What is myrtle. Myrtle ordinary (lat.

The history of the myrtle flower dates back to ancient times, it is revered by many peoples and cultures: for example, according to tradition, myrtle branches are woven into wedding hairstyles by English and Swedish princesses.

The scientific name of myrtle is myrtus communis (common myrtle).

fragrant myrtle leaves green in color, oval in shape, about 2 centimeters long and wide, they shine beautifully, are leathery and tough. There are different forms of leaves: variegata and latifolia - in the first case, the leaves are variegated, and in the second - almost round.

On closer examination of the leaf, you can see small veins filled with essential oil, which, when rubbed with your fingers, exude a delicious aroma.

Myrtle is a plant with small flowers having five petals and gold-colored stamens, spreading a magnificent aroma and located on rather long pedicels.

Fruits usually appear in autumn: myrtle berries round shape are dark blue in color. Some species have yellowish or white berries. The fruits contain yellowish myrtle seeds irregularly shaped, which can be used to grow a new plant.

You can also propagate the myrtle tree using cuttings. Semi-lignified myrtle stalk from 6 centimeters long can be perfectly rooted in a greenhouse. It is better to use young cuttings cut from the tops.

In nature, the plant can be found in the subtropics, where it grows as a tree or shrub, wild species can grow from 3 to 5 meters. Garden varieties differ from each other in leaves and berry color, but they can only grow in areas with a mild climate.


Common myrtle is mainly grown, but several of its varieties are common, the most popular of which are the following:

  • Pumila- shrub of medium size, rounded, growing no higher than 2 meters;
  • Variegata- a species that has variegated leaves with a white border;
  • Microphylla- a shrub no larger than 60 centimeters in size, the leaves of which are of the usual size;
  • Boetica- a variety of myrtle with large leaves measuring 2 - 3 centimeters;
  • GlanleamGold- variegated variety with a golden edging;
  • Latifolia- species with round leaves.

You can learn more about the types of myrtle.
See below: myrtle photo

Myrtle Boetica

Myrtle Glanleam Gold

Myrtle Latifolia

Myrtle Variegata

Myrtle Microphylla

plant homeland

The cradle of the myrtle tree is the Mediterranean. It is this area that is his homeland, which gave the world such an amazing plant. Residents of Greece, Spain, Italy, France, Egypt and some other states have the opportunity to admire wild varieties of the plant.

Myrtle is associated with many legends that have spread in these countries. Myrtle branches are mentioned in the myths of ancient Greece, as well as in the Bible.


myrtle room very loves bright light, it can tolerate a small amount of direct sunlight, while the leaves are not damaged in any way. It is preferable to place it near the western or eastern windows.

If you decide to grow a plant on a southern window, then you need shading from the bright midday sun. It can also be placed on the north side, but flowering will be less plentiful.

In spring and summer, the flower should be kept at a temperature within 18 - 25 degrees, but in winter it is necessary to reduce it to 5 - 8 degrees, which portends some difficulties in winter maintenance, because in apartments with central heating there are no such low temperatures. If the myrtle is not provided with a cool wintering, then it can shed its leaves and not bloom in the summer.

The shrub requires quite frequent and abundant watering. It is necessary to water it as the topsoil dries out. The flower itself can signal you about a lack of water: young shoots will begin to wither.

In winter, the plant should not be flooded, since during this period water stagnation is dangerous, which can lead to the development of unpleasant diseases. Water for irrigation must be defended, while it must be remembered that cold and hard water cannot be used.

spraying is practically mandatory procedure because usually the air in our apartments is too dry. It is better to spray every day. A warm shower is very useful for a plant, saturating each leaf with moisture and washing off dust.

The crown of the myrtle is formed by pruning. Thus, it can be given absolutely any shape, which makes it an ideal plant for use in the bonsai technique. Myrtle easily tolerates pruning, it has a beneficial effect on its growth.

The soil in which the flower should be planted should consist of sod and leaf soil and sand.

The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. Also, the finished substrate can be purchased at the store. Form a good drainage layer before planting to avoid standing water.

During the growth period, once every two weeks, top dressing with universal fertilizers is necessary, which can be easily purchased at a specialized store.

Young plants should be transplanted every year in pots with a diameter of 2 centimeters larger than the previous one; adult plants are transplanted every few years, while replacing the topsoil.

If the plant is not provided with proper care, then various ones may appear.

In conclusion, we can say that it is perfectly possible grow myrtle at home, in addition to beauty and aroma, it also has a large number of medicinal properties. Home myrtle is often placed in children's rooms so that the plant has a beneficial effect on the child. If you decide to purchase this magnificent plant, you will never regret your decision.

Useful video

Watch the video: Common myrtle - care and cultivation at home

Myrtle ordinary(Myrtus communis) is an evergreen shrub from the myrtle family, common in the Mediterranean countries and widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in other areas with a warm climate, as well as in rooms and greenhouses.

Relatively small (about 5 cm) lanceolate leathery myrtle leaves are arranged oppositely on its branches. And in the axils of the leaves are medium-sized white or pink, very delicate five-petal flowers with many stamens.

They have a surprisingly pleasant smell.
But myrtle leaves smell no less pleasant. If you look at its leaf in the light, it seems as if it was pricked in many places with a needle - this shows through numerous essential oil glands, thanks to which the plant emits an amazing aroma.

Many legends, myths and beliefs are associated with myrtle. The surprisingly rich history of this plant can be envied even by the queen of flowers, the rose.

The very word "myrtle" is of Greek origin, this plant was admired by the ancient Hellenes. According to legend, Venus was crowned with a wreath of myrtle during the famous dispute, thanks to which Paris gave her his apple. Since then, myrtle has become a favorite flower of Venus, and she even often called herself Mirtea. Many myrtle bushes were planted around her temples, and during the annual festivities in honor of the goddess, taking place in April, all the participants in the action, as well as all the young boys and girls present, were crowned with myrtle wreaths. The bride and groom were also decorated with myrtle wreaths on the wedding day.

Myrtle played a very important role in the celebrations and in honor of Ceres, Proserpina and Bacchus. And in the festivities that took place on the island of Crete and in Corinth in honor of the goddess of the moon - Helotia - the participants solemnly carried one huge wreath of myrtle - about 7 fathoms in diameter.
Myrtle also played a significant role in the social life of the ancient Greeks. Thus, the highest Athenian ranks wore myrtle wreaths as a sign of power, and petitioners appeared with myrtle wreaths in their hands, wishing to arouse sympathy for themselves. The winners at the Isthmian Games were decorated with myrtle and statues of fallen heroes were removed with myrtle wreaths to show that they are remembered and loved. Houses were decorated with myrtle during wedding and other celebrations, singers wrapped their lyres around myrtle.
But especially original was the custom of putting on a wreath of myrtle on someone who wanted to recite the verses of Aeschylus or Simonides. So the ancient Greeks wanted to pay special respect to these poets.
From the ancient Greeks, the cult of myrtle passed to the Romans. Erato, the muse of erotic poetry, wore a myrtle wreath. And the same wreath was crowned with the head of the god of marriage Hymen, who was always depicted as a charming young man with a lit torch in his hand.

Myrtle is also mentioned in the Bible. After the Flood, Noah allegedly sent from Mount Ararat, where his ark survived the bad weather, a dove with a myrtle branch, so that all life would be reborn on earth. Therefore, myrtle served as a symbol of hope. The branches of this plant were used to decorate temples during festivities, as bouquets and wreaths, presented on special occasions. The ancient Jews, as well as the Greeks, had a custom to decorate the bride and groom with myrtle.
According to ancient Arab beliefs, myrtle adorned the gardens of Eden, and when the first people were expelled from paradise, Adam took with him a sprig of myrtle to remind people of the gardens of bliss.

Orest Kiprensky, "Gypsy with a branch of myrtle in her hand" 1819

Myrtle was one of the symbols and indispensable attributes of Christian holidays. The frescoes of the Ipatiev Monastery depict a scene when Christ presents a bouquet of myrtle to the Mother of God.
From the ancient Hellenes, the cult of myrtle, the custom of using it during wedding celebrations, passed to their descendants, and from them to other inhabitants of new Europe. There is a legend that the first German bride to wear a wreath of myrtle for a wedding was the daughter of the famous medieval millionaire Jacob Fugger. And this event happened in 1583.

Johann Friedrich Overbeck, "Germany and Italy". Shulamith is depicted as a dark-haired Italian woman with laurel leaves woven into her hair. Maria embodies the Nordic type "Gretchen" with braids and a myrtle wreath in blond hair.

In France, myrtle was also an indispensable attribute of wedding ceremonies. Only they were not always decorated with the head of the bride, but often they simply carried this plant in a pot during the procession heading to sign the marriage contract to the mayor or headman. You probably immediately remembered the movie "The Straw Hat", where the myrtle tree "participated" in such a ceremony.

At the English court, myrtle wreaths and bouquets are obligatory for the marriage of persons of royal blood. This custom was introduced by Queen Victoria (1819-1901), who personally planted in her gardens a tiny sprig of myrtle, taken from the wedding bouquet of her daughter, who was marrying the German emperor. The shoot took root, grew in a tree, and later Victoria always put a twig plucked from it into the wedding bouquet of her next daughter or granddaughter. Until now, in the bouquet of every bride of the English royal house, there is always a myrtle branch from this tree.

Until recently, the Baltic peoples also had a custom to decorate the bride with a myrtle wreath, and not even one, but two. A large wreath was worn over the veil, and a small wreath was worn under it, which served as a symbol of purity and innocence. And if a woman married a second time, she no longer had the right to wear this small wreath.

But myrtle was used not only as an ornament in various rituals. This plant has long been valued as a medicinal plant. Even in ancient Rome, women washed their faces with water infused with myrtle flowers, believing that it gives beauty and freshness to the skin. Noble ladies of Greece and Italy simply could not do without myrtle water, which was called "eau d'ange" - angelic water. It should be noted that baths with myrtle water were taken not only by women, but also by men.

Young, unopened myrtle buds were used as a means to strengthen the stomach. And the wine infusion of the fruits of this shrub was considered an elixir that restores health and brings vigor. It was given to drink to wounded soldiers.
It was believed that a branch of myrtle, taken with you on the road, gives the traveler vigor and strengthens his strength.

It should be noted that the medicinal properties of common myrtle have found their confirmation and explanation in modern studies conducted in different years, including in our country. In 1948, an employee of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden M.N. Artemyev managed to establish that the water extract from the leaves of myrtle has an excellent antimicrobial effect. And the researcher A.P. Degtyareva came to the conclusion that this action is due to non-volatile crystalline substances of a phenolic nature. The antibacterial activity of these substances is 500 times higher than the activity of myrtle essential oil itself - they inhibit the development of gram-positive non-spore bacteria, for example, various strains of staphylococci, tuberculosis, anthrax, diphtheria bacilli, etc. Especially valuable is the fact that these substances inhibit the action of some microorganisms resistant to such antibiotics as penicillin, streptomycin, aureoitzin.

A.P. Degtyareva and her collaborators developed the Myrtle Tincture, which has excellent tonic, stimulating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

But the volatile secretions of common myrtle, essential oils, also exhibit antimicrobial activity. Very interesting are the results of experiments by Novosibirsk scientists who tested the effectiveness of myrtle as a houseplant in kindergartens and hospitals. So, in two kindergartens, 7 specimens of common myrtle at the age of 7 years with a total leaf area of ​​about 1.3 m2 were delivered to playrooms (with a total area of ​​216 and 100 m2). And after a week, the number of bacteria (including such genera of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms as Sarcina, Micrococcus, Basillus, Staphyllococcus) in the air decreased by 40-50% and remained at a low level while the plants were indoors.

Similar positive results were obtained in hospitals. So myrtle can be recommended for rooms where the concentration of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora is high - in school locker rooms, corridors, playrooms. It is not bad to keep this plant at home, on the window. But not in the bedroom, as the strong smell of myrtle can cause headaches.

Taking care of myrtle is not very difficult. This plant prefers a bright, sunny place and fresh air. True, the myrtle does not like the neighborhood of other plants.
Watering myrtle in summer should be plentiful, preferably with soft water, but so that moisture does not stagnate in the pan. In addition, myrtle is very fond of a water shower. In winter, it is necessary to water the plant much less often, only so that the earthen ball does not dry out. Only a well-developed plant needs to be fed - from spring to autumn, every two weeks it should be given small portions of fertilizer.
Myrtle can be propagated in spring and summer using apical cuttings.

Cuttings for myrtle, especially young ones, are generally very useful, since after this the plant begins to bush better and it can be given the desired shape. And the last thing: if myrtle feels great in a warm room for most of the year, then in the winter months it is better for him to provide coolness. And then your attention and care for the plant will pay off not only with the wonderful view of the green bush, but also with its beneficial effect on your health and the health of all members of your family.

Myrtle family. Homeland - Southern Europe, North Africa. The myrtle plant Myrtus communis is an evergreen tree or shrub that naturally grows to about 3 meters in height. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, small, 1-1.5 cm long, arranged oppositely, on very short petioles. It blooms for 4-5 years with small flowers about 2 cm in diameter, the corolla of the flower is five-petal, white. The fruits are dark blue oblong berries.

Translated from ancient Greek, myrtle means “balm, myrrh”. And not without reason, because essential oils obtained from the leaves of myrtle are effective for the treatment of a number of diseases. And the phytoncides secreted by the leaves of myrtle are able to disinfect indoor air, freeing it from pathogens.

In ancient Greece, myrtle was a symbol of purity and chastity. Brides' heads were decorated with myrtle wreaths.

The ancient Greeks planted whole myrtle groves, and constantly used the miraculous properties of myrtle in everyday life and medicine: they washed themselves with an infusion of myrtle leaves, added myrtle fruits to wine, fresh juice of the leaves treated diseases of the lungs and blood, wounds and burns.

Myrtle is one of the most common and simple plants among bonsai lovers. Myrtle shoots are quite plastic, easily shaped with wire. But most importantly, myrtle has a dense crown and small leaves, tolerates pruning.

Myrtle Care

Temperature: moderate, in winter the optimum temperature is 8-10°C. In general, myrtle is not quite suitable for the home, rather it is a plant for a winter garden, but many, nevertheless, grow it in apartments. The difficulty of growing myrtle at home is that it needs a cold winter. Indoor myrtle tolerates a decrease in air temperature in winter to +7 ° C, but reacts very poorly to dry air, lack of light at high temperatures. In summer, it is desirable to keep it outdoors - on a balcony or in a garden.

If you have an insulated balcony, veranda, terrace or winter garden, where there is enough light, and in winter the temperature does not drop below + 6-7 ° C, you can’t imagine better conditions. Fresh air, cool wintering, enough sun in the morning or evening, and the myrtle will live with you for many years.

The myrtle tree grows vigorously with good care, and can reach about 1-1.5 m in height in 3-5 years. Such an instance is not transplanted into a pot, but a small tub.

Lighting: Myrtle is photophilous and requires good lighting at home. He needs to provide the brightest and sunniest place. With a lack of light, especially in autumn and winter, the shoots stretch out, acquire a light green hue, the branches are very thin, herbaceous, the leaves are small and sparse. If the plant is forced to stand in winter in an insufficiently cool place, you need to install lamps (fluorescent or LED) nearby. Myrtles grow well on a sunny eastern window, on the southeast - ideally, on the south and west, shading may be needed during the hottest hours of summer. On the north side, myrtles grow, but more slowly, and provided that the windows from the street do not obscure the houses and trees.

Watering: plentiful from spring to autumn, drying the top layer of the earth. Periodically loosen the soil in the pot closer to the edges. In winter, with a decrease in temperature, they are watered less often, drying more, but not allowing complete drying. Myrtle has a good guide to the need for watering: watch the very tips of the shoots, when the ground begins to dry out, they fall. If you miss this moment, the branches may finally wilt and dry out. The plant tolerates overdrying heavily, shoots and leaves are not restored. The root system is fibrous, quickly consumes moisture and dries up. But excessive watering is also fraught with rotting of the roots and death of the plant. Myrtle do not like watering with hard and chlorinated water.

Top dressing: during the period of active growth with complex fertilizer for indoor plants. Top dressing is carried out every two weeks. If the plant was transplanted, you need to refrain from feeding for a month or a half.

Air humidity: all myrtle plants like high humidity - 60% is optimal, so if your hygrometer shows less than 40%, you should start spraying. From time to time, plants can be rinsed under a warm shower. If the humidity is below 30%, turn on the humidifier.

Myrtle transplant

Transplantation of young myrtle bushes is carried out annually. An adult myrtle tree is transplanted after 3-4 years, but the top layer of the earth is changed annually or as needed if a salt coating appears - a gray-red effusion on lumps of earth. Soil 2-3 parts of sod, 1 part of peat soil (or leaf), 1 part of humus, 1 part of fine gravel (very coarse sand) or vermiculite, 1 part of chopped pine bark.

Growing problems

The main problem with myrtle is dry air and too high temperatures in winter - at the same time, the leaves on the plant begin to turn yellow and fly around, the branches dry. Such a plant is easily affected by scale insects and spider mites.

If you do not have the opportunity to move the myrtle to a cooler room, you need to fence off the edge of the window sill where the pot stands from warm air with a greenhouse film - stretch it around the entire edge to a height of 50-60 cm. Periodically spray the leaves, and if the shoots are stretched, then illuminate. Instead of a film, you can install a glass frame on the very edge of the window sill, and preferably made of thin plexiglass or polycarbonate. This design allows you to maintain the temperature on the windowsill at about 18-20 ° C, and if the frames are wooden, then even lower.

Another problem of myrtle is pests. Obviously and seriously, mealybugs and mites can harm him. Those and others, if they are not detected in time and measures are not taken, can destroy a small bush in 3-4 weeks. The worms look like white cotton balls, they are destroyed with the help of the drug actara or confidor (other means are also effective), and ticks need to be removed with the help of acaricides - fitoverm, actellik, apollo, vermitek, etc.

Reproduction of myrtle

Traditionally, myrtle is propagated by cuttings. In the spring, cuttings about 10 cm long are cut and rooted in water; growth stimulants do not need to be added. Usually, in the light and warm season, the cuttings form roots very quickly. When they grow by 3-4 cm, they can be seated in pots. The soil for young plants needs to be looser and lighter than for adults: take 3 parts of store soil (for example, Terra Vita), 1 part of well-rotted manure (humus), 1 part of chopped pine bark. Humus can be replaced with garden soil taken from a vegetable garden where manure was applied. But no matter what soil you make, the prerequisites are: slightly acid reaction (pH 5.5-6) ​​and obligatory sterilization in the oven (30 minutes) or in the microwave (5-7 minutes).

After planting, water the rooted cuttings, and place in a warm, bright place. When the growth of the shoots begins, you can estimate the shape of the future tree or trunk and form the plant by pinching and pruning.

Myrtle is one of the florist's most favorite houseplants. This is not surprising, because the myrtle tree is incredibly beautiful and useful. In addition, it has a rich history of origin and very beautiful symbolism. There are many legends and beliefs associated with this leafy beauty.

Myrtle is a plant from the genus of evergreen shrubs and trees. It belongs to the myrtle family and originates in ancient Greece. For many centuries, this tree has been considered a symbol of beauty and youth, and it also symbolizes happiness and prosperity in the family. The myrtle plant has been forming as an ornamental flower for 400 years. In room conditions, the flower can reach 1 m in height, in natural conditions it grows up to 3-4 m.

Leaves of a woody shrub

The woody shrub has straight stems that branch quite densely. The leaves of this handsome man are dark green, dense, leathery. The shape of the myrtle leaf is oblong, slightly sharpened towards the edge. On the stems, the leaves grow very abundantly and are held on small petioles. The length of one leaf reaches from 2 to 5 cm. The leaves can have various shapes depending on the type of plant, for example, myrtle hekven has wrinkled edges on the foliage.

Myrtle leaves are shiny and have a pleasant smell. The thing is that the leaves contain small glands that can be seen close up in good light. It is thanks to these glands that the leaf of the plant releases essential oils and aromatic substances. Myrtle essential oil helps to relieve fatigue, calms well and treats insomnia. However, one should be careful with the aroma of myrtle, as excessive amounts of it can cause nausea and dizziness.

indoor plant flowering

Myrtle flowers grow singly in the axils of the leaves, or flowering is collected in whole brushes. Flowering is mostly white, sometimes there are pink shades of flowers. The flowers themselves are small, very fragrant and fragrant. The flowering of indoor myrtle is pollinated with a brush. The tree blooms in early summer and bears fruit in autumn. The fruits of this plant contain spice, they are edible and juicy, dark blue or deep red in appearance.

Popular types of myrtle

To date, there are about a hundred different types of myrtle. This fragrant leafy beauty is represented by a wealth of species throughout the world, but the most common is the common myrtle or, as it is also called, communis. And this is not surprising, because flower growers consider the common myrtle plant the most unpretentious flower from the myrtle family. The characteristic features of this tree are five-petalled flowers with golden stamens in the center, as well as a strongly branched trunk, rather short.

Such species as small-leaved myrtle, lush myrtle, Ralph myrtle, hekven myrtle are very popular. Also included in the description of the myrtle plant is a species such as Tarentina Granada, a dwarf flower that gives its owners a beautiful lush bloom. All these species have differences in the shape of leaves and branches, as well as in the color of the fruits, but they are all incredibly beautiful and unique.

Medicinal and beneficial qualities of the myrtle plant

It is not in vain that the characteristic of myrtle has such an interesting point: the word “myrtle” is translated from Greek as “balm”.

You can list for a very long time what myrtle is useful for and how it is valued in medicine. This southern plant has a huge storehouse of medicinal properties. Today, everyone who cares about their health is interested in the topic - the myrtle plant: its properties and uses, because this small indoor dweller is very rich in useful qualities.

The flower is able to purify the air in the apartment, protect the inhabitants of the house from bacteria and annoying viruses, for example, from SARS, from tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli. The antibacterial properties of myrtle plants are widely known, as well as the fact that the flower contributes to the anti-inflammatory processes of the body.

Various tinctures are made from the tree, which help with intestinal diseases, assist in the fight against cancerous tumors, help to cope with heart disease, and have healing effects in sinusitis, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. Interestingly, myrtle is also used for various allergic symptoms.

The essential oil, which is found in the foliage, bark and flowers of the tree, perfectly tones and soothes. This oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, because it heals the skin from acne, gives it freshness, strengthens the hair. And myrtle oil invigorates and improves mood. And the beneficial properties of the myrtle plant do not end there. This evergreen flower softens the cough of a heavy smoker, improves immunity.

Proper care of myrtle at home

Many amateur flower growers are wondering how to care for myrtle so that it grows healthy and strong. Any indoor flower needs reverent and attentive care, because it needs to feel cared for. If the care of the myrtle plant at home was complete, then this indoor handsome man will certainly please the grower with his magnificent growth. To do this, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Place and lighting for a flower

Myrtle loves sunlight, but sunlight should be in moderation, especially on hot summer days. You should not keep a flowerpot with a myrtle tree in the heat. It is best to place the flower in a well-lit area, or on a windowsill. It will be great if the tree is on the west or east side. In summer, caring for a myrtle plant requires less effort, just take it out into the fresh air, for example, onto a balcony. In winter, you need to provide the flower with good lighting.

Temperature and humidity

A favorable atmosphere for a myrtle flower: how to care, what temperature to observe, how to refresh it and not overdry it? All this is quite simple. The myrtle tree grows well in moderate air temperatures, in winter it will feel good at temperatures up to eight degrees below zero. If you provide myrtle with coolness in winter, then in summer this handsome man will bloom thickly and profusely. In the summer season, the flower should simply be kept outdoors, but protected from the sultry heat.

Humidity This evergreen tree requires high humidity and copes very poorly with dry indoor air. The plant needs constant spraying in summer, as well as in spring and warm autumn, when it grows intensively and grows stronger. When cold weather sets in, you can not spray it.

Soil, fertilizer, and watering

The soil in the pot with the myrtle plant should remain fairly moist. The flowerpot is recommended to contain sand, humus, peat soil and turf soil in equal amounts. You can also make the soil from clay, humus, peat and sod land in equal amounts and add sand. The indoor tree should be watered regularly, but in moderation, do not overfill the flowerpot. Warm water is used for irrigation.

How much fertilizer does a houseplant myrtle require: cultivation and care during feeding, are there any features? The fact is that top dressing depends on what result is expected by the grower. If you want to achieve good flowering, you can, for example, use fertilizer with phosphorus, and fertilizing with nitrogen is suitable for growing a small ornamental tree. Whatever the choice of grower, the main thing is not to forget to feed the myrtle flower once a week.

Transplanting a woody shrub

Replant woody shrubs should be as necessary, this should be done carefully and carefully.

With this crucial procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the trunk does not sink into the ground along with the roots, it is recommended to leave it on the surface of the flowerpot. While the leafy handsome man is young, you can replant it once a year, but try not to overdo it, because very large flowerpots will not benefit the tree. Also, it must be remembered that the flower is transplanted in the spring before it begins to bloom.

Trimming and pinching

Myrtle needs pruning in order to get a beautiful shape. This leafy flower will be pleasing to the eye in any occasion, but if given the desired look with pruning, it will look unique. If you cut the top of the flower, it will decorate the interior of the room in the form of a shrub, but if you trim the side parts, the myrtle will stretch up like a slender tree. Here it is recommended to remember the following: the woody plant is cut when the trunk is already strong, and this procedure is necessarily carried out in the spring.

You can pinch a leafy handsome man as needed in order to increase the density of the crowns. Myrtle will become fuller and healthier after pinching, but it is not recommended to do this too often, as the tree may lose its flowering density. Experienced flower growers know that procedures of this kind should be carried out moderately, taking into account all the subtleties of the common myrtle issue: home care, because each plant loves an individual approach.

Propagation of the myrtle tree

In nature, there are two ways to propagate myrtle: from seeds and using cuttings. Both methods require a lot of attention and care. The flower grower propagates by cuttings 2 times a year, for this it is necessary to remove them from the myrtle and plant them for rooting in peat with sand. The cuttings are covered with a bag to preserve moisture, and after a month, when the roots grow, they can be planted in a small flowerpot. Such a myrtle blooms already in the third year of its growth.

For seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil from peat and sand, distribute them evenly on the surface, sprinkle on top with a thin layer of earth and cover with a film. This soil is recommended to be placed in a well-lit place and watered regularly. After about 2 weeks, when the seedlings have two leaves, you can transplant them into small flowerpots. This myrtle will begin to bloom in the fifth year of life.

What threatens myrtle?

Is myrtle healthy: diseases and treatment, what should be feared and how to properly protect a woody plant? Flower growers definitely need to know what myrtle diseases are in order to prevent their occurrence. The most common misfortune is aphids, a very unpleasant spider mite, as well as a scale insect. These, as well as similar myrtle pests, can manifest themselves if the flower is not provided with good lighting and proper watering. The treatment is carried out with insecticides, it is also recommended to spray the handsome myrtle with water, paying special attention to the underside of the foliage.

Every florist who boasts a chic myrtle plant in his collection is incredibly proud of it, because this flower carries many useful nuances. We can talk forever about the symbolism, history and beauty of this leafy pet, but it's better to just enjoy the view in your home! Lots of useful information in this article:

Mirt and Mirta

Mirt and Mirta m. f. 1. Southern evergreen woody plant with white fluffy flowers and dark green leaves containing essential oil. 2. outdated. A wreath of flowers and leaves of such a tree or its branch as a symbol of silence, peace and pleasure

Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 .

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    Evergreen shrubs and trees with fragrant flowers. Myrtle branch is a sign of love. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. MIRT, MIRT (Greek). Shrub with evergreen leaves. The ancients had... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Common myrtle ... Wikipedia

    myrtle- a, m. myrte m. , gr. myrtos. Southern evergreen woody plant from the family. myrtle, with white fragrant flowers and dark green leaves containing essential oil. BAS 1. || obsolete, poet A wreath of leaves of this tree or a branch of it as ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    MIRT, myrtle, male.,. and MIRTHA, myrtle, wives. (Greek myrtos) (bot.). Evergreen shrub plant with beautiful white fragrant flowers. "A gentle myrtle and a dark cypress doze." Pushkin. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Mirta Dictionary of Russian synonyms. myrtle n., number of synonyms: 5 tree (618) shrub ... Synonym dictionary

    A; m. [Greek. mirtos] 1. Southern evergreen tree or shrub with large fragrant white flowers. Myrtle leaves. Blossoms m. Plant m. 2. Trad. poet. A wreath of leaves of this tree or a branch of it as a symbol of silence, peace and pleasure. Get married…… encyclopedic Dictionary