everyone knows what potential sacrifices must be made. And if even the slightest hesitation is visible in his eyes, the candidacy is rejected. Therefore, the selection is serious. First, there is a conversation with the unit commander, from which a general impression of the person is formed, his service experience and skill, and a positive characteristic are taken into account. The second is getting to know his life and family members. It is known that working at Alpha is often associated with a risk to life, so it is necessary to know, for example, about parental consent. It is mandatory for the applicant to undergo a medical commission and a psychophysical examination, which determines his personal qualities, ability to communicate in a team, and how he manifests himself in difficult situations. If all these components are positive, then the candidate passes fairly complex tests of general physical fitness. And, after all the standards have been passed, his candidacy is ultimately considered by the credentials committee.

- Are there many people who want to pass such a difficult exam?

Many. It would seem that the risk to life that accompanies service in Alpha should be somewhat frightening. Just remember the operation in Beslan, when three officers from the Alpha group were killed. However, after such events, the number of people willing to serve in the unit increases significantly.

- When was the most difficult period for Alpha?

There were plenty of such periods. December 1979 was especially difficult in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The operation to seize Amin's palace is considered unique in the history of world intelligence services. Gennady Zaitsev was in the hospital at that time, so the unit was left without its commander. Situated on top of a hill, the building, well guarded by professionals, was practically impregnable. The fighters of group “A” - 22 people - completed the task in 43 minutes. They did not act alone, they were helped by other special forces, but the main burden fell on group “A”.

- Is Alpha now experiencing an upswing?

She always feels uplifted and is in a state of combat readiness. At the first order, the special forces will enter into a combat operation.

- Which anti-terrorist operation was the most difficult for you?

In my experience, in 1988, a gang seized 32 students and a 4th grade teacher from one of the schools in the city of Ordzhonikidze.

Such a vile seizure as that carried out by Pavel Yakshiyants’ gang has never happened before. Children became hostages. For more than 10 hours they were on the bus, under each seat there were three-liter cans of gasoline. If their demands were not met (2 million dollars and the provision of a plane to fly abroad), the criminals threatened to burn all the captured hostages. The negotiations lasted seven hours. The terrorists first demanded a flight to Pakistan, then to South Africa and, in the end, agreed to Israel. During this time, 20 children were released. Through diplomatic channels, the Soviet side agreed with the Israeli government on the landing of the plane with the terrorists and their extradition to Soviet justice. In this situation, there were proposals to arrange a shootout on the plane and destroy the criminals. However, Gennady Zaitsev categorically refused to take extreme measures and risk the lives of hostages and crew members. We had to come to terms with the demands of the terrorists for a while. They brought money. As a result, all the hostages were rescued, and the plane took off with only the crew members. By agreement with the Israeli authorities, the criminals were immediately arrested and soon handed over to the Soviet side. Thus, none of the hostages died.

- In your opinion, Gennady Nikolaevich, which country’s special forces operate most professionally?

In 2001, terrorist Idiev with a machine gun, grenades and other explosives seized the Nevinnomyssk - Stavropol bus. The operation to free the hostages was carried out so brilliantly that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (himself a former special forces officer) said: “The Russians carried out this operation at the highest professional level and today in their training they are not inferior to the best special forces in the world, or maybe , even surpass them." I would also put Alpha in first place. As for other units, Israeli special forces operate very professionally. One can note a powerful combat special group in the UK. The SAS is the oldest anti-terrorism unit in the world. It was formed during the Second World War in 1941 by Colonel David Stirling from the most persistent and determined volunteers of the British Army.

Their slogan: “He who risks wins.” The unit is based at the heavily guarded Bradbury Lines camp in Hereford, west of London. The barracks are protected by barbed wire and equipped with television cameras around the perimeter; There is special control at the entrance. It is very rare for SAS soldiers to be photographed; their names are carefully hidden.

- Which of the anti-terrorist operations in world practice do you consider the most effective?

When a group of terrorists captured 19 employees of the Iranian embassy in London in the mid-70s, SAS soldiers carried out an excellent operation to free them. The actions of the Israeli special forces in Uganda at Entebbe airport were also brilliant. You need to understand that the actions were carried out on foreign territory in violation of all international norms.

On the day of the operation, Israeli commandos were flown from Tel Aviv to Kenya. At night, one of the planes, equipped with special equipment to suppress the airport's radar system, landed in Entebbe. During the fast-moving battle, fighters of the anti-terrorism group captured the terminal in which the criminals were holding hostages. All the attackers were killed. The Israeli unit lost one man, and three of the ninety hostages died.

- Are there any serious teams in the CIS?

Of course, a powerful structure has developed in Ukraine, called Directorate “A”, in Belarus.

- Are they reaping the benefits of the achievements of the Soviet Union?

Yes, the structures that were in our division in Kyiv and Minsk are Soviet initiatives. Now they have become larger. In Kazakhstan, the Soviet group also started a special unit. In general, anti-terrorist units appeared in the former Soviet republics. Most often they are called “A” groups. They constantly interact with Alpha, experience is exchanged, and joint training operations take place.

- Is there a panacea for terrorism? How should public policy be implemented in this regard?

Preventive measures at the state policy level have always been implemented. And now they are receiving special attention. Simultaneously with the creation of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, anti-terrorist commissions were formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. To manage counter-terrorism operations, the committee includes the Federal Operational Headquarters and corresponding structures in the regions.

Does this mean that such an effective policy is now being pursued, as a result of which we will get rid of the scourge of terrorism?

I would not say that we have already defeated terrorism. But anyone who is planning such a thing must take into account that he will face very powerful organized resistance.


Anti-terrorist group "A" (now known as "Alpha") was created on July 29, 1974. Hero of the Soviet Union Vitaly Bubenin was appointed the first commander of this unit. In 1977, Group A was headed by Gennady Zaitsev. One of the group's first combat missions was an operation on March 28, 1979 to neutralize a terrorist who threatened to blow up the US Embassy in Moscow if he was not sent to the States. Gennady Nikolaevich then had to negotiate with the attacker, posing as an employee of the consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For two and a half hours, he convinced the criminal to abandon his intentions. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the employees of group “A”; the terrorist was seriously wounded and soon died. Subsequently, Gennady Zaitsev had the opportunity to participate in many dangerous operations. In November 1988, the KGB leadership appointed him deputy head of the 7th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. On October 22, 1990, Gennady Nikolaevich was awarded the rank of general. And two years later he was offered to lead Alpha again. In October 1993, despite the order of President Yeltsin, the Alfists did not carry out a force operation, but found arguments to convince the people in the White House to leave the building, guaranteeing their immunity. In March 1995, Gennady Nikolaevich retired with the rank of major general. After that, he took part in the creation of a private security company - the Alfa-95 Security Agency in Moscow and is now one of its leaders. He was elected vice-president of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, and was also elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. He passes on his unique experience to young employees. Hero of the Soviet Union Zaitsev was also awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor, two Orders of the Red Star, and many medals. He is an honorary employee of the USSR State Security. And four years ago, Gennady Zaitsev’s book “Alpha is my destiny” was published. The work contains information about anti-terrorist operations of the last 30 years, which cannot be found in other sources.

Interviewed by Anna Petrosova

Special for the Centenary

Zaitsev Gennady Nikolaevich is a famous Russian military man. He has the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He became famous for leading the Alpha special forces group. Served as deputy head of the seventh department

Biography of a military man

Zaitsev Gennady Nikolaevich was born in 1934. He was born in the village of Antybary, which is located in the Perm region. His father was an employee. He worked at a woodworking plant in Lyaminsk.

When the Great Patriotic War began, he was drafted into the army. At this time, the hero of our article was only 7 years old. After the victory over fascism, my father survived, but his life changed dramatically, and he did not return to his family. Gennady was raised only by his mother. He had three other brothers and sisters.

In 1948, Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev graduated from seven classes in Lyaminsk, where the family moved after his father before the war. He plans to enter the technical school at the Kama River Shipping Company, and connects his future destiny exclusively with the Perm region. But life had other plans.

His mother became seriously ill, so he had to immediately go earn money. He got a job at the plant as an electrician. His father also worked there before. Soon he began to express himself brightly not only in work, but also in public life. He became a member of the trade union committee, then he was elected secretary of the Komsomol organization.

Military service

In 1953, Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev was drafted into the ranks of the armed forces of the Soviet Union. For three years he has served in a separate special-purpose regiment under the command of the capital’s Kremlin. He ends up in elite military units and receives qualified training.

He ends his service in a separate officer battalion. He comes there as an ordinary rifleman and receives the post of squad commander. After the expiration of his term of military service, he refuses to be transferred to the reserve, deciding to throw in his lot with military service.

Work in the KGB

Zaitsev found himself in the service of the State Security Committee as a result of the merger of the ninth directorate of the KGB with the commandant’s office of the Moscow Kremlin. The latter was directly involved in the protection of senior officials of the Soviet state. So the hero of our article was assigned to a special department of the State Security Committee, which belonged to the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

At the same time, he continued to improve his education. In 1966, he completed his correspondence studies at the KGB Higher School, which bears the name of one of the founders of this structure, Felix Dzerzhinsky. Upon graduation he receives the specialty of lawyer.

In 1968, a new stage in his career began. He is appointed team leader during Operation Danube.

Operation Danube

The entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia in 1968 was encrypted under this code name. It led to the complete collapse of all the reforms of the Prague Spring. The combined group of Soviet troops was commanded by Army General Ivan Pavlovsky.

This operation had a very specific political goal - a change of power in Czechoslovakia. The USSR needed a leader who would be loyal to the Soviets. During Operation Danube, the troops were tasked with capturing and holding strategically important objects in the Czech capital. KGB officers were supposed to arrest the main local reformers.

After this, it was planned to hold an urgent plenum of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, as well as a session of the National Assembly. They were to officially change the leadership of the country. Politburo member Kirill Mazurov was responsible for the political part of the operation.

The international community reacted negatively to the USSR's invasion of the territory of a sovereign state. In the Soviet Union itself, the intelligentsia protested against such actions of the leadership.

Founding of the Alpha group

Anti-terrorist group "A" was created in 1974 by personal order of the then-current KGB chairman Yuri Andropov. It is interesting that in official documents this unit is still called simply “A”. The designation “Alpha” was invented by journalists, and over time it stuck.

In November 1977, Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev was the commander of the Alpha group. One of his first tasks was the development of the anti-terrorism plan "Alarm".

In this position, the hero of our article led several important special operations. For example, to free hostages and eliminate dangerous criminals and terrorists. Thus, the Alpha group under his command eliminated threats in the American embassy in Moscow, in Soviet cities where unrest periodically arose in the 80s. This is Sarapul, located in the Udmurt SSR, Tbilisi, Ufa, Mineralnye Vody.

Business trips abroad

Zaitsev Gennady Nikolaevich served in Alpha for more than one year. In 1978, he was sent to Cuba, where he led a group of combat swimmers of the Black Sea Navy. Their responsibilities included ensuring the safety of Soviet submarines. Directly at that time it was “Leonid Sobinov” and “Georgia”. They hosted delegates of the Eleventh World Festival of Students and Youth.

In 1979, Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev, commander of the Alpha group, Wikipedia talks about this, arrived in the USA. He led the operation at the New York airport to exchange two Rudolf Chernyaev and Vladimir Enger for five Soviet dissidents who were specially brought from Moscow for this purpose.

A demonstrative successful operation under his leadership took place in the mid-80s. Zaitsev Gennady Nikolaevich can consider his achievement the exposure of twelve American spies who worked in the Soviet Union for the CIA. Moreover, they were all Soviet citizens.

The management noted the merits in 1986. Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev received the Hero of the Soviet Union for his brilliant provision of state security and work in the interests of the Soviet Union. And also the courage and courage that he showed during the neutralization and capture of especially dangerous criminals.

He was also awarded the Golden Star medal and the Order of Lenin.

Participation in perestroika

It is worth noting that the entire Alpha division played an important role in the restructuring. At this time, Zaitsev received the post of deputy head of the seventh directorate of the KGB of the USSR.

And after the collapse of the Soviet Union, he headed the operational search department of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation.

In 1990, Zaitsev took part in eliminating the political crisis in the Azerbaijan SSR. He leads a separate detachment, which, in addition to Alpha fighters, includes representatives of the Vityaz and Vympel detachments. For two months (in January and February 1990) they carried out a peacekeeping mission in Baku, trying to calm down nationalist-minded sections of society.

In October 1993, Alpha and Zaitsev were already in Moscow. They are on the front line during the dispersal of the Supreme Soviet of Russia, which effectively served as parliament, by troops who had sworn allegiance to Yeltsin. At this time, Alpha commanders show restraint, refusing to participate in the assault on the besieged.

Soon after this, the leadership of the unit changes dramatically. In 1995, Major General Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev resigns. In civilian life, he is engaged in the security business. Founds and heads his own security company called Alfa-95.

Social activities

In the late 90s, the hero of our article began to be actively involved in social work. He is invited to serve on various boards and advisory bodies. For example, he is a member of the advisory council working under Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev, a member of the coordination council. The Minister of Civil Aviation listens to his opinion.

In 1999, he was elected to the leadership of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terrorist unit. Zaitsev holds the post of vice president. In the same year he found himself on the central committee of the All-Russian organization of trade unions, which includes workers of non-governmental security organizations. These include the companies founded by Zaitsev and other leaders of Soviet special forces who retired in the 90s. These are private security companies, detective agencies, escort services for especially important persons.

Zaitsev works on an expert council that advises State Duma deputies. First of all, the safety committee. In recent years, he received the symbolic title of Honorary Member of the regional public organization that represents the Perm community - the region in which he was born.

In 2006, he received an offer to join the federal Public Chamber. In 2007 he begins his political career. Zaitsev is running for elections to the State Duma from one of the parliamentary parties - A Just Russia. He is trying to win in the regional group for the Leningrad region. At first he actively conducts the election campaign, but then quickly loses interest in what is happening. As a result, he voluntarily leaves the list.

At the same time, he remains a member of the A Just Russia party, which considers the fight against corruption to be its main task. You can get acquainted with his ideas, views and ideas about life in the book “Alpha is my destiny.” In many ways it is biographical.

Hero Rewards

In addition to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Gennady Zaitsev also has many important awards.

This is the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, and also the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Main character our article - the owner of two Orders of the Red Star. He has the title of Honorary State Security Officer. Winner of various domestic and international awards.

Zaitsev Gennady Nikolaevich - commander of the anti-terrorist unit “A” (“Alpha”), major general. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor, two Orders of the Red Star, and medals. Honorary employee of the USSR State Security.

G. N. Zaitsev was born on September 12, 1934 in the village of Lyamino, Chusovsky district, Perm region. In 1948, after finishing eight years of school, he began working as an electrician at the Lyaminsky woodworking plant. In the fall of 1953 he was drafted into the army. He served in the Separate Special Purpose Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Directorate and the Separate Officer Battalion - a rifleman, a squad leader and a company sergeant major. Then he served in the Separate Officer Battalion.

In the KGB of the USSR - since 1959. Graduated from the KGB Higher School named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1966). In 1967, he headed a group of employees of the 7th Directorate who guarded the Chairman of the KGB, Yu.V. Andropova. Performed a responsible assignment in Prague (1968). On November 10, 1977, he was appointed commander of Group “A” of the 7th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. One of the developers of the anti-terrorism plan “Nabat”. Repeatedly led special operations to free hostages and neutralize especially dangerous criminals: the American Embassy in Moscow (March 1979), Sarapul, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (December 1981), Tbilisi (November 1983), Ufa Bashkir ASSR (September 1986) and the city of Mineralnye Vody (December 1988). In the summer of 1978, in Havana (Cuba), he led a group of Alpha employees and combat swimmers of the Black Sea Military Fleet, which ensured the safety of the underwater part of the Soviet ships Georgia and Leonid Sobinov, which housed part of the delegates of the XI World Festival of Youth and Students. In April 1979, employees of Group A, led by G.N. Zaitsev, exchanged two Soviet intelligence officers, Vladimir Enger and Rudolf Chernyaev, at the airport in New York (USA) for five dissidents brought from Moscow on an Aeroflot flight. In 1985-1986, his subordinates physically captured twelve spies from among Soviet citizens working for the CIA.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 11551) was awarded to Colonel Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from

December 0, 1986 for great services in ensuring the State security of the USSR, courage and bravery shown in neutralizing especially dangerous criminals.

The rank of major general was awarded in October 1990. From November 1988 to July 1992, deputy head of the 7th directorate of the KGB-MB. In January-February 1990, during the crisis in the Azerbaijan SSR, he was sent to the city of Baku, where he led a combined special forces detachment consisting of fighters from Alpha, Vympel and Vityaz. In the spring of 1990, he personally introduced the commanders of the regional branches of Group “A” - in Kyiv, Minsk, Alma-Ata and Yekaterinburg - to the heads of the republican and regional bodies of the KGB.

Since March 1995 - retired. Head of the private security agency Alfa-95. In 2006-2008 Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Author of the book “Alpha is my destiny” (St. Petersburg: Slavia, 2005).

Born on September 12, 1934 in the village of Solomatovo, Chusovsky district, Perm region, in the family of an employee. Father - Zaitsev Nikolai Yakovlevich (1906–1985). Mother - Zaitseva Anna Petrovna (1914–1995). Wife – Zaitseva (Mikhailova) Zoya Ilyinichna (born 1935). Son – Zaitsev Sergey Gennadievich (born 1959).

G.N. Zaitsev’s father worked at the Lyaminsky woodworking plant. Soon after the start of the Great Patriotic War, he was drafted into the active army as a reserve officer. Gennady, who was 7 years old at the time, and his three sisters were left in the care of their mother. After the war, my father did not return to his family. So all four were raised and raised by one mother.

In 1948, after graduating from seven classes at the Lyaminskaya school, Gennady Zaitsev decided to enter the technical school of the Kama River Shipping Company. But fate decreed otherwise. His mother suddenly fell ill, and he had to go to work at the same Lyaminsky woodworking plant where his father worked before the war.

Gennady worked at the plant as an electrician for 5 years. He was elected as a member of the trade union committee, secretary of the Komsomol committee, and was a propagandist...

In the fall of 1953 he was drafted into the army. He served in a separate special-purpose regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant's Office for 3 years - first as a rifleman, then as a squad commander. At the end of 1956, before being transferred to the reserve, Gennady was offered to stay for an extended period, and he agreed.

Served as a company sergeant major. Soon he was recommended for work in the state security agencies. In two years, Gennady Zaitsev graduated from grades 8–10 as an external student, after which he was invited to serve in a separate officer battalion, commanded by Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Gushchin.

In 1959, the 9th Directorate of the KGB merged with the Directorate of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, which was responsible for protecting the country's top leaders. When Khrushchev's reduction in the army and law enforcement agencies began, G.N. Zaitsev was not fired, but on the advice of Colonel Gushchin, he was transferred to the 7th KGB Directorate under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and then sent to the KGB Higher School named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1966, he graduated from it in absentia and received the specialty of a lawyer.

On July 29, 1974, in the department where G.N. served. Zaitsev, according to the order of the Chairman of the State Security Committee Yu.V. Andropov, the famous anti-terrorist group “A” was created, or, as journalists later dubbed it, “Alpha”. The first commander of this unit was the border guard Hero of the Soviet Union, then Major, and now Major General Vitaly Bubenin, and his deputy was Major Robert Ivon.

In April 1977, Bubenin asked to be returned to the border troops, and the group was led by Major Yvon. And six months later, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov appointed G.N. as commander of this unit. Zaitseva.

One of the group's first combat missions was an operation to neutralize a terrorist who threatened to blow up the US Embassy in Moscow. On March 28, 1979, one of the visitors, threatening to explode, demanded that he be immediately sent to the United States.

G.N. Zaitsev then had to enter into negotiations with the terrorist, posing as an employee of the consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For two and a half hours, he convinced the criminal to give up his demands.

However, he was nervous, and the explosion could not be avoided. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the employees of group “A”, and the terrorist himself was seriously wounded and soon died.

In subsequent years, the Alpha group under the leadership of G.N. Zaitsev more than once had to participate in operations to free hostages, including in air transport. And in all cases, the criminals were neutralized, and none of the hostages or unit employees were harmed.

One of the most dangerous incidents took place in the city of Ufa, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in September 1986. Then, on the night of September 20, three servicemen of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs: junior sergeant N.R. Matsnev, Corporal A.B. Konoval and private S.V. Yagmurzhi stole an RPK light machine gun, an SVD sniper rifle and a machine gun, loaded with 220 rounds of ammunition, left the unit without permission and headed to the airport. Having killed two policemen along the way, Matsnev and Yagmurzhi entered the airfield, broke into a Tu-134 plane flying on the route Lvov - Kyiv - Ufa - Nizhnevartovsk, with 76 passengers on board and 5 crew members, closed the door and shot two hostages , demanded to fly to Pakistan.

On the instructions of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR V.M. Chebrikov, group “A” urgently flew to Ufa to free the hostages and neutralize the terrorists.

Local government officials negotiated with the terrorists, hoping to persuade them to abandon their criminal intentions. However, the bandits, threatening with weapons, continued to hold crew members and passengers on board as hostages and placed them in the rear of the plane.

One of the bandits, armed with a machine gun, was at the entrance to the cabin from the pilot's cabin. And the other, armed with a machine gun, hiding behind a flight attendant, was hiding at the end of the cabin. The bandits sealed the peephole in the pilot's cabin door and blocked the emergency hatches from the inside.

First, the terrorists were asked to move to another plane, where a capture group had previously been stationed. However, they replied that they would fly only on “their” plane, agreeing to allow only one specialist into the cabin for inspection and to carry out repairs from the outside. A group of 5 people headed towards the plane, who installed stepladders in places where entry into the plane was possible and adjusted the ladder. However, the terrorists suddenly refused to let a specialist on board and demanded that the ladder be removed. But the special forces officers prepared and carried out other operational measures, as a result of which the hostages were released. However, there was a threat of an explosion of the plane and the lives of those in the pilot's cabin. In the conditions of a critical situation, one of the bandits had to be eliminated.

On December 19, 1986, KGB Chairman V.M. Chebrikov, for great services in ensuring the state security of the USSR, courage and bravery shown in neutralizing especially dangerous criminals, in the presence of members of the KGB board, presented G.N. Zaitsev the gold star of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin.

In total, over the years of service in Alpha and subsequently G.N. Zaitsev had the opportunity to participate in many very dangerous operations. But perhaps the most difficult and surprising in its cruelty was the operation to free the hostages, which began in Ordzhonikidze and ended in Mineralnye Vody. Such sophisticated and cynical deceit as demonstrated by Pavel Yakshiyants’ gang has never happened before. Here children became hostages. On December 1, 1988, four bandits hijacked a bus carrying 32 4th grade students and their teacher.

If their demands were not met (2 million dollars and the provision of a plane to fly abroad), the criminals threatened to burn all the captured hostages: they placed three three-liter cans of gasoline under each bus seat. Conducting a combat operation in these conditions was extremely dangerous.

The negotiations lasted seven hours. During these “bargains,” the terrorists demanded first a flight to Pakistan, then to South Africa, and finally to Israel. During this time, 20 children were released.

Through diplomatic channels, the Soviet side agreed with the Israeli government on the landing of the plane with the terrorists and their extradition to Soviet justice.

Some hotheads suggested setting up a shootout on the plane and punishing the bandits. However, G.N. Zaitsev categorically refused to take extreme measures: it was impossible to risk the lives of the hostages and crew members in these conditions.

We had to come to terms with the demands of the terrorists for a while. They were given money.

As a result of subsequent negotiations, it was possible to “exchange” all the hostages, and the plane took off with only 9 crew members. By agreement with the Israeli authorities, the criminals were immediately arrested and soon handed over to the Soviet side. Thus, the lives of all the hostages were saved.

In November 1988, the KGB leadership appointed G.N. Zaitsev as deputy head of the 7th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR.

October 22, 1990 G.N. Zaitsev was awarded the rank of general. In August 1991, he, along with all the Alfa members, experienced the events that took place in Moscow. A year later, on July 2, he was summoned to the Kremlin and received an offer to again lead Alpha.

In this post, G.N. Zaitsev survived the tragedy of October 1993, when special forces officers, despite the demands of President Yeltsin, did not shoot at the defenders of the White House and ensured that they and the deputies of the Supreme Council escaped from the burning building.

In March 1995, Gennady Nikolaevich retired with the rank of major general. After that, he took part in the creation of a private security company - the Alfa-95 Security Agency - and headed it.

He is a member of the advisory council of the FSB of Russia and a member of the coordinating council of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate. In 1999, he was elected vice-president of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, and in May 1999 - a member of the central committee of the all-Russian trade union of workers of non-governmental security organizations. In 2006, he was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Hero of the Soviet Union G.N. Zaitsev was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor, two Orders of the Red Star, and many medals. He is an honorary employee of the USSR State Security.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Z Aytsev Gennady Nikolaevich – commander of Group “A” (“Alpha”) of the 5th department of the 7th Directorate of the USSR State Security Committee, colonel.

Born on September 11*, 1934 in the urban village of Lyamino, now in the Chusovsky district of the Perm Territory, in the family of an employee. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1957. In 1948 he graduated from seven classes of school. He worked as an electrician at a factory in the village of Lyamino.

In 1953, he was drafted into the Separate Red Banner Special Purpose Regiment of the 10th Directorate (Kremlin Commandant's Office) of the State Security Committee (KGB) under the Council of Ministers (CoM) of the USSR, and served in the 7th company of the 2nd battalion of the regiment. In 1956, he remained in long-term service and commanded a department. In 1958, he graduated from high school as an external student and was soon transferred to the Separate Officer Battalion of the 10th KGB Directorate under the USSR Council of Ministers.

Since 1959, he served in the 7th Directorate (external surveillance and security of the diplomatic corps) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1966, he graduated in absentia from the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1967, for a short time he led the personal security of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR Yu.V. Andropov. From April 1969 - head of the department, then - deputy head of the department of the 7th Directorate of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

From November 10, 1977 to November 4, 1988 – commander (chief) of Group “A” (“Alpha”) of the 5th Department of the 7th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. Repeatedly led special operations to free hostages and neutralize particularly dangerous criminals: the American Embassy in Moscow (March 1979), Sarapul of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (December 1981), Tbilisi (November 1983), Ufa Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (September 1986) and Mineralnye Vody (December 1988). In the summer of 1978, in Havana (Cuba), he led a group of Alpha employees and combat swimmers of the Black Sea Fleet, which ensured the safety of the underwater part of the Soviet ships Georgia and Leonid Sobinov, which housed part of the delegates of the XI World Festival of Youth and Students.

In April 1979, employees of the Alpha Group, led by G.N. Zaitsev, exchanged two Soviet intelligence officers, Vladimir Enger and Rudolf Chernyaev, for five dissidents (Dymshits, Vince, Moroz, Kuznetsov, Ginzburg) at the New York airport (USA) , delivered from Moscow on an Aeroflot flight. In 1985-1986, his subordinates physically captured twelve spies from among Soviet citizens working for the US Central Intelligence Agency.

U Kazakh Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 1, 1986 for great services in ensuring the state security of the USSR, courage and bravery shown in neutralizing especially dangerous criminals, Colonel Zaitsev Gennady Nikolaevich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

From December 1988 to 1991 - Deputy Head of the 7th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In January-February 1990, during the crisis in the Azerbaijan SSR, he was sent to the city of Baku, where he led a combined special forces detachment consisting of fighters from Alpha, Vympel and Vityaz. In the spring of 1990, he personally introduced the commanders of the regional branches of the Alpha Group - in Kyiv, Minsk, Alma-Ata and Yekaterinburg - to the heads of the republican and regional bodies of the KGB of the USSR.

In 1992 - Deputy Head of the Operational Search Directorate of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation. From July 4, 1992 to January 31, 1995 - commander (chief) of the Alpha Group of the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation. In October 1993, he played one of the key roles in resolving the most acute political crisis and preventing further bloodshed in the White House (House of Soviets of Russia), ensuring the exit of deputies and defenders of the burning building of the Russian parliament. Since March 1995, Major General G.N. Zaitsev has been retired.

From 1995 to the present - President of the private security organization Alfa-95 Security Agency. Since 1999 - Vice President of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha Anti-Terror Unit. In 2006-2008 - member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Member of the Advisory Council of the FSB of Russia, member of the Coordination Council of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption.

Lives and works in the hero city of Moscow.

Major General (10/22/1990). Awarded the Soviet Order of Lenin (12/1/1986), the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor, 2 Orders of the Red Star, the Russian Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree (2009), medals, the badge “Honorary State Security Officer”, the Order of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy 3rd degree (ROC), as well as orders and medals of foreign countries.

Laureate of the literary prize “Faithful Sons of Russia” named after Alexander Nevsky (2004), the International Prize of the Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called “For Faith and Fidelity” (2004).

Honorary citizen of the city of Chusovoy (2003).

* – some sources indicate the date September 12. The fact is that in 1953, before being drafted into the army, he filled out a form, G.N. Zaitsev indicated his date of birth as September 12.