Rust spots on chrome. Methods for restoring and cleaning chrome parts from plaque and rust

Chromed exterior trim elements give the car a special charm. Every automaker strives to decorate their premium models with chrome, making them more attractive. But in the end, the buyer has to pay for this beauty. The fact is that the chrome coating quickly loses its original appearance. The car owner has to look for something to clean the chrome parts of the car.

Possible defects

Chrome plating is a thin layer of chromium that appears on a metal surface during a galvanic procedure. Chrome plating can also be applied to plastic. But since the base is a dielectric, an adhesive layer of a conductive substance is first applied to the plastic element.

In the case of plastic, chrome plating can significantly increase the resistance of the element to physical influences. For metal, chrome plating serves as a kind of protection against corrosion. In this case, the chrome coating itself can be destroyed under the influence of various factors.

Chrome can receive the following types of damage:

  • Scratches and abrasions.
  • Microcracks.
  • Cloudiness.
  • Loss of original shine.
  • Color change (yellowing)
  • The appearance of a white coating.
  • Occurrence of corrosion areas.

At home, using products for cleaning chrome car parts, it is impossible to eliminate the following damage: peeling of chrome from the substrate, loss of the chrome film in recessed areas. If such a defect appears while the car is under warranty, then you need to contact the dealer to have it fixed, since this damage is a manufacturing defect. To eliminate such a defect, you need to completely remove the old coating and re-chrome the element.

Getting rid of corrosion

Chrome surfaces in Russian winter conditions and under the influence of reagents that are poured in excess on the roads quickly corrode. If the damage is through-and-through, then the element can only be restored by repeated galvanic treatment. It is also impossible without galvanization to restore the chrome plating of those parts where the chrome layer has fallen off due to rust on the metal itself.

In all other cases, you can clean the chrome on your car after winter from light corrosion using the following means:

All industrially produced anti-corrosion products are polishing pastes. Therefore, it is recommended to use them at the finish of work to give the details a special shine.


The extent of the damage is very difficult to assess if the chrome part is not cleaned of dirt. This must be done very carefully, since the chrome film is very thin. When performing cleaning, the following rules must be observed:

First, rinse the part with warm water and then wipe with gasoline. You may need to repeat this procedure several times.

If dirty plaque remains in some hard-to-reach places, it can be removed from there with an old soft-bristle toothbrush.

To prevent corrosion from harming neighboring areas of chromium, the source of damage must be localized. This can be done using regular wax or polish.

They can be removed both with improvised means and with specialized cleaners sold in stores. For example, at home you can use chalk or washing powder.

They will not cause additional harm to the chrome plating, but will effectively remove oxides.

When removing minor foci of corrosion, you need to carefully clean the damaged areas, while trying not to touch the undamaged surface.

If corrosion has reached the base, chlorine and soda can be used to remove it. These substances will quickly deal with plaque, but you need to act carefully so as not to damage the entire surface.

You can use WD-40 to clean hard-to-reach places. But you need to remember that this product will remove plaque, but will not cope with severe corrosion.

All substances used, by and large, do not remove rust, but soften it. Therefore, at the final stage it is necessary to remove both cleaning agents and rust.

Basically, you need to clean the chrome on your car. And if dry cleaning agents were used, then they and soft rust can be removed with a brush.

Once rust and oxides are removed, the chrome surface may lose its smoothness. To make it smooth again, you need to apply a special ceramic-based paste to the defect site. It fits perfectly on the base and goes well with chrome. Thanks to its good priming properties, ceramic paste quickly fills uneven areas at the site of damage. With its help, you can eliminate defects up to several millimeters deep. Leveling occurs within one day.

After restoring the damaged layer, it is time to restore its aesthetic properties. The most reliable way is to use electroplating. But this method is difficult to implement at home. You can also take the part to a specialized workshop, but their services are expensive.

When restoring at home, the easiest way is to use a special chrome-look film or imitate a chrome surface using paint.

Decorating a part with “chrome” film is very simple. The damaged element must be degreased using white spirit. After this, you need to attach the film to the part and mark it. The excess is removed, but you should remember to leave a small reserve.

A clean part should be sprayed with soapy water, the backing of the film should be removed and the latter should be applied to the part. The applied film must be heated with a hair dryer while simultaneously running a squeegee from the middle of the element to its edges. This will allow the film to firmly adhere to the part and expel any remaining air from under it. Excess film is carefully trimmed with a razor.

Paint is even easier to work with. You need to purchase a jar or spray can of paint of a suitable composition from the store. Experts recommend buying paint in cans, as it has better reflective properties. In addition, it is much closer in appearance to chrome.

Paint in cans can be one or two component. The second option is more difficult to apply, but this mixture lasts much longer.

You need to paint using the following technology:

  • The pre-prepared part is degreased, several layers of dark primer are applied to its surface and allowed to dry.
  • A layer of ceramic varnish is applied and dried for an hour at a temperature of 60 °C.
  • The varnished part is kept for 3 days at room temperature, after which painting begins. Moreover, the paint is applied in several layers.
  • The paint dries for 1 hour at 60 °C.
  • Finally, the part is varnished and polished

The resulting coating cannot be called ideal. However, it is much better than chrome damaged by corrosion.

Preventing Chrome Damage

It is impossible to completely protect the chrome on a car. But it is up to the owner to reduce the likelihood of damage. To do this, you need to use special products for car chrome care.

There are two ways to protect chrome parts:

How exactly to care for the car to prevent damage to chrome surfaces is up to the owner to decide. Experts advise wrapping the car parts that are most susceptible to mechanical stress and oxidation in film. All other chrome elements can be protected using chemicals.

Technologies are developing, the automotive industry is moving forward by leaps and bounds, but one detail is present on equipment of any generation. Restoring chrome car parts is a problem so old that at first it seems surprising why something hasn’t been invented for it yet. Just like half a century ago, drivers face the same task.

Today the driver does not have to, simple restoration can be carried out in the garage. However, it is more logical to prevent the problem, so first we will look at how to care for a chrome surface.


Scratches and dullness

Chrome parts give the car a special look. They sparkle in the sun and reflect like a mirror in cloudy weather. It is the reflectivity of chrome that requires constant maintenance. Treating your car well is not enough, since such a surface is easily covered with small scratches and becomes dull over time.
Contrary to popular belief, chrome rusts no worse than regular metal. Therefore, caring for chrome parts is extremely important. Pay attention to the cars. It is advisable to use soapy warm water. You need to wipe with a soft cloth or soft foam sponge. From rough material, smooth metal begins to dull over time due to a network of microscopic scratches. Before cleaning the chrome bumper with a rag, dampen it in water.

Use low water pressure. Avoid temperature changes in both summer and winter. In warm weather, after washing the car, it is enough to put the car in the shade, and in winter it is better to use protective sprays with an oil base and do not leave the garage if there is moisture on the chrome surface.

From time to time you can wipe the part with kerosene and carefully rinse it off with warm water. Under no circumstances should substances such as kerosene, gasoline or white spirit be left on the surface, and it is better to avoid contact with soda or mineral oil altogether. However, before polishing the part, you need to degrease it, and here kerosene is perfect.


A little mechanical protection would not harm a chrome bumper, because it is not for nothing that manufacturers are increasingly using steel thrust bars that increase the strength and protection of bumpers. However, the main danger for chromium is corrosion. This is especially true on Russian roads, where a car cannot avoid encountering aggressive road agents.

Sometimes the situation allows for the application of varnish over a chrome surface. He doesn't last long, and he doesn't look his best, but he copes with the task of protection.

It is best to protect the part in advance by covering it with a special compound. Salt water can cause even high-quality products to become stained with rust. Repair of chrome parts in this case begins with localizing the source of corrosion - removing the rusted area mechanically and treating it with oil varnish. If the chrome layer has not been touched, it is enough to polish the damage with WD-40.

At home, you can find something to polish chrome without going to the store. They use soda, but it may be too hard. Unnoticeable traces are removed with soft powder or chalk, ground and applied to a flannel cloth.

Polishing with your own hands is possible, but here it is better not to use your hands, but to use special compounds for polishing chrome. You can buy them at any auto store. If there is severe corrosion, you will have to use WD-40, although this is a last resort. Depending on the severity of the damage, you will have to perform some of the operations described below.

  1. Before cleaning, remove the part and move it to a place protected from extreme temperatures.
  2. When rust eats right through the chrome plating, mechanical cleaning is required. Everything is determined by the depth of the damage. In some cases, it is necessary to use rough grinding with coarse abrasive.
  3. If a significant area of ​​metal has been removed, care must be taken to protect it, apply a primer to the welds, and so on. If the cleaning plan is not restoration, but painting, then two types of primer will be required - acidic and basic.
  4. Chrome plating at home is impossible. A car service center will tell you how to restore such a part, but as an alternative, you can consider covering the part with a metallized film, painting the part, and galvanic silvering. For metachrome plating, you will need to carry out a silver reduction reaction from inorganic salt at home. This is quite possible, but silver wears out easily and is not suitable as a coating for external parts.
  5. Use the cleaner to remove traces of grease and stains. It is acceptable to use substances containing acids, but the solution must be removed from the part immediately. Anhydrous ammonia and acids are not allowed in polishes.
  6. For shallow damage, you will need either polish or regular chalk (tooth powder). The polish can be replaced with GOI paste diluted with a couple of drops of engine oil. The paste is coarse - be careful! A folk remedy is foil soaked in Coca-Cola.
  7. For strong polishing, you can use felt. Otherwise, it is better to choose a soft cloth.

Video showing rust removal from a chrome bumper:

Paint over chrome

Chrome is an extremely hard metal and a thorough surface treatment will be required before painting a chrome part. It is necessary to bring it to a matte state - small scratches will improve the adhesion of the material. Then you should remove dust from the surface, degrease and successively apply several layers of primer:

  • acidic primer, which provides rigid adhesion to the surface, since tenths of a micron are eaten into the metal;
  • primary (main) primer to protect the part from corrosion and adhesion to paint;
  • filler primer - necessary if you need to level the surface.

A phosphating primer is sold specifically for metal surfaces. The substance is a mixture of acid and basic primer. It can be used instead of oxidation and phosphating; the main goal is to protect the metal for a long time. After preliminary degreasing, paint is applied to the last layer of primer.


If the question of how to restore a chrome part is relevant to you, then the corrosion process has probably already gone too far. To ensure that the part does not lose its attractiveness over time, you need to handle it carefully. Attentiveness and caring attitude towards chrome are the main ways to fight for its appearance.

A part that has not been protected in a timely manner is difficult to restore. However, you should not give up. A little patience, good theoretical preparation, and your bumper will shine like new.

There are quite a lot of chrome-plated parts on motorcycles and cars, but, unfortunately, chrome, unlike nickel, is a decorative coating and is poorly suited for protecting metal from corrosion. In this regard, due to careless storage, over time, chrome becomes dull and becomes covered with brown spots of rusty plaque. If measures are not taken, then the corrosion of the metal under the galvanic coating will reach such a stage when the chrome will simply fall off and then it will no longer be possible to return it to a decent appearance at home. To do this, you will need to clean the metal from the old coating and apply a new layer of chromium or nickel using the galvanic method.

To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the motorcycle or car in general and the chrome on it in particular. To begin with, it would be advisable to avoid a situation where equipment begins to rust - now there are a huge number of polishes, waxes, polymers on sale to protect enamels and coatings from moisture, dirt, etc. So don’t forget about timely washing and care of your equipment...

But there are situations when rust on chrome is inevitable, for example, as is the case with most of our rarities with an internal combustion engine - many of them are already more than half a century old and almost all this time they were stored in old barns with dirt floors, leaking roofs, or even under the open air. sky. Some of them only saw a clean rag and a bucket of water in their dreams...

And so, you have discovered specks of rust on the chrome parts of your motorcycle. What to do? To solve the problem, there are several fairly simple ways available to everyone:

Soda and foil

Pour soda on the corroded part, wait a few minutes and start rubbing with a piece of foil (for example, from a chocolate bar). In this case, soda acts as a source of carbonic acid, which reacts with rust, and the foil is like a soft file, its task is to clean and wipe away what has reacted with the acid.

  • The advantages of this method are its availability, low cost and speed.
  • The disadvantages are the inability to remove deep corrosion spots, i.e. After cleaning, rust may soon appear again. And the foil can scratch the chrome a little and with each cleaning it will become duller.

Toilet duckling

Pour this detergent (or any other based on organic acids) into a container and immerse the part there for a while. Rust comes off very well, and chrome is not particularly affected, since organic acids are not strong enough for the reaction to take place quickly - chrome will not suffer much. But the main thing here is not to overexpose it, otherwise it will become cloudy.

  • Pros: cheap and cheerful, penetrates deeply and removes rust efficiently.
  • Cons: you can ruin the coating if you leave it on for a long time or if the product is very concentrated.

Orthophosphoric acid

Based on this acid, various rust converters are made, sometimes they also have a zinc plating effect, which is very good. The principle of operation is this: we smear the problem area with acid or a rust converter, wait a few minutes, and wash everything off completely.

  • Pros: high-quality rust cleaning with a passivating or galvanizing effect. In the place where the acid reacted with the metal, an oxide film is formed, which is very resistant to the external environment.
  • Cons: Acid is quite aggressive towards the chrome itself and can damage it if you overexpose it, and if you leave the part in acid for a very long time, it can etch out deep holes.

Chrome cleaners

Special chrome cleaners, such as WAX TURTLE Silver Chrom. Such products also contain acids, as well as various polymers to protect the cleaned surface from external influences.

  • Pros: convenient to use, removes rust well, protects the cleaned surface.
  • Cons: These products are slightly more expensive than those listed above.

To summarize, we can say that cleaning chrome from rust is not a difficult or very troublesome task. The most important thing is to do everything carefully and carefully. Well, the best thing is not to bring the situation to the point where you have to think about how to return it to its original appearance.

Over time, tiny depressions appear on the surface of the metal, which are not visible to the naked eye, but due to which chrome rust forms. They expose the material under the chromium to oxygen, oxidation occurs and, as a result, rust appears on the surface. Other factors that prevent chrome from shining in all its glory are soap scum, mold on plumbing fixtures, dust and dirt in any form. Fortunately, chrome can almost always be cleaned, restored to its original condition, and protected from further damage easily and inexpensively. Read on to learn how to clean chrome and remove rust without resorting to expensive cleaners.


1. Train yourself to regularly wash, maintain the shine and proper condition of chrome surfaces. For these purposes, use inexpensive multi-functional cleaners or glass cleaning liquids (Mr. Muscle, Help, Clin, etc.). Rub the chrome with a soft cloth. Natural alternatives to ready-made products include baking soda and carbonated water.

2. It is recommended to remove soap scum from chrome-plated parts of plumbing fixtures using used antistatic wipes or cooking spray. Spray cooking spray onto the soap-stained surface and wipe with a soft cloth.

3. Mix baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply it to the surface and leave for a few minutes to allow the soap scum to go away. Wipe with a soft damp cloth.

4. Fill a plastic bag or sandwich bag with vinegar. Secure the bag over the chrome fixtures with a rubber band. If the parts are small, throw them inside the bag. Leave for several hours or overnight. Remove the bag and wipe down the chrome.

5. Wash and polish chrome parts with metal cleaner. In principle, any product for metal surfaces that says “clean, protect and polish” will do. For example, Doctor Wax or Metal Polish. An expensive product will last for a long time - with it you will not have to repeat cleaning more than once a week. When using your chosen product, make sure the area is well ventilated and keep the cleaner away from children and animals.

6. To clean chrome and remove light marks rust , mix salt and lemon juice in equal proportions.

7. Dip aluminum foil in cola. Wipe chrome surfaces with foil to remove rust.

8. Try any household products that contain acid to remove rust. Vinegar, lemon juice and cola are a few examples. To remove rust, use a rag or steel wool.

9. Use steel wool to remove stubborn rust stains without damaging the surface. Metal wool alone will not do the job, but it can be combined with store-bought or homemade cleaning products for particularly stubborn rust.

10. To avoid damaging the metal, carefully choose what you will use to apply the cleanser. A rag and metal wool work best. Sandpaper (any grit) cannot be used - it will leave scratches. Do not attempt to clean chrome with abrasive products. Each new scratch will only increase the access of oxygen, which will strengthenrusting process.

11. Apply a protective coat of chrome polish, rust spray or deep penetrating lubricant like NANOPROTECH, Nordtech, Prolong, etc. Although you will spend more money buying these products, it will be more beneficial in the long run as it will significantly reduce wear on surfaces and will save you from expensive rust removal procedures.

12. If all your attempts fail, consult with professionals on how you can remove rust without the help of expensive products. If the chrome parts cannot be replaced, a specialist can advise you on products that fit your budget.

13. Paint chrome that cannot be restored with a rust-preventing spray paint such as Rust-Oleum. Spray paint can be purchased at an affordable price at home improvement stores, hardware stores, or markets. This paint comes in a variety of shades, including the ability to imitate a metal coating. By painting the surface, you will prevent it from further rusting.

ATTENTION!!! This article is for informational purposes only and does not serve as instructions for use.

What you will need

Soft rags
Metal wool (steel wool)
Baking soda
Sparkling water
Acidic substances: lemon juice, cola, vinegar
Metal cleaner
Chrome protective spray or deep penetrating lubricant
Spray paint “Rust-Oleum”
Lemon juice
Tin foil

There are quite a lot of chrome-plated products in modern homes. These are faucets, heated towel rails, shower heads, hooks and rods for hanging things and even the housings of some household appliances. All these items look great and can be used even in very humid environments for many years without corrosion. Of course, over time, chrome loses its shine and beauty, and it no longer looks so impressive. Stains on the surface appear very easily, but if you regularly clean the chrome product, there will be no problems. But it also happens that you don’t get around to maintaining a shiny thing and the idea to clean it comes only when it starts to look untidy. What should you do to restore the shine to a chrome-plated item?

Main pollution factors

Before you start cleaning a chrome-plated item, it is worth understanding what the main factors of contamination are. Everyone is well aware of the low quality of tap water. It is the substances contained in it that are the main enemies of chrome shine. Water can contain more than 1,000 different components, many of which can create a permanent coating on objects. The most unpleasant of all is limescale deposits - it appears quite quickly and, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of it with ordinary detergents.

They also affect chrome-plated products and other substances. In the kitchen, most often, grease deposits can be found on chrome surfaces. Despite the fact that it is not comparable in durability to lime, in advanced cases you will have to tinker with cleaning, even if you have a good detergent to combat grease.

Water and soap

As trivial as it may sound, the most effective way to return chrome-plated items to their original shine is ordinary soap. The type and type of this detergent is not at all important, although more concentrated formulations make cleaning faster. In this regard, we can recommend using laundry soap, which is ground on a fine grater and dissolved in warm water. Liquid soap for hands and face is also suitable, and in extreme cases, shampoo or shower gel. The exact proportions of the detergent composition are not important, but it is better that the soap concentration is as high as possible.

The soap solution is applied to the chrome plated object using a soft cloth. After the entire surface to be cleaned is covered with the composition, you need to wait a few minutes and only then begin to wipe off the dirt. We often have to deal with chrome-plated products of complex shape, such as faucets. It is not easy to clean these items properly due to their complex shape. To make the task easier, use an old toothbrush to clean, which will allow you to get into the most secluded corners.


If grease can be defeated with soap, then in order to fight limescale, you will have to use “heavier artillery”. It is known that lime is destroyed in an acidic environment, so the ideal remedy to combat it is ordinary table vinegar. When working with this liquid, you need to take certain precautions - avoid contact with eyes and, preferably, on exposed skin. Vinegar, like a soap solution, is applied to chrome surfaces using a soft cloth or household spray. This substance begins to act immediately after application - the plaque literally dissolves before our eyes and all that remains is to wash it off from the item being cleaned with warm water.

Chrome polishes

Chrome, free of impurities, shines and is pleasing to the eye. But there are ways to give the surface a real mirror shine. To do this, you will have to purchase special polishes for chrome-plated products, which today are widely represented on the home care market and in auto chemical stores. Each of these compositions has its own technology of use, which is described in detail in the instructions or on the label, but they all give a magnificent effect that you and your loved ones will surely appreciate.

What you should never do

Even though chrome is a metal, it is quite easy to damage. This is due to the fact that, firstly, chromium is a rather soft metal, and secondly, the coating applied by manufacturers to products is designed only for corrosion protection and an aesthetic effect, so its thickness is a fraction of a millimeter. A chrome-plated product can be scratched even with a hard dishwashing sponge, therefore, despite the temptation to do the job faster and better, under no circumstances should you use abrasive products and substances for cleaning. Chromium can also be destroyed by certain chemicals. Because of this, if you are going to use commercial cleaners for the job, make sure that they can be used to clean chrome, otherwise you risk permanently damaging the shiny surface.

Useful tips